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Darwin's book on the Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871) is often viewed as the continuation of TheOrigin of Species published 12 years earlier (1859), both because of the implicit parallelism between natural selection and sexual selection, and because Darwin himself presents the book as developing a subject (man) which he intentionally omitted in the Origin. But the Descent can also be viewed as the continuation of his book on Variation published three years earlier (1868). Firstly because Darwin's hypothesis of pangenesis links the selection process to the origin of variation through use and disuse, an idea underlying his speculations on the origin of moral sense in humans. Second because like the action of the horticulturist on his domestic crops, sexual selection exerted by one sex on the other sex can develop fancy traits that are not easily accounted for by their utility to the selected organism itself, such as artistic taste, pride, courage, and the morphological differences between human populations. These traits are difficult to reconcile with pangenesis. They add up to other contradictions of the book possibly resulting from Darwin's erroneous inference about the mechanism of inheritance, like those on the determination of sex-ratio, or the confusion between individual adaptation and the advantage to the species. These inconsistencies inaugurate a weakening of the Darwinian message, which will last 50 years after his death. They contributed to the neglect of sexual selection for a century. Darwin however maintained a logical distinction between evolutionary mechanisms and hereditary mechanisms, and an epistemological distinction between evolutionary theory and Pangenesis hypothesis. In the modern context of Mendelian genetics, Darwin's sexual selection retrospectively appears as luminous an idea in its pure principle as natural selection, even though the mechanisms governing the evolution of sexual choice in animals remain largely unresolved.  相似文献   

The hatching responses of Globodera rostochiensis (golden potato cyst nematode) to purified and partially-purified preparations of natural (including the potato glycoalkaloids solanine and α-chaconine) and artificial hatching factors (HFs) were bimodal. At least 10 HFs, mostly anionic, were resolved from potato root leachate by a combination of gel permeation and ion-exchange chromatography. Whereas potato roots were the principal source of HFs, haulm leachate also contained such chemicals. Root leachate from aseptically-grown potato plants lacked several HFs which were present in conventionally-produced leachate.  相似文献   

The isolation of the nematode-resistance gene Gpa2 in potato is described, and it is demonstrated that highly homologous resistance genes of a single resistance-gene cluster can confer resistance to distinct pathogen species. Molecular analysis of the Gpa2 locus resulted in the identification of an R-gene cluster of four highly homologous genes in a region of approximately 115 kb. At least two of these genes are active: one corresponds to the previously isolated Rx1 gene that confers resistance to potato virus X, while the other corresponds to the Gpa2 gene that confers resistance to the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida. The proteins encoded by the Gpa2 and the Rx1 genes share an overall homology of over 88% (amino-acid identity) and belong to the leucine-zipper, nucleotide-binding site, leucine-rich repeat (LZ-NBS-LRR)-containing class of plant resistance genes. From the sequence conservation between Gpa2 and Rx1 it is clear that there is a direct evolutionary relationship between the two proteins. Sequence diversity is concentrated in the LRR region and in the C-terminus. The putative effector domains are more conserved suggesting that, at least in this case, nematode and virus resistance cascades could share common components. These findings underline the potential of protein breeding for engineering new resistance specificities against plant pathogens in vitro.  相似文献   

Brian M. Boom 《Brittonia》1996,48(3):281-284
An overview of the articles presented in this special historical issue ofBrittonia is given, followed by a synopsis of the general trends in the development of The New York Botanical Garden’s scientific program preliminary to a definitive account of same. Finally, a profile of the NYBG Scientific Publications program, celebrating 100 years in 1996, gives an indication of the breadth and depth of the institution’s historical and ongoing mission to disseminate information about plants and their usefulness to people.  相似文献   

Direct evidence of competition is seldom available from the fossil record. Overgrowth relationships of encrusting marine organisms constitute an exception but have previously been reported in only temporally and geographically local occurrences. Results of overgrowths between members of two bryozoan clades, the Cyclostomata and the Cheilostomata, have been compiled for faunas distributed through the past 100 Myr. The cheilostomes have consistendy out-competed the cyclostomes, with approximately 66% overgrowdi success through the entire interval. This difference in success in direct interactions along with the Mid-Cretaceous rapid radiation of cheilostomes is interpreted as a factor in the Mid- to Late Cretaceous reversal from the previous diversification to stasis or gradual decline of cyclostome diversity.  相似文献   

In a comparison of four potato varieties, in-soil hatch of the golden potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) was positively correlated to in vitro hatch in response to potato root leachate (PRL). The in-soil hatch of cysts of G. rostochiensis to two of the four varieties was significantly less than that of the control (cysts in gravel without potato plants) in the first 2 wk after plant emergence, suggesting the production of hatching inhibitors (HIs) by young potato plants. The hatching factor: hatching inhibitor ratio of PRL was positively associated with the net hatching activity of the PRL. Four zones of HI activity were resolved following gel permeation chromatography of PRL on Sephadex G-10. Hatch-inactive chemicals, which stimulated the activity of hatching factors (HFs) in PRL (hatching factor stimulants, HSs), were also isolated from PRL, hatch levels induced by individual HFs responding differently to the same HS preparation. The complex interactions between individual HFs and other hatching chemicals in PRL was illustrated when addition of the hatch-active potato glycoalkaloid α-solanine caused both inhibition and stimulation of PRL-induced hatch, depending on the α-solanine concentration.  相似文献   

Background The Annals of Botany is a peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing papers on a wide range of topics in plant biology. It first appeared in 1887, making it the oldest continuously published botanical title. The present article gives a historical account of events leading to the founding of the Journal and of its development over the first 50 years.Sources of Information Much of the content is drawn from the Journal’s own records and from extensive Minutes, financial accounts, personal letters and notes relating to the Annals of Botany that were repatriated from University College, University of London in 1999. Documents held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and at the Oxford University Press Museum were also consulted.Content Emphasis is placed on the individuals who instigated, edited and managed the Annals of Botany up to 1937, especially the nine founding members of the Journal and the background that brought them together and motivated them to start the Annals of Botany. A falling out between two of the founders in 1899 is highlighted since not only did this threaten the Journal’s future but also gives much insight into the personalities of those most closely involved in the Journal during its formative years. The article also examines the way the Journal was funded and how it dealt with its publisher (the University of Oxford’s Clarendon Press), turned itself into a registered company (the Annals of Botany Company) and coped with the travails of the First World War, currency inflation and the Great Depression. Plans to re-start the Journal as a New Series, beginning in 1937, are discussed in the context of the competition the Annals of Botany then faced from younger journals.  相似文献   

Growth and development of three plant accessions with potential for use as trap crops for potato cyst nematodes (PCN), Solanum sisymbriifolium and two varieties of S. nigrum, were studied under 12 h and 17 h photoperiods. In pot experiments, rate of plant emergence, plant height, and shoot and root mass were greater for the S. nigrum varieties ‘90‐4750‐188’ and ‘88‐4750‐061’ than for S. sisymbriifolium and markedly greater than for a S. nigrum variety found as a weed of arable fields in The Netherlands. However, the last mentioned S. nigrum variety produced the most berries. Plant height and shoot weight of all the S. nigrum varieties were greater under the longer photoperiod, whereas the root mass was hardly affected. Plant height and shoot weight of S. sisymbriifolium also were greater under the longer photoperiod but the root weight was less. Under field conditions, with sowing dates from the end of March to mid August, S. sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum‘90‐4750‐188’ grew better than S. nigrum‘88‐4750‐061’. In contrast to S. nigrum, S. sisymbriifolium appeared resistant to night frosts in autumn. The stubbles of both S. sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum showed good regrowth after cutting the plants 5 or 10 cm above the soil surface 11 wk after sowing. In a pot experiment, all the plant accessions strongly reduced the numbers of juveniles in cysts compared with flax. Tolerance to Globodera rostochiensis of S. sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum‘90‐4750‐188’ was investigated in pot experiments under glasshouse conditions in sandy soil at pH 4.8 and 6.0. At soil infestation levels ranging from 0 to 56 juveniles ml?1 soil, S. sisymbriifolium appeared much more tolerant than S. nigrum‘90‐4750‐188’. Shoot yield of S. nigrum decreased markedly with increasing soil infestation and root weight also decreased, except at pH 4.8 and light infestation levels. Both S. sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum grew better at soil pH 4.8 than 6.0. The proportion of lateral roots in the total root mass increased in both species with increasing PCN infestation and soil pH. However, although the proportion of lateral roots in plants grown at soil pH 6.0 was greater at PCN infestations up to 14 juveniles ml?1 soil, the proportion of laterals in S. nigrum was considerably less at PCN infestations of 56 juveniles ml?1 soil. The proportion of PCN juveniles hatching was similar for the two species and decreased slightly with increasing initial nematode population densities.  相似文献   

A 7-year study located in Prince Edward Island, Canada, examined the influence of compost and manure on crop yield and nematode populations. The compost used in this study consisted of cull waste potatoes, sawdust, and beef manure in a 3:3:1 ratio, respectively. No plant-parasitic nematodes were detected in samples collected from windrow compost piles at 5- and 30-cm depths prior to application on field plots. Low population densities of bacterial-feeding nematodes were recovered from compost windrows at the 5-cm depth. Field plots of potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Kennebec) received compost applied at 16 metric tonnes per hectare, or beef manure applied at 12 metric tonnes per hectare. An adjacent trial with barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Mic Mac) received only the compost treatment. In both trials the experimental design was a complete randomized block with four replicates. Data averaged over seven growing seasons indicated that population levels of root-lesion nematodes (primarily Pratylenchus penetrans) were higher in root-zone soil in potato plots treated with either compost or manure compared to the untreated control plots. The soil amendments did not affect root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) population densities in the potato plots, but clover-cyst nematodes (Heterodera trifolii) were more numerous in the root-zone soils of barley treated with compost compared to the untreated plots. Numbers of bacterial-feeding nematodes (primarily Diplogaster lheritieri) were greater in soil in potato plots treated with manure and in soil around barley roots than in untreated plots. Total yields of potato tubers averaged over seven growing seasons increased by 27% in the plots treated with either compost or manure. Grain yields of barley also were increased by 12% when compost was applied. These results indicated that organic amendments increased crop yields, but the impacts on different nematode species varied and usually increased soil population levels.  相似文献   

A diallel set of crosses, including selfs and some reciprocal crosses, was made between 15 parents chosen for their male fertility from those included in a tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) breeding programme at the Scottish Crop Research Institute. Seedling progeny tests were used to evaluate the progenies for non-race-specific resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in both foliage and tubers, quantitative resistance to the white potato cystnematode (PCN) (Globodera pallida) and the commercial worth of their tubers as judged by breeders' visual preference. No reciprocal differences were found. Comparisons of the selfs and crosses revealed inbreeding depression for breeders' preference, which varied among the parents from negligible to severe, whilst there were also statistically significant differences for foliage and tuber blight, but not for PCN. When the selfs were omitted from the combining ability analyses, large differences in general combining ability (GCA) were found for all four traits, and smaller differences in specific combining ability for tuber blight and breeders' preference. The only statistically significant correlation between GCAs for different traits was a favourable one of r = 0.56 between foliage and tuber resistance to late blight. It was concluded that prospects were good for simultaneously improving all four traits by multitrait genotypic recurrent selection.  相似文献   

Twenty years of research into medicinal plants: Results and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the years 1981 to 2001 there has been a rapid evolution of research into medicinal plants. The major improvement has been the introduction of simple and predictive bioassays for bioactivity-guided isolation. Radical developments in separation methods have also taken place. Another important addition has been the development of hyphenated techniques involving HPLC: LC/UV, LC/MS, LC/MSn and LC/NMR. These are indispensable nowadays for the early detection and identification of new compounds in crude plant extracts. Hyphenated techniques allow an efficient targeted isolation approach for the discovery of new lead compounds. Other areas of increasing importance include the investigation of toxic constituents of plants and phytomedicines, and the effects of genetic modifications on plant secondary metabolites. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ray Gibson 《Hydrobiologia》1997,365(1-3):301-310
The past one hundred years of research on nemerteansis reviewed. Scientific methodology and philosophyhave advanced considerably during this period, yetnemerteans remain one of the least well known ofinvertebrate groups; nemerteans are not just membersof a minor phylum, they constitute a neglected yethighly successful assemblage of animals. Despite manyworkers in the last hundred years having madesignificant contributions to our knowledge about thisphylum of worms, many aspects of their biology arestill virtually, if not totally, unknown, and theenormous advances in many areas of scientificknowledge have not been paralleled by comparable gainsin our understanding of nemerteans.  相似文献   

秦峰松  杨崇林 《生命科学》2006,18(5):419-424
自20世纪60年代开始,秀丽线虫作为重要的模式生物在生命科学的发展过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。线虫中的许多重大发现为人们理解复杂的细胞生命活动做出了极大的贡献。本文对秀丽线虫的研究历史、重要成果及研究前景作一简要综述。  相似文献   

Spartina altemiflora (smooth cordgrass) has invaded Willapa Bay, Washington, covering bare mud flats and seagrass beds. At current expansion rates it threatens to occupy most of the intertidal habitat in the bay within 40 years. Although a major mitigation effort is underway, nothing is known about the genetic structure of the Willapa Bay S. altemiflora population or the underlying causes for the dramatic increase in seed set that has occurred in the last 15 years. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was assessed as a method of DNA fingerprinting to analyse the genetic history and current structure of the Willapa population. The results suggest that all S. alterniflora clones in Willapa Bay are descended from a single genet. Given the limited genetic variability expected in a clonally founded population, we discuss the utility of RAPDs as genetic markers to explore the large morphological and reproductive differences reported among Willapa clones. Cluster analysis of RAPD fragments was used to show relatedness among S. alteniflora genets and may be helpful in locating the most prolific clones for mitigation efforts. Overall, RAPDs show great potential in genetic analysis of S. altemiflora, particularly in invasive populations where isozyme variability is low or nonexistent.  相似文献   

Physical anthropological research was codified in the United States with the creation of the American Association of Physical Anthropology (AAPA) in 1929. That same year, a study began in yellow springs, Ohio, with a goal of identifying “what makes people different.” The approach used to answer that question was to study the growth and development of Homo sapiens. The resulting study, the Fels Longitudinal Study, is currently the longest continuous study of human growth and development in the world. Although the AAPA and the Fels Longitudinal Study have existed as separate entities for more than 80 years now, it is not surprising, given the relationship between anatomical and developmental research, there has been considerable overlap between the two. As the field of physical anthropology has blossomed to include subdisciplines such as forensics, genetics, primatology, as well as sophisticated statistical methodologies, the importance of growth and development research has escalated. Although current Fels Longitudinal Study research is largely directed at biomedical questions, virtually all findings are relevant to physical anthropology, providing insights into basic biological processes and life history parameters. Some key milestones from the early years of the AAPA and the Fels Longitudinal Study are highlighted here that address growth and development research in physical anthropology. These are still held as fundamental concepts that underscore the importance of this line of inquiry, not only across the subdisciplines of physical anthropology, but also among anthropological, biological, and biomedical inquiries. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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