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Kuznetsovka, a very rich locality of Interglacial mollusks and small mammals overlies the Donian Glacial strata of the Oka-Don Plain. Mollusks and small mammal from this locality are described in detail. The crucial stage in the development of Middle Pleistocene mollusk and mammal faunas is investigated. The data obtained allow the dating of fossiliferous deposits and reconstruction of sedimentation and environmental conditions of the fauna. The comparison of the Kuznetsovka Fauna with materials from central and western Europe permits its direct correlation with the fauna of the Cromerian stratotype in West Runton (Norfolk, England). Thus, the deposits of the Kuznetsovka section were formed during the second half of the early Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Three new conodont species, Streptognathodus neverovensis, S. isakovae, and Idiognathodus mestsherensis, which are widespread in the Kasimovian Stage of central Russia, are described.  相似文献   

Representatives of nine bryozoan genera of four orders are identified for the first time from the carbonate deposits of the stratotype section of the Upper Kazanian Substage of the Middle Permian. Among them four new species are established and described: Permopora volgensis sp. nov., Stellahexaformis burovi sp. nov., Alternifenestella esaulovae sp. nov., and Wjatkella definita sp. nov. A brief lithological characterization is provided of the carbonate deposits that contain the remains of these bryozoans and were formed under the conditions of transgression-regression cycles of the Late Kazanian marine basin. Some questions concerning the taphonomy, ecology, and morphology of the bryozoans studied are considered.  相似文献   

Soricid remains collected from Bed I of Olduvai Gorge are described. The great majority of the specimens are mandibles. A survey of the mandibles of living African species revealed many differences in characters of the lower teeth and jaw that can be used for identification. On the basis of these characters, nine species are distinguished in the Olduvai collection, of which six are well enough preserved to permit a discussion of their relationships to living species. Three new species and one new subspecies are described. All the Olduvai shrews differ in some respects from their nearest living relatives; three species are close to species from Makapansgat, Swartkrans and Sterkfontein, RSA, though there appear to be slight differences. A change in the soricid fauna takes place within Bed I, interpreted as due to increasing aridity.  相似文献   

New taxonomic study of the “old collection” of Carnivora from Petralona Cave, associated to the well-known hominid skull, housed in the Geology School of the Thessaloniki Aristotle University since 1960, revealed 11 species (Canis arnensis, Lycaon lycaonoides, Vulpes praeglacialis, Ursus deningeri, U. spelaeus, U. arctos, Pliocrocuta perrieri, Pachycrocuta brevirostris, Crocuta crocuta, Panthera leo spelaea, and Felis silvestris), which are described in detail. The species composition is typical of the eastern part of the European Mediterranean and may be divided into three biostratigraphic assemblages: early Middle Pleistocene, late Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Stromatoporoidea are widespread in the Upper Ordovician and Silurian beds of the Kozhim River (western slope of the Subpolar Urals). Five new species Cystostroma prodigiosum sp. nov., Stylostroma flabellatum sp. nov., Labechiina arguta sp. nov., Ecclimadictyon faveolatum sp. nov., and Araneosustroma astroplexum sp. nov. are described.  相似文献   

Lower Callovian deposits (subpatruus and koenigi ammonite zones) in the Mikhailovskii Mine section (Central Russia, Kursk Region) yielded 13 ostracode species (two of them are new) belonging to ten genera. This ostracode assemblage corresponds to ostracode beds with Praeschuleridea wartae-Pleurocythere kurskensis. The stratigraphic range of these beds corresponds to three ammonite biohorizons: Chamoussetia crobyloides, Kepplerites gowerianus gowerianus, and K. indigestus. Three distinct ostracode assemblages have been defined in the section based on their taxonomy and occurrence pattern. Two new species, Pleurocythere kurskensis sp. nov. and Pseudohutsonia wienholzae sp. nov., are described.  相似文献   

The prevalence and chronology of enamel hypoplasias were studied in a hominid dental sample from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) Middle Pleistocene site at the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, northern Spain). A total of 89 permanent maxillary teeth, 143 permanent mandibular teeth, and one deciduous lower canine, belonging to a minimum of 29 individuals, were examined. Excluding the antimeres (16 maxillary and 37 mandibular cases) from the sample, the prevalence of hypoplasias in the permanent dentition is 12.8% (23/179), whereas the deciduous tooth also showed an enamel defect. No statistically significant differences were found between both arcades and between the anterior and postcanine teeth for the prevalence of hypoplasias. In both the maxilla and the mandible the highest frequency of enamel hypoplasias was recorded in the canines. Only one tooth (a permanent upper canine) showed two different enamel defects, and most of the hypoplasias were expressed as faint linear horizontal defects. Taking into account the limitations that the incompleteness of virtually all permanent dentitions imposes, we have estimated that the frequency by individual in the SH hominid sample was not greater than 40%. Most of the hypoplasias occurred between birth and 7 years (N = 18, X = 3.5, SD = 1.3). Both the prevalence and severity of the hypoplasias of the SH hominid sample are significantly less than those of a large Neandertal sample. Furthermore, prehistoric hunter-gatherers and historic agricultural and industrial populations exhibit a prevalence of hypoplasias generally higher than that of the SH hominids. Implications for the survival strategies and life quality of the SH hominids are also discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A. Rosas 《Human Evolution》2000,15(1-2):83-98
The ontogenetic processes underlying the variation detected in the European Middle Pleistocene hominids are explored. Regulation of growth parameters of the ontogenetic trajectory of these hominid is discussed in the context of heterochrony schemes. The sample of mandibles coming from the Atauuerca-SH site is used as a study case. The variability shown by these mandibles can be arranged along a morphological gradient, and study of growth directions has shown that the remodelling patterns are in line with the existence of a single morphogenetic pattern controlling the process. In addition, the spectrum of morphology detected in the Atapuerca sample virtually encompasses the entire range of variability detected in European Middle Pleistocene samples. From a morphological viewpoint, a hypermorphic pattern seems to be the responsible for the individual variation detected in the sample. Yet, when this information is related to mandibular growth and craniofacial interactions, evidence of an interindividual gradient of somatic development for the Atapuerca hominids is provided. Several hypotheses concerning growth parameters, however, may account for this gradient. Time and rate hypermorphosis hypothesis are discussed. Coincidence of the gradient of variation detected in this sample and the general mandibular growth trajectory of living species, support the hypothesis that is “time of maturation” of the organism the key factor.  相似文献   

符国瑷 《广西植物》2001,21(2):95-98,T001
1.五指山锥 别名 :山白锥 (五指山 ) 新种 图版 - ACastanopsis wuzhishangensis  G.A.Fu sp.nov.Species affinis Castanopsi carlesii( Hemsl.) Hayatavar.spinulosa,a qua folia crasoribus et duroribus dif-ferf.Etiam affinis C.Echinocarpae Miq.var.senin-udae,se  相似文献   

Material of Hispanomys (Rodentia, Cricetodontinae) is described from various localities at Batallones (MN10) (Madrid, Spain). All of it belongs to a single species, which differs from the other known species of the genus and a new taxon, Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. , is created for it. The samples from the various localities show differences interpreted as being the result of slight age disparities amongst the different sites. Although they were previously thought to be coeval, Batallones 10 is probably older than Batallones 1, which is possibly older than Batallones 3. Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. is characterized by several morphological features such as the lack of cingula and mesolophs, the presence of well‐developed ectolophs, four‐ or five‐rooted M1, short or absent mesolophids, and reduced and simplified M3. Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. is a relatively derived species, the evolutionary stage of which is comparable to those of other members of the genus from the Upper Vallesian. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 725–747.  相似文献   

胡亮 《生物多样性》2021,29(10):1403
海洋底栖贝类是海洋底栖无脊椎动物的重要代表。福建平潭岛地处台湾海峡西岸北部, 是中国大陆距台湾岛最近之处, 其海域内的底栖贝类区系对了解台湾海峡及其附近海域的生态环境和底栖生物地理格局具有重要意义。本文基于对2015-2018年间中山大学国土资源与环境系在平潭岛海域采集的3,346号底栖贝类标本的鉴定, 结合已发表文献整理出了平潭岛海域底栖贝类名录, 并梳理了各物种在中国近海的地理分布类型。结果显示, 本研究所采标本分属58科122属161种, 其中47种为平潭岛海域新记录。结合历史文献记录, 平潭岛海域共有底栖贝类98科244属395种。其中93.7%的种类在南海亦有分布, 82.0%的种类在东海有分布, 31.1%的种类在黄渤海有分布, 42.3%的种类在台湾岛东部海域有分布。南海-东海分布型种类占区系总种数的49.9%; 其次为南海-黄渤海分布型(27.6%)和南海-台湾海峡分布型(16.2%)。分布限于台湾海峡及其以北的种类仅占总种数的6.3%。研究结果表明, 平潭岛海域底栖贝类区系具典型的亚热带性质, 暖水性种类和广温性种类占主要优势, 与南海北部和东海大陆沿岸地区的关系密切, 与台湾岛周边海域的联系相对较弱。  相似文献   

Pleistocene erratic boulders in northern Germany and Denmark yield upper Lower Cambrian ellipsocephaloid trilobites described asEpichalnipsus anartanus n. gen., n. sp. andBerabichia erratica n. sp. They are supposedly derived from an unidentified late Early Cambrian unit from central Sweden and most probably come from an otherwise poorly fossiliferous stratigraphie interval of theHolmia kjerulfi Zone. Although both species are new, their systematic affinities permit a refined intercontinental correlation between Baltica and western Gondwana. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

New Late Permian grylloblattids of the subfamily Chaulioditinae (Chaulioditidae) are described: Chauliodites afonini sp. nov. (Sokovka locality, Vladimir Region; Vyatkian Stage), Ch. gomankovi sp. nov. (Novo-Aleksandrovka locality, Orenburg Region; Severodvinian Stage), and Ch. ponomarenkoi sp. nov. (Isady locality, Vologda Region, upper Severodvinian Stage). Stratigraphic distribution of the subfamily is discussed.  相似文献   

. We describe the pattern of dental development of Hominid XVIII from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos (SH) site of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). As expected, this pattern is similar to that of modern humans. A delay of development of the lower and upper canines was observed. In contrast, the relative advanced development of the lower second molars and, especially, the upper and lower third molars is noteworthy. This latter feature seems to be common in Pleistocene hominids, and suggests that the pattern of dental development evolved in the genus Homo during the Pleistocene. In European Middle Pleistocene hominids, this pattern probably was facilitated by the extra space available in the mandible and maxilla for developing teeth.  相似文献   

The family Camelidae has been present in Eurasia since the latest Miocene, and several species are recognized, but their evolution is poorly known. The region of El Kowm, central Syria, includes several sites spanning the Early to Late Pleistocene and provides the only abundant fossil record of camelids in the Middle East. Our preliminary results show that several species are present over the sequence, revealing some surprising evolutionary trends.  相似文献   

Abstract: The species‐rich fossil vertebrate assemblage from Pleistocene sedimentary deposits at Kisláng, Hungary, was originally described as containing eight species of arvicolids, six of which were considered new. Re‐examination of the material in the collection of the Hungarian Geological Institute, consisting of most of the previously described material, including the six name‐bearing types and also further undescribed specimens, indicates that the taxa Kislangia rex, Mimomys cf. hassiacus, Mimomys coelodus, Mimomys pusillus, Mimomys tornensis, Pitymimomys sp., Borsodia newtoni, Lagurodon arankae and Allophaiomys deucalion are present. Most of these species are compatible with Early Pleistocene age close to the boundary between the Villányian and Biharian regional stages (MQR10, MQ1, c. 1.6–2.0 Ma). However, the specimen of Mimomys cf. hassiacus is of approximately mid‐Pliocene age (MN15 c. 3.6–4.0 Ma), and one of the Pitymimomys specimens is referable to P. stenokorys, described from the earliest Pleistocene (MNR2–MNR3, MN17 c. 2.3–2.4 Ma). The assemblage is therefore interpreted as derived from at least three different geological periods and because of reworking of material is considered unusable to characterize any particular stratigraphic level. These conclusions are placed in the context of historical and current biostratigraphies.  相似文献   

白龙洞是位于鄂西北部郧西县的一处出土物丰富的古人类洞穴遗址,先后在此出土了8枚古人类牙齿化石、若干石制品和骨制品及大量哺乳动物化石。但有关白龙洞遗址的形成时间却一直存在争议,主要原因之一是动物群没有得到充分研究。基于郧西县文管所和中科院古脊椎所收藏标本,本文首次对白龙洞历年出土的哺乳动物化石进行了综合研究;研究结果表明,白龙洞动物群由32种(含未定种)哺乳动物组成,优势属种是谷氏大额牛、岩羊、野猪及各种鹿类(水鹿、斑鹿、麂、毛冠鹿);此外,还有豪猪、竹鼠、变异狼、貉、豺、猪獾、黑熊、大熊猫、中国硕鬣狗、锯齿剑齿虎、虎、豹、金猫、云豹、剑齿象、苏门犀、梅氏犀、巨貘、鬣羚及水牛等;该动物群缺乏猴类动物,并且豪猪化石也很少,这与其所处的时空位置很不相符;但总体面貌属于大熊猫-剑齿象动物群。白龙洞的大熊猫、中国硕鬣狗、猪獾、虎及巨貘的牙齿测量数值均达到或接近我国各自记录的最大值。白龙洞动物群组成与盐井沟动物群及南京猿人动物群最为接近;从动物群组合及有关属种的演化阶段来综合判断,白龙洞动物群的地质时代应当是中更新世中期。  相似文献   

New Catillocrinidae Allocatillocrinus rarus sp. nov., with a previously unknown tegmenal structure, Paracatillocrinus shamovi sp. nov., and P. shakhtauensis sp. nov., with an unusual relative position of the crown and stem are described from the Artinskian Stage (Lower Permian) of the western slope of the Middle and Southern Ural Mountains (Boets, Krasnoufimsk, and Shakh-Tau localities). The genus Allocatillocrinus has not previously been recorded from the Permian, while Paracatillocrinus has only previously been reported from the Upper Permian of Timor Island.  相似文献   

A high diversity of tabulate corals in Eifelian deposits of the Syv“yu River basin (Subpolar Urals) is reported for the first time. Most of the corals are represented by colonies of syringoporids. Five new species Syringopora parva sp. nov., S. insueta sp. nov., S. indecora sp. nov., Tetraporinus syvjuensis sp. nov., and Armalites serotinus sp. nov. are described.  相似文献   

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