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Warthog activity was recorded at 4-min intervals for continuous periods of 14 h on three consecutive days. The major activities were feeding or lying down and walking. The amount of time spent in feeding is related to the size of the animal and maximum-intensity feeding occurs in the early morning and in the late afternoon and evening. The animals drank usually only once each day. Adult females urinate much more often than males and this is thought to be a behavioural adaptation whereby the males can tell whether or not a female is in heat.  相似文献   

The effect of insulin-induced hypoglycaemia on the motility of the reticulum, rumen and abomasum of sheep was investigated using small lightly inflated balloons connected to transducers and a multichannel recorder. The principle response recorded was an inhibition of reticulo-ruminal and abomasal motility, occurring in 'resting' cycles only, and not during eating or rumination. The only hypermotility recorded was that shown by the abomasum just before the onset of inhibition. Ruminating cycles were recorded as frequently during hypoglycaemia as in control periods, and showed no abnormality. The inhibition was reversed by intravenous glucose or adrenaline and by feeding or ruminating.  相似文献   

H. D. Jackson 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):263-276
Jackson H. D. 1985. Aspects of the breeding biology of the Fierynecked Nightjar. Ostrich 56: 263–276.

A marked population of nightjars in Zimbabwe was studied intensively for four breeding seasons. This paper covers certain aspects of the breeding biology of the Fierynecked Nightjar Caprimulgus pectoralis. The male shows strong site fidelity during the breeding season (September to December), singing, feeding and breeding within an area of about 5,8 ha. There is some evidence of site defence by the male. The female shows strong mate fidelity, resulting in a pair bond for life. Egg laying starts with full moon in September and is further stimulated by the next two full moon periods. The eggs are laid directly on dense leaf litter at a site overhung by foliage. The normal clutch is two eggs (12S % are one egg) laid on successive days during the afternoon. Incubation starts with the first egg and is by the male at night and the female by day. The incubation period is 18 days. The birds respond to undue disturbance by deserting the eggs and laying a replacement clutch. The chicks usually hatch on successive afternoons; they are mobile on the first day and will move to a parent if called. Both parents feed and brood the young during twilight and moonlight; the male broods them on dark nights and the female does so by day. The species is double-brooded when time permits, the female laying again once the first brood has reached independence; she may even lay a third clutch if the second one comes to grief. There is no evidence of adults transporting eggs or young.  相似文献   

Male Caribbean fruit flies, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) produce two sounds in sexual contexts, calling songs and precopulatory songs. Calling song occurs during pheromone release from territories within leks and consists of repeated bursts of sound (pulse trains). Virgin female A. suspensa became more active in the presence of recorded calling songs. Activity during the broadcast of a heterospecific song did not differ from movement during periods of silence. A conspecific song typical of smaller males, i.e. conspicuous for its long periods between pulse trains, also failed to elicit more activity by virgin females than silence. Mated females were most active during silences. Unmated males had no obvious reaction to sound. Calling songs are apparently sexually important communications which females discriminate among and may use as cues for locating and/or choosing between mates. Precopulatory song is produced by mounted males just before and during the early stages of copulation. Males that did not produce such songs remained coupled for shorter periods, perhaps passing fewer sperm. Wingless (muted) males were more likely to complete aedeagal insertion if a recorded precopulatory song was broadcast. Calling song played at the same level (90 dB) had no significant effect on the acceptance of males, nor did precopulatory song at a lower SPL (52dB). Precopulatory song may be used to display male vigour to choosing females.  相似文献   

Synopsis The functional analysis of feeding, territory defense and nest-directed activities by reproductively mature male three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, was carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. Territorial males were placed in motivational conflict between feeding and nest-directed activities by making performance of the two necessary activities spatially incompatible. During a limited time each day they had to choose between staying close to their nests to carry out nest-directed activities, and moving into a separate compartment of the observation tank to feed. Males were trapped for varying lengths of time within a central, neutral compartment as they moved between the nest compartment at one end of the tank and the feeding compartment at the other. Their choice of either compartment following such trapping was recorded as indicative of their dominant motivation state. Males tended to be nest dominant in these observations, but motivational dominance could be altered. Males deprived of food for longer periods of time, or presented with an empty food cup during the observation were more likely to be food dominant. If they had not been previously deprived of food, or if a sexually mature conspecific had just been presented in the territory, males were more likely to be nest dominant. The length of time males were trapped in a neutral compartment while in transit between the nest and food also significantly influenced their subsequent behavior. Longer interruptions were more likely to result in a change in the direction in which the male was moving, but only when he was moving towards the subdominant activity. This effect supports the hypothesis of time sharing as the mechanism regulating motivation in these fish.  相似文献   

J. D. Goss-Custard   《Ibis》1969,111(3):338-356
The aim of the work was to find out how the Redshank which over-winter on the Ythan estuary, Aberdeenshire, adapt their feeding activities to the short daylength in winter. To achieve this, the feeding behaviour and daily routine in winter were compared with those in autumn and spring. Corophium volutator was the main prey on the estuary during the day. However, the temperature of the mud greatly affected the diet in the two areas where the feeding behaviour was studied in detail. At temperatures above 6°C, most of the biomass ingested consisted of Corophium. However, in one study area in one winter, Macoma balthica was taken more frequently at lower than at high temperatures. In the other area, Nereis diversicolor was taken more frequently at low than at high temperatures. These changes in diet appeared related to changes in the behaviour of the prey affecting their availability and not due to the birds changing their preference at low temperatures. The ingestion rate was not affected by the change in diet in the first area but decreased at low temperatures in the second. The sizes of Macoma and Nereis taken by the birds did not vary seasonally. The sizes of Corophium taken decreased in winter as a result of a reduction in the size of those present in the substrate. It was concluded that there was no evidence of Redshank increasing their ingestion rate in winter to compensate for the short daylength. The proportion of the time spent feeding on the estuary in daylight was greater in winter than in spring. Redshank continued feeding at high water in the surrounding fields and on the estuary at night during the winter but not in either autumn or spring. During the winter they obtained less than 50% of their daily food requirements from the estuary in daylight, mainly because of the short daylength. Consequently, they had to collect the balance at night and at high water. Seasonal changes in the numbers of Redshank were recorded. After an autumn decrease in numbers, no decrease in numbers could be detected during the winter. These findings are discussed in relation to the possible difficulties for Redshank in collecting their daily food requirements during the winter. The impact of the birds on their main estuarine prey Corophium is also discussed.  相似文献   

The Fulmar has a long period at the breeding colony prior to egg-laying. The pattern of annual occupation and build-up in numbers has been examined in detail at Marsden, Co. Durham, at a colony in which over 100 eggs are laid annually (Order 3 of Fisher's classification). The re-occupation of the cliff starts in early November with an occasional visit by one or two birds. The main period of activity at the cliff is during the morning and, as the numbers build up, the diurnal period of occupation increases. By mid-December the first birds to arrive in the colony do so before dawn and the last to leave remain well after dark until near midnight. Almost throughout the pre-egg stage, the colony is deserted each night and re-occupied the next day and birds only stay regularly overnight just before egg-laying. A similar pattern of occupation occurs after breeding but in the reverse order. The numbers of birds at the colony in January and February exceed the breeding population and include many non-breeders. The non-breeders progressively decline in numbers until May when only the breeding birds remain with a few non-breeding birds. The daily variation in the numbers of birds at the cliff is influenced by the wind speed. In general, the birds leave the colony under freshening conditions and the number present at the colony can be interpreted in terms of the wind conditions over the last three days. It is suggested that the synchronised departures are primarily feeding trips, the birds using the strong winds to reach feeding areas, except that the departure just before egg-laying is linked to egg development and synchronised laying in the colony. Competition between Fulmars and Kittiwakes for nesting sites usually results in the Kittiwakes gaining the site. This is achieved by the Kittiwakes taking over the Fulmar sites during one of the latter's departures.  相似文献   

Evidence for the anticipation of competition at feeding time has been previously documented in both Pan species. Chimpanzees seem to cope with competitive tendency through behavioural mechanisms of tension reduction, and grooming is certainly one of these. Social play and grooming are often matched because they bring animals into close physical contact for long periods, and they have an important role in social cohesion. Our goal was to investigate the occurrence of play behaviour during the pre‐feeding period, before a basic maintenance activity is about to take place, in the chimpanzee colony housed in the ZooParc de Beauval (St Aignan sur Cher, France). The group was composed of 10 adults and nine immature individuals. By scan animal sampling (344 h of observation), we recorded play and grooming interactions in all age‐class combinations during four different periods (pre‐feeding, feeding, post‐feeding, control). We found peak levels of grooming interactions among adults during the pre‐feeding time. A peak frequency at the pre‐feeding time was also found in social play between adults and unrelated immature subjects. This finding suggests that during high tension periods, grooming and play might share similar functions in conflict management. Like grooming, play might have an important role to limit aggression and increase tolerance around food (immediate benefits). Immature animals showed a higher frequency of play in the pre‐feeding than in any other condition (feeding, post‐feeding, and control). During high excitement periods social play probably represents a safe mechanism for immature subjects to test their personal abilities (self‐assessment), the strength/weakness of playmates, and the degree of cooperation/competition with them (social‐assessment). In the light of this new evidence, we can assert that play behaviour is far from being a purposeless activity, at least in the chimpanzee colony under study.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the determinism of the metabolic variations associated with developmental change, protein synthesis was measured in vivo , in the fat body of Philosamia cynthia. During the fifth larval instar two periods, the necessary feeding period and the facultative feeding period, which constitute decisive developmental periods of the insect were xamined. eAfter incorporation of [3H]-glycine protein synthesis was estimated by a calculation which takes account of the dilution of the radioactive amino acids in the free amino acid pool. During the necessary feeding period (from ecdysis to day 4) the protein synthesis increased steadily whereas during the facultative feeding period (from day 4 to onset of spinning) the protein synthetic level decreased. Some preliminary hypotheses are suggested for the mechanism responsible for protein synthesis variations during a larval instar.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in reproductive activity in the male southern minke whales was investigated. The animals were killed and collected during the feeding season (December-March) in the Antarctic Ocean in the eastern part of Area III (35°E-70°E, south of 60°S) and Area IV (70°E-130°E, south of 60°S). Blood samples, testes, epididymides, and vasa deferentia were collected from 62 males, which had testes weighing over 400 g each. Changes in testicular morphology and plasma testosterone, estradiol-17β and LH concentrations measured by enzyme immunoassay were investigated. Reduction of testicular function associated with different capture periods was found in the summer season. From December to March, body length and body weight remained steady, but decreases in testicular weight, epididymal weight, and testicular volume were found in February. During the same period, plasma testosterone concentration also declined. A significant decrease in the number of germ cells continued during the period of feeding season. An increase in area of seminiferous tubule tended to proceed in a number of germ cells. These changes reflected the percentage of spermatozoa in the vasa deferentia ; in particular, motile spermatozoa were observed in December. Based on morphological observation, spermatogenesis had also declined. These results indicate regulation of testicular function by testosterone, as in terrestrial mammals. A gradual decrease of testicular function occurred during December-January.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the occurrence of nocturnal activity, particularly foraging, in wildfowl (Anseriformes) and shorebirds (Charadrii), and discusses its significance. Many duck species are mainly active at night while others regularly feed during both the day and night. Some ducks and geese are normally day feeders and occasionally forage during darkness. In a few duck species, courtship also has been observed at night. Most shorebirds forage both by day and night, in temperate and in tropical latitudes. Some are mainly crepuscular and nocturnal feeders and also display at dusk and at night. Some species may use their daytime territory at night. A few shorebird species, including some visual peckers and long-billed tactile probers, use the same foraging method to detect and capture food by night as by day. However, some long-billed species that forage visually during daytime modify their feeding techniques and rely completely or partly on tactile means for detecting prey at night. Large eyes seem an advantage to plovers and other sight feeders for night feeding. Numerous touch-sensitive corpuscles in the bill of ducks and many scolopacid species favour tactile feeding. Some ducks, geese and shorebirds may especially use moonlit nights for feeding though, in a few species, moonlight seems to have no effect. The possible role of bioluminescence is also discussed. Nocturnal activity may occur for two reasons. The night may be preferred because foraging is more profitable or safest from predators. Alternatively, birds may be forced to forage at night because they fail to collect all their food requirements during the day. The evidence for both hypotheses is reviewed. Nocturnal activity does appear to allow wildfowl, and perhaps shorebirds, to avoid diurnal predators (including man). Shorebirds, and some ducks also seem to take advantage of prey that are more abundant and/or accessible at night. The main evidence for the supplementary feeding hypothesis comes from studies of seasonal variations in the occurrence of nocturnal feeding, about which rather little is known at present. The increasing availability of modern night-viewing equipment may help to fill this gap. There are two important implications arising from the widespread occurrence of nocturnal activity in wildfowl. Most knowledge on time and energy budgets is based on daytime studies, and so may need to be revised. Wintering dabbling ducks and shorebirds, at least in some regions, may use different habitats by day and by night. If confirmed, there would be a need to preserve some wintering habitats which, although little used by ducks and shorebirds during the day, may be intensively used at night.  相似文献   

The influence of rainfall on the foraging patterns of Great Tit Parus major parents while feeding chicks at the nest was investigated using automated nest monitoring with electronic balances and photography. Great Tit females significantly reduced their visit rate to the nest during all rain intensities, while male feeding frequency did not significantly change. The female response was probably due to increased brooding requirements of young since the reduction in visit rate was most apparent at early nestling stages. At this time the chicks are incapable of thermoregulation and females significantly increased their nestbox occupancy time during rain. There was no indication that parents were compensating for periods of female inactivity during rainfall: there was no significant increase in visit rate following rainfall and no significant increase in prey size delivered to the nest during periods of rain. An analysis of data from six consecutive years revealed that the proportion of wet hours within the first week of the nestling period significantly influenced fledging weight in this species.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine differences in paternal and maternal care in a double-brooded, monogamous species, the Treecreeper Certhia familiaris, in relation to food availability. As a measure of parental care, we recorded the hourly feeding activity of parents when the nestlings from their first and second breeding attempts were 7 and 12 days old. Feeding frequency of the first brood increased with the age of the nestlings and also with the brood size when 12 days old. While the feeding activities of the females were similar with respect to the first and second broods, the males were less active and failed to provide any food to their nestlings in 15 cases out of 28 second broods. In spite of this, the fledglings from the second broods were heavier than those in the first. Such a pattern of male behaviour was possible without being a disadvantage to the chicks because the food supply increased during the breeding season and the female could provide food for the young alone. Thus paternal care was particularly important in times of poor food supply, i.e. during the first brood, where the extent of these males' activity in feeding the 7-day-old nestlings was positively correlated with the average mass of the nestlings. Our results support the idea that the male of monogamous, altricial bird species often makes important contributions to raising the young, especially during periods when it is difficult for the female to do so alone. Males show flexibility in their pattern of parental care, and male Treecreepers change their contribution to the first and second broods within the same season.  相似文献   

Exercise plays an important role to improve cardiovascular performance. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of aerobic continuous and interval training on the left ventricular structure and function. Twenty untrained healthy male students (aged 18-22 years) were randomly divided into two groups: continuous (C; n = 10) and interval (I; n = 10). The training programme consisted of countryside jogging for 45 min during 8 weeks three times a week at 70% of maximum heart rate (MHR). In each session group C was jogging for 45 min and in group I jogging was performed in 5 nine-minute stages with a four-minute inactive rest between them. M-mode, 2-dimensional, colour and Doppler transthoracic echocardiography were performed, during resting conditions, before and after the training period. After 8-week training the end diastolic diameter, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in groups C and I, and the posterior wall thickness and the end systolic diameter in group I showed no significant difference (P > 0.05). On the other hand, the percentage of ejection fraction and shortening fraction in groups C and I, the end systolic diameter and the posterior wall thickness in group C and the interventricular septum thickness in group I demonstrated a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05). Comparing the two groups, only the value of the interventricular septum thickness was significant (P ≤ 0.05). In general, eight-week aerobic continuous and interval training can affect left ventricular structure and function.  相似文献   

Barbara K.  Snow 《Ibis》1972,114(2):139-162
The Calf bird Perissocephalus tricolor was studied in the Kanuku Mountains of southern Guyana for three months (January-April 1970), during which time almost daily visits were paid to a lek of four adult males. The adult males owned perches about 30 ft up in understorey trees, where they displayed and called throughout much of the day. Four immature males also visited the lek, particularly in the morning and evening. The immatures also wandered, feeding and occasionally calling together, over an area of forest of approximately 3 miles by half a mile. There was a hierarchy among the adult and immature males, the dominant males owning the most coveted perches at the lek. The male's most far-reaching call, the “moo call”, is a co-operative advertising call, in that birds calling together adjust the timing of their calls so as to follow each other and not overlap. The adult males perform a number of silent agonistic displays on their lek perches. Periodically, adult and immature males and sometimes a female invade the vicinity of a lek perch, usually that of the dominant male. Once a female was briefly mounted by the dominant male on his lek perch during an invasion. On other occasions females visited the lek but no mating occurred. The food of the males attending the lek was recorded by the daily collection of a total of 2,500 regurgitated fruit seeds (mostly drupes) from below the perches. Males also regularly take insects, but in smaller quantities. Three nests were found. The nest is an extremely light structure built entirely of fine twigs. A single egg was laid in each nest. All the nests (and two old ones) were within half a mile of the lek. Two of the nests were only 5 yards apart and the eggs were laid in them within 10 days of each other. The incubation period at one nest was 26–27 days and the fledging period approximately 27 days. The chick on hatching was covered in bright orange-chestnut down. It was fed mostly on insects (predominantly Orthoptera) brought by the female in her beak. There was no evidence of a male attending the nest. The Calfbird's nesting and lek behaviour is compared with that of other species of Cotingidae.  相似文献   


Rats exhibit ultradian as well as circadian rhythms in activity. Short‐term activity rhythms appear to result from bouts of feeding‐related behavior interspersed with periods of quiescence. We examined the relationship of activity to feeding in 12 male Long‐Evans derived rats during ad lib and restricted feeding (RF) conditions to determine the effect of RF on both circadian and ultradian activity rhythms. By the end of 20 days of RF all animals exhibited an ultradian periodicity of approximately 12 hours. A twenty‐four hour rhythm in feeding persisted, apparently due to the rats adapting to the diurnal feeding period. General findings were that RF resulted in anticipatory activity prior to feeding and that short‐term activity fluctuations and investigations of the food bin continued during RF even though overall nocturnal activity decreased. The results suggest that male rats of this strain exhibit ultradian activity rhythms that appear to be strongly related to feeding.  相似文献   

为了研究青蛙松果体的昼夜节律,本实验采用细胞外连续记录,研究了松果体内对光产生抑制反应的光敏神经节细胞放电的昼夜节律变化.结果表明(1)所有表现自发放电的细胞,其放电频率介于1-6Hz之间,脉冲发放特征有规则、不规则(或波动)和阵发等方式;(2)无论在持续黑暗(DD)、持续光照(LL)或在模拟自然光照周期(L-D-L)任何一种条件下所进行的昼夜连续记录都显示:有些细胞在白天放电频率低,在夜间放电增强;而另一些细胞则在整个记录过程中,其脉冲频率基本上保持不变.当用与昼夜光照颠倒的周期(D-L-D)作实验时,所有被检测的细胞都反映出夜间的放电活性受到了不同程度的抑制.  相似文献   

During the ice-free season in three subarctic rivers in northern Norway and Finland, Atlantic salmon parr Salmo salar exhibited significant diel fluctuations in stomach content weights in August and September, the largest weights being recorded consistently at 0300 hours. Accordingly, the feeding rate of the parr was highest during the night and lowest in daytime, whereas during the other periods of the ice-free season, no pronounced diel fluctuations in food intake occurred. The consistent nocturnal feeding periodicity in early autumn in subarctic rivers may be associated with benthic feeding and an increased availability of benthic prey at night.  相似文献   

The food habits of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. were studied over a period of nine months. Altogether 549 yellow perch were examined for the stomach contents. The daily activity pattern of the yellow perch in Lake Washington appears to correspond roughly with the feeding pattern. The maximum numbers of perch caught by the nets during 24 hour study periods correspond well with degree of fullness of stomachs noted for the different times of the day. The food consisted mainly of cottids, mysid shrimps (Acanthomysis awatchensis) and chironomid pupae and larvae. There was no difference in the food consumed between the different sexes and between the different size groups. Maximum feeding by perch during the day was observed just before dark and the daily ration was calculated to be about 1.4% of their wet body weight.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees are well known for their territorial behavior. Males who belong to the same community routinely patrol their territories, occasionally making deep incursions into those of their neighbors. Male chimpanzees may obtain several fitness benefits by participating in territorial boundary patrols, but patrolling is also likely to involve fitness costs. Patrollers risk injury or even death, and patrols may be energetically costly and may involve opportunity costs. Although territorial patrols have been reported at all long‐term chimpanzee study sites, quantitative data on their energetic costs have not previously been available. I evaluated the energy costs of patrolling for male chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda during 14 months of observation. In 29 patrols and matched control periods, I recorded the distances covered and time spent traveling and feeding by chimpanzees. I found that male chimpanzees covered longer distances, spent more time traveling, and spent less time feeding during patrols than during control periods. These results support the hypothesis that chimpanzees incur energetic costs while patrolling and suggest that ecological factors may constrain the ability of chimpanzees to patrol. Am. J. Primatol. 72:93–103, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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