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Copper deficiency has been reported to be associated withdecreased cytochrome c oxidase activity, whichin turn may be responsible for theobserved mitochondrial impairment and cardiac failure. We isolatedmito-chondriafrom hearts of copper-deficient rats: cytochrome c oxidase activity was found to be lowerthan incopper-adequate mitochondria. The residual activity paralleled coppercontent of mitochondria and also corresponded with the heme amount associated with cytochromeaa3. In fact, lower absorption in thea-band region of cytochrome aa3 was foundfor copper-deficient rat heart mitochondria. Gel electrophoresisof protein extractedfrom mitochondrial membranes allowed measurements of protein content of thecomplexes ofoxidative phosphorylation, revealing a lower content of complex IV protein incopper-deficientrat heart mitochondria. The alterations caused by copper deficiency appear to bespecific forcytochrome c oxidase. Changes were not observed for F 0 F 1 ATP synthase activity,for heme contents ofcytochrome c and b, and for protein contents of complexes I, III and V.The present study demonstrates that the alteration of cytochrome c oxidase activityobserved in copper deficiency is due to a diminishedcontent of assembled protein and that shortnessof copper impairs heme insertion into cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone participates in the oxidation-reduction reactions of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. In addition, this molecule possesses the necessary properties to function as a hydrogen carrier, thereby stoichiometrically coupling proton translocation to respiration by a direct chemiosmotic mechanism. This review discusses recent experimental evidence and new concepts relating to ubiquinone function in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Emphasis is placed on possible protonmotive mechanisms of ubiquinone function, recent evidence implicating stable forms of ubisemiquinone in the respiratory chain, and properties of the ubiquinone molecule which may relate to its biological function.  相似文献   

The effects of Q metabolites (Q acid-I, Q acid-II) and related compounds (dihydro Q acid-I, dehydro Q acid-II, QS-n, and their esters) on mitochondrial succinate and NADH oxidase systems were investigated. The activity restoring succinate oxidation in acetone-treated beef heart mitochondria was found to decrease with descending order of carbon number (n) of the side chain of the Q metabolites; activity was restored with Q acid-I (n = 7) to one-third as much as that with Q-7 and Q-10, but Q acid-II (n = 5) did not restore any activity. Of the related compounds with a carboxyalkyl group (QS-n), QS-16-QS-18 (n = 16–18) were found to be most active, and their activities were also correlated with n. The relationship between the restoration of activity and the partition coefficient was considered. NADH oxidation in pentane-treated beef heart submitochondrial particles could be restored with esters of low molecular weight quinones to the same extent as with Q-10, but not with the metabolites.  相似文献   

The effect of aging and treatment with acetyl-l-carnitine on the activity of cytochrome oxidase and adenine nucleotide translocase in rat heart mitochondria was studied. It was found that the activity of both these mitochondrial protein systems was reduced (by around 30%) in aged animals. Treatment of aged rats with acetyl-l-carnitine almost completely reversed this effect. Changes in the mitochondrial cardiolipin content appear to be responsible for these effects of acetyl-l-carnitine.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone-binding proteins were isolated and purified from heavy beef heart mitochondria. 35% of the total ubiquinone in the mitochondria was associated with the purified proteins. About 83% of the associated ubiquinone could be released from the proteins by proteolytic treatment showing that at least 29% (0.87 nmol/mg) of the total ubiquinone (3.0 nmol ubiquinone/mg) in the mitochondria is in the bound form. The purified ubiquinone-binding proteins were resolved into 5 polypeptides with the molecular weights of 17.4, 12.9, 12.6, 9.8 and 8.6 kD on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The arrangement and function of the redox centers of the mammalianbc 1 complex is described on the basis of structural data derived from amino acid sequence studies and secondary structure predictions and on the basis of functional studies (i.e., EPR data, inhibitor studies, and kinetic experiments). Two ubiquinone reaction centers do exist—a QH2 oxidation center situated at the outer, cytosolic surface of the cristae membrane (Q0 center), and a Q reduction center (Q i center) situated more to the inner surface of the cristae membrane. The Q0 center is formed by theb-566 domain of cytochromeb, the FeS protein, and maybe an additional small subunit, whereas the Q i center is formed by theb-562 domain of cytochromeb and presumably the 13.4kDa protein (QP-C). The Q binding proteins are proposed to be protein subunits of the Q reaction centers of various multiprotein complexes. The path of electron flow branches at the Q0 center, half of the electrons flowing via the high-potential cytochrome chain to oxygen and half of the electrons cycling back into the Q pool via the cytochromeb path connecting the two Q reaction centers. During oxidation of QH2, 2H+ are released to the cytosolic space and during reduction of Q, 2H+ are taken up from the matrix side, resulting in a net transport across the membrane of 2H+ per e flown from QH2 to cytochromec, the H+ being transported across the membrane as H (H+ + e) by the mobile carrier Q. The authors correct their earlier view of cytochromeb functioning as a H+ pump, proposing that the redox-linkedpK changes of the acidic groups of cytochromeb are involved in the protonation/deprotonation processes taking place during the reduction and oxidation of Q. The reviewers stress that cytochromeb is in equilibrium with the Q pool via the Q i center, but not via the Q0 center. Their view of the mechanisms taking place at the reductase is a Q cycle linked to a Q-pool where cytochromeb is acting as an electron pump.  相似文献   

A kinetic study on ubiquinol-cytochrome f reductase (EC has been undertaken either in situ in KCN-inhibited mitochondria and submitochondrial particles, or in the isolated cytochrome b-c1 complex using ubiquinol-1 and exogenous cytochrome c as substrates. The steady-state two-substrate kinetics of the reductase appears to follow a general sequential mechanism, allowing calculation of a Km for ubiquinol-1 of 13.4 μM in mitochondria and of 24.6 μM in the isolated cytochrome b-c1 complex. At low concentrations of cytochrome c, however, the titrations as a function of quinol concentration appear biphasic both in mitochondria and in submitochondrial particles containing trapped cytochrome c inside the vesicle space, fitting two apparent Km values for ubiquinol-1. Relatively high antimycin-sensitive rates of ubiquinol-1-cytochrome c reductase have been found in submitochondrial particles: both the Vmax and the Km for ubiquinol-1 are, however, affected by the overall orientation of the particle preparation, i.e., by the reactivity of cytochrome c with its proper site. The turnover numbers corrected for particle orientation with respect to cytochrome c interaction are at least 2-fold higher in submitochondrial particles than in mitochondria. This is particularly evident using inside-out particles containing trapped cytochrome c in the vesicle space (and therefore reacting with its physiological site). A diffusion step for the quinol substrate appears to be rate limiting in mitochondria and can be removed by addition of deoxycholate, suggesting that the oxidation site of ubiquinol may be more exposed to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Ethanol, when added to the incubation medium of callus-forming potato tuber discs, inhibits callus growth and causes an increase of the mitochondrial antimycin-A resistant respiration, expressed as a percentage of state III-respiration. This increase in resistance to antimycin-A is the result of a poor development of the cytochrome pathway in tissue discs treated with ethanol. The development of the antimycin-A resistant alternative oxidase sensitive to chelator is about the same for treated and untreated discs. The respiratory control (RC) ratio of the mitochondrial respiration increases after addition of a chelator, which inhibits the alternative pathway. The RC ratio of the uninhibited mitochondrial respiration appears to be inversely related to the capacity of the alternative pathway, when mitochondrial preparations with different capacities to transfer electrons via the alternative path are compared. From the experimentally observed relation between RC-ratio and alternative oxidase capacity, it was concluded that at least half of the capacity of the alternative path is used in uninhibited state IV respiration.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the trans-membrane helix of Qcr8p, the ubiquinone binding protein of complex III, contributes to the Q binding site. In wild-type cells, residue 62 of the helix is non-polar (proline). Substitution of proline 62 with a polar, uncharged residue does not impair the ability of the cells to respire, complex III assembly is unaffected, ubiquinone occupancy of the Q binding site is unchanged, and mitochondrial ubiquinone levels are in the wild-type range. Substitution with a +1 charged residue is associated with partial respiratory competence, impaired complex III assembly, and loss of cytochrome b. Although ubiquinone occupancy of the Q binding site is similar to wild-type, total mitochondrial ubiquinone doubled in these mutants. Mutants with a +2 charged substitution at position 62 are unable to respire. These results suggest that the accumulation of ubiquinone in the mitochondria may be a compensatory mechanism for impaired electron transport at cytochrome b.  相似文献   

Isolated beef heart cytochromec oxidase was reconstituted in liposomes by the cholate dialysis method with 85% of the binding site for cytochromec oriented to the outside. Trypsin cleaved specifically subunit VIa and half of subunit IV from the reconstituted enzyme. The kinetic properties of the reconstituted enzyme were changed by trypsin treatment if measured by the spectrophotometric assay but not by the polarographic assay. It is concluded that subunit VIa and/or subunit IV participate in the electron transport activity of cytochromec oxidase.  相似文献   

Import of the synthetic precursor of the alternative oxidase from soybean was shown to be dependent on a membrane potential and ATP. The membrane potential in soybean mitochondria may be formed either by respiration through the cytochrome pathway, or through the alternative oxidase pathway with NAD+-linked substrates. Import of the alternative oxidase precursor in the presence of succinate as respiratory substrate was inhibited by KCN. Import in the presence of malate was insensitive to KCN and SHAM added separately, but was inhibited by KCN and SHAM added together (inhibitors of the cytochrome and alternative oxidases respectively). Import of the alternative oxidase was accompanied by processing of the precursor to a single 32 kDa product in both cotyledon and root mitochondria. This product had a different mobility than the two alternative oxidase bands detected by immunological means (34 and 36 kDa), suggesting that the enzyme had been modified in situ. When the cDNA clone of the alternative oxidase was modified by a single mutation (–2 Arg changed to –2 Gly), the processing of the precursor was inhibited.  相似文献   

Depletion of endogenous ubiquinone by pentane extraction of mitochondrial membranes lowered succinate-ferricyanide reductase activity, whereas quinone reincorporation restored the enzymatic activity as well as antimycin sensitivity. The oxidant-induced cytochromeb extrareduction, normally found upon ferricyanide pulse in intact mitochondria in the presence of antimycin, was lost in ubiquinone-depleted membranes, even if cytochromec was added. Readdition of ubiquinone-2 restored the oxidant-induced extrareduction with an apparent half saturation at 1 mol/molbc 1 complex saturating at about 5 mol/mol. These findings demonstrate a requirement for the ubiquinone pool of the cytochromeb extrareduction. Since the initial rates of cytochromeb reoxidation upon ferricyanide addition, in the presence of antimycin, did not saturate by any ferricyanide concentration in ubiquinone-depleted mitochondria, a direct chemical reaction between ferricyanide and reduced cytochromeb was postulated. The fact that such direct reaction is much faster in ubiquinone-depleted mitochondria may explain the lower antimycin sensitivity of the succinate ferricyanide reductase activity after removal of endogenous ubiquinone.  相似文献   

Regulation of alternative oxidase activity in higher plants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Plant mitochondria contain two terminal oxidases: cytochrome oxidase and the cyanideinsensitive alternative oxidase. Electron partioning between the two pathways is regulated by the redox poise of the ubiquinone pool and the activation state of the alternative oxidase. The alternative oxidase appears to exist as a dimer which is active in the reduced, noncovalently linked form and inactive when in the oxidized, covalently linked form. Reduction of the oxidase in isolated tobacco mitochondria occurs upon oxidation of isocitrate or malate and may be mediated by matrix NAD(P)H. The activity of the reduced oxidase is governed by certain other organic acids, notably pyruvate, which appear to interact directly with the enzyme. Pyruvate alters the interaction between the alternative oxidase and ubiquinol so that the oxidase becomes active at much lower levels of ubiquinol and competes with the cytochrome pathway for electrons. These requirements for activation of the alternative oxidase constitute a sophisticated feed-forward control mechanism which determines the extent to which electrons are directed away from the energy-conserving cytochrome pathway to the non-energy conserving alternative oxidase. Such a mechanism fits well with the proposed role of the alternative oxidase as a protective enzyme which prevents over-reduction of the cytochrome chain and fermentation of accumulated pyruvate.  相似文献   

In ethanol-fed baboons, hepatic mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase activity and cytochrome aa3 content were significantly decreased by 58.3 and 50.5%, respectively, compared to their pair-fed controls. However, there was no significant correlation between the two, suggesting that other factors in addition to cytochrome aa3 may be responsible for the depression in cytochrome oxidase activity. The total phospholipid content of the mitochondrial membranes was significantly decreased (0.24 ± 0.03 μmol of phospholipid phosphorus/mg of protein vs. 0.32 ± 0.04 in controls). This change was accounted for, in part, by the significant decrease in the levels of phosphatidylcholine and cardiolipin. In addition, the fatty acid pattern of the phospholipids was changed. There was a marked increase in the relative amounts of oleic and linoleic acid and a decrease in arachidonic acid. These changes were associated with an increase in the activity of phospholipase A2. The reactivation rate of phospholipid-depleted cytochrome oxidase by endogenous phospholipids from ethanol-fed baboons was significantly lower than that by phospholipid from pair-fed controls, when measured at an optimal phospholipid to protein ratio. Thus, it appears that alterations in the phospholipid composition of the mitochondrial membranes are responsible, at least in part, for the depression of cytochrome oxidase activity produced by chronic ethanol consumption.  相似文献   

A major characteristic of plant mitochondria is the presence of a cyanide-insensitive alternative oxidase which catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water. Current information on the properties of the oxidase is reviewed. Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified which suggest the presence of a hydroxo-bridged di-iron center in the active site of the alternative oxidase. On the basis of sequence comparison with other di-iron center proteins, a structural model for the active site of the alternative oxidase has been developed that has strong similarity to that of methane monoxygenase. Evidence is presented to suggest that the alternative oxidase of plant mitochondria is the newest member of the class II group of di-iron center proteins.  相似文献   

Dipankar Sen 《Phytochemistry》1975,14(7):1505-1506
For measurement of cytochrome c oxidase activity in intact plant mitochondria the optimum concentration of K-Pi buffer and pH in the reaction was found to be 75 mM and 7.4 respectively. The suitable concentration of K-Pi buffer for suspending and storing mitochondria, however, was found to be 20 mM or lower. These requirements applied equally well for mitochondria from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), maize (Zea mays L.), and snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).  相似文献   

Treatment of rats with T3 resulted in a significant decrease in body weight, while the heart weight increased. T4 treatment had less marked effect on body weights but resulted in decreased heart weights. Serum T4 levels decreased significantly with simultaneous increase of T3 level following T3 treatment, whereas with T4 treatment, levels of both T4 and T3 increased in the serum. Low doses of T3 (0.5 μg ) caused decrease in mitochondrial protein content while high dose of T4 (1 μg), caused significant increase in mitochondrial mass. The state 3 respiration rates were significantly depressed following T3 and T4 treatments, in a substrate specific manner with the effects being more pronounced with T3; these responses with T4 were dose-dependent for succinate and ascorbate + N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenedíamme. State 4 respiration rates also exhibited similar corresponding changes. ADP/O ratios were not changed but ADP-phosphorylation rates were decreased significantly particularly so with the T3-treated animals. Treatment with T3 also resulted in lowering of intramitochondrial cytochrome contents. Similar effects were seen also with higher doses of T4. The results thus indicate that T3- and T4- thyrotoxicosis results in impaired energy metabolism in heart mitochondria.  相似文献   

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