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《Endocrine practice》2012,18(3):e37-e42
ObjectiveTo report the case of a 78-year-old woman with mixed corticomedullary carcinoma of the adrenal gland, and to review other reported lesions that exhibit clinical and/or histopathologic features of both adrenal cortical and medullary differentiation.MethodsWe describe the patient’s clinical findings and laboratory test results, as well as the gross and histopathologic features of her tumor. We also review the literature pertaining to mixed corticomedullary adenomas and cortical tumors with clinical features of pheochromocytoma, and vice versa.ResultsA 78-year-old woman with a 10-cm left adrenal mass was hospitalized for management of hypertensiveurgency. Laboratory workup revealed elevated urinary metanephrine excretion and elevated serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels. She underwent left adrenalectomy. Pathologic examination of the lesion showed mixed cortical and medullary histologic characteristics, as well as gross and microscopic evidence of malignancy. Including the present case, we identified 17 cases of neoplasms that exhibit features of mixed corticomedullary differentiation.ConclusionsThis report represents the first documented case of mixed corticomedullary carcinoma. Several benign lesions combine clinical, biochemical, and/or histopathologic evidence of both adrenal cortical and medullary differentiation, including mixed corticomedullary adenomas and corticotropin-secreting pheochromocytomas. The differential diagnosis of a lesion with mixed cortical and medullary features should also include a malignant neoplasm. (Endocr Pract. 2012;18:e37-e42)  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2008,14(8):1040-1046
ObjectiveTo examine the presentation, diagnosis, and appropriate management of renal clear cell carcinoma metastasis to the thyroid gland.MethodsWe describe a clinical case of solitary thyroid metastasis from renal clear cell carcinoma and present a comprehensive review of the related English-language literature. Common patterns of presentation and generalized overall management recommendations are evaluated and summarized.ResultsEight years after nephrectomy for renal carcinoma at age 61 years, a man presented with a thyroid mass. Cytology and histopathologic surgical findings were consistent with a solitary metastasis most compatible with metastatic clear cell carcinoma from his previous renal carcinoma. After left thyroid lobectomy and isthmusectomy, the patient remains disease-free 5 years later. Although uncommon, nearly 150 cases of clinically recognized metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the thyroid have been reported in the English-language literature. Metastatic disease from the kidney to the thyroid gland can occur more than 20 years after nephrectomy with the average time interval being 7.5 years. Obtaining a full clinical history in any patient who presents with a thyroid nodule is essential to allow consideration of possible metastatic disease from previous primary tumor. Metastatic disease to the thyroid gland can be correctly diagnosed preoperatively. If metastatic renal cancer is limited to the thyroid gland only, prompt, appropriate surgical intervention can be curative.ConclusionMetastatic renal carcinoma to the thyroid should be considered in any patient presenting with a thyroid mass and a medical history of renal cell carcinoma. (Endocr Pract. 2008;14:1040-1046)  相似文献   

Melanoma is a cancer that originates from melanocytes, is predominant in adults with white skin, represents 4% of skin cancers, and has high possibility of forming metastasis. This review reports on the case of a young man, age 36 years, previously diagnosed with melanoma. The patient complained of obstructive urinary symptoms and, while he was undergoing a cystoscopy, it was discovered that he had a lesion corresponding with metastatic melanoma of the prostatic urethra, which occluded almost the entire urethra and resulted in blocked urinary flow. He underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate, followed by resection of the lesion. After the procedure, he had good urinary flow and is currently on follow-up.Key words: Melanoma, Urethra, Urinary obstruction, Metastasis, Urethral melanomaPrimary malignant melanoma of the urethra is rare, representing < 1% of all melanomas1,2; it is often misdiagnosed, which leads to delays in treatment.2 The lethality is high, but its incidence is low. Prognosis is considered good if it is detected in its early stages.1 In recent years, there have been great improvements in patient survival rates. In developed countries, the average estimated 5-year survival is 73%, whereas in developing countries, the average survival is 56%. The estimated world average is 69%.1 Risk factors in order of importance are sensitivity to the sun, light skin, excessive sun exposure, history of skin cancer, family history of melanoma, congenital nevi, maturity, xeroderma pigmentosum, and dysplastic nevi.1Individual management according to the clinical presentation is based on extrapolation of evidence for other melanoma treatments.2 Due to low occurrence rates of urethral melanoma, the optimal therapy has not yet been established, and surgery remains the mainstay of primary therapy; adjuvant locoregional and systemic therapies are needed.2 This article reports on the case of a young patient with metastatic melanoma in the urethra which led to urinary obstruction and urinary symptoms.  相似文献   

转移性肾癌(mRCC)作为一种高度恶性的疾病,以进展快、病死率高为特点,且一直以来临床上对其治疗效果并不理想.联合化疗和(或)放疗也不能显著提高反应率或改善生存.在分子靶向药物诞生之前,临床上应用以细胞因子为基础的免疫治疗作为mRCC的一线治疗.分子靶向药物的问世,彻底打破了传统细胞因子免疫治疗mRCC的局面,使mRCC患者获得较好的临床治疗效果.本文将系统阐述mRCC的免疫治疗与靶向治疗的进展,详细介绍目前靶向治疗的临床应用情况,以期为mRCC治疗药物的合理选择提供参考.  相似文献   

The cases of 70 consecutive patients having a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy for metastatic carcinoma of the breast or prostate are reviewed. In half of the patients with cancer of the breast an objective remission was obtained. In 30 percent of the patients with cancer of the prostate there were objective signs of tumor regression and in 75 percent there was relief of pain. The operative mortality was 1.4 percent and the morbidity of the procedure was gratifyingly small. There is some indication that hypophysectomy may be preferred to adrenalectomy in patients with hormone-responsive metastatic mammary cancer.  相似文献   

4T1 metastatic breast cancer model have been widely used to study stage IV human breast cancer. However, the frequent inoculation of a large number of cells, gives rise to fast growing tumors, as well as to a surprisingly low metastatic take rate. The present work aimed at establishing the conditions enabling high metastatic take rate of the triple-negative murine 4T1 syngeneic breast cancer model. An 87% 4T1 tumor incidence was observed when as few as 500 cancer cells were implanted. 4T1 cancer cells colonized primarily the lungs with 100% efficiency, and distant lesions were also commonly identified in the mesentery and pancreas. The drastic reduction of the number of inoculated cells resulted in increased tumor doubling times and decreased specific growth rates, following a Gompertzian tumor expansion. The established conditions for the 4T1 mouse model were further validated in a therapeutic study with peguilated liposomal doxorubicin, in clinical used in the setting of metastatic breast cancer. Inoculated cell density was proven to be a key methodological aspect towards the reproducible development of macrometastases in the 4T1 mouse model and a more reliable pre-clinical assessment of antimetastatic therapies.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease involving complex cellular interactions between the developing tumor and immune system, eventually resulting in exponential tumor growth and metastasis to distal tissues and the collapse of anti-tumor immunity. Many useful animal models exist to study breast cancer, but none completely recapitulate the disease progression that occurs in humans. In order to gain a better understanding of the cellular interactions that result in the formation of latent metastasis and decreased survival, we have generated an inducible transgenic mouse model of YFP-expressing ductal carcinoma that develops after sexual maturity in immune-competent mice and is driven by consistent, endocrine-independent oncogene expression. Activation of YFP, ablation of p53, and expression of an oncogenic form of K-ras was achieved by the delivery of an adenovirus expressing Cre-recombinase into the mammary duct of sexually mature, virgin female mice. Tumors begin to appear 6 weeks after the initiation of oncogenic events. After tumors become apparent, they progress slowly for approximately two weeks before they begin to grow exponentially. After 7-8 weeks post-adenovirus injection, vasculature is observed connecting the tumor mass to distal lymph nodes, with eventual lymphovascular invasion of YFP+ tumor cells to the distal axillary lymph nodes. Infiltrating leukocyte populations are similar to those found in human breast carcinomas, including the presence of αβ and γδ T cells, macrophages and MDSCs. This unique model will facilitate the study of cellular and immunological mechanisms involved in latent metastasis and dormancy in addition to being useful for designing novel immunotherapeutic interventions to treat invasive breast cancer.  相似文献   



We have previously shown that angiopoietin-like 4 (angptl4) mRNA, a hypoxia-inducible gene, is highly expressed in clear cell renal-cell carcinoma (ccRCC), the most common subtype of RCC for which no specific marker is available. We here investigated whether angptl4 mRNA 1) could be a useful diagnostic and/or prognostic marker of ccRCC in a large and comprehensive retrospective series, 2) induction is dependent on the VHL status of tumors.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using in situ hybridization, we report that angptl4 mRNA is expressed in 100% of both sporadic (n = 102) and inherited (n = 6) primary ccRCCs, without any statistical association with nuclear grade (p = 0.39), tumor size (p = 0.09), stage grouping (p = 0.17), progression-free survival (p = 0.94), and overall survival (p = 0.80). Angptl4 mRNA was also expressed in 26 (87%) of 30 secondary ccRCCs but neither in any other secondary RCCs (n = 7). In contrast, angptl4 mRNA was neither expressed in 94% non-ccRCC renal tumors (papillary RCCs (n = 46), chromophobe RCCs (n = 28), and oncocytomas (n = 9)), nor in non-renal clear cell carcinomas (n = 39). Angptl4 expression was also examined in tumors associated (n = 23) or not associated (n = 66) with VHL disease. 40 (98%) hemangioblastomas expressed angptl4 whereas all pheochromocytomas (n = 23) and pancreatic tumors (n = 25) were angptl4-negative, whatever their VHL status.


Angptl4 mRNA expression was highly associated with ccRCC (p = 1.5 10−49, Chi square test) allowing to define its expression as a diagnosis marker for primary ccRCC. Moreover, angptl4 mRNA allows to discriminate the renal origin of metastases of clear-cell carcinomas arising from various organs. Finally, inactivation of VHL gene is neither necessary nor sufficient for angptl4 mRNA induction.  相似文献   

目的:报道1例极为罕见的阑尾杯状细胞类癌(goblet cell carcinoid,GCC)合并回盲部混合型腺神经内分泌癌(mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma,MANEC),以提高临床医师对本病的认识。方法:回顾性分析1例阑尾GCC合并回盲部MANEC患者的临床、病理特征、免疫组化及术后情况并进行文献复习。结果:该病例经病理切片会诊明确诊断为GCC,行右半结肠切除术后进一步诊断为回盲部MANEC,行1次FOLFOX化疗后,一般情况良好。结论:阑尾GCC合并回盲部MANEC是具有高度侵袭性的异质性恶性肿瘤,免疫组化局部Cg A和局部Syn阳性、Tang分类C组、临床分期IV期和非根治性手术为不良预后的危险因素。  相似文献   

转移性肾癌(mRCC)对放疗、化疗均不敏感,虽然靶向治疗为转移性肾癌的治疗提供了新的治疗方案,但免疫疗法一直作为治疗转移性肾癌的基础疗法。在过去的20年中,研究者也一直在研究新的免疫疗法,研究方向趋向于研究各种细胞因子,其中最主要的有IFN-α和IL-2两种,二者可以明显提高患者的生存时间。但是转移性肾癌的细胞因子疗法仍需进一步优化,本文总结了使用细胞因子治疗转移性肾癌的Ⅲ期临床试验,以期为转移性肾癌细胞因子疗法的合理选择提供参考。  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2007,13(4):389-395
ObjectiveTo report a case of hypercalcemia associated with parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) in large cell carcinoma of the lung.MethodsWe present a case of PTHrP-mediated hypercalcemia in a patient with a large cell carcinoma of the lung and review the related literature.ResultsA 43-year-old African American man required medical attention because of lethargy, confusion, and poor oral intake. He had bullous emphysema attributable to a 50-pack-year smoking history. On physical examination, vital signs were normal, he was oriented to place and person but not time, and he had cachexia. Breath sounds were decreased in the left lower lung field. Findings on cardiac and abdominal examination were normal. Results of laboratory studies (and corresponding reference ranges) were as follows: calcium 12.1 mg/dL (8.5 to 10.5), albumin 2.0 g/dL (3.5 to 5.0), phosphorus 2 mg/dL (2.5 to 4.5), alkaline phosphatase 68 U/L (40 to 150), intact parathyroid hormone 5 pg/mL (10 to 60), PTHrP 7.0 pmol/L (0.0 to 1.5), 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 20.8 pg/mL (25.1 to 66.1), and 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3.7 ng/mL (10 to 60). Computed tomographic scans of the chest showed a large complex lesion in the left lower hemithorax, a small right pleural effusion, and extensive pulmonary emphysema bilaterally. Open lung biopsy revealed a large cell undifferentiated carcinoma. Abdominal and pelvic computed tomographic scans showed no evidence of metastatic involvement. A bone scan was negative for osseous metastatic lesions.ConclusionAlthough the finding is rare, patients with large cell carcinoma of the lung and hypercalcemia may have humoral hypercalcemia mediated by PTHrP. (Endocr Pract. 2007;13:389-395)  相似文献   

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