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M Koehl M Darnaudéry J Dulluc O Van Reeth M Le Moal S Maccari 《Journal of neurobiology》1999,40(3):302-315
Prenatal stress impairs activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in response to stress in adult offspring. So far, very few data are available on the effects of prenatal stress on circadian functioning of the HPA axis. Here, we studied the effects of prenatal stress on the circadian rhythm of corticosterone secretion in male and female adult rats. To evaluate the effects of prenatal stress on various regulatory components of corticosterone secretion, we also assessed the diurnal fluctuation of adrenocorticotropin, total and free corticosterone levels, and hippocampal corticosteroid receptors. Finally, in the search of possible maternal factors, we studied the effects of repeated restraint stress on the pattern of corticosterone secretion in pregnant female rats. Results demonstrate that prenatal stress induced higher levels of total and free corticosterone secretion at the end of the light period in both males and females, and hypercorticism over the entire diurnal cycle in females. No diurnal fluctuation of adrenocorticotropin was observed in any group studied. The effects of prenatal stress on corticosterone secretion could be mediated, at least in part, by a reduction in corticosteroid receptors at specific times of day. Results also show that prepartal stress alters the pattern of corticosterone secretion in pregnant females. Those data indicate that prenatally stressed rats exhibit an altered temporal functioning of the HPA axis, which, taken together with their abnormal response to stress, reinforces the idea of a general homeostatic dysfunction in those animals. 相似文献
Baturin VA Samokhvalova TN 《Rossi?skii fiziologicheski? zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2002,88(11):1433-1439
The influence of the bilateral striatectomy on activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis after unilateral adrenalectomy was investigated. Increasing of the intact adrenal gland's mass in striatectomized rats was less than in the control group. It was combined with decreasing of the production of corticosteroids by intact gland. Such disturbances were more obvious in rats with destruction of the dorsal striatum than the ventral one. These facts suggest the striatum participation, its dorsal zone in particular, in the processes of regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. 相似文献
Trifunović S Manojlović-Stojanoski M Ajdzanović V Nestorović N Ristić N Medigović I Milošević V 《Histology and histopathology》2012,27(5):627-640
Genistein, the soy isoflavone structurally similar to estradiol, is widely consumed for putative beneficial health effects. However, there is a lack of data about the genisteins' effects in adult males, especially its effects on the hipothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Therefore, the present study was carried out to investigate the effects of genistein on the HPA axis in orchidectomized adult rats, and to create a parallel with those of estradiol. Changes in the hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons and pituitary corticotrophs (ACTH cells) were evaluated stereologically, while corticosterone and ACTH levels were determined biochemically. Orchidectomy (Orx) provoked the enlargement (p<0.05) of: hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus volume (60%), percentage of CRH neurons (23%), percentage of activated CRH neurons (45%); pituitary weight (15%) and ACTH level (57%). In comparison with Orx, estradiol treatment provoked the enlargement (p<0.05) of: percentage of CRH neurons (28%), percentage of activated CRH neurons (2.7-fold), pituitary weight (131%) and volume (82%), ACTH level (69%), the serum (103%) and adrenal tissue (4.8 fold) level of corticosterone. Clearly, Orx has induced the increase in HPA axis activity, which even augments after estradiol treatment. Also, compared to Orx, genistein treatment provoked the enhancement (p<0.05) of: percentage of activated CRH neurons (2.3-fold), pituitary weight (28%) and volume (21%), total number of ACTH cells (22%) ACTH level (45%), the serum (2.6-fold) and adrenal tissue (2.8 fold) level of corticosterone. It can be concluded that an identical tendency, concerning the HPA axis parameters, follows estradiol and genistein administration to the orchidectomized adult rats. 相似文献
Effects of lithium on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M Sugawara K Hashimoto T Hattori T Takao S Suemaru Z Ota 《Endocrinologia japonica》1988,35(5):655-663
The effect of lithium on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis was studied in vivo and in vitro. The levels of plasma vasopressin, ACTH and corticosterone increased after the administration of lithium (LiCl 4 mmol/kg BW, 11 days) in rats, while the tissue vasopressin concentration in the median eminence, the rest of the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary was decreased. The CRF concentration in the posterior pituitary increased markedly, but it did not change significantly in the median eminence or the rest of the hypothalamus. The elevated plasma ACTH level might be at least partly due to the increased vasopression secretion. Lithium stimulated ACTH secretion per se and also enhanced vasopressin-induced ACTH secretion in cultured pituitary cells and in half pituitary incubations, while it did not affect CRF-induced ACTH secretion. Lithium inhibited CRF-induced cAMP accumulation in half pituitary incubations, while lithium and vasopressin did not affect cAMP accumulation per se or even when administered together. The results suggest that lithium-induced ACTH release is via a cAMP-independent mechanism. Thus, it is possible that lithium stimulates ACTH release by acting directly on the corticotroph, stimulating vasopressin release and potentiating vasopressin-induced ACTH release. 相似文献
Rossitza Konakchieva Yuri Mitev Osborne FX Almeida Vladimir K Patchev 《Biology of the cell / under the auspices of the European Cell Biology Organization》1997,89(9):587-596
The pituitary-adrenal secretory response to acute and chronic stress, suppressibility of adrenocortical secretions by exogenous glucocorticoids, and hypothalamic content and in vitro release of the two major peptidergic activators of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, corticotropinreleasing hormone (CRH) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP), were examined in rats receiving daily melatonin (MEL) injections coincident with the circadian increment of endogenous pineal and adrenocortical secretory activity. After 7 days of MEL administration, the rats displayed a significant attenuation of the adrenocortical secretory response to acute and chronic stress. Chronic MEL treatment also prevented the decline in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release resulting from chronic stress exposure. Hypothalamic CRH content was significantly lower in rats receiving MEL treatment, while AVP remained largely unaltered; however, MEL administration counteracted the chronic stress-induced decrease in hypothalamic AVP content and in vitro release. When exposed to dexamethasone in vitro, hypothalamic explants from MEL-treated rats responded with a stronger suppression of CRH and AVP release than those originating from vehicle-injected animals. These observations indicate that MEL attenuates the adrenocortical response to stress and influences the biosynthesis, release and glucocorticoid responsiveness of hypothalamic ACTH secretagogues. 相似文献
Söderholm JD Yates DA Gareau MG Yang PC MacQueen G Perdue MH 《American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology》2002,283(6):G1257-G1263
Intestinal dysfunction is related to stress and early life events, but the mechanisms are largely unknown. Our aim was to determine whether early trauma predisposes adult rats to intestinal mucosal dysfunction in response to stress. Neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats were individually separated from their mothers for 3 h/day at 4-21 days of age. Between days 80 and 90, separated and control rats were subjected to mild acute stress (30-min water avoidance) or sham stress. Mucosal barrier function and ion transport were assessed in colonic tissues mounted in Ussing chambers. Mild stress increased short-circuit current, conductance, and transepithelial transport of macromolecules in separated rats, while having minimal effects in controls. Pretreatment of the separated rats with a corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) antagonist, the peptide alpha-helical CRH(9-41) injected intraperitoneally 20 min before stress, abolished the stress-induced mucosal changes. Our results indicate that neonatal trauma can induce phenotypic changes in adulthood, including enhanced vulnerability of the gut mucosa to stress via mechanisms involving peripherally located CRH receptors. 相似文献
Maternal stress during pregnancy, particularly that combined with low socioeconomic status (SES), has been linked to an increased risk for impaired behavioural and emotional development and affective disorders in children. In animal models, acute periods of prenatal stress have profound effects on hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) function and behaviour. However, few studies have determined the impact of chronic exposure to stress in animal models. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of chronic maternal stress (CMS) during the 2nd half of pregnancy and nursing on growth, locomotor behaviour and HPA axis function in juvenile guinea pig offspring. Pregnant guinea pigs were exposed to a random combination of variable stressors every other day over the 2nd half of gestation and from postnatal day (pnd) 1 until weaning (pnd25). CMS mothers displayed increased basal salivary cortisol levels in the later stages of pregnancy compared to control mothers (p < 0.05). The male offspring of CMS mothers had a lower bodyweight, which was maintained to weaning (p < 0.01). In open-field testing, CMS male offspring showed a decrease in activity compared to controls (p < 0.05). There was no effect of CMS on bodyweight or activity in female offspring. In contrast, both male and female offspring born to CMS mothers displayed increased (p < 0.05) basal salivary cortisol at pnd25, but a blunted adrenocortical response to exposure to the novel open-field enclosure. In conclusion, CMS leads to modification of growth trajectory, locomotor activity and adrenocortical responses to stress in juvenile offspring. Further, males appear considerably more vulnerable to these effects than females. 相似文献
Szeto HH 《Life sciences》2003,73(6):749-758
Although dynorphin has long been considered an endogenous opioid peptide with high affinity for the kappa-opioid receptor, its biological function remains uncertain. The high concentration of dynorphin peptides and kappa-opioid receptors in the hypothalamus suggest a possible role for dynorphin in neuroendocrine regulation. This review will summarize evidence that support a role for dynorphin in regulation of the developing hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Dynorphin can exert dual actions on adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) release: (i) via activation of hypothalamic kappa-opioid receptors leading to release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP), and (ii) via a non-opioid mechanism that involves N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and prostaglandins, and which is not dependent on CRH or AVP. The primary site of action of dynorphin and NMDA appears to be the fetal hypothalamus or a supra-hypothalamic site. The non-opioid mechanism does not mature until a few days prior to parturition and is active for only the brief perinatal period. In contrast, the opioid mechanism behaves as a constitutive system with sustained activity from prenatal to postnatal life. It is likely that the two mechanisms may respond to different stress stimuli and play a different role during development. 相似文献
Sensitiveness to social stress in female rats with alteration of the pituitary-adrenal axis stress reactivity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Pivina SG Shamolina TS Akulova VK Ordian NE 《Rossi?skii fiziologicheski? zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2007,93(11):1319-1325
The sensitiveness of female rats to social stress induced by increasing group density, was investigated. It was shown that female rats were housed in groups of 9-10 animala per cage in pubertal period and demonstrated significant alteration of oestrous cycle duration and anxiety level. This housing condition increased basal level of corticostcrone in prenatal stressed female rats who have high stress reactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, as well as a more profound effect on anxiety level and oestrous cycle. Prenatal stressed rats retained impairment of oestrous cycle and behavior after optimization of housing condition, whereas control rats demonstrated normalization of oestrous cycle duration and anxiety level. These data suggest that high stress reactivity females rats are more sensitive to crowding-induced stress. 相似文献
Sonja Entringer Robert Kumsta Dirk H. Hellhammer Stefan Wüst 《Hormones and behavior》2009,55(2):292-298
Epidemiological studies have reported associations between measures of size and weight at birth and disease risk in later life. Alteration in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in response to prenatal stress has been proposed as one underlying mechanism. The present study investigated in humans the association of prenatal psychosocial stress exposure with subsequent HPA axis regulation in adult life, with a focus on measures of response to challenge and feedback sensitivity. Healthy young adults whose mothers experienced severe stress during their pregnancy in form of major negative life events (e.g. death of someone close; prenatal stress (PS) group, n = 31) and an age-matched comparison group (CG, n = 30) underwent the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) and a 1 μg ACTH1-24 stimulation test. In addition, a diurnal cortisol profile was assessed. ACTH concentrations following a standardized behavioural challenge paradigm (TSST) were marginally significantly higher in PS subjects than in CG subjects (p = .06). Pre-TSST adrenocortical (cortisol) levels were lower (p = .007), whereas the increase in cortisol in response to the TSST was higher (p = .03) in PS subjects compared to CG subjects. Cortisol concentrations following a pharmacological stimulation test simulating pituitary activity (ACTH1-24 test) were significantly lower in PS than in CG subjects (p = .006). No differences emerged between the two groups in basal diurnal cortisol levels. This study provides first evidence in humans of an association between prenatal psychosocial stress exposure and subsequent alterations in the regulation of the HPA axis. 相似文献
The influence of dexamethasone treatment on the basal values of corticosterone, GH, prolactin (PRL), LH and FSH, as well as on the adenohypophyseal hormone response to chronic stress was studied in female rats. Dexamethasone acetate (25 micrograms/100 b.w.), given by gavage twice daily for 10 days, decreased the resting plasma levels of corticosterone, GH, LH and PRL, whereas the FSH titers remained normal. The secretion of ACTH (evaluated indirectly through corticosterone concentrations) and of GH appeared to be most sensitive to the suppressive effect of dexamethasone. The same hormonal response pattern was induced by 8 h of daily immobilization for 10 days, except that ACTH release was enhanced and the plasma LH titers dropped more drastically. Dexamethasone administration in combination with restraint did not alter the characteristic hormonal profile of chronic stress, despite the fact that ACTH secretion was completely blocked. These data suggest that the inhibition of PRL, LH and GH secretion following severe, chronic stress is not causally related to the sustained elevation of plasma ACTH. 相似文献
N N Lobanova N Panusheva T I Belova 《Biulleten' eksperimental'no? biologii i meditsiny》1986,102(11):526-527
The changes in DOPA and catecholamine (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine) levels were investigated in noradrenaline- and dopamine-synthesizing brain nuclei of Wistar rats after prolonged immobilization stress on catecholamine analyzer (BAS, USA) using HPLC technique. Distinct DOPA and catecholamine changes were observed in locus ceruleus + nucleus subceruleus (1. c + n. sc) and substantia nigra at any stage after immobilization (right after immobilization and 15 and 30 days later). The most prominent alterations in noradrenaline content were detected in 1. c + n. sc. 30 days after immobilization NA level in these nuclei was 1.5 times higher, as compared to the control one. It is suggested that the increasing noradrenaline level in 1. c + n. sc. plays a defensive role in survival of rats after immobilization stress. 相似文献
The function of the isolated perfused rat hearts was studied in four groups of experiments. Group 1--included the hearts of intact animals ("absolute control"), group 2--the hearts of rats subjected to 24 hour immobilization in supine position against the background of triple intramuscular injections of placebo (control), group 3 included the hearts of rats, which during 24 hour immobilization stress were thrice injected a synthetic analogue of endogenous opioids Dalargin in a dose of 3 g/kg, and group 4 included the hearts of animals, which during immobilization were administered Dalargin in a dose of 10 g/kg of body mass. Ulcer index as indicator of stress injury of gastric mucosa was also determined. In the control group of experiments (group 2) 24 hour immobilization stress resulted in complete depression of cardiac performance as compared with group 1, and ulcer index approximated 1. In group 3 the indices of cardiac performance even exceeded those in group 1 (intact animals). As compared with group 2, ulcer index in group 3 decreased by 9 times. In application of Dalargin in a dose of 10 g/kg complete preservation of heart function indices and complete prevention of stress injury of gastric mucosa were also observed. Thus, Dalargin possesses cardioprotective and anti-ulcerogenic effect in immobilization stress in rats. Most probably, this phenomenon can be attributed to its ability to inhibit the activity of sympathoadrenal system, which gets enhanced during stress. 相似文献
Dr. Brigitte Krisch 《Cell and tissue research》1978,189(2):267-275
Summary Generally, the CRF-like activity of vasopressin is studied in experiments involving adrenalectomy and corticosteroid replacement. In order to avoid this complex type of stress, male and female (diestrus, estrus) rats were exposed for 5min to immobilization stress and sacrificed 5, 15, and 30 min thereafter. After a survival period of 5 min the vasopressin-synthesizing part of the paraventricular nucleus exhibited an increased activity. Vasopressin-reactive axons in the pericapillary layer of the median eminence and among the solid cell clusters of the pars tuberalis became more conspicuous and increased in number. In this group of experimentally treated animals the prechiasmatic division of the supraoptic nucleus did not show any changes in immunoreactivity. The same holds true for the neurohypophyses in all experimental groups. In animals with increased survival times the supraoptic nucleus exhibited a slightly increased activity, whereas the staining intensity of the paraventricular nucleus decreases gradually. From these results it can be concluded that the paraventricular nucleus is involved in the first phase of the stress response. The problem of vasopressin or a very similar peptide synthesized in this nucleus and exerting a CRF-releasing function is discussed.The author wishes to express her sincere gratitude to Dr. A. Weindl, Munich, for supplying the antivasopressin and to Dr. L.A. Sternberger, Edgewood Arsenal for generously supplying the PAP-complex. The skillful technical assistance of Mrs. Helga Prien is thankfully acknowledgedDedicated to Prof. Dr. Helmut Leonhardt on the occasion of his 60th birthdaySupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr569/1) and Stiftung Volkswagen-werk 相似文献
E A Kiiatkin I Iu Shamakina V N Zhukov 《Biulleten' eksperimental'no? biologii i meditsiny》1987,104(9):283-285
Significant hypoalgesia (tail-flick reflex at 60 degrees C) was observed in rats during the whole period of 24-hour immobilization in cramped cages, as compared to food-and-water deprived and control animals. This hypoalgesia was not antagonized by naloxone (1 mg/kg), however, the animals periodically receiving the drug during immobilization revealed aggressiveness and significant hypoalgesia after immobilization was discontinued (30-120 min observation). 相似文献
Neuroimmunoregulatory properties of short protein fragments in rats exposed to immobilization stress
V E Klusha R K Mutsenietse Sh V Svirskis G M Zalitis I R Liepa 《Biulleten' eksperimental'no? biologii i meditsiny》1987,104(8):186-187
The influence of short protein fragments on immobilization stress-induced alterations in neuroendocrine and immune systems (catecholamine content in the striatum, hypothalamus and adrenals, serum corticosterone concentration, specific antibody producing activity) was investigated. Immunoglobulin G fragments--tuftsin, rigin, polar amino acid set--polarin and thymus hormone fragment--thymopoetin, as well as substance P (as reference drug) were administered intraperitoneally at doses of 100 and 500 micrograms/kg 30 min before exposure to stress. Rigin and thymopentin showed high stress-protective activity. It is suggested that similar protein fragments, being endogenously formed, may play a regulating role in neuroimmunological homeostasis during exposure to stress. 相似文献
This study was designed to study xanthine oxidase (XO) and xanthine dehydrogenase (XD) activity in the lung of rats exposed to prolonged restraining immobilization stress. Immobilization caused more than twofold increase of xanthine oxidase activity in the rat lung. The activity of xanthine oxidase decreased in lung homogenates incubated at -20 degrees C for 24 h. The same incubation of homogenates from control rats caused a non-significant increase of the activity. No measurable NAD(+)-dependent xanthine dehydrogenase activity could be established in the lungs of both control rats and rats subjected to immobilization. All rats revealed methylene blue-dependent xanthine dehydrogenase activity which was more than two-times higher in the immobilized animals. Incubation at -20 degrees C for 24 h increased the methylene blue-dependent xanthine dehydrogenase activity in homogenates from control rats and decreased the enzyme activity in homogenates from immobilized rats. A working hypothesis was proposed for the sequence of events explaining the results obtained: XO-catalyzed generation of activated oxygen species may take place in the initiation of lipid peroxidation in the lung of rats immobilized for prolonged periods of time. 相似文献