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Winde  Jacob  Sønderkær  Mads  Nielsen  Kåre L.  Pagter  Majken 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(8):709-723
Plant Ecology - Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) is a global invasive species disrupting native species and habitats in several parts of the world. Its natural distribution spans across Europe, but...  相似文献   

Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), is a leguminous shrub, native to the Mediterranean, which has invaded most of the remaining Garry oak savannah ecosystems in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Here, it is considered to be a threat to the native plant community. We tested the hypothesis that broom would increase available soil nitrogen by comparing soil nutrients in contiguous broom-invaded and non-invaded sites. We then looked for changes in patterns of diversity in the herbaceous community that might indicate a role of Scotch broom in changing conditions following its invasion. Finally we carried out greenhouse assays to test whether broom had a greater impact on the growth of a native and an introduced grass compared to that of a native shrub. Broom was associated with only a weak trend in increased soil nitrogen, but a significant decrease in soil phosphorus was observed. Patterns of plant diversity differed between two sites. At one site, 60% of the plants whose abundances increased in the broom-invaded plots were introduced species while native species abundances decreased in the broom-invaded plots compared to broom-free plots. At the other site, 60% of the plants that caused the differences between broom-invaded and un-invaded plots were native species that were less abundant in the broom-invaded plots. Finally, in greenhouse assays grass growth was not affected as a result of being grown with broom; however, grasses appeared to produce more flowers when grown with broom. We conclude that broom does not necessarily modify soil nitrogen availability but may deplete soil phosphorus availability and that broom invasion can be associated with increase of exotic species and/or the decline of native species.  相似文献   

Red shiners (Cyprinella lutrensis) are among the most widespread, ecologically general, and environmentally tolerant fish species in North America, and are highly invasive where they have been introduced outside their native range. However, long-term data on fish assemblages showed that red shiners gradually (1980s to 2006) disappeared from creeks that are direct tributaries of Lake Texoma (Oklahoma, USA) where they are native and historically had been numerically dominant. Following a major flood in 2007, red shiners were detected anew in some of these creeks, but repeatedly disappeared and re-appeared through November 2009. Given their invasive abilities where they are not native, their failure to become re-established prompted us to examine factors that affect their apparent inability to re-invade their native habitat. We established assemblages of five common fish taxa native to Brier Creek in 12 large, outdoor mesocosm stream units. Subsequently, we introduced red shiners at two densities of 10 or 30 per unit, six replicates each, to examine potential effects of propagule pressure on establishment success. Approximately six months later, we ended the experiment and recovered all fish. Red shiners failed to become established in the experimental units, regardless of initial stocking density. They also exhibited much lower survival than other species in the native community, which not only survived well but exhibited some recruitment. Red shiner survival was significantly negatively related to the number of sunfish (Lepomis spp.) that grew to adult size in experimental units, suggesting that predation can inhibit early stages of invasion by red shiners.  相似文献   

Species distribution models rely on the assumption that species' distributions are at equilibrium with environmental conditions within a region – i.e. they occur in all suitable habitats. If this assumption holds, species occurrence should be predictable from measures of the environment. Introduced species may be poor candidates for distribution models due to their presumed lack of equilibrium within the landscapes they occupy, although predicting their potential distributions is often of critical importance to natural resource managers. We determined if the accuracy of species distribution models differed between 17 native and 17 introduced riparian plant species in the western United States. We also assessed if model accuracy was associated with both environmental and biological factors that can influence dispersal. We used Random Forests to model species distributions and linear regression to determine if model accuracy was associated with dispersal‐related traits. Model accuracy for introduced species was higher than that for native species. Dispersal‐related traits did not affect model accuracy or improvement, though two other traits, family affiliation and rarity on the landscape, did have an effect. Distance‐based measures of dispersal potential improved model fit equally for both native and introduced species and for species with a variety of dispersal traits, suggesting that the importance of regional propagule pressure is relatively constant across species with different dispersal opportunities. Several lines of future questioning are suggested by our results, including why introduced species may in some cases produce more accurate distribution models than native species and how species dispersal traits relate to distribution model accuracy at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

The long held view that annelids and arthropods are closely related (Articulata) has been challenged recently by phylogenetic analyses using molecular data. The outcome of these studies is a clade of moulting animals (Ecdysozoa) comprising arthropods and some taxa of the nemathelminth worms. Monophyly of the Ecdysozoa has not yet been shown convincingly on morphological evidence, but is strongly supported by molecular data. The implication of the Ecdysozoa hypothesis is that the type of segmentation found in annelids and arthropods must be either convergent or an ancestral feature of protostomes or even bilaterians. The present review discusses aspects of segmentation in annelids and arthropods at the genetic, cellular, morphogenetic and morphological levels. Based on numerous similarities not shared with other bilaterian taxa it is suggested that segmentation of annelids and arthropods is homologous and apomorphic for a monophyletic Articulata. However, the challenge provided by the molecular analyses should stimulate research programmes gaining more data such as on additional genes, cleavage patterns, molecular developmental biology, and the comparison of nervous systems at the level of single neurons.  相似文献   

Explanations of the pattern of species have traditionally relied on small-scale, local processes occurring in ecological time. Differences in species richness have associated with different mechanisms avoiding competition, such as spatiotemporal heterogeneity (weaker competitors may find a more favourable place or time) or environmental stress (competition is assumed to be less intensive under difficult conditions). More recently, large-scale process have been taken into account, raising such questions as: which plant species may potentially grow in a certain community? Are evolutionary processes and species dispersal responsible for the differences between communities? The species-pool theory attempts to answer these general questions, and information about species pools is needed for the design of experiments where the number of species in a community is manipulated.  相似文献   

1. This is a discussion of the applicability to the phytoplankton of the concepts of ‘plant functional types’ (PFTs) and ‘functional diversity’ (FD), which originated in terrestrial plant ecology. 2. Functional traits driving the performance of phytoplankton species reflect important processes such as growth, sedimentation, grazing losses and nutrient acquisition. 3. This paper presents an objective, mathematical way of assigning PFTs and measuring FD. Ecologists can use this new approach to investigate general hypotheses [e.g. the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH), the insurance hypothesis and synchronicity phenomena] as, for example, in its original formulation the IDH makes its predictions based on FD rather than species diversity.  相似文献   

Despite the great interest it generates, the definition of Bergmann's Rule is vague and often contested. Debate focuses on whether the rule should be described in terms of pattern or process, what taxa it should apply to and what taxonomic level it should be associated with. Here I review the historical development of studies of Bergmann's Rule. I suggest that Bergmann thought that his rule should be strongest at the intra‐specific level, rather than between closely related species as is usually thought. I argue that the rule is a pattern that can be studied regardless of mechanism in any taxon and at any taxonomic level.  相似文献   

Neosparton darwinii Benth. & Hook. is a ramose, almost leafless shrub, whose growth is restricted to an area on the southwestern coast of Buenos Aires province (Argentina). Its limited distribution could imply risks for its survival. In the present study, we evaluated population characteristics relevant to an assessment of its conservation status and made a preliminary characterization of its habitat. Historical data seem to indicate that the species has undergone a severe reduction in its geographic distribution. We estimated the actual population size to be around 44,000 plants, distributed in a clumped pattern. We found no significant differences between the environments immediately associated with the plants and other similar distant sites, in terms of position on the dune profile, percentage of bare soil and the richness and composition of accompanying plant species. A high proportion of the seeds produced each year is destroyed by parasite bruchid beetles. We have not seen seedlings of N.darwinii in the area. All the laboratory germination essays done to date have produced negative results. The species grows in an area intensively used by tourists. We can foresee quantitative and qualitative reductions in habitat availability. This information points out that N.darwinii is not just a rare species, but its survival is a matter for serious consideration. We suggest certain steps towards effective management to ensure its conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analyse the hypothesis that predictable gradients occur in plant–pollinator interactions along altitudinal gradients due to thermal constraints on insect body size and floral traits being selected for by pollinators. Pollinators’ size should follow Bergmann's rule in mountains (larger body size at higher altitudes) and selection should, in turn, lead to larger flower size at higher altitudes. The study focuses on the flower and pollinator size variation in 11 Cytisus scoparius populations located between 680 and 1300 m a.s.l., and on the relationship between flower size and pollination success of plants in each population. Significant differences among populations were found in flower size, pollinator size and fruiting success (anova , P < 0.001 in all cases). Regression models show that (i) pollinator size increases significantly with altitude, (ii) a parallel quadratic increase in flower size and (iii) a quadratic decrease in pollination success with altitude. Moreover, there is a tendency of plants with smaller flowers in each population to have a higher percentage of flowers initiating development into fruits (ancova , P < 0.05). All these observations support the presence of the predicted gradient in the studied species and they suggest the possibility of it to be somewhat common among plants that occupy large altitudinal ranges due to the simple basis on which it could be rooted.  相似文献   

Pseudorasbora parva (Pisces, Cyprinidae) is an invasive species from eastern Asia. Known in France since 1983, it has only been observed since 1993 in the Rh?ne delta where large populations occur. 203 specimens of that fish species have been examined for L3-larvae of Anguillicola crassus. 35% of the fish were found to be infected.  相似文献   

1. The necrobiome is a unique microcosm in which various organisms interact and compete for access to an ephemeral resource, such as carrion, that ultimately determines the structure and composition of these assemblages. 2. Blowfly species exhibit different competitive abilities which, when associated with other types of behaviour, such as predation or cannibalism, influence coexistence. Knowledge of the effects of competition between native and invasive species on development and survival is essential to understanding the dynamics of insect communities and to assess biological invasions. 3. Laboratory experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of interspecific competition on the bionomics and survival of a native (Cochliomyia macellaria) and an invasive (Chrysomya rufifacies) blowfly species at different population densities. 4. The deleterious effect of competition on the larval parameters of C. macellaria increased proportionally with increases in the larval density of C. rufifacies. When exposed to increased densities of C. rufifacies, larvae of C. macellaria accelerated their development and, as a trade‐off for this strategy, surviving adults were smaller and had reduced wing size, which were likely to reduce dispersal and reproductive capacity. 5. Larval competition – both as species‐dependent and density‐dependent phenomena – influences morphological and biological traits of surviving individuals. The impact of the invasive species has consequences at the population level, such as displacement or local population depletion of native species, a phenomenon likely to occur in other systems involving insects and ephemeral resources.  相似文献   

Caryopsis and spikelet fork remains of Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Coss. & Durieu ex P. Candargy have been recovered from a Hallstatt period archaeobotanical assemblage (ca. 900/800–450 cal. bc) in western Hungary (Carpathian basin). The presence of D. villosum has not been reported previously from any Hungarian archaeological sites, however there are accounts of its possible occurrence from the Neolithic, the Bronze and Iron Age in northern Serbia. The exact identification of the species has been hindered by its morphological similarity to wild rye and wheat species, as well as to Secale cereale L. and Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. ssp. timopheevii. D. villosum has been found growing at seven locations in Hungary during the past 100 years. Most of these occurrences do not exist today, and the species is not considered indigenous to the present Hungarian flora. The new finds of this species from an Iron Age feature dated to 702–696 cal. bc in western Hungary leave doubts as to whether it is indigenous or not, and should encourage archaeobotanists to consider the possibility of the occurrence of this species on other sites.  相似文献   

We explore whether there was an urban height penalty in Spain during the period of early industrialization from 1840 to 1913, using data from Spain's Southeastern coast and from Castile-Leon. Our results indicate that in the Mediterranean Coast of Southeastern Spain urban heights were well above rural ones for most of the period considered. In Castile-Leon, however, urban and rural heights were about the same until 1870 but urban heights were intermittently above rural ones thereafter. Hence, in Spain urban heights were not always below rural ones in stark contrast to the pattern obtained in other parts of Europe and North America.  相似文献   

Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L., Lythraceae) is considered one of the worst invasive plant species in the world. In this paper, I reconstruct how purple loosestrife quickly became, after a long (150 years) period of indifference, the persona non grata of North American wetlands. I then compare the portrayal of the species in newspapers (907 articles) to that supported by the scientific literature (38 peer-review papers). The depiction of purple loosestrife in scientific studies (lacking definition) is far removed from that in newspapers (alarming). Some native species likely suffer from an invasion, but stating that this plant has large negative impacts on wetlands is probably exaggerated. If purple loosestrife is not a primary cause of extinction or a major contributor to the decline of other species, but is instead an indicator of anthropogenic disturbances, the resources and efforts devoted to removing this species might be better focused on more effective means to protect wetlands against disturbances.  相似文献   

Do invasive plant species have greater phenotypic plasticity than non-invasive species? And, if so, how does this affect their fitness relative to native, non-invasive species? What role might this play in plant invasions? To answer these long-standing questions, we conducted a meta-analysis using data from 75 invasive/non-invasive species pairs. Our analysis shows that invasive species demonstrate significantly higher phenotypic plasticity than non-invasive species. To examine the adaptive benefit of this plasticity, we plotted fitness proxies against measures of plasticity in several growth, morphological and physiological traits to test whether greater plasticity is associated with an improvement in estimated fitness. Invasive species were nearly always more plastic in their response to greater resource availability than non-invasives but this plasticity was only sometimes associated with a fitness benefit. Intriguingly, non-invasive species maintained greater fitness homoeostasis when comparing growth between low and average resource availability. Our finding that invasive species are more plastic in a variety of traits but that non-invasive species respond just as well, if not better, when resources are limiting, has interesting implications for predicting responses to global change.  相似文献   

Link  Arthur F.  Johnson  Linda M. K.  Utz  Ryan M. 《Plant Ecology》2019,220(6):577-593
Plant Ecology - Invasive plant species suppress native trees through a variety of mechanisms. A non-native shrub, Berberis thunbergii, has been shown to depress native tree seedling densities in...  相似文献   

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