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Six cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) varieties with different levels of resistance to Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were investigated in order to assess whether antibiosis and antixenosis mechanisms are involved in the resistance to this pest or not. Four experiments were conducted to determine the effect of variety and plant ontogeny on larval behaviour, adult oviposition and leaf damages in non‐choice and choice tests. Larval survival, time to development and larval weights differed depending on the varieties and plant stages that we tested. At the pre‐head stage, larval mortality was higher, larvae died faster, time to pupation was shorter, pupae were lighter and the percentage of viable pupae and growth index (GI) values were lower than larvae reared from plants at the head stage. The commercial hybrid ‘Corazón de buey’ and the local variety named ‘BRS0535’ exhibited antibiosis to M. brassicae as they reduced its survival and growth and delayed its development time. In addition, these varieties were the most resistant after artificial infestation in terms of head foliage consumption and number of larvae per plant. Oviposition tests demonstrated that resistance found in ‘Corazón de buey’ and BRS0535 could be also based on antixenosis mechanisms as they resulted in fewer egg batches on plants, whereas BRS0402 could be classified as resistant because M. brassicae larvae showed less preference for it. Thus, resistance to M. brassicae found in cabbage crops may be due to the joint action of several factors involving antibiosis and antixenosis. We found significant differences in the resistance of BRS0535 depending on the plant ontogeny as it loses its resistance while developing. Further studies are required to identify the mechanism of antibiotic resistance which is present in this variety at the pre‐head stage and the changes that occur in plant defence as it grows.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Several studies have shown that above‐ and belowground insects can interact by influencing each others growth, development, and survival when they feed on the same host‐plant. In natural systems, however, insects can make choices on which plants to oviposit and feed. A field experiment was carried out to determine if root‐feeding insects can influence feeding and oviposition preferences and decisions of naturally colonising foliar‐feeding insects. 2. Using the wild cruciferous plant Brassica nigra and larvae of the cabbage root fly Delia radicum as the belowground root‐feeding insect, naturally colonising populations of foliar‐feeding insects were monitored over the course of a summer season. 3. Groups of root‐infested and root‐uninfested B. nigra plants were placed in a meadow during June, July, and August of 2006 for periods of 3 days. The root‐infested and the root‐uninfested plants were either dispersed evenly or placed in clusters. Once daily, all leaves of each plant were carefully inspected and insects were removed and collected for identification. 4. The flea beetles Phyllotreta spp. and the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae were significantly more abundant on root‐uninfested (control) than on root‐infested plants. However, for B. brassicae this was only apparent when the plants were placed in clusters. Host‐plant selection by the generalist aphid M. persicae and oviposition preference by the specialist butterfly P. rapae, however, were not significantly influenced by root herbivory. 5. The results of this study show that the presence of root‐feeding insects can affect feeding and oviposition preferences of foliar‐feeding insects, even under natural conditions where many other interactions occur simultaneously. The results suggest that root‐feeding insects play a role in the structuring of aboveground communities of insects, but these effects depend on the insect species as well as on the spatial distribution of the root‐feeding insects.  相似文献   

Herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are important cues for female parasitic wasps to find hosts. Here, we investigated the possibility that HIPVs may also serve parasitoids as cues to locate mates. To test this, the odour preferences of four braconid wasps – the gregarious parasitoid Cotesia glomerata (L.) and the solitary parasitoids Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson), Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev and Microplitis mediator (Haliday) – were studied in olfactometers. Each species showed attraction to pheromones but in somewhat different ways. Males of the two Cotesia species were attracted to virgin females, whereas females of M. rufiventris were attracted to virgin males. Male and female M. mediator exhibited attraction to both sexes. Importantly, female and male wasps of all four species were strongly attracted by HIPVs, independent of mating status. In most cases, male wasps were also attracted to intact plants. The wasps preferred the combination of HIPVs and pheromones over plant odours alone, except M. mediator, which appears to mainly use HIPVs for mate location. We discuss the ecological contexts in which the combined use of pheromones and HIPVs by parasitoids can be expected. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that braconid parasitoids use HIPVs and pheromones in combination to locate mates.  相似文献   

Locating suitable feeding or oviposition sites is essential for insect survival. Understanding how insects achieve this is crucial, not only for understanding the ecology and evolution of insect–host interactions, but also for the development of sustainable pest‐control strategies that exploit insects' host‐seeking behaviours. Volatile chemical cues are used by foraging insects to locate and recognise potential hosts but in nature these resources usually are patchily distributed, making chance encounters with host odour plumes rare over distances greater than tens of metres. The majority of studies on insect host‐seeking have focussed on short‐range orientation to easily detectable cues and it is only recently that we have begun to understand how insects overcome this challenge. Recent advances show that insects from a wide range of feeding guilds make use of ‘habitat cues’, volatile chemical cues released over a relatively large area that indicate a locale where more specific host cues are most likely to be found. Habitat cues differ from host cues in that they tend to be released in larger quantities, are more easily detectable over longer distances, and may lack specificity, yet provide an effective way for insects to maximise their chances of subsequently encountering specific host cues. This review brings together recent advances in this area, discussing key examples and similarities in strategies used by haematophagous insects, soil‐dwelling insects and insects that forage around plants. We also propose and provide evidence for a new theory that general and non‐host plant volatiles can be used by foraging herbivores to locate patches of vegetation at a distance in the absence of more specific host cues, explaining some of the many discrepancies between laboratory and field trials that attempt to make use of plant‐derived repellents for controlling insect pests.  相似文献   

Studying antagonistic coevolution between host plants and herbivores is particularly relevant for polyphagous species that can experience a great diversity of host plants with a large range of defenses. Here, we performed experimental evolution with the polyphagous spider mite Tetranychus urticae to detect how mites can exploit host plants. We thus compared on a same host the performance of replicated populations from an ancestral one reared for hundreds of generations on cucumber plants that were shifted to either tomato or cucumber plants. We controlled for maternal effects by rearing females from all replicated populations on either tomato or cucumber leaves, crossing this factor with the host plant in a factorial design. About 24 generations after the host shift and for all individual mites, we measured the following fitness components on tomato leaf fragments: survival at all stages, acceptance of the host plant by juvenile and adult mites, longevity, and female fecundity. The host plant on which mite populations had evolved did not affect the performance of the mites, but only affected their sex ratio. Females that lived on tomato plants for circa 24 generations produced a higher proportion of daughters than did females that lived on cucumber plants. In contrast, maternal effects influenced juvenile survival, acceptance of the host plant by adult mites and female fecundity. Independently of the host plant species on which their population had evolved, females reared on the tomato maternal environment produced offspring that survived better on tomato as juveniles, but accepted less this host plant as adults and had a lower fecundity than did females reared on the cucumber maternal environment. We also found that temporal blocks affected mite dispersal and both female longevity and fecundity. Taken together, our results show that the host plant species can affect critical parameters of population dynamics, and most importantly that maternal and environmental conditions can facilitate colonization and exploitation of a novel host in the polyphagous T. urticae, by affecting dispersal behavior (host acceptance) and female fecundity.  相似文献   

Variation in plant traits among plant species may promote the development of a characteristic functional assemblage of insect herbivores associated with each plant species. However, only a small number of studies have detailed the representation of several herbivore guilds among co‐occurring plant species to determine whether the functional structure of herbivorous insect assemblages varies widely and consistently among plant species. The present study provides one of the few published data sets reporting on the density of several guilds of insect herbivores among numerous plant species. Variation in guild associations with plant phenology and season are also described. Insect herbivores were divided into 10 guilds, and the representation of these guilds was examined for 18 co‐occurring plant species. Guild densities and assemblage composition varied significantly among plant species, even when variation over time was taken into account. Variation in guild densities and assemblage composition were not strongly related to the taxonomic relationships of the plants. The highest densities of several guilds occurred in spring and summer, although other guilds were not strongly seasonal. Certain guilds were strongly associated with the presence of new leaves, whereas other guilds appeared to prefer mature leaves. This resulted in assemblage differences between samples containing new and mature leaves and samples containing mature leaves only. Even though the timing and duration of leaf and flower production varied among plant species, this did not explain all variation in guild densities among plant species. It is suggested that additional factors, including plant traits, are contributing to the wide and consistent variation in herbivore assemblage composition among plant species.  相似文献   

The strength of species interactions influences strongly the structure and dynamics of ecological systems. Thus, quantifying such strength is crucial to understand how species interactions shape communities and ecosystems. Although the concepts and measurement of interaction strength in food webs have received much attention, there has been comparatively little progress in the context of mutualism. We propose a conceptual scheme for studying the strength of plant–animal mutualistic interactions. We first review the interaction strength concepts developed for food webs, and explore how these concepts have been applied to mutualistic interactions. We then outline and explain a conceptual framework for defining ecological effects in plant–animal mutualisms. We give recommendations for measuring interaction strength from data collected in field studies based on a proposed approach for the assessment of interaction strength in plant–animal mutualisms. This approach is conceptually integrative and methodologically feasible, as it focuses on two key variables usually measured in field studies: the frequency of interactions and the fitness components influenced by the interactions.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects use highly specific volatiles or blends of volatiles characteristic to particular plant species to locate their host plants. Thus, data on olfactory preferences can be valuable in developing integrated pest management tools that deal with manipulation of pest insect behaviour. We examined host plant odour preferences of the tomato leafminer, Liriomyza bryoniae (Kaltenbach) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), which is an economically important agricultural pest widespread throughout Europe. The odour preferences of leafminers were tested in dependence of feeding experiences. We ranked host plant odours by their appeal to L. bryoniae based on two‐choice tests using a Y‐tube olfactometer with five host plants: tomato, Solanum lycopersicum Mill.; bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara L.; downy ground‐cherry, Physalis pubescens L. (all Solanaceae); white goosefoot, Chenopodium album L. (Chenopodiaceae); and dead nettle, Lamium album L. (Lamiaceae). The results imply that ranking of host plant odours by their attractiveness to L. bryoniae is complicated due to the influence of larval and adult feeding experiences. Without any feeding experience as an adult, L. bryoniae males showed a preference for the airflow with host plant odour vs. pure air, whereas females did not display a preference. Further tests revealed that adult feeding experience can alter the odour choice of L. bryoniae females. After feeding experience, females showed a preference for host plant odour vs. pure air. Feeding experience in the larval stage influenced the choice by adults of both sexes: for males as well as females reared on bittersweet the odour of that plant was the most attractive. Thus, host feeding experience both in larval and/or adult stage of polyphagous tomato leafminer L. bryoniae influences host plant odour preference by adults.  相似文献   

  • 1 The vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus is a major pest of horticultural crops worldwide, with root‐feeding larvae causing most damage. Adult oviposition aboveground may therefore influence levels of damage as the larvae are relatively immobile after oviposition.
  • 2 The present study investigated feeding and oviposition behaviour on red raspberry Rubus idaeus using intact plants, ensuring that choices reflected the realistic differences in cultivar appearance and chemical composition. Previous studies investigating vine weevil feeding and oviposition on other crops have used excised plant material, which may inadvertently influence behaviour.
  • 3 Adult weevils significantly preferred to feed on particular cultivars in the choice experiment (e.g. Tulameen), although they consumed significantly more foliage (0.22–1.03 cm2/day) on different raspberry cultivars (e.g. Glen Moy, Glen Rosa and a wild accession) in no‐choice situations.
  • 4 In choice experiments, weevils tended to avoid laying eggs on some cultivars (e.g. Glen Moy and the wild accession). The number of eggs laid (1.91–4.32 eggs per day) did not, however, differ significantly between the cultivars in a no‐choice situation. Foliar nitrogen and magnesium concentrations were positively, although weakly, correlated with the total number of eggs laid.
  • 5 The present study highlights the importance of considering both choice and no‐choice tests when assessing crop susceptibility to attack because weevils may avoid feeding on certain cultivars (e.g. Glen Moy) when given a choice, although this would cause significant damage to such cultivars if they were grown in monoculture (i.e. when there is no alternative).

Knowledge on how landscape heterogeneity shapes host–parasite interactions is central to understand the emergence, dynamics and evolution of infectious diseases. However, this is an underexplored subject, particularly for plant–virus systems. Here, we analyse how landscape heterogeneity influences the prevalence, spatial genetic structure, and temporal dynamics of Pepper golden mosaic and Pepper huasteco yellow vein begomoviruses infecting populations of the wild pepper Capsicum annuum glabriusculum (chiltepin) in Mexico. Environmental heterogeneity occurred at different nested spatial scales (host populations within biogeographical provinces), with levels of human management varying among host population within a province. Results indicate that landscape heterogeneity affects the epidemiology and genetic structure of chiltepin‐infecting begomoviruses in a scale‐specific manner, probably related to conditions favouring the viruses' whitefly vector and its dispersion. Increased levels of human management of the host populations were associated with higher virus prevalence and erased the spatial genetic structure of the virus populations. Also, environmental heterogeneity similarly shaped the spatial genetic structures of host and viruses. This resulted in the congruence between host and virus phylogenies, which does not seem to be due to host‐virus co‐evolution. Thus, results provide evidence of the key role of landscape heterogeneity in determining plant–virus interactions.  相似文献   

1. When herbivores of distinct feeding guilds, such as phloem feeders and leaf chewers, interact, the outcome of these interactions often shows facilitation. However, whether this facilitation turns into competition at stronger herbivory pressure remains unknown. 2. Using an integrative approach that links ecological processes (behavioural choices of insects) with physiological plant mechanisms (nutrient and phytohormone levels) for the wild crucifer Brassica nigra (L.) Koch., this study evaluates preferences of leaf chewers for plants previously infested with several densities of the specialist aphid Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera, Aphididae). As leaf chewers, four species of caterpillars (Lepidoptera) were selected that differ in their degree of specialisation in crucifers. 3. These results show that, whereas at low and medium aphid densities caterpillars displayed a preference for aphid‐infested plants or no preference, at high aphid infestation density, all four species of caterpillar preferred uninfested plants, with a significant difference for Pieris rapae and Mamestra brassicae. 4. In contrast to our expectation, the consistent preference for uninfested plants at a high aphid density could not be associated with a decrease in plant nutrition. However, while jasmonate concentrations [i.e. 12‐oxo‐phytodienoic acid and jasmonic acid (JA)] at medium aphid‐density infestation decreased compared with low levels of infestation, at high infestation level, the jasmonates JA as well as JA conjugated with the amino acid isoleucine were present at higher levels compared with low‐infestation treatments. 5. This work provides evidence that positive interactions observed in herbivore communities can be transient, leading to negative interactions mediated by changes in plant defences rather than in plant nutrition.  相似文献   

1. Abrasive material in the diet of herbivorous organisms comes from a variety of sources, including crystalline silica or calcium in plant tissues, accidentally ingested soil while digging or grazing, and entrapped substrate on the surfaces of plants. A wide variety of plants entrap substrate, usually with glandular trichomes. 2. A previous study demonstrated that entrapped sand provided resistance to herbivory in the field. In this study, the following questions were addressed: how does entrapped sand on Abronia latifolia (Nyctaginaceae) leaves and stems affect preference and performance of a common herbivore, the large‐bodied caterpillar Hyles lineata (Sphingidae); does this effect differ from those experienced by an internally feeding leaf miner? 3. Using a combination of experimental and observational approaches, it was found that sand comprised ~4–5% of ingested weight during normal feeding of H. lineata caterpillars. This entrapped sand caused extensive wear to their mandibles, they avoided sand‐covered plants when given the choice, and the sand negatively impacted performance metrics, including pupal weight, development time, and growth rate. In contrast, a leaf‐mining caterpillar did not have a preference for or against feeding on sandy plants. 4. These results are similar to studies on mandibular wear due to grasses, and herbivorous insects that feed on these two plant groups may have similar morphologies. It is hypothesised that increased wear potential may be a convergent solution to abrasive plants in both mammals (hypsodonty) and insects.  相似文献   

For the biological control of diamondback moth (DBM) larvae in commercial greenhouses, we have previously identified a blend of volatiles that attracted Cotesia vestalis, a parasitoid of DBM larvae. Here, we tested the effects of an artificial volatile blend on the attractiveness of komatsuna plants (Japanese mustard spinach; Brassica rapa var. perviridis) to C. vestalis under greenhouse conditions. First, we showed that female C. vestalis preferred infested komatsuna plants to uninfested plants in the greenhouse. Under the same conditions, placing the artificial attractants near both infested and uninfested plants did not affect the wasps’ preference. However, when comparing infested komatsuna plants coupled with the artificial attractants with infested plants without them, significantly more female C. vestalis were attracted to the former. The possible use of artificial C. vestalis attractants for the biological control of DBM is discussed.  相似文献   

Microbial mutualistic symbiosis is increasingly recognised as a hidden driving force in the ecology of plant–insect interactions. Although plant‐associated and herbivore‐associated symbionts clearly affect interactions between plants and herbivores, the effects of symbionts associated with higher trophic levels has been largely overlooked. At the third‐trophic level, parasitic wasps are a common group of insects that can inject symbiotic viruses (polydnaviruses) and venom into their herbivorous hosts to support parasitoid offspring development. Here, we show that such third‐trophic level symbionts act in combination with venom to affect plant‐mediated interactions by reducing colonisation of subsequent herbivore species. This ecological effect correlated with changes induced by polydnaviruses and venom in caterpillar salivary glands and in plant defence responses to herbivory. Because thousands of parasitoid species are associated with mutualistic symbiotic viruses in an intimate, specific relationship, our findings may represent a novel and widespread ecological phenomenon in plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

The annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), Listronotus maculicollis Kirby (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a serious and expanding pest of short‐cut turfgrass on golf courses in eastern North America. Increasing problems with the development of insecticide resistance in this pest highlights the need for more sustainable management approaches. Plant resistance is one of the most promising alternative strategies. Bentgrasses are the dominant grass species on golf course fairways, tees, and putting greens in the areas affected by ABW. But Poa annua L. (Poaceae), a highly invasive weed, often constitutes a large percentage of turf stands in short‐mown golf courses and is thought to be particularly susceptible to ABW. We studied resistance to ABW in four cultivars of creeping bentgrass, Agrostis stolonifera L., and two cultivars each of colonial bentgrass, Agrostis capillaris L., and velvet bentgrass, Agrostis canina L. (Poaceae), in comparison with P. annua by addressing the three major components of resistance: antixenosis (adult ovipositional and feeding preferences), antibiosis (larval survival and growth), and grass tolerance (grass damage). Our findings suggest that antixenosis/non‐preference is at least partially involved in bentgrass resistance to ABW. Even though oviposition was observed in all tested grasses, females laid significantly fewer eggs in Agrostis spp. than in P. annua. Compared to P. annua, Agrostis spp. were also less suitable for larval development with lower numbers of ABW immatures recovered and larvae weighing less and being less advanced in development. Resistance levels to ABW larvae varied significantly among Agrostis spp. and cultivars. Agrostis canina was least preferred by females for oviposition and A. stolonifera was the least suitable for larval survival and development. Agrostis spp., especially A. stolonifera, were more tolerant to ABW feeding than P. annua. Our findings suggest that reduction in P. annua and replacement with Agrostis spp., especially A. stolonifera, wherever feasible should be integral to more sustainable approaches to ABW management.  相似文献   

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