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Evidence indicates that activation of a beta 1----3N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase is responsible for accumulation of large quantities of lacto-series tumor-associated antigens in human colonic adenocarcinomas. Expression of type 1 and 2 core chain derivatives characterize human colonic adenocarcinomas, whereas normal adult colonic epithelial cells express detectable quantities of only type 1 chain derivatives. The basis for preferential synthesis of type 1 chain lacto-series carbohydrate structures characteristic of normal colonic mucosa and human colonic adenocarcinoma Colo 205 cells has been studied. The beta 1----3- and beta 1----4galactosyltransferase enzymes associated with synthesis of type 1 and 2 core chain structures, respectively, have been separated from a Triton X-100 solubilized membrane fraction of Colo 205 cells by chromatography on an alpha-lactalbumin-Sepharose column and their properties studied. Optimal transfer of beta 1----3-linked galactose to acceptor Lc3 occurred in the presence of 0.1% Triton CF-54 with Triton X-100 providing 75% of maximal activity. The enzyme was active over a broad pH range from 6.5 to 7.5 and had a near absolute requirement for Mn2+. The Km values for donor UDPgalactose and acceptor Lc3 were determined to be 48 and 13 microM, respectively. In contrast, the beta 1----4galactosyltransferase required taurodeoxycholate for maximal activity and the Km for Lc3 was found to be 20-fold higher than that for the beta 1----3-specific enzyme under the same assay conditions. Studies with membrane-bound beta 1----3- and beta 1----4galactosyltransferases as found in Golgi-rich membrane fractions of SW403 and Colo 205 adenocarcinoma cells showed that preferential synthesis of type 1 chain structures occurs under conditions similar to those in vivo for biosynthesis of lacto-series core chains. The results suggest that both the higher affinity of the beta 1----3galactosyltransferase for acceptor Lc3 and the membrane organizational features result in preferential synthesis of type 1 chain structures.  相似文献   

Lacto-series glycolipids, comprising two isomeric types distinguished as type 1 or 2 based upon the linkage of the terminal galactose of the chains, form the basis for a diversity of cell surface antigens expressed on cells. Experimentally, type 2 chain precursors are generally more abundant in tissues for extractive purposes to yield rather large quantities of material compared to the type 1 chain structures. Conditions have been defined for in vitro conversion of terminal Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc linkages of type 2 chain precursors to yield type 1 lacto-series chain based terminal Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc structures in 5- to 10-mg amounts or higher. The terminal galactose of underivatized type 2 chain structures is removed by hydrolysis with jack bean beta-galactosidase followed by transfer of galactose in beta 1----3 linkage catalyzed by a beta 1----3-galactosyltransferase from human colonic adenocarcinoma Colo 205 cells which was first depleted of beta 1----4-galactosyltransferase by chromatography on alpha-lactalbumin-Sepharose. Scaled-up reaction mixtures provided a final yield of product after isolation of about 90% from the immediate Lc3Cer precursor in the 5-mg product range. The biosynthetic product was subjected to extensive chemical analysis by 1H NMR and mass spectrometric methods. These results indicated the presence of a high purity terminal Gal beta 1----3-linked product. The amount of material was sufficient for nondestructive characterization by 2-D NMR, with subsequent confirmation of structure by +FAB-MS and methylation analysis by GC-MS. The results indicate an effective means to rapidly generate lacto-series type 1 precursors in vitro as a superior alternative to direct tissue extractive procedures.  相似文献   

Human colonic adenocarcinoma tissue and derived cell lines have been characterized by an abundance of different type 1 and 2 lacto series glycolipid antigens which are either low or not found in normal colonic mucosa. The enzymatic basis for the expression of contrasting glycolipid compositions between adenocarcinomas and normal colonic mucosa, as well as between derived cell lines, has been studied. The following results were of particular interest. (i) Abundant activities of beta 1----4galactosyltransferase associated with synthesis of both lactosylceramide and lactoneotetraosylceramide, beta 1----3galactosyltransferase for synthesis of lactotetraosylceramide, and an alpha 1----3/4fucosyltransferase responsible for synthesis of Lex and Lea antigens were found in normal colonic mucosa or in a normal mucosal epithelial cell line HCMC, or in both. Variable levels of these activities were found in adenocarcinoma tissues and in various established adenocarcinoma cell lines. In striking contrast, significant activity of a beta 1----3N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase responsible for synthesis of lactotriaosylceramide (Lc3) was found in various cases of colonic adenocarcinoma and cell lines, but was undetectable in normal colonic epithelial cells. (ii) In situ transfer of galactose to Lc3 was performed on histologic sections by preincubation of the tissue with acceptor glycolipid followed by incubation with UDP-galactose. The biosynthesized glycolipid was revealed by indirect immunofluorescence with the monoclonal antibody 1B2 which defines lactoneotetraosylceramide antigen. In these studies, histologic sections prepared from frozen normal proximal colon tissue were shown to lack native type 2 chain structures. However, transfer of galactose from UDP-galactose could be demonstrated in the epithelial cells of normal proximal colon after incorporation of Lc3 into the membranes, indicating the ability of normal colonic epithelial cells to synthesize type 2 chain core structures if the precursor Lc3 is available. In contrast, adenocarcinoma tissues showed significant native immunofluorescence with the antibody. These data suggest that an accumulation of both type 1 and 2 chain lacto series glycolipids with alpha 1----3- or alpha 1----4fucosyl substitution in human adenocarcinoma is due to enhanced beta 1----3N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase rather than enhancement of other enzymes. This enzyme may play a key role in regulating the level of various types of lacto series tumor-associated antigens with the lacto type 1 or 2 chain.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies, TE-1 and TE-3, generated by immunization with a biosynthetic reaction product containing a terminal Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc structure have been produced and found to react specifically with underivatized type 1 chain lacto-series carbohydrate structures. Detailed analysis of these antibodies, both IgM, indicates two differing classes of epitope specificity. Antibody TE-1 was found to bind preferentially to longer chain carbohydrate structures containing a terminal Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc disaccharide, indicating that optimal antibody binding involved more than recognition of this disaccharide. In contrast, antibody TE-3 was found to bind strongly carbohydrate structures containing terminal Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc structures irrespective of chain length. Modification of core chain structures by addition of fucose and/or sialic acid residues completely abolished antibody binding with either antibody. TLC immunostaining of neutral glycolipids isolated from a variety of human colonic adenocarcinoma cell lines indicated intensely stained bands, particularly with antibody TE-3, which correlated with the level of expression of type 1 chain based glycolipid derivatives. These antibodies are applied to the detailed study of the regulation of synthesis of lacto-series type 1 chain based carbohydrate structures.  相似文献   

Summary An epithelial cell line, LS123, was established in 1974 from the second in a series of three primary colonic tumors resected from a Caucasian female. The cell line is aneuploid, releases low concentrations of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), fails to grow progressively in nude mice, and forms colonies only in enriched semisolid medium developed for tumor stem cells. LS123 cells grow on confluent cell monolayers and in either low serum or serum-free medium. In the chick embryonic skin assay, LS123 cells grew as a well-differentiated abnormal colonic epithelium with little mitotic activity but with some indication of invasion. On floating collagen gels LS123 cells formed a one to three-cell-layer-thick undifferentiated epithelial sheet. The apparent low invasiveness of the cells of this line is supported by the patient's history of three primary colon tumors without systemic metastases during the past 30 yr. Therefore, although LS123 cells possess several properties associated with neoplasia, they have little invasive potential. Thus, LS123 cells may represent an important model for the study of human colon cancer. Presented in part at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, San Diego, CA, June 6–10, 1982. The work has been partially supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants CA23871 (L. P. R.), CA24024 and RCDAK04-CA00579 (B. H. T.), and CA27124 and CA22370 (B. D. K.); the latter was awarded through the National Large Bowel Cancer Project.  相似文献   

Transient expression of a human colonic adenocarcinoma Colo 205 cell derived cDNA in cell lines which ordinarily express only neolacto-series glycolipids has resulted in the expression of a beta 1 --> 3galactosyltransferase gene responsible for synthesis of glycolipids based upon the lacto-series type 1 core chain. Calcium phosphate transfected cells were panned on anti-IgM coated plates after initial treatment with a combination of monoclonal antibodies specific for type 1 chain terminal structures (TE-3) and a very broadly specific antibody reactive with multiple type 1 chain derivatives (TE-2). Adherent cells after panning were capable of efficiently transferring Gal in beta 1 --> 3-linkage to the acceptor glycolipid Lc3. Using these reagents, clones of stably transfected human colonic adenocarcinoma HCT-15 cells were produced and isolated. Parental HCT-15 cells do not express type 1 chain based antigens. The nature of the type 1 chain based antigens produced in each of these clones was analyzed by solid phase antibody binding assays. Three types of behavior were observed. Formation of type 1 terminal structures that were either exclusively sialylated or fucosylated, or a mixture of sialylated and fucosylated determinants occurred. In contrast, no difference in type 2 antigen expression between any clone and the parental cells was observed. These data suggest that coordination of subsequent reactions capable of modifying type 1 chain structures is not the same in all clones. The relationship of these results to aspects of cellular regulation of carbohydrate biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Lectins were used to characterize mucin glycoproteins and other secretory glycoconjugates synthesized by a human colon adenocarcinoma-derived cell line which expresses a goblet cell phenotype. Despite being clonally derived, HT29-18N2 (N2) cells, like normal goblet cells in situ were heterogeneous in their glycosylation of mucin. Only wheat-germ agglutinin, which recognizes N-acetylglucosamine and sialic acid residues, and succinylated wheat-germ agglutinin, which binds N-acetylglucosamine, stained the contents of all secretory granules in all N2 goblet cells. The N-acetylgalactosamine binding lectins Dolichos biflorus and Glycine max stained 20% and 21% of N2 goblet cells respectively. Ricinus communis I, a galactose-binding lectin, stained 67% of N2 goblet cells although staining by another galactose-binding lectin, Bandeiraea simplicifolia I, was limited to 19%. Peanut agglutinin, a lectin whose Gal(1–3)GalNAc binding site is not present on mucins produced in the normal colon but which is found on most mucins of cancerous colonic epithelia, stained 68% of the cells. Ulex europeus I, a fucose-binding lectin, did not stain any N2 goblet cells. Four lectins (Lens culinaris, Pisum sativum, Phaseolus vulgaris E, Phaseolus vulgaris L) which recognize sugars normally present only in N-linked oligosaccharides stained up to 38% of N2 goblet cells. The binding of these lectins indicates either both O-linked and N-linked oligosac-charide chains are present on the mucin protein backbone or the co-existence of non-mucin N-linked glycoproteins and O-linked mucins within the goblet cell secretory granule.  相似文献   

Many tumor-associated epitopes possess carbohydrate as a key component, and thus changes in the activity of glycosyltransferases could play a role in generating these epitopes. In this report we describe the stable transfection of a human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line, Panc1-MUC1, with the cDNA for mucin core 2 GlcNAc-transferase (C2GnT), which creates the core 2 beta-1,6 branch in mucin-type glycans. These cells lack endogenous C2GnT activity but express a recombinant human MUC1 cDNA. C2GnT-transfected clones expressing different levels of C2GnT were characterized using monoclonal antibodies CC49, CSLEX-1, and SM-3, which recognize tumor-associated epitopes. Increased C2GnT expression led to greatly diminished expression of the CC49 epitope, which we identified as NeuAcalpha2,6(Galbeta1,3)GalNAcalpha-Ser/Thr in the Panc1-MUC1 cells. This was accompanied by the emergence of the CSLEX-1 epitope, sialyl Lewis x (NeuAcalpha2,3Galbeta1,4(Fucalpha1,3)GlcNAc-R), an important selectin ligand. Despite this, however, the C2GnT transfectants could not bind to selectins. Increased C2GnT expression also led to masking of the SM-3 peptide epitope, which persisted after the removal of sialic acid, further suggesting greater complexity of the core 2-associated O-glycans on MUC1. The results of this study suggest that C2GnT could play a regulatory role in the expression of certain tumor-associated epitopes.  相似文献   

The heterodimer alpha6beta4 is a major integrin and the main laminin receptor in epithelia. The alpha6 integrin subunit is proteolytically cleaved, probably by furin, and glycosylated during its biosynthesis. In the present work, we have investigated the kinetics of the assembly process of alpha6beta4 heterodimers in the colonic adenocarcinoma cell line HT29-D4. We demonstrate that the association of alpha6 and beta4 precursors occurs within the ER, while the endoproteolytic cleavage of pro-alpha6 occurs later, probably in the trans-Golgi network. When pro-alpha6 was blocked within the ER by treatment with brefeldin A, its maturation processing was completely prevented without any consequence on its association with beta4 subunit. Low temperature (20 degrees C) also blocked pro-alpha6 maturation, like brefeldin A, but in addition impaired the integrin assembly. Calnexin, an ER resident protein chaperone, was found to be associated with both the alpha6 and beta4 subunit precursors. Our data suggest that calnexin might be responsible for the prolonged retention of pro-alpha6 within the ER compartment and for the defect of integrin subunit association observed at low temperature.  相似文献   

UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:alpha-6-d-mannoside beta-1, 6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (GlcNAcT-V) has been purified from cell extracts of the human hepatoma cell line, Hep3B, with 8.7% recovery. The purified enzymes had molecular masses of about 67 and 65 kDa on denaturated and natural conditions, respectively. The values of pI was 5.9. The GlcNAcT-V, when resolved by SDS-PAGE, was positive for Schiff staining, suggesting that the enzyme is glycoprotein. When GlcN,GlcN-biant-PA and UDP-GlcNAc were used as substrates, the enzyme displayed a temperature optimum of around 50 degrees C and optimum an pH of 6.5. The enzyme was stable in response to incubation from pH 4.5 to pH 10.5 at 4 degrees C for 24 h. The presence of UDP-GlcNAc and GlcN,GlcN-bi-PA protected the enzyme from heat inactivation, the extent depending upon the substrate concentration. The activity of the enzyme was stimulated by Mn2+ ion; however, it was inhibited by Fe3+. The enzyme activity was inhibited by another series of NDP-sugars including ADP-, CDP-, GDP-, and TDP-GlcNAc. Studies on the activity of the enzyme toward a variety of pyridylaminated sugars showed that the enzyme is most active toward biantennary (GlcN,GlcN-bi-PA) sugars. The enzymes had apparent Km values of 1.28 and 5.8 mM for GlcN,GlcN-bi-PA and UDP-GlcNAc, respectively. In order to isolate the GlcNAcT-V gene, PCR primers of GNN-1 and GNN-8 were designed and the amplified PCR product carrying the gene was cloned and sequenced. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed a 2220-bp open reading frame encoding a 740-amino-acid protein. This was almost same as the previously reported human sequences, except for some sequence differences in three amino acids. The three amino acid changes were as follows: 375V --> L, 555T --> R, and 592A --> G. These studies represent the detailed characterization of a purified GlcNAcT-V from human hepatoma cell Hep3B.  相似文献   

Heterophile, Hanganutziu-Deicher (HD) antigen-active N-glycolylneuraminic acid-containing glycosphingolipids (GSLs) were detected as tumor-associated foreign antigens of a Marek's disease lymphoma-derived cell line, MSB1, by enzyme-immunoassay with chicken antibody against N-glycolylneuraminyl-lactosylceramide (anti-NeuGc-LacCer). At least three species of HD antigen-active GSLs were detected by two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography (TLC) combined with enzyme-immunoassay. The reactivities of the GSLs with anti-NeuGc-LacCer, their behaviors on two-dimensional TLC and the results of an endo-beta-galactosidase digestion study indicated that these three GSLs were NeuGc-LacCer (NeuGc alpha 2-2Gal beta 1-4Glc-Cer), NeuGc-nLcOse4Cer (NeuGc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-Cer) and NeuGc-nLcOse6Cer (NeuGc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-Cer).  相似文献   

We isolated from a human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line two clones with highly different metastatic abilities. One of them, which spreads rapidly in culture, produces, when injected in immunosuppressed newborn rats, well differentiated epithelial like tumors limited by a continuous basal lamina and never produces lung metastasis. The other clone, which spreads slowly in culture, produces undifferentiated tumors of irregular shape and with usually no basal lamina; tumor cells are often dispersed in the stroma and metastases are observed in the lungs. These two clones may hence constitute a model for the study of the link between the presence or absence of a basal lamina in human tumors and their ability to metastasize.  相似文献   

Nonspecific cross-reacting antigen-2 (NCA-2) is a glycoprotein purified from meconium as a closely correlated entity with carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). As in the case of CEA, only asparagine-linked sugar chains are included in NCA-2. In order to elucidate the structural characteristics of the sugar chains of NCA-2, they were quantitatively released from the polypeptide backbone by hydrazinolysis and reduced with NaB3H4 after N-acetylation. The radioactive oligosaccharides were fractionated by paper electrophoresis, serial chromatography on immobilized lectin columns, and Bio-Gel P-4 (under 400 mesh) column chromatography. Structures of the oligosaccharides were estimated from the data of the binding specificities of immobilized lectin columns and the effective size of each oligosaccharide determined by passing through a Bio-Gel P-4 column and were then confirmed by endo-beta-galactosidase digestion, sequential digestion with exoglycosidases with different aglycon specificities, and methylation analysis. NCA-2 contains a similar number (27 mol) of sugar chains in one molecule compared with CEA (24-26 mol). However, all sugar chains of NCA-2 were complex-type in contrast to CEA, approximately 8% of the sugar chains of which were high mannose-type (Yamashita, K., Totani, K., Kuroki, M., Matsuoka, Y., Ueda, I., and Kobata, A. (1987) Cancer Res. 47, 3451-3459). About 80% of the oligosaccharides from NCA-2 contain bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residues, and the percent molar ratio of mono-, bi, tri, and tetraantennary oligosaccharides was 2:14:57:27. (+/- Fuc alpha 1----2)Gal beta 1----4(+/- Fuc alpha 1----3)GlcNAc, (+/- Fuc alpha 1----2)Gal beta 1----3(+/- Fuc alpha 1----4)GlcNAc, (+/- Fuc alpha 1----2)Gal beta 1----4(+/- Fuc alpha 1----3)GlcNAc beta 1---- 3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc, (+/- Fuc alpha 1----2)Gal beta 1----3(+/- Fuc alpha 1----4)GlcNAc beta 1---- 3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc, and GalNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc were found as their outer chain moieties. Approximately 60% of the oligosaccharides from NCA-2 contain the Gal beta 1----4 or 3GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----group in their outer chains.  相似文献   

An N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase has been partially purified from Novikoff tumor cell ascites fluid by affinity chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose. The enzyme was obtained in a highly concentrated form after lyophilization. The enzyme appeared to be highly specific for acceptor oligosaccharides and glycoproteins carrying a terminal Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----R unit. Characterization of products formed by the enzyme in vitro by methylation analysis and 1H NMR spectroscopy revealed that the enzyme catalyzed the formation of a GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta-R sequence. The enzyme therefore could be described as an UDP-GlcNAc:Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta-R beta 1----3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase. Acceptor specificity studies with oligosaccharides that form part of N-glycans revealed that the presence of a Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----2(Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----6)Man pentasaccharide in the acceptor structure is a requirement for optimal activity. Studies on the branch specificity of the enzyme showed that the branches of this pentasaccharide structure, when contained in tri- and tetraantennary oligosaccharides, are highly preferred over other branches for attachment of the 1st and 2nd mol of GlcNAc into the acceptor molecule. The enzyme also showed activity toward oligosaccharides related to blood group I- and i-active polylactosaminoglycans. In addition the enzyme together with calf thymus UDP-Gal:GlcNAc beta-R beta 1----4-galactosyltransferase was capable of catalyzing the synthesis of a series of oligomers of N-acetyllactosamine. Competition studies revealed that all acceptors were acted upon by a single enzyme species. It is concluded that the N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase functions in both the initiation and the elongation of polylactosaminoglycan chains of N-glycoproteins and possibly other glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

A sub-line with increased metastatic ability was previously isolated from an established human colonic carcinoma cell line [Kimball & Brattain (1980) Cancer Res. 40, 1574-1579]. The separation and characterization of the isoenzymes of N-acetyl-beta-D-hexosaminidase from each cell line are reported. The parental cell line contained A and B isoenzymes. The sub-line lacked the A-isoenzyme activity and contained an atypical B isoenzyme that was thermolabile, susceptible to alkylation and of lower molecular weight.  相似文献   

Iron is essential for maintaining cellular metabolism of most organisms. Iron chelators such as desferrioxamine have been used clinically in the treatment of iron overload diseases. In the present study, we used human colon adenocarcinoma cells as a proliferating cell model to validate that desferrioxamine inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis. Proteomic analysis revealed that proteins involved in cell proliferation, signal transduction, metabolism and protein synthesis were significantly regulated by the availability of iron, rendering a close correlation between cell apoptosis and the disturbance of mitochondrial, signaling and metabolic pathways. These results provide new insights into the mechanisms of cell proliferation inhibition attributed to iron depletion.  相似文献   

Summary An established cell line, SW756, derived from a primary squamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix is described by its morphology, ultrastructure, karyotype, genetic signature analysis, HLA typing, and tumorigenesis in the nude mouse. Cultured cells obtained from the SW756 derived nude mouse tumor also were studied for chromosome and isozyme markers. The original tumor was poorly differentiated carcinoma with minimal keratinization and is compared with that occurring in the nude mouse after the cultured cells were inoculated. The nude mouse tumor showed similar histological features, but better differentiation than the original tumor. Karyotype analysis of SW756 demonstrated a hyperdiploid stem line number and several marker chromosomes (MI-M6). No HeLa marker chromosomes were identified. The isozyme pattern for SW756 reported by others has been confirmed. The unique chromosome and isozyme features have been identified repeatedly in the cultured cells and, most importantly, in the post nude mouse culture. We recommend SW756 as a defined human tumorigenic cell line derived from a primary squamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix. This investigation was supported in part by Public Health Research Grant CA-06294 from the National Cancer Institute, Department of Health and Human Services.  相似文献   

Alterations in cell surface glycoproteins have been implicated in malignancy. We examined surface membrane proteins of a cultured cell line, SKCO-1, which had been derived from a human colonic adenocarcinoma. Cell surface labeling of SKCO-1 cells with galactose oxidase, followed by reduction with sodium borotritide, revealed five major labeled glycoproteins upon sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. At least three additional labeled glycoproteins could be detected if galactose oxidase treatment was preceded by neuraminidase treatment. Some, but not all, of the glycoproteins could be iodinated by lactoperoxidase. The predominantly labeled glycoprotein (GPI) had a molecular weight of 200,000 and co-migrated in SDS gel with carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). GPI was not removed from the cell surface by EDTA, hypertonic saline, or sonication but was released from the membrane by detergents. This glycoprotein was subsequently purified using lectin-agarose columns and gel filtration. GPI was judged homogenous by protein- and carbohydrate-stained SDS-polyacrylamide gels and had an amino acid composition similar to that of CEA. The carbohydrate composition of GPI was qualitatively similar to CEA but quantitatively distinct. GPI had a greater proportion of sialic acid and galactosamine and less fucose and glucosamine than CEA. Immunological studies, however, demonstrated identity between GPI and CEA. A study of the turnover rate of GPI showed it to have a half-life of 5 days.  相似文献   

Lectins were used to characterize mucin glycoproteins and other secretory glycoconjugates synthesized by a human colon adenocarcinoma-derived cell line which expresses a goblet cell phenotype. Despite being clonally derived, HT29-18N2 (N2) cells, like normal goblet cells in situ were heterogeneous in their glycosylation of mucin. Only wheat-germ agglutinin, which recognizes N-acetylglucosamine and sialic acid residues, and succinylated wheatgerm agglutinin, which binds N-acetylglucosamine, stained the contents of all secretory granules in all N2 goblet cells. The N-acetylgalactosamine binding lectins Dolichos biflorus and Glycine max stained 20% and 21% of N2 goblet cells respectively. Ricinus communis I, a galactose-binding lectin, stained 67% of N2 goblet cells although staining by another galactose-binding lectin, Bandeiraea simplicifolia I, was limited to 19%. Peanut agglutinin, a lectin whose Gal(beta 1-3)GalNAc binding site is not present on mucins produced in the normal colon but which is found on most mucins of cancerous colonic epithelia, stained 68% of the cells. Ulex europeus I, a fucose-binding lectin, did not stain any N2 goblet cells. Four lectins (Lens culinaris, Pisum sativum, Phaseolus vulgaris E, Phaseolus vulgaris L) which recognize sugars normally present only in N-linked oligosaccharides stained up to 38% of N2 goblet cells. The binding of these lectins indicates either both O-linked and N-linked oligosaccharide chains are present on the mucin protein backbone or the co-existence of non-mucin N-linked glycoproteins and O-linked mucins within the goblet cell secretory granule.  相似文献   

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