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Intravital microscopy allows imaging of biological phenomena within living animals, including host–parasite interactions. This has advanced our understanding of both, the function of lymphoid organs during parasitic infections, and the effect of parasites on such organs to allow their survival. In parasitic research, recent developments in this technique have been crucial for the direct study of host–parasite interactions within organs at depths, speeds and resolution previously difficult to achieve. Lymphoid organs have gained more attention as we start to understand their function during parasitic infections and the effect of parasites on them. In this review, we summarise technical and biological findings achieved by intravital microscopy with respect to the interaction of various parasites with host lymphoid organs, namely the bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen and the mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue, and present a view into possible future applications.  相似文献   

Intravital fluorescence microscopy (IVM) is a powerful technique for imaging multiple organs, including the brain of living mice and rats. It enables the direct visualisation of cells in situ providing a real‐life view of biological processes that in vitro systems cannot. In addition, to the technological advances in microscopy over the last decade, there have been supporting innovations in data storage and analytical packages that enable the visualisation and analysis of large data sets. Here, we review the advantages and limitations of techniques predominantly used for brain IVM, including thinned skull windows, open skull cortical windows, and a miniaturised optical system based on microendoscopic probes that can be inserted into deep tissues. Further, we explore the relevance of these techniques for the field of parasitology. Several protozoan infections are associated with neurological symptoms including Plasmodium spp., Toxoplasma spp., and Trypanosoma spp. IVM has led to crucial findings on these parasite species, which are discussed in detail in this review.  相似文献   

Intracellular imaging is a key tool in the investigation of host‐pathogen interactions. Advances in this area are particularly sought to understand the effect of viral infection processes on the host cell and its metabolic functions including those cases where host cell lipid metabolism is modulated as a result of infection. We demonstrate the use of combined coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and two‐photon fluorescence microscopies to image fibroblast cells infected by cytomegalovirus. CARS is used to image the host cell membrane, lipid droplets and morphology of the nucleus. Cell nuclei are found to expand during infection, approximately doubling in area. Some cells also show accumulations of lipid droplets at the nuclear periphery. Using a genetically modified virus strain expressing the green fluorescent protein also enables two‐photon imaging of the same cells to reveal the location, nature and extent of viral protein expression. (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Intravital microscopy allows the visualisation of how pathogens interact with host cells and tissues in living animals in real time. This method has enabled key advances in our understanding of host–parasite interactions under physiological conditions. A combination of genetics, microscopy techniques, and image analysis have recently facilitated the understanding of biological phenomena in living animals at cellular and subcellular resolution. In this review, we summarise findings achieved by intravital microscopy of the skin and adipose tissues upon infection with various parasites, and we present a view into possible future applications of this method.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic human pathogen, which can cause life‐threatening disease. Proteome analyses of the bacterium can provide new insights into its pathophysiology and important facets of metabolic adaptation and, thus, aid the recognition of targets for intervention. However, the value of such proteome studies increases with their comprehensiveness. We present an MS–driven, proteome‐wide characterization of the strain S. aureus HG001. Combining 144 high precision proteomic data sets, we identified 19 109 peptides from 2088 distinct S. aureus HG001 proteins, which account for 72% of the predicted ORFs. Peptides were further characterized concerning pI, GRAVY, and detectability scores in order to understand the low peptide coverage of 8.7% (19 109 out of 220 245 theoretical peptides). The high quality peptide‐centric spectra have been organized into a comprehensive peptide fragmentation library (SpectraST) and used for identification of S. aureus‐typic peptides in highly complex host–pathogen interaction experiments, which significantly improved the number of identified S. aureus proteins compared to a MASCOT search. This effort now allows the elucidation of crucial pathophysiological questions in S. aureus‐specific host–pathogen interaction studies through comprehensive proteome analysis. The S. aureus‐specific spectra resource developed here also represents an important spectral repository for SRM or for data‐independent acquisition MS approaches. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000702 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000702 ).  相似文献   

An effective immune response requires the engagement of host receptors by pathogen‐derived molecules and the stimulation of an appropriate cellular response. Therefore, a crucial factor in our ability to control an infection is the accessibility of our immune cells to the foreign material. Exosomes—which are extracellular vesicles that function in intercellular communication—may play a key role in the dissemination of pathogen‐ as well as host‐derived molecules during infection. In this review, we highlight the composition and function of exosomes and other extracellular vesicles produced during viral, parasitic, fungal and bacterial infections and describe how these vesicles could function to either promote or inhibit host immunity.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a versatile Gram‐positive pathogen that gains increasing importance due to the rapid spreading of resistances. Functional genomics technologies can provide new insights into the adaptational network of this bacterium and its response to environmental challenges. While functional genomics technologies, including proteomics, have been extensively used to study these phenomena in shake flask cultures, studies of bacteria from in vivo settings lack behind. Particularly for proteomics studies, the major bottleneck is the lack of sufficient proteomic coverage for low numbers of cells. In this study, we introduce a workflow that combines a pulse‐chase stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture approach with high capacity cell sorting, on‐membrane digestion, and high‐sensitivity MS to detect and quantitatively monitor several hundred S. aureus proteins from a few million internalised bacteria. This workflow has been used in a proof‐of‐principle experiment to reveal changes in levels of proteins with a function in protection against oxidative damage and adaptation of cell wall synthesis in strain RN1HG upon internalisation by S9 human bronchial epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Multiphoton tomography (MPT) is a prospective tool for imaging the skin structure. Aiming to increase the probing depth, a comparative ex vivo study of optical clearing of porcine ear skin was performed by using two optical clearing agents (OCAs), i.e., glycerol and iohexol (OmnipaqueTM) at different concentrations, which exhibit different osmotic properties. The results show that a topical application of glycerol or OmnipaqueTM solutions onto the skin for 60 min significantly improved the depth and contrast of the MPT signals. By utilizing 40%, 60% and 100% glycerol, and 60% and 100% OmnipaqueTM it was demonstrated that both agents improve autofluorescence and SHG (second harmonic generation) signals from the skin. At the applied concentrations and agent time exposure, glycerol is more effective than OmnipaqueTM. However, tissue shrinkage and cell morphology changes were found for highly concentrated glycerol solutions. OmnipaqueTM, on the contrary, increases the safety and has no or minimal tissue shrinkage during the optical clearing process. Moreover OmnipaqueTM allows for robust multimodal optical/X‐ray imaging with automatically matched optically cleared and X‐ray contrasted tissue volumes. These findings make OmnipaqueTM more prospective than glycerol for some particular application.


Serine protease inhibitors (serpins), evolutionary old, structurally conserved molecules, are a superfamily of proteins found in almost all living organisms. Serpins are relatively large, typically 350–500 amino acids in length, with three β‐sheets and seven to nine α‐helices folding into a conserved tertiary structure with a reactive center loop. Serpins perform various physiological functions in insects, including development, digestion, host‐pathogen interactions, and innate immune response. In insects, the innate immune system is characterized as the first and major defense system against the invasion of microorganisms. Serine protease cascades play a critical role in the initiation of innate immune responses, such as melanization and the production of antimicrobial peptides, and are strictly and precisely regulated by serpins. Herein, we provide a microreview on the role of serpins in the insect‐host‐pathogen interactions, emphasizing their role in immune responses, particularly in diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), highlighting the important discoveries and also the gaps that remain to be explored in future studies.  相似文献   

One‐photon absorption based traditional laser treatment may not necessarily be selective at the microscopic level, thus could result in un‐intended tissue damage. Our objective is to test whether two‐photon absorption (TPA) could provide highly targeted tissue alteration of specific region of interest without damaging surrounding tissues. TPA based laser treatments (785 nm, 140 fs pulse width, 90 MHz) were performed on ex vivo mouse skin using different average power levels and irradiation times. Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and combined second‐harmonic‐generation (SHG) and two‐photon fluorescence (TPF) imaging channels were used to image before, during, and after each laser treatment. The skin was fixed, sectioned and H & E stained after each experiment for histological assessment of tissue alterations and for comparison with the non‐invasive imaging assessments. Localized destruction of dermal fibers was observed without discernible epidermal damage on both RCM and SHG + TPF images for all the experiments. RCM and SHG + TPF images correlated well with conventional histological examination. This work demonstrated that TPA‐based light treatment provides highly localized intradermal tissue alteration. With further studies on optimizing laser treatment parameters, this two‐photon absorption photothermolysis method could potentially be applied in clinical dermatology. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Infections with protozoan and helminthic parasites affect multiple organs in the mammalian host. Imaging pathogens in their natural environment takes a more holistic view on biomedical aspects of parasitic infections. Here, we focus on selected organs of the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities most commonly affected by parasites. Parasitic infections of these organs are often associated with severe medical complications or have health implications beyond the infected individual. Intravital imaging has provided a more dynamic picture of the host–parasite interplay and contributed not only to our understanding of the various disease pathologies, but has also provided fundamental insight into the biology of the parasites.  相似文献   

Photodamage, induced by femtosecond laser radiation, was studied in thick samples of human skin tissue (healthy skin and neoplastic lesions). Photobleaching, photoionization, and thermomechanical damage effects were characterized comparatively. The laser power dependence of the damage rates allowed to connect macroscopic effects to underlying molecular processes. Optical effects were correlated to histopathological changes. Tissue alterations were found only from thermomechanical cavitation and limited to superficial layers of the epidermis. From the depth‐dependencies of all damage thresholds a depth‐dependent power‐compensation scheme was defined allowing for damage‐free deep tissue optical biopsy.

Damage‐induced luminescence pattern for different excitation powers and a corresponding threshold analysis.  相似文献   

The anti‐infectious activity of synbiotics against methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection was evaluated using a novel lethal mouse model. Groups of 12 mice treated with multiple antibiotics were infected orally with a clinical isolate of MRSA at an inoculum of 108 CFU on day 7 after starting the antibiotics. A dose of 400 mg/kg 5‐fluorouracil (5‐FU) was injected intraperitoneally on day 7 after the infection. A dose of 108 CFU Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult and 10 mg of galactooligosaccharides (GOS) were given orally to mice daily with the antibiotic treatment until day 28. The intestinal population levels of MRSA in the mice on multiple antibiotics were maintained stably at 108 CFU/g of intestinal contents after oral MRSA infection and the subsequent 5‐FU treatment killed all the mice in the group within 14 days. B. breve administration saved most of the mice, but the synbiotic treatment saved all of the mice from lethal MRSA infection. The synbiotic treatment was effective for the treatment of intestinal infection caused by four MRSA strains with different toxin productions. There was a large difference among the six Bifidobacteria strains that were naturally resistant to the antibacterial drugs used. B. breve in combination with GOS is demonstrated to have valuable preventive and curative effects against even fatal MRSA infections.  相似文献   

The extensively studied Arabidopsis phytoalexin deficient 4 (AtPAD4) gene plays an important role in Arabidopsis disease resistance; however, the function of its sequence ortholog in rice is unknown. Here, we show that rice OsPAD4 appears not to be the functional ortholog of AtPAD4 in host‐pathogen interactions, and that the OsPAD4 encodes a plasma membrane protein but that AtPAD4 encodes a cytoplasmic and nuclear protein. Suppression of OsPAD4 by RNA interference (RNAi) increased rice susceptibility to the biotrophic pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), which causes bacteria blight disease in local tissue. OsPAD4‐RNAi plants also show compromised wound‐induced systemic resistance to Xoo. The increased susceptibility to Xoo was associated with reduced accumulation of jasmonic acid (JA) and phytoalexin momilactone A (MOA). Exogenous application of JA complemented the phenotype of OsPAD4‐RNAi plants in response to Xoo. The following results suggest that OsPAD4 functions differently than AtPAD4 in response to pathogen infection. First, OsPAD4 plays an important role in wound‐induced systemic resistance, whereas AtPAD4 mediates systemic acquired resistance. Second, OsPAD4‐involved defense signaling against Xoo is JA‐dependent, but AtPAD4‐involved defense signaling against biotrophic pathogens is salicylic acid‐dependent. Finally, OsPAD4 is required for the accumulation of terpenoid‐type phytoalexin MOA in rice‐bacterium interactions, but AtPAD4‐mediated resistance is associated with the accumulation of indole‐type phytoalexin camalexin.  相似文献   

The host‐microbe relationship is pivotal for oral health as well as for peri‐implant diseases. Peri‐implant mucosa and commensal biofilm play important roles in the maintenance of host‐microbe homeostasis, but little is known about how they interact. We have therefore investigated the early host‐microbe interaction between commensal multispecies biofilm (Streptococcus oralis, Actinomyces naeslundii, Veillonella dispar, Porphyromonas gingivalis) and organotypic peri‐implant mucosa using our three‐dimensional model. After 24 hr, biofilms induced weak inflammatory reaction in the peri‐implant mucosa by upregulation of five genes related to immune response and increased secretion of IL‐6 and CCL20. Biofilm volume was reduced which might be explained by secretion of β‐Defensins‐1, ‐2, and CCL20. The specific tissue reaction without intrinsic overreaction might contribute to intact mucosa. Thus, a relationship similar to homeostasis and oral health was established within the first 24 hr. In contrast, the mucosa was damaged and the bacterial distribution was altered after 48 hr. These were accompanied by an enhanced immune response with upregulation of additional inflammatory‐related genes and increased cytokine secretion. Thus, the homeostasis‐like relationship was disrupted. Such profound knowledge of the host‐microbe interaction at the peri‐implant site may provide the basis to improve strategies for prevention and therapy of peri‐implant diseases.  相似文献   

Pathogens are a significant component of all plant communities. In recent years, the potential for existing and emerging pathogens of agricultural crops to cause increased yield losses as a consequence of changing climatic patterns has raised considerable concern. In contrast, the response of naturally occurring, endemic pathogens to a warming climate has received little attention. Here, we report on the impact of a signature variable of global climate change – increasing temperature – on the long‐term epidemiology of a natural host–pathogen association involving the rust pathogen Triphragmium ulmariae and its host plant Filipendula ulmaria. In a host–pathogen metapopulation involving approximately 230 host populations growing on an archipelago of islands in the Gulf of Bothnia we assessed changes in host population size and pathogen epidemiological measures over a 25‐year period. We show how the incidence of disease and its severity declines over that period and most importantly demonstrate a positive association between a long‐term trend of increasing extinction rates in individual pathogen populations of the metapopulation and increasing temperature. Our results are highly suggestive that changing climatic patterns, particularly mean monthly growing season (April‐November) temperature, are markedly influencing the epidemiology of plant disease in this host–pathogen association. Given the important role plant pathogens have in shaping the structure of communities, changes in the epidemiology of pathogens have potentially far‐reaching impacts on ecological and evolutionary processes. For these reasons, it is essential to increase understanding of pathogen epidemiology, its response to warming, and to invoke these responses in forecasts for the future.  相似文献   

Stroke is a significant cause of morbidity and long‐term disability globally. Detection of injured neuron is a prerequisite for defining the degree of focal ischemic brain injury, which can be used to guide further therapy. Here, we demonstrate the capability of two‐photon microscopy (TPM) to label‐freely identify injured neurons on unstained thin section and fresh tissue of rat cerebral ischemia‐reperfusion model, revealing definite diagnostic features compared with conventional staining images. Moreover, a deep learning model based on convolutional neural network is developed to automatically detect the location of injured neurons on TPM images. We then apply deep learning‐assisted TPM to evaluate the ischemic regions based on tissue edema, two‐photon excited fluorescence signal intensity, as well as neuronal injury, presenting a novel manner for identifying the infarct core, peri‐infarct area, and remote area. These results propose an automated and label‐free method that could provide supplementary information to augment the diagnostic accuracy, as well as hold the potential to be used as an intravital diagnostic tool for evaluating the effectiveness of drug interventions and predicting potential therapeutics.  相似文献   

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