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Summary In a progeny of a selfed individual of the dark red-flowered cultivar Roter Vogel some white-flowered plants appeared as the result of a mutation of the genetic factor Anl involved in anthocyanin synthesis. The white flowers of these plants had red spots owing to back-mutations in the dermal cells of the young corolla.Owing to a striking unstability of the new allele of Anl, a number of mutants originated which differ mutually in the frequency of reversion, which expressed itself in the very substantial differences in the spot density of the limb of the corolla. Between a mean number of less than one spot per cm2 of the limb and a mean number of over 10.000 spots/cm2, a series of transitions was found.The reversions did not remain restricted to the young epidermis but also occurred in sporogenous tissues. This resulted in the appearance of selfcoloured red descendants of plants with red-spotted white flowers. There is a positive correlation between the spot density of the parent plants and the percentage of plants with completely red corollas.The red spots on the corolla usually have the same colour as the wild type (Roter Vogel), but occasionally mutants occur with paler spots, the colour varying from a very pale pink to a red nearly as deep as in the wild type. The selfcoloured descendants of such mutants also show this colour variation from pale pink to red.On the grounds of these observations a theory was formulated which postulates that the Anl locus consists of a structural gene responsible for an enzyme active during anthocyanin synthesis and a regulatory element built up from intermediate repetitive DNA. This regulatory element in turn is built up of two components, one of which, the mutator, decides the activation of the structural gene while the other, the expressor, modifies the rate of activation. The mutations must be considered representative of larger or smaller deletions within one or both of these components. Reversions are the result of the restoration of the deletions by means of an amplification of the repetitive DNA in dividing cells of the developing flower buds.  相似文献   

Summary In petunia cells culturedin vitro anthocyanin synthesis is usually repressed resulting in white/ yellow cells. However, we observed that in petunia strain AK-5000 purple cells appeared at a frequency of about 5 × 10–5. Analysis of the pigments showed that these cells contained the same anthocyanidins (petunidin and malvidin) as found in corollas of the parental plants. This suggests an induction of anthocyanin synthesis in these cells. In white/yellow cells, from which these pigmented cells originated, we could not observe any of the known precursors of these pigments.  相似文献   

Summary By using mercury(II)-chloride (HgCl2) and Dl-6-fluorotryptophan (6FT) as positive selection conditions we were able to show that N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NG) is an effective mutagen for Petunia hybrida suspension cells.A number of the 205 calli resistant to HgCl2 and 17 calli resistant to 6FT were isolated. The highest mutation frequency was 1.0 x 10–5 and 2.0 x 10–6 for HgCl2 and 6FT, respectively. A preliminary characterization of the mutants is presented.A significant increase in the number of drug-resistant calli was only obtained at NG-concentrations (5–40 g/ml) that had no observable effect on the survival of the mutagenized cultures.  相似文献   

Summary The difference in colour intensity between flowers of sporogenic revertants of the white flowering lines W17 and W28 is caused by an incompletely dominant gene Inl. This gene is not linked to the anthocyanin gene Anl. In the dominant state Inl causes a 50% decrease in colour intensity of selfcoloured red flowers.Chromatographic analysis of anthocyanins of plants homozygous recessive or dominant for Inl showed that the same anthocyanins are produced in both genotypes (cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-diglucoside). Anthocyanin synthesis starts at the same stage of development of the flower in both genotypes. When the bud reaches a length of approximately 45 mm, however, anthocyanin synthesis in the Inl Inl line slows down.No influence of the gene Inl on the concentration of dihydroquercetin-7-glucoside in buds and flowers could be observed, which indicates that the influence of Inl on flower colour development is restricted to the last part of the biosynthesis of anthocyanins, i.e. the conversion of dihydroflavonols into anthocyanins.In addition to Inl having a decreasing effect on flower colour intensity, evidence is produced that the gene Inl also influences the reversion frequency of unstable alleles of the gene Anl.  相似文献   

Floral homeotic and flower development mutants of Primula, including double, Hose in Hose, Jack in the Green and Split Perianth, have been cultivated since the late 1500s as ornamental plants but until recently have attracted limited scientific attention. Here we describe the characterization of a new mutant phenotype, sepaloid, that produces flowers comprising only sepals and carpels. The sepaloid mutation is recessive, and is linked to the S locus that controls floral heteromorphy. The phenotype shows developmental variability, with flowers containing three whorls of sepals surrounding fertile carpels, two whorls of sepals with a diminished third whorl of sepals surrounding a fourth whorl of carpels, or three whorls of sepals surrounding abnormal carpels. In some respects, these phenotypes resemble the Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum homeotic B-function mutants apetala3/deficiens (ap3/def) and pistillata/globosa (pi/glo). We have isolated the Primula vulgaris B-function genes PvDEFICIENS (PvDEF) and PvGLOBOSA (PvGLO), expression of both of which is affected in the sepaloid mutant. PvGLO, like sepaloid, is linked to the S locus, whereas PvDEF is not. However, our analyses reveal that sepaloid and PvGLO represent different genes. We conclude that SEPALOID is an S-linked independent regulator of floral organ identity genes including PvDEF and PvGLO.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the organization and expression of the genes encoding the flavonoid-biosynthetic enzyme dihydroflavonol-4-reductase (DFR) in Petunia hybrida. A nearly full-size DFR cDNA clone (1.5kb), isolated from a corolla-specific cDNA library was compared at the nucleotide level with the pallida gene from Antirrhinum majus and at the amino acid level with enzymes encoded by the pallida gene and the A1 gene from Zea mays.The P. hybrida and A. majus DFR genes transcribed in flowers contain 5 introns, at identical positions; the three introns of the A1 gene from Z. mays coincide with first three introns of the other two species. P. hybrida line V30 harbours three DFR genes (A, B, C) which were mapped by RFLP analysis on three different chromosomes (IV, II and VI respectively).Steady-state levels of DFR mRNA in the line V30 follow the same pattern during development as chalcone synthase (CHS) and chalcone flavanone isomerase (CHI) mRNA. Six mutants that accumulate dihydroflavonols in mature flowers were subjected to Northern blot analysis for the presence of DFR mRNA. Five of these mutants lack detectable levels of DFR mRNA. Four of these five also show drastically reduced levels of activity for the enzyme UDPG: flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT), which carries out the next step in flavonoid biosynthesis; these mutants might be considered as containing lesions in regulatory genes, controlling the expression of the structural genes in this part of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. Only the an6 mutant shows no detectable DFR mRNA but a wild-type level for UFGT activity. Since both an6 and DFR-A are located on chromosome IV and DFR-A is transcribed in floral tissues, it is postulated that the An6 locus contains the DFR structural gene. The an9 mutant shows a wild-type level of DFR mRNA and a wild-type UFGT activity.  相似文献   

We have analysed the expression of the 8–10 members of the gene family encoding the flavonoid biosynthetic enzyme chalcone synthase (CHS) from Petunia hybrida. During normal plant development only two members of the gene family (CHS-A and CHS-J) are expressed. Their expression is restricted to floral tissues mainly. About 90% of the total CHS mRNA pool is transcribed from CHS-A, wheares CHS-J delivers about 10% in flower corolla, tube and anthers. Expression of CHS-A and CHS-J during flower development is coordinated and (red) light-dependent. In young seedlings and cell suspension cultures expression of CHS-A and CHS-J can be induced with UV light. In addition to CHS-A and CHS-J, expression of another two CHS genes (CHS-B and CHS-G) is induced in young seedlings by UV light, albeit at a low level. In contrast to CHS genes from Leguminoseae, Petunia CHS genes are not inducible by phytopathogen-derived elicitors. Expression of CHS-A and CHS-J is reduced to a similar extent in a regulatory CHS mutant, Petunia hybrida Red Star, suggesting that both genes are regulated by the same trans-acting factors. Comparison of the promoter sequences of CHS-A and CHS-J reveals some striking homologies, which might represent cis-acting regulatory sequences.  相似文献   

Summary AnS 1.1 self-incompatible (SI) petunia plant which showed atypical seed set was found in an I7 population. This plant showed a strong SI reaction when selfed but produced varying amounts of seed when used as the seed parent in crosses with unrelated individuals homozygous for the sameS allele. Reciprocal crosses yielded no seed indicating that the reaction was a stylar response. Self seed obtained by high temperature treatments produced 18 plants, all of which exhibited the parental characteristics, the ability to reject self pollen but accept, to varying degrees, pollen bearing the sameS allele from unrelated plants. Several petunias homozygous forS 1, and exhibiting various levels of PSC as determined by self seed set, progeny tests and temperature treatments, were used as pollen parents. The mean seed set of these crosses produced a ranking of the pollen parents which reflected the PSC levels obtained by other methods. The behavior of the F1 and F2 populations suggests that the pollen discriminating ability may be a simply inherited, dominant character in these plants. The styles of these unusual petunias illustrate the participation of the pollen tube in determining PSC.Scientific Journal Series Paper Number 10.479 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

A relation between gene dosage and UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyl-transferase (UFGT) activity was found in homozygous dominant and recessive parental lines and their F1 progeny for both of the genes An1 and An2. In both F2 crosses, progeny plants could be classified as belonging to groups showing either a low or a medium to high UFGT activity. Test crosses showed that heterozygous and homozygous dominant plants were present throughout the medium- to high-active group. The dosage relation in F2 plants is most probably confounded by the segregation of modifiers. Thermal inactivation experiments indicated that structurally different UFGT enzymes are formed in homozygous dominant lines as well as in lines homozygous recessive for either An1 or An2. Lines homozygous recessive for the gene An4 contain a UFGT with a half-life time at 55° C of less than 8 min, whereas UFGTs from lines homozygous dominant for An4 show a half-life time of 25 min or above, with one exception. This relation was confirmed in the F2 progeny; heterozygotes for An4 showed an intermediate half-life time. It is concluded that An4 might be the structural gene for the enzyme; An1 and An2 are both regulatory genes. UFGT activity in flowerbuds of An4/An4 plants seems to be lower than in an4/an4 plants. Anthers of flowers of an4/an4 lines, however, are virtually devoid of UFGT activity.  相似文献   

Summary InPetunia hybrida frequent mutations of unstable alleles give rise to different types of periclinal chimeras. If genes expressed in the epidermis, such as the geneAn1 for flower colour, are concerned, mutations in the dermal layer of the shoot apex will result in changes in the phenotype but not in the offspring. Mutations in the subdermal layer will not lead to an altered phenotype, but to changes in the sporogenous tissues and, thus, to deviating segregations in progenies. Therefore, in crossing experiments with such an unstable mutant, it is always necessary to take the possibility into account that the plant may be a chimera, so as to prevent an incorrect interpretation of the recorded segregational ratios. Mutations of unstable alleles expressed in the mesophyll, such as geneYg3 for leaf colour, also give rise to chimeras. In such instances, however, a change in phenotype always involves a change in segregational ratios as well, since both the mesophyll and the sporogenous tissues are derived from the subdermal layer of the shoot apex.  相似文献   

Two flavonoid glucosyltransferases, UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (3-GT) and UDP-glucose: anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase (5-GT), are responsible for the glucosylation of anthocyani(di)ns to produce stable molecules in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. The cDNAs encoding 3-GT and 5-GT were isolated from Petunia hybrida by hybridization screening with heterologous probes. The cDNA clones of 3-GT, PGT8, and 5-GT, PH1, encode putative polypeptides of 448 and 468 amino acids, respectively. A phylogenetic tree based on amino acid sequences of the family of glycosyltransferases from various plants shows that PGT8 belongs to the 3-GT subfamily and PH1 belongs to the 5-GT subfamily. The function of isolated cDNAs was identified by the catalytic activities for 3-GT and 5-GT exhibited by the recombinant proteins produced in yeast. The recombinant PGT8 protein could convert not only anthocyanidins but also flavonols into the corresponding 3-O-glucosides. In contrast, the recombinant PH1 protein exhibited a strict substrate specificity towards anthocyanidin 3-acylrutinoside, comparing with other 5-GTs from Perilla frutescens and Verbena hybrida, which showed broad substrate specificities towards several anthocyanidin 3-glucosides. The mRNA expression of both 3-GT and 5-GT increased in the early developmental stages of P. hybrida flower, reaching the maximum at the stage before flower opening. Southern blotting analysis of genomic DNA indicates that both 3-GT and 5-GT genes exist in two copies in P. hybrida, respectively. The results are discussed in relation to the molecular evolution of flavonoid glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

Summary In crossing experiments with Petunia hybrida, new mutations, some unstable, have been found in descendants of plants having an unstable allele of the anthocyanin gene An1. One of the unstable mutations affecting the new anthocyanin gene An11 was genetically analyzed, and it was subsequently established in which step of anthocyanin synthesis that An11 is involved. The discovery of new, unstable mutations at other loci indicates that in Petunia also a relation exists between unstable mutations and the presence of transposable elements in the genome. It was demonstrated that reverted alleles (an1 +/+) originating from unstable An1 alleles are less stable than the original wild-type allele An1, and that reversions do not increase the chances of occurrence of new, stable or unstable mutations at other loci. These results provide additional arguments in favour of the hypothesis posed in an earlier paper that reversions of unstable An1 alleles are not the result of excision of the inserted transposable element, but are due to the repair of secondary mutations induced by the insert in the regulatory region of the locus. Consequently, a reverted allele still contains the inserted element that may again induce mutations leading to inactivation of An1.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of environmental factors on the reversion rates of several unstable alleles in Petunia hybrida was investigated. It is demonstrated that the reversion frequency of three unstable alleles, viz. an allele of gene An1 and of gene An11, both involved in anthocyanin synthesis, and of gene Yg3 for leaf colour, is drastically reduced when the temperature is raised from 18 °C to 25 °C. For two of the alleles it was established that this temperature effect is reversible. Changing the light period or light intensity did not have an effect on the reversion rate of the unstable allele of gene An11 at 18 °C or at 25 °C. The results found are in contrast with those obtained in earlier experiments, in which a rise in temperature resulted in an increase in the reversion rate of another unstable allele of gene An1.  相似文献   

Overbeeke  Nico  Haring  Michel A.  John  H.  Nijkamp  J.  Kool  Ad. J. 《Plant molecular biology》1984,3(4):235-241
Summary Sequences from Petunia hybrida chloroplast DNA which have the property to promote autonomous replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae were cloned in vector YIp5. Seven cloned chloroplast DNA fragments are localized at one of two different sites on the chloroplast genome. One site, arsA was mapped on a 1.8 Kb fragment at position 27.0–28.8 Kb on the P. hybrida chloroplast genome. The plasmids containing this arsA are stable both in yeast and E. coli. The other site, arsB, was shown to be very unstable and is located either in the small single copy region close to the inverted repeat or just in the inverted repeat. The functioning of these sequences as a possible origin of replication in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that homeotic changes played a considerable role during the evolution of flowers. This, however, is difficult to reconcile with the predominant evolutionary theory which rejects any drastic, saltational change of the phenotype as reasonable mode of evolution due to its assumed negative impact on the fitness of the affected organism. A better understanding of the evolutionary potential of homeotic transitions requires a study of the performance of respective mutant varieties in the wild. Here we introduce ``Stamenoid petals' (Spe), a variety of Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's purse), as a suitable model to study the evolutionary potential of floral homeotic mutants. In the flowers of the Spe variety all petals are transformed into stamens, while all other floral organs are unaffected. In contrast to most other homeotic mutants the Spe variety occurs on several locations in relatively large and stable populations in the wild. Due to its close relationship to the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the Spe variety of C. bursa-pastoris can be rigorously studied, from the molecular genetic basis of the phenotype to its consequences on the fitness in wild habitats. Investigations on Spe may thus help to clarify whether homeotic transformations have the potential to contribute to macroevolution.  相似文献   

The cloning of small GTP-binding proteins from Petunia hybrida was performed using a PCR-based strategy. Degenerate primers were designed from the DTAGQE and FMETSA consensus sequences. Three different cDNAs were amplified. The deduced polypeptide sequences PhPCRGP1 and PhPCRGP2 were homologous to RB11_HUMAN and PhPCRGP3 to RAB1A_HUMAN. Using PhPCRGP3 as a probe, 8 identical clones were selected from a Petunia leaf cDNA library. They all encode the same 22.5 kDa polypeptide, PhRAB1, able to bind GTP in vitro and 72% identical to RAB1A_HUMAN. Hybridizable mRNAs encoding PhRAB1 accumulated preferentially in opened flowers.  相似文献   

Style-controlled wilting of the flower   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
L. J. W. Gilissen 《Planta》1977,133(3):275-280
Differences in rate of wilting in cross-, self-and unpollinated flowers of self-incompatiblePetunia hybrida L. clone W166H appeared to be significant. Wilting rate was fastest following cross-pollination and slowest in unpollinated flowers. The difference between wilting behaviour of cross- and self-pollinated flowers was not caused by rate of pollen tube growth and not by the incompatibility (recognition or rejection) reaction either. It is assumed, that, following pollination, the wilting reaction is only retarded after penetration of pollen tubes of the same genetic composition as the style (complete self-pollination). The number of viable pollen grains necessary to initiate a maximal wilting-rate of flowers following cross- and self-pollination is about 800, which means that a fifth of the stigmatic surface must be covered with living pollen grains. It is suggested that pollen tube penetration and injury of the style have a similar influence on the initiation of wilting.Wilting-rate following pollination is faster in young plants as compared with wilting in old plants. The wilting process of unpollinated and self-pollinated flowers started in the early morning and lasted till afternoon. Cross-pollinated flowers wilted independently of the hour of the day. The role of flower-wilting as a means of communication to the environment with regard to pollination of the style is discussed.  相似文献   

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