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Phytoplasmas associated with Flavescence dorée (FDp) grapevine disease are quarantine pathogens controlled through mandatory measures including the prompt eradication and destruction of diseased plants, and the insecticide treatments against the insect vector, the ampelophagous leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus. In the present study, a multidisciplinary approach has been applied to investigate the FDp ecological cycle in a test vineyard agro‐ecosystem in Canton Ticino, south Switzerland. Despite the scarce population density of S. titanus, a regular trend of new infections (3.4% of the total vines) through the years was observed. The leafhopper Orientus ishidae was found as the most abundant among the captured insect species known as phytoplasma vectors (245 out of 315 specimens). The population of O. ishidae was evidenced prevalently (167 specimens) in the south‐western side of the vineyard and within the neighbouring forest constituted mainly by hazel (Corylus avellana) and willow (Salix spp.). These plant species were found infected by FDp related strains (30% of analysed trees) for the first time in this study. Interestingly, O. ishidae was found to harbour FDp related strains in high percentage (26% of the analysed pools). In addition, 16SrV phytoplasma group was detected for the first time in the insect Hyalesthes obsoletus and a FDp related strain in Thamnotettix dilutior, present in low populations within the test vineyard. Molecular characterisation and phylogenetic analyses of methionine aminopeptidase (map) gene sequences of FDp and related strains, here identified, revealed the great prevalence of the map‐type FD2 in grapevines (97%) and in O. ishidae pools (72%). Such a map‐type was found also in hazel and in T. dilutior, but not in S. titanus. Moreover, map‐types FD1 and FD3 were identified for the first time in Switzerland in several host plants and phytoplasma vectors, including grapevine (FD1), S. titanus (FD1) and O. ishidae (FD1 and FD3). Based on the data obtained in this study, it is reasonable to hypothesise that the ecological cycle of FDp could be related not exclusively to the grapevine‐specific feeding diet of S. titanus, but it could include other insect vector(s) and/or plant host(s). Further studies will be needed to prove the role of O. ishidae as vector able to transmit FDp from wild plants (e.g. hazel) to grapevine.  相似文献   

The European lantern fly, Dictyophara europaea, is an alternative vector of the Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDp) disease of grapevine in European vineyards, enabling infection initiation from wild reservoir compartment (Clematis vitalba). Heretofore recorded rate of D. europaea FDp‐infection has been very low (3%), making it less epidemiologically significant than would be expected based on reservoir plant infection rate (30%). In this study we present findings on a heavily FDp‐infected D. europaea population (>60%), on the natural Wolbachia infection of populations with low FDp‐infection rates (DeWo+) and on Wolbachia absence in highly FDp‐infected population (DeWo?). We examine several possible causes underlying the differences in vector infection rates: (a) population genetic characteristics of D. europaea and correlation with Wolbachia strain wEur natural infections, (b) Wolbachia effects on fitness components of DeWo+ laboratory colony and (c) rate of reservoir plant FDp‐infection and differences in FDp genotypes harboured by low and highly infected vector populations. The vector genetic diversity level was found to be lower in DeWo+ than in uninfected individuals and to exhibit a different evolution of fixed haplotypes. All DeWo+ populations were infected with the same strain of wEur. The FDp was found to be genetically diversified (five genotypes) but had no relation to infection rates. We did not find evidence of fitness upgrades with regard to Wolbachia infection status. Although more experimentation is needed, it seems that Wolbachia confers protection against FDp or is in competition with FDp according to the observed correlations: low FDp‐infected vector populations are infected with Wolbachia and vice versa.  相似文献   

Flavescence dorée (FD) is a grapevine disease that afflicts several wine production areas in Europe, from Portugal to Serbia. FD is caused by a bacterium, “Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis,” which is spread throughout the vineyards by a leafhopper, Scaphoideus titanus (Cicadellidae). After collection of S. titanus specimens from FD-contaminated vineyards in three different areas in the Piedmont region of Italy, we performed a survey to characterize the bacterial microflora associated with this insect. Using length heterogeneity PCR with universal primers for bacteria we identified a major peak associated with almost all of the individuals examined (both males and females). Characterization by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis confirmed the presence of a major band that, after sequencing, showed a 97 to 99% identity with Bacteroidetes symbionts of the “Candidatus Cardinium hertigii” group. In addition, electron microscopy of tissues of S. titanus fed for 3 months on phytoplasma-infected grapevine plants showed bacterial cells with the typical morphology of “Ca. Cardinium hertigii.” This endosymbiont, tentatively designated ST1-C, was found in the cytoplasm of previtellogenic and vitellogenic ovarian cells, in the follicle cells, and in the fat body and salivary glands. In addition, cell morphologies resembling those of “Ca. Phytoplasma vitis” were detected in the midgut, and specific PCR assays indicated the presence of the phytoplasma in the gut, fat body and salivary glands. These results indicate that ST1-C and “Ca. Phytoplasma vitis” have a complex life cycle in the body of S. titanus and are colocalized in different organs and tissues.  相似文献   

The leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus is a vector of flavescence dorée phytoplasma, the causal agent of the most important grapevine yellow disease in European vineyards. Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed from a genomic library enriched for AC and AG repeats. Levels of polymorphism were evaluated in 106 individuals from S. titanus European and American populations. An average of 16 alleles per locus was detected and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.141 to 0.813. Cross‐species amplification was successful in four other Cicadellidae species. These 10 microsatellites are valuable markers for population genetic and phylogeographical studies of S. titanus.  相似文献   

The glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (gapA) gene codes for a protein involved in the glycolytic pathway and is commonly used in Real‐Time RT‐PCR quantification studies as housekeeping gene. In this work we cloned and sequenced the full‐length gapA gene from Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDp). A ~35 kDa recombinant GapA protein was over‐expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and used as antigen to raise anti‐GapA rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The antiserum detected the GapA protein by western blot analysis of total protein extracts of FDp‐infected experimental host (Catharanthus roseus) and grapevine plants collected in the field. We also developed an FDp‐specific gapA Taqman Real‐Time RT‐PCR assay suitable for quantification overtime of gapA mRNA in infected plants.  相似文献   

Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), a specialist and univoltine leafhopper on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) (Vitaceae), is a vector of Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDP) in vineyards of European temperate areas. Males and females of the leafhopper were exposed to FDP by feeding on infected broad bean (Vicia faba L.) (Fabaceae). Detection of FDP by the amplification of phytoplasma DNA with polymerase chain reaction assays of individual insects revealed an acquisition rate of 91.4% (96/105) after an acquisition access period of 13 days. The adult life span of FD‐exposed males and females was much less than that of leafhoppers fed on healthy broad bean, as revealed by ANOVA on the quartiles of survival distribution and Weibull scale parameter. The progeny of exposed females (number of nymphs emerging from eggs deposited on woody cane segments) was significantly less than the progeny of unexposed females. Eggs produced by FD‐exposed females were slightly but significantly delayed in hatching. Reduced fecundity was confirmed by dissecting FD‐exposed and non‐exposed 42‐day‐old females and counting the number of fully sized eggs in each leafhopper. There was no evidence of transovarial passage of FDP in the offspring of infected females after 72 nymphs were reared on a healthy grapevine until the fifth instar or adult appearance and then confined on broad bean seedlings.  相似文献   

葡萄NCED基因家族进化及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
9-顺式-环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶(NCED)是植物体内ABA生物合成的关键限速酶, 参与植物对干旱、外源ABA和高盐的响应过程, 降低环境胁迫对植株的危害。基于全基因组鉴定分析葡萄(Vitis vinifera) NCED基因家族成员, 探讨各成员的物种进化关系及各个基因成员在不同组织中的时空表达模式及对干旱、ABA和高盐(NaCl)胁迫的响应, 为进一步揭示该基因家族成员的生物学功能奠定基础。在葡萄基因组中共发现12个NCED基因。其推测的编码蛋白质长度在510 (VvNCED2)-625 aa (VvNCED10)之间。VvNCED蛋白的分子量最大值是70.53 kDa (VvNCED10), 最小值是57.85 kDa (VvNCED2)。在从祖先基因分化之后, 葡萄NCED基因发生了5次复制事件, 同时有2次丢失事件。NCED1/2NCED3/4NCED6/7NCED9/10基因对被认为是通过片段复制产生。上述4对复制基因复制时间分布在3.08-120.0百万年前, 晚于单双子叶植物分化的时间。与对照相比, VvNCED1在ABA处理48小时后显著上调(72.1%), 而VvNCED2显著下调(84.0%)。VvNCED6只在干旱处理14、21和28天的根系中表达量高于对照, 分别为对照的2.49、1.05和1.09倍。VvNCED7只在干旱处理14天的根系中表达量高于对照, 为对照的1.07倍。在ABA处理72小时后, VvNCED3表达量较对照显著下调(59.5%), 而VvNCED4较对照显著上调(169.9%)。VvNCED3/VvNCED4分别在NaCl处理24和48小时出现显著性峰值, 较对照分别上调219.2%和114.4%。保守结构域不同组成和不同胁迫处理下差异表达模式是NCED蛋白发生功能分化的基础。推测NCED在进化过程中发生的功能分化有利于复制事件的发生。  相似文献   

9-顺式-环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶(NCED)是植物体内ABA生物合成的关键限速酶, 参与植物对干旱、外源ABA和高盐的响应过程, 降低环境胁迫对植株的危害。基于全基因组鉴定分析葡萄(Vitis vinifera) NCED基因家族成员, 探讨各成员的物种进化关系及各个基因成员在不同组织中的时空表达模式及对干旱、ABA和高盐(NaCl)胁迫的响应, 为进一步揭示该基因家族成员的生物学功能奠定基础。在葡萄基因组中共发现12个NCED基因。其推测的编码蛋白质长度在510 (VvNCED2)-625 aa (VvNCED10)之间。VvNCED蛋白的分子量最大值是70.53 kDa (VvNCED10), 最小值是57.85 kDa (VvNCED2)。在从祖先基因分化之后, 葡萄NCED基因发生了5次复制事件, 同时有2次丢失事件。NCED1/2NCED3/4NCED6/7NCED9/10基因对被认为是通过片段复制产生。上述4对复制基因复制时间分布在3.08-120.0百万年前, 晚于单双子叶植物分化的时间。与对照相比, VvNCED1在ABA处理48小时后显著上调(72.1%), 而VvNCED2显著下调(84.0%)。VvNCED6只在干旱处理14、21和28天的根系中表达量高于对照, 分别为对照的2.49、1.05和1.09倍。VvNCED7只在干旱处理14天的根系中表达量高于对照, 为对照的1.07倍。在ABA处理72小时后, VvNCED3表达量较对照显著下调(59.5%), 而VvNCED4较对照显著上调(169.9%)。VvNCED3/VvNCED4分别在NaCl处理24和48小时出现显著性峰值, 较对照分别上调219.2%和114.4%。保守结构域不同组成和不同胁迫处理下差异表达模式是NCED蛋白发生功能分化的基础。推测NCED在进化过程中发生的功能分化有利于复制事件的发生。  相似文献   

Plants dissipate excess excitation energy as heat by non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ). NPQ has been thought to resemble in vitro aggregation quenching of the major antenna complex, light harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHC‐II). Both processes are widely believed to involve a conformational change that creates a quenching centre of two neighbouring pigments within the complex. Using recombinant LHC‐II lacking the pigments implicated in quenching, we show that they have no particular role. Single crystals of LHC‐II emit strong, orientation‐dependent fluorescence with an emission maximum at 680 nm. The average lifetime of the main 680 nm crystal emission at 100 K is 1.31 ns, but only 0.39 ns for LHC‐II aggregates under identical conditions. The strong emission and comparatively long fluorescence lifetimes of single LHC‐II crystals indicate that the complex is unquenched, and that therefore the crystal structure shows the active, energy‐transmitting state of LHC‐II. We conclude that quenching of excitation energy in the light‐harvesting antenna is due to the molecular interaction with external pigments in vitro or other pigment–protein complexes such as PsbS in vivo, and does not require a conformational change within the complex.  相似文献   

We present here characterization data for seven new microsatellite markers designed from new microsatellite loci isolated from a microsatellite‐enriched DNA library from Vitis vinifera. The observed heterozygosity varied from 0.73 up to 0.93 and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 12 to 26. This high polymorphism makes these new markers interesting for use in genotyping studies and completing the set of microsatellite markers already available for V. vinifera. Additionally these seven new markers appear to be conserved in four other Vitis species and 15 Vitis hybrids used as rootstocks for V. vinifera cultivation.  相似文献   

In photosynthesis, light energy is absorbed by light‐harvesting complexes and used to drive photochemistry. However, a fraction of absorbed light is lost to non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) that reflects several important photosynthetic processes to dissipate excess energy. Currently, estimates of NPQ and its individual components (qE, qI, qZ and qT) are measured from pulse‐amplitude‐modulation (PAM) measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence yield and require measurements of the maximal yield of fluorescence in fully dark‐adapted material (Fm), when NPQ is assumed to be negligible. Unfortunately, this approach requires extensive dark acclimation, often precluding widespread or high‐throughput use, particularly under field conditions or in imaging applications, while introducing artefacts when Fm is measured in the presence of residual photodamaged centres. To address these limitations, we derived and characterized a new set of parameters, NPQ(T), and its components that can be (1) measured in a few seconds, allowing for high‐throughput and field applications; (2) does not require full relaxation of quenching processes and thus can be applied to photoinhibited materials; (3) can distinguish between NPQ and chloroplast movements; and (4) can be used to image NPQ in plants with large leaf movements. We discuss the applications benefits and caveats of both approaches.  相似文献   

Inducible plant defences against pathogens are stimulated by infections and comprise several classes of pathogenesis‐related (PR) proteins. Endo‐β‐1,3‐glucanases (EGases) belong to the PR‐2 class and their expression is induced by many pathogenic fungi and oomycetes, suggesting that EGases play a role in the hydrolysis of pathogen cell walls. However, reports of a direct effect of EGases on cell walls of plant pathogens are scarce. Here, we characterized three EGases from Vitis vinifera whose expression is induced during infection by Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of downy mildew. Recombinant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzymatic characteristics of these three enzymes were measured in vitro and in planta. A functional assay performed in vitro on germinated P. viticola spores revealed a strong anti‐P. viticola activity for EGase3, which strikingly was that with the lowest in vitro catalytic efficiency. To our knowledge, this work shows, for the first time, the direct effect against downy mildew of EGases of the PR‐2 family from Vitis.  相似文献   

The leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus is able to transmit 16SrV phytoplasmas agents of grapevine's flavescence dorée (FD) within 30–45 days, following an acquisition access period (AAP) of a few days feeding on infected plants as a nymph, a latency period (LP) of 3–5 weeks becoming meanwhile an adult, and an inoculation access period (IAP) of a few days on healthy plants. However, several aspects of FD epidemiology suggest how the whole transmission process may take less time, and may start directly with adults of the insect vector. Transmission experiments have been set up under lab condition. Phytoplasma‐free S. titanus adults were placed on broad bean (BB) plants (Vicia faba) infected by FD‐C (16SrV‐C) phytoplasmas for an AAP = 7 days. Afterwards, they were immediately moved onto healthy BB for IAP, which were changed every 7 days, obtaining three timings of inoculation: IAP 1, IAP 2 and IAP 3, lasting 7, 14 and 21 days from the end of AAP, respectively. DNA was extracted from plants and insects, and PCR tests were performed to identify FD phytoplasmas. Insects were dissected and fluorescence in situ hybridisation was made to detect the presence of phytoplasmas in midguts and salivary glands. The rate of infection in insects ranged 46–68% without significant differences among IAPs. Inoculation in plants succeeded in all IAPs, at a rate of 16–23% (no significant differences). Phytoplasma load was significantly higher in IAP 3 than IAP 1–2 for both plants and insects. Phytoplasmas were identified both in midgut and salivary glands of S. titanus at all IAP times. The possible implications of these results in the epidemiology of flavescence dorée are discussed.  相似文献   

A direct impact of chloroplastic protective energy dissipation (qE) on photosynthetic CO(2) assimilation has not been shown directly in plants in the absence of photoinhibition. To test this empirically we transformed rice to possess higher (overexpressors, OE) and lower (RNA interference, RNAi) levels of expression of the regulatory psbS gene and analysed CO(2) assimilation in transformants in a fluctuating measurement light regime. Western blots showed a several-fold difference in levels of PsbS protein between RNAi and OE plants with the wild type (WT) being intermediate. At a growth light intensity of 600 μmol m(-2) sec(-1) , the carboxylation capacity, electron transport capacity and dark adapted F(v)/F(m) (ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence) were inhibited in RNAi plants compared with WT and OE. The PsbS content had a significant impact on qE (measured here as non-photochemical quenching, NPQ) but the strongest effect was observed transiently, immediately following the application of light. This capacity for qE was several-fold lower in RNAi plants and significantly higher in OE plants during the first 10 min of illumination. At steady state the differences were reduced: notably at 500 μmol m(-2) sec(-1) all plants had the same NPQ values regardless of PsbS content. During a series of light-dark transitions the induction of CO(2) assimilation was inhibited in OE plants, reducing integrated photosynthesis during the light period. We conclude that the accumulation of PsbS and the resultant qE exerts control over photosynthesis in fluctuating light, showing that optimization of photoprotective processes is necessary for maximum photosynthetic productivity even in the absence of photoinhibitory stress.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among Spanish isolates of the fungus Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, one of the major causes of grapevine decline, was determined using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) techniques. Using RAPD, a large genetic variation was observed among 36 Pmaleophilum single‐spore cultures, with 76 (82.6%) polymorphic bands generated by 12 RAPD primers. A neighbour‐joining dendrogram showing the RAPD patterns of diversity revealed four groups of haplotypes. The Bayesian and principal components clustering analysis revealed three groups of haplotypes. When more than one isolate of Pmaleophilum was obtained from a single vine, different haplotypes were found. Seventeen single‐spore isolates were used for AFLP analysis. Five primer combinations produced 358 scorable markers, of which 309 (86.3%) were polymorphic. The analysis based on genetic distance as well as clustering analysis confirmed three main groups largely in agreement with those returned by the RAPD results. The Mantel correlation between the RAPD and AFLP distance matrices ranged from = 0.5931 to = 0.6294. The high level of haplotype diversity among the RAPD and AFLP markers suggests that sexual reproduction and genetic recombination may occur between Pmaleophilum haplotypes in Spain. The AFLP approach revealed a greater number of polymorphic markers. A relationship between the genetic profile of the infecting isolate of Pmaleophilum and the age or decline symptoms of the grapevines may exist.  相似文献   

Between 2003 and 2005, a survey was conducted throughout the grape‐growing regions of Bulgaria to identify possible infection with grapevine yellows diseases, especially Flavescence dorée (FD). The samples were checked for phytoplasmas and viruses inducing similar symptoms in the Central Laboratory for Plant Quarantine. To confirm stolbur phytoplasma infection of grapevine, a multiplex nested‐PCR assay for direct detection of FD and stolbur phytoplasmas was used. Infection of grapevine with phytoplasma was detected. The disease is very common disease in Bulgaria on tomatoes, potatoes and other crops. Monitoring is being continued. This is the first report of phytoplasma‐infected grapevine in Bulgaria.  相似文献   

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