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We quantitatively analysed synchronous breathing for dyads in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins at Mikura Island, Tokyo, Japan. For most cases, we observed dyads swimming in the same direction (97%), in close proximity (i.e., less than 1.5 m) and with their body axes parallel as they breathed synchronously. Moreover, the pairs engaged in identical behaviour before and after the synchronous breathing episodes. These results suggest that the dolphins synchronize their movements, and that synchronous breathing is a component of “pair-swimming”, an affiliative social behaviour. Same sex pairs of the same age class frequently engaged in synchronous breathing for adults and subadults, as well as mother-calf and escort-calf pairs. The distance between individuals during synchronous breathing for mother-calf pairs was less than for other pairs. The distance observed between individuals for female pairs was less than for male pairs. The time differences between each exhale for each of the two dolphins involved in synchronous breathing episodes for female pairs were smaller than for male pairs, and time differences for adult pairs were smaller than subadult pairs. These results suggest that age and sex class influenced the characteristics of this behaviour.  相似文献   

A computer-assisted three-dimensional (3D) system, 3D-DIASemb, has been developed that allows reconstruction and motion analysis of cells and nuclei in a developing embryo. In the system, 75 optical sections through a live embryo are collected in the z axis by using differential interference contrast microscopy. Optical sections for one reconstruction are collected in a 2.5-s period, and this process is repeated every 5 s. The outer perimeter and nuclear perimeter of each cell in the embryo are outlined in each optical section, converted into beta-spline models, and then used to construct 3D faceted images of the surface and nucleus of every cell in the developing embryo. Because all individual components of the embryo (i.e., each cell surface and each nuclear surface) are individually reconstructed, 3D-DIASemb allows isolation and analysis of (1) all or select nuclei in the absence of cell surfaces, (2) any single cell lineage, and (3) any single nuclear lineage through embryogenesis. Because all reconstructions represent mathematical models, 3D-DIASemb computes over 100 motility and dynamic morphology parameters for every cell, nucleus, or group of cells in the developing embryo at time intervals as short as 5 s. Finally, 3D-DIASemb reconstructs and motion analyzes cytoplasmic flow through the generation and analysis of "vector flow plots." To demonstrate the unique capabilities of this new technology, a Caenorhabditis elegans embryo is reconstructed and motion analyzed through the 28-cell stage. Although 3D-DIASemb was developed by using the C. elegans embryo as the experimental model, it can be applied to other embryonic systems. 3D-DIASemb therefore provides a new method for reconstructing and motion analyzing in 4D every cell and nucleus in a live, developing embryo, and should provide a powerful tool for assessing the effects of drugs, environmental perturbations, and mutations on the cellular and nuclear dynamics accompanying embryogenesis.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the D2-D3 expansion segments of the 28S gene of ribosomal DNA from 23 taxa of the subfamily Hoplolaiminae were obtained and aligned to infer phylogenetic relationships. The D2 and D3 expansion regions are G-C rich (59.2%), with up to 20.7% genetic divergence between Scutellonema brachyurum and Hoplolaimus concaudajuvencus. Molecular phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony was conducted using the D2-D3 sequence data. Of 558 characters, 254 characters (45.5%) were variable and 198 characters (35.4%) were parsimony informative. All phylogenetic methods produced a similar topology with two distinct clades: One clade consists of all Hoplolaimus species while the other clade consists of the rest of the studied Hoplolaiminae genera. This result suggests that Hoplolaimus is monophyletic. Another clade consisted of Aorolaimus, Helicotylenchus, Rotylenchus, and Scutellonema species. Phylogenetic analysis using the outgroup species Globodera rostocheinsis suggests that Hoplolaiminae is paraphyletic. In this study, the D2-D3 region had levels of DNA sequence divergence sufficient for phylogenetic analysis and delimiting species of Hoplolaiminae.  相似文献   

Pseudonocardia autotrophica converted Vitamin D(3) to 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) and 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3). The hydroxylation of Vitamin D(3) with P. autotrophica was enhanced by the addition of cyclodextrin. In this microbial hydroxylation, a new Vitamin D(3) metabolite was observed in the reaction mixture of P. autotrophica and Vitamin D(3), and was isolated in a pure form by several steps of chromatography. The structure of the new metabolite was determined to be 2alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) by UV, NMR and mass spectroscopic analyses. Biological evaluation of the new metabolite was conducted by means of several experiments.  相似文献   

Summary A method for quantification of distances between amide hydrogens using only the 3D NOESY-HMQC experiment recorded on a 15N-labelled protein is presented. This method is based on an approximate expression of the NOE intensities between amide hydrogens obtained from continuum modelling of the non-amide spins; this expression is used in a distance calculation algorithm. The algorithm has been named CROWD, standing for Continuum approximation of Relaxati On path Ways between Dilute spins. This approximation as well as the CROWD algorithm are tested on a simulated case; the CROWD algorithm is then applied to experimental data, measured on a fragment of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Two different nematodes were isolated from the bark of Albizia lebbeck trees; one from insect infested and another from noninfested, healthy tree. Based on the biological, morphological, and molecular evidences, the nematodes are described as Deladenus albizicus n. sp. and D. processus n. sp. (Nematoda: Hexatylina). Deladenus albizicus n. sp., isolated from insect-infested tree, multiplied on the fungus Nigrospora oryzae. Myceliophagous females of this nematode reproduced by parthenogenesis and spermathecae were indistinct. Infective females, readily produced in the cultures, are dorsally curved. Only one type of males containing small-sized sperms in their genital tracts were produced in the culture. Myceliophagous females: L = 0.75 to 1.71 mm, a = 32.3 to 50.8, b = 9.3 to 11.2, b’ = 5.2 to 7.3, c = 27.2 to 35.6, V = 91.0 to 93.3, c’ = 2.0 to 2.9, stylet = 11 to 12 µm, excretory pore in the region of median pharyngeal bulb, 43 to 47 µm anterior to hemizonid. Deladenus processus n. sp., isolated from bark of healthy A. lebbeck tree, was cultured on Alternaria alternata. Myceliophagous females reproduced by amphimixis and their spermathecae contained rounded sperms. Infective females were never produced, even in old cultures. Myceliophagous females: L = 0.76 to 0.99 mm, a = 34 to 49, b = 13.3 to 17.7, b’ = 3.8 to 5.8, c = 19.6 to 22.8, V = 92.2 to 93.5, c’ = 2.7 to 3.5, stylet = 6 to 7 µm, excretory pore in the proximity of hemizonid, tail conoid, tapering from both sides to a long pointed central process. It is proposed to classify Deladenus species in three groups: durus, siricidicola, and laricis groups based on female and spermatogonia dimorphism, mode of reproduction, and insect parasitism.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) models for the 79.2 kDa activated Cry1Ib9 and 77.4 kDa activated Cry3A δ-endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) native isolates that are specifically toxic to Coleopteran insect pests were constructed by utilizing homology modeling online tool. Evidences presented here, based on the identification of structural equivalent residues of Cry1Ib9 and Cry3A toxin through homology modelling indicate that, they share a common Bt toxin tridimensional structure. The main differences observed in Cry1I9 domain I at positions α2b (S56-I60), α4 (F78-l93) and additionally β0 (Q10-L12), α8a (T280-V282) were observed, in domain II at positions α9b (P333-L339), β6(T390-Q393), β7(V398-W404), β8 (V418-W425), β9 (E453-N454), β10 (S470-I479) where as in domain III the changes were observed at positions β19 (R601-F607), β20 (609-L613), β21 (S618-F627) and α11a (K655-F664), α13, α14 components present at downstream sites, where as in Cry3A main differences observed in domain I is at the position of α4 (P105-I152), α5 (Q163-A185), β1A(E190-L192), α6 (F193-Y217), Domain II is not consevered and main variations were observed at β2 (E292-L295), β3(V299-L308), β4(I340-F347), β5(D356-P368), β6(I375-T377), β7(V389-F394), β8(K398-N405), β9(Y416-Y427), β10 (T436-Y439), β12(G476-H495), β12A (M503-I504) where as in domain III main variations observed at positions of β18 (P583-I593), β19(F604-S610), β20(P611-L615), β21(N619-G626). Cry1Ib9 and Cry3A contain the most variable regions in the loops of domain II, which determine the specificity of these toxins. These are the first models of Coleopteran-active protein from native isolates of Bt and its importance can be perceived since members of this group of toxins are potentially important candidates for coleoptera insect pest control programs.  相似文献   

During the past two and half decades the elucidation of the metabolic pathways of 25OHD(3) and its active metabolite 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) progressed in parallel. In spite of many advances in this area of vitamin D research, the unequivocal identification of the end products of 25OHD(3) metabolism through C-24 oxidation pathway has not been achieved. It is now well established that both 25OHD(3) and 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) are metabolized through the same C-24 oxidation pathway initiated by the enzyme 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1). Based on the information that the end product of 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) metabolism through C-24 oxidation pathway is 1alpha-OH-23- COOH-24,25,26,27-tetranor D(3) or calcitroic acid; the metabolism of 25OHD(3) into 23-COOH-24,25,26,27-tetranor D(3) has been assumed. Furthermore, a previous study indicated 24-COOH-25,26,27-trinor D(3) as a water soluble metabolite of 24R,25(OH)(2)D(3) produced in rat kidney homogenates. Therefore, 24-COOH-25,26,27-trinor D(3) was also assumed as another end product of 25OHD(3) metabolism through C-24 oxidation pathway. We embarked on our present study to provide unequivocal proof for these assumptions. We first studied the metabolism of 25OHD(3) at low substrate concentration (3x10(-10)M) using [1,2-(3)H]25OHD(3) as the substrate in the perfused rat kidneys isolated from both normal and vitamin D(3) intoxicated rats. A highly polar water soluble metabolite, labeled as metabolite X was isolated from the kidney perfusate. The amount of metabolite X produced in the kidney of a vitamin D intoxicated rat was about seven times higher than that produced in the kidney of a normal rat. We then produced metabolite X in a quantity sufficient for its structure identification by perfusing kidneys isolated from vitamin D intoxicated rats with high substrate concentration of 25OHD(3) (5x10(-6)M). Using the techniques of electron impact and thermospray mass spectrometry, we established that the metabolite X contained both 23-COOH-24,25,26,27-tetranor D(3) and 24-COOH-25,26,27-trinor D(3) in a ratio of 4:1. The same metabolite X containing both acids in the same ratio of 4:1 was also produced when 24R,25(OH)(2)D(3) was used as the starting substrate. Previously, the trivial name of cholacalcioic acid was assigned to 24-COOH-25,26,27-trinorvitamin D(3). Using the same guidelines, we now assign the trivial name of calcioic acid to 23-COOH-24,25,26,27-tetranor D(3). In summary, for the first time our study provides unequivocal evidence to indicate that both calcioic and cholacalcioic acids as the end products of 25OHD(3) metabolism in rat kidney through C-24 oxidation pathway.  相似文献   

Sm and Sm-like (Lsm) proteins are core components of the ribonucleoprotein complexes essential to key nucleic acid processing events within the eukaryotic cell. They assemble as polyprotein ring scaffolds that have the capacity to bind RNA substrates and other necessary protein factors. The crystal structure of yeast Lsm3 reveals a new organisation of the L/Sm β-propeller ring, containing eight protein subunits. Little distortion of the characteristic L/Sm fold is required to form the octamer, indicating that the eukaryotic Lsm ring may be more pliable than previously thought. The homomeric Lsm3 octamer is found to successfully recruit Lsm6, Lsm2 and Lsm5 directly from yeast lysate. Our crystal structure shows the C-terminal tail of each Lsm3 subunit to be engaged in connections across rings through specific β-sheet interactions with elongated loops protruding from neighbouring octamers. While these loops are of distinct length for each Lsm protein and generally comprise low-complexity polar sequences, several Lsm C-termini comprise hydrophobic sequences suitable for β-sheet interactions. The Lsm3 structure thus provides evidence for protein-protein interactions likely utilised by the highly variable Lsm loops and termini in the recruitment of RNA processing factors to mixed Lsm ring scaffolds. Our coordinates also provide updated homology models for the active Lsm[1-7] and Lsm[2-8] heptameric rings.  相似文献   

Common genetic variants rs10741657 and rs10766197 in CYP2R1 and rs4588 and rs842999 in GC and a combined genetic risk score (GRS) of these four variants influence late summer 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations. The objectives were to identify those who are most at risk of developing low vitamin D status during winter and to assess whether vitamin D3-fortified bread and milk will increase 25(OH)D concentrations in those with genetically determined low 25(OH)D concentrations at late summer. We used data from the VitmaD study. Participants were allocated to either vitamin D3-fortified bread and milk or non-fortified bread and milk during winter. In the fortification group, CYP2R1 (rs10741657) and GC (rs4588 and rs842999) were statistically significantly associated with winter 25(OH)D concentrations and CYP2R1 (rs10766197) was borderline significant. There was a negative linear trend between 25(OH)D concentrations and carriage of 0–8 risk alleles (p < 0.0001). No association was found for the control group (p = 0.1428). There was a significant positive linear relationship between different quintiles of total vitamin D intake and the increase in 25(OH)D concentrations among carriers of 0–2 (p = 0.0012), 3 (p = 0.0001), 4 (p = 0.0118) or 5 (p = 0.0029) risk alleles, but not among carriers of 6–8 risk alleles (p = 0.1051). Carriers of a high GRS were more prone to be vitamin D deficient compared to carriers of a low GRS. Furthermore, rs4588-AA carriers have a low but very stable 25(OH)D concentration, and interestingly, also low PTH level.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12263-014-0413-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

There has been some controversy over whether the 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D(3) is carried out by one enzyme or two and whether this cytochrome P450 enzyme is found in the mitochondrial or microsomal fractions of liver. The pig is currently the only species in which both the microsomal 25-hydroxylase (CYP2D25) and the mitochondrial 25-hydroxylase (CYP27A1) have been cloned and characterized. In this paper, the roles of the two enzymes in 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D(3) are examined in primary cultures of hepatocytes. Inhibition experiments indicated that tolterodine and 7 alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one were selective inhibitors of the CYP2D25- and CYP27A-mediated 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D(3), respectively. Addition of each inhibitor to primary hepatocytes decreased the total 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D(3) to about the same extent. No inhibition of other hydroxylase activities tested was found. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate down-regulated the expression of both CYP2D25 and CYP27A1 as well as the 25-hydroxylase activity of the hepatocytes. The results implicate that both CYP2D25 and CYP27A1 contribute to the 25-hydroxylation in hepatocytes and are important in the bioactivation of vitamin D(3).  相似文献   

Knowledge of rRNA structure is increasingly important to assist phylogenetic analysis through reconstructing optimal alignment, utilizing molecule features as an additional source of data and refining appropriate models of evolution of the molecule. We describe a procedure of optimization for alignment and a new coding method for nucleotide sequence data using secondary structure models of the D2 and D3 expansion fragments of the LSU-rRNA gene reconstructed for fifteen nematode species of the agriculturally important and diverse family Hoplolaimidae, order Tylenchida. Using secondary structure information we converted the original sequence data into twenty-eight symbol codes and submitted the transformed data to maximum parsimony analysis. We also applied the original sequence data set for Bayesian inference. This used the doublet model with sixteen states of nucleotide doublets for the stem region and the standard model of DNA substitution with four nucleotide states for loops and bulges. By this approach, we demonstrate that using structural information for phylogenetic analyses led to trees with lower resolved relationships between clades and likely eliminated some artefactual support for misinterpreted relationships, such as paraphyly of Helicotylenchus or Rotylenchus. This study as well as future phylogenetic analyses is herein supported by the development of an on-line database, NEMrRNA, for rRNA molecules in a structural format for nematodes. We also have developed a new computer program, RNAstat, for calculation of nucleotide statistics designed and proposed for phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

A novel fucose-binding lectin, designated SauFBP32, was purified by affinity chromatography on fucose–agarose, from the serum of the gilt head bream Sparus aurata. Electrophoretic mobility of the subunit revealed apparent molecular weights of 35 and 30 kDa under reducing and non-reducing conditions, respectively. Size exclusion analysis suggests that the native lectin is a monomer under the selected experimental conditions. Agglutinating activity towards rabbit erythrocytes was not significantly modified by addition of calcium or EDTA; activity was optimal at 37 °C, retained partial activity by treatment at 70 °C, and was fully inactivated at 90 °C. On western blot analysis, SauFBP showed intense cross-reactivity with antibodies specific for a sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fucose-binding lectin. In addition, the similarity of the N-terminal sequence and a partial coding domain to teleost F-type lectins suggests that SauFBP32 is a member of this emerging family of lectins.  相似文献   

ABC (ATP-binding cassette) membrane exporters are efflux transporters of a wide diversity of molecule across the membrane at the expense of ATP. A key issue regarding their catalytic cycle is whether or not their nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) are physically disengaged in the resting state. To settle this controversy, we obtained structural data on BmrA, a bacterial multidrug homodimeric ABC transporter, in a membrane-embedded state. BmrA in the apostate was reconstituted in lipid bilayers forming a mixture of ring-shaped structures of 24 or 39 homodimers. Three-dimensional models of the ring-shaped structures of 24 or 39 homodimers were calculated at 2.3 nm and 2.5 nm resolution from cryo-electron microscopy, respectively. In these structures, BmrA adopts an inward-facing open conformation similar to that found in mouse P-glycoprotein structure with the NBDs separated by 3 nm. Both lipidic leaflets delimiting the transmembrane domains of BmrA were clearly resolved. In planar membrane sheets, the NBDs were even more separated. BmrA in an ATP-bound conformation was determined from two-dimensional crystals grown in the presence of ATP and vanadate. A projection map calculated at 1.6 nm resolution shows an open outward-facing conformation. Overall, the data are consistent with a mechanism of drug transport involving large conformational changes of BmrA and show that a bacterial ABC exporter can adopt at least two open inward conformations in lipid membrane.  相似文献   

To test the roles of motif and amino acid sequence in the folding mechanisms of TIM barrel proteins, hydrogen-deuterium exchange was used to explore the structure of the stable folding intermediates for the of indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase from Sulfolobus solfataricus (sIGPS). Previous studies of the urea denaturation of sIGPS revealed the presence of an intermediate that is highly populated at approximately 4.5 M urea and contains approximately 50% of the secondary structure of the native (N) state. Kinetic studies showed that this apparent equilibrium intermediate is actually comprised of two thermodynamically distinct species, I(a) and I(b). To probe the location of the secondary structure in this pair of stable on-pathway intermediates, the equilibrium unfolding process of sIGPS was monitored by hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. The intact protein and pepsin-digested fragments were studied at various concentrations of urea by electrospray and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, respectively. Intact sIGPS strongly protects at least 54 amide protons from hydrogen-deuterium exchange in the intermediate states, demonstrating the presence of stable folded cores. When the protection patterns and the exchange mechanisms for the peptides are considered with the proposed folding mechanism, the results can be interpreted to define the structural boundaries of I(a) and I(b). Comparison of these results with previous hydrogen-deuterium exchange studies on another TIM barrel protein of low sequence identify, alpha-tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), indicates that the thermodynamic states corresponding to the folding intermediates are better conserved than their structures. Although the TIM barrel motif appears to define the basic features of the folding free energy surface, the structures of the partially folded states that appear during the folding reaction depend on the amino acid sequence. Markedly, the good correlation between the hydrogen-deuterium exchange patterns of sIGPS and alphaTS with the locations of hydrophobic clusters defined by isoleucine, leucine, and valine residues suggests that branch aliphatic side-chains play a critical role in defining the structures of the equilibrium intermediates.  相似文献   

Synthesis and crystal structure of two coordination polymers of composition [MnII(H2bpbn)1.5][ClO4]2 · 2MeOH · 2H2O (1) and [CoII(H2bpbn)(H2O)2]Cl2 · H2O (2) [H2bpbn = N,N′-bis(2-pyridinecarboxamido)-1,4-butane], formed from the reaction between [Mn(H2O)6][ClO4]2/CoCl2 · 4H2O with H2bpbn in MeCN, are described. In 1 each MnII ion is surrounded by three pyridine amide units, providing three pyridine nitrogen and three amide oxygen donors. Each MnII center in 1 has distorted MnN3O3 coordination. In 2 each CoII ion is coordinated by two pyridine amide moieties in the equatorial plane and two water molecules provide coordination in the axial positions. Thus, the metal center in 2 has trans-octahedral geometry. In both 1 and 2, the existence of 1D zigzag network structure has been revealed. Owing to π-π stacking of pyridine rings from adjacent layers 1 forms 2D network; 2 forms 2D and 3D network assemblies via N-H?Cl and O-H?Cl secondary interactions. Both the metal centers are high-spin.  相似文献   

D-psicose, a rare sugar produced by the enzymatic reaction of D-tagatose 3-epimerase (DTEase), has been used extensively for the bioproduction of various rare carbohydrates. Recently characterized D-psicose 3-epimerase (DPEase) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens was found to belong to the DTEase family and to catalyze the interconversion of D-fructose and D-psicose by epimerizing the C-3 position, with marked efficiency for D-psicose. The crystal structures of DPEase and its complex with the true substrate D-fructose were determined; DPEase is a tetramer and each monomer belongs to a TIM-barrel fold. The active site in each subunit is distinct from that of other TIM-barrel enzymes, which use phosphorylated ligands as the substrate. It contains a metal ion with octahedral coordination to two water molecules and four residues that are absolutely conserved across the DTEase family. Upon binding of D-fructose, the substrate displaces water molecules in the active site, with a conformation mimicking the intermediate cis-enediolate. Subsequently, Trp112 and Pro113 in the beta4-alpha4 loop undergo significant structural changes, sealing off the active site. Structural evidence and site-directed mutagenesis of the putative catalytic residues suggest that the metal ion plays a pivotal role in catalysis by anchoring the bound D-fructose, and Glu150 and Glu244 carry out an epimerization reaction at the C-3 position.  相似文献   

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