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The reproductive ecology of the gobiid fish Bathygobius fuscus was studied at Nobeoka, Miyazaki, Japan. Males of this species maintain small rock holes as a nest and females spawn an egg mass on the wall of the nest. The males employed two forms of mating tactic: nest holding and sneaking. A nest holder stayed in the nest and waited for a female to visit, whereas a sneaker intruded into a nest while a pair was engaged in reproduction. Males larger than 55 mm standard length were always nest holders; those of smaller size employed both tactics. As the larger males excluded the smaller males, the latter did not occupy a nest hole. With a decrease in the number of larger males, smaller males changed their mating tactic from sneaking to nest holding. The results suggest that male Bathygobius fuscus adopt a conditional strategy whereby they change their tactic depending on their social status. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Telmatochromis vittatus (Cichlidae) is a Tanganyikan substrate brooder which spawns in the gastropod-shell nests of a cichlid, Lamprologus callipterus. We describe male reproductive tactics of T. vittatus in and around the shell nests, where males of various sizes were found. Based on utilization patterns of the shell nests, interactions among males, and spawning behaviors, males could be categorized into four types based on reproductive tactics and in order of body size: sneaker males, satellite males, territorial males and piracy males. Size range of males in tactic groups rarely overlapped. Territorial males defended shell nests harboring multiple females, but during pair-spawning they were occasionally taken over by large piracy males that visited several nests repeatedly. Small sneaker males darted to pair-spawning territorial males and might ejaculate sperm. Satellite males did not perform parasitic spawning but pair-spawned in a single shell outside the nests. Spawning of satellite males was infrequently parasitized. The largest gonado-somatic index (GSI) was found in sneaker males followed by piracy males, territorial males and satellite males, suggesting that gonadal investment of males using the four tactics may be consistent with intensity or risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the consequences of the switch of tactic from parasitic to parental male in the black goby, Gobius niger (Teleostei: Gobiidae), a species showing two alternative male mating tactics. Older and larger males defend nests, court, and perform parental care on eggs, while younger and smaller ones behave as parasites, sneaking into nests while spawning occurs. Males adopting different tactics are known to present differences in primary and secondary sex traits. The social context of sneaker males was manipulated to induce a tactic switch. Sneakers were kept under two different experimental treatments with or without a female, and under exclusion of male-male competition. Males changed tactics, courting females, spawning, and performing parental care. All males showed substantial changes in primary sexual traits, such as a reduction in gonadal development and an increase in the investment in accessory structures. The experimental groups differed in the functionality of gonads and accessory organs and in the development of the secondary sex traits. These results demonstrate that the moment of switching is not genetically fixed in the black goby. Sneaker males are able to quickly reallocate energy in primary and secondary sex traits, in accordance with the adopted tactic. Several aspects of this flexible reproductive pattern resemble the socially controlled sex change found in sequential hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

In fish species with alternative male mating tactics, sperm competition typically occurs when small males that are unsuccessful in direct contests steal fertilization opportunities from large dominant males. In the grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus, large territorial males defend and court females from nest sites, while small sneaker males obtain matings by sneaking into nests. Parentage assignment of 688 eggs from 8 different nests sampled in the 2003–2004 breeding season revealed a high level of sperm competition. Fertilization success of territorial males was very high but in all nests sneakers also contributed to the progeny. In territorial males, fertilization success correlated positively with male body size. Gonadal investment was explored in a sample of 126 grass gobies collected during the period 1995–1996 in the same area (61 territorial males and 65 sneakers). Correlation between body weight and testis weight was positive and significant for sneaker males, while correlation was virtually equal to zero in territorial males. That body size in territorial males is correlated with fertilization success but not gonad size suggests that males allocate much more energy into growth and relatively little into sperm production once the needed size to become territorial is attained. The increased paternity of larger territorial males might be due to a more effective defense of the nest in comparison with smaller territorial males.  相似文献   

During male–male competition, evolution can favor alternative reproductive tactics. This often results in a dominant morph that holds a resource, such as a nest for egg laying, which competes with a smaller sneaker morph that reproduces by stealing fertilizations. The salinity environment can influence male growth rates, for example, via osmoregulatory costs, which in turn may influence the use of sneaker tactics for small males competing for mating opportunities. Salinity can also affect sperm directly; however, little is known of how salinity influences sneaker tactics through sperm performance. We sampled males of the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) from two environments, a freshwater river and a brackish estuary. This fish has two male morphs: nest‐holding dark males and non‐nest‐holding light males. We examined the role of water salinity of 0, 8, and 16 on sperm performance and found that for estuarine males, a salinity of 0 reduced sperm velocity compared to a salinity of 8 and 16. Riverine males had low velocity in all salinities. Sperm viability also decreased by over 30% in 0 salinity, compared to 8 and 16, for fish from both environments. Gobies produce ejaculate contents in specialized glands that could in theory shield sperm in an adverse environment. However, gland contents did not improve sperm performance in our tests. Body mass and age estimates indicate that riverine males invested more in somatic growth compared to estuarine males. Estuarine light morph males had a high enough gonadosomatic index to indicate sneaker tactics. We propose that when sperm performance is low, such as for the riverine males, sneaker tactics are ineffective and will be selected against or phenotypically suppressed. Instead, we interpret the increased investment in somatic growth found in riverine males as a life‐history decision that is advantageous when defending a nest in the next reproductive season.  相似文献   

In the field, parental males of the black goby Gobius niger were always >9 cm L T, showed a conspicuous elongation of the first dorsal fin, and were darkly coloured. Larger parental males did not occupy larger nests or obtain more eggs, suggesting that over a threshold size reproductive success was not correlated with male size. The mating system was polygynous with different egg clutches simultaneously present in a nest. Smaller sexually mature males were observed around and inside nests in which spawning was occurring. These opportunistic males ranged in body size between 6 to 8 cm L T. In contrast to parental males, they did not show an exaggeration of the first dorsal fin and were cryptically coloured, thus resembling small females in their external morphology. Aquarium experiments confirmed that smaller males perform a sneaking behaviour, releasing sperm when parental males spawn. As a consequence, it is possible to define three male types: type I are small, without an elongated dorsal fin and adopt a sneaking mating tactic; type III are large, have a pronounced elongation of the dorsal fin and perform parental behaviour; type II are intermediate both in size and elongation of the first dorsal fin and behave as either as sneakers or, possibly, as parental males according to nest availability and male competition.  相似文献   

Male investment in testes and sperm duct gland in the polygamous nest breeding two-spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius) was investigated in relation to time in reproductive season and individual physical parameters. This small teleost fish is most likely the most abundant species found along the rocky shores of the North East Atlantic. The two-spotted goby has a single reproductive season, during which nest-caring males can raise several clutches of offspring. According to the literature the males are on average larger than the females. Here we report for the first time a population showing a reversal of this trend, with males on average being smaller than females, a difference likely caused by a large proportion of small males. Early in the breeding season these small males have typical sneaker characters, with relatively large testes and small seminal duct glands compared to the larger dominant territorial males. The presence of these two alternative male reproductive tactics is confirmed by histological studies, which shows the presence of sperm in the sperm duct glands (SDG) of smaller males, but not in the SDG of intermediate and larger males. To our knowledge, males with typical sneaker characters have not been reported in earlier studied populations of two-spotted goby. Interestingly we found that testes investment declined significantly over the course of the breeding season, and that this reduction was significantly more pronounced in small compared to the large males. Further, a significant increase in seminal duct gland (SDG) mass was observed for the smaller males over the breeding season. We propose that this indicates a possible shift in mating tactic by smaller males from a parasitic to a nest-holding tactic over the course of the breeding season. Thus, the observed size dependent plasticity in investment in SDG over time suggests that the reproductive tactic of G. flavescens is conditional, and possibly influenced by mate availability and male—male competition.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated in laboratory conditions the presence of alternative reproductive tactics in the sand goby and describe proximate factors affecting their expression and success. We describe the reciprocal interactions of resident males, females, and sneaking males. The pre-spawning phase proved to be important for successful nest intrusions by sneakers. The number of sneakers had no effect on the frequency of successful intrusions. When small males had exclusive access to nest sites, they built a nest and courted females, showing a full behavioural repertoire. The intensity of courtship was, however, strongly positively correlated with body size. Using microsatellite DNA markers we assessed paternity shares of territorial and sneaker males in a subset of all replicates. Following successful nest intrusion sneaker males fertilised 5–10% of the eggs. Our interpretation of the results is that sneaking in the sand goby is a conditional tactic, one that is less successful than the normal nest guarding behaviour, at least for one spawning event. Received in revised form: 9 March 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A mismatch in synchrony between male and female gamete release in external fertilizers can result in reduced or failed fertilization, sperm competition, and reduced paternity. In Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), males can adopt either a guard or sneak tactic resulting in both pre‐ and postcopulatory competition between males with alternative reproduction tactics. Here, spawning behavior of free‐living Arctic charr was video‐recorded, and their reproductive behavior was analyzed. From evaluating 157 spawning events, we observed that females mainly spawned with a guarding male and that the female and the guarding male synchronized timing of gamete release under sperm competition. Although sneakers spawned with higher synchrony than the guarding male in single‐male spawning events, the average sneaker released his milt less synchronized with the female than the guarding male under sperm competition. Approximately 50% of the recorded spawning events occurred under sperm competition, where each event included an average of 2.7 males. Additionally, sneakers were more exposed to sperm competition than guarding males. An influx of males, in close proximity to the female, occurred during the behavioral sequences leading up to egg release, but this influx seemed not dependent on egg release, suggesting that something else than gonadal product attracts sneaker males to the spawning female. Just before and during the actual release of gametes, the spawning couple vibrates their bodies in close contact and it seems likely that this vibrational communication between the spawning couple, which results in a larger amplitude sound wave than seen under regular courting, reveals time of gamete release to sneaker males. Thus, vibrational communication may enable synchrony between the guarding male and the female, and this might be traded against the cost of higher detectability from surrounding sneaker males, eavesdropping in close proximity.  相似文献   

Morphology and endocrinology were studied in two populations of the peacock blenny Salaria pavo, with different regimes of sexual selection imposed by differences in nest site availability. The peacock blenny is a small, sexually dimorphic benthic fish that presents exclusive paternal care of the clutch and inhabits rocky shores of the Mediterranean and adjacent Atlantic areas. In a population from the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic sea) inhabiting rocky shores where nest sites are abundant, male-male competition for nests is low, males court females and a low frequency of alternative reproductive tactics (small, parasitic female-mimicking sneaker males that change tactic into nest holders in subsequent breeding seasons) occurs. Conversely at Ria Formosa, a coastal lagoon in Southern Portugal, where nest sites are scarce and highly aggregated, male-male competition for nests is very high, there is sex-role reversal with female courtship and a high frequency of alternative reproductive tactics is observed. Concomitantly, at Ria Formosa nest holder males are larger and present more developed secondary sex characters and higher levels of 11KT than at the Gulf of Trieste. However, the gonads of nest holders and parasitic males were larger in the Gulf of Trieste population. Competition for nests at Ria Formosa seems to promote more developed secondary sex characters in nest site scarcity conditions, while competition for females at the Gulf of Trieste seems to be spurring sperm competition among males in populations where nest sites are more abundant. 11KT was thus associated with the development and expression of secondary sex characters in contrasting environments. These results exemplify how the modulation of behavioral plasticity and secondary sex characters by the social environment can be mediated by androgens.  相似文献   

Males often fight with rival males for access to females. However, some males display nonfighting tactics such as sneaking, satellite behavior, or female mimicking. When these mating tactics comprise a conditional strategy, they are often thought to be explained by resource holding potential (RHP), that is, nonfighting tactics are displayed by less competitive males who are more likely to lose a fight. The alternative mating tactics, however, can also be explained by life‐history theory, which predicts that young males avoid fighting, regardless of their RHP, if it pays off to wait for future reproduction. Here, we test whether the sneaking tactic displayed by young males of the two‐spotted spider mite can be explained by life‐history theory. We tested whether young sneaker males survive longer than young fighter males after a bout of mild or strong competition with old fighter males. We also investigated whether old males have a more protective outer skin—a possible proxy for RHP—by measuring cuticle hardness and elasticity using nanoindentation. We found that young sneaker males survived longer than young fighter males after mild male competition. This difference was not found after strong male competition, which suggests that induction of sneaking tactic is affected by male density. Hardness and elasticity of the skin did not vary with male age. Given that earlier work could also not detect morphometric differences between fighter and sneaker males, we conclude that there is no apparent increase in RHP with age in the mite and age‐dependent male mating tactics in the mite can be explained only by life‐history theory. Because it is likely that fighting incurs a survival cost, age‐dependent alternative mating tactics may be explained by life‐history theory in many species when reproduction of old males is a significant factor in fitness.  相似文献   

Synopsis During the spawning season the operational sex ratio of the large benthivorous (LB) arctic charr morph in Thingvallavatn is skewed in favour of males which compete intensely on the spawning site. The skewness is caused by males staying longer on the spawning ground than females. LB males employ two mating tactics. Either they guard the female or they attempt sneak-matings with guarded females. The tactics seem to obey a pure conditional strategy where relative size is the important criterion. Generally, the larger males use the guarding tactic and the smaller the sneaking tactic. Assessment of size is a part of the strategy. Relative size influences male behaviour irrespective of which tactic they employ. Guarding is more successful when courting is considered, both with respect to relative frequency and duration of courting acts. Females are aggressive towards the sneakers especially when they are small. This could be interpreted as female choice in favour of large males, but also as a defence against egg predation. A small dwarflike benthivorous morph (SB) is found in the same area. It is mainly active during night and on rare occasions SB-males are seen sneaking into the nest of LB-females. In such cases they are attacked vigorously by both LB sexes.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics and courtship in the common goby   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the marine common goby Pomatoschistus microps , males either build nests and attract females to spawn or act as sneakers, forcing themselves into other males' nests during mating, to fertilize some of the eggs in the clutch. The reproductive tactics of small males were studied in the presence of surplus nest material and an excess of gravid females, while a larger, nestholding male spawned with a female. Of 24 small males, 13 only attempted to sneak, seven only courted females and/or spawned in their own nest, and four performed both behaviours. The small males who attracted females successfully were significantly larger than the ones who failed to do so. Females had been courting the small male more often when he subsequently spawned in his own nest, than when he did not get a female. The small males did not court the females very frequently, and their courtship rate did not depend on whether or not they attracted females. Instead, female courtship behaviour may be a cue for a male either to spawn as a nest holder or become a sneaker. The study pointed out the importance of female behaviour for male reproductive tactics, which could be more important in fish than is known currently.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to clarify the processes contributing to the size-assortative nest use by males of a paternal brooding blenny Rhabdoblennius ellipes . The use of natural and artificial nests by males in the field was highly size-assortative; males used smaller nests even when larger nests were available. Aquarium nest choice experiments without a competitive male strongly suggested that the size-assortative nest use by males is not the result of male–male competition for larger nests, but male preference for size-matched nests. Males were likely to choose nests on the basis of the nest entrance size rather than nest length and volume, suggesting that the size-assortative nest preference in this species is an adaptation to predation pressure against eggs and resident males.  相似文献   

Male Telmatochromis vittatus, a substrate-brooding Tanganyikan cichlid, exhibit two parasitic reproductive tactics: takeover of spawning by larger males (pirates) and sneaking by smaller males (sneakers). Medium-sized males are territorial and pair-spawn within nests of clumped shells that harbor several resident females that are potential mates of the territory owner. To study nest use by territorial males, we analyzed the relationship between the body size of territorial males and nest quality, the number of females per nest, the distance between nests, and the frequency and intensity of reproductive parasitism. The size of males was not correlated with nest quality, the number of females, or the number of sneakers, but was negatively correlated with the frequency of intrusion by pirates and was positively correlated with the distance between nests. Territorial males effectively defended nests against sneakers but failed to defend against pirates. These results suggest that larger territorial males selected nests that have a lower risk of usurpation of spawning. We hypothesize that the risk of intrusion by pirate males affects the selection of nests by territorial males in this species.  相似文献   

The sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus , was used in aquarium experiments to study the importance of body size for the ability of males to gain access to nest sites and mates. When several male and female P. minutus were allowed to reproduce together, on average, half of the males built nests, and half of those males obtained eggs in their nests. Males with nests were significantly larger than males without nests, and nests with eggs belonged to males larger than the males with empty nests. In another experiment, when two males were competing for one nest, the largest male occupied the nest when both fish were put into the aquarium simultaneously. However, when the smaller male had been allowed to establish a nest before the larger male was introduced, the small male could usually retain the nest. Males with a body length < 50 mm did not build nests at all in the early part of the breeding season. In female choice experiments, no preference for larger males was found. Thus, male-male competition for nest sites and behavioural differences between different sized males seem to be the main factors influencing the non-random mating success in male P. minutus.  相似文献   

In a Portuguese population of Salaria pavo, two types of reproductively active males occur: large bourgeois males that defend nests and have fully developed secondary sex characters (SSC) and small sneaker males that mimic the females’ morphology and behaviour to approach nests and parasitize fertilizations. These two alternative reproductive tactics are sequential, as sneakers develop into bourgeois males. We investigated whether bourgeois males were able to discriminate between sneakers and females of different sizes. In a laboratory experiment bourgeois males were sequentially presented with a female and a sneaker matched for size. Complementary field observations were conducted on the interactions between females and sneakers with bourgeois males. If bourgeois males discriminated females from sneakers, we predicted that they should direct more aggressive behaviours towards sneakers and more courtship acts towards females. In general, bourgeois males courted and attacked small females and sneakers equally. However, large sneakers were courted less and attacked more than large females. Larger sneakers, beginning to develop SSC, were attacked more and courted less by the bourgeois male than smaller sneakers, and larger females were attacked less and courted more than smaller females. These results strongly suggest that only small female‐mimicking males were able to deceive bourgeois males. In S. pavo, if the sneakers’ fertilization success correlates with their female‐mimicking ability, a fitness decrease with an increasing body size can be predicted.  相似文献   

1. Scarabaeus catenatus is a ball-rolling scarab in the subfamily Scarabaeinae. This species, however, makes use of two tactics for nest building: rolling and tunnelling. The tunnelling tactic differs substantially from the rolling tactic in that (1) it always involves repeated movements to and from the dung source and the nest, whereas rolling does not, and (2) it involves a shorter distance between the two sites.
2. Brood-nest founders were usually males and less often females, with about 25% adopting the rolling tactic and 75% adopting the tunnelling tactic. During nest building, the founder paired off with a scarab of the opposite sex, and they co-operated in the work. The female made one to four brood balls from the dung in the nest, each of which contained one egg.
3. Each scarab seemed to be able to employ both tactics. The tactic employed was independent of an individual's status, e.g. body size and timing of nest founding.
4. The rolling tactic offered only male founders a greater nest-defence success than the tunnelling tactic due to a lower intrusion into the rolled nest and a higher intensity of male–male fighting. The tunnelling tactic offered both male and female founders a larger number of brood balls than the rolling tactic because it enabled scarabs to take a larger amount of dung into the nest.
5. The reproductive success for the two tactics was estimated from the product of nest-defence success and the number of brood balls. As a result, the two tactics had equal fitness payoffs for males, but unequal payoffs for females.
6. The results suggest that male alternation of tactics is controlled by a mixed strategy. Female alternation, however, cannot be explained by mixed strategy, alternative strategies or conditional strategy.  相似文献   

This study of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus, a nest‐holding fish with paternal care, focused on gonadal investment among males of different sizes collected early and late in the breeding season. All males caught at the nest had breeding colour, whereas trawl‐caught fish consisted of males both with and without colour. The absence or presence of breeding colour was a good predictor of testes investment. Compared to males with breeding colour, males without colour were smaller in body size but had extraordinarily large testes. In absolute terms, testes mass of males without breeding colour was on average 3·4 times greater than those of males with breeding colour. Since small colourless males are known to reproduce as sneaker males, this heavy investment in testes probably reflects that they are forced to spawn under sperm competition. Contrary to testes size, sperm‐duct glands were largest among males with breeding colour. These glands produce mucins used for making sperm‐containing mucous trails that males place in the nest before and during spawning. Since both sneakers and nest‐holders potentially could benefit from having large glands, this result is intriguing. Yet, high mucus production may be more important for nest‐holders, because it also protects developing embryos from infections. There was no significant effect of season on body size, testes or sperm‐duct glands size, but colourless males tended to be less common late in the season. Possibly this may indicate that individual small colourless males develop into their more colourful counterparts within the breeding season.  相似文献   

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