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High altitude is an important driving force in animal evolution. However, the effect of altitude on gut microbial communities in reptiles has not been examined in detail. Here, we investigated the intestinal microbiota of three populations of the lizard Phrynocephalus vlangalii living at different altitudes using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria were the most abundant phyla. Bacteroides, Odoribacter, and Parabacteroides were the most abundant genera. Significant differences in the intestinal microbiota composition were found among the three populations from different altitudes. The proportions of Verrucomicrobia and Akkermansia decreased, whereas Bacteroides increased significantly with altitude. Greater abundance of Bacteroides at higher altitude led to the fractional increase in the phylum Bacteroides relative to other phyla. Hypoxia may be the main factor that caused intestinal microbiota variation in P. vlangalii along the altitude gradient. Overall, our study suggested that the community composition and structure of intestinal microbiota of the lizard P. vlangalii varied along altitudes, and such differences likely play a certain role in highland adaptation. Our findings warrant a further study that would determine whether ambient and body temperatures play a key role in the modulation of intestinal microbiota in reptiles.  相似文献   

青海沙蜥的两性异型和雌性繁殖   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
章熙东  计翔  罗来高  高建芳  章玲 《动物学报》2005,51(6):1006-1012
作者研究了青海沙蜥(Phrynocephalus vlangalii)形态特征的两性异形和雌体繁殖特征。蜥蜴于2005年5月初捕自西宁以西约150km的倒淌河,被检形态特征包括体色、体长、腹长、尾长、头长和头宽,新排卵雌体维持在实验室梯度热环境中直至产仔。成体两性异形显著,而性未成熟个体缺乏两性异形。最大的成年雄体和雌体分别为70.2mmSVL(snout-vent length)和82.8mmSVL。雄性成体具有相对较大的头长、头宽和尾长,雌性成体SVL大于雄体且具有相对较大的腹长。对4个形态特征进行主成分分析(特征值≥0.5)区分出2个主成分,共解释83.9%的两性相关形态特征的变异。去除SVL差异的影响后,尾长、头长和头宽在第一主成分有较高的正负载系数(解释57.8%的变异),腹长在第二主成分有较高的负负载系数(解释26.1%的变异)。实验室梯度热环境下的雌体于6月下旬至7月中旬产单窝、2-6个后代。窝仔数和窝仔重与母体SVL呈正相关,幼仔重与母体SVL无关。未在青海沙蜥中检测到后代数量与大小之间的权衡。  相似文献   

沙蜥属Phrynocephalus作为鬣蜥科Agamidae中的古北界类群,分布区复杂的地质、地理历史对该属物种形成、分化及分布格局的形成具有重要的影响.近年来,随着生物地理学理论的不断发展,各国学者从不同角度对沙蜥属的生物地理学做了大量研究.本文主要综述了这方面的研究进展;同时基于沙蜥属的研究现状对今后的研究做出展望.  相似文献   

Typically, small lizards rely heavily on behavioral thermoregulation rather than physiological mechanisms to control their rates of warming and cooling. We tested the hypothesis that prostaglandins participate in mediating the cardiovascular response to heating and cooling and temperature regulating neurons in the hypothalamus of the small lizard Phrynocephalus przewalskii. In vivo and in vitro treatments, heart rates (HRs) were all found to be higher during heating than during cooling, hysteresis was distinct below 30 and 26°C, respectively. In vivo, as administration of COX inhibitor, there were no differences in HR between heating and cooling at any body temperature and administration of agonist prostaglandins only produced a significant effect on HR below 25°C. Single-unit activity was recorded extracellularly in vitro with microelectrodes, found the firing rate of the continuous unit increased 23% when the temperature of the artificial cerebrospinal fluid dropped from 30–20°C. We conclude that prostaglandins appear to play only a limited role in modulating heart activity in Phrynocephalus przewalskii and suggest that cold-sensitive neurons in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus (PO/AH) are involved in thermoregulatory control during heating or cooling.  相似文献   

Competing systematic hypotheses have placed the Tibetan endemic Przevalski's Finch Urocynchramus pylzowi either with the Old World buntings (Emberizidae) or with the cardueline finches (Fringillidae, Carduelinae). Recent studies based on limited genetic evidence instead suggest an isolated position within Passeroidea and advocate a separate family, Urocynchramidae, as had been suggested much earlier on the grounds of morphology. We provide a time‐calibrated multi‐locus phylogeny for Passeroidea including Przevalski's Finch based on three mitochondrial markers and three nuclear introns that placed U. pylzowi in a clade together with Estrildidae, Viduidae and Ploceidae. A sister group relationship of U. pylzowi and weavers (Ploceidae) was concordant among three multilocus reconstructions but received only poor support. Divergence time estimates inferred from a fossil/biogeographical molecular dating approach suggested a late Oligocene split of U. pylzowi from its closest relatives at roughly 25 million years ago, making this the oldest known Tibetan endemic passerine. In addition to the molecular data, behavioural peculiarities and egg coloration further strengthen an isolated placement of U. pylzowi.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of natural landscapes on the population structure of lizards, 10 polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers were developed for the Qinghai toad-headed lizard, Phrynocephalus vlangalii. The number of alleles at these informative loci ranged from four to 28. The novel markers and those previously developed for Phrynocephalus przewalskii were cross-tested among three toad-headed lizard species P. vlangalii, P. przewalskii and P. guttatus. A high cross-utility rate of more than 58% was observed among these three species. These markers are expected to be useful tools for taxonomic considerations as well as population genetic analysis and future conservation management.  相似文献   

沙蜥属隶属于鬣蜥科,是欧亚大陆荒漠和稀疏草原常见的蜥蜴。该属特征变异较大,存在许多争议。本文从其分类史、系统演化关系、生物地理学研究三个方面进行总结,并指出沙蜥属卵生类群的系统关系还比较混乱,生物地理历史过程有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠线粒体谱系地理学和遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
高原鼢鼠是一类地下独居啮齿动物,为青藏高原特有种之一。为研究该物种的谱系地理学和遗传多样性,本文测定了采自青藏高原东部3个地理种群8个小种群共37个个体的线粒体D-loop区序列变异。在长度为627bp的序列中,共发现50个变异位点,定义了26种单倍型。该物种的单倍型多样性(Haplotype diversity,H)较高和核苷酸多样性(Nucleotide diversity,πn)较低。谱系分析得到3个稳定的分支,分别与采集的地理种群相吻合:同一地理种群内单倍型之间遗传差异小,而不同地理来源的单倍型之间存在较大区别。距离隔离分析表明高原鼢鼠的遗传分化与地理距离呈正相关。AMOVA分析同样表明地理种群之间存在显著差异:地理种群间变异占遗传变异的80.45%。高原鼢鼠的这种遗传结构特点可能主要是由于第四纪气候变迁、该物种稳定的地下生活环境和有限的迁移能力造成的。  相似文献   

奇台沙蜥生长过程中的两性异形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究奇台沙蜥Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi头、尾、腋胯距大小在个体发育过程中的变化.成体体长(SVL)无显著的两性差异,两性异形主要表现为雄性个体有较大的头部(头长和头宽)和尾部,雌性具有较大的腋胯距.头、尾、腋胯距大小的两性异形在幼体就已存在,并随个体发育的进行变得更加显著.不同年龄组两性个体头部、尾部、腋胯距随SVL呈异速增长,表现为两性头部的增长速率在个体发育过程中逐渐增大,尾部的增长速率逐渐减慢,腋胯距在雌性蜥蜴中增长速率逐渐增大,在雄性中逐渐变小.  相似文献   

The evolution of viviparity in squamates has been the focus of much scientific attention in previous years. In particular, the possibility of the transition from viviparity back to oviparity has been the subject of a vigorous debate. Some studies have suggested this reversal is more frequent than previously thought. However, none of them provide conclusive evidence. We investigated this problem by studying the phylogenetic relationships between oviparous and viviparous lineages of the reproductively bimodal lizard species Zootoca vivipara . Our results show that viviparous populations are not monophyletic, and that several evolutionary transitions in parity mode have occurred. The most parsimonious scenario involves a single origin of viviparity followed by a reversal back to oviparity. This is the first study with a strongly supported phylogenetic framework supporting a transition from viviparity to oviparity.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 1–11.  相似文献   

为了提高体温,荒漠沙蜥喜好晒太阳的同时增加了紫外线对其皮肤的损伤。本实验研究了不同的紫外线强度(110、300、500、800mJ/cm2)对荒漠沙蜥皮肤形态、蜕皮、脂质过氧化和抗氧化酶的影响。结果显示:皮肤损伤和丙二醛含量的最高峰发生在暴露紫外线300、500、800mJ/cm2后的96、48、24h;SOD活性的最低峰发生在暴露紫外线110、300、500、800mJ/cm2后的24、48、12h;CAT活性在暴露紫外线后立即抑制,然后恢复提高。CAT活性的高低往往伴随皮肤的损伤程度和蜕皮的发生,这表明紫外线对皮肤的损伤与皮肤的脂质过氧化密切相关,CAT是一种主要的抗氧化酶。皮肤的角质层对保护皮肤免受紫外线的损伤也有重要作用。  相似文献   

Historical drainage patterns adjacent to the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau differed markedly from those of today. We examined the relationship between drainage history and geographic patterns of genetic variation in the Yunnan spiny frog, Nanorana yunnanensis, using approximately 981 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA partial sequences from protein‐coding genes ND1 and ND2, and intervening areas including complete tRNAIle, tRNAGln and tRNAMet. Two null hypotheses were tested: (i) that genetic patterns do not correspond to the development of drainage systems and (ii) that populations had been stable and not experienced population expansion, bottlenecking and selection. Genealogical analyses identified three, major, well‐supported maternal lineages, each of which had two sublineages. These divergent lineages were completely concordant with six geographical regions. Genetic structure and divergence were strongly congruent with historical rather than contemporary drainage patterns. Most lineages and sublineages were formed via population fragmentation during the rearrangement of paleodrainage basins in the Early Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. Sympatric lineages occurred only in localities at the boundaries of major drainages, likely reflecting secondary contact of previously allopatric populations. Extensive population expansion probably occurred early in the Middle Pleistocene accompanying dramatic climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

青藏公路沿线白昼交通运输等人类活动对藏羚羊迁徙的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
裘丽  冯祚建 《动物学报》2004,50(4):669-674
To study effects of traffic during daytime and other human activities, we conducted surveys on the migration of Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsoni along the Qinghai-Tibet highway between Kunlun Mountain Pass to Wudaoliang,using line transects (LT) from June to September in 2001 and 2002, Data were collected for 64 days with 17 days in 2001, and 47days in 2002. The Stationary Observation Method (SOM) was also adopted for the investigation of status of the disturbance from traffic when antelopes passing the highway and the traffic situation from August 6 to 28 (6 : 30-19: 00), 4 to 20 (6: 00- 18: 00) and from December 21 to 29 (9:00- 19: 00) in 2002. The results showed that,the period of migration in 2002 was more prolonged than in 2001, and it took at least 45 min for each group to cross the highway, with success ratio of only 30.2 %, and the traffic flow of summer daytime was 76/h, while the winter‘s traffic flow was 29/h. Highway and rail traffic should be managed during daylight hours from June to August, to allow for the migration of the antelopes. Also conservation education and a further survey should be emphasized for the protection on the species [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (4) : 669-674, 2004].  相似文献   

Meng L  Yang R  Abbott RJ  Miehe G  Hu T  Liu J 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(19):4128-4137
The disjunct distribution of forests in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and adjacent Helan Shan and Daqing Shan highlands provides an excellent model to examine vegetation shifts, glacial refugia and gene flow of key species in this complex landscape region in response to past climatic oscillations and human disturbance. In this study, we examined maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (nad1 intron b/c and nad5 intron 1) and paternally inherited chloroplast DNA (trnC-trnD) sequence variation within a dominant forest species, Picea crassifolia Kom. We recovered nine mitotypes and two chlorotypes in a survey of 442 individuals from 32 populations sampled throughout the species' range. Significant mitochondrial DNA population subdivision was detected (G(ST) = 0.512; N(ST) = 0.679), suggesting low levels of recurrent gene flow through seeds among populations and significant phylogeographical structure (N(ST) > GST, P < 0.05). Plateau haplotypes differed in sequence from those in the adjacent highlands, suggesting a long period of allopatric fragmentation between the species in the two regions and the presence of independent refugia in each region during Quaternary glaciations. On the QTP platform, all but one of the disjunct populations surveyed were fixed for the same mitotype, while most populations at the plateau edge contained more than one haplotype with the mitotype that was fixed in plateau platform populations always present at high frequency. This distribution pattern suggests that present-day disjunct populations on the QTP platform experienced a common recolonization history. The same phylogeographical pattern, however, was not detected for paternally inherited chloroplast DNA haplotypes. Two chlorotypes were distributed throughout the range of the species with little geographical population differentiation (G(ST) = N(ST) = 0.093). This provides evidence for highly efficient pollen-mediated gene flow among isolated forest patches, both within and between the QTP and adjacent highland populations. A lack of isolation to pollen-mediated gene flow between forests on the QTP and adjacent highlands is surprising given that the Tengger Desert has been a geographical barrier between these two regions for approximately the last 1.8 million years.  相似文献   

Wall lizards of the genus Podarcis (Sauria, Lacertidae) comprise 17 currently recognized species in southern Europe, where they are the predominant reptile group. The taxonomy of Podarcis is complex and unstable. Based on DNA sequence data the species of Podarcis falls into four main groups that have substantial geographical conherence (western island group, southwestern group, Italian group and Balkan group). The Balkan species are divided in two subgroups: the subgroup of Podarcis taurica (P. taurica, P. milensis, P. gaigeae and perhaps P. melisellensis), and the subgroup of Podarcis erhardii (P. erhardii and P. peloponnesiaca). We addressed the question of phylogenetic relations among the species of the P. taurica subgroup encountered in Greece, as they can be inferred from partial mtDNA (cyt b and 16S) sequences. Our data support the monophyly of P. taurica subgroup and suggest that P. gaigeae, P. milensis and P. melisellensis form a clade, which thereinafter connects to P. taurica. Within the previous clade, P. gaigeae is more closely related to P. milensis than to P. melisellensis. However, the specimens of P. taurica were subdivided in two different groups. The first one includes the specimens from northeastern Greece, and the other group includes the specimens from the rest of continental Greece and Ionian islands. Because the molecular clock of the cyt b and 16 rRNA genes was not rejected in our model test, it is possible to estimate times of speciation events. Based on the splitting of the island of Crete from Peloponnisos [c. 5 million years ago (Ma)], the evolutionary rate for the cyt b is 1.55% per million years (Myr) and for the 16S rRNA is 0.46% per Myr. These results suggest that the evolutionary history of P. taurica in Greece is more complex than a single evolutionary invasion. The data analysed, stress the need for a reconsideration of the evolutionary history of Greek Podarcis species and help overcome difficulties that classical taxonomy has encountered at both the species level.  相似文献   

Y. QU  F. LEI  R. ZHANG  X. LU 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(2):338-351
Pleistocene climate fluctuations have shaped the patterns of genetic diversity observed in extant species. In contrast to Europe and North America where the effects of recent glacial cycles on genetic diversity have been well studied, the genetic legacy of the Pleistocene for the Qinghai‐Tibetan (Tibetan) plateau, a region where glaciation was not synchronous with the North Hemisphere ice sheet maxima, remains poorly understood. Here, we compared the phylogeographical patterns of five avian species on the Qinghai‐Tibetan plateau by three mitochondrial DNA fragments: the Tibetan snow finch (Montifringilla adamsi), the Blanford’s snow finch (Pyrgilauda blanfordi), the horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), the twite (Carduelis flavirostris) and the black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros). Our results revealed the three species mostly distributed on the platform region of the plateau that experienced population expansion following the retreat of the extensive glaciation period (0.5–0.175 Ma). These results are at odds with the results from avian species of Europe and North America, where population expansions occurred after Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 0.023–0.018 Ma). A single refugium was identified in a restricted semi‐continuous area around the eastern margin of the plateau, instead of multiple independent refugia for European and North American species. For the other two species distributed on the edges of the plateau (the twite and black redstart), populations were maintained at stable levels. Edge areas are located on the eastern margin, which might have had little or no ice cover during the glaciation period. Thus, milder climate may have mitigated demographic stresses for edge species relative to the extremes experienced by platform counterparts, the present‐day ranges of which were heavily ice covered during the glaciation period. Finally, various behavioural and ecological characteristics, including dispersal capacities, habitat preference and altitude specificity along with evolutionary history might have helped to shape different phylogeographical structures appearing in these five species.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism has implications for a range of biological and ecological factors, and intersexual morphological differences within a species provide an ideal opportunity for investigating evolutionary influences on phenotypic variation. We investigated sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in an agamid species, Rankinia [Tympanocryptis] diemensis , to determine whether overall size and/or relative morphological trait size differences exist and whether geographic variation in size dimorphism occurs in this species. Relative morphological trait proportions included a range of head, limb, and inter-limb measurements. We found significant overall intersexual adult size differences; females were the larger sex across all sites but the degree of dimorphism between the sexes did not differ between sites. This female-biased size difference is atypical for agamid lizards, which are usually characterized by large male body size. In this species, large female-biased SSD appears to have evolved as a result of fecundity advantages. The size of relative morphological trait also differed significantly between the sexes, but in the opposite direction: relative head, tail, and limb sizes were significantly larger in males than females. This corresponds to patterns in trait size usually found in this taxonomic group, where male head and limb size is important in contest success such as male–male rivalry. There were site-specific morphological differences in hatchlings, including overall body size, tail, inter-limb, thigh, and hindlimb lengths; however, there were no sex-specific differences indicating the body size differences present in the adult form occur during ontogeny.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 699–709.  相似文献   

Darevskia praticola differs from the other species of the genus in having a large but disjunct distribution, covering the Balkan and the Caucasus regions. Furthermore, most Darevskia species occupy saxicolous habitats, whereas D. praticola inhabits meadows and forest environments. Here we determine the phylogeographic and phylogenetic relationships of Darevskia praticola sensu lato and evaluate the current, morphology-based taxonomy. We sequenced two mtDNA genes (Cyt-b and ND4) and two nuclear loci (MC1R and RELN) for samples collected across the species range. Because our sequences amplified with the Cyt-b primers appear to represent a nuclear pseudogene we excluded this marker from the final analysis. Our results support monophyly of D. praticola and show its division into three clades. The first divergence, dated to the Late Pliocene, is between the Balkans and the Caucasus. The Caucasus lineage is further subdivided in a western Greater Caucasus and a Transcaucasia clade, likely due to subsequent differentiation during the Pleistocene. Our findings do not support the current taxonomic arrangement within D. praticola. The main geographic divergence likely happened due to a vicariance event associated with Plio-Pleistocene climatic and vegetation oscillations.  相似文献   

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