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Long‐standing theory predicts herbivores and predators should drive selection for increased plant defences, such as the specific production of volatile organic compounds for attracting predators near the site of damage. Along elevation gradients, a general pattern is that herbivores and predators are abundant at low elevation and progressively diminish at higher elevations. To determine whether plant adaptation along such a gradient influences top‐down control of herbivores, we manipulated soil predatory nematodes, root herbivore pressure and plant ecotypes in a reciprocal transplant experiment. Plant survival was significantly higher for low‐elevation plants, but only when in the presence of predatory nematodes. Using olfactometer bioassays, we showed correlated differential nematode attraction and plant ecotype‐specific variation in volatile production. This study not only provides an assessment of how elevation gradients modulate the strength of trophic cascades, but also demonstrates how habitat specialisation drives variation in the expression of indirect plant defences.  相似文献   

The establishment of invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) outside of its native range may impact native species assemblages, including other pentatomids and their scelionid parasitoids. This has generated interest in defining species diversity and host‐parasitoid associations in this system to better understand the impact of invasive alien species on trophic interactions in invaded regions. Information on scelionid–pentatomid associations in natural habitats is lacking, and species‐level identification of these associations can be tenuous using rearing and dissection techniques. Naturally occurring pentatomid eggs were collected in areas where H. halys has established in Canada and were analysed using a modified DNA barcoding approach to define species‐level trophic interactions. Identification was possible for >90% of egg masses. Eleven pentatomid and five scelionid species were identified, and trophic links were established. Approximately 70% of egg masses were parasitized; parasitism and parasitoid species composition were described for each species. Telenomus podisi Ashmead was the dominant parasitoid and was detected in all host species. Trissolcus euschisti Ashmead was detected in several host species, but was significantly more prevalent in Chinavia hilaris (Say) and Brochymena quadripustulata (Fabricius). Trissolcus brochymenae Ashmead and Tr. thyantae Ashmead were recorded sporadically. Parasitism of H. halys was 55%, and this species was significantly less likely to be parasitized than native pentatomids. The scelionid species composition of H. halys consisted of Te. podisi, Tr. euschisti and Tr. thyantae. Although these species cannot develop in fresh H. halys eggs, we demonstrate that parasitoids attempt to exploit this host under field conditions.  相似文献   

The capacity of the Middle East‐Asia Minor 1 putative species of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) species complex, commonly referred to as the ‘B biotype’, to invade has often been linked to its presumed wider host range than the indigenous competitors. To determine whether this alien putative species and the indigenous Asia II 1 whitefly putative species, commonly referred to as the ‘ZHJ2 biotype’, differ in their ability to use different host plants, we compared their development, survival and reproduction on eight crop species/cultivars that are commonly cultivated in Zhejiang, China. Of the eight host plants tested, B performed substantially better than ZHJ2 on squash, tomato and tobacco, B and ZHJ2 preformed equally well on cotton and sweet potato, while ZHJ2 performed better than B on kidney bean and pepper. These results indicate that while B generally has a wider host range than many indigenous B. tabaci, an indigenous B. tabaci can perform as well as or better on some host plants. These results combined with the cropping patterns in Zhejiang suggested that the differential capacity to use various host plants between whitefly species is important in mediating the process of invasion by an alien whitefly species.  相似文献   

The invasion of a novel host species can create a mismatch in host choice and offspring survival (performance) when native parasitoids attempt to exploit the invasive host without being able to circumvent its resistance mechanisms. Invasive hosts can therefore act as evolutionary trap reducing parasitoids'' fitness and this may eventually lead to their extinction. Yet, escape from the trap can occur when parasitoids evolve behavioral avoidance or a physiological strategy compatible with the trap host, resulting in either host‐range expansion or a complete host‐shift. We developed an individual based model to investigate which conditions promote parasitoids to evolve behavioral preference that matches their performance, including host‐trap avoidance, and which conditions lead to adaptations to the unsuitable hosts. The model was inspired by solitary endo‐parasitoids attacking larval host stages. One important aspect of these conditions was reduced host survival during incompatible interaction, where a failed parasitization attempt by a parasitoid resulted not only in death of her offspring but also in host killing. This non‐reproductive host mortality had a strong influence on the likelihood of establishment of novel host–parasitoid relationship, in some cases constraining adaptation to the trap host species. Moreover, our model revealed that host‐search efficiency and genetic variation in host‐preference play a key role in the likelihood that parasitoids will include the suboptimal host in their host range, or will evolve behavioral avoidance resulting in specialization and host‐range conservation, respectively. Hence, invasive species might change the evolutionary trajectory of native parasitoid species, which is important for predicting biocontrol ability of native parasitoids towards novel hosts.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 can alter plant secondary metabolites,which play important roles in the interactions among plants,herbivorous insects and natural enemies.However,few studies have examined the cascading effects of host plant secondary metabolites on tri-trophic interactions under elevated CO2(eCO2).In this study,we determined the effects of eCO2 on the growth and foliar phenolics of Medicago truncatula and the cascading effects on two color genotypes oiAcyrthosiphon pisum(pink vs.green)and their parasitoid Aphidius avenae in the field open-top chambers.Our results showed that eCO2 increased photosynthetic rate,nodule number,yield and the total phenolic content of M.truncatula.eCO2 had contrasting effects on two genotypes of A.pisum;the green genotype demonstrated increased population abundance,fecundity,growth and feeding efficiency,while the pink genotype showed decreased fitness and these were closely associated with the foliar genstein content.Furthermore,eCO2 decreased the parasitic rate of A.avenae independent of aphid genotypes.eCO2 prolonged the emergence time and reduced the emergence rate and percentage of females when associated with the green genotype,but little difference,except for increased percentage of females,was observed in A.avenae under eCO2 when associated with the pink genotype,indicating that parasitoids can perceive and discriminate the qualities of aphid hosts.We concluded that eCO2 altered plant phenolics and thus the performance of aphids and parasitoids.Our results indicate that plant phenolics vary by different abiotic and biotic stimuli and could potentially deliver the cascading effects of eCO2 to the higher trophic levels.Our results also suggest that the green genotype is expected to perform better in future eCO2 because of decreased plant resistance after its infestation and decreased parasitic rate.  相似文献   

Although invasive plants are a major source of terrestrial ecosystem degradation worldwide, it remains unclear which trophic levels above the base of the food web are most vulnerable to plant invasions. We performed a meta‐analysis of 38 independent studies from 32 papers to examine how invasive plants alter major groupings of primary and secondary consumers in three globally distributed ecosystems: wetlands, woodlands and grasslands. Within each ecosystem we examined if green (grazing) food webs are more sensitive to plant invasions compared to brown (detrital) food webs. Invasive plants have strong negative effects on primary consumers (detritivores, bacterivores, fungivores, and/or herbivores) in woodlands and wetlands, which become less abundant in both green and brown food webs in woodlands and green webs in wetlands. Plant invasions increased abundances of secondary consumers (predators and/or parasitoids) only in woodland brown food webs and green webs in wetlands. Effects of invasive plants on grazing and detrital food webs clearly differed between ecosystems. Overall, invasive plants had the most pronounced effects on the trophic structure of wetlands and woodlands, but caused no detectable changes to grassland trophic structure.  相似文献   

The control of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais in brown rice was estimated by using a reduviid bug, Amphibolus venator, and a pteromalid wasp, Theocolax elegans. Results showed that the simultaneous release of both species of natural enemies could enhance biological control compared with the release of either species alone.  相似文献   

1. Food web interactions are complex and can respond to environmental changes in unpredictable ways that do not necessarily equate to the individual responses of each of the components of the food web. 2. Biomass can be used to evaluate the productivity of the three individual trophic levels, in the form of the Net Generational Productivity (NGP) and the performance of the entire food web with the newly developed tri‐trophic food web performance ratio (?3t). 3. These parameters were used to evaluate the performance of nine plant‐based tri‐trophic food webs composed of: potato, Solanum tuberosum L. and two cultivars of bell pepper Capsicum annuum L; three biotypes of the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and the parasitoid wasp Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). 4. The NGP showed that the thermal window for biomass productivity for each trophic level is different and is reduced by approximately 4 °C with respect to the inferior level. Aphidius ervi had the smallest thermal window for biomass productivity and development. 5. The present results showed that the performance (?3t) of the tested food webs is influenced in a top‐down fashion, where the intra‐specific variation of the food web, namely the host plant, played a major role in the productivity of each of the subsequent trophic levels. 6. The ?3t suggested that exposure to high and low temperatures might severely affect the effectiveness of A. ervi as a biocontrol agent of the aphid M. euphorbiae in bell pepper and potato crops.  相似文献   

Trophic cascades – the indirect effect of predators on non‐adjacent lower trophic levels – are important drivers of the structure and dynamics of ecological communities. However, the influence of intraspecific trait variation on the strength of trophic cascade remains largely unexplored, which limits our understanding of the mechanisms underlying ecological networks. Here we experimentally investigated how intraspecific difference among herbivore lineages specialized on different host plants influences trophic cascade strength in a terrestrial tri‐trophic system. We found that the occurrence and strength of the trophic cascade are strongly influenced by herbivores’ lineage and host‐plant specialization but are not associated with density‐dependent effects mediated by the growth rate of herbivore populations. Our findings stress the importance of intraspecific heterogeneities and evolutionary specialization as drivers of trophic cascade strength and underline that intraspecific variation should not be overlooked to decipher the joint influence of evolutionary and ecological factors on the functioning of multi‐trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Aphelinus asychis (Walker) can be valuable as a biocontrol agent of the aphid, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), a major pest on grain crops in the United States. This study reports the wind tunnel, and olfactometric responses of this parasitoid to the host (aphid), plant (sorghum), and host-plant complex (aphid-infested sorghum). In addition, the parasitoids' response to malathion-treated plants is also presented. The goal of the present study was to test the hypothesis that volatiles associated with the host attract natural enemies, as reported in cases of many hymenopterous parasitoids, and also to learn about the effects of insecticides on these parasitoids. In wind tunnel studies, these parasitoids moved upwind in the direction of the host-infested plant. There was no direct flight observed, however, these parasitoids were observed to hop and jump, and sometimes walk to their host. In the olfactometer experiments, we found that A. asychis is attracted to host-plant complex. The parasitoids' response to malathion in the olfactometer suggested that a malathion formulation when applied to plants can lure these beneficials, thus providing new insight into the ongoing task of integrating chemical and biological control of insect pests.  相似文献   

Studies in polytunnels were conducted to investigate the effects of ultraviolet (UV)‐blocking films on naturally occurring insect pests and their arthropod natural enemies on a cucumber crop. Within tunnels clad with Antibotrytis (blocks light < 400 nm) and UVI/EVA (UV transmitting), 5.8 and 23.4 times more aphids, respectively, were recorded on traps compared with those on traps within tunnels clad with XL 385 (blocks light < 385 nm). When all plants within the UVI/EVA tunnels had become heavily infested with aphids, half of the plants in XL 385 tunnels were uninfested. More Coleoptera and thrips (approximately two times) were recorded under the UVI/EVA film than under the UV‐blocking films, but for other arthropod pests (e.g. whitefly, leafhoppers), clear conclusions could not be drawn as low numbers were recorded. Substantial numbers of chalcid parasitoids and syrphids were found under the UV‐blocking films, but further research is needed to evaluate fully the effect of such films on biological control of aphids. Higher syrphid numbers and more aphid mummies were recorded under the UVI/EVA film, probably because of the higher numbers of aphids present in tunnels clad with this film. The potential that UV‐blocking films have as an effective component of commercial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems, for protected horticultural crops, is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The gall‐forming midge Rhopalomyia californica was exposed experimentally to parasitism and predation during only the egg stage, during only the larval stage, during neither stage, or during both stages. 2. The combined action of natural enemies that attack during both the egg stage and the larval stage led to the lowest number of midges and total insects (midges + parasitoids) in the next generation, and the highest percentage parasitism. 3. The larval parasitoid killed a large fraction of hosts without producing new parasitoid offspring, while there is some indication that the egg parasitoid on its own tended to produce the most parasitoid offspring. The contrasting implications of host mortality versus parasitoid production for biological control are discussed. 4. Exposure to larval parasitoids resulted in a reduction in the number of egg parasitoid offspring produced, but exposure to the egg parasitoid did not affect the number of larval parasitoid offspring produced significantly.  相似文献   

Abstract: Positive interactions between species are known to play an important role in the dynamics of plant communities, including the enhancement of invasions by exotics. We studied the influence of the invasive shrub Pyracantha angustifolia (Rosaceae) on the recruitment of native and exotic woody species in a secondary shrubland in central Argentina mountains. We recorded woody sapling recruitment and micro‐environmental conditions under the canopies of Pyracantha and the dominant native shrub Condalia montana (Rhamnaceae), and in the absence of shrub cover, considering these situations as three treatments. We found that native and exotic species richness were higher under Pyracantha than under the other treatments. Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae), an exotic bird‐dispersed shade‐tolerant tree, was the most abundant species recruiting in the area, and its density was four times higher under the canopy of Pyracantha. This positive interaction may be related to Pyracantha's denser shading, to the mechanical protection of its canopy against ungulates, and/or to the simultaneous fruit ripening of both woody invaders.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic sound is increasingly considered a major environmental issue, but its effects are relatively unstudied. Organisms may be directly affected by anthropogenic sound in many ways, including interference with their ability to detect mates, predators, or food, and disturbances that directly affect one organism may in turn have indirect effects on others. Thus, to fully appreciate the net effect of anthropogenic sound, it may be important to consider both direct and indirect effects. We report here on a series of experiments to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic sound can generate cascading indirect effects within a community. We used a study system of lady beetles, soybean aphids, and soybean plants, which are a useful model for studying the direct and indirect effects of global change on food webs. For sound treatments, we used several types of music, as well as a mix of urban sounds (e.g., sirens, vehicles, and construction equipment), each at volumes comparable to a busy city street or farm tractor. In 18‐hr feeding trials, rock music and urban sounds caused lady beetles to consume fewer aphids, but other types of music had no effect even at the same volume. We then tested the effect of rock music on the strength of trophic cascades in a 2‐week experiment in plant growth chambers. When exposed to music by AC/DC, who articulated the null hypothesis that “rock and roll ain't noise pollution” in a song of the same name, lady beetles were less effective predators, resulting in higher aphid density and reduced final plant biomass relative to control (no music) treatments. While it is unclear what characteristics of sound generate these effects, our results reject the AC/DC hypothesis and demonstrate that altered interspecific interactions can transmit the indirect effects of anthropogenic noise through a community.  相似文献   

1. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are currently being used as introduced biological control agents against the larvae of the native European forestry pest Hylobius abietis L. which develop under the bark of stumps and roots of newly dead conifer trees. 2. The potential for resource competition between gregarious ectoparasitoid Bracon hylobii Ratz and EPN by recording oviposition and related behaviours of B. hylobii females on EPN‐infected H. abietis larvae was investigated. Wasps did not parasitise EPN‐infected host larvae that were dead when presented, but naÏve and experienced wasps parasitised live EPN‐infected hosts. NaÏve wasps parasitised live EPN‐infected hosts significantly less frequently than healthy hosts only when the infected larvae were close to death (i.e. died during 24‐h trial). Parasitism by experienced wasps was unaffected by host infection. 3. Wasp probing and oviposition were positively associated with the amount of host movement. Preventing H. abietis larvae from chewing on bark significantly reduced parasitism by naÏve, but not experienced wasps. 4. The number of eggs per clutch was not affected by bark chewing or EPN‐infection of H. abietis larvae. 5. NaÏve and experienced B. hylobii parasitised two abnormal hosts (larvae of coleopteran Rhagium bifasciatum Fabricius and lepidopteran Galleria mellonella L.), both of which moved and chewed on bark during trials. 6. It was concluded that B. hylobii can use vibrational cues generated by host movement and feeding to locate hosts at short range and accepts unsuitable (EPN‐infected or abnormal) hosts as long as these create such cues. The implications for competition between B. hylobii and EPN and possible ways of minimising it when applying EPN are discussed.  相似文献   

Companion plants grown as ‘trap crops’ or ‘intercrops’ can be used to reduce insect infestations in field crops. The ways in which such reductions are achieved are being described currently using either a chemical approach, based on the ‘push‐pull strategy’, or a biological approach, based on the ‘appropriate/inappropriate landing theory’. The chemical approach suggests that insect numbers are reduced by chemicals from the intercrop ‘repelling’ insects from the main crop, and by chemicals from the trap‐crop ‘attracting’ insects away from the main crop. This approach is based on the assumptions that (1) plants release detectable amounts of volatile chemicals, and (2) insects ‘respond’ while still some distance away from the emitting plant. We discuss whether the above assumptions can be justified using the ‘appropriate/inappropriate landing theory’. Our tenet is that specialist insects respond only to the volatile chemicals released by their host plants and that these are released in such small quantities that, even with a heightened response to such chemicals, specialist insects can only detect them when a few metres from the emitting plant. We can find no robust evidence in the literature that plant chemicals ‘attract’ insects from more than 5 m and believe that ‘trap crops’ function simply as ‘interception barriers’. We can also find no evidence that insects are ‘repelled’ from landing on non‐host plants. Instead, we believe that ‘intercrops’ disrupt host‐plant finding by providing insects with a choice of host (appropriate) and non‐host (inappropriate) plant leaves on which to land, as our research has shown that, for intercropping to be effective, insects must land on the non‐host plants. Work is needed to determine whether non‐host plants are repellent (chemical approach) or ‘non‐stimulating’ (biological approach) to insects.  相似文献   

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