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The study made with the use of complex methods established that the local (wound) application of tetanus toxoid rapidly made the manifestation of the lysosomal apparatus more pronounced, increased the oxidizing activity (determined in the nitro blue tetrazolium test) and phagocytic activity of the mononuclear phagocytizing system in the wound and in the regional lymph nodes. The wound application of tetanus toxoid significantly increased blast transformation of T lymphocytes in guinea pigs simultaneously with tetanus wound infection. The study confirmed the pathogenetic expediency of the proposed method for the stimulation of anti-tetanus immunity by the application of tetanus toxoid on the wound which specifically inhibited the primary stage of the infectious process.  相似文献   

Data on the safety and effect of the vaccination of children with solid tumors are presented. As revealed in this study, the injection of adsorbed DT-m toxoid with reduced antigen content at the period of remission does not induce the relapse of the disease and leads to the production of specific antitoxic antibodies on the protective level. The study has shown that complex antitumor treatment does not essentially affect the formation of specific immune response, though prolonged changes in cell-mediated immunity can be observed.  相似文献   

The immunological effectiveness of the revaccination (made in two injections) of 488 adults aged 18-67 years with diphtheria-tetanus toxoid is discussed; the parallel study of the results of this revaccination was carried out in the diphtheria toxin neutralization test on Vero cells and in the passive hemagglutination (PHA) test. The specific features of the dynamics of the increase of diphtheria antitoxic antibodies, depending on the initial immunity level, the age and the sex of revaccinated persons, were determined. Among persons with the low level of circulating antibodies before revaccination four variants of immune response to the injection of diphtheria toxoid were registered: variant 1--rapid reaction like in secondary immune response (53.6%); variant 2--delayed but effective reaction like in primary immune response (27.3%); variant 3--slow weak response (6.5%); and variant 4--the absence of effective immune response to immunization made in 2-3 injections (12.6%). The immunological and neutralizing properties of diphtheria antitoxic antibodies in the process of immunization made in 2 injections were evaluated. Persons with abnormal immune response (variants 3 and 4) produced defective antibodies, displaying immunological activity in the PHA test, but in most cases unable to neutralize diphtheria toxin in vitro when tested on Vero cells.  相似文献   

The authors present the results of oral revaccination of volunteers by purified tetanus toxoid. It appeared that in a dose of 500 BU tetanus toxoid covered with no special coat, produced no immunological effect. As to the coated toxoid-the same dose produced and increase in the antitoxin titre to the protective level, and greater.  相似文献   

The prolonged observations of the immunological effectiveness of adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid with reduced antigen content in children who had received the primary course of immunization with this preparation showed that the preparation induced the development of prolonged and intensive immunity to both infections. In 2-3 years after the first booster immunization the protective level of diphtheria antitoxin was registered in 89.9% and that of tetanus antitoxin, in 99% of children. 6 years later the level of immunity remained practically unchanged: the titers of diphtheria antitoxin above the protection level were determined in 92% and those of tetanus antitoxin, in 97% of children. These data made it possible to increase intervals between booster immunizations to 6-7 years in children of this category. The results of the epidemiological trial made to find out the possibility of a change in the timing of the second booster immunization confirmed the expediency of postponing booster immunization from 6 and 11 years to 9 and 16 years of age.  相似文献   

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