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Corn leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis DeLong & Wolcott (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is a specialist herbivore on the genus Zea (Poaceae). The genera Dalbulus and Zea evolved in central Mexico. We sought to determine whether population genetic structuring is prevalent in corn leafhoppers inhabiting three of its host plants: (1) the highland species perennial teosinte (Zea diploperennis Iltis, Doebley & Guzman), (2) the mid‐ to lowland‐species Balsas teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis Iltis & Doebley), and (3) the ubiquitous domesticated maize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.). We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms to detect population structuring and genetic differentiation among corn leafhoppers on the three host plants in western‐central and ‐northern Mexico. Our results showed that corn leafhopper in Mexico is composed of at least two genetically discrete populations: an ‘Itinerant’ population associated with the annual hosts maize and Balsas teosinte, which appears to be widely distributed in Mexico, and a ‘Las Joyas’ population restricted to perennial teosinte and confined to a small mountain range (Sierra de Manantlán) in western‐central Mexico. Our results further suggested that population structuring is not due to isolation by distance or landscape features: Las Joyas and Itinerant corn leafhopper populations are genetically distinct despite their geographic proximity (ca. 4 km), whereas Itinerant corn leafhoppers separated by hundreds of kilometers (>800 km), mountain ranges, and a maritime corridor (Sea of Cortez) are not genetically distinct. Based on our results and on published ethnohistorical and archaeological data, we propose pre‐Columbian and modern scenarios, including likely ecological and anthropogenic influences, in which the observed genetic population structuring of corn leafhopper could have originated and could be maintained. Also, we hypothesize that after evolving on the lowland Balsas teosinte, corn leafhopper expanded its host range to include maize and then the highland perennial teosinte, following the domestication and spread of maize within the last 9 000 years.  相似文献   

Oviposition preferences of herbivorous insects affect offspring performance. Both positive and negative links between oviposition preference and offspring performance have been reported for many species. A gall‐inducing leafhopper, Cicadulina bipunctata Melichar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), feeds on various Poaceae plants and induces galls of enhanced nutritional value for their offspring. Although gall induction by C. bipunctata improves nymphal performance, the oviposition preference of females between galled and non‐galled host plants is still unclear. In this paper, the nymphal performance and oviposition and feeding‐site preference of C. bipunctata were investigated using galled wheat, Triticum aestivum L., and non‐galled barley, Hordeum vulgare L., as host plants. The survival rate of C. bipunctata on wheat was significantly higher than on barley. In the choice test, significantly more eggs were laid into barley, whereas the number of eggs deposited on both hosts was not significantly different in the no‐choice test. The number of settling individuals per leaf area was not significantly different between wheat and barley, suggesting no clear preference for oviposition between these plants. Experience as a nymph with a growing host did not affect oviposition preference as adult female. The inconsistent correspondence between offspring performance and oviposition preference of C. bipunctata may reflect the high mobility of nymphs and/or differences in leaf area between host plants. The results indicate that the previous finding that oviposition preference and offspring performance are not always positively correlated in herbivorous insects is applicable to gall‐inducing insects.  相似文献   

The tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis Göthe (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is an economically important pest of tea crops, Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (Theaceae), in China. The use of non‐host plant essential oils for manipulation of E. vitis was investigated for potential incorporation into a ‘push‐pull’ control strategy for this pest. The effectiveness of 14 plant essential oils in repelling E. vitis was investigated in laboratory assays. Rosemary oil, geranium oil, lavender oil, cinnamon oil, and basil oil repelled leafhoppers in a Y‐shaped olfactometer. We also compared the efficacy of these five plant essential oils to repel E. vitis in the presence of a host plant volatile‐based leafhopper attractant, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, in a tea plantation. In the treatment combination, four plates (north, south, east, and west) treated with an essential oil surrounded a central sticky plate treated with (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate. Fewer E. vitis were found on the plates treated with rosemary oil (12.5% reduction) than on the four water‐sprayed control treatment plates surrounding a central plate with (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate. We compared the distribution of E. vitis on the plates, and the relative numbers of E. vitis on each plate were compared with similar plates in the control treatment. When four plates treated with rosemary oil surrounded a central (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate‐treated plate, the distribution of E. vitis on the different plates changed significantly compared with that of the control. Relatively fewer E. vitis were found on the east (13.0% reduction) rosemary oil‐treated plates and more E. vitis (11.3% increase) were found on the central attractant‐treated plate. Our findings indicate that rosemary oil is a promising leafhopper repellent that should be tested further in a ‘push‐pull’ strategy for control of E. vitis.  相似文献   

Dioecy, a breeding system where individual plants are exclusively male or female, has evolved repeatedly. Extensive theory describes when dioecy should arise from hermaphroditism, frequently through gynodioecy, where females and hermaphrodites coexist, and when gynodioecy should be stable. Both pollinators and herbivores often prefer the pollen‐bearing sex, with sex‐specific fitness effects that can affect breeding system evolution. Nursery pollination, where adult insects pollinate flowers but their larvae feed on plant reproductive tissues, is a model for understanding mutualism evolution but could also yield insights into plant breeding system evolution. We studied a recently established nursery pollination interaction between native Hadena ectypa moths and introduced gynodioecious Silene vulgaris plants in North America to assess whether oviposition was biased toward females or hermaphrodites, which traits were associated with oviposition, and the effect of oviposition on host plant fitness. Oviposition was hermaphrodite‐biased and associated with deeper flowers and more stems. Sexual dimorphism in flower depth, a trait also associated with oviposition on the native host plant (Silene stellata), explained the hermaphrodite bias. Egg‐receiving plants experienced more fruit predation than plants that received no eggs, but relatively few fruits were lost, and egg receipt did not significantly alter total fruit production at the plant level. Oviposition did not enhance pollination; egg‐receiving flowers usually failed to expand and produce seeds. Together, our results suggest that H. ectypa oviposition does not exert a large fitness cost on host plants, sex‐biased interactions can emerge from preferences developed on a hermaphroditic host species, and new nursery pollination interactions can arise as negative or neutral rather than as mutualistic for the plant.  相似文献   

Selection for plant traits important for agriculture can come at a high cost to plant defenses. While selecting for increased growth rate and yield, domestication and subsequent breeding may lead to weakened defenses and greater susceptibility of plants to herbivores. We tested whether expression of defense genes differed among maize, Zea mays ssp. mays L. (Poaceae), and its wild relatives Zea mays ssp. parviglumis Iltis & Doebley and Zea diploperennis Iltis et al. We used two populations of Z. mays ssp. parviglumis: one expected to express high levels of an herbivore resistance gene, wound‐inducible protein (wip1), and another expected to have low expression of wip1. To test whether maize and wild Zea differed in induction of defenses against Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), we quantified expression of several genes involved in plant defense: wip1, maize protease inhibitor (mpi), pathogenesis‐related protein (PR‐1), and chitinase. Moreover, we compared growth, development, and survival of caterpillars on maize and wild Zea plants. We found that maize expressed low levels of all but one of the genes when attacked by caterpillars, whereas the wild relatives of maize expressed induced defense genes at high levels. Expression of wip1, in particular, was much greater in the Z. mays ssp. parviglumis population that we expected to naturally express high levels of wip1, with expression levels 29‐fold higher than in herbivore‐free plants. Elevated expression of defenses in wild plants was correlated with higher resistance to caterpillars. Larvae were 15–20% smaller on wild Zea compared with maize, developed 20% slower, and only 22% of them survived to pupation on Z. mays ssp. parviglumis with high levels of wip1. Our results suggest that domestication has inadvertently reduced the resistance of maize, and it is likely that expression of wip1 and other genes associated with defenses play an important role in this reduction in resistance.  相似文献   

The tea green leafhopper, Empoasca onukiiMatsuda (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae), is a serious pest of tea plants in East Asia. Previous work has shown that two tea germplasms, Cd19 and Cd289, sustain less hopperburn damage by E. onukii than does Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze cv. ‘Yabukita’ (Theaceae), and E. onukii excretes less honeydew on these germplasms than on the susceptible Yabukita. This study investigated the feeding behavior of E. onukii with a direct current electropenetrograph (DC EPG) to compare feeding behaviors, including ingestion, on resistant tea germplasms and Yabukita. Feeding behaviors on the resistant germplasms were significantly restricted, with few bouts of active ingestion of short duration and long periods of non‐probing, whereas E. onukii engaged in active ingestion of long duration many times on the susceptible cv. Yabukita. The tea germplasms, Cd19 and Cd289, therefore showed strong resistance to E. onukii. Furthermore, the shape of puncture holes left after probing was compared between the susceptible Yabukita and the resistant germplasms. The puncture holes on Cd19 and Cd289 were indistinct in shape and closed compared with those on Yabukita.  相似文献   

The green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens (Distant) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), occasionally damages rice in Asia either directly, by feeding on the host phloem, or indirectly by transmitting tungro virus. We assessed the nature of resistance against the leafhopper in monogenic and pyramided near‐isogenic rice lines containing the resistance genes Grh2 and Grh4. Only the pyramided line was resistant to leafhopper damage. Leafhopper nymphs and adults had high mortality and low weight gain when feeding on the pyramided line and adults laid few eggs. In contrast, although there was some minor resistance in 45‐day‐old plants that possessed either Grh2 or Grh4 genes, the monogenic lines were generally as susceptible to the leafhopper as the recurrent parent line Taichung65 (T65). Resistance in the pyramided line was stable as the plant aged and under high nitrogen, and affected each of five Philippine leafhopper populations equally. Furthermore, in a selection study, leafhoppers failed to adapt fully to the pyramided resistant line: nymph and adult survival did improve during the first five generations of selection and attained similar levels as on T65, but egg‐laying failed to improve over 10 generations. Our preliminary results suggested that resistance was associated with physiological costs to the plants in some experiments. The results of this study demonstrate the success of pyramiding resistance genes through marker‐assisted breeding, to achieve a strong and potentially durable resistance. We discuss the utility of gene pyramiding and the development of near‐isogenic lines for leafhopper management.  相似文献   

The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), poses a new threat to soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill (Fabaceae), production in the north central USA. As H. halys continues to spread and increase in abundance in the region, the interaction between H. halys and management tactics deployed for other pests must be determined. Currently, the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is the most abundant and damaging insect pest of soybean in the region. Aphid‐resistant soybean, mainly with the Rag1 gene, is commercially available for management of A. glycines. Here, experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean on the mortality, development, and preference of H. halys. In a no‐choice test, mortality of H. halys reared on Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean pods was significantly lower than when reared on aphid‐susceptible soybean pods (28 vs. 53%). Development time, adult weight, and proportion females of surviving adults did not differ when reared on Rag1 aphid‐resistant or aphid‐susceptible soybean pods. In choice tests, H. halys exhibited a preference for Rag1 aphid‐resistant over aphid‐susceptible soybean pods after 4 h, but not after 24 h. Halyomorpha halys exhibited no preference when tested with vegetative‐stage or reproductive‐stage soybean plants. The preference by H. halys for Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean pods and the decreased mortality when reared on these pods suggests that the use of Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean may favor this emerging pest in the north central USA.  相似文献   

Life‐history stages such as reproduction and molt are energetically costly. Reproductive costs include those associated not only with offspring production, but also protecting and provisioning young. Costs typically associated with molting include decreased thermoregulatory and locomotive performance, and increased metabolic and nutritional costs. Energetic demands may disrupt homeostasis, particularly in terms of its maintenance (e.g., oxidative stress and immunity). Few investigators have explored the relationship between effort (increased metabolic rate) and oxidative status and stress by comparing life‐history stages with different energetic demands. However, comparative studies are crucial for understanding the processes of energy allocation and their consequences for different physiological functions. Our objective was to determine how two highly demanding life‐history stages, breeding and molting, affected oxidative balance in Chinstrap Penguins (Pygoscelis antarcticus), a species where these two activities do not overlap. We found that the heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio was significantly higher during breeding than molting; oxidative damage was also higher during breeding. In contrast, we found no significant differences between these stages in total antioxidant capacity. We also found sex differences, with males having greater oxidative damage than females. Our results suggest that breeding is more stressful and more demanding for Chinstrap Penguins than molting, and provide further support for the relationship between effort, in terms of increased metabolic rate, and oxidative balance.  相似文献   

The seasonal availability of food resources is an important factor shaping the life‐history strategies of organisms. During times of nutritional restriction, physiological trade‐offs can induce periods of immune suppression, thereby increasing susceptibility to infectious disease. Our goal was to provide a conceptual framework describing how the endemic level bovine brucellosis (Brucella abortus) may be maintained in Yellowstone bison based on the seasonality of food resources and the life‐history strategies of the host and pathogen. Our analysis was based on active B. abortus infection (measured via bacterial culture), nutritional indicators (measured as metabolites and hormones in plasma), and carcass measurements of 402 slaughtered bison. Data from Yellowstone bison were used to investigate (1) whether seasonal changes in diet quality affect nutritional condition and coincide with the reproductive needs of female bison; (2) whether active B. abortus infection and infection intensities vary with host nutrition and nutritional condition; and (3) the evidence for seasonal changes in immune responses, which may offer protection against B. abortus, in relation to nutritional condition. Female bison experienced a decline in nutritional condition during winter as reproductive demands of late gestation increased while forage quality and availability declined. Active B. abortus infection was negatively associated with bison age and nutritional condition, with the intensity of infection negatively associated with indicators of nutrition (e.g., dietary protein and energy) and body weight. Data suggest that protective cell‐mediated immune responses may be reduced during the B. abortus transmission period, which coincides with nutritional insufficiencies and elevated reproductive demands during spring. Our results illustrate how seasonal food restriction can drive physiological trade‐offs that suppress immune function and create infection and transmission opportunities for pathogens.  相似文献   

Some pathogenic phloem‐limited bacteria are a major threat for worldwide agriculture due to the heavy economic losses caused to many high‐value crops. These disease agents – phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas, liberibacters, and Arsenophonus‐like bacteria – are transmitted from plant to plant by phloem‐feeding Hemiptera vectors. The associations established among pathogens and vectors result in a complex network of interactions involving also the whole microbial community harboured by the insect host. Interactions among bacteria may be beneficial, competitive, or detrimental for the involved microorganisms, and can dramatically affect the insect vector competence and consequently the spread of diseases. Interference is observed among pathogen strains competing to invade the same vector specimen, causing selective acquisition or transmission. Insect bacterial endosymbionts are another pivotal element of interactions between vectors and phytopathogens, because of their central role in insect life cycles. Some symbionts, either obligate or facultative, were shown to have antagonistic effects on the colonization by plant pathogens, by producing antimicrobial substances, by stimulating the production of antimicrobial substances by insects, or by competing for host infection. In other cases, the mutual exclusion between symbiont and pathogen suggests a possible detrimental influence on phytopathogens displayed by symbiotic bacteria; conversely, examples of microbes enhancing pathogen load are available as well. Whether and how bacterial exchanges occurring in vectors affect the relationship between insects, plants, and phytopathogens is still unresolved, leaving room for many open questions concerning the significance of particular traits of these multitrophic interactions. Such complex interplays may have a serious impact on pathogen spread and control, potentially driving new strategies for the containment of important diseases.  相似文献   

  • Knowledge on the metabolism of polysaccharide reserves in wild species is still scarce. In natural sites we collected tubers of Arum italicum Mill. and A. maculatum L. – two geophytes with different apparent phenological timing, ecology and chorology – during five stages of the annual cycle in order to understand patterns of reserve accumulation and degradation.
  • Both the entire tuber and its proximal and distal to shoot portion were utilised. Pools of non‐structural carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose and starch), glucose‐6‐phosphate and ATP were analysed as important markers of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • In both species, starch and glucose content of the whole tuber significantly increased from sprouting to the maturation/senescence stages, whereas sucrose showed an opposite trend; ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate were almost stable and dropped only at the end of the annual cycle. Considering the two different portions of the tuber, both ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate concentrations were higher in proximity to the shoot in all seasonal stages, except the flowering stage.
  • Our findings suggest that seasonal carbon partitioning in the underground organ is driven by phenology and occurs independently of seasonal climate conditions. Moreover, our results show that starch degradation, sustained by elevated ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate pools, starts in the peripheral, proximal‐to‐shoot portion of the tuber, consuming starch accumulated in the previous season, as a ‘Last In–First Out’ mechanism of carbohydrate storage.

Nongenetic parental effects may affect offspring phenotype, and in species with multiple generations per year, these effects may cause life‐history traits to vary over the season. We investigated the effects of parental, offspring developmental and offspring adult temperatures on a suite of life‐history traits in the globally invasive agricultural pest Grapholita molesta. A low parental temperature resulted in female offspring that developed faster at low developmental temperature compared with females whose parents were reared at high temperature. Furthermore, females whose parents were reared at low temperature were heavier and more fecund and had better flight abilities than females whose parents were reared at high temperature. In addition to these cross‐generational effects, females developed at low temperature had similar flight abilities at low and high ambient temperatures, whereas females developed at high temperature had poorer flight abilities at low than at high ambient temperature. Our findings demonstrate a pronounced benefit of low parental temperature on offspring performance, as well as between‐ and within‐generation effects of acclimation to low temperature. In cooler environments, the offspring generation is expected to develop more rapidly than the parental generation and to comprise more fecund and more dispersive females. By producing phenotypes that are adaptive to the conditions inducing them as well as heritable, cross‐generational plasticity can influence the evolutionary trajectory of populations. The potential for short‐term acclimation to low temperature may allow expanding insect populations to better cope with novel environments and may help to explain the spread and establishment of invasive species.  相似文献   

The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is the most significant pest of field maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), in the USA. Maize plants expressing Bt toxins targeting the corn rootworm complex have been widely adopted and are the primary insecticidal control measure for this pest in North America. Insect resistance management tactics using various refuge structures have been adopted to ensure Bt products will retain durability. An assumption of the refuge strategy is that males and females emerging from Bt and refuge plantings mate randomly; this has not been tested in the field. We conducted cage studies using field populations of WCR in Indiana, USA, to generate empirical field data on mating rates between beetles emerging from Cry3Bb1‐expressing Bt and refuge maize plants. Two refuge configurations were tested; all refuge plants were labeled using the stable isotope 15N. This mark persists in adult beetles after eclosion, allowing for collection and analysis of isotopic ratios of all beetles. Additional data collected included adult emergence rates, timing and sex ratios for each of the treatments, and head capsule size and dry weights of beetles collected. Treatment had a significant effect on dry weight; mean dry weight decreased in Bt‐only treatments. Fisher's exact test of proportions of mating pairs of refuge and Bt insects indicated that mating was not random in 20% strip refuges and 5% seed blend treatments. We found high percentages of beetles that fed on Bt‐expressing plants as larvae, suggesting that mating between resistant beetles may not be rare even if random mating did occur.  相似文献   

Abiotic and biotic factors affect life‐history traits and lead populations to exhibit different behavioural strategies. Due to the direct link between their behaviour and fitness, parasitoid females have often been used to test the theories explaining these differences. In male parasitoids, however, such investigations are vastly understudied, although their mating strategy directly determines their fitness. In this study, we compared the pattern of life history traits and the mating strategy of males in two populations of the Drosophila parasitoid Asobara tabida, exposed to different biotic and abiotic conditions, with the major difference being that one of them was recently exposed to strong competition with the dominant competitor Leptopilina boulardi after recent climate change, the other population being settled in a location where L. boulardi has not been recorded. The results showed that individuals of both populations have a different reproductive strategy: in one population, females produced a more female‐biased sex ratio, while males accumulated more lipids during their larval development, invested more energy in reproduction and decreased their locomotor activity, suggesting a higher proportion of matings on their emergence patch, all of these factors being possibly linked to the new competition pressure. In both populations, mating without sperm transfer may persist for several days after males become sperm‐depleted, and may be more frequent than mating with sperm transfer over their whole lifespan. This point is discussed from an evolutionary point of view.  相似文献   

Root hairs are instrumental for nutrient uptake in monocot cereals. The maize (Zea mays L.) roothairless5 (rth5) mutant displays defects in root hair initiation and elongation manifested by a reduced density and length of root hairs. Map‐based cloning revealed that the rth5 gene encodes a monocot‐specific NADPH oxidase. RNA‐Seq, in situ hybridization and qRT‐PCR experiments demonstrated that the rth5 gene displays preferential expression in root hairs but also accumulates to low levels in other tissues. Immunolocalization detected RTH5 proteins in the epidermis of the elongation and differentiation zone of primary roots. Because superoxide and hydrogen peroxide levels are reduced in the tips of growing rth5 mutant root hairs as compared with wild‐type, and Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is known to be involved in tip growth, we hypothesize that the RTH5 protein is responsible for establishing the high levels of ROS in the tips of growing root hairs required for elongation. Consistent with this hypothesis, a comparative RNA‐Seq analysis of 6‐day‐old rth5 versus wild‐type primary roots revealed significant over‐representation of only two gene ontology (GO) classes related to the biological functions (i.e. oxidation/reduction and carbohydrate metabolism) among 893 differentially expressed genes (FDR <5%). Within these two classes the subgroups ‘response to oxidative stress’ and ‘cellulose biosynthesis’ were most prominently represented.  相似文献   

The area of dedicated energy crops is expected to increase in Sweden. This will result in direct land use changes, which may affect the carbon stocks in soil and biomass, as well as yield levels and the use of inputs. Carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes of biomass are often not considered when calculating the climate impact in life cycle assessments (LCA) assuming that the CO2 released at combustion has recently been captured by the biomass in question. With the extended time lag between capture and release of CO2 inherent in many perennial bioenergy systems, the relation between carbon neutrality and climate neutrality may be questioned. In this paper, previously published methodologies and models are combined in a methodological framework that can assist LCA practitioners in interpreting the time‐dependent climate impact of a bioenergy system. The treatment of carbon differs from conventional LCA practice in that no distinction is made between fossil and biogenic carbon. A time‐dependent indicator is used to enable a representation of the climate impact that is not dependent on the choice of a specific characterization time horizon or time of evaluation and that does not use characterization factors, such as global warming potential and global temperature potential. The indicator used to aid in the interpretation phase of this paper is global mean surface temperature change (ΔTs(n)). A theoretical system producing willow for district heating was used to study land use change effects depending on previous land use and variations in the standing biomass carbon stocks. When replacing annual crops with willow this system presented a cooling contribution to ΔTs(n). However, the first years after establishing the willow plantation it presented a warming contribution to ΔTs(n). This behavior was due mainly to soil organic carbon (SOC) variation. A rapid initial increase in standing biomass counteracted the initial SOC loss.  相似文献   

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