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Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are members of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily which, along with retinoic acid receptors (RARs), mediate the biological effects of retinoids. These effects include the regulation of many aspects of embryonic development, reproductive and visual function, and the maintenance of epithelial homeostasis throughout life. The genes for three distinct retinoid X receptors, RXRalpha, beta, and gamma, have been localized to separate chromosomes. In order to determine the organization of the human RXRalpha gene, we have isolated a clone containing the majority of the gene from a human genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library and generated a physical map. The gene spans over 40 kilobases in size and contains at least 10 exons. Comparison with mapped portions of the mouse RXRalpha gene indicates highly conserved intron-exon positioning. These results provide information necessary to generate constructs for targeting the RXRalpha gene in human cell lines, which may eventually lead to an understanding of the function of RXRalpha in human cancer.  相似文献   

Type X collagen, a homotrimer of alpha 1 (X) polypeptide chains, is specifically expressed by hypertrophic chondrocytes in regions of cartilage undergoing endochondral ossification. We have previously described the isolation of a small fragment of the human type X collagen gene (COL10A1) and its localization to the q21-q22 region of human chromosome 6 [Apte, S., Mattei, M.-G. & Olsen, B. R. (1991) FEBS Lett. 282, 393-396]. Using this fragment as a probe to screen genomic libraries, we report here the isolation of human and mouse genomic clones which contain the major part of the human and mouse type X collagen genes. In both species, the 14-kb genomic clones which were isolated contain a long open reading frame (greater than 2000 bp in length) which codes for the entire C-terminal non-collagenous (NC1) domain, the entire collagenous (COL) domain and part of the N-terminal non-collagenous (NC2) domain of the alpha 1(X) collagen chain. The human genomic clone contains the major part of the COL10A1 gene, in addition to the region we have previously cloned, and is highly similar to the corresponding portions of the mouse genomic clone (84.5% similarity at the nucleotide level, and 86.1% at the level of the conceptual translation product). The identification of the mouse genomic clone as the alpha 1(X) collagen gene (Col10a1) was confirmed by in situ hybridization of a fragment of the mouse genomic clone to sections from newborn mice. Hybridization was restricted to the hypertrophic chondrocytes of developing chondroepiphyses, being absent in small chondrocytes and in other tissues. Using interspecific backcross analysis, the locus for the mouse alpha 1 (X) collagen gene was assigned to chromosome 10. The cloning and chromosomal mapping of the human and mouse alpha 1 (X) collagen genes now permit the investigation of the possible role of type X collagen gene defects in the genesis of chondrodysplasias in both species and provide data essential for the generation of transgenic mice deficient in type X collagen.  相似文献   

Chromosomal mapping of the tankyrase gene in human and mouse   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Zhu L  Smith S  de Lange T  Seldin MF 《Genomics》1999,57(2):320-321

Genetic and physical mapping of the biglycan gene on the mouse X Chromosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A human cDNA for biglycan (BGN) has recently been mapped to proximal Xq28. We have mapped the murine locus, Bgn, approximately 50 kb distal to DXPas8, using a combination of genetic mapping in an interspecific backcross of B6CBA-A w-J/A-Bpa x Mus spretus and physical mapping using pulsed field gel electrophoresis and analysis of murine yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing both DXPas8 and Bgn. Our mapping studies also appear to exclude Bgn as a candidate gene for the bare patches (Bpa) mutation and for the homologous human disorder X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia punctata (CDPX2).  相似文献   

Myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is expressed specifically in the central nervous system (CNS) by myelinating glial cells, the oligodendrocytes. The external location of MOG on myelin sheaths and its late expression during myelinogenesis argue for a role of MOG in the completion of myelin and maintenance of its integrity. MOG is a target autoantigen in demyelinating diseases, such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in animals and multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans. We previously located the gene encoding MOG to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), both in human, by cytogenetics, and in mouse, by analysis of recombinants. To refine the position, we have now selected yeast artificial chromosome clones (YAC) which contain the MOG gene. Physical mapping of the human MOG and the mouse Mog genes by characterization of these YAC clones indicated that the gene is located at the distal end of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ib region in both species. The human MOG gene lies 60 kilobases (kb) telomeric to HLA-F in a head-to-head orientation; the mouse Mog gene lies 25 (kb) telomeric to H2-M5 in a tail-to-head orientation. These orthologous genes provide markers for comparative analysis of the evolution of the MHC in the two species. The physical mapping of MOG should facilitate analysis of its role in hereditary neurological diseases, and the YAC clones identified here will permit the identification of new genes in the region.  相似文献   

Physical mapping studies on the human X chromosome in the region Xq27-Xqter   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
We have characterized three terminal deletions of the long arm of the X chromosome. Southern analysis using Xq27/q28 probes suggests that two of the deletions have breakpoints near the fragile site at Xq27.3. Flow karyotype analysis provides an estimate of 12 X 10(6) bp for the size of the deleted region. We have not detected the deletion breakpoints by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using the closet DNA probes, proximal to the fragile site. The physical distance between the breakpoints and the probes may therefore be several hundred kilobases. The use of the deletion patients has allowed a preliminary physical map of Xq27/28 to be constructed. Our data suggest that the closest probes to the fragile site on the proximal side are 4D-8 (DXS98), cX55.7 (DXS105), and cX33.2 (DXS152). PFGE studies provide evidence for the physical linkage of 4D-8, cX55.7, and cX33.2. We have also found evidence for the physical linkage of F8C, G6PD, and 767 (DXS115), distal to the fragile site.  相似文献   

Multilocus molecular mapping of the mouse X chromosome   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and enzymatic variants between distantly related mouse species, we have assigned three genes to the mouse X chromosome and concurrently mapped a total of eight genes spanning an estimated 50 cM of the chromosome. Segregation of RFLPs in over 200 male progeny from interspecies backcrosses between the inbred strain C57BL/6JRos and either wild-derived Mus musculus or Mus spretus was followed for the murine genes Timp (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases), Cf-8 (coagulation factor VIII), and Rsvp (red-sensitive visual pigment) and the known X-linked markers Otc, Hprt, Cf-9, G6pd, and Ags. From the centromere, the gene order was defined as Otc, Timp, Hprt, Cf-9, (Cf-8/Rsvp/G6pd), Ags, by minimizing the number of multiple recombinational events. No significant differences in map order or frequency of recombination were observed between the two backcross series studied. The use of Southern analysis has allowed us to add new genes to the map in a cumulative manner, and as probes become available, additional markers can be mapped, using the same set of mice, by utilizing existing blots or resampling the DNAs. The use of probes for functional genes has allowed us to directly compare the X chromosomes of mouse and man and has provided insight into chromosomal rearrangements which have occurred during the evolutionary divergence of these species, as well as to define the extent of linkage homologies.  相似文献   

Murine X-linked genes corresponding to the human Fragile X (FMR1) and Hunter syndrome (IDS) loci have been mapped in an interspecific backcross between B6CBA-Aw-J/A-Bpa and Mus spretus using human cDNA clones. Pedigree analysis of recombinants from a total of 248 backcross progeny favors a gene order of (Cf-9, Mcf-2)-(Fmr-1)-Ids-Gabra3-Rsvp. Gene order is conserved between the species, although no fragile site has been detected in the mouse in this region of the murine X chromosome.  相似文献   

A cluster of genes encoding the three cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrase isozymes CAI, CAII, and CAIII lie on the long arm of chromosome 8 (8q22) in humans. These genes have been mapped using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The genes lie in the order CA2, CA3, CA1. CA2 and CA3 are separated by 20 kb and are transcribed in the same direction, away from CA1. CA1 is separated from CA3 by over 80 kb and is transcribed in the direction opposite to CA2 and CA3. The arrangement of the genes is consistent with proposals that the duplication event which gave rise to CA1 predated the duplication which gave rise to CA2 and CA3. The order of these three genes differs from that suggested for the mouse based on recombination frequency.  相似文献   

Amplification of an ancestral lysozyme gene in artiodactyls is associated with the evolution of foregut fermetation in the ruminant lineage and has resulted in about ten lysozyme genes in true ruminants. Hybridization of a cow stomach lysozyme 2 cDNA clone to restricted DNAs of a panel of cowxhamster hybrid cell lines revealed that all but one of the multiple bovine-specific bands segregate concordantly with the marker for bovine syntenic group U3 [Chromosome (Chr) 5]. The anomalous band was subsequently mapped to bovine syntenic group U22 (Chr 7) with a second panel of hybrids representing all 31 bovine syntenic groups. By two-dimensional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis the lysozyme genes on cattle Chr 5 were shown to be clustered on a 2- to 3-Mb DNA fragment, while the lactalbumin gene and pseudogenes that are paralogous and syntenic with the lysozymes were outside the lysozyme gene cluster. Chromosomal fluorescence in situ hybridization of a cocktail of lysozyme genomic clones localized the lysozyme gene cluster to cattle Chr 5 band 23, corroborating the somatic cell assignment.  相似文献   

The most common genetic cause of mental retardation after Down's syndrome, the fragile X syndrome, is associated with the occurrence of a fragile site at Xq27.3. This X-linked disease is intriguing because transmission can occur through phenotypically normal males. Theories to explain this unusual phenomenon include genomic rearrangements and methylation changes associated with a local block of reactivation of the X chromosome. Using microdissected markers close to the fragile site, we have been able to test these hypotheses. We present evidence for the association of methylation with the expression of the disease. However, there is no simple relationship between the degree of methylation and either the level of expression of the fragile site or the severity of the clinical phenotype.  相似文献   

We identified two thyroid hormone response elements (TREs) in the 2.5-kb, 5'-flanking region of the human gene encoding type 1 iodothyronine deiodinase (hdio1), an enzyme which catalyses the activation of thyroxine to 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3). Both TREs contribute equally to T3 induction of the homologous promoter in transient expression assays. The proximal TRE (TRE1), which is located at bp -100, has an unusual structure, a direct repeat of the octamer YYRGGTCA hexamer that is spaced by 10 bp. The pyrimidines in the -2 position relative to the core hexamer are both essential to function. In vitro binding studies of TRE1 showed no heterodimer formation with retinoid X receptor (RXR) beta or JEG nuclear extracts (containing RXR alpha) and bacterially expressed chicken T3 receptor alpha 1 (TR alpha) can occupy both half-sites although the 3' half-site is dominant. T3 causes dissociation of TR alpha from the 5' half-site but increases binding to the 3' half-site. Binding of a second TR to TRE1 is minimally cooperative; however, no cooperativity was noted for a functional mutant in which the half-sites are separated by 15 bp, implying that TRs bind as independent monomers. Nonetheless, T3 still causes TR dissociation from the DR+15, indicating that dissociation occurs independently of TR-TR contact and that rebinding of a T3-TR complex to the 3' half-site occurs because of its slightly higher affinity. A distal TRE (TRE2) is found at bp -700 and is a direct repeat of a PuGGTCA hexamer spaced by 4 bp. It has typical TR homodimer and TR-RXR heterodimer binding properties. The TRE1 of hdio1 is the first example of a naturally occurring TRE consisting of two relatively independent octamer sequences which do not require the RXR family of proteins for function.  相似文献   

The enzyme steroid 5 alpha-reductase catalyzes the conversion of testosterone into the more powerful androgen, dihydrotestosterone. We previously described the cloning of rat and human cDNAs that encode steroid 5 alpha-reductase and their expression in oocytes and cultured cells. Here, we report the isolation, characterization, and chromosomal mapping of two human steroid 5 alpha-reductase genes. One gene (symbol SRD5A1) is functional, contains five exons separated by four introns, and maps to the distal short arm of chromosome 5. Two informative restriction fragment length polymorphisms are present in exons 1 and 2 of this gene. A second gene (symbol SRD5AP1) has all of the hallmarks of a processed pseudogene and was mapped to the q24-qter region of the X chromosome. In the mouse, a single steroid 5 alpha-reductase gene (Srd5 alpha-1) is linked to Xmv-13 on chromosome 13.  相似文献   

The four loci Gabra3, DXPas8, CamL1, and Bpa, located near the murine X-linked visual pigment gene (Rsvp), have been ordered using 248 backcross progeny from an interspecific mating of (B6CBA-Aw-J/A-Bpa) and Mus spretus. One hundred twenty backcross progeny have been analyzed at seven anchor loci spanning the X chromosome and form a regional mapping panel. An additional 128 progeny have been screened for recombination events between Cf-9 and Dmd. Eighteen recombinants between these loci have been detected in the 248 animals; all of the recombinants were screened at the other anchor loci to identify any double crossovers. Pedigree analysis using these recombinants strongly favors a gene order of (Cf-9)-Gabra3-(DXPas8, Bpa)-CamL1-(Rsvp, P3, Cf-8)-Dmd for the loci studied. Synteny with human Xq27-Xq28 is retained, although the relative order of some loci may differ between the two species.  相似文献   

Using a panel of human/rodent somatic cell hybrids and human lymphoblast lines segregating 18 different human X-chromosome rearrangements and deletions, we have assigned 60 DNA markers to the physical map of the X chromosome from Xp21.1 to Xq21.3. Data from Southern blot hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification assign these markers to 15 primary map intervals. This provides a basis for further long-range cloning and mapping of the pericentromeric region of the X chromosome.  相似文献   

The recently developed technique for cloning genomic DNA fragments of several hundred kilobases or more into yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) makes it possible to isolate gene families while preserving their structural integrity. We have analyzed five independent yeast clones identified by PCR screening using oligonucleotides derived from the adult human beta-globin gene. Analysis of the five clones containing YACs by conventional and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed that all of the clones include a YAC with sequences from the adult beta-globin gene as expected. One of the clones contains multiple, unstable YACs. Two other clones carry single YACs in which there are at least two unrelated human genomic inserts. The remaining two clones contain single YACs, 150 and 220 kb in size, that contain the entire beta-globin gene family and flanking regions in a single, structurally intact genomic fragment. These should prove useful in future studies of the regulation of expression of genes in the beta-globin gene cluster.  相似文献   

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