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Since his visit to Tierra del Fuego in the 1830s, Darwin had been fascinated by the “savages” that succeeded in surviving on such a “broken beach”, and because they were certainly similar in behaviour to our ancestors. However, he was also fascinated by baboons’ behaviour, according to Brehm's accounts: hamadryas baboons showed a strong altruism to the point of risking their own lives in order to save their infants from attack by dogs. In 1871, he mentions he would rather have descended from brave baboons than from “savages”, considered egoistic. We study the two sources of these ideas and try to show how Darwin's comparative reflections on apes and “savages” made him the first evolutionist anthropologist.  相似文献   

Rats given presentations of a citric acid solution while recovering from LiCl-induced illness (i.e., a “medicine effect” treatment) subsequently drank more of an aversively conditioned NaCl solution at test, when the NaCl presentation was immediately preceded by citric acid. That is, citric acid passed a summation test of conditioned inhibition. Such an effect was not observed in a group given explicitly unpaired presentations of LiCl and citric acid. It is proposed that enhanced consumption of an aversive taste due to the previous presentation of a “medicine” taste can provide an animal model of human maladaptive behavior in regards to food consumption.  相似文献   

On April 1898 Camillo Golgi communicated to the Medical-Surgical Society of Pavia, the discovery of the “internal reticular apparatus”, a novel intracellular organelle which he observed in nerve cells with the silver impregnation he had introduced for the staining of the nervous system. Soon after the discovery it became evident that this cellular component, which was also named the “Golgi apparatus”, was a ubiquitous structure in eukaryotic cells. However the reality of the organelle was questioned for years and many cytologists considered the internal reticular apparatus as an artefact due to the fixation and/or metallic impregnation procedure. The controversy was finally solved in the mid-1950s by electron microscopy when the Golgi apparatus definitely acquired its dignity of being a genuine cell organelle. The designation of “Golgi complex” entered officially in the literature in 1956. Both the terms Golgi apparatus and Golgi complex are currently interchangeable. However a quick “the Golgi” and the introduction of Golgi in adjectival form are now prevalent in the blooming scientific literature on the organelle. Thus Camillo Golgi underwent his final transformation and, becoming the eponym of the organelle he had discovered, he found a way to immortality.  相似文献   

宋刚福  沈冰 《生态学杂志》2012,23(7):1891-1896
针对“拉开档次”法在进行综合评价过程中不能较好反映评价者主观信息的缺点,并考虑到影响河流生态系统健康的因素具有多层次、不确定和属性复杂等特点,对”拉开档次”法进行改进,并运用改进的”拉开档次”法对流经北京和天津的北运河上、中、下游各区段进行生态健康综合评价.结果表明,北运河上、中、下游各区段生态系统健康评价值分别为0.539、0.521、0.546,生态状况均处于亚健康状态;河流水环境状况对北运河生态系统健康影响程度最大.运用改进后的“拉开档次”法进行河流生态系统健康评价,既兼顾了评价者的主观判断,又包含了数据本身的客观信息,评价过程透明,评价结果科学、合理、客观、可靠,可为河流综合治理提供技术支持和基础依据.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most dreaded pathogens worldwide and emergence of notorious antibiotic resistant strains have further exacerbated the present scenario. The glycolytic enzyme, triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) is one of the cell envelope proteins of the coccus and is involved in biofilm formation. It also plays an instrumental role in adherence and invasion of the bacteria into the host cell. To structurally characterize this important enzyme and analyze it's interaction with different inhibitors, substrate and transition state analogues, the present article describes several crystal structures of SaTIM alone and in complex with different ligands: glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P), glycerol-2-phosphate (G2P), 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3PG) and 2-phosphoglyceric acid (2PG). Unique conformations of the catalytic loop 6 (L6) has been observed in the different complexes. It is found to be in “almost closed” conformation in both subunits of the structure complexed to G3P. However L6 adopts the open conformation in presence of G2P and 2PG. The preference of the conformation of the catalytic loop can be correlated with the position of the phosphate group in the ligand. Novel modes of binding have been observed for G2P and 3PG for the very first time. The triose moiety is oriented away from the catalytic residues and occupies an entirely different position in some subunits. A completely new binding site for phosphate has also been identified in the complex with 2PG which differs substantially from the conventional phosphate binding site of the ligand in the crystal structures of TIM determined so far.  相似文献   

Buchwitz, M., Witzmann, F., Voigt, S. and Golubev, V. 2012. Osteoderm microstructure indicates the presence of a crocodylian‐like trunk bracing system in a group of armoured basal tetrapods. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 260–280. The microstructure of dorsal osteoderms referred to the chroniosuchid taxa Chroniosuchus, Chroniosaurus, Madygenerpeton and cf. Uralerpeton is compared to existing data on the bystrowianid chroniosuchian Bystrowiella and further tetrapods. Chroniosuchid osteoderms are marked by thin internal and relatively thick external cortices that consist of lowly vascularised parallel‐fibred bone. They are structured by growth marks and, in case of Madygenerpeton, by lines of arrested growth. The cancellous middle region is marked by a high degree of remodelling and a primary bone matrix of parallel‐fibred bone that may include domains of interwoven structural fibres. Whereas the convergence of Bystrowiella and chroniosuchid osteoderms is not confirmed by our observations, the internal cortex of the latter displays a significant peculiarity: It contains distinct bundles of shallowly dipping Sharpey’s fibres with a cranio‐ or caudoventral orientation. We interpret this feature as indicative for the attachment of epaxial muscles which spanned several vertebral segments between the medioventral surface of the osteoderms and the transversal processes of the thoracic vertebrae. This finding endorses the hypothesis that the chroniosuchid osteoderm series was part of a crocodylian‐like trunk bracing system that supported terrestrial locomotion. According to the measured range of osteoderm bone compactness, some chroniosuchian species may have had a more aquatic lifestyle than others.  相似文献   

Three possible hypotheses could explain the polarity of the histological features of basal archosauriform and archosauromorph reptiles: either, the fibrolamellar complex is basal; or, the lamellar-zonal complex is basal or finally, the condition varied, and each complex evolved more than once in these early groups. The answer to this question would have broad implications for our understanding of the physiological, ecological, and behavioral features of the first archosaurs. To this end, we sampled the bone histology of various archosauriforms and basal archosaurs from the Triassic and Lower Jurassic: erythrosuchids, proterochampsids, euparkeriids, and basal ornithischian dinosaurs, including forms close to the origin of archosaurs but poorly assessed phylogenetically. The new data suggest that the possibility of reaching and maintaining very high growth rates through ontogeny could have been a basal characteristic of archosauriforms. This was partly retained (at least during early ontogeny) in most lineages of Triassic pseudosuchians, which nevertheless generally relied on lower growth rates to reach large body sizes. This trend to slower growth seems to have been further emphasized among Crocodylomorpha, which may thus have secondarily reverted toward more generalized reptilian growth strategies. Accordingly, their “typical ectothermic reptilian condition” may be a derived condition within archosauriforms, homoplastic to the generalized physiological condition of basal amniotes. On the other hand, ornithosuchians apparently retained and even enhanced the high growth rates of many basal archosauriforms during most of their ontogenetic trajectories. The Triassic may have been a time of “experimentation” in growth strategies for several archosauriform lineages, only one of which (ornithodirans) eventually stayed with the higher investment strategy successfully.  相似文献   

Megalonychidae are known from the Deseadan of Argentina and Bolivia to the present, represented by the tree sloth Choloepus Illiger. The principal fossil records of this clade are those from the Quaternary of Central America and the Antilles (e.g., Megalocnus Leidy, Acratocnus Anthony) and North America (e.g., Megalonyx Harlan, Pliometanastes Hirschfeld and Webb). From the Quaternary of South America, Megalonychidae are recorded in Peru (Diabolotherium Pujos, De Iuliis, Argot and Werdelin) and Brazil (e.g., Ahytherium Cartelle, De Iuliis and Pujos, Australonyx De Iuliis, Pujos and Cartelle). In Argentina they also have been recorded in the Santa Cruz Formation (early-middle Miocene) on the coast of Santa Cruz Province (Eucholaeops Ameghino), Arroyo Chasicó Formation (Protomegalonyx Kraglievich), Río Negro Formation, in the “conglomerado osífero” (ossiferous conglomerate) or “Mesopotamiense” (late Miocene) at the base of Ituzaingó Formation, Entre Ríos Province, and Pleistocene of Buenos Aires Province. Several authors have studied the Megalonychidae from the “conglomerado osífero”, but no systematic revision of the group has been undertaken beyond the original naming of species. Taking into account that a broad range of individual variation has been observed in the Megalonychidae from the Pleistocene of North America and the West Indies, and that a similar range probably existed among the megalonychids from the “conglomerado osífero”, then the number of valid species might be lower than previously proposed. Thus, the valid species recovered from the “conglomerado osífero” are Ortotherium laticurvatum Ameghino, Pliomorphus mutilatus Ameghino, Amphiocnus paranense Kraglievich, Protomegalonyx doellojuradoi Kraglievich, Pr. Praecursor Kraglievich, Megalonychops primigenius Kraglievich, and Paranabradys vucetichae Scillato-Yané. However, the establishment of synonymies, as well as the generic and specific assignation of the specimens is not an easy task, due to the peculiar taphonomical context of this stratigraphic unit.  相似文献   

Bryophyte consumption is uncommon among bird species globally and is often presumed incidental. We sought to determine whether herbivorous bird species of the high Andes, including the white‐bellied seedsnipe (Attagis malouinus) and Chloephaga geese (C. picta and C. poliocephala), consume bryophytes, and if so, how frequently. We collected 26 seedsnipe and 22 goose droppings from alpine and sub‐alpine habitats of Navarino Island, Chile and examined their contents for bryophyte diaspores. We detected bryophyte fragments in 84.6% and 90.9% of seedsnipe and Chloephaga goose faecal samples, respectively. We also extracted DNA from three bryophyte fragments isolated from goose droppings and sequenced three chloroplast loci for each sample. We inferred through a barcoding analysis that at least one species of Chloephaga goose consumes Polytrichum strictum and Notoligotrichum trichodon. The composition of 11 collected goose droppings was >50% Polytrichaceae bryophyte fragments, suggesting that at least one Chloephaga goose species foraged deliberately on moss species of this family. These new observations suggest that bryophytes are part of the diet of some high Andean birds and that birds might disperse bryophytes internally – via endozoochory – in the sub‐Antarctic.  相似文献   

Holins are small “hole-forming” transmembrane proteins that mediate bacterial cell lysis during programmed cell death or following phage infection. We have identified fifty two families of established or putative holins and have included representative members of these proteins in the Transporter Classification Database (TCDB; www.tcdb.org). We have identified the organismal sources of members of these families, calculated their average protein sizes, estimated their topologies and determined their relative family sizes. Topological analyses suggest that these proteins can have 1, 2, 3 or 4 transmembrane α-helical segments (TMSs), and members of a single family are frequently, but not always, of a single topology. In one case, proteins of a family proved to have either 2 or 4 TMSs, and the latter arose by intragenic duplication of a primordial 2 TMS protein-encoding gene resembling the former. Using established statistical approaches, some of these families have been shown to be related by common descent. Seven superfamilies, including 21 of the 52 recognized families were identified. Conserved motif and Pfam analyses confirmed most superfamily assignments. These results serve to expand upon the scope of channel-forming bacterial holins.  相似文献   

A biostratigraphic study based on calcareous nannofossils was performed on the Ravin du Bès section (Bas Auran area, SE France). Semi-quantitative estimates of total nannofossil and single species abundances showed that calcareous nannofloras are rare to common and their preservation is poor to moderate. The following biohorizons were identified and calibrated to ammonite biozonation: the first occurrence (FO) of Watznaueria aff. W. communis, the FO of Pseudoconus enigma; the FO of “Rucinolithus”; the last occurrence (LO) of Carinolithus magharensis; the FO of Stephanolithion speciosum octum and the FO of Watznaueria barnesiae. These results confirm that calcareous nannofossils are good biostratigraphic markers for the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary interval. Moreover, the occurrence of P. enigma allows a direct calibration between Tethyan and Boreal nannofossil events and biozones. Morphometric analyses were performed on the W. communis-W. barnesiae group in order to quantify changes between the two taxa. The intermediate form W. aff. W. communis has been identified; it comprises coccoliths very similar to W. communis, but with central area length ≤ 0.9 μm. This study allowed the detailed reconstruction of the evolutionary trends from W. communis to W. barnesiae: the intermediate taxon W. aff. W. communis appears abruptly in the latest Bajocian and persists after the FO of W. barnesiae in the earliest Bathonian. Our results support the model of punctuated equilibrium rather than a phyletic gradualism. The finding of “Rucinolithus” morphotypes, very similar to the Cretaceous taxa R. terebrodentarius and R. terebrodentarius youngii, is intriguing. They might represent nannoliths strongly affected by a recurrent “Lazarus effect” or be diagenetic artifacts or of bacterial bioprecipitation.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative composition of the essential oils obtained from the inflorescences of Achyrocline flaccida (Asteraceae) has been investigated for the first time. Plant material was collected from eleven locations in Argentina. The essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation (0.1–0.8% v/w, dried material) and analyzed by GC–FID–MS. Eighty-three compounds were identified representing more than the 90% of the oils. The major components were α-pinene and β-caryophyllene. Statistical analysis was performed in order to evaluate the variability of the essential oils analyzed. Two groups were formed reflecting only quantitative differences in the content of major compounds. The chemical pattern of essential oils observed for A. flaccida is similar to other Achyrocline species studied, except Achyrocline hyperchlora.  相似文献   

In this paper the ontogenesis and histochemistry of the petiolar glands found on the petiole/rachis of the eight Chamaecrista species of the section Absus, subsection Baseophyllum (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) are studied by using light microscopy techniques, aiming to characterise these structures and to provide taxonomic characters which may be useful in phylogenetic approaches. Strips for glucose identification reacted positively with the exudates of the glands, confirming the presence of nectar in the secretion, characterising these glands as extrafloral nectaries (EFN). Histochemical tests also detected the presence of neutral and acid muco-polysaccharides, pectins, mucilages, total proteins, and phenolic compounds in the EFNs. The EFNs arise from a group of meristem cells (protodermis, ground meristem and procambium) in the petiole/rachis. All EFNs of the investigated taxa share some morpho-anatomical characters, so that their peculiarities are too weak to be used alone in the identification of particular species. Rather their similarities may be used to include these species into a single group, supporting the hypothesis of monophyly of the subsection Baseophyllum.  相似文献   

This paper presents fossil faecal pellets - also named coprolites or frass - attributed to termites, which were found in amber and lignitic clay from the Wealden (Hauterivian-Barremian?), Late Albian and Early Cenomanian of south-western France. These coprolites have a characteristic subcylindrical shape and hexagonal transverse section and are assignable to Microcarpolithes hexagonalis Vangerow. The termite families that possibly produced these coprolites are discussed. The noticeable lack of termite attacks on the fossil wood associated with amber and lignitic clay is taphonomically analyzed in relation with the palaeoflora and palaeoclimate of these amber forests. The different medium where coprolites were found (amber, wood, sediments) suggests that primitive Cretaceous termites had already developed various biologies, such as wood or cryptic foraging, but probably not yet soil-feeding.  相似文献   

Cultivated members of the order Thermotogales comprise only thermophilic to hyperthermophilic anaerobic microorganisms. However, based on molecular studies, the existence of mesophilic members (“mesotoga”) within this order has been postulated but has not been demonstrated by cultural approaches so far. A “mesotoga” (strain PhosAc3) that belonged to an uncultivated lineage distantly related to the thermophilic Kosmotoga genus has now been cultivated in axenic culture. It grew between 30 °C and 50 °C (optimum 40 °C) and oxidized lactate using elemental sulphur as a terminal electron acceptor. Further genomic and physiological characterization of strain PhosAc3 will be important not only for understanding bacterial adaptation to high and moderate temperatures at small evolutionary scales, but also because “mesotoga” might play a crucial ecological role in ecosystems polluted by aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

Optimizing the productivity of bioengineered strains requires balancing ATP generation and carbon atom conservation through fine-tuning cell respiration and metabolism. Traditional approaches manipulate cell respiration by altering air feeding, which are technically difficult especially in large bioreactors. An approach based on genetic regulation may better serve this purpose. With excess oxygen supply to the culture, we efficiently manipulated Escherichia coli cell respiration by adding different amount of coenzyme Q1 to strains lacking the ubiCA genes, which encode two critical enzymes for ubiquinone synthesis. As a proof-of-concept, the metabolic effect of the ubiCA gene knockout and coenzyme Q1 supplementation were characterized, and the metabolic profiles of the experimental strains showed clear correlations with coenzyme Q1 concentrations. Further proof-of-principle experiments were performed to illustrate that the approach can be used to optimize cell respiration for the production of chemicals of interest such as ethanol. This study showed that controlled respiration through genetic manipulation can be exploited to allow much larger operating windows for reduced product formation even under fully aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

The effects on photosynthesis of acetazolamide (AZ, an inhibitor of the external carbonic anhydrase) and TRIS buffer at pH 8.7 were assessed in 24 species of red macroalgae. Only Palmaria palmata was unaffected by both substances. The rest of species were classified into three groups according to their sensitivity to TRIS and AZ. Photosynthesis of fourteen species was significantly inhibited by both TRIS and AZ. Inhibition by TRIS varied from almost 100% to 25% while AZ produced similar effects. Inhibition by TRIS was completely reverted by increasing the dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (DIC). This species group had half-saturation constants for photosynthesis (Km(DIC)) ranging from 0.5 to 1.1 mM of DIC. TRIS produced a significant increase of Km(DIC). Altogether, these results indicate that the algae sensitive to TRIS are capable of using HCO3 efficiently at pH 8.7. Furthermore, the buffering capacity of TRIS was responsible for its inhibitory effect on photosynthesis suggesting that HCO3 use was facilitated by excretion of protons outside the plasma membrane, which creates regions of low pH resulting in a higher-than-ambient CO2 concentration. In contrast, photosynthesis by two Porphyra species analysed was slightly stimulated by TRIS and completely inhibited by AZ, suggesting that the mechanism was different. In a third group of seaweeds, photosynthesis was insensitive to TRIS but it was significantly inhibited by AZ. These species had relatively high values of Km(DIC) indicating that they relied on purely diffusive entry of CO2 generated by external carbonic anhydrase activity. Consequently, the results demonstrate that external carbonic anhydrase is widespread among red macroalgae since only P. palmata was insensitive to AZ. The functional significance of this enzyme was quite variable among the tested species.  相似文献   

为了探明高山植物全缘叶绿绒蒿(Meconopsis integrifolia)的繁育系统特点和其对高山气候环境的繁殖适应特征,我们沿海拔梯度选择了5个样地(样地1(4 452 m)、样地2(4 215 m)、样地3(4 081 m)、样地4(3 841 m)、样地5(3 681 m))对其传粉生态学进行了连续2年的观察试验。结果发现,样地1、2的全缘叶绿绒蒿的单花寿命显著长于样地3、4和5。花开放早期柱头高于花药,之后花药不断伸长,并在开放中后期与柱头接触,说明全缘叶绿绒蒿具有不完全雌雄异位的花部特征。自然状态下,柱头可授能力持续期约8天(雌蕊先熟),但花药于开花第5天才散粉,花粉寿命约2天,说明全缘叶绿绒蒿为雌雄异熟,但存在一定的重叠期。人工授粉试验表明,全缘叶绿绒蒿自交部分亲和,且不存在无融合生殖现象。各样地中自然对照的结实率显著低于人工异交处理的结实率,说明自然状态下全缘叶绿绒蒿存在一定程度的传粉限制。传粉昆虫观察发现,样地1和2的传粉昆虫主要是蝇类,样地3、4和5的传粉昆虫主要是蝇类和蓟马(Thripidae spp.),蝇类在不同植株间的活动能够保证异花传粉结实,同时,蝇类和蓟马在花内的活动会引起"协助自交"。全缘叶绿绒蒿约65%的观察个体存在"自动自交"。蝇类在各样地的访花频率存在显著差异,样地1访花频率最低,样地2访花频率最高。各样地的结实由于异花传粉者的不足而受到传粉限制。两种不同类型的自交机制恰恰为该植物异花传粉者不足提供了一定程度的繁殖补偿。全缘叶绿绒蒿不分泌花蜜,当环境温度降低时,采取为昆虫提供保温庇护场所的方式来吸引传粉者。  相似文献   

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