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TornquistesLemoine, considered still now as a subgenusof Pachyceras is up graduated to a genus level in the family PachyceratidaeBuckman. The study of this genus, only known in the upper part of Lower Oxfordian and the lower part of the Middle Oxfordian, shows six species; one of them, T. multicostatum, is new. These species are put in two sub-genus, Tornquistes s. str. and a new subgenus, Pachytornquistes. Some species are polymorph and for the first time, macroconch-microconch dimorphism is proved. Phyletic connections, stratigraphic repartition, paleobiogeographic distribution and their consequences are pointed out in conclusion.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(3):197-215
Despite the stratigraphical significance of dinoflagellate cysts as reliable markers for correlating and dating Jurassic–Cretaceous strata, investigations into this palynomorph group in the southern Tethyan Realm, specifically northwest Africa, are sparse and somewhat parochial. Most research on Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts is focussed on European depocentres in the Boreal and Sub-Boreal realms. This study is on biostratigraphical data from two petroleum boreholes (MSD1 and KDH1) drilled during 1985 in the Guercif Basin, northeast Morocco by ONAREP (Office National de Recherche et d’Exploitation Pétrolier), now ONHYM (Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines). These boreholes penetrated a thick siliciclastic succession, attributed to the Middle and Upper Jurassic, below Miocene marls. Over sixty dinoflagellate cyst taxa were identified. Four dinoflagellate cyst biozones, named GI to GIV, are established for the late Bathonian to early Oxfordian interval. These biozones are defined on the basis of the first appearance datum (FAD) and/or the last appearance datum (LAD) of some biomarker taxa which have wide geographical distributions. These are: Ctenidodinium combazii and Ctenidodinium sellwoodii for the GI Biozone (late Bathonian–early Callovian); Ctenidodinium continuum and Meiourogonyaulax caytonensis for the GII Biozone (middle Callovian); Gonyaulacysta centriconnata and Wanaea thysanota for the GIII Biozone (late Callovian–earliest Oxfordian); and Liesbergia liesbergensis and Systematophora penicillata for the GIV Biozone (early Oxfordian). These biozones are correlated to those already established for the respective intervals in other palaeogeographic regions, such as the Boreal, Sub-boreal and Tethyan realms.  相似文献   

Christian Gaillard 《Geobios》1978,11(4):439-455
Coprulus, described by R. Richter & E. Richter (1939a) is very abundant in the Oxfordian marls and muddy limestones of the French Jura Mountains. These small cylindrical calcareous bodies are characterised by longitudinal grooves. They have been often found in washings but are also visible in thin sections. Coprulus is rarely mentioned by micropaleontologists but its stratigraphical and geographical range is certainly very extended. Often considered as Problematica, this trace fossil has been differently interpreted. This work confirms and specifies the results of F. Gramann (1966): Coprulus represents a fecal pellet of a deposit-feeder mollusc (Nuculidae?). Three new ichnospecies are described herein and the ichnogenus Coprulus is compared with Bactryllium, Coptocampylodon and Tomaculum.  相似文献   

Jean-Yves Crochet 《Geobios》1979,12(3):365-378
From the early Eocene to the middle Miocene,26 species of european Didelphidae are recognized. The diagnosis of 15 new species are stated (Peradectes louisi, russelli and multigniensis; Amphiperatherium brabantense, bourdellense, gothei, maximum, bastbergense and fontense; Peratherium matronense, sudrei, bretouense, lavergnense, monspeliense and perrierense). For the first time, the sub-family of Didelphinae is divided in two new tribes (Peradectini and Didelphini). In Europe, the story of this sub-family is briefly stated.  相似文献   

Eric Buffetaut 《Geobios》1976,9(2):143-198
Among the abundant remains of Mesosuchia that have been yielded by the early Senonian locality of In Beceten (Niger), the most numerous belong to the species Trematochampsa taquetiBuffetaut, 1974. The osteology of this species is described here. This medium-sized crocodilian, with a moderately elongated skull, is characterized, among other features, by its antorbital fenestra, its surangular-quadratojugal articulation, its slightly displaced post-orbital pillar, its teeth with wrinkled enamel, and its amphicoelous vertebrae. In its general outlook, this animal is rather reminiscent of the Goniopholidae, from the Upper Jurassic and the Cretaceous of Laurasia, but it is more primitive than them, and resemblances are probably due to convergence phenomena. The family Trematochampsidae is probably essentially Gondwanian, and could persist until the Senonian thanks to a certain isolation from Laurasia, where more progressive Crocodylia became predominant much earlier than in Africa and South America.  相似文献   

In Mesogea, the Harpoceratinae were known asearly as the end of the Lower Carixian. They later reached the sub-boreal province through the Alps or the South of the Iberic Peninsula. The analysis of the populations met in four crosssections of the Lower Domerian (Causses, Mâconnais, Franche-Comté, Portugal) showed the settling down of the Protogrammoceras isseli group that set up and evoluated in a similar way in the different areas in spite of a certain originality.On the one hand, it gave the cladogenetic groupP. monestieri-nitescens by diminution of the ribing density, strengthening of the ribs and simplification of the suture.On the other hand, a slower evolution give, near the end of the Stokesi zone, P. normanianum in the Paris Basin and in Burgundy, and P. lusitanicum in Portugal. At the same time, a new invader, P. celebratum, arrived in the Causses (and in Portugal).  相似文献   

Some temporary outcrops at Villers-le-Tourneur/Neuvizy (Ardennes, France), made possible the observation and biostratigraphical dating of Uppermost Callovian to Early Middle Oxfordian poorly known formations. Especially, the “Oolite Ferrugineuse de Villers-le-Tourneur–Neuvizy” is a quite thick marly unit, yielding some silicified fossils well known since the XIXth century. With details, the Formation displays the succession of several faunal associations, characterizing the main subzones of the Cordatum Zone (Late Lower Oxfordian) and the Plicatilis Zone (Early Middle Oxfordian). Amongst many other species, Cardioceras cordatum (Sowerby, 1812) corresponds to a rare taxon or morphotype, yielded by the bottom part of the Formation. Then, the ultimate Lower Oxfordian faunal association is dominated by ammonites related to C. persecans. These Early Oxfordian are widely dominated by the family Cardioceratidae, commonly associated with Aspidoceratidae; such a structure is related to the “subboreal associations”, typically represented in Great Britain. Immediately after the Middle Oxfordian boundary, some “subtethysian” ammonites (mainly Perisphinctidae), occur in a larger number without being dominant, that emphasizing the northern location of the Ardennes margin. Then locally, two faunal associations succeed, which are characterized by C. cordatiforme (with Euaspidoceras perarmatum), and C. densiplicatum, respectively. Both are typical associations of the Vertebrale Subzone (Early Middle Oxfordian).  相似文献   

Simon Tillier 《Geobios》1975,8(1):75-78
This miocene organism was described as an Alga (Lithophyllym vinassaiPATRINI, 1932 = Neosolenopora patriniiMASTRORILLI, 1955) and as a Bryozoan (Reptomulticava parviporosaCANU et LECOINTRE, 1934). This paper shows several salient features of Cyclostomatous Bryozoans (morphology, microstructure, zoarial brood chamber). The arguments for the classing of this organism among Algae are simultaneously refuted (pseudo-differentiation of the thallus, conceptacles).  相似文献   

Ammonites diartianus d'Orbigny is a Vascocerasoof late Cenomanian (Sciponoceras gracile Zone) age, occuring in both Sarthe (France) and southern England. It is the earliest vascoceratid known from France, and its recognition is of great significance, lending support to recent suggestions that the classic Vascoceras gamai - mundaeChoffat group are of Upper Cenomanian age.  相似文献   

Les affinités fauniques et la délimitation même du Turkestan en tant qu’entité biogéographique sont mal connues ou controversées. Elles sont discutées ici dans le cadre d’une révision systématique des espèces d’abeilles rubicoles du genre Ceratina. Onze espèces, dont une nouvelle: Ceratina (Euceratina) haladai n. sp., y sont répertoriées. Trois espèces sont redécrites et une clé d’identification est proposée. Toutes ces espèces sont soit présentes dans la région ouest-paléarctique, soit de proches parentes d’espèces méditerranéennes. Aucune espèce ne présente d’affinités notables avec les taxons orientaux ou est-paléarctiques. La carte de distribution de chaque espèce est établie et comparée à la distribution des biomes régionaux. Comme elles sont très largement polylectiques, les plantes butinées ne constituent probablement pas un facteur limitant de leur distribution. A l’inverse, leur nidification rubicole les cantonne à des biotopes riches en ronces (Rubus species) ou en autres plantes à tiges creuses ou médullaires (par ex. Verbascum species). Ceci explique leur implantation plutôt synanthrope en montagne et le long des fleuves.  相似文献   

The revision of the fossil fishes from the Lower Oligocene of Ronzon, Le Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire, France), leads one to give a more precise account of their main anatomical and meristic features. According to the rules of zoological nomenclature, the unique fish species known from this locality must be named Prolebias aymardi (Sauvage). Some palaeoecological characters of these fishes are specified.  相似文献   

The genus Pachyerymnoceras, with four new species,is described for the first time in Western Algeria. The genus first appears in the Middle Callovia (Coronatum Zone) as in Saudi Arabia. It is represented in the Saida region by uncommon P. praecox nov. sp. followed during the Upper Callovian (Athleta Zone) by specimens belonging to P. flamandi sp. nov., P. kmerense nov. sp. and P. saidense nov. sp. Every species is represented by a dimorphic pair.Pachyceratidae are put into Perisphinctaceae. If Pachyerymnoceras arises from Erymnoceras, a genus suddenly appearing during the Middle Callovian on northern and southern Tethyan borders, the origin of Erymnoceras is still unknown. Three phylogenetic hypothesis are considered here. Erymnoceras may have evolved during Lower Callovian: 1) from serpenticonic Tethyan Pseudoperisphinctinae like Choffatia (Subgrossouvria); 2) from Tulitids via ellipticoncic Bullatimorphites (Kheraiceras); 3) through a double lineage arisen in Subboreal and Tethyan platyconic Proplanulitids.Pachyceratids have a wide paleobiogeographic distribution in NW Europe and on the Tethyan margins. The genus Pachyerymnoceras evolves in Ethiopian Province of the Tethyan Realm. Some species migrate into Indo-Malagasian Province and others, through the south Tethyan border came to Europe were they are found restricted to Upper Callovian (Athleta and Lamberti Zones). Therefore this migration has a duration of two or even three zones.  相似文献   

Annick Boullier 《Geobios》1981,14(1):29-67
The questions relating to the type-species of genus PostepithyrisMakridin and to its systematic position within Terebratulids are discussed.The French species are described: besides the type-species P. cincta (Cotteau) from Upper Oxfordian, two species from Inferior Kimmeridgian can be included in this genus: P. minor (Douvillé) and P. dubisensis nov. sp.A new subspecies P. cincta mosensis nov., recently discovered in Oxfordian from East of the Paris Basin, can also be assigned to the genus.Postepithyris did not evolve through a single special facies: the species could supported different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

New surveys were undertaken in Abbeville in 2016 and 2017 on the site of the Moulin Quignon discovered before 1850 by Boucher de Perthes, relocated thanks to the archival work carried out by MNHN researchers. This research led 150 years later to the rediscovery of this emblematic Paleolithic site. Test pits and extensive excavation have led to the discovery of alluvial levels in situ and a lithic series composed of 254 fragments, 15 cores and 5 bifaces. The cores and flakes attest to in situ debitage on flint nodules according mainly to unipolar and centripetal unifacial technology, except for one core, which indicates a management on several debitage surfaces. The bifaces are diversified morphologically and technically (shaping modes). They attest to a general management of the bifacial volume and geometry of the tool, to the care taken at the tip of the tool and to the regularisation of the often peripheral edges. They resemble those discovered by Boucher de Perthes in 1837–1868 and described in the past as “Abbevillian”. Stratigraphic and ESR age studies on quartz date human occupation between 670 and 650 ka. These artifacts belong to the earliest Acheulean occupation ever dated in the Somme basin and more generally north of the 50th parallel north. The lithic series discovered at Moulin Quignon is indisputable proof of the presence of human occupations dated at more than 650 ka in the Somme valley, a natural pathway to northern sectors, present-day Great Britain. This discovery thus ages (1) the age of the oldest occupation in the North of France (previously 550 ka) and (2) the age of the oldest bifaces for Northwest Europe (100 ka older than the bifaces in Great Britain).  相似文献   

The Kosmoceratinae Tintant, 1963, consist of a subfamily of Jurassic Ammonitina of boreal origin, of which most species are highly polymorphic. Because of their rapid evolution and diversification they represent a major group for establishing Middle to Upper Callovian biostratigraphy. During its history, this taxon records an extreme and sudden diversification across the boundary between the substages. This step took place according to two distinct modes: 1- a rather progressive although rapid increase in both diversity and disparity of the dominant groups during most of the Middle Callovian; 2- a sudden two steps renewal of ornamental patterns giving rise to a quick reorientation of both disparity and diversity. This double event is well recorded and synchronous at the European scale.  相似文献   

Claude Guérin 《Geobios》1982,15(4):599-605
In the five lineage constituted by the Aceratheriinae, Dicerorhininae, Dicerotinae, Rhinocerotinae and Teleoceratinae subfamilies, the evolutionary trends are analysed by statistical comparisons of specific samples of different ages; in several species it leads to the definition of successive evolutionary stages. A tentative phylogenetic interpretation is given.  相似文献   

More than 90 remains of rhinoceroses bones and teeth have been recovered from the Layna Pliocene deposit. They correspond to a middle sized animal with stout bones and is quite different from both the large sized Pliocène D. megarhinus, the lower Villafranchian D. jeanvireti and the slim small Villafranchian D. etruscus. Its a new species belonging to the Dicerorhinus genus: D. miguelcrusafonti nov. sp. This species is also found in the Perpignan Pliocene formation, together with D. megarhinus.  相似文献   

Jean Gaudant 《Geobios》1977,10(5):671-681
The mythical character of the species «Smerdis glangeaudiPriem is demonstrated, using mainly lithological, anatomical, morphometrical and field arguments. In fact, this species has been described from a composite hypodigm which truly includes two specimens of Dapalis (=Smerdis) macrurus (Ag.) from the neighbourhood of Céreste (Alpes de Haute-Provence) and another one of Dapalis (=Smerdis) minutus (Bl.) from the ancient gypsum quarries of Aix-en-Provence.  相似文献   

In the western part of the “Synclinorium median armoricain (Rade de Brest), the presence of Hyostragulum simplex n. sp. in the lower part of the Troaon formation (Upper Emsian) is a supplementary element of hercynian fauna in Brittany during lower devonian time.For the new species, characterised by the lack of a septum on the base of the corallite, a fibrous microstructure, perhaps trabecular, is shown. The systematic position of the genus is discussed but ends up with a suggestion to let it remain incertae sedis..  相似文献   

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