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RNA viruses account for numerous emerging and perennial infectious diseases, and are characterized by rapid rates of molecular evolution. The ecological dynamics of most emerging RNA viruses are still poorly understood and difficult to ascertain. The availability of genome sequence data for many RNA viruses, in principle, could be used to infer ecological dynamics if changes in population numbers produced a lasting signature within the pattern of genome evolution. As a result, the rapidly emerging phylogeographic structure of a pathogen, shaped by the rise and fall in the number of infections and their spatial distribution, could be used as a surrogate for direct ecological assessments. Based on rabies virus as our example, we use a model combining ecological and evolutionary processes to test whether variation in the rate of host movement results in predictive diagnostic patterns of pathogen genetic structure. We identify several linearizable relationships between host dispersal rate and measures of phylogenetic structure suggesting genetic information can be used to directly infer ecological process. We also find phylogenetic structure may be more revealing than demography for certain ecological processes. Our approach extends the reach of current analytic frameworks for infectious disease dynamics by linking phylogeography back to underlying ecological processes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Blackleg disease of Brassica napus, caused by the necrotrophic fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, causes severe yield losses in Australia, Europe and Canada. In Western Australia, it nearly destroyed the oilseed rape industry in 1972 when host genotypes and conducive environmental conditions favoured severe epidemics. The introduction of cultivars with polygenic resistance and the adoption of sound cultural practices two decades later helped to manage the disease. These were abandoned by many farmers in recent years in favour of the effective but ephemeral resistance conferred by the single dominant gene-based resistance derived from B. rapa ssp. sylvestris. Recently, several cultivars carrying this gene have collapsed widely within a period of 3 years after their commercial release. An environment conducive to the disease and the association of the pathogen with susceptible hosts in Western Australia for over 80 years together have led to the proliferation of L. maculans races, amounting to half of all races delineated to date from Europe, including the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. SCOPE: This review demonstrates the problems that emerge when traditional cultural practices employed, along with cultivars containing polygenic resistance to a serious necrotrophic pathogen, are discarded in preference to the exclusive deployment of effective but ephemeral single dominant gene-based resistance to the disease across Southern Australia. CONCLUSIONS: Single dominant gene-based resistance currently available, on its own, will not confer durable resistance to blackleg disease in oilseed rape. Return to earlier management practices, including reliance upon polygenic resistance and induced resistance, may be the best currently available options to maintain production in regions across Southern Australia predisposed to severe epidemics.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Recent developments in plant disease management have led to a growing interest in alternative strategies, such as increasing host diversity and decreasing the use of pesticides. Use of cultivar mixtures is one option, allowing the spread of plant epidemics to be slowed down. As dispersal of fungal foliar pathogens over short distances by rain-splash droplets is a major contibutor to the spread of disease, this study focused on modelling the physical mechanisms involved in dispersal of a non-specialized pathogen within heterogeneous canopies of cultivar mixtures, with the aim of optimizing host diversification at the intra-field level.


Virtual 3-D wheat-like plants (Triticum aestivum) were used to consider interactions between plant architecture and disease progression in heterogeneous canopies. A combined mechanistic and stochastic model, taking into account splash droplet dispersal and host quantitative resistance within a 3-D heterogeneous canopy, was developed. It consists of four sub-models that describe the spatial patterns of two cultivars within a complex canopy, the pathway of rain-splash droplets within this canopy, the proportion of leaf surface area impacted by dispersal via the droplets and the progression of disease severity after each dispersal event.

Key Results

Different spatial organization, proportions and resistance levels of the cultivars of two-component mixtures were investigated. For the eight spatial patterns tested, the protective effect against disease was found to vary by almost 2-fold, with the greatest effect being obtained with the smallest genotype unit area, i.e. the ground area occupied by an independent unit of the host population that is genetically homogeneous. Increasing both the difference between resistance levels and the proportion of the most resistant cultivar often resulted in a greater protective effect; however, this was not observed for situations in which the most resistant of the two cultivars in the mixture had a relatively low level of resistance.


The results show agreement with previous data obtained using experimental approaches. They demonstrate that in order to maximize the potential mixture efficiency against a splash-dispersed pathogen, optimal susceptible/resistant cultivar proportions (ranging from 1/9 to 5/5) have to be established based on host resistance levels. The results also show that taking into account dispersal processes in explicit 3-D plant canopies can be a key tool for investigating disease progression in heterogeneous canopies such as cultivar mixtures.  相似文献   

Leaf rot disease (LRD) of coconut occurs in Kerala State, India, and is generally severe during the monsoon, a time of high rainfall and r.h. and low maximum temperature. The pathogenic fungi Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Exserohilum rostratum, Gliocladium vermoeseni, Fusarium solani, F. moniliforme var. intermedium, Thielaviopsis paradoxa and Rhizoctonia solani were among 14 species isolated from spindles of palms with LRD in multiple samplings of two experiments, each lasting 1 year. Co-occurrence of fungi was observed in 70–76% of spindles although leaf pieces yielded mostly individual fungi irrespective of the stage of lesion development. C. gloeosporioides occurred most frequently on early lesions. The incidence of C. gloeosporioides was most strongly correlated with rainfall and r.h. and, negatively, with maximum temperature and hours of sunshine. It was the fungus isolated most commonly during the monsoon and occurred on early lesions more frequently than on advanced lesions (determined in one experiment). C. gloeosporioides is thus implicated as the principal pathogen involved in initiation of the disease during monsoons. Its relatively low incidence in the dry season suggests a quiescent phase between periods of parasitic activity. E. rostratum was isolated less frequently and its incidence was less strongly or consistently correlated with weather or with the stage of lesion development. Fusarium spp. and R. solani were associated with dryer weather and higher temperatures. The Fusarium spp. were the fungi isolated most commonly during part of the dry season (January-March) and occurred more on early than on advanced lesions at one sample (January) when they may have been primary disease agents. R. solani was also more frequent on advanced lesions and may be principally a secondary coloniser of established lesions. The incidence of other fungi, which occurred less frequently and more sporadically, was not associated with weather or consistently with different stages of lesion development.  相似文献   

Fungus‐growing termites of the subfamily Macrotermitinae together with their highly specialized fungal symbionts (Termitomyces) are primary decomposers of dead plant matter in many African savanna ecosystems. The termites provide crucial ecosystem services also by modifying soil properties, translocating nutrients, and as important drivers of plant succession. Despite their obvious ecological importance, many basic features in the biology of fungus‐growing termites and especially their fungal symbionts remain poorly known, and no studies have so far focused on possible habitat‐level differences in symbiont diversity across heterogeneous landscapes. We studied the species identities of Macrotermes termites and their Termitomyces symbionts by excavating 143 termite mounds at eight study sites in the semiarid Tsavo Ecosystem of southern Kenya. Reference specimens were identified by sequencing the COI region from termites and the ITS region from symbiotic fungi. The results demonstrate that the regional Macrotermes community in Tsavo includes two sympatric species (M. subhyalinus and M. michaelseni) which cultivate and largely share three species of Termitomyces symbionts. A single species of fungus is always found in each termite mound, but even closely adjacent colonies of the same termite species often house evolutionarily divergent fungi. The species identities of both partners vary markedly between sites, suggesting hitherto unknown differences in their ecological requirements. It is apparent that both habitat heterogeneity and disturbance history can influence the regional distribution patterns of both partners in symbiosis.  相似文献   

Many significant diseases of human civilization are thought to have arisen concurrently with the advent of agriculture in human society. It has been hypothesised that the food produced by farming increased population sizes to allow the maintenance of virulent pathogens, i.e. civilization pathogens, while domestic animals provided sources of disease to humans. To determine the relationship between pathogens in humans and domestic animals, I examined phylogenetic data for several human pathogens that are commonly evolutionarily linked to domestic animals: measles, pertussis, smallpox, tuberculosis, taenid worms, and falciparal malaria. The majority are civilization pathogens, although I have included others whose evolutionary origins have traditionally been ascribed to domestic animals. The strongest evidence for a domestic-animal origin exists for measles and pertussis, although the data do not exclude a non-domestic origin. As for the other pathogens, the evidence currently available makes it difficult to determine if the domestic-origin hypothesis is supported or refuted; in fact, intriguing data for tuberculosis and taenid worms suggests that transmission may occur as easily from humans to domestic animals. These findings do not abrogate the importance of agriculture in disease transmission; rather, if anything, they suggest an alternative, more complex series of effects than previously elucidated. Rather than domestication, the broader force for human pathogen evolution could be ecological change, namely anthropogenic modification of the environment. This is supported by evidence that many current emerging infectious diseases are associated with human modification of the environment. Agriculture may have changed the transmission ecology of pre-existing human pathogens, increased the success of pre-existing pathogen vectors, resulted in novel interactions between humans and wildlife, and, through the domestication of animals, provided a stable conduit for human infection by wildlife diseases.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the orientational behaviour in the two terrestrial slugs Arion rufus and Deroceras agreste. It presents anatomical details of their eyes and provides an appraisal of the eyes’ optical system. In both species the retinae contain two principal types of cell: photoreceptive and pigmented supportive cells. While only the eye of A. rufus apparently contains neurosecretory neurones, that of D. agreste is the only one equipped with a small additional retina with its own separate lens. Lens shapes vary between ovoid (A. rufus) and spherical (D. agreste). Our results demonstrate that the camera‐type eyes in A. rufus and D. agreste have optical systems that do not allow the production of a sharp image on the retina. The slugs demonstrate negative visually mediated phototactic behaviour, but no polarization sensitivity. Only one aspect of the visual environment, namely the overall distribution of light and dark, seems to be important for these slugs. As the main role of the slugs’ photoreceptors is to monitor environmental brightness and to assist the animal in orientating towards dark places, we conclude that these slugs do not need to perceive sharp images.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) is a damaging pest of citrus globally and has recently been detected in Tanzania. Although direct damage by the pest is seldom of economic importance, the insect is more notorious for its ability to vector the fastidious phloem-limited bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), the putative causal bacterium of Huanglongbing or Asian citrus greening disease. For many years, Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) was known to be the main vector of the African citrus greening disease caused by Candidatus Liberibacter africanus (CLaf), but the recent arrival of D. citri on the continent adds to the dynamics of infection and spread of both diseases on mainland Africa. Following the recent report of the presence of D. citri in Tanzania, an additional delimiting survey was carried out in the region, focusing on Kenya, mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar to detect the presence and ascertain the extent of spread of D. citri. We employed molecular tools based on the use of DNA barcoding to confirm the identity of D. citri. In addition to D. citri, the occurrence of T. erytreae in the same sampling locations is also reported. Adults and nymphs of either D. citri or T. erytreae were collected from citrus at many of the surveyed sites ranging from 19 to 668 m above sea level (masl) in Tanzania, 20–1666 masl in Kenya, and 42–48 masl in Zanzibar. Diaphorina citri was sympatric with T. erytreae at the mid to higher elevations of 1375–1666 masl and no T. erytreae or its open-gall symptoms were detected below 523 masl. Sequences obtained were queried via BLAST and all linked to D. citri of different accession numbers already available on GenBank. This is the first report of the presence of D. citri in Kenya and Zanzibar. The potential implication of the detection and spread of the two pathogens, CLaf and CLas to the citrus industry in East Africa and movement of suitable host plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of non-coding RNA in the INK4 locus (ANRIL) have been found to be associated with myocardial infarction (MI). However, the effect of rs1333049:C>G in INK4 locus in familial hypercholesterolemia patients and on lipid profile of the patients has not been studied in Pakistan. We therefore investigated the association of SNP rs1333049:C>G with MI as well as familial hypercholesterolemia patients and also determined the effect of genotype on lipid levels in a northern Pakistani population. A case–control association study was performed in which 611 individuals (294 patients, 290 healthy controls and 27 patients from hypercholesterolemia families) were genotyped for rs1333049:C>G, using an Allele specific polymerase chain reaction. We found a significant association of rs1333049:C>G with MI (χ2 = 22.3, p < 0.001). The frequency of risk genotype CC was significantly different from the healthy controls (p < 0.001, χ2 = 22.3). The risk allele C was at a higher frequency in the MI patients as compared to the controls (odds ratio [OR] = 1.55 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.22–1.96), p < 0.001). The logistic regression analysis for the genotype distribution resulted in strong association of risk allele C with MI under recessive model (OR = 3.17 (95% CI = 1.85–5.44) p < 0.001). When the data were further analyzed along the lines of gender, a significant association with both males and females was observed.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ANKRA2 and CD180 genes are associated with incidence of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) and presence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cattle. Two independent populations were used. The first population (BRD‐affected; N = 90) was composed of 31 half‐sib progeny, from a Brahman × Angus sire, that were treated for BRD. Untreated offspring from the sire were selected to serve as controls. The second population (MAP‐infected) of 330 animals of unknown parentage was evaluated for the presence of MAP in ileocecal lymph node and classified as positive or negative. Markers in both genes were assessed for association in these two populations. In the BRD‐affected population, five SNPs in the ANKRA2 gene were significantly associated (P < 0.05), and two SNPs were highly associated (P < 0.01) with incidence of BRD. In addition, two SNPs in the CD180 gene were found to be associated with this trait. In the MAP‐infected population, one SNP in the ANKRA2 gene was significantly associated (P < 0.05) with the presence or absence of MAP, and a SNP in the CD180 gene was highly associated (P < 0.01) with the trait. Haplotypes, using significant markers, showed a positive association with both incidence of BRD (P = 0.0001) and with the presence of MAP (P = 0.0032). Markers in the ANKRA2 and CD180 genes are associated with the ability of the animal to cope with pathogens.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the fungal symbionts in the gallery system and the mycangia of the ambrosia beetle,Xylosandrus mutilatus, were studied in relation to its life history using both isolation experiments and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the galleries,Ambrosiella sp. was predominant during the larval stages but its relative dominance gradually decreased during the development of the larvae. In contrast, yeasts (mainlyCandida sp.) andPaecilomyces sp. dominated continuously in the galleries after eclosion.Ambrosiella sp. was consistently stored in the mycangia in all adult stages, except in the teneral and overwintering adults when the other fungi were dominant. No fungal spores occurred in the mycangia of the adult beetles reared under aseptic conditions from the pupal stage, while onlyAmbrosiella sp. was stored in those reared from the teneral-adult stage. These results suggest that: (i) Xmutilatus is associated with at least three fungal species, among whichAmbrosiella sp. is the most essential food resource for development of the broods; (ii) immediately after eclosion, new female adults may take at least four associated fungal species, with no or incomplete selection, into their mycangia from the walls of the cradles; and (iii) conditions may well be produced in the mycangia of both matured and dispersing beetles whereby only the spores ofAmbrosiella sp. can proliferate.  相似文献   

BackgroundTill to date whether adiponectin AdipoQ gene variation (rs 1501299) is associated with cardiovascular disease, still remains controversial. Therefore, we aimed to relate the SNP (rs1501299) of adiponectin gene and oxidative stress in context to CVD in Punjabi women of North West India.MethodsIn the present case-control study menopausal women with CVD as cases (n=265) and menopausal women without CVD as controls (n=258) were recruited. Genotyping of rs1501299 single nucleotide polymorphism of adiponectin gene was carried out by RFLP-PCR analysis. Biochemical parameters were analyzed according to the standard procedures.ResultsDistribution of homozygous TT genotype of normolipidemic (p=0.001) and hyperlipidemic (p=0.001) women with CVD was significantly more frequent as compared to women without CVD. rs1501299 T allele carriers with CVD also showed significant (p=0.001) higher frequency distribution as compared to women without CVD. Under recessive model of inheritance TT mutant type homozygotes conferred ~9 fold higher risk [p=0.001; OR= 9.60 (2.92-31.58)] towards CVD susceptibility for MDA>1.50; ~11 fold higher risk [p=0.007; OR= 11.11 (1.49-82.83)] towards CVD for LDL carbonyl protein>15.04 and ~9 fold higher risk [p=0.001; OR= 9.75 (2.30-41.22)] towards CVD susceptibility for SOD≤5.55. Under logistic regression analysis oxidative stress and TT genotype were significantly correlated with CVD.ConclusionsOur study revealed significant association of AdipoQ (rs1501299) gene polymorphism and oxidative stress with cardiovascular disease in Punjabi women of North West India. However, additional studies are required to support these findings.  相似文献   

We have developed an easy and specific enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) for the simultaneous determination of serum metallothinein-1 (MT-1) and 2 (MT-2) in both humans and experimental animals. A competitive ELISA was established using a specific polyclonal antibody against rat MT-2. The antibody used for this ELISA had exhibited the same cross-reactivity with MT in humans and experimental animals. The NH2 terminal peptide of MT containing acetylated methionine was shown to be the epitope of this antibody. The reactivity of this ELISA system with the liver, kidney and brain in MT1/2 knock-out mice was significantly low, but was normal in an MT-3 knock-out mouse. The lowest detection limit of this ELISA was 0.6 ng/ml and the spiked MT-1was fully recovered from the plasma.We investigated the normal range of MT1/2 (25–75%tile) in 200 healthy human serum and found it to be 27–48 ng/ml, and this was compared with the serum levels in various liver diseases. The serum MT1/2 levels in chronic hepatitis C (HCV) patients were significantly lower than healthy controls and also other liver diseases. In the chronic hepatitis cases, the MT1/I2 levels increased gradually, followed by the progression of the disease to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In particular, we found significantly elevated MT1/2 plasma levels in Wilson's disease patients, levels which were very similar to those in the Long–Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat (model animal of Wilson's disease). Furthermore, a significantly elevated MT1/2 level was found in patients with Menkes disease, an inborn error of copper metabolism such as Wilson's disease.  相似文献   

Ecological diversification of aquatic insects has long been suspected to have been driven by differences in freshwater habitats, which can be classified into flowing (lotic) waters and standing (lentic) waters. The contrasting characteristics of lotic and lentic freshwater systems imply different ecological constraints on their inhabitants. The ephemeral and discontinuous character of most lentic water bodies may encourage dispersal by lentic species in turn reducing geographical isolation among populations. Hence, speciation probability would be lower in lentic species. Here, we assess the impact of habitat use on diversification patterns in dragonflies (Anisoptera: Odonata). Based on the eight nuclear and mitochondrial genes, we inferred species diversification with a model‐based evolutionary framework, to account for rate variation through time and among lineages and to estimate the impact of larval habitat on the potentially nonrandom diversification among anisopteran groups. Ancestral state reconstruction revealed lotic fresh water systems as their original primary habitat, while lentic waters have been colonized independently in Aeshnidae, Corduliidae and Libellulidae. Furthermore, our results indicate a positive correlation of speciation and lentic habitat colonization by dragonflies: speciation rates increased in lentic Aeshnidae and Libellulidae, whereas they remain mostly uniform among lotic groups. This contradicts the hypothesis of inherently lower speciation in lentic groups and suggests species with larger ranges are more likely to diversify, perhaps due to higher probability of larger areas being dissected by geographical barriers. Furthermore, larger range sizes may comprise more habitat types, which could also promote speciation by providing additional niches, allowing the coexistence of emerging species.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) is known to be a key enzyme for lipid metabolism specifically in an enzymatic glycoprotein which provide tissues without fatty-acids and eliminates triglycerides (TG) by the circulation. Mutations in LPL were proven to cause alteration in fractions within lipoprotein, causing the development of atherosclerosis which predispose to weakening coronary artery disease (CAD) and stroke. We examined the linkage between genetic variant HindIII in LPL on lipoprotein fractions, stroke occurrences and CAD. In this case-control study, we have recruited 315 CAD cases and 205 age-matched controls. A total of 520 genomic DNA was digested with the purified PCR products for restriction fragment length polymorphism with HindIII restriction enzyme. The distribution of genotypes in a decreasing order were TT, 148 (47%), GT 135 (42.9%) and GG 32 (10.2%) in CAD groups of the study while the pattern in controls were GT 91 (44.4%), TT 86 (42%) and GG 28 (13.7%). None of all the allele or genotype frequencies were found to be significant in our study (p greater than 0.05), while the biochemical levels for both TG and LDL-c were shown to be prone in CAD patients when compare with the controls. Furthermore, the occurence of strokes were more in CAD groups vs. controls: 72 (22.9%) vs. 7 (3.4%) [p 0.000]. This could indicate the influence of HindIII variant on plasma lipid levels, and the possibility of considering it a risk factor for atherosclerosis leading to CAD and stroke occurrence.  相似文献   

Tissue loss diseases or white syndromes (WS) are some of the most important coral diseases because they result in significant colony mortality and morbidity, threatening dominant Acroporidae in the Caribbean and Pacific. The causes of WS remain elusive in part because few have examined affected corals at the cellular level. We studied the cellular changes associated with WS over time in a dominant Hawaiian coral, Montipora capitata, and showed that: (i) WS has rapidly progressing (acute) phases mainly associated with ciliates or slowly progressing (chronic) phases mainly associated with helminths or chimeric parasites; (ii) these phases interchanged and waxed and waned; (iii) WS could be a systemic disease associated with chimeric parasitism or a localized disease associated with helminths or ciliates; (iv) corals responded to ciliates mainly with necrosis and to helminths or chimeric parasites with wound repair; (v) mixed infections were uncommon; and (vi) other than cyanobacteria, prokaryotes associated with cell death were not seen. Recognizing potential agents associated with disease at the cellular level and the host response to those agents offers a logical deductive rationale to further explore the role of such agents in the pathogenesis of WS in M. capitata and helps explain manifestation of gross lesions. This approach has broad applicability to the study of the pathogenesis of coral diseases in the field and under experimental settings.  相似文献   

Microsatellites were identified and characterized from Triatoma infestans, the principal vector of Chagas’ disease in the Southern Cone of South American countries. Ninety‐three microsatellite loci were isolated from partial genomic libraries, of which 30 were amplified and 10 were selected for genotyping. The degree of intrapopulation variation in these loci was determined using 34 specimens from the locality of Chancaní (Córdoba, Argentina). The number of alleles per locus ranged from five to 19 and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.608 to 0.941. The variability of these microsatellite markers provides a valuable molecular tool for population genetic studies in T. infestans.  相似文献   

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