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This experiment explored the stimulatory effect of brooding newly hatched young on plasma prolactin concentration in male and female pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca. By exchanging offspring between nestboxes, one group of parents was exposed to 1- to 3-day-old nestlings for 12 days. Females in this group continued night-time brooding during these 12 days. The females, but not the males (who do not participate in brooding nestlings), after 6 days had higher plasma prolactin concentrations than control birds which had shown a 50% reduction in night-time brooding at this stage. By Day 12, however, prolactin concentration had decreased to the same level as in control birds, even though these females were still brooding 3-day-old nestlings. Female flycatchers given 3-day-old nestlings on the day their own eggs hatched showed an earlier reduction in night-time brooding and an earlier decrease in plasma prolactin than did control birds. An early decrease in prolactin was also seen in the males of this experimental group.  相似文献   

The associations among aggression, testosterone (T), and reproductive success have been well studied, particularly in male birds. In many species, males challenged with simulated or real territorial intrusions increase T and levels of aggression, outcomes linked to higher dominance status and greater reproductive success. For females, the patterns are less clear. Females behave aggressively towards one another, and in some species, females respond to a social challenge with increases in T, but in other species they do not. Prior work on female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) had shown that experimental elevation of T increases social status and intrasexual aggression. Here, we conducted two experiments designed to answer three questions: Are endogenous concentrations of T associated with dominance status in captive female juncos? Does dominance status influence readiness to breed in female juncos? And do captive females increase T in response to a challenge? In the first experiment, we introduced two females to a breeding aviary, allowed them to form a dominance relationship and then introduced a male. We found that dominant females were more likely to breed than subordinates, but that dominance status was not predicted by circulating T. In the second experiment, we allowed a resident male and female to establish ownership of a breeding aviary (territory) then introduced a second, intruder female. We found that resident females were aggressive towards and dominant over intruders, but T did not increase during aggressive interactions. We suggest that during the breeding season, intrasexual aggression between females may influence reproductive success, but not be dependent upon fluctuations in T. Selection may have favored independence of aggression from T because high concentrations of T could interfere with normal ovulation or produce detrimental maternal effects.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that female expression of competitive traits can be advantageous, providing greater access to limited reproductive resources. In males increased competitive trait expression often comes at a cost, e.g. trading off with parental effort. However, it is currently unclear whether, and to what extent, females also face such tradeoffs, whether the costs associated with that tradeoff overwhelm the potential benefits of resource acquisition, and how environmental factors might alter those relationships. To address this gap, we examine the relationships between aggression, maternal effort, offspring quality and reproductive success in a common songbird, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), over two breeding seasons. We found that compared to less aggressive females, more aggressive females spent less time brooding nestlings, but fed nestlings more frequently. In the year with better breeding conditions, more aggressive females produced smaller eggs and lighter hatchlings, but in the year with poorer breeding conditions they produced larger eggs and achieved greater nest success. There was no relationship between aggression and nestling mass after hatch day in either year. These findings suggest that though females appear to tradeoff competitive ability with some forms of maternal care, the costs may be less than previously thought. Further, the observed year effects suggest that costs and benefits vary according to environmental variables, which may help to account for variation in the level of trait expression.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, males and females share the benefits of investing in offspring but pay the costs individually. As a result of these evolutionary conflicts of interest between the sexes, it is expected that the two parents should follow different behavioural rules when providing food to the young. Such a discrepancy may be accentuated when parents have to choose between different subsets of offspring (e.g. large and small nestlings). We manipulated the degree of hatching asynchrony in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and quantified male and female feeding behaviour when nestlings were 7 and 10 days old. First, we tested for a difference in the role of the sexes during the nestling rearing period between experimentally asynchronous and synchronous control broods. We then used experimentally asynchronous broods to assess differences between the sexes in the pattern of food distribution in terms of number of feedings and prey types, between junior and senior siblings. When nestlings in experimental nests were 7 days old, females fed young more often than did males despite facing a trade‐off between brooding the smallest nestlings and bringing food to the nest. At this age, there was also a skew in food delivery in favour of senior siblings, whereas food was more evenly distributed across the brood when nestlings were 10 days old. We found no difference in how male and female Blue Tits distributed feeding visits among junior and senior nestlings. However, females fed the smallest nestlings with more spiders in comparison with their senior siblings. This could be related to their more suitable size relative to other prey types, their high content of essential nutrients, or both, and may represent a more cryptic form of parentally biased favouritism. We compare these findings with previous work on other species and discuss why parents did not feed junior siblings more frequently.  相似文献   

Brooding behaviour is a likely cue to a female's reproductive status and therefore a potentially important factor in male mate assessment. We induced brooding behaviour in adult female Japanese quail by exposure to foster chicks for five 20-min trials over 3 days. In two experiments, we assessed the influence of this brooding behaviour on male mate choice in Japanese quail using an established mate choice paradigm. In each experiment we gave males a choice between two females presented simultaneously and measured preference by the time spent in proximity to each. In the first experiment, a male's preference for the initially preferred female significantly decreased after he had seen her brooding three chicks. In the control condition, male preference for an initially preferred female remained relatively consistent over consecutive trials if he did not see her brood chicks. These results suggest that females who are brooding chicks are less attractive to male Japanese quail. Further evidence from the second experiment substantiates this finding, and strongly suggests that males are averse to behavioural cues from maternal females, rather than the mere presence of chicks. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Mass change was determined by weighing nine unmanipulated pairsof green-rumped parrodets during prospecting, egg laying, hatching,and fledging. Male and female mass were similar at the onsetof prospecting. However, female mass had increased 25% by thestart of egg laying, and females maintained the heavy mass throughincubation. Females began losing mass at the time of hatchingand reverted to weights that were similar to those of malesby the end of hatching. Males neither gained nor lost mass duringbreeding. To test predictions from mass change hypotheses, 25females were assigned manipulated broods of four or eight young.Females were weighed on the first day of hatching and 6, 10,and 27 days later, or until first fledging. Females with fourand eight young lost the same amount of mass. Females lost lessmass during brooding if their mates fed them more often. Femaleswith four young tended to lose less mass during brooding ifthey spent less time away from the nest, whereas females witheight young tended to lose less mass if they spent more timeaway from the nest. Mass change after brooding was not relatedto provisioning rates of nestlings by females or males of eitherexperimental group. Our results contradict the hypothesis thatmass loss is due to stress, and correspond to some of the predictionsof the adaptive, gonadal, and brooding starvation hypotheses.  相似文献   

1. Maternal carotenoids in the egg yolk have been hypothesized to promote maturation of the immune system and protect against free radical damages. Depending on availability, mothers may thus influence offspring quality by depositing variable amounts of carotenoids into the eggs. Sex allocation theory predicts that in good quality environments, females should invest into offspring of the sex that will provide larger fitness return, generally males. 2. In a field experiment we tested whether female great tits bias their investment towards males when carotenoid availability is increased, and whether male offspring of carotenoid-supplemented mothers show higher body condition. We partially cross-fostered hatchlings to disentangle maternal effects from post-hatching effects, and manipulated hen flea Ceratophyllus gallinae infestation to investigate the relationship between carotenoid availability and resistance to ectoparasites. 3. As predicted, we found that carotenoid-supplemented mothers produced males that were heavier than their sisters at hatching, while the reverse was true for control mothers. This suggests that carotenoid availability during egg production affects male and female hatchlings differentially, possibly via a differential allocation to male and female eggs. 4. A main effect of maternal supplementation became visible 14 days after hatching when nestlings hatched from eggs laid by carotenoid-supplemented mothers had gained significantly more mass than control nestlings. Independently of the carotenoid treatment, fleas impaired mass gain of nestlings during the first 9 days in large broods only and reduced tarsus length of male nestlings at an age of 14 days, suggesting a cost to mount a defence against parasites. 5. Overall, our results suggest that pre-laying availability of carotenoids affects nestling condition in a sex-specific way with potentially longer-lasting effects on offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between the benefits of current reproduction and the costs to future reproduction and survival are widely recognized. However, such trade-offs might only be detected when resources become limited to the point where investment in one activity jeopardizes investment in others. The resolution of the trade-off between reproduction and self-maintenance is mediated by hormones such as glucocorticoids which direct behaviour and physiology towards self-maintenance under stressful situations. We investigated this trade-off in male and female barn owls in relation to the degree of heritable melanin-based coloration, a trait that reflects the ability to cope with various sources of stress in nestlings. We increased circulating corticosterone in breeding adults by implanting a corticosterone-releasing-pellet, using birds implanted with a placebo-pellet as controls. In males, elevated corticosterone reduced the activity (i.e. reduced home-range size and distance covered within the home-range) independently of coloration, while we could not detect any effect on hunting efficiency. The effect of experimentally elevated corticosterone on female behaviour was correlated with their melanin-based coloration. Corticosterone (cort-) induced an increase in brooding behaviour in small-spotted females, while this hormone had no detectable effect in large-spotted females. Cort-females with small eumelanic spots showed the normal body-mass loss during the early nestling period, while large spotted cort-females did not lose body mass. This indicates that corticosterone induced a shift towards self-maintenance in males independently on their plumage, whereas in females this shift was observed only in large-spotted females.  相似文献   

This study quantifies the behavioral response of the widespread mouth brooding African cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae to progressive hypoxia. We exposed four gender/stage classes of P. multicolor (males, brooding females, females that had just released young, and non-brooding females) to progressive hypoxia and recorded the percent time spent using aquatic surface respiration (surface skimming, ASR) and gill ventilation rates. This was done for fish collected from three sites in Uganda (lake, swamp, and river) after long-term acclimation to normoxia. There was no effect of site of origin on response to hypoxia, but ASR thresholds did differ between gender/stage classes. The oxygen level (threshold) at which spent 10, 50, and 90% of their time at the surface using ASR was much higher for brooding females than for males, whereas ASR thresholds did not differ between non-brooding females and males. Similarly, the level at which ASR was initiated was much higher in brooding females than males, but did not differ between males and non-brooders, or between males and females than had just released young. The rate of gill ventilation dropped significantly in males and all stages of females after initiation of ASR, suggesting that surface skimming increases efficiency of oxygen acquisition. These results suggest that mouth brooding in female P. multicolor ASR improves oxygen uptake but imposes a cost in terms of time spent at the water surface, and this may affect maternal predation risk in low-oxygen habitats.  相似文献   

在育雏期,晚成鸟的子代一般都是由双亲共同来抚育,子代为了更好地存活,会用自己的方式竞争获得更多的食物和更好的生存空间,同时亲代也会根据子代的乞食信号来分配食物。2011年3~7月采用针孔摄像技术录制了杂色山雀(Parus varius)育雏期巢内亲代与子代间的行为,统计了亲鸟站位、雏鸟站位、雏鸟乞食强度及亲鸟的喂食情况等数据。分析结果表明:(1)雌雄亲鸟在巢中的站位各有特点,雄鸟在整个育雏期都喜欢站在距离巢口较近的位置;雌鸟站位不太固定,前期离巢口相对较远,中期和后期离巢口相对较近;(2)雏鸟离亲鸟越近,乞食强度越大,获得食物的机会就越多;离亲鸟越远的雏鸟越不爱乞食,所以站位对雏鸟的食物获得影响最大;(3)雌鸟承担主要的育雏任务,喂食频率远大于雄鸟;(4)育雏期的不同阶段雏鸟乞食强度、亲鸟喂食频率变化很大:中期雏鸟乞食强度最大,亲鸟喂食频率最高,后期雏鸟乞食强度最弱;(5)整个育雏期雌性亲本没有表现出明显的偏爱行为,但雄性亲本在中、后期更偏爱体型大的雏鸟。可见杂色山雀子代的行为和体型大小影响着亲代的食物分配,亲代也会根据雏鸟日龄调整站位和喂食行为。  相似文献   

Comparative studies of populations occupying different environments can provide insights into the ecological conditions affecting differences in parental strategies, including the relative contributions of males and females. Male and female parental strategies reflect the interplay between ecological conditions, the contributions of the social mate, and the needs of offspring. Climate is expected to underlie geographic variation in incubation and brooding behavior, and can thereby affect both the absolute and relative contributions of each sex to other aspects of parental care such as offspring provisioning. However, geographic variation in brooding behavior has received much less attention than variation in incubation attentiveness or provisioning rates. We compared parental behavior during the nestling period in populations of orange‐crowned warblers Oreothlypis celata near the northern (64°N) and southern (33°N) boundaries of the breeding range. In Alaska, we found that males were responsible for the majority of food delivery whereas the sexes contributed equally to provisioning in California. Higher male provisioning in Alaska appeared to facilitate a higher proportion of time females spent brooding the nestlings. Surprisingly, differences in brooding between populations could not be explained by variation in ambient temperature, which was similar between populations during the nestling period. While these results represent a single population contrast, they suggest additional hypotheses for the ecological correlates and evolutionary drivers of geographic variation in brooding behavior, and the factors that shape the contributions of each sex.  相似文献   

This is the first in-depth investigation of whether the gender or reproductive state of talitrid amphipods affects the bioaccumulation of trace metals. Concentrations of copper, zinc, and cadmium were measured in the beach flea Transorchestia chiliensis (Milne-Edwards) and the sand hopper Talorchestia quoyana (Milne-Edwards) (Amphipoda: Talitridae) from sites in and near the Avon-Heathcote Estuary, Christchurch, New Zealand. For T. chiliensis, the whole body trace metals concentrations (μg g−1) were generally similar for nonbrooding, brooding, and brooding females that had the embryos removed. Where there were differences between female groups (3 out of 15 samples), concentrations in nonbrooding females were below those for brooding females. The trace metal concentrations of separated embryos did not follow those of their mothers. The body zinc concentration was similar for males and females. For copper and cadmium, body concentrations for females were higher than males at the two most contaminated sites. Cadmium body concentrations were similar between sites, and the lowest concentrations were from amphipods from one of the Estuary sites rather than the reference site. In T. quoyana, the trace metal concentrations in nonbrooding female and male sand hoppers were similar for copper and zinc, but cadmium concentrations were higher in nonbrooding females than in males. Copper and zinc concentrations within amphipod body tissues did not reflect those in the sediment or their food. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to previous studies and the use of beach fleas and sand hoppers as metal biomonitors. The beach flea T. chiliensis is recommended as a suitable trace metal biomonitor in New Zealand coastal waters with the potential to be affected by anthropogenic trace metal contamination.  相似文献   

Individual offspring within a brood may receive different amounts of provisioning from the male and female parents. Some hypotheses suggest that this bias is the result of an active and adaptive choice by parents. An alternative hypothesis is that feeding biases arise as a result of a constraint of fitting large prey items into small gapes. In an experiment with pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca , we tested for sex-biased allocation to junior nestlings in asynchronous broods and whether this could be explained by active parental choice or by passive allocation according to prey size and gape size. In both control broods and broods with experimentally increased degree of asynchrony, prey types did not differ between parents but females brought smaller prey than males at younger but not older nestling stages. At younger but not older nestling stages, the majority of feeds to junior nestlings were from females, and the smaller nestlings consumed smaller prey than older siblings. However, there was no evidence of active preference of small nestlings by females as parents did not differ in the tendency to bypass a begging senior nestling in order to feed a junior nestling. Provisioning rates by females were lower than those by males when nestlings were young and we suggest that foraging time constraints caused by the need to brood offspring result in females bringing smaller prey than males. In turn, the larger prey brought by males was more often transferred to larger offspring after the smaller ones failed to swallow it. In such cases, 'preferential' feeding of small nestlings by females may simply be a passive side effect of foraging constraints and gape-size limitations.  相似文献   



Maternal antibodies are believed to play an integral role in protecting immunologically immature wild-passerines from environmental antigens. This study comprehensively examines the early development of the adaptive immune system in an altricial-developing wild passerine species, the house sparrow (Passer domestics), by characterizing the half-life of maternal antibodies in nestling plasma, the onset of de novo synthesis of endogenous antibodies by nestlings, and the timing of immunological independence, where nestlings rely entirely on their own antibodies for immunologic protection.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In an aviary study we vaccinated females against a novel antigen that these birds would not otherwise encounter in their natural environment, and measured both antigen-specific and total antibody concentration in the plasma of females, yolks, and nestlings. We traced the transfer of maternal antibodies from females to nestlings through the yolk and measured catabolisation of maternal antigen-specific antibodies in nestlings during early development. By utilizing measurements of non-specific and specific antibody levels in nestling plasma we were able to calculate the half-life of maternal antibodies in nestling plasma and the time point at which nestling were capable of synthesizing antibodies themselves. Based on the short half-life of maternal antibodies, the rapid production of endogenous antibodies by nestlings and the relatively low transfer of maternal antibodies to nestlings, our findings suggest that altricial-developing sparrows achieve immunologic independence much earlier than precocial birds.


To our knowledge, this is the first in depth analyses performed on the adaptive immune system of a wild-passerine species. Our results suggest that maternal antibodies may not confer the immunologic protection or immune priming previously proposed in other passerine studies. Further research needs to be conducted on other altricial passerines to determine if the results of our study are a species-specific phenomenon or if they apply to all altricial-developing birds.  相似文献   

We tested the differential maternal allocation hypothesis ina population of house sparrows. We experimentally altered theattractiveness of males by treating them with implants filledwith crystalline testosterone (T) or left empty (C). We subsequentlymonitored maternal investment as a function of male hormonaltreatment and the size of the black patch of feathers on thethroat (i.e., the badge), a sexually selected trait. The differentialallocation hypothesis predicts that females should adjust theirinvestment with respect to the benefits they receive by matingwith an attractive male. Given that both circulating levelsof T and badge size are condition-dependent traits, we expectedthat females mated with T males and/or with large-badged malesshould invest more into current reproduction. Contrary to thisprediction, we found no evidence that suggested differentialmaternal allocation in this population of house sparrows. Femaleinvestment in yolk T, yolk mass, clutch size, chick brooding,and feeding was not affected by male hormonal treatment or bymale badge size. As expected, T males invested less into chickbrooding and feeding. More surprisingly, females did not compensatethe reduced paternal contribution to chick feeding. As a consequence,the breeding success of T pairs was largely reduced comparedwith that of C pairs. The absence of differential allocationin a system in which it could have an adaptive role raises thequestion about the possible constraints or overriding factorsoperating on patterns of reproductive investment in this species.  相似文献   

Male investment of time and energy in caring for offspring varies substantially both between and within bird species. Explaining this variation is of long-standing interest to ornithologists. One factor that may affect male care is breeding site altitude, through its effects on climate. The harsher, less predictable abiotic conditions at higher altitudes are hypothesized to favour increased male investment of time and energy in offspring care. We tested this hypothesis by comparing male parental behaviour in Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) nesting at 1500 and 2500 m a.s.l. in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, USA. We compared rates of prey delivery to nestlings at these two altitudes at two times: 1–2 days after hatching, when females spend much of their time brooding young, and 12–13 days later, when brooding has ended and nestling energy demands are peaking. High-altitude males fed nestlings 18 and 28% more often than low-altitude males early and later in the nestling stage, respectively, but only the difference in late-stage feeding rates were significant. Like males, females at the high site also fed nestlings significantly more often than females at the low site later in the nestling stage (45% difference in feeding rates). Consequently, the proportion of all feeding trips made by males at the high site (40%) did not differ significantly from that at the low site (44%). Parents at the high altitude may feed nestlings more often to compensate for their greater thermoregulatory costs. Parents may also be attempting to assist nestlings in storing fat and/or attaining a large size and effective homeothermy as quickly as possible to enhance nestling ability to survive bouts of severe weather which are common at high altitudes.  相似文献   

Controlled crosses of Heterodera glycines were carried out by placing one o r more virgin females of known esterase phenotype on an agar plate and adding, at various time intervals, one or more males of different esterase phenotypes. Progeny (second-stage juveniles) of such crosses were propagated on soybeans, and 30 days later young females were subjected to electrophoretic analysis to determine their esterase phenotype. Esterase phenotypes that represented the heterozygous state of the maternal and paternal genomes confirmed the hybrid nature of the progeny and identified their male parent. When each of 74 females was given the opportunity to mate successively with two males of different esterase phenotypes, 43 mated with a single male and 31 mated with both males. One female mated with three males, i.e., with a male of its own population (sib mating) and the two males provided for the cross. Inseminated females could mate for a second time soon after, or as late as 24 hours after, their first mating. When single males were given the opportunity to mate with many females, about equal numbers of them inseminated zero, one, two, or three females. In greenhouse tests, 12 females were given the opportunity to mate with many males of three different esterase phenotypes. Two females mated with one and possibly more males of the same phenotype, and 10 females mated with males of two different esterase phenotypes. In conclusion, multiple mating appears to be a common behavior of males and females of H. glycines.  相似文献   

We examined the sex ratios of adults and nestlings in the cooperatively breeding bell miner Manorina melanophrys . Males were over-represented among helpers (mean of 6.8 male helpers per nest compared to 0.3 female helpers). 58% of nestlings sampled were identified as male using a molecular genetic marker. This was a significant departure from parity, yet the magnitude of the bias varied between years. The beneficial and male-biased nature of helping behaviour in this species and the similar size of male and female nestlings suggest the net cost of raising males is lower than the cost of raising females. Consequently, the male-biased sex ratio of nestlings we observed is consistent with the predictions of the repayment hypothesis that females may bias the production of their young towards the more helpful sex. Difficulties of generating quantitative predictions from repayment models that can be tested in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

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