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The distribution of Tettigoniinae (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) specieswithin four phytogeographical provinces in Turkey is reviewed and presented onthe basis of field and collection studies during 1987–2001 andmiscellaneous data from previous literature. One hundred and sixty speciesbelonging to 28 genera have been recorded. The Anatolian species constituteapproximately 30% of the world-wide species of the subfamily, with a very highproportion (83%) being endemic or semi-endemic, nearly all of which arebrachypterous. Regarding the numbers of total and endemic species, theprovinces can be ordered as follows: Mediterranean > Irano-Anatolian >Euxin > Mesopotamia. Also, Anatolian Tettigoniinae have a very high rate ofendemism in each province; 84.1% in the Mediterranean, 78.1% in Irano-Anatolia,56.3% in Mesopotamia and 42.4% in Euxin. The two provinces in Anatolia havingthe greatest species diversity are also the two most mountainous provinces, soit is suggested that a primary factor in Tettigoniinae diversity is theAnatolian Taurus mountains. Finally, some conclusions are drawn on biodiversityand conservation of Tettigoniinae species in Anatolia and I have suggested 23species to be included in the 'IUCN Red List' under VU B2+ac.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the evolutionary relationships among Turkish species of the cave cricket genus Troglophilus.Fifteen populations were studied for sequence variation in a fragment (543 base pairs) of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 16S rDNA gene (16S) to reconstruct their phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history. Genetic data retrieved three main clades and at least three divergent lineages that could not be attributed to any of the taxa known for the area. Molecular time estimates suggest that the diversification of the group took place between the Messinian and the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the molecular phylogenetic divergence and historical biogeography of cave crickets belonging to the genus Troglophilus (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) from caves in eastern Mediterranean and Anatolia regions. Three mitochondrial DNA genes (COI, 12S rDNA, and 16S rDNA) and two nuclear ones (18S rDNA and 28S rDNA) were amplified and partially sequenced to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among most of the known Troglophilus species. Results showed a well‐resolved phylogeny with three main clades representing the Balkan, the Anatolian, and the Cycladian–Cretan lineages. Based on Bayesian analyses, we applied a relaxed molecular clock model to estimate the divergence times between these three lineages. Dating estimates indicate that radiation of the ingroup might have been triggered by the opening of the Mid‐Aegean trench, while the uplift of the Anatolian Plateau in Turkey and the changes of relief, emergence, and disappearance of orographic and hydrographical barriers in the Balkan Peninsula are potential paleogeographic events responsible for the initial diversification of the genus Troglophilus. A possible biogeographic scenario, reconstructed using S‐DIVA with RASP software, suggested that the current distribution of Troglophilus species can be explained by a combination of both dispersal and vicariance events that occurred in particular in the ancestral populations. The radiation of Troglophilus species likely started from the Aegean and proceeded eastward to Anatolia and westward to the Balkan region. Results are additionally compared to those available for Dolichopoda, the only other representative genus of Rhaphidophoridae present in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

The Quaternary biogeography of Anatolia has received considerable interest recently. Here, the genealogical history of the Anatolio?Balkan lineage of the Poecilimon luschani species group was evaluated. Using concatenated data from 16S rDNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences, the timings of inter‐ and intraspecies radiations were estimated. The demographic history of the populations was estimated using a data set established from COI sequences. Genetic diversity was very high in almost all of the populations studied. Fixation indices suggested extreme divergence of P. luschani. A molecular chronogram estimated a radiation history for the species/subspecies over a period ranging from 1.323 to 0.440 Myr. Demographic analyses applied to 11 populations suggested departure in population size for most of the local populations. The following conclusions were reached: (1) P. luschani originated from an Anatolio‐Aegean ancestral stock and extended its range to the Balkans through Dardanelles during the Early Pleistocene; (2) the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition, the lengthening of glacial period from 41 to 100 Kyr and the initiation of intense glaciation periods are the three main events corresponding to the main nodes of the chronogram; (3) altitudinal heterogeneity played a buffer role during the glacial cycles, allowing populations to cope with severe environmental changes; (4) the effects of Pleistocene climate cycles on populations differ according to altitudinal and latitudinal location in Anatolia, and (5) habitat preferences, such as altitudinal range, may easily shift because of changes in environmental conditions. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We infer phylogenetic relationships among isopod species of the genus Orthometopon distributed in the Greek area, comparing partial mitochondrial DNA sequences for cytochrome oxidase I (COI). All phylogenetic analyses produced topologically identical trees that revealed a well-resolved phylogeny. These trees support the monophyly of the genus Orthometopon , and suggest two clades that correspond to separate geographical regions (west and east of the mid-Aegean trench). However, the phylogenetic relationships among Greek populations of Orthometopon spp. are different from the presumed pattern on the basis of morphological evidence. The distinct geographical distribution of the major clades of the phylogenetic tree and its topology suggest a spatial and temporal sequence of phylogenetic separations, which coincide with some major palaeogeographical separations during the geological history of the Aegean Sea. The results stress the need for a reconsideration of the evolutionary history of Orthometopon species, which will help overcome difficulties encountered in classical taxonomy at the species level. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 707–715.  相似文献   

Pliopithecid remains from the Spanish locality of Torrent de Febulines (Late Vallesian, MN 10), consisting of right and left mandibular fragments with partial tooth rows and an isolated P(3) probably belonging to the same individual, are described and assigned to Egarapithecus narcisoi gen. et sp. nov. (Pliopithecidae, Crouzeliinae). This is a highly derived species dated at around 9 Ma (Ma = 10(6) years), representing the latest appearance of the family in the European continent. Morphologically it is the most distant member from the inferred primitive pliopithecid morphotype, displaying many autapomorphies that notably accentuate those of the remaining Crouzeliinae. A cladistic analysis based on lower cheek teeth, performed in order to tentatively assess the phylogenetic relationships of Egarapithecus within the Crouzeliinae, indicates that several equally parsimonious cladograms are possible in the light of current evidence. This is due to uncertainties regarding the position of Plesiopliopithecus and Crouzelia (here considered distinct genera), as a result of missing characters and the significant degree of homoplasy apparently involved in crouzeliine dental evolution. Whether Egarapithecus is more closely related to Crouzelia or to Anapithecus (the latter hypothesis tentatively favored here) cannot be definitively resolved with the currently available material and deserves further investigation. It is clear, however, that Egarapithecus is one of the more derived and specialized members of the Pliopithecidae.  相似文献   

Summary An integrated study of the early Messinian reef complex cropping out along the eastern coast of the Salento Peninsula (southern Italy), including stratigraphy, facies analysis and paleoecological aspects, is here presented. Fourteen facies types belonging to three main facies associations (back reef and shelf, shelf-edge, slope) have been recognized. They document a wide spectrum of depositional environments, reef building organisms and growth fabrics, in response to depth and other environmental factors in different parts of the reef complex. The biotic structure of the reef is also described and discussed in detail. It consists of different types of reef building organisms and of their bioconstructions (mainlyPorites coral reefs,Halimeda bioherms and vermetidmicrobial “trottoirs”), that differ in composition and structure according to their position on the shelf edge-toslope profile. Results indicate that the reef complex of the Salento Peninsula has strong similarities with the typical early Messinian reefs of the Mediterranean region. However, the recognition of some peculiar features, i.e. the remarkable occurrence ofHalimeda bioherms and of vermetid-microbial “trottoirs”, gives new insights for better understanding reef patterns and development of the reef belt during the Late Miocene in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The desiccation of the Mediterranean Basin at the end of the Miocene was a milestone in the evolution of the Mediterranean sandfly fauna. This severe environmental change should have notably influenced their paleobiogeography as well as paleoecology and might have triggered the rapid speciation of the ancestors of the extant European sandfly species. The aim of this study was to explore how the Messinian Salinity Crisis could influence the distribution and migration routes of the ancient Mediterranean sandfly species. The unknown ecological requirements of this ancient species were replaced by the distribution-limiting climatic values of three species of extant European phlebotomine sandflies which represent the three ecological types of European sandfly fauna. The former potential occurrence patterns were determined by Climate Envelope Modelling Method. As a climate model for the Messinian Period in the Mediterranean Basin, the modified mid-Pliocene warm period model was used. The thermal surplus of the desiccated seafloor was reconstructed based on the atmospheric lapse rate. It was found that the extraordinary hot climate of the Mediterranean abyssal plain did not allow the direct cross-migration of the ancient sandfly species anywhere between Europe and North Africa neither through Gibraltar nor the Strait of Sicily. While Phlebotomus neglectus and Phlebotomus papatasi could colonize the Adriatic Plain, Phlebotomus ariasi could not. The results indicate that the Messinian played an important role in the speciation rather than migration of the ancestors of present-day Mediterranean sandflies.  相似文献   

Ecological opportunity is often proposed as a driver of accelerated diversification, but evidence has been largely derived from either contemporary island radiations or the fossil record. Here, we investigate the potential influence of ecological opportunity on a transcontinental radiation of South American freshwater fishes. We generate a species‐dense, time‐calibrated molecular phylogeny for the suckermouth armored catfish subfamily Hypostominae, with a focus on the species‐rich and geographically widespread genus Hypostomus. We use the resulting chronogram to estimate ancestral geographical ranges, infer historical rates of cladogenesis and diversification in habitat and body size and shape, and test the hypothesis that invasions of previously unoccupied river drainages accelerated evolution and contributed to adaptive radiation. Both the subfamily Hypostominae and the included genus Hypostomus originated in the Amazon/Orinoco ecoregion. Hypostomus subsequently dispersed throughout tropical South America east of the Andes Mountains. Consequent to invasion of the peripheral, low‐diversity Paraná River basin in southeastern Brazil approximately 12.5 Mya, Paraná lineages of Hypostomus, experienced increased rates of cladogenesis and ecological and morphological diversification. Contemporary lineages of Paraná Hypostomus are less species rich but more phenotypically diverse than their congeners elsewhere. Accelerated speciation and morphological diversification rates within Paraná basin Hypostomus are consistent with adaptive radiation. The geographical remoteness of the Paraná River basin, its recent history of marine incursion, and its continuing exclusion of many species that are widespread in other tropical South American rivers suggest that ecological opportunity played an important role in facilitating the observed accelerations in diversification.  相似文献   

The sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of 16 Oedipodidae species were amplified and sequenced. All sequences were aligned and analyzed and the phylogenetic relationships were inferred. The properties of 16S gene in Oedipodidae showed typical patterns of many insects such as a high A+T content and variable distance-dependent transition/transversion ratios. The 0.2 weight for sites of loops may be advisable for phylogeny reconstruction using the maximum parsimony method. The phylogenetic analysis results do not support the current subfamily classification systems of Oedipodidae. Bryodemellinae and Bryodeminae are closely related and should be merged as one subfamily. The status of Oedipodinae and Locustinae is also problematic.  相似文献   

Two microsporidian genera, AnncaliiaIssi, Krylova, & Nicolaeva 1993 and BrachiolaCali et al. 1998, possess a Nosema-type life cycle and unique cell surface ornamentations, which include precocious electron-dense coating of the plasmalemma and a variety of secretory structures deposited on the parasite surface and scattered in the host cell cytoplasm. Comparative analysis of ultrastructure of Anncaliia meligethi (the type species of the genus Anncaliia) and of B. vesicularum and B. algerae (the best-studied members of the genus Brachiola) clearly demonstrated that these microsporidia share many distinctive morphological features. The comparison of small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences showed high sequence identity of A. meligethi and B. algerae. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the rDNA sequences of A. meligethi clustered with those of B. algerae suggesting a close relatedness of these microsporidia. The combination of molecular and morphological data provided clear evidence that these microsporidia belong to the same genus and therefore, warranted emendation of the genus Anncaliia and establishments of the following new combinations: Anncaliia vesicularum nov. comb., Anncaliia algerae nov. comb., Anncaliia connori nov. comb., and Anncaliia gambiae nov. comb. The generic name Brachiola is submerged according to the rule of priority.  相似文献   

A new genus, Altihoratosphaga, is erected for species formerly assigned to Horatosphaga Schaum, 1853, and a new species is described. Four species are included in Altihoratosphaga: Altihoratosphaga nomima (Karsch, 1896), Altihoratosphaga montivaga ( Sjöstedt, 1909 ), Altihoratosphaga nou (Hemp, 2007) and Altihoratosphaga hanangensis sp. nov. All four species are restricted to Tanzanian localities, and, except for A. nomima, for which no ecological data are available, are confined to montane forest habitats. Data on ecology, acoustics, chromosomes, and molecular relationships are provided, as well as a key to Altihoratosphaga species. The present‐day distribution of Altihoratosphaga species suggests former migration events at times when wetter and colder climatic fluctuations favoured connections between montane forest communities, which today are isolated, enabling flightless taxa such as Altihoratosphaga and Monticolaria to spread. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 66–82.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic studies based on mitochondrial DNA markers have suggested that the zoanthid genus Palythoa may consist of both Palythoa species (Palythoa tuberculosa) and species formerly assigned to the genus Protopalythoa (Palythoa mutuki, Palythoa heliodiscus). In the present study various Palythoa spp. samples collected primarily from southern Japan with additional samples from the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean Sea were examined. The nuclear internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS-rDNA) was sequenced and aligned for phylogenetic analyses to further investigate the relationship between P. tuberculosa, P. mutuki, and P. heliodiscus. ITS-rDNA analyses showed species groups forming monophylies with similar topology but with much higher resolution than seen for mitochondrial phylogenetic analyses. The results also confirmed the very close relationship of P. tuberculosa and P. mutuki. Some specimens appeared to be a potentially undescribed Palythoa species (designated Palythoa sp. sakurajimensis). Additionally, ITS-rDNA sequences of P. mutuki and P. tuberculosa showed additive polymorphic site, demonstrating for the first time a potential history of reticulate evolution in Palythoa.  相似文献   

Some authors support the idea that an important part of the Miocene marine mollusc fauna is still represented in the Argentinean Province. The fossil mollusc Brachidontes lepida (Philippi) is considered a subspecies of the extant B. rodriguezii (d?Orbigny), a taxon currently present in the Argentinean Biogeographic Province. The aim of this study is to investigate the shell shape relationship between B. lepida and B. rodriguezii using geometric morphometrics. Samples of B. rodriguezii (n = 63) from four localities distributed in Uruguay and Argentina, of B. lepida from the Paraná Formation (n = 26) and of two other extant Brachidontinae present in the region were included in this study. Canonical variate analyses showed that extant species differed in shell shape, with the discriminant function properly allocating 93% of the individuals to their respective species. Using the extant discriminant function, approximate 92% of B. lepida individuals were allocated to B. rodriguezii. This result suggests that B. lepida is more similar in shell shape to B. rodriguezii than to the other extant species present in the region. Considering the material from the Pliocene of Cerro Laciar and from the Pleistocene deposits of Buenos Aires and Bustamante, the presence of B. rodriguezii from the Late Miocene in the warm temperate region is discussed.  相似文献   

Sequences representing approximately 1,700 base pairs of the 18S rRNA gene from 10 different species in the genus Myxobolus were found to group them into 3 clusters that showed little correlation with spore morphology and size or host specificity, criteria currently used for both higher and lower taxonomic placements in the Myxozoa. Of the phenotypic criteria examined, tissue tropism was most correlated with the rRNA groupings observed. Spores of similar size and shape (Myxobolus cerebralis vs. Myxobolus squamalis) were distantly related in some instances, whereas spores with divergent morphology and size were sometimes found to be closely related (M. cerebralis and Myxobolus insidiosus). These initial investigations into the phylogenetic relationships of putative members of the genus Myxobolus clearly indicate the potential limitations of groupings based on size and morphological properties of the spores and host species infected. We propose that 18S rRNA gene sequences, combined with information on tissue tropism, host species infected, and developmental cycles in the fish and alternate host (when and if known) be given greater consideration in taxonomic placements of myxosporeans.  相似文献   

The temperate South American lizard genus Liolaemus is the one of the most widely distributed and species‐rich genera of lizards on earth. The genus is divided into two subgenera, Liolaemus sensu stricto (the ‘Chilean group’) and Eulaemus (the ‘Argentino group’), a division that is supported by recent molecular and morphological data. Owing to a lack of reliable fossil data, previous studies have been forced to use either global molecular clocks, a standardized mutation rate adopted from previous studies, or the use of geological events as calibration points. However, simulations indicate that these types of assumptions may result in less accurate estimates of divergence times when clock‐like models or mutation rates are violated. We used a multilocus data set combined with a newly described fossil to provide the first calibrated phylogeny for the crown groups of the clade Eulaemus, and derive new fossil‐calibrated substitution rates (with error) of both nuclear and mtDNA gene regions for Eulaemus specifically. Divergence date estimates for each of the crown groups and appropriate rate estimates will provide the foundation for understanding rates of speciation, historical biogeography, and phylogeographical history for various clades in one of the most diverse lizard genera in the poorly studied Patagonian region. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 825–835.  相似文献   

In the Crete Island, late Messinian Lago-Mare facies are not well known. At present, the occurrence in Crete of the uppermost Messinian post evaporitic deposits is a matter of debate. According to several authors, the well-known late Messinian Lago-Mare facies does not occur in Crete. In this paper the preliminary results obtained from the biostratigraphical analysis of some sections sampled in the Messarà Plain will be shown. Nearby Faneromeni and Ano Akria villages, the Miocene/Pliocene boundary is well exposed. There, gypsum-bearing clay, laminated microcrystalline gypsum and gypsum-rudites characterize the evaporitic deposits of the Messinian stage. In these areas, above the Messinian evaporite, post-evaporitic fine-laminated polychrome clays, with intercalations of sandstones and conglomerates, have been found. In both the Faneromeni and Ano Akria area, the Pliocene grey clays and conglomerates rest unconformably on the uppermost Messinian post-evaporitic deposits. A 20 cm-spaced sampling has been performed in both the sections, for more than 100 samples collected. The results of the micropaleontological analysis performed on the Faneromeni and Ano Akria sections point to the occurrence of ostracod assemblages containing: Loxocauda limata (Schneider in Agalarova et al.), Loxocauda sp., Cytherura pyrama Schneider, Cyprideis anlavauxensis Carbonnel, Cyprideis agrigentina Decima, Amnicythere palimpsesta (Livental), Amnicythere propinqua (Livental), Amnicythere accicularia (Olteanu), Amnicythere costata (Olteanu), Amnicythere multituberculata (Livental), Amnicythere sp. D (Miculan in Bassetti et al.), Amnicythere sp. 2 Gliozzi and Grossi, Amnicythere sp., Euxinocythere (Maeotocythere) praebaquana (Livental in Agalarova et al.), Mediocytherideini indet., Pontoniella pontica (Agalarova), Camptocypria sp. 1 Gliozzi and Grossi, Caspiocypris sp., Zalanyiella venusta (Zalanyi), Tyrrhenocythere sp., Loxoconcha rhombovalis Pokorny, Loxoconcha eichwaldi Livental, Loxoconcha sp. A (Miculan in Bassetti et al.), Loxocorniculina djafarovi (Schneider in Suzin). In the analysed samples, reworked planktonic foraminifers and well-preserved charophyte gyrogonites have been also found. The ostracod assemblages found in the Messarà Plain belong to the Loxocorniculina djafarovi Zone (sensu Carbonnel, 1978), which characterizes the uppermost Messinian deposits of the whole Mediterranean Basin. At that time, the well-known Lago-Mare biofacies was also widespread on the Crete Island. The presence of Paratethyan ostracods in the post-evaporitic Messinian deposits of both Faneromeni and Ano Akria sections suggests that in the Crete Island the latest Messinian sedimentation took place in brackish water palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   

The genus Corydalis, with ca. 530 species, has long been considered taxonomically challenging because of its great variability. Previous molecular analyses, based on a few molecular markers and incomplete taxonomic sampling, were clearly inadequate to delimit sections and subgenera. We have performed phylogenetic analyses of Corydalis and related taxa, using 65 shared protein-coding plastid genes from 313 accessions (including 280 samples of ca. 226 species of Corydalis) and 152 universal low-copy nuclear genes from 296 accessions (including 271 samples of Corydalis) covering all 42 previously recognized sections and five independent “series”. Phylogenetic trees were inferred using Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood. Eight selected morphological characters were estimated using ancestral state reconstructions. Results include: (i) of the three subgenera of Corydalis, two are fully supported by both the plastid and nuclear data; the third, subg. Cremnocapnos, is weakly supported by plastid DNA only, whereas in the nuclear data the two included sections form successive outgroups to the rest of the genus; (ii) among all 42 sections and five “series”, 25 sections and one “series” are resolved as monophyletic in both data sets; (iii) the common ancestor of Corydalis is likely to be a perennial plant with a taproot, yellow flowers with a short saccate spur, linear fruits with recurved fruiting pedicels, and seeds with elaiosomes; (iv) we provide a new classification of Corydalis with four subgenera (of which subg. Bipapillatae is here newly described), 39 sections, 16 of which are consistent with the previous classification, 16 sections have been recircumscribed, one section has been reinstated and six new sections are established. Characters associated with lifespan, underground structures, floral spur, fruit and elaiosomes are important for the recognition of subgenera and sections. These new phylogenetic analyses combined with ancestral character reconstructions uncovered previously unrecognized relationships, and greatly improved our understanding of the evolution of the genus.  相似文献   

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