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Quantal melatonin suppression by exposure to low intensity light in man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plasma melatonin concentrations were examined following three relatively low intensities of artificial light. Six normal, healthy control subjects were all exposed to (a) 200 lux, (b) 400 lux and (c) 600 lux for a three hour duration from midnight to 0300 h. Blood was also collected on a control night where light intensity was less than 10 lux throughout. Significant suppression of melatonin was observed following light of 400 lux and 600 lux intensity when compared to the control night (p less than 0.05; Mann-Whitney U-test). 200 lux light did not produce a statistically significant melatonin suppression when compared with control samples. Each light intensity produced its own individual maximal melatonin suppression by one hour of exposure. Increased duration of exposure to the light had no further influence on melatonin plasma concentrations. These data confirm a dose response relationship between light and melatonin suppression, and indicate that there is no reciprocal relationship between the effects of light intensity and the duration of exposure on maximal melatonin suppression in man.  相似文献   

Continuous illumination (LL) beginning at 22 days of age caused precocious puberty followed by persistent estrus with anovulation in female offspring originating from mother rats exposed to a 14L:10D light-dark cycle prior to and during pregnancy. However, LL had no deleterious effect on reproductive cycles of offspring reared in LL and originating from mothers exposed to LL prior to and during pregnancy. These rats had a normal onset of puberty in LL, a normal 4-day estrous cycle, a periodic rise of plasma estrogen prior to the periodic appearance of the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, and spontaneous ovulation in LL continued until at least 300 days of age. Also, the female offspring of these rats showed a similar resistance to the deleterious effects of LL on cyclic ovulation. These results support the following interpretation: 1) offspring from mother rats exposed to LL prior to and during pregnancy become insensitive to the deleterious effects of LL on cyclic ovulation, 2) neural elements controlling cyclic release of LH are not totally photoperiod (14L:10D)-dependent, and 3) in the absence of daily 14L:10D signals, an endogenous clock, possibly timed by daily laboratory signals (temperature, noise, taking of vaginal smears), may provide time cues for cyclic LH release.  相似文献   

Photooptical response, both of the whole blood and of its non-pigmented fraction-plasma to the low-intensity red light is investigated. For the case of the blood irradiation in vitro it is shown that the mechanism of the low-intensity red light effect on the blood is not directly associated with the pigmented molecular complexes concentrated in erythrocytes. Thus the effect of the low-intensity red light on living organisms includes the mechanisms not using light absorption by the specialized macromolecule--photoreceptor as a primary photophysical action.  相似文献   

两个不同葡萄种对高湿弱光气候的表现   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
吴月燕 《生态学报》2004,24(1):156-161
在高湿弱光条件下 ,对欧亚种葡萄无核白鸡心、京玉、汤姆逊无核、火红无核、深红无核、红地球、里查马特和美人指与欧美杂交种葡萄巨峰、藤稔、醉金香和金星无核进行了研究。与欧美杂交种比较 ,欧亚种葡萄普遍表现徒长 ,花芽形成困难 ,产量低下。高湿弱光使大部分欧亚种葡萄 PS 光化学效率 Fv/ Fm、光化学猝灭系数 q P、最大荧光 Fm和 PS 非环式电子流的量子效率 PS 下降 ,而初始荧光 Fo与非光化学猝灭系数 q N上升 ,净光合作用与初始荧光 Fo、最大荧光 Fm、PS 光化学效率 Fv/Fm、PS 非环式电子流的量子效率 PS 、光化学猝灭系数 q P和荧光非化学猝灭系数 q N之间存在着显著或极显著的相关性(r=- 0 .782 1* ,r=0 .9384 * * ,r=0 .8176 * ,r=0 .90 11* * ,r=0 .880 1* * ,r=- 0 .86 2 5 * * ) ,表明光合结构受到一定的破坏。大部分欧亚种葡萄叶片叶绿素 a与叶绿素 b显著或极显著低于欧美杂交种葡萄 ,表明吸收光的能力较差 ;部分欧亚种葡萄叶片叶绿素 a/ b与欧美杂交种无明显差异 ,表明利用散射光的能力较强 ;叶绿素 a/ b与乙醇酸氧化酶活性存在着显著的负相关 (r=- 0 .780 0 * ) ,叶绿素 a/ b高的品种光呼吸也高。大部分欧亚种葡萄乙醇酸氧化酶活性低于欧美杂交种 ,乙醇酸氧化酶活性与产量和净光合速  相似文献   

In the mouse retina, dopaminergic amacrine (DA) cells synthesize both dopamine and GABA. Both transmitters are released extrasynaptically and act on neighbouring and distant retinal neurons by volume transmission. In simultaneous recordings of dopamine and GABA release from isolated perikarya of DA cells, a proportion of the events of dopamine and GABA exocytosis were simultaneous, suggesting co-release. In addition, DA cells establish GABAergic synapses onto AII amacrine cells, the neurons that transfer rod bipolar signals to cone bipolars. GABAA but not dopamine receptors are clustered in the postsynaptic membrane. Therefore, dopamine, irrespective of its site of release—synaptic or extrasynaptic—exclusively acts by volume transmission. Dopamine is released upon illumination and sets the gain of retinal neurons for vision in bright light. The GABA released at DA cells'' synapses probably prevents signals from the saturated rods from entering the cone pathway when the dark-adapted retina is exposed to bright illumination. The GABA released extrasynaptically by DA and other amacrine cells may set a ‘GABAergic tone’ in the inner plexiform layer and thus counteract the effects of a spillover of glutamate released at the bipolar cell synapses of adjacent OFF and ON strata, thus preserving segregation of signals between ON and OFF pathways.  相似文献   

The variability of the pupillomotoric control of light intensity was analysed in response to changes in the duration of the light flash, the respiratory phase during stimulation and the age of the subjects. The method of infrared pupillography was used to determine dynamic time parameters. With increasing duration of the light flash from 8 to 125, 250 and 500 ms we observed an acceleration of the latencies whilst the other time parameters were prolonged. There was no significant influence of the time of stimulation during the respiratory cycle. With growing age increased latencies and reduced time parameters of the pupillomotoric transient response were found. The possible reason and importance of the observed changes are discussed.  相似文献   

The enzymes delta5-3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase delta5-3beta-HSD) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) were demonstrated histochemically in the adrenal cortex of female rat. The activities of these enzymes were increased significantly in the alloxan-treated rats kept in LD (light: darkness) cycles of 10:14 h. Continuous light exposure to diabetic animals appeared to decrease delta5-3beta-HSD and g-6-PDH in comparison to the diabetic rats kept in 10 h illumination. The evidence indicates that suppression of adrenal steroidogenesis in diabetic rats after exposure to continuous light is due to the alteration of pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

Week-old White Leghorn chicks were randomly divided into two light control chambers. One chamber was equipped with clear incandescent light with a maximum intensity of 0.66µW cm–2 mµ –1 and the remaining chamber was equipped with blue light with a maximum intensity of 0.015µW cm–2 mµ –1. Both groups received a daily photoperiod of 14 hours' light and 10 hours' dark. Low intensity blue light caused a definite eye enlargement after 7 weeks of exposure.The eye enlargement was not related to an increase release rate of thyroidal131I or oxygen consumption. Intraocular pressure was no greater in the enlarged eyes than in control eyes.Length of exposure to light and dark cycles caused a daily rhythm in intraocular pressure which was not different in the two light treatments. Associated with the eye enlargement was an exophthalmic condition during the developmental stages, a slight flattening of the cornea, and definite alterations in visual parameters resulting in an axial length myopia. Some lenticular contribution to the myopia was inferred by reason of an increase in size of the lens.
Zusammenfassung Eine Woche alte Leghorn-Küken wurden nach einer Zufallsverteilung in zwei Lichtkammern gegeben.Die eine Kammer war ausgerüstet mit klaren Glühlampenlicht mit einer Maximalintensität von 0,66µW cm–2mµ –1, und die andere Kammer mit blauem Licht mit einer Maximalintensität von 0,015µW cm–2mµ –1. Beide Gruppen erhielten täglich 14 Stunden Licht bei 10 Stunden Dunkelheit. Blaues Licht geringer Intensität verursachte nach 7 Wochen eine eindeutige Augenvergrösserung.Sie war nicht mit einer Zunahme der131I Ausscheidungrate aus der Schilddrüse oder des Sauerstoffverbrauchs verbunden. Der Augeninnendruck war bei den Versuchstieren nicht grösser als bei den Kontrolltieren. Die Länge der Lichteinwirkung sowie der Dunkelperioden verursachte einen Tagesrhythmus des Augeninnendruckes,der bei den Tieren in den beiden Lichtkammern gleich war.Mit der Augenvergrössung verbunden war während des Entwicklungsstadiums ein Exophthalmus, eine leichte Abflachung der Cornea und eine sichere Veränderung des Visus durch Myopie. Eine Beteiligung von Linsenveränderungen an der Myopie wird wegen des Anstiegs der Linsengrösse angenommen.

Resume On a placé des poussins Leghorn choisis au hasard dans deux chambres lumineuses. La première de ces chambres était équipée de lampes à incandescence claires ayant une intensité maximum de 0,66µW cm–2 mµ –1, la seconde de lampes bleues d'intensité maximum de 0,015µW cm–2 mµ –1. Chacun des deux groupes reçut de la lumière durant 14 heures avec une période d'obscurité de 10 heures.La lumière bleue de faible intensité a provoqué après 7 semaines un agrandissement très net des yeux des poussins. Cet agrandissement ne fut cependant pas lié à une augmentation de la sécrétion thyroïdale de131I ou de la consommation en oxygène. La pression interne de l'oeil ne fut en outre pas supérieure à celle des bêtes de contrôle. La durée d'action de la lumière et de l'obscurité ont provoqué un rythme journalier de la pression interne de l'oeil identique pour les bêtes des deux chambres lumineuses. Pendant le stade de croissance, on a constaté — parallèlement à l'agrandissement des yeux — de l'exophtalmie, un léger aplatissement de la cornée et une modification certaine de la vue par myopie. On admet que la myopie est due à une modification de la lentille suite de l'agrandissement de celle-ci.

This investigation was supported in part by funds from Medical and Biological Research by State of Washington Initiative No. 171, and by Research Grant No. NB03 770-05 from the Division of General Medical Sciences, U.S. Public Health Office. Scientific Paper No. 3183, College of Agriculture, Washington State University, Pullman. Project Nos. 1677 and 1895.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA)-containing neurons of the rat retina are apparently activated transsynaptically by photic stimulation. Exposure of dark-adapted rats to light increases retinal DA biosynthesis and metabolism. Associated with the light-evoked increase of DA biosynthesis is a rapid activation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme of catecholamine biosynthesis. The activation of TH is characterized by an increased affinity of the enzyme for the pteridine cofactor. Because TH in dark-adapted retinas is apparently not saturated with cofactor, the light-evoked increase of affinity is probably responsible for the observed stimulation of DA biosynthesis. Cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein phosphorylation in vitro activates TH extracted from dark-adapted retinas, and phosphorylation-induced TH activation is very similar and not additive with light-evoked activation of the enzyme. Incubation of viable cell suspensions of dissociated retinas with 8-bromo cAMP also activates TH, which indicates the availability of sufficient cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the proper subcellular compartment to regulate the enzyme in situ. The DA-containing neurons of the rat retina are tonically inhibited in darkness, and evidence is presented that this tonic inhibition involves direct synaptic input to the DA neurons from gamma-aminobutyric acid-containing amacrine cells. The DA-containing neurons are also subject to feedback inhibition through DA receptors, and to modulation by alpha 2-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

光强度对大草蛉成虫感光性和趋光性行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用视网膜电位(electroretinogram, ERG)技术和行为学方法研究了大草蛉Chrysopa pallens Ramber成虫的光强度反应。结果显示: (1)白光(Log I= 4.5~0.0)可引发2 h暗适应的大草蛉复眼的电位反应。随光强增强其ERG值呈近线性增大, 最强时未出现高端平台, 表明该光强范围内其感光性基本一致, 且可感受更强的光; (2)一定光强度(Log I= 4.0)以上的白光可引发大草蛉较明显的趋光性行为, 该行为具有光强域值特征和较明显的光强度依赖性。弱光时(Log I=4.5)无趋光性行为, 随光强增大趋光性反应率增大, 光较弱(Log I= 4.5~1.5)时增大缓慢, 较强(Log I=1.5~0.0)时迅速增大, 至最强(Log I=0.0)时最大(37.1%), 呈一近“J”型式样。避光行为无或很低, 且无规律, 最大值仅为4.5%。这些结果表明: 光强度是大草蛉感光性与趋光性行为的重要决定因素, 强光时感光性电位反应与趋光性行为反应基本一致, 弱光时则不同, 暗示了光强度信息在感光性和趋光性间作用的有条件性和复杂性。  相似文献   

The electron transport rates and coupling factor activity in the chloroplasts; adenylate contents, rates of photosynthesis and respiration in the leaves as well as activity of isolated mitochondria were investigated in Pisum sativum L. leaves of plants grown under low or high light intensity and exposed after detachment to 5 mM Pb(NO(3))(2). The presence of Pb(2+) reduced rate of photosynthesis in the leaves from plants grown under the high light (HL) and low light (LL) conditions, whereas the respiration was enhanced in the leaves from HL plants. Mitochondria from Pb(2+) treated HL-leaves oxidized glycine at a higher rate than those isolated from LL leaves. ATP content in the Pb-treated leaves increased to a greater extend in the HL than LL grown plants. Similarly ATP synthase activity increased markedly when chloroplasts isolated from control and Pb-treated leaves of HL and LL grown plants were subjected to high intensity light. The presence of Pb ions was found inhibit ATP synthase activity only in chloroplasts from LL grown plants or those illuminated with low intensity light. Low light intensity during growth also lowered PSI electron transport rates and the Pb(2+) induced changes in photochemical activity of this photosystem were visible only in the chloroplasts isolated from LL grown plants. The activity of PSII was influenced by Pb ions on similar manner in both light conditions. This study demonstrates that leaves from plants grown under HL conditions were more resistant to lead toxicity than those obtained from the LL grown plants. The data indicate that light conditions during growth might play a role in regulation of photosynthetic and respiratory energy conservation in heavy metal stressed plants by increasing the flexibility of the stoichiometry of ATP to ADP production.  相似文献   

A Bodenteich  L G Mitchell  C R Merril 《Gene》1991,108(2):305-309
Recently, there have been a number of reports of an accumulation of mutations in the mitochondrial (mt) genome with age. Such mutations may be due in part to the mt oxidative metabolic pathways which provide most of the cell's energy, but also generate free radicals. In addition, the mt genome in some tissues, such as the retina, may also accumulate mutations from the effects of ultraviolet light. To obtain information concerning the possible accumulation of retinal mt mutations with age, we cloned retinal mt DNA from a 71-year-old person. Thirty-two kilobases of sequence from 83 independently isolated clones representing two regions, a coding and a noncoding region, of the mt genome were obtained. Three polymorphisms between these sequences and the standard 'Anderson sequence' were discovered. Only one heteroplasmic mutation was found. These results confirm the low somatic mutation rate found in prior studies utilizing different types of human tissues. In addition, these results suggest that there is little if any accumulated damage to the mt DNA of the retina during normal aging.  相似文献   

PGR5‐LIKE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHENOTYPE1 (PGRL1) regulates photosystem I cyclic electron flow which transiently activates non‐photochemical quenching at the onset of light. Here, we show that a disulfide‐based mechanism of PGRL1 regulated this process in vivo at the onset of low light levels. We found that PGRL1 regulation depended on active formation of key regulatory disulfides in the dark, and that PGR5 was required for this activity. The disulfide state of PGRL1 was modulated in plants by counteracting reductive and oxidative components and reached a balanced state that depended on the light level. We propose that the redox regulation of PGRL1 fine‐tunes a timely activation of photosynthesis at the onset of low light.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the intensity function of 32 neurons in area 17 of the visual cortex to photic stimuli of optimal size, shape, and orientation flashing in the center of the receptive field was studied by the time slices method, with a step of 10 or 20 msec, in unanesthetized, curarized cats. All neurons tested showed instability of their intensity function reflected in characteristics of successive fragments of the response: It changed both in preferred intensity and in width of the intensity range within which the neuron generated an above-threshold response. In 72% of cases the preferred intensity for the neuron changed successively during the 4–200 msec after the beginning of stimulation by 4–36 dB from greater toward lesser brightnesses, but later it changed more rapidly (in 20–60 msec), rising again apparently in a jump. In four cases the response optimum was shifted up the intensity scale from its initial value by 10–20 dB. Analysis showed that the observed effects are the simple result of the shape of the relationship between temporal characteristics of the response (latent period, time taken to reach the maximum, and time of ending of the burst) to photic stimulus intensity. The possible functional role of these effects for dynamic time coding of information on brightness of photic stimuli by visual cortical neurons is discussed.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1989,13(1):38-48
Mutants of Phycomyces have played a major role in the analysis of phototropism and other responses. Fifteen new mutants of Phycomyces with abnormal phototropism (genotype mad) have been isolated on the basis of their inability to bend toward dim unilateral blue light (fluence rate 5 × 10−7 W m−2), a protocol different from those employed in previous mutant hunts. One mutant resulted from chemical mutagenesis with ICR-170, and the other 14 were induced with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitro-soguanidine. Seven of the mutants are “night blind”; six have phototropic thresholds intermediate between those of wild type (10−9 W m−2) and madA strains (∼ 10−4 W m−2); and one has a threshold similar to that of night-blind madB and madC mutants. The other eight mutants are “stiff”, with various reductions of tropic responsiveness. Two of them, when compared to previously isolated stiff mutants, show unusually weak responses to light, barriers, and gravity.  相似文献   

Responses of brisk-sustained cat retinal ganglion cells were examined using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Stimuli were brief luminance changes superimposed upon a weak steady pedestal ranging from 27 to 47,000 quanta (507 nm) per second at the cornea. Overall quantum efficiencies of cells ranged up to approximately 13% and were compatible with previous estimates at absolute threshold. The main work was done on on-center cells, but a small sample of off-center units behaved similarly. Experimental ROC curves verified a set of qualitative predictions based on a theoretical treatment of performance, assuming that response variability resulted solely from quantum fluctuations. However, quantitative predictions were not fulfilled. The discrepancy could be resolved by postulating a source of added internal variance, R, the value of which could then be deduced from the experimental measurements. A ganglion cell model limited by a fixed amount of added variance from physiological sources and having access to a fixed fraction of incident quanta can account quantitatively for (a) slopes of ROC curves, (b) variation of detectability with magnitude of both increments and decrements, and (c) performance over a range of pedestal intensities. Estimates of the proportion of incident quanta used ranged up to 29% under some conditions, a figure approximately matching estimates of the fraction of corneal quanta that isomerize rhodopsin in the cat.  相似文献   

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