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Many ant species have morphologically distinct worker sub-castes. This presumably increases colony efficiency and is thought to be optimized by natural selection. Optimality arguments are, however, often lacking in detail. In ants, the benefits of having workers in a range of sizes have rarely been explained mechanistically. In Atta leafcutter ants, large workers specialize in defence and also cut fruit. Fruit is soft and can be cut by smaller workers. Why, therefore, are large workers involved? According to the geometry hypothesis, cutting large pieces from three-dimensional objects like fruit is enhanced by longer mandibles. By contrast, long mandibles are not needed to cut leaves that are effectively two-dimensional. Our results from Atta laevigata support three predictions from the geometry hypothesis. First, larger workers cut larger fruit pieces. Second, the effect of large size is greater in cutting fruit than leaves. Third, the size of fruit pieces cut increases approximately in proportion to the cube of mandible length. Our results are a novel mechanistic example of how size variation among worker ants enhances division of labour.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the biology of Crematogaster pygmaea, a highly polydomous and polygynous ant, are more commonly found in monogynous species. One such characteristic is the high attractiveness of its queens. In this study, this attractiveness was assessed under varying experimental conditions to investigate the factors responsible for its expression and variation, and to identify the nature of queen attractiveness. It was shown (1) that C. pygmaea queens are highly attractive to the workers that cluster on and around them (retinue), (2) that the attractiveness of C. pygmaea queens is context-dependent, i.e., it increases with increasing degree of potential danger to the queen, (3) that the attractiveness signal of C. pygmaea queens is chemically based, and (4) that this signal is persistent and apparently not colony-specific. The proposed hypothesis is that the C. pygmaea queens constantly release an attractiveness signal that is “read” by the workers, in a dependent way linked to the context, and that the main function of this attractiveness is to protect queens. This protection would have a high adaptive value in the context of the social structure and the reproductive strategies in C. pygmaea.  相似文献   

Summary Two categories of foraging worker were found inPachycondyla caffraria from Senegal. One specialises in hunting and the other in collecting sweet liquid food. In the category of hunters there are two sub-categories: stingers and transporters. When the workers were offered a group of live termites (20–30Microcerotermes sp.), two types of behaviour were observed: some workers stung and paralysed the prey, while others transported the termites back to the nest. While on a foraging raid, the two roles are undertaken by two distinct groups of workers, and the roles are not interchanged during the course of the raid. The number of hunters, liquid collectors and transporters of prey are highly correlated with colony size.  相似文献   

Most animal societies are non-clonal and thus subject to conflicts. In social insects, conflict over male production can be resolved by worker policing, i.e. eating of worker-laid eggs (WLE) or aggression towards reproductive workers. All workers in a colony have an interest in policing behaviour being expressed, but there can be asymmetries among workers in performing the actual behaviour. Here, we show that workers of the ant Pachycondyla inversa specialize in policing behaviour. In two types of behavioural assays, workers developed their ovaries and laid eggs. In the first experiment, reproductive workers were introduced into queenright colonies. In the second experiment, WLE were introduced. By observing which individuals policed, we found that aggressive policing was highly skewed among workers that had opportunity to police, and that a similar tendency occurred in egg policing. None of the policing workers had active ovaries, so that policing did not incur a direct selfish benefit to the policer. This suggests that policing is subject to polyethism, just like other tasks in the colony. We discuss several hypotheses on the possible causes of this skew in policing tasks. This is the first non-primate example of specialization in policing tasks without direct selfish interests.  相似文献   

Using field assays of leaf preference, we tested the hypothesis that wilting affects the selection of leaves by the leaf-cutting ant Atta laevigata (Fr. Smith). Detached leaves were left to air-dry until noticeably wilted. The area removed by the ants from wilted leaves was significantly greater than the area removed from fresh leaves, this effect being observed in several plant species, in leaves of different age, and in assays with different ant colonies. Leaves collected from water-stressed plants were also preferred to leaves from non-stressed plants. A. laevigata was found to employ a two-stage, size-related, strategy when cutting plants. Larger workers climbed the plant stem and dropped whole leaves to the ground by severing their petioles; smaller workers cut the lamina of the dropped leaves. The ants frequently left dropped leaves on the ground, until the next foraging day or even later, when they were harvested in a wilted condition in preference to newly-dropped leaves.It is possible that during wilting some repellent substances evaporate or become less effective, thus enhancing leaf palatability. Alternatively or in addition, changes in nutrient and water content may have rendered wilted leaves more palatable to leaf-cutting ants.  相似文献   

By presenting different kinds of food sources to colonies ofM. sabuleti, we have demonstrated that this species regulates its foraging activity by altering the proportion of scouts that return to the nest to recruit nestmates after discovering a food source and by varying the number of nestmates recruited by a scout. These two parameters are related to the kind of food discovered. Our behavioral experiments showed that the probability that a scout returned to the nest decreased with a decreasing quantity of sucrose solution. In contrast, the number of returned scouts that elicited recruitment from the nest and the mean number of nestmates recruited by one of these scouts were independent of the quantity of the sucrose solution. Recruitment even occurred toward a 1- or 0.25-µl droplet of sucrose solution. When a scout discovered a large dead prey, a large drop of prey juice, a cluster of 30 dead fruit flies, or 1 isolated fruit fly, it always went back to the nest, but it elicited recruitment only when the food source was a large dead prey or a large drop of prey juice. No recruitment occurred when the food source was a single fruit fly and recruitment occurred only once in 30 trials when a cluster of 30 fruit flies was discovered.  相似文献   

Complex social structure in eusocial insects can involve worker morphological and behavioural differentiation. Neuroanatomical variation may underscore worker division of labour, but the regulatory mechanisms of size-based task specialization in polymorphic species are unknown. The Australian weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, exhibits worker polyphenism: larger major workers aggressively defend arboreal territories, whereas smaller minors nurse brood. Here, we demonstrate that octopamine (OA) modulates worker size-related aggression in O. smaragdina. We found that the brains of majors had significantly higher titres of OA than those of minors and that OA was positively and specifically correlated with the frequency of aggressive responses to non-nestmates, a key component of territorial defence. Pharmacological manipulations that effectively switched OA action in major and minor worker brains reversed levels of aggression characteristic of each worker size class. Results suggest that altering OA action is sufficient to produce differences in aggression characteristic of size-related social roles. Neuromodulators therefore may generate variation in responsiveness to task-related stimuli associated with worker size differentiation and collateral behavioural specializations, a significant component of division of labour in complex social systems.  相似文献   

许丹丹  席贻龙  马杰  葛雅丽 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4874-4880
采用急性毒性试验研究了(25±1)℃下Cd2+对角突臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis)和曲腿龟甲轮虫(Keratella valga)的24 h LC50值, 采用生命表实验方法研究了(25±1)℃下、以密度为1.0×106 个细胞/mL的斜生栅藻为轮虫食物时不同浓度(7.0、12.0、20.4、34.6、58.8,100.0 μg/L)的Cd2+对角突臂尾轮虫和曲腿龟甲轮虫生命表统计学参数的影响。结果表明, Cd2+对角突臂尾轮虫和曲腿龟甲轮虫幼体的24 h LC50值分别为95.5 μg/L和231.9 μg/L。Cd2+浓度对角突臂尾轮虫的种群内禀增长率具有显著的影响(P<0.05), 对曲腿龟甲轮虫的世代时间、生命期望和净生殖率具有显著的影响(P<0.05)。与对照组相比, 100.0 μg/L的Cd2+显著降低了角突臂尾轮虫的种群内禀增长率; 34.6 μg/L和58.8 μg/L的Cd2+显著降低了曲腿龟甲轮虫的世代时间, 34.6和100.0 μg/L的Cd2+显著降低了曲腿龟甲轮虫的生命期望, 34.6 μg/L的Cd2+显著降低了曲腿龟甲轮虫的净生殖率。角突臂尾轮虫对Cd2+污染的敏感性较曲腿龟甲轮虫强, 各生命表统计学参数对污染物的敏感性因轮虫种类的不同而异。  相似文献   

Workers have control over queen movement between cells, encouraging small groups of queens to join together to form a larger one. Single queens are more easily monoeuvred by the workers, compared to a group of queens, due to the loose arrangement of the workers surrounding the queen. Workers clustering around many queens are tightly compacted together, but are less compressed around a single queen. Some of the workers initiate colony activity by circulating each nest in an erratic, jerky manner and entering a cluster which is broken up as a result of the disturbance. The effects of worker/queen interactions in a natural nest are discussed.
Résumé Les ouvrières contrôlent les mouvements des reines entre les cellules, encourageant les petits groupes à fusionner. Les reines isolées sont plus facilement manoeuvrées par les ouvrières que les groupes de reines, par suite de la disposition désordonnée des ouvrières entourant la reine. Les ouvrières groupées autour de nombreuses reines sont étroitement serrées ensemble, et le sont moins autour d'une reine isolée. Quelques ouvrières provoquent l'activité de la colonie en circulant d'une façon irrégulière et saccadée, et en entrant dans le groupe qui se désagrège à la suite de cette perturbation. Les effets des interactions entre ouvrières et reines dans un nid naturel sont discutés.

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