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Rabbit anti-idiotypic antibodies (alpha Id Ab) were prepared against five murine monoclonal antibodies (mAb) specific for the rabies virus glycoprotein. Four of the mAb were directed against three known, type-specific, neutralizing sites on the glycoprotein, and the other mAb was directed against a topographically uncharacterized, nonneutralizing epitope. An absence of significant cross-reactivity among the alpha Id Ab for heterologous mAb suggested that the alpha Id Ab were highly specific for unique variable region determinants. The binding of three of the five alpha Id Ab to their homologous mAb could be inhibited by rabies virus-soluble glycoprotein, suggesting that the alpha Id Ab possessed subpopulations similar or adjacent to the antigen-binding site of the mAb. Two of the five alpha Id Ab injected into mice elicited a specific virus-neutralizing antibody response. Mechanisms to account for the induction of the virus-neutralizing antibody by alpha Id Ab are discussed.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein subunits, such as the gp120 exterior glycoprotein, typically elicit antibodies that neutralize T-cell-line-adapted (TCLA), but not primary, clinical isolates of HIV-1. Here we compare the immunogenicity of gp120 and soluble stabilized trimers, which were designed to resemble the functional envelope glycoprotein oligomers of primary and TCLA HIV-1 strains. For both primary and TCLA virus proteins, soluble stabilized trimers generated neutralizing antibody responses more efficiently than gp120 did. Trimers derived from a primary isolate elicited antibodies that neutralized primary and TCLA HIV-1 strains. By contrast, trimers derived from a TCLA isolate generated antibodies that neutralized only the homologous TCLA virus. Thus, soluble stabilized envelope glycoprotein trimers derived from primary HIV-1 isolates represent defined immunogens capable of eliciting neutralizing antibodies that are active against clinically relevant HIV-1 strains.  相似文献   

An HIV-1 vaccine remains elusive, in part because various factors limit the quantity and quality of the antibodies raised against the viral envelope glycoprotein complex (Env). We hypothesized that targeting Env vaccines directly to B cells, by fusing them to molecules that bind and activate these cells, would improve Env-specific antibody responses. Therefore, we fused trimeric Env gp140 to A PRoliferation-Inducing Ligand (APRIL), B-cell Activating Factor (BAFF), and CD40 Ligand (CD40L). The Env-APRIL, Env-BAFF, and Env-CD40L gp140 trimers all enhanced the expression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), the enzyme responsible for inducing somatic hypermutation, antibody affinity maturation, and antibody class switching. They also triggered IgM, IgG, and IgA secretion from human B cells in vitro. The Env-APRIL trimers induced higher anti-Env antibody responses in rabbits, including neutralizing antibodies against tier 1 viruses. The enhanced Env-specific responses were not associated with a general increase in total plasma antibody concentrations, indicating that the effect of APRIL was specific for Env. All the rabbit sera raised against gp140 trimers, irrespective of the presence of CD40L, BAFF, or APRIL, recognized trimeric Env efficiently, whereas sera raised against gp120 monomers did not. The levels of trimer-binding and virus-neutralizing antibodies were strongly correlated, suggesting that gp140 trimers are superior to gp120 monomers as immunogens. Targeting and activating B cells with a trimeric HIV-1 Env-APRIL fusion protein may therefore improve the induction of humoral immunity against HIV-1.  相似文献   

DNA vaccines expressing the envelope (Env) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been relatively ineffective at generating high-titer, long-lasting immune responses. Oligomeric or trimeric (gp140) forms of Env that more closely mimic the native proteins on the virion are often more effective immunogens than monomeric (gp120) envelopes. In this study, several forms of Env constructed from the HIV-1 isolate YU-2 (HIV-1(YU-2)) were tested for their immunogenic potential: a trimeric form of uncleaved (-) Env stabilized with a synthetic trimer motif isolated from the fibritin (FT) protein of the T4 bacteriophage, sgp140(YU-2)(-/FT), was compared to sgp140(YU-2)(-) without a synthetic trimerization domain, as well as to monomeric gp120(YU-2). DNA plasmids were constructed to express Env alone or fused to various copies of murine C3d (mC3d). BALB/c mice were vaccinated (day 1 and week 4) with DNA expressing a codon-optimized envelope gene insert, alone or fused to mC3d. Mice were subsequently boosted (week 8) with the DNA or recombinant Env protein. All mice had high anti-Env antibody titers regardless of the use of mC3d. Sera from mice vaccinated with DNA expressing non-C3d-fused trimers elicited neutralizing antibodies against homologous HIV-1(YU-2) virus infection in vitro. In contrast, sera from mice inoculated with DNA expressing Env-C3d protein trimers elicited antibody that neutralized both homologous HIV-1(YU-2) and heterologous HIV-1(ADA), albeit at low titers. Therefore, DNA vaccines expressing trimeric envelopes coupled to mC3d, expressed in vivo from codon-optimized sequences, elicit low titers of neutralizing antibodies against primary isolates of HIV-1.  相似文献   

The trimeric envelope glycoprotein complex (Env) is the focus of vaccine development programs aimed at generating protective humoral responses to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). N-Linked glycans, which constitute almost half of the molecular mass of the external Env domains, produce considerable structural heterogeneity and are a major impediment to crystallization studies. Moreover, by shielding the peptide backbone, glycans can block attempts to generate neutralizing antibodies against a substantial subset of potential epitopes when Env proteins are used as immunogens. Here, we describe the partial deglycosylation of soluble, cleaved recombinant Env trimers by inhibition of the synthesis of complex N-glycans during Env production, followed by treatment with glycosidases under conditions that preserve Env trimer integrity. The partially deglycosylated trimers are stable, and neither abnormally sensitive to proteolytic digestion nor prone to aggregation. Moreover, the deglycosylated trimers retain or increase their ability to bind CD4 and antibodies that are directed to conformational epitopes, including the CD4-binding site and the V3 region. However, as expected, they do not react with glycan-dependent antibodies 2G12 and PGT123, or the C-type lectin receptor DC-SIGN. Electron microscopic analysis shows that partially deglycosylated trimers have a structure similar to fully glycosylated trimers, indicating that removal of glycans does not substantially perturb the structural integrity of the trimer. The glycan-depleted Env trimers should be useful for structural and immunogenicity studies.  相似文献   



Identification of the epitopes targeted by antibodies that can neutralize diverse HIV-1 strains can provide important clues for the design of a preventative vaccine.


We have developed a computational approach that can identify key amino acids within the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein that influence sensitivity to broadly cross-neutralizing antibodies. Given a sequence alignment and neutralization titers for a panel of viruses, the method works by fitting a phylogenetic model that allows the amino acid frequencies at each site to depend on neutralization sensitivities. Sites at which viral evolution influences neutralization sensitivity were identified using Bayes factors (BFs) to compare the fit of this model to that of a null model in which sequences evolved independently of antibody sensitivity. Conformational epitopes were identified with a Metropolis algorithm that searched for a cluster of sites with large Bayes factors on the tertiary structure of the viral envelope.


We applied our method to ID50 neutralization data generated from seven HIV-1 subtype C serum samples with neutralization breadth that had been tested against a multi-clade panel of 225 pseudoviruses for which envelope sequences were also available. For each sample, between two and four sites were identified that were strongly associated with neutralization sensitivity (2ln(BF)?>?6), a subset of which were experimentally confirmed using site-directed mutagenesis.


Our results provide strong support for the use of evolutionary models applied to cross-sectional viral neutralization data to identify the epitopes of serum antibodies that confer neutralization breadth.

The monoclonal antibody (MAb) VRC01 was isolated from a slowly progressing HIV-1-infected donor and was shown to neutralize diverse HIV-1 strains by binding to the conserved CD4 binding site (CD4bs) of gp120. To better understand the virologic factors associated with such antibody development, we characterized HIV-1 envelope (Env) variants from this donor and five other donors who developed broadly neutralizing antibodies. A total of 473 env sequences were obtained by single-genome amplification, and 100 representative env clones were expressed and tested for entry and neutralization sensitivity. While VRC01 neutralizes about 90% of the genetically diverse heterologous HIV-1 strains tested, only selective archival Env variants from the VRC01 donor were sensitive to VRC01 and all of the Env variants derived from the donor plasma were resistant, indicating strong antibody-based selection pressure. Despite their resistance to this broadly reactive MAb that partially mimics CD4, all Env variants required CD4 for entry. Three other CD4bs MAbs from the same donor were able to neutralize some VRC01 escape variants, suggesting that CD4bs antibodies continued to evolve in response to viral escape. We also observed a relatively high percentage of VRC01-resistant Env clones in the plasma of four of five additional broadly neutralizing donors, suggesting the presence of CD4bs-directed neutralizing antibodies in these donors. In total, these data indicate that the CD4bs-directed neutralizing antibodies exert ongoing selection pressure on the conserved CD4bs epitope of HIV-1 Env.  相似文献   

A steady increase in knowledge of the molecular and antigenic structure of the gp120 and gp41 HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) is yielding important new insights for vaccine design, but it has been difficult to translate this information to an immunogen that elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies. To help bridge this gap, we used phylogenetically corrected statistical methods to identify amino acid signature patterns in Envs derived from people who have made potently neutralizing antibodies, with the hypothesis that these Envs may share common features that would be useful for incorporation in a vaccine immunogen. Before attempting this, essentially as a control, we explored the utility of our computational methods for defining signatures of complex neutralization phenotypes by analyzing Env sequences from 251 clonal viruses that were differentially sensitive to neutralization by the well-characterized gp120-specific monoclonal antibody, b12. We identified ten b12-neutralization signatures, including seven either in the b12-binding surface of gp120 or in the V2 region of gp120 that have been previously shown to impact b12 sensitivity. A simple algorithm based on the b12 signature pattern was predictive of b12 sensitivity/resistance in an additional blinded panel of 57 viruses. Upon obtaining these reassuring outcomes, we went on to apply these same computational methods to define signature patterns in Env from HIV-1 infected individuals who had potent, broadly neutralizing responses. We analyzed a checkerboard-style neutralization dataset with sera from 69 HIV-1-infected individuals tested against a panel of 25 different Envs. Distinct clusters of sera with high and low neutralization potencies were identified. Six signature positions in Env sequences obtained from the 69 samples were found to be strongly associated with either the high or low potency responses. Five sites were in the CD4-induced coreceptor binding site of gp120, suggesting an important role for this region in the elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibody responses against HIV-1.  相似文献   

The identification of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) structures that can generate broadly neutralizing antibodies (BNAbs) is pivotal to the development of a successful vaccine against HIV-1 aimed at eliciting effective humoral immune responses. To that end, the production of novel Env structure(s) that might induce BNAbs by presentation of conserved epitopes, which are otherwise occluded, is critical. Here, we focus on a structure that stabilizes Env in a conformation representative of its primary (CD4) receptor-bound state, thereby exposing highly conserved "CD4 induced" (CD4i) epitope(s) known to be important for co-receptor binding and subsequent virus infection. A CD4-mimetic miniprotein, miniCD4 (M64U1-SH), was produced and covalently complexed to recombinant, trimeric gp140 envelope glycoprotein (gp140) using site-specific disulfide linkages. The resulting gp140-miniCD4 (gp140-S-S-M64U1) complex was recognized by CD4i antibodies and the HIV-1 co-receptor, CCR5. The gp140-miniCD4 complex elicited the highest titers of CD4i binding antibodies as well as enhanced neutralizing antibodies against Tier 1 viruses as compared to gp140 protein alone following immunization of rabbits. Neutralization against HIV-2(7312/V434M) and additional serum mapping confirm the specific elicitation of antibodies directed to the CD4i epitope(s). These results demonstrate the utility of structure-based approach in improving immunogenic response against specific region, such as the CD4i epitope(s) here, and its potential role in vaccine application.  相似文献   

The V1/V2 region and the V3 loop of the human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) envelope (Env) protein are targets for neutralizing antibodies and also play an important functional role, with the V3 loop largely determining whether a virus uses CCR5 (R5), CXCR4 (X4), or either coreceptor (R5X4) to infect cells. While the sequence of V3 is variable, its length is highly conserved. Structural studies indicate that V3 length may be important for interactions with the extracellular loops of the coreceptor. Consistent with this view, genetic truncation of the V3 loop is typically associated with loss of Env function. We removed approximately one-half of the V3 loop from three different HIV-1 strains, and found that only the Env protein from the R5X4 strain R3A retained some fusion activity. Loss of V1/V2 (DeltaV1/V2) was well tolerated by this virus. Passaging of virus with the truncated V3 loop resulted in the derivation of a virus strain that replicated with wild-type kinetics. This virus, termed TA1, retained the V3 loop truncation and acquired several adaptive changes in gp120 and gp41. TA1 could use CCR5 but not CXCR4 to infect cells, and was extremely sensitive to neutralization by HIV-1 positive human sera, and by antibodies to the CD4 binding site and to CD4-induced epitopes in the bridging sheet region of gp120. In addition, TA1 was completely resistant to CCR5 inhibitors, and was more dependent upon the N-terminal domain of CCR5, a region of the receptor that is thought to contact the bridging sheet of gp120 and the base of the V3 loop, and whose conformation may not be greatly affected by CCR5 inhibitors. These studies suggest that the V3 loop protects HIV from neutralization by antibodies prevalent in infected humans, that CCR5 inhibitors likely act by disrupting interactions between the V3 loop and the coreceptor, and that altered use of CCR5 by HIV-1 associated with increased sensitivity to changes in the N-terminal domain can be linked to high levels of resistance to these antiviral compounds.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has the ability to adapt to the host environment by escaping from host immune responses. We previously observed that escape from humoral immunity, both at the individual and at a population level, coincided with longer variable loops and an increased number of potential N-linked glycosylation sites (PNGS) in the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) and, in particular, in variable regions 1 and 2 (V1V2). Here, we provide several lines of evidence for the role of V1V2 in the resistance of HIV-1 to neutralizing antibodies. First, we determined that the increasing neutralization resistance of a reference panel of tier-categorized neutralization-sensitive and -resistant HIV-1 variants coincided with a longer V1V2 loop containing more PNGS. Second, an exchange of the different variable regions of Env from a neutralization-sensitive HIV-1 variant into a neutralization-resistant escape variant from the same individual revealed that the V1V2 loop is a strong determinant for sensitivity to autologous-serum neutralization. Third, exchange of the V1V2 loop of neutralization-sensitive HIV-1 variants from historical seroconverters with the V1V2 loop of neutralization-resistant HIV-1 variants from contemporary seroconverters decreased the neutralization sensitivity to CD4-binding site-directed antibodies. Overall, we demonstrate that an increase in the length of the V1V2 loop and/or the number of PNGS in that same region of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein is directly involved in the protection of HIV-1 against HIV-specific neutralizing antibodies, possibly by shielding underlying epitopes in the envelope glycoprotein from antibody recognition.  相似文献   

The structural and antigenic properties of a peptide ("CRK") derived from the V3 loop of HIV-1 gp120 protein were studied using NMR and SPR techniques. The sequence of CRK corresponds to the central portion of the V3 loop containing the highly conserved "GPGR" residue sequence. Although the biological significance of this conserved sequence is unknown, the adoption of conserved secondary structure (type II beta-turn) in this region has been proposed. The tendency of CRK (while free or conjugated to protein), to adopt such structure and the influence of such structure upon CRK antigenicity were investigated by NMR and SPR, respectively. Regardless of conjugation, CRK is conformationally averaged in solution but a weak tendency of the CRK "GPGR" residues to adopt a beta-turn conformation was observed after conjugation. The influence of GPGR structure upon CRK antigenicity was investigated by measuring the affinities of two cognate antibodies: "5023A" and "5025A," for CRK, protein-conjugated CRK and gp120 protein. Each antibody bound to all the antigens with nearly the same affinity. From these data, it appears that: (a) antibody binding most likely involves an induced fit of the peptide and (b) the gp120 V3 loop is probably conformationally heterogeneous. Since 5023A and 5025A are HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies, neutralization in these cases appears to be independent of adopted GPGR beta-turn structure.  相似文献   

HIV-1 gp120 binds the primary receptor CD4. Recently, a plethora of broadly neutralizing antibodies to the gp120 CD4-binding site (CD4bs) validated this region as a target for immunogen design. Here, we asked if modified HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) designed to increase CD4 recognition might improve recognition by CD4bs neutralizing antibodies and more efficiently elicit such reactivities. We also asked if CD4bs stabilization, coupled with altering the Env format (monomer to trimer or cross-clade), might better elicit neutralizing antibodies by focusing the immune response on the functionally conserved CD4bs. We produced monomeric and trimeric Envs stabilized by mutations within the gp120 CD4bs cavity (pocket-filling; PF2) or by appending heterologous trimerization motifs to soluble Env ectodomains (gp120/gp140). Recombinant glycoproteins were purified to relative homogeneity, and ligand binding properties were analyzed by ELISA, surface plasmon resonance, and isothermal titration microcalorimetry. In some formats, the PF2 substitutions increased CD4 affinity, and importantly, PF2-containing proteins were better recognized by the broadly neutralizing CD4bs mAbs, VRC01 and VRC-PG04. Based on this analysis, we immunized selected Env variants into rabbits using heterologous or homologous regimens. Analysis of the sera revealed that homologous inoculation of the PF2-containing, variable region-deleted YU2 gp120 trimers (ΔV123/PF2-GCN4) more rapidly elicited CD4bs-directed neutralizing antibodies compared with other regimens, whereas homologous trimers elicited increased neutralization potency, mapping predominantly to the gp120 third major variable region (V3). These results suggest that some engineered Env proteins may more efficiently direct responses toward the conserved CD4bs and be valuable to elicit antibodies of greater neutralizing capacity.  相似文献   

Eight stable fowlpox virus (FPV) recombinants which express the envelope glycoprotein of the spleen necrosis virus (SNV) strain of reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV), an avian retrovirus, were constructed. These recombinants differ in the genomic location of the inserted genes, in the orientation of the insert relative to flanking viral sequences, and in the promoter used to drive expression of the env gene. Of these variables, promoter strength seems to be the most crucial. The P7.5 promoter of vaccinia virus, which is commonly used in the construction of both vaccinia virus and FPV recombinants, resulted in lower levels of expression of the envelope antigen in infected chicken cells compared with a strong synthetic promoter, as determined by immunofluorescence and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Two peptides encoded by the env gene, the 21-kDa transmembrane peptide and a 62-kDa precursor, were detected by immunoprecipitation of labeled proteins from cells infected with recombinant FPVs, using monoclonal antibodies against REV. These peptides comigrated with those precipitated from REV-infected cells. One of the recombinants (f29R-SNenv) was used for vaccination of 1-day-old chickens. Vaccinated chicks developed neutralizing antibodies to SNV more rapidly than did unvaccinated controls following SNV challenge and were protected against both viremia and the SNV-induced runting syndrome.  相似文献   

Repeated immunizations of goats, horses, or chimpanzees with envelope glycoprotein gp120 isolated from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) resulted in type-specific neutralizing-antibody responses, which began to decay approximately 20 days following the administration of antigen. This was true repeatedly for serum samples from animals hyperimmunized with gp120s from either the HTLV-IIIB (IIIB) or the envelope-divergent HTLV-IIIRF (RF) HIV-1 isolates. Animals previously immunized with the IIIB gp120 were then inoculated with purified RF gp120. The first response in these animals was an anamnestic resurgence of neutralizing antibody to IIIB without detectable neutralizing antibody for RF. However, with later RF gp120 boosts, the IIIB neutralizing-antibody titers fell and an RF type-specific neutralizing-antibody response developed. When assessed with other HIV-1 variants, no group-specific neutralizing antibody was seen in any of the vaccination protocols evaluated. These results will pose real obstacles in the development of an effective vaccine for HIV.  相似文献   



The rapid and continual viral escape from neutralizing antibodies is well documented in HIV-1 infection. Here we report in vivo emergence of viruses with heightened sensitivity to neutralizing antibodies, sometimes paralleling the development of neutralization escape.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sequential viral envs were amplified from seven HIV-1 infected men monitored from seroconversion up to 5 years after infection. Env-recombinant infectious molecular clones were generated and tested for coreceptor use, macrophage tropism and neutralization sensitivity to homologous and heterologous serum, soluble CD4 and monoclonal antibodies IgG1b12, 2G12 and 17b. We found that HIV-1 evolves sensitivity to contemporaneous neutralizing antibodies during infection. Neutralization sensitive viruses grow out even when potent autologous neutralizing antibodies are present in patient serum. Increased sensitivity to neutralization was associated with susceptibility of the CD4 binding site or epitopes induced after CD4 binding, and mediated by complex envelope determinants including V3 and V4 residues. The development of neutralization sensitive viruses occurred without clinical progression, coreceptor switch or change in tropism for primary macrophages.


We propose that an interplay of selective forces for greater virus replication efficiency without the need to resist neutralizing antibodies in a compartment protected from immune surveillance may explain the temporal course described here for the in vivo emergence of HIV-1 isolates with high sensitivity to neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

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