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We investigated levels of DNA damage in blood cells of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) inhabiting the Chernobyl region to evaluate whether chronic exposure to low-level radioactive contamination continues to induce genetic damage in free-living populations of animals. Blood samples were obtained from barn swallows collected at sites with different background levels of radiation, including a relatively uncontaminated area. The extent of DNA damage was evaluated using the alkaline (pH = 12.1) comet assay, a robust and sensitive electrophoresis-based technique widely employed in research ranging from biomonitoring to clinical studies. We found that levels of DNA damage, as indexed by the extent of DNA migration, were increased in barn swallows living in areas surrounding Chernobyl when compared to swallows sampled at low-level sites. The results we obtained are consistent with previous findings on this same species, which showed that swallows breeding in areas heavily contaminated with radionuclides have increased mutation rates, higher oxidative stress and incidence of morphological aberrations and tumors. Overall, these results indicate that chronic exposure to radioactive contaminants, even 20 years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, continues to induce DNA damage in cells of free-living animals.  相似文献   

We investigated the motility and morphology of live sperm from barn swallows Hirundo rustica breeding in radioactively contaminated areas around Chernobyl and control areas in Ukraine in order to test the hypothesis that swimming behaviour and morphology of sperm was impaired by radioactive contamination. We obtained sperm samples from 98% of sampled birds, thus avoiding sampling bias due to the fraction of males not producing sperm samples. Analyses of within- and between-sample repeatability revealed significant and intermediate to large estimates for all sperm parameters. There were significant differences between the Chernobyl area and the control area for two of 11 sperm behaviour parameters, and significant interactions between area and year for six of these parameters. The proportion of sperm with abnormal morphology was elevated in barn swallows from Chernobyl. A principal component (PC) analysis revealed four significant axes that explained 88% of the variance in sperm behaviour parameters. One of these principal components differed between areas, and three components showed significant year by area interactions. PC2 representing the frequency of slow sperm increased with increasing radiation in one year, but not another. PC3 representing sperm with high linearity, small amplitude of lateral head displacement and low track velocity decreased with increasing background radiation level. PC4 reflecting a large proportion of static sperm with high beat cross frequency increased with increasing background radiation level. Sperm behaviour as reflected by principal components was predictable among years from information on level of radiation, and it was predictable among sites in different years. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that sperm behaviour and morphology have been affected by radiation due to the Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents should adjust investment in sons and daughters according to relative fitness of differently sexed offspring. In species with female preference for highly ornamented males, one advantage potentially accruing to parents from investing more in sons of the most ornamented males is that male offspring will inherit characters ensuring sexual attractiveness or high-quality genes, if ornaments honestly reveal male genetic quality. Furthermore, in species where extra-pair fertilizations occur, offspring sired by an extra-pair male are expected to more frequently be male than those of the legitimate male if the latter is of lower quality than the extra-pair male. We investigated adjustment of sex ratio of offspring in relation to ornamentation of the extra-pair and the social mate of females by direct manipulation of tails of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica . Molecular sexing of the offspring was performed using the W chromosome-linked avian chromo-helicase-DNA-binding protein (CHD) gene while paternity assessment was conducted by typing of hypervariable microsatellite loci. Extra-pair offspring sex ratio was not affected by ornamentation of their biological fathers relative to the experimental ornamentation of the parental male. Experimental ornamentation of the parental males did not affect the sex ratio of nestlings in their broods. Female barn swallows might be unable to bias offspring sex ratio at hatching according to the quality of the biological father. Alternatively, fitness benefits in terms of sexual attractiveness of sons might be balanced by the cost of compensating for little parental care provided by highly ornamented parental males, if sons are more costly to rear than daughters, or the advantage of producing more daughters, if males with large ornaments contribute differentially more to the viability of daughters than sons.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflicts of interest between family members areexpected to influence patterns of parental investment. In altricialbirds, despite providing the same kind of parental care, patternsof investment in different offspring can differ between parents,a situation termed parentally biased favoritism. Previous explanationsfor parentally biased favoritism have received mixed theoreticaland empirical support. Here, we test the prediction that inblue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, females bias their food allocationrules to favor the smallest offspring during the nestling stage.By doing so, females could increase the subsequent amount ofpaternal care supplied by their partner during the fledgingperiod, as a previous study showed that males feed the largestfledglings. When size differences within the brood are lesspronounced, all offspring will require similar amounts of postfledgingcare, and thus, the male parent will lose the advantage of caringfor the largest offspring that are closest to independence.In this study, we controlled the hunger of the smallest andlargest nestlings in the brood and compared the food allocationrules of the 2 parents. We found that the male parent had astronger preference than the female to feed the closest nestlingsand made no distinction between nestlings based on size, whereasthe female provisioned small hungry nestlings more when theywere at intermediate distances from her. These differences inparental food allocation rules are consistent with predictionsbased on sexual conflict over postfledging parental investment.  相似文献   

A fundamental premise of life-history theory is that organisms that increase current reproductive investment suffer increased mortality. Possibly the most studied life-history phenotypic relationship is the trade-off between parental effort and survival. However, evidence supporting this trade-off is equivocal. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to test the generality of this tenet. Using experimental studies that manipulated parental effort in birds, we show that (i) the effect of parental effort on survival was similar across species regardless of phylogeny; (ii) individuals that experienced reduced parental effort had similar survival probabilities than control individuals, regardless of sex; and (iii) males that experienced increased parental effort were less likely to survive than control males, whereas females that experienced increased effort were just as likely to survive as control females. Our results suggest that the trade-off between parental effort and survival is more complex than previously assumed. Finally, our study provides recommendations of unexplored avenues of future research into life-history trade-offs.  相似文献   

Sexual selection results in the evolution of exaggerated secondary sexual characters that can entail a viability cost. However, in species where sexual ornaments honestly reflect individual quality, the viability cost of secondary sexual characters may be overwhelmed by variation in individual quality, leading to expect that individuals with the largest secondary sexual characters show higher, rather than lower viability. Here, we used meta‐analyses to test whether such expected positive relationship between sexual ornamentation and viability exists in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, which is one of the most studied model species of sexual selection under field conditions. We found a mean positive effect size of viability in relation to the expression of secondary sexual characters of 0.181 (CI: 0.084–0.278), indicating that in this species the more ornamented individuals are more viable, and therefore of high quality. Analyses of moderator variables showed similar effects in males and females, the H. r. rustica subspecies rather than others and tail length rather than other secondary sexual characters. Future research emphasis on other subspecies than the European one and secondary sexual characters than tail length may help identify the sources of heterogeneity in effect sizes.  相似文献   

1. In a thermally stratified water column with a deep‐water algal maximum, Daphnia face a trade‐off between food (high fecundity) and temperature (fast development). Recent studies showed that Daphnia populations move up and down the entire water column to take advantage of both, but the proportion of time allocated by individuals to the epilimnion, metalimnion and hypolimnion with their specific food and temperature conditions is not yet known. 2. In a system of 1 m deep, vertical perspex tubes, I established three temperature gradients with 2, 5 and 10 °C differences between the surface (epilimnion) and the bottom layer (hypolimnion). Algae were added to the hypolimnion to simulate a deep‐water algal maximum. 3. The migration behaviour of individual neonate and egg‐bearing Daphnia hyalina × galeata was monitored in order to measure the proportions of time the individuals allocated to the different vertical habitats and to assess the frequency of their shifts between epilimnion and hypolimnion. 4. Neonates stayed continuously at the surface, taking advantage of the higher temperature, possibly because feeding was less important for them because of egg yolk reserves. In contrast, egg‐bearing females spent more time feeding in the hypolimnion when the temperature gradient was weak, but also migrated into the epilimnion to take advantage of the higher temperature. In the steepest temperature gradient, the egg‐bearing females either shifted between epilimnion and hypolimnion, or dwelled constantly in the metalimnion with intermediate conditions.  相似文献   

Sexual selection arises from competition among individuals for access to mates, resulting in the evolution of conspicuous sexually selected traits, especially when inter‐sexual competition is mediated by mate choice. Different sexual selection regimes may occur among populations/subspecies within the same species. This is particularly the case when mate choice is based on multiple sexually selected traits. However, empirical evidence supporting this hypothesis at the among‐populations level is scarce. We conducted a meta‐analysis of the intensity of sexual selection on the largest database to date for a single species, the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), relying on quantitative estimates of sexual selection. The intensity of sexual selection was expressed as the strength (effect size) of the relationships between six plumage ornaments (tail length, tail asymmetry, size of white spots on tail, ventral plumage colour, throat plumage colour and throat patch size) and several fitness proxies related to reproduction, parental care, offspring quality, arrival date from spring migration, and survival. The data were gathered for four geographically separated subspecies (H. r. rustica, H. r. erythrogaster, H. r. gutturalis, H. r. transitiva). The overall mean effect size (Zr = 0.214; 95% confidence interval = 0.175–0.254; N = 329) was of intermediate magnitude, with intensity of sexual selection being stronger in males than in females. Effect sizes varied during the breeding cycle, being larger before egg deposition, when competition for access to mates reaches its maximum (i.e. in the promiscuous part of the breeding cycle), and decreasing thereafter. In addition, effect sizes from experiments were not significantly larger than those from correlative studies. Finally, sexual selection on different sexually dimorphic traits varied among subspecies. This last result suggests that morphological divergence among populations has partly arisen from divergent sexual selection, which may eventually lead to speciation.  相似文献   

Androgen hormones have been shown to facilitate competitive ability in courtship and territorial behavior, while suppressing paternal behavior. The rock-pool blenny, Parablennius parvicornis, provides an excellent model to study the proximate regulation of such a trade-off between territorial and parental behavior, because nest-holder males of this species display these behaviors simultaneously. A field study was carried out in which territorial nest holder males were either treated with long-lasting implants filled with 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) or with control implants. Males treated with 11-KT showed a higher frequency of aggressive behavior, were more responsive to aggressive challenges, and were more persistent in aggressive behavior than control males. In addition, territories were larger in males treated with 11-KT than in controls. We found evidence for incompatibility between defense of a large territory and high levels of parental behavior. However, contrary to expectation, 11-KT did not suppress parental behavior. We suggest that trade-offs between territorial and parental behavior may not be regulated by androgen hormones but may result from a time constraint in the individual's activity budget.  相似文献   

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