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Eurosta solidaginis Fitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) has formed host races on Solidago altissima L. and Solidago gigantea Ait. (Asteraceae), and reproductive isolation between these host races is brought about in part by host‐associated assortative mating. Any non‐assortative mating creates the potential for gene flow between the populations, and we investigated the conditions that favored non‐assortative mating. We hypothesized that the frequency of non‐assortative mating would be influenced by differences in the behaviors of the host races and sexes and by the presence and pattern of distribution of the two host species. To test these hypotheses, we caged flies on four combinations of 32 potted host plants: all S. altissima, all S. gigantea, and cages with both host species arranged in either two pure species blocks or randomly dispersed. We recorded the number of flies of each host race that alighted on each host species and the frequency of mating within and between the host races. Males of both host races were observed on plants more frequently than females. Flies of the host race from S. gigantea (gig flies) were observed on plants in greater absolute numbers, and they mated more frequently than flies of the host race from S. altissima (alt flies). In all treatments, gig flies of both sexes were found on non‐natal host plants significantly more frequently than alt flies, and gig females showed a weaker preference for their host species than did gig males or alt flies of either gender for their respective natal hosts. Assortative mating predominated in all treatments, and flies from each host race mated more frequently in cages containing their own host plant. The frequency of non‐assortative mating varied among treatments, with the matings between alt ♀ × gig ♂ being more common in the pure S. altissima treatment and the gig ♀ × alt ♂ being more frequent in the pure S. gigantea and random treatments. Matings between gig ♂ × alt ♀ were more common overall than the reciprocal mating, because gig males were more active in pursuing matings and in alighting on the non‐natal host plant than alt flies. Non‐assortative matings were more frequent in the random than in the block treatments, but this difference was not significant. Because of strong selection against oviposition into the alternate host, we hypothesized that host plant distribution would not affect oviposition preference. We tested this hypothesis by examining the oviposition behavior of naïve, mated females in two treatments in which both host species were present: either arranged in blocks or randomly dispersed. Females oviposited only into their natal host, regardless of host plant distribution.  相似文献   

Thirteen hantavirus genotypes, associated with at least 12 sigmodontine reservoir rodents, have been recognized in the four countries that represent the Southern Cone of South America. Host-virus relationships are not as well defined as in North America; several Southern Cone hantaviruses appear to share a common host and some viruses do not occur throughout the range of their host. Although hantavirus-host relationships in the Southern Cone are less strictly concordant with the single-host-single-virus pattern reported elsewhere, recent studies suggest that much of the ambiguity may result from an incomplete understanding of host and hantavirus systematics. Although some Southern Cone host species are habitat generalists, some sympatric species are habitat specialists, helping to explain how some strict host-virus pairings may be maintained. In some cases, host population densities were higher in peridomestic habitats and prevalence of hantavirus infection was higher in host populations in peridomestic habitats. Seasonal and multiyear patterns in climate and human disturbance affect host population densities, prevalence of infection, and disease risk to humans. Unusually high hantavirus antibody prevalence in indigenous human populations may be associated with frequent and close contact with host rodents. Ongoing studies are improving our understanding of hantavirus-host ecology and providing tools that may predict human risk.  相似文献   

We used phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome b sequences of malaria parasites and their avian hosts to assess the coevolutionary relationships between host and parasite lineages. Many lineages of avian malaria parasites have broad host distributions, which tend to obscure cospeciation events. The hosts of a single parasite or of closely related parasites were nonetheless most frequently recovered from members of the same host taxonomic family, more so than expected by chance. However, global assessments of the relationship between parasite and host phylogenetic trees, using Component and ParaFit, failed to detect significant cospeciation. The event-based approach employed by TreeFitter revealed significant cospeciation and duplication with certain cost assignments for these events, but host switching was consistently more prominent in matching the parasite tree to the host tree. The absence of a global cospeciation signal despite conservative host distribution most likely reflects relatively frequent acquisition of new hosts by individual parasite lineages. Understanding these processes will require a more refined species concept for malaria parasites and more extensive sampling of parasite distributions across hosts. If parasites can disperse between allopatric host populations through alternative hosts, cospeciation may not have a strong influence on the architecture of host-parasite relationships. Rather, parasite speciation may happen more often in conjunction with the acquisition of new hosts followed by divergent selection between host lineages in sympatry. Detailed studies of the phylogeographic distributions of hosts and parasites are needed to characterize these events.  相似文献   

Host-associated mating is crucial in maintaining the partial reproductive isolation between the host races of Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae), a fly that forms galls on Solidago altissima and S. gigantea. (We refer to flies reared from S. gigantea as gigantea flies and those reared from S. altissima as altissima flies.) We measured the host preference of males and females of both host races, F1 hybrids between the host races, F2, and backcrosses to both host races. Male and female altissima flies and female gigantea flies had high host fidelity, whereas male gigantea flies had low host fidelity. This result suggests that there may be gene flow between the host races due to nonassortative mating that occurs when male gigantea mate with altissima females on S. altissima. This indicates assortative-mating mechanisms in addition to host-associated mating are required to produce the partial reproductive isolation between the host races that has been observed. Nongenetic factors had no influence on host preference. Larval conditioning did not influence host preference: reciprocal F1 hybrids reared in S. altissima and S. gigantea both preferred S. gigantea. Adult experience had no impact on host preference: females preferred their natal host plant regardless of which host they encountered first as an adult. The hypothesis that maternal effects influence preferences was rejected because male and female flies did not show a consistent preference for the host plant of their mother. We also found no evidence that preference was a sex-linked trait because F1 and backcrosses to the host races with different combinations of X chromosomes from the two host races preferred S. gigantea. Our results indicate that host preference is not determined by a large number of genes because preference of hybrids did not correspond to the proportion of the genome derived from each host race. The strength of the ovipuncture preference for S. gigantea by gigantea females, the females of both reciprocal F1 hybrids, the backcross to gigantea, and F2s indicates that preference is inherited nonadditively at a limited number of loci. The F1 female hybrids, however, had a weaker host preference for S. gigantea than the pure gigantea host race, indicating that there may be incomplete dominance or modifier loci. Males had different host preference patterns than females, with individual male gigantea and male F1 hybrids usually exhibiting preference exclusively for S. gigantea or S. altissima. One hypothesis explaining the difference in host preference between males and females is that the same gene influences both female and male host preference, but it is a sex-influenced gene. Thus, males carrying the gene for S. gigantea preference have an intermediate host preference, whereas females have a strong host preference to S. gigantea. In summary, we found that the host preference that produces host-associated mating is inherited nonadditively at a relatively small number of loci on autosomal genes. This mode of inheritance meets the assumptions of models of sympatric speciation, indicating that the host races could have evolved in sympatry.  相似文献   

Associations between epiphytes and their hosts are among the main factors affecting the biodiversity and distribution of epiphytes. While several previous studies explored the association between epiphyte diversity and host characteristics, very little is known about the generality of such associations at larger spatial scales. We aim to explore the associations between diversity and distribution of epiphytic orchids and host characteristics in different localities in Nepal. Epiphytic orchids and their hosts were recorded along the transects in total of 23,539 host individuals. To describe the diversity of orchids in the different localities, a rarefaction function was used. Univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to explore the associations with locality, host characteristics, and their interactions with locality. In total, we recorded 141 species of orchids growing on 192 host species. The five localities significantly differed in orchid diversity and abundance. The number of orchid individuals per host species significantly increased with increasing number of host individuals. Species richness, abundances, occupancy of orchid species on host species and composition of orchids varied across the localities. Species richness and abundance was significantly higher on hosts in the higher strata and differed between families of host species. Abundance was higher on evergreen hosts. Composition of orchid communities are also associated with host characteristics, such as habit (shrub/tree/climber), bark texture, nature (deciduous/evergreen) and the plant families of host species. This study revealed a high diversity of epiphytic orchids in the localities studied and strong associations between the orchids and their hosts. Future studies looking at the relationships between epiphyte communities and host characteristics need to identify relationships at a wider scale in order to determine whether they are really general rather than site-specific.  相似文献   

Interplay between conserved host specificity and occasional host switches is an important process determining the evolution of host-parasite systems. Here, we address the dynamics of host switches at the population level in rodent-associated Eimeria. Focusing mainly on two ecologically similar host groups, Murinae and Arvicolinae, we show that the Eimeria infecting those hosts form a complex system of many genetic lineages with different host specificities. The broad geographic distribution of lineages indicates that they are well-established genetic forms which retained their host specificities while spreading across large geographic areas. We also demonstrate that genetic structure is only partially reflected by morphological traits.  相似文献   

Amblyospora sp. in Culex salinarius (Coquillett) is transovarially transmitted and has 2 developmental sequences, one in each host sex. In females, the entire life cycle is restricted to oenocytes which become greatly hypertrophied due to the multiplication of diplokaryotic cells during merogony and come to lie next to ovaries. Sporulation occurs only after a blood meal is taken and is shortly followed by infection of the oocytes and subsequent transmission to the next host generation. In the male host, infections spread from oenocytes to adipose tissue where diplokaryotic cells undergo a 2nd merogony. During this merogonic cycle, the number of diplokaryotic cells greatly increases and the infection is spread throughout the body of the larval host. Sporulation is initiated with the physical separation of the 2 members of the diplokaryon and the simultaneous secretion of a pansporoblastic membrane. Subsequent meiotic division and morphogenesis result in the formation of 8 haploid spores enclosed with a pansporoblastic membrane. Buildup of spores and subsequent destruction of host adipose tissue prove fatal to the male host during the 4th larval stage.  相似文献   

Abstract. Aspects of the life cycle of the peritrich ciliate Zoothamnium intermedium , an epibiont on calanoid copepods in the Chesapeake Bay, were investigated using host and epibiont cultures. Experiments were designed to characterize the formation, survival, and attachment of free-swimming stages (telotrochs) and to assess whether telotrochs preferentially attach to primary ( Acartia tonsa and Eurytemora affinis ) or alternate hosts from the zooplankton community (the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis , barnacle nauplii, polychaete larvae, and a harpacticoid copepod). The results showed that telotroch formation started 2 h after the death of the host, with >90% of the zooids leaving the host carapace within 7 h. Formation of telotrochs was triggered only by the death of the host, failing to occur when the host was injured or unable to swim. Telotrochs failed to attach to non-living substrates and survived for only 14 h in the absence of host organisms, suggesting that members of Z. intermedium are obligate epibionts. Attachment success decreased with telotroch age, indicating that colonization success in nature may strongly depend on the ability to find a suitable host in a short period of time. Individuals exhibited no preferences in colonizing juvenile or adult stages of A. tonsa or E. affinis . While telotrochs were able to colonize barnacle nauplii and the harpacticoid copepod in the absence of individuals of A. tonsa or E. affinis , they did not attach to the rotifers or polychaete larvae. Telotrochs preferentially colonized individuals of A. tonsa when in the presence of other non-calanoid host species.  相似文献   

One way to explore the nature of the dependence o f intracellular parasites on their host cell is to replace the living host cell with a non-living environment that supports development o f the parasite. Bill Trager, Jonathan Williams and Gokal Gill describe their methods for obtaining extracellulor development of erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum.  相似文献   

The mechanisms linking the function of microbes to host health are becoming better defined but are not yet fully understood. One recently explored mechanism involves microbe-mediated alterations in the host epigenome. Consumption of specific dietary components such as fiber, glucosinolates, polyphenols, and dietary fat has a significant impact on gut microbiota composition and function. Microbial metabolism of these dietary components regulates important epigenetic functions that ultimately influences host health. Diet-mediated alterations in the gut microbiome regulate the substrates available for epigenetic modifications like DNA methylation or histone methylation and/or acetylation. In addition, generation of microbial metabolites such as butyrate inhibits the activity of core epigenetic enzymes like histone deacetylases (HDACs). Reciprocally, the host epigenome also influences gut microbial composition. Thus, complex interactions exist between these three factors. This review comprehensively examines the interplay between diet, gut microbes, and host epigenetics in modulating host health. Specifically, the dietary impact on gut microbiota structure and function that in-turn regulates host epigenetics is evaluated in terms of promoting protection from disease development.  相似文献   

Expansion into new host niches requires bacterial pathogens to adapt to changes in nutrient availability and to evade an arsenal of host defenses. Horizontal acquisition of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island (SPI)-2 permitted the expansion of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium into the intracellular environment of host cells by allowing it to deliver bacterial effector proteins across the phagosome membrane. This is facilitated by the SsrA-SsrB two-component regulatory system and a type III secretion system encoded within SPI-2. SPI-2 acquisition was followed by evolution of existing regulatory DNA, creating an expanded SsrB regulon involved in intracellular fitness and host infection. Here, we identified an SsrB-regulated operon comprising an ABC transporter in Salmonella. Biochemical and structural studies determined that the periplasmic solute-binding component, STM1633/DalS, transports D-alanine and that DalS is required for intracellular survival of the bacteria and for fitness in an animal host. This work exemplifies the role of nutrient exchange at the host-pathogen interface as a critical determinant of disease outcome.  相似文献   

Metazoan parasites of pike Esox lucius from Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba were studied to reveal species composition, differences with host age, sex, and location and season of capture. Pike hosted 18 species of metazoan parasites, two of which, Tetraonchus monenteron and Proteocephalus pinguis , made up over 84% of metazoan parasite numbers. Some parasite species exhibited definite patterns of abundance with host age and season which resulted from changes in host diet and behaviour. No differences in parasite abundance existed between the host sexes. Ranking of parasite abundances was significantly different between two sampling sites only 2 km apart as a result of intermediate host distribution. Impoundment could greatly change pike parasite levels. An initial decrease in parasite numbers could be followed by a rapid increase.  相似文献   

The effects of experience, egg load, and wasp size on the response of four strains of Trichogramma nr. brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to three economically important hosts, Heliothis punctigera (Noctuidae), Phthorimaea opercullela (Gelechiidae), and Sitotroga cereallela (Gelechiidae) were investigated. Experience effects due to rearing host and oviposition were considered in all combinations of host species. Both these effects altered response levels to low-ranked hosts but not to highly preferred hosts. Size was correlated with host response in some strains; larger females took more encounters with a host before accepting it, while egg load was not correlated with number of host encounters. However, egg load, rearing host, and size all affected acceptance of the low-ranked host S. cereallela. Females were more likely to accept this host if they were reared on S. cereallela, had a small size, and had a high egg load. Effects were consistent across strains, although overall acceptance levels differed among strains.  相似文献   

The effects of selected intrinsic variables operating on host subpopulations and of extrinsic variables across the collective host population on the distributions of 10 common helminth species from coyotes in south Texas were compared. The intrinsic variables of host sex and presence and severity of sarcoptic mange had little effect on the distributions of most helminth species. The combined influences of (1) seasonal changes across the collective host population and (2) host subpopulations delineated by age were responsible for the overdispersed distributions of Oncicola canis, Physaloptera rara, and Protospirura numidica. Overdispersion in Ancylostoma caninum, Alaria marcianae, and Spirocerca lupi populations resulted almost exclusively from the heterogeneity of factors contributing to their rates of establishment, survival, and reproduction as generated across host age subpopulations. Aggregated abundances of A. caninum and A. marcianae occurred in young hosts, but were cumulative in older animals infected with S. lupi. The hypothesis that heterogeneity within the host population, rather than across the collective host population, is the main factor generating overdispersion in natural populations was confirmed for only 3 of 10 helminth species (A. caninum, A. marcianae, and S. lupi). The effects of extrinsic factors operating across the collective host population appeared to be equal to, or in some instances of greater importance than, these forces operating over host subpopulations in determining the dispersion patterns of some helminth species (O. canis, P. rara, and P. numidica). The distributions of Taenia pisiformis, Mesocestoides lineatus, Oslerus osleri, and Toxascaris leonina were not affected, or only minimally influenced, by these intrinsic or extrinsic variables. The effects of these habitat variables on dispersion patterns are highly correlated with the life cycle and mode of transmission of the respective helminth species.  相似文献   

Circulation of 24 macroparasite species among 12 species of fish was evaluated within samples of hosts collected from 9 lakes on an isolated plateau in northern Alberta, Canada. Twenty-seven parasite taxa (24 species plus the larval stages of Triaenophorus crassus, T. stizostedionis, and Raphidascaris acus) had the potential to be circulated among hosts. Sixteen parasite taxa were recovered from a single host species within a lake. Of the 11 remaining nonspecialist taxa, 4 were larval stages that matured in fish or birds and 7 were adults. Eight of the 11 cases of circulation among hosts involved lake whitefish, and this host was involved in the transmission of 5 species to piscivorous fishes. Despite evidence for the circulation of 7 taxa among the 4 species of sympatric Salmonidae, 60-99% of all worms were recovered from just 1 species of host. These results indicated that approximately 60% of the parasite taxa that infected fish in these lakes were absolute host specialists. The remaining 40% of parasite taxa had restricted host ranges, with most examples of parasite circulation limited to the 2 species of sympatric coregonid.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli nar promoter is maximally induced under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate ion or under anaerobic only conditions, depending on the genotype of the E. coli nar promoter. Previously, we found that the E. coli nar promoter has some desirable characteristics as an inducible promoter in the E. coli host strains. In this study, the E. coli nar promoter with lacZ gene at the downstream was cloned onto a broad-host-range Gram-negative vector, pBBR122. It was then induced in some other Gram-negative host strains, such as Agrobacterium, Pseudomonas, and Rhizobium, to determine whether the E. coli nar promoter could be used as an inducible promoter in these strains. From shake-flask experiments it was found that the wild-type E. coli nar promoter cloned onto pBBR122, pNW61, was suppressed under aerobic conditions in an Agrobacterium host strain, was partially induced under microaerobic only conditions, and was maximally induced under microaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate ion. Whereas the mutant-type E. coli nar promoter cloned onto pBBR122, pNW618, was suppressed under aerobic conditions and was maximally induced under microaerobic conditions, regardless of the presence of nitrate ion. This kind of induction pattern observed for the E. coli nar promoters in the Agrobacterium host strain was similar to that observed for the E. coli nar promoters in the E. coli host strain. On the other hand, it was found that both of the E. coli nar promoters, pNW61 and pNW618, in a Pseudomonas host strain were partially induced under aerobic conditions and were maximally induced under microaerobic conditions, regardless of the presence of nitrate. Finally, it was found that both of the E. coli nar promoters in a Rhizobium host strain were minimally induced, regardless of the presence of oxygen or nitrate ion. Similar induction patterns for the three strains were also observed from fermentor experiments in which the dissolved oxygen (DO) level was tightly controlled. From an evolutionary point of view, the results from the three Gram-negative host strains indicate that the E. coli nar promoter system, including the promoter and regulatory proteins, was best conserved in the Agrobacterium host strain and the least conserved in the Rhizobium host strain. From an industrial point of view, the results indicate that the E. coli nar promoter system can be used as an oxygen-dependent inducible promoter in both Agrobacterium and Pseudomonas host strains.  相似文献   

We analyze the evolutionary consequences of host resistance (the ability to decrease the probability of being infected by parasites) for the evolution of parasite virulence (the deleterious effect of a parasite on its host). When only single infections occur, host resistance does not affect the evolution of parasite virulence. However, when superinfections occur, resistance tends to decrease the evolutionarily stable (ES) level of parasite virulence. We first study a simple model in which the host does not coevolve with the parasite (i.e., the frequency of resistant hosts is independent of the parasite). We show that a higher proportion of resistant host decreases the ES level of parasite virulence. Higher levels of the efficiency of host resistance, however, do not always decrease the ES parasite virulence. The implications of these results for virulence management (evolutionary consequences of public health policies) are discussed. Second, we analyze the case where host resistance is allowed to coevolve with parasite virulence using the classical gene-for-gene (GFG) model of host-parasite interaction. It is shown that GFG coevolution leads to lower parasite virulence (in comparison with a fully susceptible host population). The model clarifies and relates the different components of the cost of parasitism: infectivity (ability to infect the host) and virulence (deleterious effect) in an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Amblyospora sp. in Culex salinarius (Coquillett) is transovarially transmitted and has 2 developmental sequences, one in each host sex. In females, the entire life cycle is restricted to oenocytes which become greatly hypertrophied due to the multiplication of diplokaryotic cells during merogony and come to lie next to ovaries. Sporulation occurs only after a blood meal is taken and is shortly followed by infection of the oocytes and subsequent transmission to the next host generation. In the male host, infections spread from oenocytes to adipose tissue where diplokaryotic cells undergo a 2nd merogony. During this merognic cylce, the number of diplokaryotic cells greatly increases and the infection is spread throughout the body of the larval host. Sporulation is initiated with the physical separation of the 2 members of the diplokaryon and the simulatneous secretion of a pansporoblastic membrane. Subsequent meiotic division and morphogenesis result in the formation of 8 haploid spores enclosed with a pansporoblastic membrane. Buildup of spores and subsequent destruction of host adipose tissue prove fatal to the male host during the 4th larval stage.  相似文献   

The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nsp1 protein has unique biological functions that have not been described in the viral proteins of any RNA viruses; expressed SARS-CoV nsp1 protein has been found to suppress host gene expression by promoting host mRNA degradation and inhibiting translation. We generated an nsp1 mutant (nsp1-mt) that neither promoted host mRNA degradation nor suppressed host protein synthesis in expressing cells. Both a SARS-CoV mutant virus, encoding the nsp1-mt protein (SARS-CoV-mt), and a wild-type virus (SARS-CoV-WT) replicated efficiently and exhibited similar one-step growth kinetics in susceptible cells. Both viruses accumulated similar amounts of virus-specific mRNAs and nsp1 protein in infected cells, whereas the amounts of endogenous host mRNAs were clearly higher in SARS-CoV-mt-infected cells than in SARS-CoV-WT-infected cells, in both the presence and absence of actinomycin D. Further, SARS-CoV-WT replication strongly inhibited host protein synthesis, whereas host protein synthesis inhibition in SARS-CoV-mt-infected cells was not as efficient as in SARS-CoV-WT-infected cells. These data revealed that nsp1 indeed promoted host mRNA degradation and contributed to host protein translation inhibition in infected cells. Notably, SARS-CoV-mt infection, but not SARS-CoV-WT infection, induced high levels of beta interferon (IFN) mRNA accumulation and high titers of type I IFN production. These data demonstrated that SARS-CoV nsp1 suppressed host innate immune functions, including type I IFN expression, in infected cells and suggested that SARS-CoV nsp1 most probably plays a critical role in SARS-CoV virulence.  相似文献   

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