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NAD-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase is expressed in transformed or established mammalian cell lines in vitro but only in the developmental tissues of normal adult animals (Mejia, N. R. and MacKenzie, R. E. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 14616-14620). The enzyme, which contains methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase activity as well, has been purified 6000-fold from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. The preparation is homogeneous by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis (Mr = 34,000), and results from cross-linking with bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate are consistent with a dimeric structure (Mr = 68,000) for the native bifunctional enzyme. The dehydrogenase is specific for NAD and requires both a divalent cation, Mg2+ or Mn2+, for activity and as well is stimulated by inorganic phosphate. When compared to the usual NADP-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase from mouse liver, the NAD-dependent dehydrogenase activity of the murine tumor enzyme shows a greater affinity for the polyglutamate forms of folate.  相似文献   

NAD-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase is a bifunctional enzyme synthesized as a 37-kDa precursor that is imported into the mitochondria of embryonic and transformed mammalian cells. The cDNA encoding the human bifunctional enzyme was modified to remove nucleotides corresponding to the mitochondrial targeting sequence and was subcloned into a procaryotic expression vector under the control of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. The soluble dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase was expressed in Escherichia coli at levels up to 150-fold higher than those found in transformed mammalian cells. Forms of the recombinant enzyme with one, three, or seven additional amino-terminal residues were purified to homogeneity and shown to have similar kinetic properties. Investigation of the absolute requirement of the enzyme for Mg2+ using fluorescence quenching indicates that this ion binds in the absence of substrates.  相似文献   

The bifunctional NAD-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase from ascites tumor cells has very different kinetic properties from the larger NADP-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase present in all mammalian cells. The NAD-dependent dehydrogenase is unique in that it requires formation of a magnesium.enzyme complex to allow addition of the first substrate, NAD+. It catalyzes an equilibrium ordered kinetic mechanism that has methylenetetrahydrofolate as the last reactant to add and NADH as the last product released. The NADP-dependent dehydrogenase has the same order of addition of substrates, but NADPH is released prior to methenyltetrahydrofolate. The dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase activities of both enzymes channel methenyltetrahydropteroylglutamate intermediates with the same efficiency which is unaffected by the number of glutamyl residues in the methylenetetrahydrofolate substrate. However, the cyclohydrolase activity of the bifunctional protein is kinetically independent of its dehydrogenase activity, as supported by its lack of inhibition by NAD+, whereas NADP+ strongly inhibits that of the NADP-dependent enzyme. This difference is further demonstrated by the observation that conversion of formyltetrahydrofolate to methylenetetrahydrofolate in the presence of reduced pyridine nucleotide is catalyzed readily only by the bifunctional enzyme.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial NAD-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase (NMDMC) is believed to have evolved from a trifunctional NADP-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase-synthetase. It is unique in its absolute requirement for inorganic phosphate and magnesium ions to support dehydrogenase activity. To enable us to investigate the roles of these ions, a homology model of human NMDMC was constructed based on the structures of three homologous proteins. The model supports the hypothesis that the absolutely required Pi can bind in close proximity to the 2'-hydroxyl of NAD through interactions with Arg166 and Arg198. The characterization of mutants of Arg166, Asp190, and Arg198 show that Arg166 is primarily responsible for Pi binding, while Arg198 plays a secondary role, assisting in binding and properly orienting the ion in the cofactor binding site. Asp190 helps to properly position Arg166. Mutants of Asp133 suggest that the magnesium ion interacts with both Pi and the aspartate side chain and plays a role in positioning Pi and NAD. NMDMC uses Pi and magnesium to adapt an NADP binding site for NAD binding. This adaptation represents a novel variation of the classic Rossmann fold.  相似文献   

Various mammalian tissues contain protein-arginine deiminases (EC, which convert the arginine residues in normal peptide bonds to the citrulline residues in calcium ion-dependent manners. Here, we describe the complete primary structure of rat skeletal muscle peptidylarginine deiminase deduced from the sequences of its cDNA clones isolated by recombinant DNA technology. We have isolated three overlapping cDNA clones which constitute a 4,507-base pair cDNA sequence including a 2,452-base pair 3'-untranslated region. The coding region consists of 1,995 base pairs encoding 665 amino acid residues. A potential N-linked glycosylation site is present at asparagine-534. The molecular weight of the enzyme calculated from the deduced amino acid sequence is 75,122. Direct repeat sequences resembling the rodent B2 type repetitive sequences appear in the 3'-untranslated region (nucleotides 3,090-3,198 and 3,270-3,391). Northern hybridization demonstrated the presence of its mRNA in poly(A)+ fractions of spinal cord, cerebrum, cerebellum, and submaxillary gland as well as skeletal muscle. The sizes of peptidylarginine deiminase mRNAs in these tissues were estimated to be 4.5-5.0 kilobases. No positive bands were detected on the blots of the corresponding RNA fractions of liver and kidney. Possible similarity of the amino acid sequence of peptidylarginine deiminase to those of other calcium binding proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

cDNA clones encoding rat fibroblast tropomyosin 4 (TM-4) were isolated and characterized. DNA sequence analysis was carried out to determine the sequence of the protein. The derived amino acid sequence revealed that rat fibroblast TM-4 was found to contain 248 amino acids. The amino acid sequence of rat fibroblast TM-4 was compared with two other low molecular weight TM isoforms, equine platelet beta-TM and a human fibroblast TM. Rat TM-4 exhibited 98% sequence identity with the equine platelet TM but only 75% identity with the human fibroblast TM isoform. The high degree of conservation between the rat and equine proteins indicates that they belong to the same isotype of TM. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the three low molecular TM isoforms along the length of the proteins reveals regions that are strongly conserved and regions that have considerably diverged. In the regions from amino acid residues 1 to 148 and 176 to 221, amino acid substitutes are moderate. The most variant regions in the sequence are in the middle part of the proteins from amino acids 149 to 175 and at the carboxyl-terminal region of the proteins from amino acids 222 to 248. The differences in the sequence of the rat and platelet TMs compared to the human TM may define distinct functional domains among the low molecular weight TMs. In addition, expression of tropomyosin was studied in a variety of tissues and transformed cells. We also demonstrate that at least three separate genes encode tropomyosins expressed in rat fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Isolation of murine neuron-specific and non-neuronal enolase cDNA clones   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
cDNA clones corresponding to subunits of neuron-specific (gamma gamma and alpha gamma) and non-neuronal (alpha alpha) enolase isozymes were characterized from two mouse brain cDNA libraries. Our hybridization data revealed a partial homology of the coding sequences of mouse alpha, mouse gamma and rat gamma mRNAs. The noncoding sequences, however, appear to be specific for each mouse mRNA. Although coding for two polypeptides of the same molecular weight, the mRNA for the gamma subunit (2600 bases) is larger than that for the alpha subunit (1900 bases). The noncoding sequences for neuron-specific gamma mRNA (about 1300 bases) are therefore longer than those of the non-nervous tissue specific alpha mRNA (about 600 bases).  相似文献   

A 3172-nucleotide (nt) cDNA clone encoding mouse DNA ligase I (LigI) was isolated from an embryonic stem cell cDNA library. Another mouse LigI cDNA clone has been recently described. Six single-amino-acid alterations have been identified between the two mouse LigI clones.  相似文献   

Casein kinase II is a widely distributed protein serine/threonine kinase. The holoenzyme appears to be a tetramer, containing two alpha or alpha' subunits (or one of each) and two beta subunits. Complementary DNA clones encoding the subunits of casein kinase II were isolated from a human T-cell lambda gt10 library using cDNA clones isolated from Drosophila melanogaster [Saxena et al. (1987) Mol. Cell. Biol. 7, 3409-3417]. One of the human cDNA clones (hT4.1) was 2.2 kb long, including a coding region of 1176 bp preceded by 156 bp (5' untranslated region) and followed by 871 bp (3' untranslated region). The hT4.1 clone was nearly identical in size and sequence with a cDNA clone from HepG2 human hepatoma cultured cells [Meisner et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 4072-4076]. Another of the human T-cell cDNA clones (hT9.1) was 1.8 kb long, containing a coding region of 1053 bp preceded by 171 bp (5' untranslated region) and followed by 550 bp (3' untranslated region). Amino acid sequences deduced from these two cDNA clones were about 85% identical. Most of the difference between the two encoded polypeptides was in the carboxy-terminal region, but heterogeneity was distributed throughout the molecules. Partial amino acid sequence was determined in a mixture of alpha and alpha' subunits from bovine lung casein kinase II. The bovine sequences aligned with the 2 human cDNA-encoded polypeptides with only 2 discrepancies out of 535 amino acid positions. This confirmed that the two human T-cell cDNA clones encoded the alpha and alpha' subunits of casein kinase II. Microsequence data determined from separated preparations of bovine casein kinase II alpha subunit and alpha' subunit [Litchfield et al. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 7638-7644] confirmed that hT4.1 encoded the alpha subunit and hT9.1 encoded the alpha' subunit. These studies show that there are two distinct catalytic subunits for casein kinase II (alpha and alpha') and that the sequence of these subunits is largely conserved between the bovine and the human.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) transfer protein is a cytosolic protein that catalyzes the transfer of PtdIns between membranes. It is expressed in organisms from yeast to man, and activity has been found in all animal tissues examined. Using antibodies prepared against bovine brain PtdIns transfer protein, lambda gt11 rat brain cDNA libraries were screened and several clones isolated. DNA sequence analysis showed that the cDNAs encoded a polypeptide of 271 amino acids with a mass of 31,911 Da. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with N-terminal sequence data obtained for the intact purified bovine brain protein and rat lung phospholipid transfer protein verified that the cDNAs were PtdIns transfer protein clones. The predicted protein shows no significant sequence similarity to other known (phospholipid)-binding proteins. DNA blot hybridization suggests that the rat genome may contain more than one gene encoding PtdIns transfer protein. RNA blot hybridization reveals that the PtdIns transfer protein gene is expressed at low levels in a wide variety of rat tissues; all tissues examined showed a major mRNA component of 1.9 kilobases and a minor component of 3.4 kilobases. The isolation of clones encoding rat PtdIns transfer protein will greatly facilitate studies of the structure and function of PtdIns transfer proteins and their role in lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Isolation and analysis of murine serum amyloid P component cDNA clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In contrast to other animals, the biosynthesis of serum amyloid P component in mice is regulated as an acute-phase protein. As a first step in studying the regulation and biosynthesis of serum amyloid P component in the mouse, cDNA clones have been isolated from a liver cDNA library and sequenced. The largest of these clones was 960 bp in length, and contained an open reading frame encoding a protein of 224 amino acids. Comparison of the mouse cDNA sequence to that published for humans (Mantzouranis, E. C., S. B. Dowton, A. S. Whitehead, M. D. Edge, G. A. P. Bruns, and H. R. Colten, 1985. J. Biol. Chem. 260:7752.) revealed 74% identity for nucleotides in the translated region. Northern-blot analysis demonstrated that murine serum amyloid P component synthesis in the liver is directed by a 1.2-kb mRNA that is elevated in high responder (C57BL/6J) mice after thioglycollate-induced inflammation.  相似文献   

Sulfur plays an important role in plants, being used for the biosynthesis of amino acids, sulfolipids and secondary metabolites. After uptake sulfate is activated and subsequently reduced to sulfide or serves as donor for sulfurylation reactions. The first step in the activation of sulfate in all cases studied so far is catalyzed by the enzyme ATP-sulfurylase (E.C. which catalyzes the formation of adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (APS). Two cDNA clones from potato encoding ATP-sulfurylases were identified following transformation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant deficient in ATP-sulfurylase activity with a cDNA library from potato source leaf poly(A)+ RNA cloned in a yeast expression vector. Several transformants were able to grow on a medium with sulfate as the only sulfur source, this ability being strictly linked to the presence of two classes of cDNAs. The clones StMet3-1 and StMet3-2 were further analyzed. DNA analysis revealed an open reading frame encoding a protein with a molecular mass of 48 kDa in the case of StMet3-1 and 52 kDa for StMet3-2. The deduced polypeptides are 88% identical at the amino acid level. The clone StMet3-2 has a 48 amino acid N-terminal extension which shows common features of a chloroplast transit peptide. Sequence comparison of the ATP-sulfurylase Met3 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the cDNA StMet3-1 (StMet3-2) reveals 31% (30%) identity at the amino acid level. Protein extracts from the yeast mutant transformed with the clone StMet3-1 displayed ATP-sulfurylase activity. RNA blot analysis demonstrated the expression of both genes in potato leaves, root and stem, but not in tubers. To the best of the authors' knowledge this is the first cloning and identification of genes involved in the reductive sulfate assimilation pathway from higher plants.  相似文献   

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