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Abstract. 1. Discrete patches of aphids were artificially created in winter wheat fields in 1982 and in 1983 using field cages.
2. Aggregation by polyphagous predators at these patches following cage removal was measured using pitfall traps in patch and control areas.
3. Several species of polyphagous beetle (Carabidae and Staphylinidae) aggregated in these patches while other species did not.
4. The consequences of aggregation by polyphagous predators to a single prey species are discussed.  相似文献   

Predation activity of different epigeic predators on artificially supplied prey was studied in a cereal field during several 24 h periods from spring to early summer 1993. Carabids were the most frequently observed predators. Among themPoecilus cupreus was the most voracious species during day-time, andAgonum muelleri during night-time. Predation rates were highest between 10.00 and 18.00 h and lowest between 02.00 and 10.00 h. Linear regressions showed significantly positive relations between temperature and predation rates, and between predation and activity density of epigeic predators. The latter relation was stronger when only activity density of predators which were observed to consume baits was included. Quadrat sampling and pitfall sampling showed that with the former only a small proportion of bait-consuming predators were caught whereas with the latter method this proportion was high.  相似文献   

The density of the New Zealand flatworm, Artioposthia triangulata, found between 1993 and 1995 on the surface of the soil under various types of debris scattered in four allotments, was 1–2 m?2. The type of debris did not markedly affect the density of the flatworm and the distribution of the flatworm within the allotment studied was significantly clustered. Fluctuation in numbers of specimens under different sets of compost‐filled plastic sacks varied in a similar manner to one another. The flatworm was most abundant in the upper 100 mm of soil and its egg capsules were most numerous between 100 and 200 mm below the surface. The flatworm was as abundant under the soil surface shelters as it was beneath shelters buried below the soil surface.  相似文献   

1 Spiders and carabid beetles are abundant generalist predators that prey upon insect pests of soybean. A field experiment was conducted to determine the impact of spiders and carabids on soybean yield. Prior to planting, three 7 × 7 m plots were fenced in order to reduce spider and carabid immigration. Carabids that emerged within the plots were not removed, but spiders that ballooned into these predator‐reduction plots or that entered by climbing the fence were removed by pitfall trapping and searching the vegetation. Three unmanipulated, unfenced plots served as the control treatment. 2 Densities of spiders on soybean vegetation, and activity‐densities of spiders and carabids determined by pitfall trapping, were c. 75% lower in the spider‐carabid reduction treatment than in control plots. Despite clear differences between treatments in numbers and activity of these major generalist predators, the weight of soybeans harvested did not differ between control and spider‐carabid reduction plots. 3 Paralleling the absence of an effect of predator reduction on soybean yield was the absence of any significant difference between treatments in densities of whiteflies (Aleyrodidae), leafhoppers (Cicadellidae), thrips (Thysanoptera), Lepidoptera larvae and herbivorous Coleoptera. 4 Our experiment provides no evidence that spiders and carabid beetles at ambient densities affect soybean yield. Low populations of pest species or low predation pressure on soybean pests by spiders and carabids at the ambient densities of this experiment could be responsible for this result.  相似文献   

The flatworm Artioposthia triangulata was found, from studies using weighted down plastic sheeting, to move predominantly through the soil rather than over it and to use earthworm burrows. Under compost‐filled plastic sacks the flatworm was most active at night although its numbers were similar to those during the day. The transfer of specimens into an area covered with weighted plastic sheeting had no lasting effect on their numbers. The flatworm was regularly removed over 6 years from under paving stones, sheets of newspaper and cardboard placed on the ground in a garden. The rise and fall of the numbers of the flatworm under this debris suggest a predator‐prey periodicity between the flatworm and earthworms of 3 years.  相似文献   

Movement rates for the surface activity of the New Zealand flatworm Artioposthia triangulata (Dendy) (Tricladida: Terricola) were estimated under semi-field conditions in the Faroe Islands. The distance travelled during 10 consecutive 1-minute periods per individual was measured from mucus trails left behind as the flatworms moved over black plastic sheeting sprayed with fine droplets of water. Adult specimens were found to crawl at rates of up to 28 cm min-1 (almost 17m h-1), whereas juveniles crawled at rates of between 3 and 4cm min-1 (approximately 2m h-1). This study provides the first data concerning the potential for species spread by active migration.  相似文献   

Pitfall traps were used to monitor predatory arthropod numbers along two types of field boundary, a post and wire fence line and a Cupressus macrocarpa hedge, along the same paddock margin in Canterbury, New Zealand, over 24 months. The seven most abundant predator groups recorded were: Araneae > Phalangiidae > Staphylinidae > Coccinellidae > Chilopoda > Hemerobiidae > Carabidae. Araneae, Phalangiidae, Staphylinidae, Chilopoda and Hemerobiidae were found in larger numbers at the wire fence than at the hedge site, whereas the numbers of Carabidae and Coccinellidae adults exhibited no field margin preference. However, more species of Araneae and Staphylinidae were caught at the hedge site, whereas species richness of carabid beetles was greatest at the wire fence. Principal component analysis clearly separated the samples collected from the two habitats based on the assemblages of Araneae, Staphylinidae and Carabidae, and certain species in each of these taxonomic groups appeared to be particularly associated with one boundary type or the other. All the main taxonomic groups exhibited clear seasonal patterns, with distinct peaks in abundance occurring at certain times of the year. The results of the study reinforce the idea that management of field boundaries can be used to manipulate the type and abundance of particular groups of predatory arthropods, and that seasonal patterns should be taken into account in schemes of integrated pest management so that any adverse effects of biocide application on these beneficial species may be minimised.  相似文献   

In many European countries agri-environment funding can improve ecosystem services, including the adoption of conservation biocontrol, through the creation of habitats that encourage beneficial arthropods. Predatory beetles are amongst the most numerous and diverse arthropods present in arable fields. The primary ecosystem services provided by predatory beetles are in biological control and food chain maintenance as they are a key resource for many higher organisms. However, to be effective biological control agents, able to respond quickly to wherever a pest infestation occurs, then they must be sufficiently abundant and widely distributed. Conservation biocontrol utilising predatory beetles has focussed on the impact of species that overwinter in adjacent field boundaries, although those overwintering within fields are often more abundant. If the abundance and distribution of predatory beetles is to be maximised then further knowledge of their spatial dynamics is required to ensure habitats are arranged appropriately. The spatio-temporal dynamics of boundary and field overwintering species was measured across 64 ha encompassing six fields and for three consecutive years using a grid of 973 pitfall traps. Boundary species were more numerous in spring (May and June) whereas more field species were captured in July. The species composition was comprised of relatively few taxa. Boundary species occurred in small patches that were distributed across the fields in spring, but were only found close to the margins in July. Patches persisted in some locations over two years. Field species occurred in larger patches, spread across particular fields and these were stable within years and to some extent between years. Game-cover strips were attractive to boundary species in the spring and summer and did not effect predator distribution in the adjacent crop. Handling Editor: Eric Lucas.  相似文献   


Seasonal activity and life histories of two large endemic carabid beetles, Mecodema oconnori Broun and Megadromus capito (White), were investigated in two lowland forest remnants in the Horowhenua region, North Island, New Zealand. Seasonal activity was estimated from manual searches of surface refuges, plus pitfall trapping from October to March. Adults of both species were present throughout the year, although M. oconnori was much more abundant in spring. Megadromus capito larvae were caught from October to March, and the three instars overlapped temporally, implying a long period of larval emergence and development. Adult females were dissected to investigate their reproductive phenology. Both species carried eggs for at least 6 months of the year. M. oconnori females contained very few eggs, with a maximum of three eggs each and a mean of 1.6 eggs per female. Mg. capito females had up to 28 eggs each and a mean of 10.5. Both species appear to have low egg loads, a relatively long period of reproductive activity and long life spans, but longer‐term studies on the pre‐adult stages and reproductive activity of adults are required to complete understanding of their life cycles.  相似文献   

  1. Ecological networks are valuable for ecosystem analysis but their use is often limited by a lack of data because many types of ecological interaction, for example, predation, are short‐lived and difficult to observe or detect. While there are different methods for inferring the presence of interactions, they have rarely been used to predict the interaction strengths that are required to construct weighted, or quantitative, ecological networks.
  2. Here, we develop a trait‐based approach suitable for inferring weighted networks, that is, with varying interaction strengths. We developed the method for seed‐feeding carabid ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) although the principles can be applied to other species and types of interaction.
  3. Using existing literature data from experimental seed‐feeding trials, we predicted a per‐individual interaction cost index based on carabid and seed size. This was scaled up to the population level to create inferred weighted networks using the abundance of carabids and seeds from empirical samples and energetic intake rates of carabids from the literature. From these weighted networks, we also derived a novel measure of expected predation pressure per seed type per network.
  4. This method was applied to existing ecological survey data from 255 arable fields with carabid data from pitfall traps and plant seeds from seed rain traps. Analysis of these inferred networks led to testable hypotheses about how network structure and predation pressure varied among fields.
  5. Inferred networks are valuable because (a) they provide null models for the structuring of food webs to test against empirical species interaction data, for example, DNA analysis of carabid gut regurgitates and (b) they allow weighted networks to be constructed whenever we can estimate interactions between species and have ecological census data available. This permits ecological network analysis even at times and in places when interactions were not directly assessed.

Generalist predators have the capacity to exert significant pressure on prey populations. However, integrating them into biological control programs relies on a detailed understanding of their foraging behavior and the levels of trophic connectedness with pest species. Carabid beetles are important predators of slugs, pests of agricultural, floricultural and horticultural crops worldwide, but these interactions have been rarely studied outside the Western Palearctic ecozone. Diagnostic molecular gut-content analysis was used to examine the strength of trophic pathways between a community of carabid beetles and two slug species, the exotic Deroceras reticulatum and native Deroceras laeve, in strawberry agroecosystems. Strawberries were grown according to standard horticultural practices for central Kentucky, following traditional bare ground planting or with the addition of detrital subsidies, to quantify the impact of habitat management on the abundance of pests and the strength of these trophic pathways. Following laboratory characterization of species-specific molecular markers targeting both Deroceras species, carabid beetles collected from a strawberry agroecosystem were screened for slug DNA. Field collections revealed important food web pathways existed between Harpalus pensylvanicus and D. reticulatum, with 7.2% screening positive for these prey yet none screening positive for D. laeve. In contrast, Chlaenius tricolor was found to feed on both slug species in the field, with 16% screening positive for both Deroceras. Despite below normal rainfall limiting slug densities in the field, the results presented here reveal the potential importance of carabid beetles in slug population dynamics in the Nearctic.  相似文献   

1. Predator and alternative food density are important factors influencing herbivore suppression by generalist predators. Herbivore suppression can be reduced if predators forage preferentially on alternative foods. Cannibalism can increase at high predator densities, further reducing herbivore suppression. However, complex interactions are possible, as alternative food can increase predator abundance and survival restoring top‐down effects on herbivores. 2. In two species of carabid larvae (Poecilus chalcites and Anisodactylus ovularis), we studied how alternative foods (fly pupae and grass seeds) and predator density affect predation of black cutworm larvae and how alternative foods affect cannibalism among carabid larvae. 3. Adding alternative food to microcosms generally reduced total predation of cutworms. However, the strength of this effect was dependent on carabid species, larval density, and food type. 4. Increasing larval density from one to three per microcosm reduced per‐capita predation by both species irrespective of alternative food treatment. 5. Alternative food reduced cannibalism in both carabid species and increased survival of carabid larvae in field plots, such that twice as many were captured in plots subsidised with pupae than plots with no alternative food. 6. These results provide new insight into the complex interactions that influence predator survival and herbivore suppression in resource diverse habitats by demonstrating the primacy of intraguild interactions among carabid larvae.  相似文献   

A review of the status of the New Zealand flatworm in the UK   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The indigenous terrestrial planarian fauna (three species) of the UK is outnumbered by introduced exotics, of which there are at least nine species. The New Zealand flatworm, Arthurdendyus triangularis, is one of the most widespread and apparent of these non-indigenous earthworm predators, particularly in Northern Ireland and central Scotland. Despite its having been in the UK for at least 35 yr, our knowledge of the biology and ecology of this species remains somewhat limited. In Scotland, A. triangularis occurs predominantly in botanical and domestic gardens, and is not generally considered to be a problem on agricultural land. The situation in Northern Ireland is different; although predominantly found in domestic gardens, it appears to have colonised grass leys many localities although the impact on earthworm populations remains ambiguous. In England, records are increasing, predominantly from northern regions. Studies have indicated that earthworm species vary in terms of their vulnerability to predation by A. triangularis; surface-active and anecic species are considered to be most at risk. However, A. triangulatus and earthworm populations are known to coexist, apparently in a state of dynamic equilibrium, in a number of localities. Naturally-occurring planarian populations are often severely constrained by food supply, but individuals survive lengthy periods of starvation. Such behaviour may preclude the natural recolonisation of habitats by prey species. Very much higher rates of population growth can be achieved where food is not limited, and where favourable conditions result from horticultural practices. The mobility of the prey species may determine the dispersal strategy of the flatworm predator, and a propensity not to move away from centres of prey density might account for the relatively low rate of colonisation of agricultural land by A. triangulatus. Additionally, reliance on protected refuges, may explain the present, somewhat limited distribution in the UK, particularly in southern England. It is difficult to estimate the potential distribution of A. triangulatus, because of the lack of fundamental knowledge of its ecoclimatic requirements. A better understanding is needed of the precise habitat requirements (and constraints) of A. triangulatus, particularly where this species appears to have adapted to rural conditions.  相似文献   

Twenty-one carabid species were used in a laboratory study to determine the effect of beetle size and temperature on the predation of one day old Deroceras reticulatum (Muller) slugs. The beetles were caught in arable land at the study site. None of the five small-sized beetle species killed slugs, whereas five of the seven medium-sized beetle species and eight of the nine large-sized beetle species killed slugs. Four of the most abundant beetle species at the study site were used to assess the effect of temperature on the predation of 1-day-old slugs. There were significant differences in the proportion of beetles predating slugs at the different temperatures. Regression analysis showed that there was a significant increase in the proportion of Pterostichus madidus (Fabricius) and Harpalus rufipes (Degeer) beetles predating slugs as temperature increased. Nebria brevicollis (Fabricius) inflicted its highest level of slug mortality at 8°C and its larvae were the only predators to significantly increase slug mortality at 4°C, the lowest experimental temperature. Harpalus aeneus (Fabricius) inflicted significant levels of slug mortality at 20°C, the highest experimental temperature. It appeared that the predatory activity of these beetle species at the five experimental temperatures reflected their annual activity periods in the field.  相似文献   

Mossakowski D  Dormann W 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):273-286
The evaluation of ecological field data can be done by an increasing number of quantitative methods. The application of these methods often is often blind against two kinds of problems: (i) the data often do not meet the requirements of a method, e.g., as an ultra-metric structure of the data in the case of hierarchical cluster analysis. In such cases, the result will be misleading because the presentation of results is ultra-metric independent on the structure of the data. (ii) Most of the animals are able to move actively or may drift passively by wind, etc. Therefore, species occurring by accident like vagrants have to be eliminated from the assemblage of animals at a particular site before a quantitative method is applied. In addition, the result of a quantitative analysis has to be checked for its ecological plausibility. This is a qualitative step, which can only be done by taking into account the known data on biology and ecology of the species.Some pitfalls of an exclusive application of quantitative methods will be demonstrated in this paper using a data set of salt marsh Carabidae.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2004,29(1):5-13
This paper describes field and laboratory time-lapse video analyses of the behavioral responses of the groups: Arachnida: Acari, Araneae, and Opiliones; Myriapoda: Chilopoda; Hymenoptera: Formicidae; Crustacea: Isopoda; and Coleoptera: Staphylinidae to live eggs of the brown blowfly, Calliphora stygia F. (Diptera: Calliphoridae), used as factitious prey in two contrasting agricultural field margins and in the laboratory. Field video results showed that predation by mites was greatest in tree-lined boundaries while centipede numbers and activity were greater in post-and-wire boundaries. All except Staphylinidae showed clear diurnal patterns of activity and egg predation rate over the 12 h recording period. Based on the number of eggs removed, number of eggs examined, predator numbers, and predator activity, three indices were formulated that allowed predator groups to be ranked according to their effectiveness as predators. Commensal interactions between the mites and harvestmen, mediated via mite-pierced eggs, were suggested from field data and confirmed in the laboratory. Phalangium opilio preferred to feed on both manually and mite-pierced compared with untreated eggs, but showed a stronger preference for manually pierced ones than mite-pierced, consuming six times as many over the same period. This is the first demonstration of a commensal interaction between two agroecosystem predators. If commensalism is common in agroecosystems it could increase the effectiveness of biological control. It may also need to be incorporated within theoretical models and may complicate the extrapolation of laboratory-based feeding studies to field situations.  相似文献   

土壤动物群落空间异质性及其与环境因子的空间作用关系, 是揭示土壤生态系统格局与过程及生物多样性维持机制的重要基础。作者于2015年生长季节(8月)、寒冷季节(10月)在丰林典型阔叶红松林动态监测样地内, 采用陷阱法调查地表鞘翅目成虫群落, 基于地统计空间分析方法, 揭示步甲科和隐翅虫科群落个体数和物种数及优势种的空间格局, 并分析这些空间格局与土壤含水量和地形因子的空间关联性。两次采样共捕获步甲科成虫26种617只, 隐翅虫科19种222只。8月群落个体数和物种数表现为中等变异, 10月为强变异, 群落组成在两个月间具有显著差异。生长季节(8月)和寒冷季节(10月)步甲科和隐翅虫科群落多表现为中等的空间自相关性, 空间分异由随机性因素和结构性因素共同决定。单个物种的个体数多具有中等的空间异质性特征, 且其空间分异主要由随机性因素和结构性因素共同调控。生长季节群落的个体数、物种数和优势种个体数多形成斑块和孔隙镶嵌分布的空间格局。物种之间及物种与环境因子之间多为复杂的空间关联性, 这些关联性主要受到结构性因素或随机性因素的单一调控。典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis, CCA)结果表明, 8月土壤含水量对步甲科和隐翅虫科物种分布影响显著, 10月凹凸度对步甲科分布影响显著, 海拔对隐翅虫科分布具有显著影响。本研究表明地表步甲科和隐翅虫科在生长季节形成明显的空间格局而在寒冷季节空间格局不明显, 为不同尺度地表土壤动物空间异质性和生物多样性维持机制研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   


Pelodiaetodes n.gen. (type-species P. prominens n.sp.) and Hygranillus n.gen. (type-species H. kuscheli n.sp.) are described, and the following new synonymies are established: Nesamblyops oreobius (Broun, 1893) = N. coriaceus (Broun, 1908); Zeanillus pallidus (Broun, 1884) = Z. marginatus (Broun, 1914). Nine species of New Zealand Anillini are now recognised; they are distributed between five genera.  相似文献   

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