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The facultative intracellular pathogen, Salmonella enterica, triggers its own uptake into non‐phagocytic epithelial cells. Invasion is dependent on a type 3 secretion system (T3SS), which delivers a cohort of effector proteins across the plasma membrane where they induce dynamic actin‐driven ruffling of the membrane and ultimately, internalization of the bacteria into a modified phagosome. In eukaryotic cells, the calcium‐ and phospholipid‐binding protein Annexin A2 (AnxA2) functions as a platform for actin remodelling in the vicinity of dynamic cellular membranes. AnxA2 is mostly found in a stable heterotetramer, with p11, which can interact with other proteins such as the giant phosphoprotein AHNAK. We show here that AnxA2, p11 and AHNAK are required for T3SS‐mediated Salmonella invasion of cultured epithelial cells and that the T3SS effector SopB is required for recruitment of AnxA2 and AHNAK to Salmonella invasion sites. Altogether this work shows that, in addition to targeting Rho‐family GTPases, Salmonella can intersect the host cell actin pathway via AnxA2.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Tm) is a facultative intracellular pathogen that induces entry into non‐phagocytic cells by a Type III secretion system (TTSS) and cognate effector proteins. Upon host cell entry, S. Tm expresses a second TTSS and subverts intracellular trafficking to create a replicative niche – the Salmonella‐containing vacuole (SCV). SopE, a guanidyl exchange factor (GEF) for Rac1 and Cdc42, is translocated by the TTSS‐1 upon host cell contact and promotes entry through triggering of actin‐dependent ruffles. After host cell entry, the bulk of SopE undergoes proteasomal degradation. Here we show that a subfraction is however detectable on the nascent SCV membrane up to ~ 6 h post infection. Membrane localization of SopE and the closely related SopE2 differentially depend on the Rho‐GTPase‐binding GEF domain, and to some extent involves also the unstructured N‐terminus. SopE localizes transiently to the early SCV, dependent on continuous synthesis and secretion by the TTSS‐1 during the intracellular state. Mutant strains lacking SopE or SopE2 are attenuated in early intracellular replication, while complementation restores this defect. Hence, the present study reveals an unanticipated role for SopE and SopE2 in establishing the Salmonella replicative niche, and further emphasizes the importance of entry effectors in later stages of host‐cell manipulation.  相似文献   

Using patch clamp and ion-selective fluorescence dye techniques, we investigated the influence of actin cytoskeleton rearrangements on the activity of calcium entry channels in plasma membrane of human carcinoma A431 cells. It is shown that disruption of actin microfilaments by cytohalasin D has no significant effect on calcium release from the stores and its entry from the extracellular space. It also does not interfere with the activation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-dependent high-selective low-conductance calcium channels Imin. The treatment of cells with calyculin A induces the formation of actin filament layer beneath plasma membrane and also inhibits Imin activation and calcium entry through the plasma membrane, though calcium efflux from the stores was nearly unchanged. Thus, it is concluded that calcium signalling in A431 cells can be modulated by actin cytoskeleton rearrangements, and may be well described in terms of "conformational coupling" model.  相似文献   

Substoichiometric concentrations of cytochalasin D inhibited the rate of polymerization of actin in 0.5 mM MgCl2, increased its critical concentration and lowered its steady state viscosity. Stoichiometric concentrations of cytochalasin D in 0.5 mM MgCl2 and even substoichiometric concentrations of cytochalasin D in 30 mM KCl, however, accelerated the rate of actin polymerization, although still lowering the final steady state viscosity. Cytochalasin B, at all concentrations in 0.5 mM MgCl2 or in 30 mM KCl, accelerated the rate of polymerization and lowered the final steady state viscosity. In 0.5 mM MgCl2, cytochalasin D uncoupled the actin ATPase activity from actin polymerization, increasing the ATPase rate by at least 20 times while inhibiting polymerization. Cytochalasin B had a very much lower stimulating effect. Neither cytochalasin D nor B affected the actin ATPase activity in 30 mM KCl. The properties of cytochalasin E were intermediate between those of cytochalasin D and B. Cytochalasin D also stimulated the ATPase activity of monomeric actin in the absence of MgCl2 and KCl and, to a much greater extent, stimulated the ATPase activity of monomeric actin below its critical concentration in 0.5 mM MgCl2. Both above and below its critical concentration and in the presence and absence of cytochalasin D, the initial rate of actin ATPase activity, when little or no polymerization had occurred, was directly proportional to the actin concentration and, therefore, apparently was independent of actin-actin interactions. To rationalize all these data, a working model has been proposed in which the first step of actin polymerization is the conversion of monomeric actin-bound ATP, A . ATP, to monomeric actin-bound ADP and Pi, A* . ADP . Pi, which, like the preferred growing end of an actin filament, can bind cytochalasins.  相似文献   

MyTH4-FERM (MF) myosins evolved to play a role in the creation and function of a variety of actin-based membrane protrusions that extend from cells. Here we performed an analysis of the MF myosins, Myo7A, Myo7B, and Myo10, to gain insight into how they select for their preferred actin networks. Using enterocytes that create spatially separated actin tracks in the form of apical microvilli and basal filopodia, we show that actin track selection is principally guided by the mode of oligomerization of the myosin along with the identity of the motor domain, with little influence from the specific composition of the lever arm. Chimeric variants of Myo7A and Myo7B fused to a leucine zipper parallel dimerization sequence in place of their native tails both selected apical microvilli as their tracks, while a truncated Myo10 used its native antiparallel coiled-coil to traffic to the tips of filopodia. Swapping lever arms between the Class 7 and 10 myosins did not change actin track preference. Surprisingly, fusing the motor-neck region of Myo10 to a leucine zipper or oligomerization sequences derived from the Myo7A and Myo7B cargo proteins USH1G and ANKS4B, respectively, re-encoded the actin track usage of Myo10 to apical microvilli with significant efficiency.  相似文献   

The PI-SceI protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a member of the LAGLIDADG family of homing endonucleases that have been used in genomic engineering. To assess the flexibility of the PI-SceI-binding interaction and to make progress towards the directed evolution of homing endonucleases that cleave specified DNA targets, we applied a two-hybrid method to select PI-SceI variants from a randomized expression library that bind to different DNA substrates. In particular, the codon for Arg94, which is located in the protein splicing domain and makes essential contacts to two adjacent base-pairs, and the codons for four proximal residues were randomized. There is little conservation of the wild-type amino acid residues at the five randomized positions in the variants that were selected to bind to the wild-type site, yet one of the purified derivatives displays DNA-binding specificity and DNA endonuclease activity that is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. A spectrum of DNA-binding behaviors ranging from partial relaxation of specificity to marked shifts in target site recognition are present in variants selected to bind to sites containing mutations at the two base-pairs. Our results illustrate the inherent plasticity of the PI-SceI/DNA interface and demonstrate that selection based on DNA binding is an effective means of altering the DNA cleavage specificity of homing endonucleases. Furthermore, it is apparent that homing endonuclease target specificity derives, in part, from constraints on the flexibility of DNA contacts imposed by hydrogen bonds to proximal residues.  相似文献   

p‐Coumaric acid decarboxylases (PDCs) catalyze the nonoxidative decarboxylation of hydroxycinnamic acids to generate the corresponding vinyl derivatives. Despite the biotechnological relevance of PDCs in food industry, their catalytic mechanism remains largely unknown. Here, we report insights into the structural basis of catalysis for the homodimeric PDC from Lactobacillus plantarum (LpPDC). The global fold of LpPDC is based on a flattened β‐barrel surrounding an internal cavity. Crystallographic and functional analyses of single‐point mutants of residues located within this cavity have permitted identifying a potential substrate‐binding pocket and also to provide structural evidences for rearrangements of surface loops so that they can modulate the accessibility to the active site. Finally, combination of the structural and functional data with in silico results enables us to propose a two‐step catalytic mechanism for decarboxylation of p‐coumaric acid by PDCs where Glu71 is involved in proton transfer, and Tyr18 and Tyr20 are involved in the proper substrate orientation and in the release of the CO2 product. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Olshina MA  Wong W  Baum J 《IUBMB life》2012,64(5):370-377
Parasites from the phylum Apicomplexa are responsible for several major diseases of man, including malaria and toxoplasmosis. These highly motile protozoa use a conserved actomyosin-based mode of movement to power tissue traversal and host cell invasion. The mode termed as 'gliding motility' relies on the dynamic turnover of actin, whose polymerisation state is controlled by a markedly limited number of identifiable regulators when compared with other eukaryotic cells. Recent studies of apicomplexan actin regulator structure-in particular those of the core triad of monomer-binding proteins, actin-depolymerising factor/cofilin, cyclase-associated protein/Srv2, and profilin-have provided new insights into possible mechanisms of actin regulation in parasite cells, highlighting divergent structural features and functions to regulators from other cellular systems. Furthermore, the unusual nature of apicomplexan actin itself is increasingly coming into the spotlight. Here, we review recent advances in understanding of the structure and function of actin and its regulators in apicomplexan parasites. In particular we explore the paradox between there being an abundance of unpolymerised actin, its having a seemingly increased potential to form filaments relative to vertebrate actin, and the apparent lack of visible, stable filaments in parasite cells.  相似文献   

The two major proteins in the I-bands of skeletal muscle, actin and tropomyosin, were each labeled with fluorescent dyes and microinjected into cultured cardiac myocytes and skeletal muscle myotubes. Actin was incorporated along the entire length of the I-band in both types of muscle cells. In the myotubes, the incorporation was uniform, whereas in cardiac myocytes twice as much actin was incorporated in the Z-bands as in any other area of the I-band. Labeled tropomyosin that had been prepared from skeletal or smooth muscle was incorporated in a doublet in the I-band with an absence of incorporation in the Z-band. Tropomyosin prepared from brain was incorporated in a similar pattern in the I-bands of cardiac myocytes but was not incorporated in myotubes. These results in living muscle cells contrast with the patterns obtained when labeled actin and tropomyosin are added to isolated myofibrils. Labeled tropomyosins do not bind to any region of the isolated myofibrils, and labeled actin binds to A-bands. Thus, only living skeletal and cardiac muscle cells incorporate exogenous actin and tropomyosin in patterns expected from their known myofibrillar localization. These experiments demonstrate that in contrast to the isolated myofibrils, myofibrils in living cells are dynamic structures that are able to exchange actin and tropomyosin molecules for corresponding labeled molecules. The known overlap of actin filaments in cardiac Z-bands but not in skeletal muscle Z-bands accounts for the different patterns of actin incorporation in these cells. The ability of cardiac myocytes and non-muscle cells but not skeletal myotubes to incorporate brain tropomyosin may reflect differences in the relative actin-binding affinities of non-muscle tropomyosin and the respective native tropomyosins. The implications of these results for myofibrillogenesis are presented.  相似文献   

The spectacular variability that typically characterizes male genital traits has largely been attributed to the role of sexual selection. Among the evolutionary mechanisms proposed to account for this diversity, two processes in particular have generated considerable interest. On the one hand, females may exploit postcopulatory mechanisms of selection to favour males with preferred genital traits (cryptic female choice; CFC), while on the other hand females may evolve structures or behaviours that mitigate the direct costs imposed by male genitalia (sexual conflict; SC). A critical but rarely explored assumption underlying both processes is that male and female reproductive traits coevolve, either via the classic Fisherian model of preference-trait coevolution (CFC) or through sexually antagonistic selection (SC). Here, we provide evidence for this prediction in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a polyandrous livebearing fish in which males transfer sperm internally to females via consensual and forced matings. Our results from a paternal half-sibling breeding design reveal substantial levels of additive genetic variation underlying male genital size and morphology—two traits known to predict mating success during non-consensual matings. Our subsequent finding that physically interacting female genital traits exhibit corresponding levels of genetic (co)variation reveals the potential intersexual coevolutionary dynamics of male and female genitalia, thereby fulfilling a fundamental assumption underlying CFC and SC theory.  相似文献   

Methyloversatilis universalis FAM5 is a facultative methylotrophic bacterium that has been found in a variety of natural and engineered ecosystems. The goal of this study was to investigate M. universalis FAM5 responses to different electron/carbon donors, e.g. methanol or ethanol, during anoxic growth in chemostats with nitrate as the electron acceptor. During steady‐state anoxic growth on either methanol or ethanol, over 90% of the influent nitrate was reduced primarily to nitrite. The cell yield on methanol was lower, possibly due to high energy requirements for C1 assimilation. Label‐free proteomics further revealed that methanol‐grown cells displayed elevated concentrations of the enzymes involved in C1 metabolism (H4MPT/H4F pathways, formate oxidation and serine cycle). In contrast, C2 metabolism (glyoxylate shunt and tri‐carboxylic acid cycle) and polyhydroxy‐β‐butyrate (PHB) synthesis related proteins were overrepresented during subsequent growth on ethanol. Notably, the expression of respiratory nitrate reductase was not affected by the carbon sources applied. Furthermore, the changes in the proteome upon switching back to methanol were mostly reversible. Therefore, M. universalis displays wide‐ranging responses to adapt between growth on methanol and ethanol. Such metabolic versatility could be particularly useful in wastewater treatment systems, which need to switch between different electron donors, while still reliably meeting effluent nitrogen discharge goals.  相似文献   

In this review, we summarize recent results on the understanding of actin organization and cell polarization with an emphasis on the critical role of actin during this process. We first report on the advances made in understanding the function and mechanism of formin family proteins in the nucleation of actin filaments. We also discuss how formins and other regulators of actin dynamics are thought to be involved in the generation of cell polarity. In the second part we discuss new findings indicating that, rather than using a linear pathway from signal transduction to cytoskeleton re-organization, cell polarity is established through bidirectional interplay between these processes. We describe the various types of feedback loops identified and point out common schemes. Finally we briefly summarize the emerging role of actinlike proteins in the generation of polarity in prokaryotes that implies an early origin of actin's role in cell polarity.  相似文献   

PchB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses isochorismate pyruvate lyase (IPL) and weak chorismate mutase (CM) activity. Homology modeling based on a structurally characterized CM, coupled with randomization of presumed key active site residues (Arg54, Glu90, Gln91) and in vivo selection for CM activity, was used to derive mechanistic insights into the IPL activity of PchB. Mutation of Arg54 was incompatible with viability, and the CM and IPL activities of an engineered R54K variant were reduced 1,000-fold each. The observation that position 90 was tolerant to substitution but position 91 was essentially confined to Gln or Glu in functional variants rules out involvement of Glu90 in general base catalysis. Counter to the generally accepted mechanistic hypothesis for pyruvate lyases, we propose for PchB a rare [1,5]-sigmatropic reaction mechanism that invokes electrostatic catalysis in analogy to the [3,3]-pericyclic rearrangement of chorismate in CMs. A common catalytic principle for both PchB functions is also supported by the covariance of the catalytic parameters for the CM and IPL activities and the shared functional requirement for a protonated Glu91 in Q91E variants. The experiments demonstrate that focusing directed evolution strategies on the readily accessible surrogate activity of an enzyme can provide valuable insights into the mechanism of the primary reaction.  相似文献   

The discovery of reduced flavin mononucleotide and fatty aldehydes as essential factors of light emission facilitated study of bacterial luminescence. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying bacterial luminescence have been studied for more than 60 years, the structure of the bacterial fatty acid reductase complex remains unclear. Here, we report the cryo-EM structure of the Photobacterium phosphoreum fatty acid reductase complex LuxC–LuxE to a resolution of 2.79 Å. We show that the active site Lys238/Arg355 pair of LuxE is >30 Å from the active site Cys296 of LuxC, implying that catalysis relies on a large conformational change. Furthermore, mutagenesis and biochemical experiments support that the L-shaped cleft inside LuxC plays an important role in substrate binding and reaction. We obtained a series of mutants with significantly improved activity as measured by in vitro bioluminescence assays and demonstrated that the double mutant W111A/F483K displayed the highest activity (370% of the WT). Our results indicated that the activity of LuxC significantly affects the bacterial bioluminescence reaction. Finally, we expressed this mutated lux operon in Escherichia coli but observed that the in vivo concentrations of ATP and NADPH limited the enzyme activity; thus, we conclude that the luminous intensity mainly depends on the level of metabolic energy.  相似文献   

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