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Summary The interrelationship between the diurnal cycle of membrane loss and synthesis of new rhabdom components remains a key element in forming a complete picture of the turnover of photopigment-containing membrane in the crayfish photoreceptor cell. In order to examine this aspect of the turnover process, the diurnal pattern of photopigment synthesis was examined using an in vitro incubation system for incorporation of3H-leucine into photoreceptor protein. The incorporation of3H-leucine into total protein and photopigment specifically was measured in photoreceptors isolated from incubated retinas. The results indicate that for both total protein and photopigment there is no significant variation in the rate of synthesis during the 12-12 light-dark cycle. These data combined with earlier data on diurnal membrane loss from the rhabdom suggest that light-stimulated rhabdom membrane loss is superimposed on a diurnally constant level of synthesis and assembly of new rhabdom constituents.Abbreviations dpm disintegration per minute - LRB lysosome related body - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Six longitudinal ridges span the length of the intestine in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. A simple columnar epithelium with tetralaminar cuticle lines the lumen. Folds of the epithelium overlie a dense irregular connective tissue packed with mixed acinar (alveolar) glands. Mucous secretions are probably involved with formation and lubrication of faecal strings; neither the nature nor the role of the serous secretions is immediately apparent. Aggregations of cells with large cytoplasmic vacuoles, called bladder cells, appear in the subepithelial connective tissue near the tops of the intestinal ridges. The bladder cells are suitably positioned to bolster the integrity of the ridges. Striated muscle of the intestine occurs in inner longitudinal and outer circular layers. The inner longitudinal layer consists of six strips, with one strip associated with the base of each intestinal ridge. The outer circular layer is essentially complete, but there are periodic apertures in this layer on the left and right sides of the intestine, providing nerves and haemolymph vessels with access to the interior of the gut. Based on histological features, and consistent with reports on other crayfish, we conclude that the intestine of P. clarkii has a proctodeal (ectodermal) origin.  相似文献   

Lateral asymmetry is found widely among vertebrates, but is scarcely observed in invertebrates. Here, morphological asymmetry and behavioral laterality of a wild crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, was investigated. The carapace morphology of crayfish showed left–right differences; in some, the right side of the carapace was larger than the left side, while in others, the left side was larger. A bimodal distribution in the direction of escape behaviors induced by a tactile stimulus was also observed. Experimental crayfish were definitively divided into two groups: individuals that frequently jumped leftward (right type) and those that jumped rightward (left type). Moreover, carapace asymmetry and lateralized escape responses were significantly correlated. These results suggest that crayfish exhibit left–right dimorphism in natural populations. The ecological advantages and maintenance mechanisms underlying these behaviors are also discussed.  相似文献   

Porras MG  De Loof A  Breuer M  Aréchiga H 《Peptides》2003,24(10):1581-1589
The undecapeptide corazonin (pGlu-Thr-Phe-Gln-Tyr-Ser-His-Gly-Trp-Thr-AsnNH(2)) elicits a retraction of erythrophore pigment granules and dispersion of leucophore pigment granules in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. The effects are dose-dependent from 10(-10) to 10(-5)M. Influence on erythrophores is lower than that of Red Pigment Concentrating Hormone (RPCH), which is inactive on leucophores. Corazonin effects are partly blocked by an anti-corazonin antibody, and even less by an anti-RPCH antibody. Corazonin effects are completely suppressed by the calcium chelator BAPTA. Immunoreactive somata and fibers were identified in various regions of the eyestalk (medulla terminalis, medulla interna and medulla externa) with the anti-corazonin antibody. These results suggest the possible existence of a corazonin-like peptide in crustaceans.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological features of descending interneurons that responded to the artificial bending of statolith hairs were assessed with intracellular recording and staining techniques. Seven statocyst interneurons were identified on the basis of their structure and response characteristics and designated as interneurons S1 to S7. All seven identified interneurons project to the optic lobe, where the optic nerve also projects, and to the dorsal part of the tritocerebrum, where the eyestalk motoneurons originate. All except interneuron S6 also extend their major branches to other neuropilar regions. S2 projects to the dorsal part of the deutocerebrum, where the statocyst nerve terminates, and S3 to the dorsal part of deutocerebrum and the antennal lobe. Four other interneurons (S1, S4, S5, S7) also extend their branches to the parolfactory lobe to which the statocyst nerve projects as well as to the deutocerebrum and antennal lobe. The extensive dendritic projections of S1–S7 suggest that they are complex multimodal interneurons rather than simple relay interneurons, receiving at least visual and statocyst sensory information. The function of the antennal lobe branches, however, has yet to be determined since the functional role of antennal input in equilibrium control is unknown.  相似文献   

Fresh water crayfish Procambarus clarkii is known to accumulate d-alanine remarkably in muscle after seawater acclimation, accompanied by an increase in alanine racemase activity. We have purified alanine racemase from crayfish muscle to homogeneity. The enzyme is a monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 58 kDa. It is highly specific to alanine and does not racemize l-serine, l-aspartate, l-glutamate, l-valine and l-arginine. The enzyme shows the highest activity at pH 9.0 in the conversion of l- to d-alanine and at pH 8.5 in the reverse conversion. Properties such as amino acid sequence, quaternary structure, pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependency, pH-dependency and kinetic parameters seem to be distinct from those of the microbial alanine racemases. Various salts including NaCl at concentrations around seawater level were potently inhibitory for the activity in both of l- to -d and d- to -l direction.  相似文献   

The intestinal muscles of Procambarus clarkii are striated and yet they are specialized to produce slow peristaltic waves of contraction, not unlike those seen in vertebrate visceral smooth muscle. These muscles cannot be tetanized either by repetitive stimulation or by elevated potassium saline. The excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling mechanism was explored and compared with that known in crustacean skeletal muscle. Contraction is dependent on external Ca2+ which triggers the release of intracellular calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via calcium-induced calcium release (CICR). Whereas contraction force is proportional to [Ca2+]o up to that in normal saline (13.4 mM), higher levels of Ca2+ reduce force. Ryanodine, which blocks calcium release from the SR, abolishes electrically stimulated contractions and CICR. Relaxation is achieved by removal of calcium from the cytosol in at least two ways, first by the re-loading of calcium into the SR by Ca2+-ATPases and second by the movement of calcium out of the cell by extruding it across the sarcolemma via Na+/Ca2+-exchangers. It is hypothesized that the inability of this muscle to show tetanus arises from inactivation of the voltage-gated calcium channels by high calcium. This is supported by the result that caffeine application causes an increase in tonus and size of phasic contractions by circumventing the sarcolemma and dumping SR calcium stores.  相似文献   

  • 1.1.|The high-energy phosphorylation metabolism in crayfish, Procambarus clarkii eggs during brooding and juvenile crayfish after hatching was studied by in vivo31P nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR) spectroscopy.
  • 2.2.|Inorganic phosphoric acid (Pi) and adenosine-5′-triphosphate ATP(γ-,α-,β-) were detected in the dark brownish red eggs after oviposition.
  • 3.3.|In orange unhatched eggs, only sugar phosphate (SP), Pi and resolved phosphometabolite from ATP were observed.
  • 4.4.|Peaks of SP, Pi, arginine phosphate (Arg-P), and ATP (γ,α,β) appeared in larvae of crayfish after hatching (nauplius, zoea and juvenile crayfish).
  • 5.5.|The high-energy phosphorylation metabolism changed to an anaerobic condition along with a decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in fresh water.

1. In the crayfish brain, the responses of local spiking interneurons to body roll simulated by bending of statocyst hairs, were investigated with intracellular recording and staining techniques. The neurons had two separate branching portions in the protocerebrum and the deutocerebrum. They were named as type-I local neurons and further classified into 5 types (ac-U, vplc-U, vplc-B, vupc-U, vupc-B). 2. Vupc-U neurons showed excitatory responses and vplc-U neurons showed inhibitory responses to inward hair deflection of the statocyst ipsilateral to their deutocerebral branches. The other 3 types were of mixed populations of the interneurons showing either excitatory or inhibitory responses to the stimulation. 3. Of 10 type-I local neurons showing excitatory responses to inward hair deflection, 6 interneurons had output effects on oculomotor and/or descending neurons. All these 6 interneurons showed large EPSPs and much higher frequency of spikes to the hair stimulation than those of the other 4. All 8 type-I local neurons that showed inhibitory responses had no output effects. 4. Type-I local neurons controlled two equilibrium responses, compensatory eye movement and righting reflex, either simultaneously or independently.  相似文献   

Swimmeret beating was monitored in freely moving specimens of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii as they exhibited defense turn responses to tactile stimuli. Analysis of videotape records revealed alterations in swimmeret beating during turning responses compared to straight, forward walking. During turns, swimmerets beat with shorter periods and smaller amplitude power strokes than during straight walking. Coordination between swimmerets also changed. Swimmerets on the side toward which the animal turned tended to lag behind their contralateral partners, rather than beat in synchrony as in straight walking, and ipsilateral coordination was loosened relative to straight walking. Asynchronous swimmeret beating accompanied asymmetric motions of the uropods in a manner similar to that observed during statocyst-dependent equilibrium reactions in P. clarkii, but removal of the statoliths did not eliminate turn-associated responses of the swimmerets. The coordinated action of the swimmerets and uropods may contribute to the torque that rotates the animal in the yaw plane. Implications of the observed changes in swimmeret coordination for understanding the underlying neuronal control system are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of neuromuscular terminals of the single excitor axon was examined in the limb stretcher muscle of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. A morphometric comparsion of the neuromuscular terminals of the left and right limbs of a control crayfish showed them to be similiar in qualitative as well as quantitative features. The excitor axon to the stretcher muscle of the right side was stimulated, by backfiring its branches in the adjacent opener muscle, at 20 Hz for 4–5 h per day over 4–5 days. The stretcher muscle on the left side was not stimulated and served as a control. Morphometric analysis of stimulated terminals revealed an increase in the number of dense bars and synaptic vesicles compared to their non-stimulated, contralateral counterparts. Since dense bars are regarded as active sites of transmitter release, changes in their number provide a morphological basis for synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Self-cloning is quite rare in shrimp, lobsters, crayfish and crabs. Here we report the discovery of four natural clones of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), each containing 2-6 genetically identical individuals, during the genotyping of 120 individuals with five microsatellites. The four clones were heterozygote at most of the five microsatellite loci. Phylogenetic analysis using microsatellite genotypes suggests recent origin of the four clones. Sequencing a part of the mitochondrial gene Cox I confirmed that the four clones were from the species Procambarus clarkii.  相似文献   

Adult male crayfish Procambarus clarkii exist in two morphotypes. They continue to molt as adults, switching between Form Is and Form IIs. Form Is are primary reproductive types, with large chelae and spines on the ischiopodites of the third and fourth pair of walking legs. Form IIs are non-reproductive types with smaller chelae and no spines on the ischiopodites. We investigated the hormonal control of these transitions in two ways, by eyestalk ablation and by methyl farnesoate (MF) treatments. Eyestalk ablation accelerates molting and increases MF levels in the blood. MF is a hormone that regulates both reproduction and morphogenesis. MF concentrations were determined in two ways. The hemolymph samples were extracted first, then purified, using normal phase HPLC. The fractions containing MF were collected and analyzed for MF concentration, utilizing both internal and external standards by GC/MS. The other hemolymph samples were analyzed from individual animals by HPLC. The concentrations of ecdysteroids were determined by radioimmunoassay. In the control animals, 4 out of 4 untreated Form I males molted into Form II, while 6 out of 7 Form IIs molted into Form Is. Eight of 8 ablated Form Is molted into Form IIs as expected, while 5 of 5 ablated Form IIs molted into Form IIs, instead of Form Is. MF treatment of intact animals resulted in 6 of 7 Form Is becoming Form IIs and 5 of 6 Form IIs becoming Form IIs. These results were highly significant in comparison of Form I and IIs in each treatment (eyestalk intact, eyestalk ablated and eyestalk intact with MF) by a chi square analysis, P = 0.006, P < 0.0005, and P = 0.013, respectively. MF premolt blood levels suggested that Form IIs were produced in the presence of 1.3 ng/ml MF, while Form Is result from MF levels less than 0.5 ng/ml. Since both eyestalk ablation and MF treatment resulted in the failure of Form IIs becoming Form Is, it was concluded that the control of morphogenesis of primary reproductives (Form Is) depends on a low level of MF prior to the molt, while Form IIs are formed in the presence of increased levels of MF.  相似文献   

Mortality and physiological tests following exposure to waterborne copper were performed in the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii from a central Italian population. Mortality tests gave an estimated 96 h LC50 value (with 95% confidence limits) of 162 (132-211) mg L(-1) waterborne copper II. Variations in cardiac and ventilatory rates were simultaneously monitored using a non-invasive plethysmographic technique. In experiments with different sub-lethal copper concentrations (control, 0.5, 1 and 10 mg L(-1)) performed at different times (3, 6, 96 h), copper exposure elicited a reduction in both heart and scaphognatite rates. Following exposure to 10 mg L(-1) copper for 96 h, the heart and scaphognatite rates decreased to about 35% of the initial values. The reduction was fully reversible, since crayfish exposed to 0.5, 1 and 10 mg Cu L(-1) for 96 h resumed control rates after a 3-h residence in clean water. In crayfish pre-exposed (96 h) to sub-lethal copper concentrations (0.1 and 1 mg L(-1)) and then held in control water (3 h), the reduction of heart and scaphognatite rates after exposure to 10 mg Cu L(-1) were significantly lower than in specimens pre-exposed to control water. Therefore, copper induces a concentration and time dependent reduction of both cardiac and ventilatory activity in P. clarkii; these responses can be reduced or fully abolished by pre-exposure to sub-lethal levels of the metal.  相似文献   

Adult crayfish have a neurogenic heart which is modulated via inputs from the central nervous system and neurohormones, which act on the cardiac ganglion or directly on the myocardium. This study investigates the ontogeny of cardiac regulation by exploring the temporal sequence of cardiac sensitivity to injections of cardioactive neurohormones (proctolin, serotonin and octopamine) and the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid. The cardiac response (delta in heart rate, stroke volume, or in cardiac output) to each neurohormone at each developmental stage was assessed. The observed response elicited by each cardioactive drug was stage dependent and changed as the animals progressed from embryonic through larval and juvenile periods. During early developmental stages, octopamine, serotonin, and proctolin (10(-9)-10(-3) M) did not result in a modulation of stroke volume, yet in later developmental stages they caused significant increases in stroke volume, at comparable concentrations. Early developmental stages are capable of regulating cardiac function, however, the mechanisms appear to be quite different from those used by adults. Evidence is also provided to support the hypothesis that cardiac function is initiated prior to the establishment of an adult-like regulatory system.  相似文献   

Summary The neuromuscular junctions in the crayfish heart were studied with the electron microscope and were classified into two types based on the characteristics of the post-synaptic side. Type I junction was characterized by a mazy post-synaptic apparatus which has been referred to in this work as the junctional envelope, consisting of the cytoplasmic processes and/or lamellae of the muscle cell. Type II junction on the other hand, lacked the junctional envelope. The nerve terminals in both Type I and Type II junctions contained two types of synaptic vesicles: large granular and small agranular vesicles, which were about 1000 Å and 450 Å in diameter respectively. The physiological significance of these neuromuscular junctions and the nature of their synaptic vesicles are discussed.Acknowledgement. The author wishes to express sincere gratitude to Prof. T.Yamamoto for the kind encouragement and guidance during the course of this study.The presence of this unusual neuromuscular junction, coupled with the histological characteristics of heart muscles themselves (Komuro, 1968), may be involved in the different physiological properties of the crustacean heart. This subject will be discussed in a later publication by the author.  相似文献   

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