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Abstract.  1. Cannibalism was investigated in the wolf spider Pardosa monticola (Clerck) using spiders collected from four populations with varying densities, inhabiting two different coastal dune habitat types. Sampled individuals were paired randomly and tested immediately for their cannibalism propensity.
2. The occurrence of cannibalism was found to be influenced by the size (cephalothorax width) of both the smaller and the larger spider of a pair. Larger size differences enhanced cannibalism.
3. Cannibalism rates were not significantly different in spiders from high-density compared with low-density populations. Cannibalism rates showed, however, large variability between habitat types, with higher rates in spiders from dune grasslands than from dune slacks. This is suggested to result from differences in prey availability throughout the growing season between both habitat types.
4. Different size classes of spiders did not use different microhabitats, indicating that microhabitat segregation as a cannibalism-avoidance behaviour is absent in this species.  相似文献   

Animals may exhibit a variety of defensive behaviors in thepresence of indirect predator cues. Such behavior offers immediatefitness benefits but may also incur substantial foraging andreproductive costs. We measured shifts in space use (verticalclimbing) by the wolf spider Pardosa milvina induced by chemotactilecues (silk and excreta) from a co-occurring predatory wolfspider Hogna helluo. We then measured foraging and reproductive costs, as well as survival benefits, of this behavior. For 2weeks, we maintained mated adult female Pardosa in plasticcontainers with one of three treated peat moss substrates:a container previously occupied by a conspecific for 3 days,a container previously occupied by an adult Hogna for 3 days,and a container devoid of either cue (control). We measuredprey capture efficiency, body condition, egg sac production,egg sac weight, and egg number for individuals in each treatment.We also counted the number of Pardosa that survived and exhibitedclimbing behavior in the presence of a live Hogna with andwithout silk and excreta cues. Pardosa climbed container wallssignificantly more often in the presence of Hogna silk andexcreta relative to other treatments. Pardosa exposed to Hognacues coupled with live Hogna survived significantly longerthan spiders that had no predator cues available. Pardosa placedin containers with Hogna cues, but no Hogna, lost weight morequickly, ate fewer prey, were in poorer body condition, producedlighter egg sacs, and produced fewer eggs than spiders in controlor conspecific treatments.  相似文献   

In invertebrates, the size at maturation is considered to be important for adult fitness. In the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata, however, it is only females that clearly benefit of larger size through augmented egg production, while male mating success is determined by display activity not related to size. Thus, we can expect conflicting growth patterns for the sexes. Additionally, populations differ greatly in adult size: individuals from dry habitats are smaller than those from wet habitats. To study the sexual differences in reaction norms of growth, we reared spiderlings from seven populations at two food levels under controlled laboratory conditions and compared size at sexual maturity. The shapes of reaction norms for adult size differed between the sexes. In females, the reaction norms were parallel, but individuals from dry habitats tended to grow larger at the given food levels. In males, there was a significant interaction between food level and population without any consistent differences between populations. Maturation time was a plastic character in both sexes with no genetic differences among populations. However, females on low food level matured later and significantly smaller in size than those on high food level. Males also matured later on low food level, but they were nearly of the same size as males that received more food. Female growth patterns reflected the strong selection for large size at maturity. However, the patterns for males were highly variable, which could be explained by the weak overall selection on male size, which means that any environmental factors can affect male growing patterns. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Various strategies have evolved to protect animals from predators. We explored the activity and predation risk experienced by two species of aphid. Both species will drop from plants when disturbed and face a suite of predators, including wolf spiders, when they reach the ground. We focused on Aphis fabae Scopoli and Aphis nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe (Hemiptera: Aphididae, Aphidini); A. nerii sequesters cardiac glycosides when it feeds on milkweed. We explored the interactions between these aphids and the wolf spider Pardosa milvina Hentz (Araneae: Lycosidae) that is likely a predator they encounter when they are not on their host plants. We hypothesized that there would be differences in the susceptibility of the two species to predation and that the more vulnerable species would react more strongly to substrate-borne cues deposited by the spider. We predicted that any behavioral reactions that the aphid displayed in response to predator cues would be effective in reducing risk. We documented the activity of each aphid species on chemotactile cues from P. milvina and measured predation rate in arenas with and without those same cues. Aphis fabae altered their activity in the presence of P. milvina cues but A. nerii did not. Likewise, A. fabae was more susceptible to predation by P. milvina when no cues were present, but when cues were present, predatory success was much lower. Aphis nerii, the less desirable prey for this predator, moved less and had a different locomotory pattern than A. fabae in control trials with no spider cues and so we cannot determine whether its chemical protection or activity were more important in reducing predation levels. These results provide insight into the risks faced by aphids when they are off of their host plant and in a barren environment.  相似文献   

Potential constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity were tested using data from a previous study on predator-induced morphology and life history in the freshwater snail Physa heterostropha. The benefit of plasticity can be reduced if facultative development is associated with energetic costs, developmental instability, or an impaired developmental range. I examined plasticity in two traits for 29 families of P. heterostropha to see if it was associated with growth rate or fecundity, within-family phenotypic variance, or the potential to produce extreme phenotypes. Support was found for only one of the potential constraints. There was a strong negative selection gradient for growth rate associated with plasticity in shell shape (β = ?0.3, P < 0.0001). This result was attributed to a genetic correlation between morphological plasticity and an antipredator behavior that restricts feeding. Thus, reduced growth associated with morphological plasticity may have had unmeasured fitness benefits. The growth reduction, therefore, is equivocal as a cost of plasticity. Using different fitness components (e.g., survival, fecundity, growth) to seek constraints on plasticity will yield different results in selection gradient analyses. Procedural and conceptual issues related to tests for costs and limits of plasticity are discussed, such as whether constraints on plasticity will be evolutionarily ephemeral and difficult to detect in nature.  相似文献   

Behavioral and physiological ecologists have long been interested in explaining the causes and consequences of trait variation, with a focus on individual differences in mean values. However, the majority of phenotypic variation typically occurs within individuals, rather than among individuals (as indicated by average repeatability being less than 0.5). Recent studies have further shown that individuals can also differ in the magnitude of variation that is unexplained by individual variation or environmental factors (i.e., residual variation). The significance of residual variation, or why individuals differ, is largely unexplained, but is important from evolutionary, methodological, and statistical perspectives. Here, we broadly reviewed literature on individual variation in behavior and physiology, and located 39 datasets with sufficient repeated measures to evaluate individual differences in residual variance. We then analyzed these datasets using methods that permit direct comparisons of parameters across studies. This revealed substantial and widespread individual differences in residual variance. The magnitude of individual variation appeared larger in behavioral traits than in physiological traits, and heterogeneity was greater in more controlled situations. We discuss potential ecological and evolutionary implications of individual differences in residual variance and suggest productive future research directions.  相似文献   

Variations in species morphology and life‐history traits strongly correlate with geographic and climatic characteristics. Most studies on morphological variations in animals focus on ectotherms distributed on a large geographic scale across latitudinal and/or altitudinal gradient. However, the morphological variations of spiders living in the same habitats across different seasons have not been reported. In this study, we used the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera, as a model to determine seasonal differences in adult body size, melanism, fecundity, and egg diameter both in the overwintering and the first generation for 2010 and 2016. The results showed that in 2010, both females and males of the overwintering generation were significantly darker than the first generation. Moreover, the overwintering females were markedly larger and produced more and bigger eggs than the first generation in both 2010 and 2016. Considering the overwintering P. astrigera experiencing low temperature and/or desiccation stress, these results suggest that substantially darker and larger body of the overwintering generation is adaptive to adverse conditions.  相似文献   

Animal communication is an important aspect of ecology across taxa, and there is a growing area of research that examines how animals plastically adjust their signals to account for both abiotic and biotic factors. Song type use and the temporal plasticity of song have been described in many bird species, but as of yet, few studies have examined how song type use may change across both seasonal and diel timeframes, and no studies have considered individual-level variation in plasticity. Using a hierarchical framework, we examined temporal patterns of primary and flight song use in ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla; N = 21 individuals). We recorded ovenbird songs (N = 99,259) with autonomous recorders over 24-hr periods once per week across a breeding season near Sault Ste. Marie, Canada. As predicted, the occurrence and frequency of both song types significantly decreased over the season and showed temporal separation over diel periods. Primary songs peaked at dawn and declined throughout the day, while flight songs peaked at dusk and night. Our results support that primary songs have multiple functions as they remained more frequent during dawn and morning across the breeding season, while flight songs likely serve an intersexual function as they decreased similarly for all diel periods as mating opportunities decreased. Individuals were consistent in how frequently they sang their primary songs, but not their flight songs, suggesting that flight songs are more plastically expressed. We highlight the importance of examining plasticity in animal communication at the individual level as we show that males significantly differed in both their song behaviours (random intercepts) and the seasonal plasticity (random slopes) in these behaviours. Integrating themes such as song type use, temporal plasticity, and individual variation will be important for examining the evolutionary mechanisms that shape animal communication systems.  相似文献   

1. Although spiders can colonise ecosystems by air, dispersal capabilities differ among spider species. Web‐building spiders are thought to balloon at higher rates than hunting spiders. Spider success in agricultural systems may also depend on habitat preferences. Few studies have examined the success of aerially dispersing spiders in crop systems, and information about the dispersal capabilities of spiders in putative source habitats is limited. 2. Spiders were monitored in the air and on the foliage of vineyards and adjacent oak woodland in order to compare the aerial spider faunas between these disparate habitats and to determine whether highly dispersive species contributed disproportionately to the spider community in vineyards. 3. The results show that most aerially dispersing spiders in both habitats were web‐building dwarf spiders, Erigone spp. (Linyphiidae), although hunting spiders were also well represented in the air, especially in oak woodland. Most woodland spiders in the air appeared to be residents of oak woodland and probably dispersed only short distances. 4. Conversely, only a subset of the aerial spider fauna established in vineyards in high numbers. Spiders that dominated the aerial fauna were under‐represented on vineyard foliage, whereas several hunting spiders dispersed aerially at low rates but dominated vineyard spider composition. 5. These results suggest that aerial dispersal ability may allow spiders to reach crop systems, but that establishment depends on habitat preferences and/or competitive ability.  相似文献   

Physiological processes vary widely across individuals and can influence how individuals respond to environmental change. Repeatability in how metabolic rate changes across temperatures (i.e. metabolic thermal plasticity) can influence mass-scaling exponents in different thermal environments. Moreover, repeatable plastic responses are necessary for reaction norms to respond to selective forces which is important for populations living in fluctuating environments. Nonetheless, only a small number of studies have explicitly quantified repeatability in metabolic plasticity, and fewer have explored how it can impact mass-scaling. We repeatedly measured standard metabolic rate of n = 42 delicate skinks Lampropholis delicata at six temperatures over the course of four months (N[observations] = 4952). Using hierarchical statistical techniques, we accounted for multi-level variation and measurement error in our data in order to obtain more precise estimates of reaction norm repeatability and mass-scaling exponents at different acute temperatures. Our results show that individual differences in metabolic thermal plasticity were somewhat consistent over time (Rslope = 0.25, 95% CI = 2.48 × 10−8 – 0.67), however estimates were associated with a large degree of error. After accounting for measurement error, which decreased steadily with temperature, we show that among individual variance remained consistent across all temperatures. Congruently, temperature specific repeatability of average metabolic rate was stable across temperatures. Cross-temperature correlations were positive but were not uniform across the reaction norm. After taking into account multiple sources of variation, our estimates for mass-scaling did not change with temperature and were in line with published values for snakes and lizards. This implies that repeatable plastic responses may promote thermal stability of scaling exponents. Our work contributes to understanding how energy expenditure scales with abiotic and biotic factors and the capacity for reaction norms to respond to selection.  相似文献   

Reaction norms across three temperatures of development were measured for thorax length, wing length and wing length/thorax length ratio for ten isofemale lines from each of two populations of Drosophila aldrichi and D. buzzatii. Means for thorax and wing length in both species were larger at 24 °C than at either 18 °C or 31 °C, with the reduction in size at 18 °C most likely due to a nutritional constraint. Although females were larger than males, the sexes were not different for wing length/thorax length ratio. The plasticity of the traits differed between species and between populations of each species, with genetic variation in plasticity similar for the two species from one locality, but much higher for D. aldrichi from the other. Estimates of heritabilities for D. aldrichi generally were higher at 18 °C and 24 °C than at 31 °C, but for D. buzzatii they were highest at 31 °C, although heritabilities were not significantly different between species at any temperature. Additive genetic variances for D. aldrichi showed trends similar to that for heritability, being highest at 18 °C and decreasing as temperature increased. For D. buzzatii, however, additive genetic variances were lowest at 24 °C. These results are suggestive that genetic variation for body size characters is increased in more stressful environments. Thorax and wing lengths showed significant genetic correlations that were not different between the species, but the genetic correlations between each of these traits and their ratio were significantly different. For D. aldrichi, genetic variation in the wing length/thorax length ratio was due primarily to variation in thorax length, while for D. buzzatii, it was due primarily to variation in wing length. The wing length/thorax length ratio, which is the inverse of wing loading, decreased linearly as temperature increased, and it is suggested that this ratio may be of greater adaptive significance than either of its components.  相似文献   

A modular concept of phenotypic plasticity in plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on empirical evidence from the literature we propose that, in nature, phenotypic plasticity in plants is usually expressed at a subindividual level. While reaction norms (i.e. the type and the degree of plant responses to environmental variation) are a property of genotypes, they are expressed at the level of modular subunits in most plants. We thus contend that phenotypic plasticity is not a whole-plant response, but a property of individual meristems, leaves, branches and roots, triggered by local environmental conditions. Communication and behavioural integration of interconnected modules can change the local responses in different ways: it may enhance or diminish local plastic effects, thereby increasing or decreasing the differences between integrated modules exposed to different conditions. Modular integration can also induce qualitatively different responses, which are not expressed if all modules experience the same conditions. We propose that the response of a plant to its environment is the sum of all modular responses to their local conditions plus all interaction effects that are due to integration. The local response rules to environmental variation, and the modular interaction rules may be seen as evolving traits targeted by natural selection. Following this notion, whole-plant reaction norms are an integrative by-product of modular plasticity, which has far-reaching methodological, ecological and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between northern and southern hemisphere populations of Bicyclus butterflies in Africa regarding their responses in wing pattern polyphenism to seasonal change in rainfall and temperature. In southern habitats where temperature and rainfall are often positively correlated, a high temperature during the larval period induces conspicuous wet season forms whereas a fall in temperature elicits cryptic dry season forms. In northern habitats, however, where temperature and rainfall usually are negatively correlated, a rise in temperature should not induce a wet season form because such a rise is correlated with the onset of the dry season. Here, wing pattern plasticity, as measured using museum material, was regressed on mean monthly values for rainfall and temperature. Rainfall appeared to be a frequent determinant of wing pattern plasticity whereas temperature was much less often a significant independent variate. We conclude that the wing pattern may only respond to seasonal change in temperature if rainfall and temperature are positively correlated; in other situations rainfall remains the only significant determinant for wing pattern plasticity.  相似文献   

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