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A scanning microscope study of the upper Oxfordian foliated limestones of the western part of the Berry region of France has revealed new, but unidentified, well-conserved organisms, which are described and illustrated in this publication.  相似文献   

Upper Palaeolithic sites are numerous in the Bistriţa valley, especially in the upstream section of the river, in the Ceahlǎu basin (Eastern Carpathians) where many settlements have been recorded since the first rescue excavations in the 1950s. Recent field investigations focused on the two sites of the Lower Bistriţa valley, Buda and Lespezi excavated at the end of the 1950s and in the 1960s. Archaeological material (lithic assemblages and remains of large mammals) attributed to Gravettien settlements (Buda: 23.4 ka; Lespezi: 24.6–17.6 ka) has been revaluated.  相似文献   

Nearly 40 years of intensive research conducted in the Somme basin has demonstrated the discontinuity in the human occupation of the area during the Upper Palaeolithic. The northern position of the Somme basin within the loessic region appears to be an explanatory factor in this discontinuity, the nature of which increasingly appears related to climate and environmental factors. Archaeological occupations have been systematically attributed to phases of warming or climate improvement. On the other hand, an absence of human occupation has been consistently observed during the coldest periods. The extreme poverty of the biomass contemporary to the loessic deposits of the Upper Pleniglacial could partly explain this discontinuity specific to the far northwest of Europe (southern England, northern Belgium, Netherlands, and northern Germany). Although only 150 or 200 km away, the southern Paris Basin, which is located on the fringes of the loessic region of northern France and Normandy, presents a more continuous human occupation, which appears to have benefitted from more favourable conditions.  相似文献   

Ecdysterone acts differently according to the period of the moulting cycle when it is applied. In period C it induces apolysis, while at the beginning of apolysis it delays ecdysis. Experiments show that the exoskeleton cannot be rejected in the presence of ecdysterone. The possibility of stopping exuviation or ecdysis with ecdysterone seems to prove that this phenomenon is controlled by a particular factor called the factor of exuviation or the ecdysis factor. Ecdysterone would control only the release of this specific factor but would not prevent its action.  相似文献   

The study of an Upper Kimmeridgian madreporarianfauna collected in the southern french Jura (between Valfin and Belley), allowed: 1) to describe five Scleractinian new species: Mitrodendron biennensis nov. sp., Hexapetalum nemorosum nov. sp., Thalamocoenia gironensis nov. sp., Cryptocoenia stelliserrata nov. sp., Columnocoenia miniflora nov. sp. and a new variety of Heliocoenia (Kobycoenia) claudiopolisensisBeauv., 1964, characterized by its small calices; 2) to modify the diagnosis and the systematic position of the species Baryhelia crassa (de From.) which was created as Heterocoenia crassade From.; 3) to increase of a new species the genus Hexapetalum only known, till now, by its Stramberg Tithon type-species; and 4) to give some palaeoenvironmental conclusions = the Upper Jurassic reef formations in the Southern Jura grew in shallow water characterized by an abundant carbonate sedimentation. Genera associations and distribution confirm the presence, between Oyonnax and Belley, of a low energy area, protected by a barrier reef and, northern of this barrier, of a higher hydrodynamic environment.  相似文献   

Christian Gaillard 《Geobios》1978,11(4):439-455
Coprulus, described by R. Richter & E. Richter (1939a) is very abundant in the Oxfordian marls and muddy limestones of the French Jura Mountains. These small cylindrical calcareous bodies are characterised by longitudinal grooves. They have been often found in washings but are also visible in thin sections. Coprulus is rarely mentioned by micropaleontologists but its stratigraphical and geographical range is certainly very extended. Often considered as Problematica, this trace fossil has been differently interpreted. This work confirms and specifies the results of F. Gramann (1966): Coprulus represents a fecal pellet of a deposit-feeder mollusc (Nuculidae?). Three new ichnospecies are described herein and the ichnogenus Coprulus is compared with Bactryllium, Coptocampylodon and Tomaculum.  相似文献   

In Mesogea, the Harpoceratinae were known asearly as the end of the Lower Carixian. They later reached the sub-boreal province through the Alps or the South of the Iberic Peninsula. The analysis of the populations met in four crosssections of the Lower Domerian (Causses, Mâconnais, Franche-Comté, Portugal) showed the settling down of the Protogrammoceras isseli group that set up and evoluated in a similar way in the different areas in spite of a certain originality.On the one hand, it gave the cladogenetic groupP. monestieri-nitescens by diminution of the ribing density, strengthening of the ribs and simplification of the suture.On the other hand, a slower evolution give, near the end of the Stokesi zone, P. normanianum in the Paris Basin and in Burgundy, and P. lusitanicum in Portugal. At the same time, a new invader, P. celebratum, arrived in the Causses (and in Portugal).  相似文献   

Michel Brunet 《Geobios》1979,12(5):653-673
A screen washed and hand sorted sample of six tons sediments from La Milloque (Lot-et-Garonne) has yielded to the author several thousand micromammal's teeth. Among the Rodents, four extinct species of Cricetids have been recognized: Eucricetodon praecursor (Schaub, 1925); Adelomyarion viretiHugueney, 1969; Pseudocricetodon cf. thaleri (Hugueney, 1969); Melissiodon quercyiSchaub, 1920. The fossil remain's study affords many paleontological informations more particularly for E. praecursor, a previously poorly known species. About the upper Oligocene biochronology the four species' evolution degrees prove the statute of reference locality attributed to La Milloque, «mammalian timemark just below the reference locality of Coderet (Allier). Moreover it's pointed out that the locality of Rickenbach (Switzerland) is slightly older than La Milloque, whereas an intermediate age between La Milloque and Coderet can be suggested for the locality of Dicupentale (Tarn-et-Garonne).  相似文献   

From the Aptian scolecodonts inventory of the Agadir area one jaw apparatus and one joining of polychetes are reconstructed. One is the elementary species Schistomeringos expectatusSzaniawski & Gazdzicki, 1978, the oldest representative of the multielementary family Dorvilleidae Chamberlin 1919. The other is a representative of either the multielementary families Atraktoprionidae Kielan Jaworowska 1966 emend. Kozur, 1970 or Arabellidae Hartman 1944. This joining is considered as an hypothesis since all the necessary criteria, defined by H. Szaniawski & A. Gazdzicki 1978, are not all present.  相似文献   

In Chellala mountains (Seba el Abiod), in Western Algeria, new biostratigraphic data, based on Ammonites, allow characterize, for the first time in North Africa, the Platynota zone with the species-index Sutneria platynota. This species was known, to the present time, only in the South European border. These new biostratigraphic data show the diachronism of flyschoid facies. They do not exceed middle Oxfordian in the Tlemcenian zone; on the contrary they go up to lower Kimmeridgian in the preatlasic zone.  相似文献   

A stratigraphic, palaeontological and sedimentological study was carried out in the red beds cropping out on the left side of Oued Tafarahit, south-east of the Ksour Mountains (Algeria). The studied succession consists of a non-marine fining-upward detrital formation, including microconglomerate, sandstone and clay beds, which were previously attributed to the Cenozoic sensu lato, since no palaeontological evidence was available. Sedimentology suggests deposition in a fluvial environment. The clayey levels yielded the assemblage formed by the charophytes Peckichara atlasensis, Maedleriella cristellata, Nitellopsis (Tectochara) thaleri, Grovesichara sp., and Lamprothamnium papulosum and the ostracods Neocyprideis meguerchiensis, Herpetocypris? sp. and Cyprinotus? sp. This assemblage allows constraining the age of the detrital series from Oued Tafarahit to the Ypresian. Ostracods are typical of freshwater to euryhaline environments. The freshwater taxa (Herpetocypris? sp. and Cyprinotus? sp.) would indicate phases of desalinisation during periods of flood. However, the brackish water species (Neocyprideis meguerchiensis) is characteristic of saline phases related to low water table periods. Moreover the charophyte and ostracod assemblage confirms a close palaeobiogeographic relationship between North Africa and Southern Europe during the Lower Eocene.  相似文献   

The question of the age of «Hauts de Meuse coral rag is studied again using new faunas of brachiopods and ammonites collected above, below and inside the coral rag. Ammonites fauna of the well known «Calcaires de Creuë is revised. Results obtained agree closely.The «Hauts de Meuse coral rag grew up during Middle Oxfordian time; and extend part of the Plicatilis zone (Antecedens Subzone) and the whole Transversarium Zone up to the basis of the Bifurcatus Zone, for the first time identified in Lorraine. So it span a short depositional time, about 1 MY, with a high deposition rate, the thickness of the coral rag being more than 100 meters, reaching 150 meters in Saint-Mihiel area. Towards SE, on the other side of the Marne Gap, the sudden change into basinal facies go with a reducing of thickness and deposition rate.Upper Oxfordian deposits show a relative uniformity of facies and thickness. At the top of Middle Oxfordian limestones, the age of the discontinuity and the Sequanian renewal of deposition is basal Bifurcatus Zone. Erosional renewal and terrigeneous deposits are a wide spread event by the beginning of Upper Oxfordian.In the paleontological part, species upon which are based new ages and interpretations are only figured, except the species new or with new paleontological data, which are described. Type specimen of Perisphinctes mosensisBayle, from the «Calcaires de Creuë, is described and photographically figured for the first time.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(3):197-215
Despite the stratigraphical significance of dinoflagellate cysts as reliable markers for correlating and dating Jurassic–Cretaceous strata, investigations into this palynomorph group in the southern Tethyan Realm, specifically northwest Africa, are sparse and somewhat parochial. Most research on Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts is focussed on European depocentres in the Boreal and Sub-Boreal realms. This study is on biostratigraphical data from two petroleum boreholes (MSD1 and KDH1) drilled during 1985 in the Guercif Basin, northeast Morocco by ONAREP (Office National de Recherche et d’Exploitation Pétrolier), now ONHYM (Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines). These boreholes penetrated a thick siliciclastic succession, attributed to the Middle and Upper Jurassic, below Miocene marls. Over sixty dinoflagellate cyst taxa were identified. Four dinoflagellate cyst biozones, named GI to GIV, are established for the late Bathonian to early Oxfordian interval. These biozones are defined on the basis of the first appearance datum (FAD) and/or the last appearance datum (LAD) of some biomarker taxa which have wide geographical distributions. These are: Ctenidodinium combazii and Ctenidodinium sellwoodii for the GI Biozone (late Bathonian–early Callovian); Ctenidodinium continuum and Meiourogonyaulax caytonensis for the GII Biozone (middle Callovian); Gonyaulacysta centriconnata and Wanaea thysanota for the GIII Biozone (late Callovian–earliest Oxfordian); and Liesbergia liesbergensis and Systematophora penicillata for the GIV Biozone (early Oxfordian). These biozones are correlated to those already established for the respective intervals in other palaeogeographic regions, such as the Boreal, Sub-boreal and Tethyan realms.  相似文献   

Bruno David 《Geobios》1981,14(6):795-799
Three species of irregular see-urchins form the settlement of a marly level (lower Hauterivian) of the Castellane area. Two of them are strongly smaller than the norm. Their stunting is prouved by ontogenic, mecanical, sedimentological and ecological arguments. The ecological grounds of stunting are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of the free amino acid pool in the chestnut fruit (Castanea sativa) shows that it is high in γ-aminobutyric acid. A metabolic connection between arginine and γ-aminobutyric acid is evident. Three enzymatic activities are involved: L-arginine ureohydrolase, L-ornithine 2-oxo-acid aminotransferase and L-glutamate carboxylyase.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(2):111-116
The new rich vertebrates deposit from the Lower Oligocene, at Vayres-sur-Essonne (Essonne, France), contains 34 marine and seven continental taxa, 17 taxa being recorded for the first time from the Paris Basin. The richness of the ichtyofauna is higher than in anyone of the Parisian Oligocene deposits and equals the one of the ‘Argiles de Boom’ (Belgian Rupelian). Its affinities with the septentrional ichtyofauna is confirmed, meridional elements being rare. The terrestrial fauna, the oldest known from stratotypical Stampian (base of the Upper Stampian) shares affinities with the one of Montalbán and attests the occurrence of nearly freshwater environments. To cite this article: D. Merle et al., C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 111–116.  相似文献   

The first tetrapod Vertebrate track discovered in the late Kimmeridgian lithographic limestones of Cerin (Ain-France), is descrbed as a new ichnospecies, named Chelonichnium cerinense. The characteristics of the track, which is about 7 m long, suggest that it was made by a large Chelonian, but none of the fossil turtles known so far from Cerin is likely to be the author of these footprints. The ground on which the animal walked was apparently very wet, superficially soft, and sloping. Moreover, this track is associated to soft sediment slides, confirming emersion and slope. The depositional environment is interpreted as a platform located behind a «ribbon of islands. This irregular surface was at times emerged and terrestrial tetrapods could then leave tracks on the superficial layer.  相似文献   

J. Rey  M. Bilotte  B. Peybernes 《Geobios》1977,10(3):369-393
The marine Albain from Estremadura is splited up into four Orbitolinidae zones, adjusted to biostratigraphic scales from mesogean province: zone with Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) minuta (lower to middle Albian); zone with Neorbitolinopsis conulus (base of upper Albian); zone with Orbitolina (Orbitolina) concava (top of upper Albian) and zone with Orbitolina (Orbitolina) duranddelgai (Vraconian). The vertical extension of the main fossils is replaced in the framework of these zones. The most interesting species for biostratigraphy, paleoecology or taxinomy are summarily described.  相似文献   

The paper aims to present recent discoveries of Paleolithic sites in the Ferghana oasis. Until now, the Upper Paleolithic sites were unknown in this part of Uzbekistan. The archaeological deposits mentioned in this paper and preliminarily attributed to the Upper Paleolithic period fill a gap in the Prehistory of this zone. The Upper Paleolithic industries from the Tachkent oasis sites (Kulbulak, Kyzylalma 2, Obirahmat) are here presented as analogies ofrecently discovered sites.  相似文献   

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