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P Maly  P Dráber 《FEBS letters》1992,311(2):102-106
RAC65 is a mutant clone of mouse embryonal carcinoma cells, P19, which does not undergo terminal differentiation upon treatment with retinoic acid (RA). RAC65 cells express a truncated RA receptor alpha (RAR alpha) which, however, does not fully explain their defect. Here we show that RAC65 cells exhibit an additional defect in RAR alpha mRNA which may reflect a defect in RNA splicing. The parental and mutant cells also differ in their capacities to bind [3H]RA into nuclear fractions and in expression of cellular RA binding protein (CRABP) mRNA after treatment with RA. The combined data suggest that the defect in RAC65 RAR alpha results in reduced expression of the CRABP gene after RA treatment and, therefore, increased flow of RA into the nucleus.  相似文献   

The influence of all trans-retinoic acid on cyclic AMP metabolism was examined in B16-F1 mouse melanoma cells. Treatment of these cells with retinoic acid resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of cell growth which was accompanied by a concentration-dependent increase in both basal and cyclic AMP-stimulated protein kinase activity, Intracellular levels of cyclic AMP, however, were not altered by retinoid treatment. A protein kinase-deficient variant of B16-F1 (MR-4) did not exhibit decreased growth or increased protein kinase activity in response to retinoic acid treatment. At least 24 h of incubation was required before increased protein kinase activity could be detected in treated B16-F1 cells. Retinoic acid treatment increased the Vmax of protein kinase, but the Ka for cyclic AMP activation was not altered. These findings suggest that in B16 mouse melanoma cells, cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase may be a target for the growth inhibitory effects of the retinoid.  相似文献   

The properties of type I and type II protein kinases in PY815 mouse mastocytoma cells were shown to change following growth inhibition by prostaglandin E1 and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. These changes included a large reduction in type I protein kinase consistent with a role for this isoenzyme as a positive effector of growth, a decrease in free cyclic AMP binding protein and an increase in type II protein kinase. Some properties of the fully activated isoenzymes are presented that may be important in determining their activity in vivo.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases have been found which exhibit an enhanced capacity to bind cyclic GMP at acidic values of pH. The binding of cyclic GMP to a protein kinase from skeletal muscle, eluted as a single peak from DEAE cellulose columns, is inversely proportional to pH between the values of 7 to 4; the enzyme exhibits a 5 fold greater ability to bind cyclic [3H]-GMP (10?8M) at pH 4.0 than 7.0. Protein kinases prepared from skeletal or uterine muscle, eluted as the first of two peaks from DEAE cellulose, exhibited similar pH dependent changes in specificity for cyclic GMP as determined by inhibition of cyclic [3H]-AMP binding. Acidic pH did not appreciably enhance the binding of cyclic [3H]-AMP to kinases prepared from aged skeletal muscle or kinase eluted as the second peak from DEAE cellulose.  相似文献   

Diaphragm extracts were subjected to electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels to separate the different molecular species of th cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Using cyclic [3H]AMP, three peaks of binding activity were observed. The peak closest to the origin (peak I) was associated with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity and was abolished by incubation of the extracts with cyclic AMP prior to electrophoresis. The peak farthest from the origin (peak III) was devoid of kinase activity and was increased by incubation of extracts with cyclic AMP before electrophoresis; furthermore, when extracts were incubated with cyclic [3H]AMP before electrophoresis, essentially all the radioactivity appeared in peak III. Peak II, in an intermediate position, was also abolished by preincubation of the extracts with cyclic AMP and both its binding capacity and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity were lower than in Peak I. A peak of cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase (peak 0) that migrated more slowly than peak II was also detected. From these and other data it is concluded that peaks I and II are cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and that peak III is the dissociated regulatory subunit, respectively. Peak 0 is cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase together with free catalytic subunits from cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Incubation of rat diaphragms with epinephrine resulted in dose- and time-dependent decrease in peak I and increase in peak III. These changes correlated with the decrease of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase associated with peak I. No changes in Peak II were observed with epinephrine, but an increased peak 0 was noted. Changes in peak I and peak III correlated with the modification of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase activities. No regulatory subunits (peak III) were detected as phosphorylated forms in diaphragms previously equilibrated with 32P. Treatment with epinephrine produce no noticeable phosphorylation of these regulatory subunits.  相似文献   

Two S49 mouse lymphoma cell variants hemizygous for expression of mutant regulatory (R) subunits of type I cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase were used to investigate functional consequences of lesions in the putative cAMP-binding sites of R subunit. Kinase activation properties of wild-type and mutant enzymes were compared using cAMP and six site-selective analogs of cAMP. Kinases from both mutant sublines were relatively resistant to cyclic nucleotide-dependent activation, but they were fully activable by at least some effectors. Relative resistances of the mutant kinases varied from about 5-fold for analogs selective for their nonmutated sites to as much as 700-fold for analogs selective for their mutated sites; resistance to cAMP was intermediate. Apparent affinities of wild-type and mutant R subunits for [3H]cAMP were not appreciably different, but competition experiments with site-selective analogs of cAMP suggested that binding of cAMP to mutant R subunits was primarily to their nonmutated sites. Analyses of cooperativity in cyclic nucleotide-dependent activation of mutant kinases, synergism between site I- and site II-selective analogs in activating the mutant enzymes, and dissociation of bound cAMP from mutant R subunits provided additional evidence that the mutations in these strains selectively inactivated single classes of cAMP-binding sites: phenomena attributable in wild-type enzyme to intrachain interactions between sites I and II were always absent or severely diminished in experiments with the mutant enzymes. These results confirm that R subunit sequences implicated in cAMP binding by homology with other cyclic nucleotide-binding proteins actually correspond to functional cAMP-binding sites. Furthermore, occupation of either cAMP-binding site I or II is apparently sufficient for activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The presence of four functional cAMP-binding sites in wild-type kinase enhances the cooperativity and sensitivity of cAMP-mediated activation.  相似文献   

J Sampson 《Cell》1977,11(1):173-180
Two apparently distinct species of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase appear during the first 1-2 hr of development in Dictyostelium discoideum; no such activity can be detected in vegetative cell extracts. These two kinases are similar in properties to the type I and II cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases found in a number of mammalian tissues. Their time of appearance supports the idea that one or both mediate the effects of cyclic AMP on gene expression early in Dictyostelium development.  相似文献   

Murine embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate into a varied spectrum of cell types. We observed the abundant and precocious development of neuronlike cells when embryonal carcinoma cells of various pluripotent lines were aggregated and cultured in the presence of nontoxic concentrations of retinoic acid. Neuronlike cells were also formed in retinoic acid-treated cultures of the embryonal carcinoma line, P19, which does not differentiate into neurons in the absence of the drug. The neuronal nature of these cells was confirmed by their staining with antiserum directed against neurofilament protein in indirect immunofluorescence experiments. Retinoic acid-treated cultures also contained elevated acetylcholinesterase activity. Glial cells, identified by immunofluorescence analysis of their intermediate filaments, and a population of fibroblastlike cells were also present in retinoic acid-treated cultures of P19 cells. We did not observe embryonal carcinoma, muscle, or epithelial cells in these cultures. Neurons and glial cells appeared in cultures exposed to retinoic acid for as little as 48 h. We found no evidence for retinoic acid toxicity, suggesting that the effect of the drug was to induce the development of neurons and glia rather than to select against cells differentiating along other developmental pathways.  相似文献   

The cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases were immunolocalized in the rat parotid gland using a monospecific antiserum against their catalytic subunit. The kinases were found to be primarily located in the cytoplasm of the parotid duct cells with a preference for the apical cell region. The result questions the traditional view of the control of parotid gland secretion and suggests a role of cyclic AMP not only in the acinar protein secretion but also in ductal functions like fluid and electrolyte transport.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP-dependent and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases (protein kinases A and G, respectively) utilize the same phosphate acceptor proteins when assayed in in vitro systems. Nevertheless, protein kinase A phosphorylates preferentially free histone, whereas protein kinase G greatly favors the histone which is associated with polydeoxyribonucleotide. On the other hand, when cytoplasmic soluble substrates such as phosphorylase kinase are used, the reactions are always more favorable for protein kinase A rather than for protein kinase G. Available evidence implies that the topographic relationship between enzyme and substrate may be an important determining factor for the functional specificities of these two classes of protein kinases.  相似文献   

Malate saturation isotherms for the NAD+ malic enzyme determined at widely differing, but saturating, concentrations (8, 80, 160 mm) of magnesium show the same response to malate concentration only when velocity is plotted against the concentration of free malate2?. This identification of the ionized malic acid as the true substrate for this enzyme, together with the observation that the complex of Mg with malate has no influence on the reaction rate even at very high concentrations, indicates that the metal ion activator of the enzyme must also bind in the ionized form. A kinetic analysis shows that, with respect to magnesium and malate, the malic enzyme catalyzes a rapid equilibrium reaction of the intersecting type. Either Mg2+ or malate2? may bind first but the fact that the Km's for both Mg2+ and malate2? are smaller than the respective Ki's suggests that, when either metal ion or malate is present on the enzyme, the other is bound more tightly than when it binds to the free enzyme. This demonstration of the nature of the true substrates for this enzyme has implications for studies of the NAD+ malic enzyme in which conditions influencing the amount of free magnesium and malate, e.g., changes in pH, addition of weak acid effectors etc., are involved.  相似文献   

In five lines of mouse embryonal carcinoma cells, PCC3/A1, PCC4, PCC4/Aza-R1, and F9, collagen synthesis was examined by immunofluorescence reaction using specific antibodies directed against collagen. All the embryonal carcinoma cell lines showed type IV collagen, and PCC7-S/Aza-R1 revealed the additional presence of type III collagen. When the F9 and PCC3/A1 EC cells were treated with retinoic acid and dibutyryl-cAMP, they differentiated into morphologically different cellular types. These cellular types showed new types of collagen. Thus, in treated F9 cells, type I, type III, and type V collagen were detected and in treated PCC3/A1 cells, type III and type V collagen were detected. In two established cellular strains, PYS-2 corresponding to parietal endoderm and 3TDM-1 corresponding to trophoblastoma, collagen was identified by immunological reaction and electrophoretic mobility. The trophoblastoma cell line was characterized by the production of type I, type III, and type IV collagen, whereas endodermal PYS-2 revealed type IV collagen.  相似文献   

The major cAMP-binding proteins isolated from [35S]methionine-labeled S49 mouse lymphoma cells or MDBK bovine kidney cells correspond in isoelectric point and apparent molecular weight to the regulatory subunit (R) of type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase. These proteins were compared directly by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of peptides generated either from native R with thermolysin and chymotrypsin or from denatured R with papain. Both the undigested proteins and all their major peptides were identical in charge and apparent molecular weights, indicating a very high degree of structural homology.  相似文献   

Triethyltin bromide activates the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases of human red cell membranes and of bovine brain. Additions of 25-500 microM triethyltin to red cell ghosts resulted in enhanced phosphorylation of ghost proteins. When added to partially purified cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases from red cell ghosts or bovine brain, stimulation of the phosphorylation of calf thymus histone was observed. The enhancement of kinase activity was due to release of catalytic subunits from the intact protein kinase. Brief exposure of the partially purified enzymes to triethyltin, followed by DE52 chromatography, resulted in elution profiles for regulatory and catalytic subunits that were similar to the profile resulting after cyclic AMP activation. Triethyltin interacts with both regulatory and catalytic subunits. When it was added to the partially purified cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases from human red cell ghosts or bovine brain, noncompetitive inhibition of cyclic AMP binding to the regulatory subunit of the enzyme was observed. It interacted with the catalytic subunit to produce slow inhibition of catalytic activity. The inhibition was non-competitive with respect to both histone and ATP. When intact red cells were subjected to brief exposure with triethyltin, enhanced phosphorylation of certain membrane proteins occurred, suggesting that the activation of the cyclic AMP protein kinases by triethyltin may be physiologically significant.  相似文献   

Soluble extracts from mouse epidermis contained both cyclic AMP-dependent and independent protein kinases which could be separated by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. The cyclic AMP-dependent histone kinase activity was inhibited by millimolar concentrations of the polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine. Similar concentrations of polyamines stimulated the cyclic AMP-independent phosphorylation of casein. The polyamines did not inhibit cyclic AMP binding by soluble epidermal extracts.  相似文献   

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