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Acetobacter diazotrophicus isolates that originated from different sugarcane cultivars growing in diverse geographic regions of Mexico and Brazil were shown to have limited genetic diversity. Measurements of polymorphism in the electrophoretic mobilities of metabolic enzymes revealed that the mean genetic diversity per enzyme locus (among the four electrophoretic types distinguished) was 0.064. The results of the genetic analysis indicate that the genetic structure of A. diazotrophicus is clonal, with one largely predominant clone. Plasmids were present in 20 of 24 isolates, and the molecular sizes of the plasmids ranged from 2.0 to 170 kb. Two plasmids (a 20- to 24-kb plasmid detected in all 20 plasmid-containing isolates and a 170-kb plasmid observed in 14 isolates) were highly conserved among the isolates examined. Regardless of the presence of plasmids, all of the isolates shared a common pattern of nif structural gene organization on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Three field inoculation experiments, two in Florida and one in New Mexico, were conducted with Azospirillum brasilense Cd. Each of the Florida experiments evaluated two crop species. One species in each of the Florida experiments responded to inoculation with a significant dry matter yield increases of 11 to 24% and nitrogen yield increases of 9 to 39%. No inoculation response was noted in the New Mexico experiment. The responding species were Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (sorghum) and the interspecific hybrid between Pennisetum americanum (L.) K. Schum. (pearl millet) and P. purpureum Schumach. (napiergrass). Nonresponding species were pearl millet (Florida) and Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Staph. (New Mexico). Acetylene reduction activity of inoculated plots in Florida was low, showing no increase over the natural uninoculated background rates and, in one case, was negatively correlated with yield. Acetylene reduction activity was not measured in New Mexico. In Florida, A. brasilense populations were found to decline from 5 x 10 to 5 x 10 bacteria g of soil in about 3 weeks (quadratic regressions). Continued decline to less than 10 by week 5 indicated that the inoculated bacteria did not become established in the soil in high numbers. The A. brasilense population declined at about the same rate in the New Mexico experiment. The erractic inoculation responses in these experiments are similar to those observed in earlier work at the University of Florida. The lack of acetylene reduction activity response to inoculation and the rapid population decline of the inoculated bacteria suggest that N(2) fixation is not the major mechanism causing yield responses after inoculation.  相似文献   

We investigated whether Acetobacter diazotrophicus (syn.Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus) could be recovered only from sugarcane plants either with low or no application of fertiliser N. We report here the enrichment and enumeration of A. diazotrophicus from high N-fertilised samples where high heterotrophic populations reduce the numbers of A. diazotrophicus ultimately diminshing its isolation frequency as reported earlier. The growth medium of micropropagated sugarcane seedlings of the varieties Co 8021, Co 86249, Co 86010, Co 86032, and Co 87025 was amended with potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride and urea. The colonisation and AR activity of A. diazotrophicus were affected in the presence of high levels (25 mM) of ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate but remained unaffected in low levels of N (i.e 1/10th of MS liquid medium) and with high levels of potassium nitrate (25 mM) and urea (500 ppm). A. diazotrophicus was detected in the inoculated plants both at low and high levels of N based on the amplification of a specific 16S rRNA gene fragment using PCR based method targeting a stretch of 445 bp with primers AC and DI. High levels of N in the growth medium induced morphological changes on A. diazotrophicus cells resulting in long pleomorphic cells. The percentage of pleomorphic cells was in the decending order from NH4NO3, NH4Cl, KNO3, and urea. These changes were more prominent in ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate than potassium nitrate, urea and N free medium. The morphological changes and the increased heterotrophic populations may play a role on the survival ofA. diazotrophicus in high N-fertilised samples/environments.  相似文献   

Three field inoculation experiments, two in Florida and one in New Mexico, were conducted with Azospirillum brasilense Cd. Each of the Florida experiments evaluated two crop species. One species in each of the Florida experiments responded to inoculation with a significant dry matter yield increases of 11 to 24% and nitrogen yield increases of 9 to 39%. No inoculation response was noted in the New Mexico experiment. The responding species were Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (sorghum) and the interspecific hybrid between Pennisetum americanum (L.) K. Schum. (pearl millet) and P. purpureum Schumach. (napiergrass). Nonresponding species were pearl millet (Florida) and Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Staph. (New Mexico). Acetylene reduction activity of inoculated plots in Florida was low, showing no increase over the natural uninoculated background rates and, in one case, was negatively correlated with yield. Acetylene reduction activity was not measured in New Mexico. In Florida, A. brasilense populations were found to decline from 5 × 103 to 5 × 102 bacteria g of soil−1 in about 3 weeks (quadratic regressions). Continued decline to less than 102 by week 5 indicated that the inoculated bacteria did not become established in the soil in high numbers. The A. brasilense population declined at about the same rate in the New Mexico experiment. The erractic inoculation responses in these experiments are similar to those observed in earlier work at the University of Florida. The lack of acetylene reduction activity response to inoculation and the rapid population decline of the inoculated bacteria suggest that N2 fixation is not the major mechanism causing yield responses after inoculation.  相似文献   

Acetobacter diazotrophicus is a diazotrophic bacterium that colonizes sugarcane tissues. Glucose is oxidized to gluconate in the periplasm prior to uptake and metabolism. A membrane-bound glucose dehydrogenase quinoenzyme [which contains pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) as the prosthetic group] is involved in that oxidation. Gluconate is oxidized further via the hexose monophosphate pathway and tricarboxylic acid cycle. A. diazotrophicus PAL3 was grown in a chemostat with atmospheric nitrogen as the sole N source provided that the dissolved oxygen was maintained at 1.0–2.0% air saturation. The biomass yields of A. diazotrophicus growing with glucose or gluconate with fixed N were very low compared with other heterotrophic bacteria. The biomass yields under N-fixing conditions were more than 30% less than with ammonium as the N source using gluconate as the carbon source but, surprisingly, were only about 14% less with glucose. The following scheme for the metabolism of A. diazotrophicus through the different pathways emerged: (1) the respiratory chain of this organism had a different efficiency of ATP production in the respiratory chain (P:O ratio) under different culture conditions; and (2) N fixation was one (but not the sole) condition under which a higher P:O ratio was observed. The other condition appears to be the expression of an active PQQ-linked glucose dehydrogenase. Received: 6 December 1999 / Received revision: 22 March 2000 / Accepted: 7 April 2000  相似文献   

Mannose is not a suitable substrate for N(2)-fixing Azotobacter vinelandii. However, when H(2) gas is provided, A. vinelandii can grow mixotrophically with H(2) as the energy source and mannose as the carbon source (T.-Y. Wong and R. J. Maier, J. Bacteriol. 163:528-533, 1985). In this report, seven sugars were used to determine whether A. vinelandii could derive energy from these sugars for mannose utilization. Supplementation of fructose- or galactose-limited medium with mannose did not influence the biomass produced by N(2)-fixing A. vinelandii. The presence of mannose in glucose- or maltose-limited cultures increased cell yield slightly. The addition of mannose decreased the total biomass in the melibiose-limited culture slightly. Mannose was a potent inhibitor of growth when sucrose or turanose was used as the primary sugar. The inhibitory effect of mannose on utilization of sucrose and turanose seems to be related to the energy requirement of the N(2)-fixing processes.  相似文献   

Non-nodular tissue of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) plants grown hydroponically in the absence of added N have a 15N abundance close to that of atmospheric N2. In contrast, nodules are usually enriched in 15N. In this paper, we report measurements of the 15N abundance of foliar tissue and nodules of soybeans inoculated with 11 variably efficient strains of Rhizobum japonicum and grown hydroponically with no added N. The efficiency of the 11 symbioses varied over a wide range as judged by a 16-fold difference in N content. The degree of 15N enrichment of nodules was closely correlated with N2-fixing efficiency (milligrams N fixed per milligram N in the nodules).

These results confirm prior preliminary data based on six variably efficient R. japonicum strains. The strong correlation between NN enrichment of soybean nodules and N2-fixing efficiency is consistent with the hypothesis that new nodule tissue is synthesized from a pool of recently fixed N within the same nodule.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula, a numerically significant bacterium found during N(2)-fixing blooms of the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) Anabaena sp. in the Chowan River, North Carolina, was chemotactically attracted to amino acids when tested in a radioassay. The bacterium was labeled with P(i), and the disintegrations per minute determined by liquid scintillation counting were proportional to the number of cells accumulating in microcapillaries containing amino acids. Positive chemotaxis was observed toward all of the amino acids tested, although the degrees of response varied. Since many nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae secrete nitrogenous compounds, this attraction may be instrumental in establishing a symbiotic relationship between this bacterium and blue-green algae in freshwater.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula, a numerically significant bacterium found during N2-fixing blooms of the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) Anabaena sp. in the Chowan River, North Carolina, was chemotactically attracted to amino acids when tested in a radioassay. The bacterium was labeled with 32Pi, and the disintegrations per minute determined by liquid scintillation counting were proportional to the number of cells accumulating in microcapillaries containing amino acids. Positive chemotaxis was observed toward all of the amino acids tested, although the degrees of response varied. Since many nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae secrete nitrogenous compounds, this attraction may be instrumental in establishing a symbiotic relationship between this bacterium and blue-green algae in freshwater.  相似文献   

Huang TC  Chou WM 《Plant physiology》1991,96(1):324-326
The N2-fixing activity of the prokaryotic Synechococcus sp. RF-1 was repressed in the presence of nitrate. When the cultures in nitrate-containing medium were exposed to diurnal light-dark cycles, an endogenous circadian N2-fixing rhythm developed after the cells were transferred to nitrate-free medium and incubated in continuous light. The N2-fixing phase of the rhythm coincided with the dark phase of the light-dark cycles that were imposed when the cells were in nitrate-containing medium. The results indicate that after the endogenous N2-fixing rhythm has been set, it can be kept latent for at least 38 hours before first manifesting itself.  相似文献   

Numbers and possible locations of N(2)-fixing bacteria were investigated in roots of Spartina alterniflora Loisel, which support nitrogenase activity in the undisturbed native habitat. N(2)-fixing bacteria were recovered in cultures both from S. alterniflora roots and from the surrounding sediment, and they formed a greater proportion of the bacteria recovered from root homogenates than from salt-marsh sediment. N(2)-fixing bacteria were recovered in high numbers from the rhizoplane of S. alterniflora after roots were treated with 1 or 5% chloramine-T for 1 h or with 1% NaOCl for 1 or 2 h. Immersing S. alterniflora roots in 5% NaOCl for 1 h was more effective in distinguishing bacteria inside the roots since this treatment nearly eliminated N(2)-fixing bacteria recoverable from the rhizoplane, although high numbers of N(2)-fixing bacteria were recovered from homogenates of roots treated with 5% NaOCl for 1 h. However, this treatment was less effective with roots of Zea mays L. (Funks G4646) and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (CK-60 A), indicating that techniques to surface sterilize roots should be evaluated for different plants. Bacteria were observed by light and electron microscopy inter- and intracellularly in the cortex and in the aerenchyma of S. alterniflora roots. This study clearly shows that bacteria, including N(2) fixers, colonize the interior of roots of S. alterniflora growing in a Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, salt marsh.  相似文献   

The intercellular spaces of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) stem parenchyma are filled with solution (determined by cryoscanning microscopy), which can be removed aseptically by centrifugation. It contained 12% sucrose (Suc; pH 5.5.) and yielded pure cultures of an acid-producing bacterium (approximately 104 bacteria/mL extracted fluid) on N-poor medium containing 10% Suc (pH 5.5). This bacterium was identical with the type culture of Acetobacter diazotrophicus, a recently discovered N2-fixing bacterium specific to sugarcane, with respect to nine biochemical and morphological characteristics, including acetylene reduction in air. Similar bacteria were observed in situ in the intercellular spaces. This demonstrates the presence of an N2-fixing endophyte living in apoplastic fluid of plant tissue and also that the fluid approximates the composition of the endophytes's optimal culture medium. The apoplastic fluid occupied 3% of the stem volume; this approximates 3 tons of fluid/ha of the crop. This endogenous culture broth consisting of substrate and N2-fixing bacteria may be enough volume to account for earlier reports that some cultivars of sugarcane are independent of N fertilizers. It is suggested that genetic manipulation of apoplastic fluid composition may facilitate the establishment of similar symbioses with endophytic bacteria in other crop plants.  相似文献   

A. Haner  P. Hohener    J. Zeyer 《Applied microbiology》1997,63(3):1171-1174
A microbial culture enriched from a diesel fuel-contaminated aquifer was able to grow on 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (1,3,5-TMB) and 1,2,4-TMB under N(inf2)O-reducing conditions, but it did not degrade 1,2,3-TMB. The oxidation of 1,3,5-TMB to CO(inf2) was coupled to the production of biomass and the reduction of N(inf2)O. N(inf2)O was used to avoid toxic effects caused by NO(inf2)(sup-) accumulation during growth with NO(inf3)(sup-) as the electron acceptor. In addition to 1,3,5-TMB and 1,2,4-TMB, the culture degraded toluene, m-xylene, p-xylene, 3-ethyltoluene, and 4-ethyltoluene.  相似文献   

Fe emits low-energy X rays and Auger electrons by electron capture decay. Auger electrons are useful for autoradiographic examination of Fe incorporation among microbial communities. Attainable resolution, in terms of silver grain deposition, is excellent and comparable to H. Two known Fe-demanding processes, photosynthetic CO(2) fixation and N(2) fixation, were examined by autoradiography of Anabaena populations. During photosynthetically active (illuminated) N(2)-fixing periods, biological incorporation of FeCl(3) by vegetative cells and heterocysts was evident. When N(2) fixation was suppressed by NH(4) additions, heterocysts revealed no incorporation of Fe. Conversely, when N(2)-fixing Anabaena filaments were placed in darkness, Fe incorporation decreased in vegetative cells, whereas heterocysts showed sustained rates of Fe incorporation. Bacteria actively incorporated Fe under both light and dark conditions. The chelated (by Na(2)-ethylenediaminetetraacetate) form of FeCl(3) was more readily incorporated than the nonchelated form. Furthermore, abiotic adsorption of Fe to filters and nonliving particles proved lower when chelated Fe was used in experiments. Fe autoradiography is useful for observing the fate and cellular distribution of various forms of Fe among aquatic microbial communities.  相似文献   

Nodulated and non-nodulated (not inoculated) soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Wells) were grown in controlled environments with N2 or nonlimiting levels of NO3, respectively, serving as sole source of nitrogen. The efficiency of the N2-fixing plants was compared with that of the nitrate-supplied plants on the basis of both plant age and plant size. Efficiency evaluations of the plants were expressed as the ratio of moles of carbon respired by the whole plant to the moles of nitrogen incorporated into plant material.

Continuous 24-hour CO2 exchange measurements on shoot and root systems made at the beginning of flowering (28 days after planting) indicated that N2-fixing plants respired 8.28 moles of carbon per mole of N, fixed from dinitrogen, while nitrate-supplied plants respired only 4.99 moles of carbon per mole of nitrate reduced. Twenty-one-day-old nitrate-supplied plants were even more efficient, respiring only 3.18 moles of carbon per mole of nitrate reduced. The decreased efficiency of the N2-fixing plants was not due to plant size since, on a dry weight basis, the 28-day-old N2-fixing plants were intermediate between the 28- and 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants.

The calculated efficiencies were predominantly a reflection of root-system respiration. N2-fixing plants lost 25% of their daily net photosynthetic input of carbon through root-system respiration, compared with 16% for 28-day-old nitrate-supplied plants and 12% for 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants. Shoot dark respiration was similar for all three plant groups, varying between 7.9% and 9.0% of the apparent photosynthate.

The increased respiratory loss by the roots of the N2-fixing plants was not compensated for by increased net photosynthetic effectiveness. Canopy photosynthesis expressed on a leaf area basis was similar for 28-day-old N2-fixing plants (15.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour) and 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants (14.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour). Both were similar in total canopy leaf area. The larger nitrate-supplied plants (28-day-old) had lower photosynthetic rates (12.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour), presumably due to self-shading of the leaves.

These data indicate that, during the early stages of plant development, dependence solely on N2-fixation is an expensive process compared to nitrate reduction in nitrate-supplied plants, since the N2-fixing plants retained 8% to 12% less of their photosynthate as dry matter.


Earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus and Octolasium lacteum) and gut homogenates did not produce CH(inf4), and methanogens were not readily culturable from gut material. In contrast, the numbers of culturable denitrifiers averaged 7 x 10(sup7) and 9 x 10(sup6) per g (dry weight) of gut material for L. rubellus and O. lacteum, respectively; these values were 256- and 35-fold larger than the numbers of culturable denitrifiers in the soil from which the earthworms were obtained. Anaerobically incubated earthworm gut homogenates supplemented with nitrate produced N(inf2)O at rates exceeding that of soil homogenates. Furthermore, living earthworms emitted N(inf2)O under aerobic conditions, and N(inf2)O emission was stimulated by acetylene. For earthworms collected from a mildly acidic (pH 6) beech forest soil, the rates of N(inf2)O emission for earthworms and soil averaged 884 and 2 pmol per h per g (fresh weight), respectively. In contrast, for earthworms collected from a more acidic (pH 4.6) oak-beech forest soil, N(inf2)O emission by earthworms and soil averaged 145 and 45 pmol per h per g (fresh weight), respectively. Based on the extrapolation of this data, earthworms accounted for an estimated 16 and 0.25% of the total N(inf2)O produced at the stand level of these beech and oak-beech forest soils, respectively.  相似文献   

Following cultivation-dependent and -independent techniques, we investigated the microbiota associated with Bactrocera oleae, one of the major agricultural pests in olive-producing countries. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene libraries and ultrastructural analyses revealed the presence of several bacterial taxa associated with this insect, among which Acetobacter tropicalis was predominant. The recent increased detection of acetic acid bacteria as symbionts of other insect model organisms, such as Anopheles stephensi (G. Favia et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:9047-9051, 2007) or Drosophila melanogaster (C. R. Cox and M. S. Gilmore, Infect. Immun. 75:1565-1576, 2007), prompted us to investigate the association established between A. tropicalis and B. oleae. Using an A. tropicalis-specific PCR assay, the symbiont was detected in all insects tested originating from laboratory stocks or field-collected from different locations in Greece. This acetic acid bacterium was successfully established in cell-free medium, and typing analyses, carried out on a collection of isolates, revealed that different A. tropicalis strains are present in fly populations. The capability to colonize and lodge in the digestive system of both larvae and adults and in Malpighian tubules of adults was demonstrated by using a strain labeled with a green fluorescent protein.Associations of insects with bacteria, protozoa, and fungi are complex and intimate, ranging from parasitism to mutualism, and may be extracellular or intracellular and may play a role in the nutrition, the physiology, or the reproduction of the insect host (10). Petri (1909 to 1910) described one of the first bacterial symbiotic associations in an insect species, the olive fly, Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae (31, 32).The olive fruit fly B. oleae is one of the major pests of the olive tree, strongly affecting olive production worldwide, especially in the Mediterranean area, where more than 90% of the world''s olive tree cultivation takes place (24, 27). Although there have been reports on the isolation of potentially effective Bacillus thuringiensis strains against B. oleae, olive fly control strategies remain almost exclusively based on insecticides, despite the awareness of a need for the use of more environmentally friendly control methods (29). Recently, new concepts are emerging, among which the symbiotic control approach is particularly noteworthy (4). This strategy includes the use of symbionts as vectors of antagonistic factors able to block the life cycle of the plant pathogen in the insect host or, alternatively, their use for the suppression of host natural populations (45). In any case, a prerequisite for developing a symbiotic control approach is the knowledge of the microbiota associated with the insect pest.The nature of the olive fruit fly-associated microbiota is controversial. The culturable bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi has been suspected to be a mutualist of B. oleae for more than 50 years (6, 17, 22, 25, 32, 33). In addition, traditional microbiological approaches have identified other bacteria of the genera Bacillus, Erwinia, Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Citrobacter, Proteus, Providencia, Enterobacter, Hafnia, Klebsiella, Serratia, and Xanthomonas as associated with the olive fruit fly (3, 14, 19, 37). Recently, it was suggested that the bacterium housed within the esophageal bulb and the midgut of B. oleae is unculturable, and the novel name “Candidatus Erwinia dacicola” was proposed (7). The presence of “Ca. Erwinia dacicola” was confirmed in Italian natural populations (36).The contradictory results obtained in previous studies prompted us to investigate the microbiota associated with both laboratory and natural populations of the olive fruit fly by employing both cultivation-independent and -dependent methods.  相似文献   

Enterobacter sp. MR1 an endophytic plant growth promoting bacterium was isolated from the roots of Butea monosperma, a drought tolerant plant. Genome sequencing of Enterobacter spp. MR1 was carried out in Ion Torrent (PGM), Next Generation Sequencer. The data obtained revealed 640 contigs with genome size of 4.58 Mb and G+C content of 52.8 %. This bacterium may contain genes responsible for inducing drought tolerance in plant, including genes for phosphate solubilization, growth hormones and other useful genes for plant growth.  相似文献   

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