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It is universally accepted that lifestyle interventions are the first step towards a good overall, reproductive and sexual health. Cessation of unhealthy habits, such as tobacco, alcohol and drug use, poor nutrition and sedentary behavior, is suggested in order to preserve/improve fertility in humans. However, the possible risks of physical exercise per se or sports on male fertility are less known. Being “fit” does not only improve the sense of well-being, but also has beneficial effects on general health: in fact physical exercise is by all means a low-cost, high-efficacy method for preventing or treating several conditions, ranging from purely physical (diabetes and obesity) to psychological (depression and anxiety), highly influencing male reproduction. If male sexual and reproductive health could be positively affected by a proper physical activity, inadequate bouts of strength – both excessive intensity and duration of exercise training – are more likely to have detrimental effects. In addition, the illicit use of prohibited drugs (i.e. doping) has reached pandemic proportions, and their actions, unfortunately very often underestimated by both amateur and professional athletes, are known to disrupt at different levels and throughout various mechanisms the male hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, resulting in hypogonadism and infertility.  相似文献   

Fatness, menarche, and female fertility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is hypothesized that a particular ratio of fat to lean mass is required for menarche and the maintenance of regular menstrual cycles. Females who lose 10-15% of normal weight for height, equivalent to a loss of 1/3 of body fat, become amenorrheic, presumably due to hypothalamic dysfunction. Adipose tissue may provide signals to the central nervous system and gonadotropin regulatory areas either directly, by estrogen production, or indirectly, by the effects of relative fatness on temperature control and metabolic rate, or by both means. Women with hypothalamic dysfunction experience changes in the secretion of gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and estrogen. Weight gain restores postmenarcheal secretion patterns. This approach suggests that the secular trend toward earlier age at menarche reflects earlier attainment of critical weight as a result of improved nutrition and child care. In many societies, subnutrition may explain the observed submaximum fertility. This suggests a need to integrate family planning programs with nutrition programs in many developing countries. It is important to note that the prediction of the minimum weight for height for onset and maintenance of ovulatory cycles is from total water as percentage of body weight. Although the percentage of fat in the body is inversely related to the percent of body water, only the latter is predictive. Successful prediction of the minimum weights for height is related to a lean mass/fat ratio represented by about 17% fat of body weight at menarche and 22% of body weight at the completion of growth at age 18 years.  相似文献   

Hundreds of thousands of young women are diagnosed with cancer each year, and due to recent advances in screening programs, diagnostic methods and treatment options, survival rates have significantly improved. Radiation therapy plays an important role in cancer treatment and in some cases it constitutes the first therapy proposed to the patient. However, ionizing radiations have a gonadotoxic action with long-term effects that include ovarian insufficiency, pubertal arrest and subsequent infertility. Cranial irradiation may lead to disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, with consequent dysregulation of the normal hormonal secretion. The uterus might be damaged by radiotherapy, as well. In fact, exposure to radiation during childhood leads to altered uterine vascularization, decreased uterine volume and elasticity, myometrial fibrosis and necrosis, endometrial atrophy and insufficiency. As radiations have a relevant impact on reproductive potential, fertility preservation procedures should be carried out before and/or during anticancer treatments. Fertility preservation strategies have been employed for some years now and have recently been diversified thanks to advances in reproductive biology. Aim of this paper is to give an overview of the various effects of radiotherapy on female reproductive function and to describe the current fertility preservation options.  相似文献   

Females that are socially bonded to a single male, either in a social monogamy or in a social polygyny, are often sexually polyandrous. Extrapair copulations (EPC) have often been suggested or rejected, on both empirical and theoretical grounds, as an important mechanism that enables females to avoid fertility risks in case their socially bonded male is infertile. Here, we explore this possibility in two steps. First, we present a mathematical model that assumes that females have no precopulatory information about male fertility, and shows that a female EPC strategy increases female reproductive success only if certain specific conditions are upheld in the nature of male infertility. In particular, these conditions require both (i) that fertile sperm precedence (FSP) is absent or incomplete within ejaculates of the same male (i.e. that an infertile male is, at least partly, truly infertile), and (ii) the existence of FSP among ejaculates of different males (such that infertile spermatozoa of the infertile male are at a disadvantage when competing against spermatozoa of a fertile male). Second, to evaluate their potential role in the evolution of female EPC, we review the abundance and FSP patterns of the different male infertility types. The conclusion is drawn that some common infertility types, such as poor sperm count or motility, contribute to the evolution of female EPC, whereas other common infertility types, such as sperm depletion or allocation in a social monogamy (but not in a social polygyny), and in particular male driven polyspermy, do not. Also, a deeper look at the arms race between sperm fertilization efficiency and female barriers to sperm may answer the non‐trivial question: “why are some types of infertility so common?”  相似文献   

Dominance and fertility among female primates   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Accurate estimates of mass and size are important in a wide range of research questions in population and evolutionary biology, and yet such data are still rare for wild primates. This study presents detailed longitudinal data from a large population of wild indriids, and demonstrates links between fluctuations in body mass, environmental cycles, and reproduction. Understanding these links is a necessary step toward explaining the function and evolution of distinctive features of lemur biology and behavior.During the first 12 years of an ongoing study of the sifaka, Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi, at Beza Mahafaly in southwest Madagascar, 320 animals were captured and weighed throughout the year. Adult males and females exhibit seasonal cycles of mass loss, with females losing significantly more mass than males. In 2 drought years this pattern was especially pronounced. Compared to lighter females, females who were heavier at the time of the mating season were more likely to give birth in the following birth season. By showing (1) seasonally greater mass loss in reproductive females compared to males, particularly in drought years, (2) a close link between female mass and fertility, and (3) an uncoupling of the periods of highest body mass and of gestation and lactation, these results suggest that energy acquisition and storage are critically important in the life history strategies of female sifaka, and that "capital breeding" may be a feature of sifaka reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Copulation preferences in our closest living relative, the chimpanzee, suggest that males prefer older females who have had previous offspring. However, this finding is counter to some behavioral models, which predict that chimpanzee males, as promiscuous breeders with minimal costs to mating, should show little or no preference when choosing mating partners (e.g. should mate indiscriminately). To determine if the preferences indicated by copulations appear in other contexts as well as how they interact, we examined how male chimpanzees' grooming patterns varied amongst females. We found that males' preferences were based on interactions among females' fertility status, age, and parity. First, grooming increased with increasing female parity. We further found an effect of the estrous cycle on grooming; when females were at the lowest point of their cycle, males preferentially groomed parous females at peak reproductive age, but during maximal tumescence, males preferred the oldest multiparous females. Nulliparous females received relatively little grooming regardless of age or fertility. Thus, male chimpanzees apparently chose grooming partners based on both female's experience and fertility, possibly indicating a two-pronged social investment strategy. Male selectivity seems to have evolved to effectively distribute costly social resources in a pattern which may increase their overall reproductive success.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict can elevate mating costs via male inflicted damage to females. Possible selective advantages to males include decreasing the likelihood that females remate and/or increasing females' current reproductive investment in a manner analogous to terminal reproductive investment. We investigated female mating behaviour relative to their number of previous copulations in the fly Sepsis cynipsea, and whether males accepted as first mates were more likely to be accepted again. Females were more likely to remate with new rather than original males, although there was no associated fitness benefit, and in contrast to theoretical predictions, females became less reluctant to remate as the number of previous copulations increased. Additionally, females did not increase reproductive investment as would be expected if they were ensuring their final reproductive efforts were maximized by remating. This suggests that damaging females is a pleiotropic effect which inadvertently leads to increased, not decreased, polyandry.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that lifestyle choices account for the overall quality of health and life (QoL) reflecting many potential lifestyle risks widely associated with alterations of the reproductive function up to the infertility. This review aims to summarize in a critical fashion the current knowledge about the potential effects of stress and QoL on female reproductive function. A specific literature search up to August 2017 was performed in IBSS, SocINDEX, Institute for Scientific Information, PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Current review highlights a close relationship in women between stress, QoL and reproductive function, that this association is more likely reported in infertile rather than fertile women, and that a vicious circle makes them to have supported each other. However, a precise cause-effect relationship is still difficult to demonstrate due to conflicting results and the lack of objective measures/instruments of evaluation.  相似文献   

Intraovarian activins are required for female fertility   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Activins have diverse roles in multiple physiological processes including reproduction. Mutations and loss of heterozygosity at the human activin receptor ACVR1B and ACVR2 loci are observed in pituitary, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers. Functional studies support intraovarian roles for activins, although clarifying the in vivo roles has remained elusive due to the perinatal death of activin betaA knockout mice. To study the roles of activins in ovarian growth, differentiation, and cancer, a tissue-specific knockout system was designed to ablate ovarian production of activins. Mice lacking ovarian activin betaA were intercrossed to Inhbb homozygous null mice to produce double activin knockouts. Whereas ovarian betaA knockout females are subfertile, betaB/betaA double mutant females are infertile. Strikingly, the activin betaA and betaB/betaA-deficient ovaries contain increased numbers of functional corpora lutea but do not develop ovarian tumors. Microarray analysis of isolated granulosa cells identifies significant changes in expression for a number of genes with known reproductive roles, including Kitl, Taf4b, and Ghr, as well as loss of expression of the proto-oncogene, Myc. Thus, in contrast to the known tumor suppressor role of activins in some tissues, our data indicate that activin betaA and betaB function redundantly in a growth stimulatory pathway in the mammalian ovary.  相似文献   

In mammals, intrinsic postzygotic isolation has been well studied in males but has been less studied in females, despite the fact that female gametogenesis and pregnancy provide arenas for hybrid sterility or inviability that are absent in males. Here, we asked whether inviability or sterility is observed in female hybrids of Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus, taxa which hybridize in nature and for which male sterility has been well characterized. We looked for parent‐of‐origin growth phenotypes by measuring adult body weights in F1 hybrids. We evaluated hybrid female fertility by crossing F1 females to a tester male and comparing multiple reproductive parameters between intrasubspecific controls and intersubspecific hybrids. Hybrid females showed no evidence of parent‐of‐origin overgrowth or undergrowth, providing no evidence for reduced viability. However, hybrid females had smaller litter sizes, reduced embryo survival, fewer ovulations, and fewer small follicles relative to controls. Significant variation in reproductive parameters was seen among different hybrid genotypes, suggesting that hybrid incompatibilities are polymorphic within subspecies. Differences in reproductive phenotypes in reciprocal genotypes were observed and are consistent with cyto‐nuclear incompatibilities or incompatibilities involving genomic imprinting. These findings highlight the potential importance of reduced hybrid female fertility in the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

This study examined the reproductive status of mothers and daughters to determine if parent-eldest daughter interactions would influence the daughter's fertility in the cooperatively breeding common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus. Twice weekly fecal samples were collected for hormonal analyses from seven daughters and their mothers and analyzed for cortisol, estradiol, and progesterone by EIA. Behavioral data were collected three times weekly while the daughters were under three conditions: natal family, after removing from the family and paring with a novel male, and after removing from the paired condition and placed back with the family (renatal). Under the natal condition, five of the seven daughters exhibited ovarian cycles while their mother was pregnant or displaying ovarian cycling. The five cycling daughters spent significantly more time initiating affilative behaviors with their mothers than with their fathers and showed significant changes in their behavior over the length of the ovarian cycle. However, aggression, submission, and sexual behaviors were very low for daughters in the natal phase. No differences between cortisol levels were found for a daughter and her mother. Cortisol levels showed a significant and sustained increase upon pairing within the first 20 days. All females but one cycled while paired. Six of the seven females were accepted back into the family after pairing and five of the seven females were ovulating. These results suggest that marmoset daughters are not necessarily reproductively suppressed while living with the family. Additionally, these data suggest that female marmosets that leave their family to explore mating opportunities with other groups may return to their family without reproductive or aggressive consequences.  相似文献   

Premature ovarian failure and infertility are well-known side-effects observed in young girls and reproductive-age women treated for cancer. Although the need for tumor eradication in these patients is clear, the long-term consequences of chemotherapy and radiation on non-target tissues, such as the ovaries where large numbers of germ cells (oocytes) are also killed off, are substantial. Unfortunately, the mechanism mediating the undesirable toxicity of cancer therapies in the female gonads has only recently been explored. Nevertheless, some important insights into the role of ceramide and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) as a mediator and suppressor, respectively, of cancer therapy-induced oocyte apoptosis have emerged over the past few years. Such findings are exciting in that a better understanding of the crime--how radiation and chemotherapy kill off this irreplaceable population of innocent cells in the ovaries--may finally allow for the development of novel lipid-based strategies to combat infertility and premature menopause in female cancer patients.  相似文献   

Reduced fertility of female mice lacking CD81   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In somatic cells, the tetraspanins CD81 and CD9 associate with each other, with additional tetraspanins and with non-tetraspanin molecules to form proteolipidic complexes. Here we show that CD81 is expressed on the surface of oocytes where it associates with tetraspanin-enriched membrane structures. A major CD9 and CD81 partner, CD9P-1, is also expressed by oocytes. Deletion of CD81 gene in mice results in a 40% reduction of female fertility. In vitro insemination indicated that this infertility is due to a deficiency of oocytes to fuse with sperm. While the fertility of CD9-/- mice is severely but not completely impaired, double knock-out CD9-/- CD81-/- mice were completely infertile indicating that CD9 and CD81 play complementary roles in sperm-egg fusion. Finally, a fraction of CD9 was transferred from CD81-/- oocytes to sperm present in the perivitelline space indicating that the defect of fusion of CD81-/- oocytes does not result from an impaired initial gamete interaction.  相似文献   



Female reproductive dysfunction occurs in patients with pathological loss of adipose tissue, i.e. lipodystrophy (LD). However, mechanisms remain largely unclear and treatment effects of adipocyte-derived leptin have not been assessed in LD animals.


In the current study, C57Bl/6 LD mice on a low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout background were treated with leptin or saline for 8?weeks and compared to non-LD controls.


The number of pups born was 37% lower in breeding pairs consisting of LD female mice x non-LD male mice (n?=?3.3) compared to LD male mice x non-LD female mice (n?=?5.2) (p?<?0.05). Mean uterus weight was significantly lower in the saline-treated LD group (18.8?mg) compared to non-LD controls (52.9?mg; p?<?0.0001) and increased significantly upon leptin treatment (46.5?mg; p?<?0.001). The mean number of corpora lutea per ovary was significantly lower in saline-treated LD animals compared to non-LD controls (p?<?0.01) and was restored to non-LD control levels by leptin (p?<?0.05). Mechanistically, mRNA expression of ovarian follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (p?<?0.01) and estrogen receptor β (p?<?0.05), as well as of pituitary luteinizing hormone β subunit (p?<?0.001) and follicle-stimulating hormone β subunit (p?<?0.05), was significantly upregulated in LD mice compared to non-LD controls. In addition, mean time to vaginal opening as a marker of puberty onset was delayed by 12.5?days in LD mice (50.9?days) compared to non-LD controls (38.4?days; p?<?0.001).


Female LD animals show impaired fertility which is restored by leptin. Future studies should assess leptin as a subfertility treatment in human leptin-deficiency disorders.  相似文献   

Su W  Qiao Y  Yi F  Guan X  Zhang D  Zhang S  Hao F  Xiao Y  Zhang H  Guo L  Yang L  Feng X  Ma T 《IUBMB life》2010,62(11):852-857
Aquaporin-8 (AQP8) is a water channel expressed extensively in male and female reproductive systems. But its physiological functions are largely unknown. In the present study, we first found significantly increased number of offspring delivered by AQP8(-/-) mothers compared with wild-type mothers in cross-mating experiments. Comparison of ovulation in the two genotypes demonstrated that AQP8(-/-) ovaries released more oocytes (9.5 ± 1.9 vs. 7.1 ± 2.1 in normal ovulation and 37.8 ± 6.7 vs. 27.9 ± 5.7 in superovulation). Histological analysis showed increased number of corpus luteums in mature AQP8(-/-) ovaries, suggesting increased maturation and ovulation of follicles. By RT-PCR, western blot and immunohistochemistry analyses, we determined the expression of AQP8 in mouse ovarian granulosa cells. Granulosa cells isolated from AQP8(-/-) mice showed 45% of decreased membrane water permeability than wild-type mice. As the atresia of ovarian follicles is primarily due to apoptosis of granulosa cells, we analyzed the apoptosis of isolated granulosa cells from wild-type and AQP8(-/-) mice. The results indicated significantly lower apoptosis rate in AQP8(-/-) granulosa cells (21.3 ± 3.6% vs. 32.6 ± 4.3% in AQP8(+/+) granulosa cells). Taken together, we conclude that AQP8 deficiency increases the number of mature follicles by reducing the apoptosis of granulosa cells, thus increasing the fertility of female mice. This discovery may offer new insight of improving female fertility by reducing granulosa cell apoptosis through AQP8 inhibition.  相似文献   

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