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Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum (Desf.) Husnot) was grown under conditions to promote mineral biofortification at the grain level. Along plant development, biomass accumulation and the kinetics of nutrients accumulation were assessed, identifying the nutrient fluxes of roots and shoots, and the timescale constraints of crop biofortification. Plants were grown under environmentally controlled conditions, submitted to four increasing concentrations of nutrient solutions (1-, 2-, 4- and 6-fold) of micro- (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) and macronutrients (Ca, K, P and Mg). The threshold of mineral toxicity was not reached as evaluated through plant biomass accumulation, but considering grain yield, the twofold nutrient concentration was the best treatment for biofortification. In the different treatments, the contents and the mineral unrests of roots uptake and shoots translocation varied, at different magnitudes and trends, before the onset of booting and from the physiological maturity onwards. Except for Cu, all mineral nutrients were mainly detected in the bran and embryo of the grains; therefore, the production of biofortified pasta for human consumption requires the use of integral semolina.  相似文献   

Multiparental cross designs for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) provide an efficient alternative to biparental populations because of their broader genetic basis and potentially higher mapping resolution. We describe the development and deployment of a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) obtained by crossing four elite cultivars. A linkage map spanning 2664 cM and including 7594 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was produced by genotyping 338 RILs. QTL analysis was carried out by both interval mapping on founder haplotype probabilities and SNP bi‐allelic tests for heading date and maturity date, plant height and grain yield from four field experiments. Sixteen QTL were identified across environments and detection methods, including two yield QTL on chromosomes 2BL and 7AS, with the former mapped independently from the photoperiod response gene Ppd‐B1, while the latter overlapped with the vernalization locus VRN‐A3. Additionally, 21 QTL with environment‐specific effects were found. Our results indicated a prevalence of environment‐specific QTL with relatively small effect on the control of grain yield. For all traits, functionally different QTL alleles in terms of direction and size of genetic effect were distributed among parents. We showed that QTL results based on founder haplotypes closely matched functional alleles at known heading date loci. Despite the four founders, only 2.1 different functional haplotypes were estimated per QTL, on average. This durum wheat population provides a mapping resource for detailed genetic dissection of agronomic traits in an elite background typical of breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Understanding how growth and development of durum wheat cultivars respond to drought could provide a basis to develop crop improvement programmes in drought-affected tropical and subtropical countries. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the responses of five durum wheat cultivars to moisture stress at different developmental phases. Phenology, total dry matter (TDM), relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf weight ratio (LWR), specific leaf area (SLA) and shoot:root ratio were compared. Pre-anthesis moisture stress delayed phenological development, whereas post-anthesis moisture stress accelerated it. TDM accumulation rate was different between drought-resistant and susceptible cultivars. RGR and its components changed with age and moisture availability. Drought-resistant cultivars had a high RGR in favourable periods of the growing season and a low RGR during moisture stress. In contrast, the drought-susceptible cultivar (Po) showed an opposite trend. LAR explained the differences in RGR (r=0.788) best, whereas the relationship between NAR and RGR was not significant. Even though both LWR and SLA were important factors determining the potential growth rate, LWR was of major importance to describe cultivar differences in LAR, and consequently in RGR. The drought-resistant cultivars Omrabi-5 and Boohai showed vigorous root development and/or a low shoot:root ratio. It is concluded that biomass allocation is the major factor explaining variation in RGR among the investigated durum wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

Water deficit and increasing salinization reduce productivity of wheat, the leading crop for human diet. While the complete genome sequence of this crop has not been deciphered, a BAC library screening allowed the isolation of TdERF1, the first ethylene response factor gene from durum wheat. This gene is putatively involved in mediating salt stress tolerance and its characterization provides clues toward understanding the mechanisms underlying the adaptation/tolerance of durum wheat to suboptimal growth conditions. TdERF1 expression is differentially induced by high salt treatment in 2 durum wheat varieties, the salt-tolerant Grecale (GR) and the salt-sensitive Om Rabiaa (OR). To further extend these findings, we show here that the expression of this ERF is correlated with physiological parameters, such as the accumulation of osmo-regulators and membrane integrity, that discriminate between the 2 contrasted wheat genotypes. The data confirm that GR and OR are 2 contrasted wheat genotypes with regard to salt-stress and show that TdERF1 is also induced by water stress with an expression pattern clearly discriminating between the 2 genotypes. These findings suggest that TdERF1 might be involved in responses to salt and water stress providing a potential genetic marker discriminating between tolerant and sensitive wheat varieties.  相似文献   

Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) is a key crop worldwide, and yet, its improvement and adaptation to emerging environmental threats is made difficult by the limited amount of allelic variation included in its elite pool. New allelic diversity may provide novel loci to international crop breeding through quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in unexplored material. Here, we report the extensive molecular and phenotypic characterization of hundreds of Ethiopian durum wheat landraces and several Ethiopian improved lines. We test 81 587 markers scoring 30 155 single nucleotide polymorphisms and use them to survey the diversity, structure, and genome‐specific variation in the panel. We show the uniqueness of Ethiopian germplasm using a siding collection of Mediterranean durum wheat accessions. We phenotype the Ethiopian panel for ten agronomic traits in two highly diversified Ethiopian environments for two consecutive years and use this information to conduct a genome‐wide association study. We identify several loci underpinning agronomic traits of interest, both confirming loci already reported and describing new promising genomic regions. These loci may be efficiently targeted with molecular markers already available to conduct marker‐assisted selection in Ethiopian and international wheat. We show that Ethiopian durum wheat represents an important and mostly unexplored source of durum wheat diversity. The panel analysed in this study allows the accumulation of QTL mapping experiments, providing the initial step for a quantitative, methodical exploitation of untapped diversity in producing a better wheat.  相似文献   

He  G.Y.  Rooke  L.  Steele  S.  Békés  F.  Gras  P.  Tatham  A.S.  Fido  R.  Barcelo  P.  Shewry  P.R.  Lazzeri  P.A. 《Molecular breeding : new strategies in plant improvement》1999,5(4):377-386
Particle bombardment has been used to transform three cultivars (L35, Ofanto, Svevo) and one breeding line (Latino × Lira) of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). These varieties were co-transformed with plasmids containing selectable and scorable marker genes (bar and uidA) and plasmids containing one of two high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunit genes (encoding subunits 1Ax1 or 1Dx5). Ten independent transgenic lines were recovered from 1683 bombarded scutella (transformation efficiency thus 0.6%). Five lines expressed either subunit 1Dx5 or 1Ax1 at levels similar to those of endogenous subunits encoded on chromosome 1B. To identify the effects of the transgenes on the functional properties of grain, three lines showing segregation for transgene expression were used to isolate sibling T2 plants which were null or positive for the transgene product. Analysis of these plants using a small-scale mixograph showed that expression of the additional subunits resulted in increased dough strength and stability, demonstrating that transformation can be used to modify the quality of durum wheat for bread and pasta making.  相似文献   

The relationships between leaf and kernel carbon isotope discriminations (Δ) and several leaf structural parameters that are indicators of photosynthetic capacity were studied in durum wheat grown in the field under three water regimens. A set of 144 genotypes were cultivated in two rain-fed trials, and 125 of these were grown under supplementary irrigation before heading. Total chlorophyll and nitrogen (N) contents, the dry mass per unit leaf area (LDM, the reciprocal of specific leaf area) and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) were measured in penultimate leaves and Δ of mature kernels was also analysed. Both LDM and N per unit area showed significant (P≤ 0.001) negative correlation (r=–0.60 and r=–0.36, respectively) with leaf Δ in the wettest trial. Little or no correlation was found for any structural parameter and leaf Δ in the rain-fed trials. In contrast, in the two rain-fed trials LDM was the parameter with the strongest positive correlation (P≤ 0.001) with kernel Δ (r= 0.47 and 0.30) and grain yield (r= 0.43 and 0.29), whereas no correlation was found in the irrigation trial. These correlations, rather than representing a causal link between the amount of photosynthetic tissue and Δ, were probably indirect associations caused by a parallel effect of water status and phenology on leaf structure, grain Δ and yield. Correlations across trials (i.e. environments) between leaf structure and either Δ and yield were very high, although also spurious. Our results suggest that LDM should be used to cull segregating population differences in leaf Δ based on the internal photosynthetic capacity only in the absence of drought. Selecting for kernel Δ and grain yield on the basis of LDM is worthwhile for rain-fed trials.  相似文献   

The role of ethylene in anther culture of durum wheat ( Triticum durum Desf. cv. Ardente) was analyzed by testing the effects of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethrel) silver thiosulfate (Ag+), a -aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) and 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) on microspore division observed after 21 days of culture and on development of calli estimated at day 45. The use of ethrel and Ag+ indicated a positive effect of ethylene on microspore division, whereas the use of AOA, and to a lesser extent ACC, snowed a negative effect. In contrast, the addition of ethrel or Ag+ indicated that ethylene inhibits the development of microspore-derived calli. AOA gave contradictory results. Ethylene production by anthers was about 7 pl anther−1h−1 and decreased during culture. ACC content in the anthers was maximal at day 9, whereas malonyl ACC (MACC) increased sharply from day 0 to day 3 and then decreased. The addition of AOA or ACC to the culture medium decreased or increased, respectively, ethylene production of anthers and the ACC and/or MACC content, but at concentrations higher than those that modified the formation of calli. This formation seems to occur in two successive phases: induction and initiation of microspore division, which was promoted by ethylene, followed by callus development, which was inhibited by ethylene.  相似文献   

The distinction between white oak species (section Quercus sensu stricto ) is largely based on leaf morphological characters. There is, however, considerable within-species variation and no single species-diagnostic character, possibly due to phenotypic plasticity and/or underlying genetic variation. The aim of the present study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying the high within-species variation for leaf morphological characters in an F1 full-sib family derived from a cross between Q. robur and Q. robur ssp. slavonica . In accordance with an earlier QTL mapping study in an intraspecific Q. robur full-sib family, polygenic inheritance was detected for leaf morphological characters that are used to discriminate between the species Quercus robur and Q. petraea . QTLs were distributed over ten linkage groups, showed a moderate effect in terms of phenotypic variance explained (PVE) in the mapping pedigree (3.6–9.6%), but accounted for a considerable amount of the parental differences. Co-localisation of QTLs on the same linkage group in different genetic backgrounds was found for the number and percentage of intercalary veins (NV, PV) on linkage group 3 and for NV on linkage group 5, revealing a high congruence in the relative QTL positions. The generally low correspondence of the other QTLs in the different mapping pedigrees may be an effect of the genetic background and of the environment. In conclusion, leaf morphological characters were found to be under polygenic control, and a comparison to earlier published results led to the identification of two QTLs that were stable across different genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Achtar S  Moualla MY  Kalhout A  Röder MS  MirAli N 《Genetika》2010,46(11):1500-1506
Genetic diversity among 49 wheat varieties (37 durum and 12 bread wheat) was assayed using 32 microsatellites representing 34 loci covering almost the whole wheat genome. The polymorphic information content (PIC) across the tested loci ranged from 0 to 0.88 with average values of 0.57 and 0.65 for durum and bread wheat respectively. B genome had the highest mean number of alleles (10.91) followed by A genome (8.3) whereas D genome had the lowest number (4.73). The correlation between PIC and allele number was significant in all genome groups accounting for 0.87, 074 and 0.84 for A, B and D genomes respectively, and over all genomes, the correlation was higher in tetraploid (0.8) than in hexaploid wheat varieties (0.5). The cluster analysis discriminated all varieties and clearly divided the two ploidy levels into two separate clusters that reflect the differences in genetic diversity within each cluster. This study demonstrates that microsatellites markers have unique advantages compared to other molecular and biochemical fingerprinting techniques in revealing the genetic diversity in Syrian wheat varieties that is crucial for wheat improvement.  相似文献   

Plants produce numerous metabolites that are important for their development and growth. However, the genetic architecture of the wheat metabolome has not been well studied. Here, utilizing a high‐density genetic map, we conducted a comprehensive metabolome study via widely targeted LC‐MS/MS to analyze the wheat kernel metabolism. We further combined agronomic traits and dissected the genetic relationship between metabolites and agronomic traits. In total, 1260 metabolic features were detected. Using linkage analysis, 1005 metabolic quantitative trait loci (mQTLs) were found distributed unevenly across the genome. Twenty‐four candidate genes were found to modulate the levels of different metabolites, of which two were functionally annotated by in vitro analysis to be involved in the synthesis and modification of flavonoids. Combining the correlation analysis of metabolite‐agronomic traits with the co‐localization of methylation quantitative trait locus (mQTL) and phenotypic QTL (pQTL), genetic relationships between the metabolites and agronomic traits were uncovered. For example, a candidate was identified using correlation and co‐localization analysis that may manage auxin accumulation, thereby affecting number of grains per spike (NGPS). Furthermore, metabolomics data were used to predict the performance of wheat agronomic traits, with metabolites being found that provide strong predictive power for NGPS and plant height. This study used metabolomics and association analysis to better understand the genetic basis of the wheat metabolism which will ultimately assist in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Inheritance, heterosis and combining ability of deeper root length (DRL) and grain yield (GY) were investigated in durum wheat populations obtained from half‐diallel crossings among five parental lines differing in their DRL and GY. The study was conducted with the final objective of identifying parent lines to be used in a breeding programme to develop drought‐tolerant wheat varieties. General combining ability and specific combining ability effects were significant for both traits; however, additive gene effects were predominant over non‐additive effects. Partial dominance was ambidirectional for DRL and unidirectional for GY. Lines INRAT69 and Omrabia conferred DRL whereas Omrabia and Khiar transmitted high GY to their respective progenies. In the studied material, both characters were controlled mainly by dominant alleles, but they could also be attributed to recessive alleles although less frequently. Both broad‐sense and strict‐sense heritabilities were high for DRL, confirming the importance of additive gene effects, whereas strict‐sense heritability for GY was average, indicating the importance of interaction effects as compared with the additive effects; this could mean reduced selection efficiency for the latter trait. Thus, the expected genetic progress per cycle of selection will be lower for GY compared with DRL. Omrabia should be included in the breeding programme as a parent so that while maintaining high GY, resulting progeny should be better able to resist drought through DRL.  相似文献   

Welch  R.M.  Hart  J.J.  Norvell  W.A.  Sullivan  L.A.  Kochian  L.V. 《Plant and Soil》1999,208(2):243-250
Cd accumulation in durum wheat presents a potential health risk to consumers. In an effort to understand the physiological mechanisms involved with Cd accumulation, this study examined the effects of Zn on Cd root uptake and phloem translocation in a split– root system. Durum wheat seedlings were grown in chelate-buffered nutrient solution with intact root systems divided into two sections. Each root section grew in a separate 1 l pot, one of which contained 0.2 μM CdSO4. In addition, each two-pot system contained ZnSO4 in the following combinations (in μm) (for -cd root system: +cd root system): 1:1, 1:10, 10:1,10:10, 1:19, and 19:1. Harvested plant material was analyzed for Cd and Zn. In addition, rates of Cd and Zn net uptake, translocation to the shoot, and root export (translocation from one root segment to the other) between days 8 and 22 were calculated. Results show that Zn was not translocated from one root section to its connected root section. Uptake rates of Cd increased as solution Zn concentrations increased. Cd translocation from one root section to the other decreased significantly when the Zn concentration in either pot was greater than 1 μM. These results show the potential of Zn to inhibit movement of Cd via the phloem, and suggests that providing adequate Zn levels may limit phloem loading of Cd into wheat grain. Increasing the rhizosphere activity of Zn2+ in Cd-containing soils may therefore result in reduced Cd accumulation in grain even while net Cd uptake is slightly enhanced. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) is an economically and nutritionally important cereal crop in the Mediterranean region. To further our understanding of durum genome organization we constructed a durum linkage map using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), simple sequence repeats (SSRs) known as Gatersleben wheat microsatellites (GWMs), amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), and seed storage proteins (SSPs: gliadins and glutenins). A population of 110 F9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was derived from an intraspecific cross between two durum cultivars, Jennah Khetifa and Cham 1. The two parents exhibit contrasting traits for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and for grain quality. In total, 306 markers have been placed on the linkage map – 138 RFLPs, 26 SSRs, 134 AFLPs, five SSPs, and three known genes (one pyruvate decarboxylase and two lipoxygenases). The map is 3598 cM long, with an average distance between markers of 11.8 cM, and 12.1% of the markers deviated significantly from the expected Mendelian ratio 1:1. The molecular markers were evenly distributed between the A and B genomes. The chromosome with the most markers is 1B (41 markers), followed by 3B and 7B, with 25 markers each. The chromosomes with the fewest markers are 2A (11 markers), 5A (12 markers), and 4B (15 markers). In general, there is a good agreement between the map obtained and the Triticeae linkage consensus maps. This intraspecific map provides a useful tool for marker-assisted selection and map-based breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and for improvement of grain quality. Received: 14 February 2000 / Accepted: 28 April 2000  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to investigate if carbon isotope (13C) discrimination () measured at the vegetative stage of spring wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) is related with the yield and water use efficiency (WUE) at ripening. A line source sprinkler irrigation system exposed the wheat genotypes to different watering regimes, from rainfed to full irrigation and thereby increased the range in yield and WUE attainable in the four genotypes studied. The results indicated that values measured at the late stem elongation stage 60 days after planting (DAP), showed strong positive correlation with total dry matter yield (r=0.732***), and a highly significant negative correlation with WUE (r=–0.755***) measured at ripening 105 DAP. The data suggest that the imprints of measured at vegetative growth stage persists throughout the entire growth period, until maturity. Subject to confirmation from additional studies in other crops and locations, early measurements of may prove a useful tool for rapid and early screening of cultivars, for high yield and high WUE.  相似文献   

To identify genomic regions involved in the regulation of fundamental physiological processes such as photosynthesis and respiration, a population of Solanum pennellii introgression lines was analyzed. We determined phenotypes for physiological, metabolic, and growth related traits, including gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Data analysis allowed the identification of 208 physiological and metabolic quantitative trait loci with 33 of these being associated to smaller intervals of the genomic regions, termed BINs. Eight BINs were identified that were associated with higher assimilation rates than the recurrent parent M82. Two and 10 genomic regions were related to shoot and root dry matter accumulation, respectively. Nine genomic regions were associated with starch levels, whereas 12 BINs were associated with the levels of other metabolites. Additionally, a comprehensive and detailed annotation of the genomic regions spanning these quantitative trait loci allowed us to identify 87 candidate genes that putatively control the investigated traits. We confirmed 8 of these at the level of variance in gene expression. Taken together, our results allowed the identification of candidate genes that most likely regulate photosynthesis, primary metabolism, and plant growth and as such provide new avenues for crop improvement.  相似文献   

Suspension cultures of durum wheat were established from embryogenic callus maintained in liquid medium for 30 months. Protoplasts were readily isolated from the suspension cultures with yields as high as 3 X 107 protoplasts per g fresh weight suspension cells. When incubated in a modified MS medium containing half strength of the macroelements, 5 M 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 0.6 M glucose, protoplast-derived cells divided at frequencies ranging from 1.4 to 10.0 %. After transfer to a solid subculture medium, the protoplast-derived colonies formed embryogenic protuberances, from which green plants have been regenerated.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium in the grain of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) are often above the internationally acceptable limit of 0.2 mg kg−1. Cultivars that vary in concentrations of cadmium in the grain have been identified but the physiology behind differential accumulation has not been determined. Three pairs of near-isogenic lines (isolines) of durum wheat that vary in aboveground cadmium accumulation (8982-TL ‘high’ and ‘low’, W9260-BC ‘high’ and ‘low’, and W9261-BG ‘high’ and ‘low’) were used to test the hypothesis that the greater amounts of cadmium in shoots of the ‘high’ isolines are correlated with greater volumes of water transpired. In general, cadmium content was positively correlated with transpiration only in the ‘low’ isolines. Although shoots of the ‘high’ isolines of W9260-BC and W9261-BG contained higher concentrations of cadmium than did their corresponding ‘low’ isolines, they did not transpire larger volumes of water. In addition, isolines of 8982-TL transpired less water than did the other pairs of isolines yet both ‘high’ and ‘low’ isolines of 8982-TL contained higher amounts of cadmium than did the other pairs. The difference between ‘high’ and ‘low’ isolines appears to be related to the relative contribution of transpiration to cadmium translocation to the shoot. Increased transpiration was associated with increased cadmium content in the ‘low’ isolines but in the ‘high’ isolines increased cadmium in the shoot occurred independently of the volume of water transpired.  相似文献   

Agriculture has new challenges against the climate change: the preservation of genetic resources and the rapid creation of new varieties better adapted to abiotic stress, specially salinity. In this context, the agronomic performance of 25 durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum Desf.) genotypes (nineteen landraces and six improved varieties), cultivated in two semi-arid regions in the center area of Tunisia, were assessed. These sites (Echbika, 2.2?g?l?1; Barrouta, 4.2?g?l?1) differ by their degree of salinity of the water irrigation. The results showed that most of the agronomic traits (e.g. spike per meter square, thousand kernels weight and grain yield) were reduced by salinity. Durum wheat landraces, Mahmoudi and Hmira, and improved varieties, Maali and Om Rabia showed the widest adaptability to different quality of irrigation water. Genotypes including Jneh Kotifa and Arbi were estimated as stable genotypes under adverse conditions. Thereafter, salt-tolerant (Hmira and Jneh Khotifa) and the most cultivated high-yielding (Karim, Razzak and Khiar) genotypes were tested for their gynogenetic ability to obtain haploids and doubled haploid lines. Genotypes with good induction capacity had not necessarily a good capacity of regeneration of haploid plantlets. In our conditions, Hmira and Khiar exhibited the best gynogenetic ability (3.1% and 2.9% of haploid plantlets, respectively).  相似文献   

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