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Abstract. The flora of clear‐cuttings with soil scarification in forests was compared < 1–2 yr after cutting with that in mature herb‐rich forests in SW Finland. The total and mean numbers of vascular plant species both in the study areas and in the sample plots, were almost double in clear‐cut areas compared to mature forests. Clear‐cuttings and mature forests were distinctly separated by multivariate analyses (DCA). Several dozen species not found in forests were common in clear‐cut areas. Most of them probably belong to the neglected native species pool of early boreal forest succession and are dependent on the long‐term persistent seed bank or effective wind dispersal. It is emphasized that in forests many plant species are confined to the very early stages (< 2 yr) after disturbance. The storage effect of the long‐term persistent seed bank is crucial for the maintenance of plant diversity in boreal forests. Probably a considerable part of the flora of agricultural areas is composed of species that were originally disturbance dependent forest plants. Scarification is beneficial to disturbance dependent plants and may be useful in restoration of populations of species of early succession.  相似文献   

To assess the potential and develop appropriate techniques for the recolonization of lakeshore vegetation at sites where it had been completely lost, a pilot project was launched at Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. We investigated the species composition and density of the soil seed banks (propagule banks) of lake sediments at nine sites (total area, 65,200 m2) where lake sediments were spread thinly (∼10 cm) on the surfaces of artificial littoral zones. These zones were constructed in front of concrete levees and had microtopographic variations. In total, 180 species, including six endangered or vulnerable species and 12 native submerged plants that had disappeared from the aboveground vegetation of the lake, were recorded during the first year of restoration. The distribution of each restored species at the sites suggested the importance of microtopographic variation for recolonizing species-rich lakeshore vegetation. Furthermore, the origin of the source sediment affected the species composition of the established vegetation.  相似文献   

We analysed the pattern of covariation of European spider species richness with various environmental variables at different scales. Four layers of perception ranging from single investigation sites to the whole European continent were selected. Species richness was determined using published data from all four scales. Correlation analyses and stepwise multiple linear regression were used to relate richness to topographic, climatic and biotic variables. Up to nine environmental variables were included in the analyses (area, latitude, elevation range, mean annual temperature, local variation in mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, mean July temperature, local variation in mean July temperature, plant species richness). At the local and at the continental scale, no significant correlations with surface area were found, whereas at the landscape and regional scale, surface area had a significant positive effect on species richness. Factors that were positively correlated with species richness at both broader scales were plant species richness, elevation range, and specific temperature variables (regional scale: local variation in mean annual, and mean July temperature; continental scale: mean July temperature). Latitude was significantly negatively correlated with the species richness at the continental scale. Multiple models for spider species richness data accounted for up to 77% of the total variance in spider species richness data. Furthermore, multiple models explained variation in plant species richness up to 79% through the variables mean July temperature and elevation range. We conclude that these first continental wide analyses grasp the overall pattern in spider species richness of Europe quite well, although some of the observed patterns are not directly causal. Climatic variables are expected to be among the most important direct factors, although other variables (e.g. elevation range, plant species richness) are important (surrogate) correlates of spider species richness.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper concerns the hypothesis that shoot (light) competition is the main interaction determining the community change during succession from a relatively species-poor deciduous forest (an overgrown former grassland) to a species-rich grassland, while root (nutrient) competition is of little importance. In a 4-yr restoration experiment, clearcutting, mowing and root trenching were used as treatments. The results did not reject the hypothesis. However, the significance of separating two kinds of shoot competition - ‘coarse-scale (between different growth forms) and ‘fine-scale’ (between similar growth forms) became evident. Release from the ‘coarse-scale’ shoot competition (between different growth forms) increased species richness at the beginning of the experiment. This change was interpreted as the replacement of one species pool (shade-tolerant herbaceous perennials) by another (light-demanding herbaceous perennials), the second pool containing considerably more species. The importance of ‘fine-scale’ shoot competition increased gradually - the levelling of competition by mowing resulted in a more pronounced increase in species richness during successive years. The elimination of ‘coarse-scale’ root competition seemed to be important to some extent only in combination with another treatment - mowing. Initial colonization of the cleared area by individual species was a stochastic process which had little relevance to life-history traits. True grassland species were able to colonize quickly. On the community scale, the developing community still remained relatively poor in species. In all plots which were cleared but not mown, succession already started to reverse towards woody vegetation in the third year.  相似文献   

Abstract. After abandonment many limestone grasslands have been overgrown by trees and shrubs; as a result, species-rich communities with many regionally rare and endangered species are vanishing. Some studies suggest that, in cases where grassland is being restored, the species composition and rate of change is strongly dependent on the initial conditions, i.e. the earlier presence of grassland species and the opportunity for colonization of new sites by grassland species. These hypotheses were tested in a five-year restoration experiment after the clearing of a 35-yr-old secondary pine wood developed on abandoned grassland. Tree cutting induced rapid changes in the floristic composition and species cover. The number of grassland species from the class Festuco-Brometea increased significantly in the restored grassland, but their cover was much lower than in the old grassland. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed significant differences in species composition between the grassland restored in former wood gaps and that developed in former closed wood. In wood gap sites the cover of species from the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and tufted perennials was much higher, whereas the cover of Festuco-Brometea species was lower. Significantly more shrubs, woodland species, ruderal and nitrophilous species as well as annual and biennial species occurred in the former closed wood site. It was found that richness and composition of the restored grassland depended strongly on the community composition before tree cutting, as well as on the presence of grassland species in the neighbourhood. Periodical tree cutting enables the maintenance of a temporal-spatial mosaic of scrub-grassland communities in isolated habitats and the preservation of local species diversity.  相似文献   

Firn J  Erskine PD  Lamb D 《Oecologia》2007,154(3):521-533
We investigated the relationship between plant diversity and ecological function (production and nutrient cycling) in tropical tree plantations. Old plantations (65–72 years) of four different species, namely Araucaria cunninghamii, Agathis robusta, Toona ciliata and Flindersia brayleyana, as well as natural secondary forest were examined at Wongabel State Forest, in the wet tropics region of Queensland, Australia. Two young plantations (23 years) of Araucaria cunninghamii and Pinus caribaea were also examined. The close proximity of the older plantations and natural forests meant they had similar edaphic and climatic conditions. All plantations had been established as monocultures, but had been colonised by a range of native woody plants from the nearby rainforest. The extent to which this had occurred varied with the identity of the plantation species (from 2 to 17 species in 0.1 ha blocks). In many cases these additional species had grown up and joined the forest canopy. This study is one of the few to find a negative relationship between overstorey plant diversity and productivity. The conversion of natural forest with highly productive, low-diversity gymnosperm-dominated plantations (young and old Araucaria cunninghamii and Pinus caribaea) was found to be associated with lower soil nutrient availability (approximately five times less phosphorus and 2.5 times less nitrogen) and lower soil pH (mean = 6.28) compared to the other, less productive plantations. The dominant effects of two species, Araucaria cunninghamii and Hodgkinsonia frutescens, indicate that ecosystem functions such as production and nutrient availability are not determined solely by the number of species, but are more likely to be determined by the characteristics of the species present. This suggests that monoculture plantations can be used to successfully restore some functions (e.g. nutrient cycling and production), but that the level to which such functions can be restored will depend upon the species chosen and site conditions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Restoration of species-rich flood meadows impoverished by agricultural intensification is an important challenge. The relationships between flooding regime and soil seed bank were compared in three successive meadow communities (hygrophilic, mesohygrophilic and mesophilic) distinguished along a topographic and hydric gradient. Differences in flood duration and frequency between the three associations allowed the study of the contribution of floods to soil seed bank richness and density. No significant difference was found in species richness among the three soil seed banks, whereas the densities were significantly higher in the wettest community. The three seed bank compositions were clearly distinguished along the hydric gradient. In fact, the three seed bank types constituted a species poor version of the meadow communities to which they belong. Flood contributions appear to play a minor role in seed bank enrichment. Thus, seed dispersal by flood water would probably be insufficient to enable the restoration of alluvial meadows.  相似文献   

The relationship was studied between shoot biomass, nutrient concentration in the soil and number of species per unit area. The study was carried out in two different parts of the Netherlands, the Gelderse Vallei (east of Amersfoort) and the Westbroekse Zodden (northwest of Utrecht). Four series of vegetation and soil samples were taken: one series in grassland and wetland communities, one series in grassland communities, one series in fen communities and one series in only one wetland community. The two series in grassland communities show a negative correlation between shoot biomass and species number and a positive correlation between shoot biomass and nutrient concentration in the soil. The opposite was found in the series in the fen communities: there was a positive correlation between species number and shoot biomass and a negative correlation between shoot biomass and nutrient concentrations. The series of samples that had been taken in only one wetland community showed an optimum curve for the relation between shoot biomass and number of species. It is concluded that in the plant communities studied the species richness per unit area increases with increasing productivity at low production levels (< 400–500 g/m2) and decreases with increasing productivity at higher production levels (> 400–500 g/m2).  相似文献   

This study investigated four inselberg landscapes in Namibia's aridNama Karoo. Inselbergs of different size and geology were investigated (a) todetermine environmental variables influencing the number of inselberg restrictedplant species and (b) to investigate seed dispersal spectra as one parameterdescribing functional properties of inselberg specialists. With regard to therole of inselbergs in contributing to local and regional species richness, manyspecies restricted to inselberg habitats occurred (up to 79 species recorded inthis survey) and so contribute to local and regional species richness. As nospecies endemic to an inselberg were recorded in this study, inselbergspecialists may provide an indicator for conservation value of these mountains.Elevation rather than surface area provided a measure for predicting the numberof inselberg specialists. Besides elevation, underlying geology, and resultinglandforms and edaphic conditions, as well as distance to potential mainland alsoinfluenced the number of inselberg specialists. Functional relationships betweeninselbergs based on seed dispersal spectra of inselberg specialists were notconclusive.  相似文献   

阿拉善干旱荒漠区不同植被类型土壤种子库研究   总被引:45,自引:4,他引:45  
[1]兰州大学草地农业科技学院,兰州730020 [2]甘肃草原生态研究所,兰州730020 [3]内蒙古阿拉善盟草原站,巴彦浩特750360  相似文献   

Abstract. Due to economic pressures and policy changes Lolium perenne‐Trifolium repens sown swards in upland UK sheep systems are likely to become less intensively managed. We present results from the first 5 yr of a long‐term experiment studying vegetation change under more extensive grazing management at three sites. One treatment was representative of current, intensive management and 5 were unfertilized with different intensities of seasonal grazing. The species composition of unfertilized, ungrazed swards changed dramatically within 2 yr and the sown species had virtually disappeared by year 5. Ranunculus repens, Poa trivialis, Agrostis gigantea, Juncus spp. and Carex spp. became dominant at the wettest site. Grasses were dominant at the other sites. In contrast, the sown species were retained in the unfertilized, grazed treatments; there were small shifts in abundance of the species present initially and few additions or losses of species. Some colonizing species were present in the seed bank whereas others with a transient seed bank appeared to have invaded from neighbouring vegetation. Implications of these results for compensation schemes to reduce animal output and increase biodiversity are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examine the potential of standardised data, mainly collected in the laboratory, to elucidate mechanisms of species coexistence, using a south-facing, infertile, species- rich limestone grassland at Miller's Dale, Derbyshire, England as a model system. Standardised autecological data for 15 of the more important Miller's Dale species were obtained from the Integrated Screening Programme (ISP), and their functional attributes were reviewed in the context of a larger database, broadly representative of the British flora. Ordination of adult plant attributes demonstrated that the Miller's Dale species are strategically relatively uniform; most are slow-growing, evergreen and tolerant of mineral nutrient deficiency. Ordination of seed attributes revealed more variety among the Miller's Dale species; the main axis of variation was from species with large, transient seeds (mostly grasses) to species with small, persistent seeds (mostly dicots). From the ordination we derive the predictions that germination of the latter species will be more temporally opportunistic and more inhibited by the presence of vegetation than the former. These predictions are consistent with data collected in experimental studies of seed persistence and germination at the site. These data suggest that spatial and temporal variation in opportunities for regeneration is an important mechanism contributing to the high species richness of dry limestone grasslands.  相似文献   

Abstract. The vegetation and soil seed bank in a limestone grassland in southern Sweden were studied in permanent 1-m2 subplots which had been either grazed or not grazed for 17 yr. Of the 92 species recorded, 18 were present only in the seed bank, 28 were more frequent and 24 were less frequent in the seed bank than in the vegetation and 22 were not detected in the seed bank. Among the species present in the seed bank, therophytes were over-represented. Species turnover in the vegetation was estimated from presence/absence data collected in 1980, 1986 and 1990. Turnover was high, but there were no differences between grazed and ungrazed subplots. The turnover for individual species was also high in many cases. There was no clear relationship between the turnover of a species and its presence in the persistent seed bank.  相似文献   

Restoration of semi-natural grasslands by cattle grazing is among the most practical options for reversing the decline of northern European floristic diversity, but no studies on this subject are available. In this work the success of restoration of abandoned, privately owned mesic semi-natural grasslands by farmers receiving support from the EU agri-environmental support scheme was studied in southwestern Finland. Three kinds of grasslands were compared: old (continuously cattle grazed), new (cattle grazing restarted 3–8 years ago) and abandoned pastures (grazing terminated >10 years ago). Plant species composition of the three pasture types was floristically different in multivariate analyses (non-metric multidimensional scaling). Total species richness, richness of grassland plants, indicator plants and rare plants were highest in old and lowest in abandoned pastures in all studied spatial scales (0.25–0.8 ha, 1 and 0.01 m2). The results were congruent with different scales and species list definitions, suggesting that species density scale (1 m2) can be used as a partial surrogate for large scale species richness. Species richness of new pastures was 20% higher on 0.25–0.8 ha, 40–50% higher on 1 m2 and 30% higher on the 0.01 m2 scale compared to abandoned grasslands. Rare species showed insignificant response to resumed grazing. Despite problems in management quality, this study showed promising results of restoration of abandoned grasslands by cattle grazing on private farms. However, populations of several rare grassland plants may not recover with present cattle grazing regimes. Management regulations in the agri-environmental support scheme need to be defined more precisely for successful restoration.  相似文献   

Changes in plant species richness at various spatial scales were investigated by manipulative experiment in mountain grasslands. The aim of the research was to compare changes in species richness in newly abandoned sites and sites where restoration measures were applied after 20 years of abandonment. The plots were located in two vegetation types with different moisture regime. Species richness decreased significantly after abandonment, mainly at the finest spatial scale of 10 × 10 cm. There was significant increase of species richness on restored sites, but it was apparent mainly at a larger scale. However, even 4 years of regular mowing were not sufficient to restore species richness to the level typical for traditionally managed grasslands in the region. No significant difference was found in the performance of the 2 contrasting vegetation types (wet and dry) in relation to management measures. A significant difference in scale-dependent species richness was only observed. The dry type had a steeper species-area curve, with a lower number of species at the finest spatial scale. According to the results of the experiment, mountain grasslands are very vulnerable habitats, losing their conservation value quickly after abandonment. Restoration is possible due to an extensive species pool in the region, but return to the original species richness at all spatial scales is quite a long process.  相似文献   

Abstract. Species richness in calcareous grassland is discussed against the background of historical dispersal processes associated with traditional land-use management such as grazing, but also the artificial establishment by hayseed. Important vectors in the traditionally man-made landscape were sheep and cattle or other livestock such as goats. Calcareous grasslands were not only connected to each other but also to other habitats such as villages, forests, arable fields and heathlands by these vectors which could cover large distances (e.g. transhumance shepherding), which is not the case in the current man-made landscape. Species richness after restoration management of abandoned and afforested calcareous grasslands was predicted by using characters of dispersability in space and time. These were the persistence of the species in the vegetation and the diaspore bank after abandonment or afforestation and the dispersal capacity through wind and sheep. The results reveal that reintroduction of sheep grazing is necessary to reestablish the original species richness. The first validation of the prediction of the succession on clear-cut sites and a comparison with data of species composition in abandoned quarries and the surroundings made it obvious that a species' own dispersal capacity in space is very low except for some well wind-dispersed species. Therefore, it is recommended to include and to simulate dispersal processes in future management to be able to restore the original species richness.  相似文献   

Dupuis JA  Joachim J 《Biometrics》2006,62(3):706-712
We consider the problem of estimating the number of species of an animal community. It is assumed that it is possible to draw up a list of species liable to be present in this community. Data are collected from quadrat sampling. Models considered in this article separate the assumptions related to the experimental protocol and those related to the spatial distribution of species in the quadrats. Our parameterization enables us to incorporate prior information on the presence, detectability, and spatial density of species. Moreover, we elaborate procedures to build the prior distributions on these parameters from information furnished by external data. A simulation study is carried out to examine the influence of different priors on the performances of our estimator. We illustrate our approach by estimating the number of nesting bird species in a forest.  相似文献   

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