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The wind-sensitive cercal system of Orthopteroid insects that mediates the detection of the approach of a predator is a very sensitive sensory system. It has been intensively analysed from a behavioural and neurobiological point of view, and constitutes a classical model system in neuroethology. The escape behaviour is triggered in orthopteroids by the detection of air-currents produced by approaching objects, allowing these insects to keep away from potential dangers. Nevertheless, escape behaviour has not been studied in terms of success. Moreover, an attacking predator is more than “air movement”, it is also a visible moving entity. The sensory basis of predator detection is thus probably more complex than the perception of air movement by the cerci. We have used a piston mimicking an attacking running predator for a quantitative evaluation of the escape behaviour of wood crickets Nemobius sylvestris. The movement of the piston not only generates air movement, but it can be seen by the insect and can touch it as a natural predator. This procedure allowed us to study the escape behaviour in terms of detection and also in terms of success. Our results showed that 5-52% of crickets that detected the piston thrust were indeed touched. Crickets escaped to stimulation from behind better than to a stimulation from the front, even though they detected the approaching object similarly in both cases. After cerci ablation, 48% crickets were still able to detect a piston approaching from behind (compared with 79% of detection in intact insects) and 24% crickets escaped successfully (compared with 62% in the case of intact insects). So, cerci play a major role in the detection of an approaching object but other mechanoreceptors or sensory modalities are implicated in this detection. It is not possible to assure that other sensory modalities participate (in the case of intact animals) in the behaviour; rather, than in the absence of cerci other sensory modalities can partially mediate the behaviour. Nevertheless, neither antennae nor eyes seem to be used for detecting approaching objects, as their inactivation did not reduce their detection and escape abilities in the presence of cerci.  相似文献   

The common backswimmer, Notonecta glauca, uses vision by day and night for functions such as underwater prey animal capture and flight in search of new habitats. Although previous studies have identified some of the physiological mechanisms facilitating such flexibility in the animal''s vision, neither the biophysics of Notonecta photoreceptors nor possible cellular adaptations are known. Here, we studied Notonecta photoreceptors using patch-clamp and intracellular recording methods. Photoreceptor size (approximated by capacitance) was positively correlated with absolute sensitivity and acceptance angles. Information rate measurements indicated that large and more sensitive photoreceptors performed better than small ones. Our results suggest that backswimmers are adapted for vision in both dim and well-illuminated environments by having open-rhabdom eyes with large intrinsic variation in absolute sensitivity among photoreceptors, exceeding those found in purely diurnal or nocturnal species. Both electrophysiology and microscopic analysis of retinal structure suggest two retinal subsystems: the largest peripheral photoreceptors provide vision in dim light and the smaller peripheral and central photoreceptors function primarily in sunlight, with light-dependent pigment screening further contributing to adaptation in this system by dynamically recruiting photoreceptors with varying sensitivity into the operational pool.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins expressed by Cryptosporidium parvum are immunogenic in infected individuals but the nature of the epitopes recognised in C. parvum glycoproteins is poorly understood. Since a known immunodominant antigen of Cryptosporidium, the 17 kDa glycoprotein, has previously been shown to bind to lectins that recognise the Tn antigen (GalNAcα1-Ser/Thr-R), a large number of glycopeptides with different Tn valency and presentation were prepared. In addition, glycopeptides were synthesised based on a 40 kDa cryptosporidial antigen, a polymorphic surface glycoprotein with varying numbers of serine residues, to determine the reactivity with sera from C. parvum-infected humans. These glycopeptides and non-glycosylated peptides were used to generate a glycopeptide microarray to allow screening of sera from C. parvum-infected individuals for the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies. IgG but not IgM in sera from C. parvum-infected individuals bound to multivalent Tn antigen epitopes presented on glycopeptides, suggesting that glycoproteins from C. parvum that contain the Tn antigen induce immune responses upon infection. In addition, molecular differences in glycosylated peptides (e.g. substituting Ser for Thr) as well as the site of glycosylation had a pronounced effect on reactivity. Lastly, pooled sera from individuals infected with either Toxoplasma or Plasmodium were also tested against the modified Cryptosporidium peptides and some sera showed specific binding to glycopeptide epitopes. These studies reveal that specific anti-glycopeptide antibodies that recognise the Tn antigen may be useful diagnostically and in defining the roles of parasite glycoconjugates in infections.  相似文献   

The seeds of Annona glauca furnished two cyclopeptides one of which is novel. The structure was elucidated on the basis on mass spectrometry, 2D NMR methods and amino acids analysis.  相似文献   

Variability in infaunal bivalve abundance in the Wadden Sea is largely determined by recruitment variability. Post-settlement, but pre-recruitment bivalve mortality is high and related to the occurrence of their most abundant predator, the brown shrimp Crangon crangon. To investigate if the mortality patterns of newly settled bivalves can be explained by the foraging behavior of brown shrimp, we carried out experiments on shrimp functional response to three size classes of juveniles of the Baltic Tellin Macoma balthica. The functional response curves for all three prey sizes (0.62 mm, 0.73 mm, and 0.85 mm) were the hyperbolic Holling's type II. The attack rate was highest for the smallest prey size (a = 0.31, medium and large prey a = 0.22); the handling time was longest for the largest prey size (Th = 29 s, small and medium prey Th = 15 s). Thus, a large body size is advantageous for the bivalves over the whole density range. Knowledge of individual foraging behavior is needed to model predation mortality of bivalves. The consumption rates in the experiment were theoretically high enough to account for M. balthica mortality in the field.  相似文献   

An opportunity to explore the effects of fluctuating temperatures on tropical scleractinian corals arose when diurnal warming (as large as 4.7 °C) was detected over the rich coral communities found within the back reef of Moorea, French Polynesia. In April and May 2007, experiments were completed to determine the effects of fluctuating temperature on Pocillopora meandrina and Porites rus, and consecutive trials were used to expose them for 13 days to 26 °C, 28 °C (ambient conditions), 30 °C, or a fluctuating treatment ranging from 26 to 30 °C over 24 h. The multivariate response was assessed using maximum dark-adapted quantum yield of PSII (FV/FM), Symbiodinium density, chlorophyll-a content, and calcification. In trial 1, multivariate physiology of both species was significantly affected by treatments, with the fluctuating temperature resulting in a 17-45% decline in Symbiodinium density (relative to the ambient) matching that occurring at a constant 30 °C; FV/FM, chlorophyll-a content, and calcification, did not differ between the fluctuating and the steady treatments. In contrast, in trial 2 that utilized corals collected two weeks after those used in trial 1, the corals were unaffected by the treatments, likely due to an environment × trial interaction caused by seasonal declines in Symbiodinium density. Together, these results demonstrate that short transgressions to ecologically relevant high and low temperatures can elicit a potentially detrimental response equivalent to that occurring upon exposure to a constant high temperature. The dissimilar responses among dependent variables and consecutive trials underscore the importance of temporal replication and multivariate approaches in coral ecophysiology. It is likely that recent history has a stronger effect on the response of corals to treatments than is currently recognized.  相似文献   

The interactions that occur between the entomopathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis and a predator (Coccinella septempunctata) and a parasitoid (Aphidius ervi) were assessed in microcosm and polytunnel experiments. Transmission of P. neoaphidis to the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, was enhanced in the presence of both C. septempunctata and A. ervi in microcosm experiments done under fixed abiotic conditions. In contrast, the reproductive success of A. ervi was reduced in the presence of P. neoaphidis. Despite the increased fungal transmission in the presence of C. septempunctata, there was no additional decrease in the aphid population indicating that P. neoaphidis is functionally redundant in the presence of the coccinellid. In polytunnel experiments the reproductive success of A. ervi was not affected by P. neoaphidis. These results do not support those of the microcosm and may be due to the more natural abiotic conditions in the polytunnel reducing the competitive advantage of the fungus. Microcosms therefore provide an arena in which the interactions between fungal pathogens and other aphid-natural enemies can be assessed however, further assessments at increased spatial scales under more natural abiotic conditions are also required to accurately determine the outcome of these interactions.  相似文献   

The endophytic fungal communities in the hemi-parasitic epiphyte Viscum album and in its phorophyte Pinus sylvestris were compared to reveal the fungal distribution patterns in their hosts. The ITS nrDNA of 208 multiple-isolated fungal strains was sequenced and a newly designed process was applied for assigning taxon names to the obtained sequences. Furthermore, the isolates were grouped as clusters, by subjecting a sequence similarity matrix to various cluster analyses, the results of which were compared and verified by data from phylogenetic reconstructions. In contrast to a previously reported dominance of Leotiomycetes among Pinus inhabiting fungi, the endophytic communities of the two host plant species studied here were dominated by Xylariaceae (Sordariomycetes). This is in accordance with the finding that host selectivity was only a minor factor in explaining the distribution patterns of the endophytic fungi in Viscum and Pinus. Organ and, probably, tissue selectivity had a more pronounced effect. The composition and condition of the woods in the surrounding, however, are concluded to be the major determinants, due to the following circumstantial evidence: The highest similarities in fungal community compositions were found for the leaves of the two host plant species, especially when considering only the older leaves. The finding that the inhabitants of matured or senescent organs are less host-selective is in accordance with decreasing defence capabilities of ageing host plant tissue and an increased nutrient supply for saprobic taxa. Therefore, the composition of the fungal communities in ageing leaves seems to be predominantly ascribed to contagious spread and to depend on the spectrum of nearby sporulating fungal taxa. We suggest that because a broad range of suitable substrates for Xylariaceae was present in immediate vicinity of the study sites, these fungi also dominated among the recorded endophytic taxa.  相似文献   

To date, arabinose-binding lectins have been reported only from the human opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the plant aggressive pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum, and the sponge Pellina semitubulosa. An arabinose-binding lectin with mitogenic activity toward splenocytes and a high specific hemagglutinating activity was isolated in the present study from a wild discomycete mushroom, Peziza sylvestris. The maximal mitogenic activity was induced by a lectin concentration of 8 microM. The lectin was a single-chained protein with a molecular mass of 20 kDa. Its N-terminal sequence showed only slight resemblance to other mushroom lectins. It was adsorbed on both diethylaminoethyl-cellulose and carboxymethyl-cellulose. Unlike previously reported mushroom lectins, the hemagglutinating activity of the lectin was inhibited by arabinose, but not by a large variety of other carbohydrates. The lectin activity was adversely affected in the presence of 0.05 M NaOH or 0.025 M HCl, and when the ambient temperature was elevated above 35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, the Mondego estuary, Portugal has experienced excessive growth of macroalgae especially in the inner parts of the system, with several algal species implicated. In this study, we compare the effects of morphologically different species, the red alga Gracilaria verrucosa and the green macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis on macrobenthic assemblages, by a field experiment whereby the biomass of algae was manipulated and the resultant changes in macrofauna abundance evaluated. The experiments were carried out in different areas (a relatively undisturbed sea grass bed and an upstream eutrophic area) experiencing different degrees of overall enrichment.Measurements of sediment redox potential revealed a rapid anoxia with a significant increase in algal biomass after 4 weeks. The effects of macroalgae were different at the two sites, being more marked in the eutrophic area. In addition, the effects of Gracilaria and Enteromorpha were significantly different, with Enteromorpha having a greater detrimental effect for most of the macrofauna, in particular Cyathura carinata, Scrobicularia plana, Cerastoderma edule and Alkmaria romijni. However, three of the most abundant invertebrates (Hydrobia ulvae, Hediste diversicolor and Capitella capitata) showed significant increases in abundance in weed affected compared to weed-free plots. Gracilaria had less of an impact on macrobenthic assemblages leading to a more enriched community. Between-site differences in overall impact were related to their previous disturbance history.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a genotype to produce more than one phenotype in order to match the environment. Recent theory proposes that the major axis of genetic variation in a phenotypically plastic population can align with the direction of selection. Therefore, theory predicts that plasticity directly aids adaptation by increasing genetic variation in the direction favoured by selection and reflected in plasticity. We evaluated this theory in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia pulex, facing predation risk from two contrasting size-selective predators. We estimated plasticity in several life-history traits, the G matrix of these traits, the selection gradients on reproduction and survival, and the predicted responses to selection. Using these data, we tested whether the genetic lines of least resistance and the predicted response to selection aligned with plasticity. We found predator environment-specific G matrices, but shared genetic architecture across environments resulted in more constraint in the G matrix than in the plasticity of the traits, sometimes preventing alignment of the two. However, as the importance of survival selection increased, the difference between environments in their predicted response to selection increased and resulted in closer alignment between the plasticity and the predicted selection response. Therefore, plasticity may indeed aid adaptation to new environments.  相似文献   

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