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1. The development of vocalization and hearing was studied in Sri Lankan horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus rouxi) during the first postnatal month. The young bats were caught in a nursing colony of rhinolophids in which birth took place within a two week period. 2. The new-born bats emitted isolation calls through the mouth. At the beginning these calls consisted of pure tones with frequencies below 10 kHz (Fig. 1). During the first postnatal week the call frequency increased to about 15 kHz, and the fundamental was augmented by two to four harmonics. No evoked potentials to pure tone stimuli could be elicited in the inferior colliculus of this age group, i.e., auditory processing at the midbrain level was not demonstrable. 3. Evoked potentials were first recorded in the second week, broadly tuned to 15-45 kHz, with a maximum sensitivity between 15-25 kHz. In the course of the second week, however, higher frequencies up to 60 kHz became progressively incorporated into the audiogram (Fig. 3). The fundamental frequency of the multiharmonic isolation calls, emitted strictly through the mouth, increased to about 20 kHz. 4. In the bats' third postnatal week an increased hearing sensitivity (auditory filter) emerged, sharply tuned at frequencies between 57 and 60 kHz (Fig. 4e). The same individuals were also the first to emit long constant frequency echolocation calls through the nostrils (Fig. 4c). The energy of the calls was arranged in harmonic frequency bands with the second harmonic exactly tuned to the auditory filter. These young bats continued to emit isolation calls through the mouth, which were, however, not harmonically related to the echolocation calls (Fig. 4b, d). 5. During the fourth week, both the auditory filter and the matched echolocation pulses (the second harmonic) shifted towards higher frequencies (Fig. 5). During the fifth week the fundamental frequency of the calls was progressively attenuated, and both the second harmonic of the pulses and the auditory filter reached the frequency range typical for adult bats of 73-78 kHz (Fig. 6). 6. The development of audition and vocalization is discussed with regard to possible interactions of both subsystems, and their incorporation into the active orientation system of echolocation.  相似文献   

Male calls of the katydid Neoconocephalus triops exhibit substantial developmental plasticity in two parameters: (i) calls of winter males are continuous and lack the verse structure of summer calls and (ii) at equal temperatures, summer males produce calls with a substantially higher pulse rate than winter males. We raised female N. triops under conditions that reliably induced either summer or winter phenotype and tested their preferences for the call parameters that differ between summer and winter males.Neither generation was selective for the presence of verses, but females had strong preferences for pulse rates: only a narrow range of pulse rates was attractive. The attractive ranges did not differ between summer and winter females. Both male pulse rate and female preference for pulse rate changed with ambient temperature, but female preference changed more than the male calls.As a result, the summer call was attractive only at 25 degrees C, whereas the slower winter call was attractive only at 20 degrees C. Thus, developmental plasticity of male calls compensates for differences in temperature dependency between calls and preferences and enables the communication system to function in heterogeneous environments. The potential role of call plasticity during the invasion of new habitats is discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of maternal recognition of infant calls in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Fifteen mothers and their offspring, of age ranging from several hours to 28 days, served as subjects of an experiment in which the offspring's distress vocalizations were recorded and then played back to their mothers simultaneously with those of an age-matched control infant. The proportion of time looking at, but not the proportion of orientations to the speaker playing the offspring's vocalizations increased significantly as a function of infant age. Specifically, mothers of infants older than 1 week of age responded longer to the playback of their own infant's calls than did mothers of younger infants. These findings provide the firt evidence that offspring recognition in macaques develops between the first and second week of the infant's life and are consistent with the hypothesis that mothers need to be exposed to their infants' calls in order to learn their acoustic characteristics.  相似文献   

Big brown bats form large maternity colonies of up to 200 mothers and their pups. If pups are separated from their mothers, they can locate each other using vocalizations. The goal of this study was to systematically characterize the development of echolocation and communication calls from birth through adulthood to determine whether they develop from a common precursor at the same or different rates, or whether both types are present initially. Three females and their six pups were isolated from our captive breeding colony. We recorded vocal activity from postnatal day 1 to 35, both when the pups were isolated and when they were reunited with their mothers. At birth, pups exclusively emitted isolation calls, with a fundamental frequency range <20 kHz, and duration >30 ms. By the middle of week 1, different types of vocalizations began to emerge. Starting in week 2, pups in the presence of their mothers emitted sounds that resembled adult communication vocalizations, with a lower frequency range and longer durations than isolation calls or echolocation signals. During weeks 2 and 3, these vocalizations were extremely heterogeneous, suggesting that the pups went through a babbling stage before establishing a repertoire of stereotyped adult vocalizations around week 4. By week 4, vocalizations emitted when pups were alone were identical to adult echolocation signals. Echolocation and communication signals both appear to develop from the isolation call, diverging during week 2 and continuing to develop at different rates for several weeks until the adult vocal repertoire is established.  相似文献   

The number of orientation, feeding and social calls emitted by pipistrelle batsPipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber, 1774 andP. pygmaeus Leach, 1825 was recorded throughout the night at eight different sites. Social calls were unaffected by weather variables, whereas orientation calls and feeding buzzes were both significantly affected by cloud and temperature conditions. The number of emissions of each call type was significantly different between sites, indicating that the bats used different sites for different activities. Significant positive correlations between all three combinations of call types occurred only during the middle of the night, corresponding with the nadir of flying insects. This suggests that bats were engaged in activities other than feeding at this time, such as territory protection or mate attraction.  相似文献   

The pipistrelle ( Pipistrellus pipistrellus ) occurs as two phonic types in Britain, its echolocation calls falling into two distinct frequency bands, with mean frequencies of maximum energy at 55 kHz and 46 kHz. These are termed the 55 kHz and 45 kHz phonic types here for simplicity. Songflight calls produced by males in the mating season, probably to attract females, differed between the two phonic types in the number of components in the calls and the call parameters measured. Songflight calls of the 55 kHz phonic type, which generally consisted of three components, were of higher frequencies than those of the 45 kHz phonic type, usually of four components. There were also significant differences in call parameters among individuals. A discriminant analysis of songflight calls classified 100% of individuals to the correct phonic type. The relationships between echolocation call frequency and songflight call frequency differed significantly between phonic types. Social calls produced during flight also differed between phonic types, in the number of components and call parameters measured. Social calls were compared to songflight calls of each phonic type. Social calls of the 55 kHz phonic type did not differ significantly from songflight calls; there were small but significant differences between the two types of calls of the 45 kHz phonic type. The study provides support for the hypothesis that the phonic types should be treated as sibling species. If songflight calls are used for mate choice, the differences may allow reproductive isolation between the two phonic types. The functions of songflight calls and social calls need to be investigated through experimental studies to explain the implications of the differences between phonic types.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the distribution of the output power of mobile phones and other terminals connected to a 3G network in Sweden. It is well known that 3G terminals can operate with very low output power, particularly for voice calls. Measurements of terminal output power were conducted in the Swedish TeliaSonera 3G network in November 2008 by recording network statistics. In the analysis, discrimination was made between rural, suburban, urban, and dedicated indoor networks. In addition, information about terminal output power was possible to collect separately for voice and data traffic. Information from six different Radio Network Controllers (RNCs) was collected during at least 1 week. In total, more than 800000 h of voice calls were collected and in addition to that a substantial amount of data traffic. The average terminal output power for 3G voice calls was below 1 mW for any environment including rural, urban, and dedicated indoor networks. This is <1% of the maximum available output power. For data applications the average output power was about 6–8 dB higher than for voice calls. For rural areas the output power was about 2 dB higher, on average, than in urban areas. Bioelectromagnetics 33:320–325, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Vocal individuality has been used as a monitoring tool, and two criteria are a prerequisite: high variation among individuals and low variation within individuals, and vocal consistency within and across seasons. We examined individual variation in the territorial hoot calls of the tawny owl (Strix aluco) to discriminate between males and to assess a possible conservation technique that would allow for monitoring individuals within a study area. The territorial calls were recorded from five males in the Naejang Mountain National Park in South Korea during the breeding season in 2015 and 2016 and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively to determine the amount of variation within and between individuals. Our results showed that the territorial calls were specific to individuals within a population and that the acoustic distances between males living in the same territory during the two years were the smallest for the four nesting sites. Our results suggest that territorial calls of the tawny owls are individually identifiable over two years and that this acoustic technique can be useful for monitoring individual site fidelity.  相似文献   


The vocal repertoire of Amazona amazonica during its breeding season has been recorded from wild individuals in Santa Bárbara do Pará, Pará State, Brazil. At individual nests, we continuously recorded vocalizations and behaviour for four hours in the early morning and three hours in the late afternoon, three times a week throughout the breeding season. We identified nine vocalizations that we classified in three behavioural categories: (1) Flight call—emitted when parrots arrive in the nest area; (2) Perched contact calls—two different vocalizations, one of them related to feeding, were emitted when the pair was perched in the nest area and interacted socially between themselves or with other individuals; (3) Aggressive calls—emitted when birds were in a dangerous situation, i.e. alarm (three types of calls), agonistic contact and distress calls (two types of call). The Orange-winged Parrot is a highly social species and the complexity of its social interactions is reflected in the diversity of its vocal repertoire.  相似文献   



The fish family Sciaenidae has numerous species that produce sounds with superfast muscles that vibrate the swimbladder. These muscles form post embryonically and undergo seasonal hypertrophy-atrophy cycles. The family has been the focus of numerous passive acoustic studies to localize spatial and temporal occurrence of spawning aggregations. Fishes produce disturbance calls when hand-held, and males form aggregations in late afternoon and produce advertisement calls to attract females for mating. Previous studies on five continents have been confined to temperate species. Here we examine the calls of the silver croaker Plagioscion squamosissimus, a freshwater equatorial species, which experiences constant photoperiod, minimal temperature variation but seasonal changes in water depth and color, pH and conductivity.

Methods and Principal Findings

Dissections indicate that sonic muscles are present exclusively in males and that muscles are thicker and redder during the mating season. Disturbance calls were recorded in hand-held fish during the low-water mating season and high-water period outside of the mating season. Advertisement calls were recorded from wild fish that formed aggregations in both periods but only during the mating season from fish in large cages. Disturbance calls consist of a series of short individual pulses in mature males. Advertisement calls start with single and paired pulses followed by greater amplitude multi-pulse bursts with higher peak frequencies than in disturbance calls. Advertisement-like calls also occur in aggregations during the off season, but bursts are shorter with fewer pulses.

Conclusions and Significance

Silver croaker produce complex advertisement calls that vary in amplitude, number of cycles per burst and burst duration of their calls. Unlike temperate sciaenids, which only call during the spawning season, silver croaker produce advertisement calls in both seasons. Sonic muscles are thinner, and bursts are shorter than at the spawning peak, but males still produce complex calls outside of the mating season.  相似文献   

The associations between behaviour, stress and immune responses are most likely a result of common integration through the neuroendocrine system. Here, we describe associations between behaviour and immunity in great tits, Parus major. Wild‐caught birds were brought into captivity, and their immune function was assessed on the basis of antibody production to a novel Brucella abortus antigen and of heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio, which is also a haematological marker of stress. Two behavioural traits were evaluated: tolerance to captive conditions on the basis of damage inflicted to tail feathers and propensity to produce alarm calls at release. The birds that had highest H/L ratios at capture inflicted the maximum extent of tail damage during the week spent in captivity and produced lowest antibody titres against a novel antigen, which indicates a strong covariation between the tolerance of captivity, perceived stress and immune responsiveness. Propensity to produce alarm calls was lower in birds who tolerated captivity better. Structural equation modelling proposed the existence of an underlying latent variable affecting all the measured traits and causing the correlations between traits. Our study indicates that connections between behaviour and immunity can be easily detected in wild animals.  相似文献   

The development of vocalizations during post-natal growth in the microchiropteran bat Pipistrellus pipistrellus is described. Vocalizations served as precursors of echolocation sounds and as isolation calls used to attract mothers. Although calls judged to be echolocation precursors tended to be of short duration and possessed high rates of frequency modulation when compared with isolation calls, a wide spectrum of intermediate calls existed making classification diffuse. Changes in the frequencies and durations of calls during growth are described. Multiple discriminant analysis showed considerable inter-individual variation in isolation calls, while the calls of any individual were remarkably consistent in their structure at both six days and 15 days of age. The relative importance of acoustic call parameters in contributing towards inter-individual variation changed between six days and 15 days. Vocal signatures of youngsters were probably important in allowing a mother to identify her own offspring in a creche thus preventing misdirected maternal care in this species, though vocal signatures of infants changed during development. Echolocation calls of flying juveniles were compared with calls from their mothers.  相似文献   

Previous sound recordings of resident (fish-eating) killer whale groups have revealed matrilineal group-specific call repertoires and a strong tendency for calls of the same type to be produced in series. Vocal interactions between individual free-ranging animals, however, have remained unexplored because it has not been possible to identify signallers reliably with a single hydrophone. Here we link acoustic arrivals of calls on a towed hydrophone array with visual tracking of photo-identified individuals to ascribe calls to a focal animal when it was separated from other members of its matrilineal group by more than 35 m, and thereby out of visual range. We confirm that individual members of a matrilineal group share a repertoire of stereotyped calls, and we statistically examine timing of stereotyped calls produced by one individual relative to calls produced by other members of its group. Analysis of the intervals between stereotyped calls indicated that calls were produced in group bouts with a criterion interval of 19.6 s separating bouts. We were therefore careful to develop randomization tests that preserved call interval structure. Focal whales produced 36% of their calls within 5 s of a call from a nonfocal animal, four times more calls than expected by chance based upon a rotation randomization test. Consecutive calls produced by different individuals during group-calling bouts matched call type more than expected by chance. Vocal exchanges of stereotyped calls with type matching appear to be an important aspect of intragroup calling in killer whales, although the function of this calling behaviour remains to be explored.  相似文献   

Bird species often use flight calls to engage in social behavior, for instance maintain group cohesion and to signal individual identity, kin or social associations, or breeding status of the caller. Additional uses also exist, in particular among migrating songbirds for communication during nocturnal migration. However, our understanding of the information that these vocalizations convey is incomplete, especially in nocturnal scenarios. To examine whether information about signaler traits could be encoded in flight calls we quantified several acoustic characteristics from calls of a nocturnally migrating songbird, the American Redstart. We recorded calls from temporarily captured wild specimens during mist-netting at the Powdermill Avian Research Center in Rector, PA. We measured call similarity among and within individuals, genders, and age groups. Calls from the same individual were significantly more similar to one another than to the calls of other individuals, and calls were significantly more similar among individuals of the same sex than between sexes. Flight calls from hatching-year and after hatching-year individuals were not significantly different. Our results suggest that American Redstart flight calls may carry identifiers of gender and individual identity. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of individuality or sexual dimorphism in the flight calls of a migratory songbird. Furthermore, our results suggest that flight calls may have more explicit functions beyond simple group contact and cohesion. Nocturnal migration may require coordination among numerous individuals, and the use of flight calls to transmit information among intra- and conspecifics could be advantageous. Applying approaches that account for such individual and gender information may enable more advanced research using acoustic monitoring.  相似文献   

Physiological resonance – where the physiological state of a subject generates the same state in a perceiver – has been proposed as a proximate mechanism facilitating pro-social behaviours. While mainly described in mammals, state matching in physiology and behaviour could be a phylogenetically shared trait among social vertebrates. Birds show complex social lives and cognitive abilities, and their monogamous pair-bond is a highly coordinated partnership, therefore we hypothesised that birds express state matching between mates. We show that calls of male zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata produced during corticosterone treatment (after oral administration of exogenous corticosterone and during visual separation from the partner) provoke both an increase in corticosterone concentrations and behavioural changes in their female partner compared to control calls (regular calls emitted by the same male during visual separation from the partner only), whereas calls produced during corticosterone treatment by unfamiliar males have no such effect. Irrespective of the caller status (mate/non-mate), calls' acoustic properties were predictive of female corticosterone concentration after playback, but the identity of mate calls was necessary to fully explain female responses. Female responses were unlikely due to a failure of the call-based mate recognition system: in a discrimination task, females perceive calls produced during corticosterone treatment as being more similar to the control calls of the same male than to control calls of other males, even after taking acoustical differences into account. These results constitute the first evidence of physiological resonance solely on acoustic cues in birds, and support the presence of empathic processes.  相似文献   

Vocal interactions are common in chorusing frogs. Changes in the calling patterns of Eleutherodactylus johnstonei males were analyzed by recording their responses to playbacks of conspecific calls repeated at fixed periods (long: 1.7 s, short: 0.98 s). The call period and timing, estimated through the onset response time, were determined for each male. Males reduced and regularized the period of their calls in response to both stimuli, regardless of their absolute and relative period (i.e., the difference between the male's period and the stimulus period). Males avoided initiating their calls during ongoing stimuli, but did not time their calls in the silent gap between successive stimuli in ways that reduced the probability of overlap: the proportion of calls without overlap did not depart from random expectations when the silent gap was long, and was smaller than expected when the gap was short. This result indicated that males react to the presence of the virtual competitor but not to its particular characteristics. Fixed responses have been described in other anurans, and often relate to trade-offs between female attraction, male competition, predator attraction, and depletion of energy reserves. Lack of coordination with the stimuli, beyond inhibition of calling during an ongoing stimulus, also indicates somewhat rigid vocal strategies, at least under the experimental conditions. Results from the short period trials suggested a compromise between maintaining a call period and avoiding call overlap. Whether female behavior is influenced by call interference and whether males pay selective attention to distant males instead of to close neighbors must be investigated to better understand the vocal behavior of E. johnstonei .  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To assess how accessible general practitioners are to patients by telephone and to examine the relations between organisation, number of lines, and number of patient-doctor calls. DESIGN--Postal survey of a random sample of general practitioners stratified by rural and urban practice areas, with differential sampling fractions. SETTING--General practices in England and Wales. SUBJECTS--2000 general practitioners, of whom 1459 (74%) responded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Number of calls received by general practitioner a day, time reserved for patients'' calls, and communication of availability of telephone contact. RESULTS--1421 general practitioners said that they accepted non-emergency calls from patients during the day and 285 reported reserving specific times of the day for this purpose. 848 estimated that they received four or fewer patient calls a day. The number of calls was significantly related to reserving time for calls (p less than 0.001), informing patients that the doctor was accessible by telephone (p less than 0.00001), and the number of periods when calls were accepted (p less than 0.00001). On average there were 3659 patients per incoming line; the number of patients per incoming line rose significantly as practice size increased (p less than 0.00001). CONCLUSIONS--The apparent willingness of general practitioners to accept calls was not reflected in the number of calls received. Reserving time, increasing periods of availability, and publicising telephone access increased the number of doctor-patient telephone contacts. Line congestion may be a problem, and impartial advice and guidance on telephone organisation and line requirements would be helpful.  相似文献   

This study documents the advancement of laying dates in three species of tits (Paridae) in southernmost Sweden during recent decades, and the absence of a similar response in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. It is based on several different nestbox studies; the oldest one starting in 1969. During 1969 to 2012, mean spring temperatures in the study area increased by between 0.06 and 0.08°C per year, depending on the period considered. Great tits Parus major, blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus and marsh tits Poecile palustris, which generally start egg laying between the last week of April and the first week of May, all advanced laying date at a similar rate during the study period (0.25 d yr–1). This indicates that these species were similarly affected by increasing temperatures. When accounting for mean spring temperature variation, we still found an advancement of laying date over the study period, mostly due to such relationships among marsh and blue tits. This result could reflect ongoing microevolution favouring earlier laying, but could also be a result of other factors such as increased intra‐ or inter‐specific competition for early breeding. Pied flycatchers, which generally lay during the third week of May, did not significantly advance the date of egg laying despite that the long‐term trend in the increase in ambient temperature during the 30‐d period preceding the start of egg laying was similar for pied flycatchers compared to the tit species.  相似文献   

Certain loud calls made by female red junglefowl and Lapland longspurs are given most frequently immediately after egg laying, when a copulation should have the highest probability of fertilizing the next egg to be laid. In these species there is considerable male-male interaction for access to fertilizable females, and males are attracted to or follow females making these calls. Based on our interpretation of these calls, we develop a general hypothesis to predict the pattern of occurrence of fertility advertisement both within and among bird species. We hypothesize that certain loud calls given by female birds before and during the egg-laying period are designed to advertise fertility and thereby incite male-male competition. This hypothesis predicts that calls advertising female fertility should most often occur soon after an egg is laid (i.e. during the period of highest fertility) but may also occur at any time during the female's fertilizable period. Such calls are unlikely to be given by females in strictly monogamous species (especially those with long-term pair bonds) because in these species each female usually mates with only a single male and extra-pair copulations are avoided. Although reports of loud female calls associated with copulation are rare in the literature, the 18 examples we found (including junglefowl and longspurs) were predominantly (15/18) in species adopting mating systems other than strict monogamy, and these calls were most commonly and disproportionately reported in multi-male mating systems. This form of “estrus” in birds may be widespread because few species appear to be strictly monogamous, but it will be difficult to study because the period of high fertility for female birds is so short.  相似文献   

Flexibility in the echolocation call structure of bats can improve their performances, because, in some situations, some signal designs are better than others. Hence, at least some bats should adjust their echolocation calls according to the setting in which they are operating but also to the specific task at hand, that is their behavioral intention. We studied variation in the echolocation calls of Pipistrellus kuhlii emitted during four flight situations that were similar in setting but differed in behavioral context: emergence from a roost, commuting to and from foraging sites, foraging and returning to a roost. Echolocation calls produced by P. kuhlii differed significantly according to the flight situation. Call types differed most distinctly between foraging and commuting. We also found a high variance in the emergence calls we recorded, perhaps reflecting pre- and post-takeoff calls. Discriminant function analysis on calls emitted while foraging, commuting or returning to the roost classified the calls to the correct group 73.3% of the time. The differences between bats' echolocation calls in different flight situations might indicate an intrinsic change in the bat's behavior. Recognizing these differences could be crucial when using call variables to identify bat species.  相似文献   

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