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The major distal regulatory sequence for the beta-globin gene locus, the locus control region (LCR), is composed of multiple hypersensitive sites (HSs). Different models for LCR function postulate that the HSs act either independently or synergistically. To test these possibilities, we have constructed a series of expression cassettes in which the gene encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) is under the control of DNA fragments containing single and multiple HSs of the LCR. LCR DNA fragments containing only the minimal region needed for position-independent expression (HS cores) or containing cores plus flanking sequences (HS units) were compared to ascertain whether conserved sequences between the HS cores contributed to enhancement. Expression of these constructs was measured after targeted integration into three defined loci in murine erythroleukemia cells using recombinase-mediated cassette exchange. At all three marked loci, synergistic enhancement of expression was observed in cassettes containing a combination of HS2, HS3, and HS4 units. In contrast, HS2, HS3, and HS4 cores (without flanking sequences) give an activity equivalent to the sum of the activities of the individual HS cores. These data suggest a model in which an HS core plus flanking regions, bound by specific proteins, forms a structure needed for interaction with other HS units to confer strong enhancement by the LCR. The three targeted integration sites differ substantially in their permissivity for expression, but even the largest LCR construct tested could not overcome these position effects to confer equal expression at all three sites.  相似文献   

Resistance in tomato to Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato (avrPto) is conferred by the gene Pto in a gene-for-gene relationship. A hypersensitive disease resistance response (HR) is elicited when Pto and avrPto are expressed experimentally within the same plant cell. The kinase capability of Pto was required for AvrPto-dependent HR induction. Systematic mutagenesis of the activation segment of Pto kinase confirmed the homologous P+1 loop as an AvrPto-binding determinant. Specific amino acid substitutions in this region led to constitutive induction of HR upon expression in the plant cell in the absence of AvrPto. Constitutively active Pto mutants required kinase capability for activity, and were unable to interact with proteins previously shown to bind to wild-type Pto. The constitutive gain-of-function phenotype was dependent on a functional Prf gene, demonstrating activation of the cognate disease resistance pathway and precluding a role for Prf upstream of Pto.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation at Thr308 and Ser473 is known to activate Akt, a major kinase in mammalian cells. Once activated to turn on downstream signaling pathways, Akt returns to an inactive pool via PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation. We show here that Thr308 and Ser473 phosphorylations prompt Akt to enter the CHIP-mediated ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Mutation at either Thr308 or Ser473 dampened its ability to bind to the U-box E3 ligase CHIP (C-terminal Hsp70 -interacting protein), and the Akt mutants revealed decreased rate of ubiquitination by CHIP. Our study unveils that the well-known phosphorylations responsible for Akt activation turn out to transduce recognition signals for Akt-CHIP binding and ensuing degradation.  相似文献   

Protein kinase B (AKT) is a serine-threonine kinase that mediates diverse cellular processes in a variety of human diseases. Phosphorylation is always the best studied posttranslational modification of AKT and a connection between phosphorylation and ubiquitination has been explored recently. Ubiquitination of AKT is an important step for its phosphorylation and activation, while whether phosphorylated AKT regulated its ubiquitination status is still unknow. In the present study, we mimic dephosphorylation of AKT by using mutagenesis techniques at both Thr308 and Ser473 into Alanine (AKT-2A). After losing phosphorylation activity, AKT enhances its degradation and prevents itself release from the plasma membrane after insulin stimulation. Fourthermore, AKT-2A is found to be degraded through ubiquitin- proteasome pathway which declared that un-phosphorylation of AKT at both Ser473 and Thr308 sites increases its ubiquitination level. In conclusion, AKT phosphorylated at Ser473 and Thr308 sites have a significant effect on its ubiquitination status.

Abbreviations: AKT: Protein kinase B; Ser: serine; Thr: threonine; IF: immunofluorescence; Epo: Epoxomicin; Baf: Bafilomycin; PBS: phosphate buffer solution  相似文献   

The identification of phosphorylation sites in proteins provides a powerful tool to study signal transduction pathways and to establish interaction networks involving signaling elements. Using different strategies to identify phosphorylated residues, we report here mass spectrometry studies of the entire intracellular regions of four 'receptor-like' protein kinases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PknB, PknD, PknE, and PknF), each consisting of an N-terminal kinase domain and a juxtamembrane region of varying length (26-100 residues). The enzymes were observed to incorporate different numbers of phosphates, from five in PknB up to 11 in PknD or PknE, and all detected sites were dephosphorylated by the cognate mycobacterial phosphatase PstP. Comparison of the phosphorylation patterns reveals two recurrent clusters of pThr/pSer residues, respectively, in their activation loops and juxtamembrane regions, which have a distinct effect on kinase activity. All studied kinases have at least two conserved phosphorylated residues in their activation loop and mutations of these residues in PknB significantly decreased the kinase activity, whereas deletion of the entire juxtamembrane regions in PknB and PknF had little effect on their activities. These results reinforce the hypothesis that mycobacterial kinase regulation includes a conserved activation loop mechanism, and suggest that phosphorylation sites in the juxtamembrane region might be involved in putative kinase-mediated signaling cascades.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence for the involvement of protein phosphorylation on serine/threonine/tyrosine in bacterial signaling and regulation, but very few exact phosphorylation sites have been experimentally determined. Recently, gel‐free high accuracy MS studies reported over 150 phosphorylation sites in two bacterial model organisms Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Interestingly, the analysis of these phosphorylation sites revealed that most of them are not characteristic for eukaryotic‐type protein kinases, which explains the poor performance of eukaryotic data‐trained phosphorylation predictors on bacterial systems. We used these large bacterial datasets and neural network algorithms to create the first bacteria‐specific protein phosphorylation predictor: NetPhosBac. With respect to predicting bacterial phosphorylation sites, NetPhosBac significantly outperformed all benchmark predictors. Moreover, NetPhosBac predictions of phosphorylation sites in E. coli proteins were experimentally verified on protein and site‐specific levels. In conclusion, NetPhosBac clearly illustrates the advantage of taxa‐specific predictors and we hope it will provide a useful asset to the microbiological community.  相似文献   

In a previous report we described Ser(1275) and Ser(1309) as autophosphorylation sites of the human insulin receptor (IR) tyrosine kinase (TK) in vitro. The question remained whether the observed phosphorylation was exclusive for the in vitro activated receptor or a more general, mechanism of the activated receptor in situ. In this study, we determined the intrinsic activity of the IR to phosphorylate both serine residues in intact cells. For this purpose CHO-09 and NIH-3T3 derived cell-lines expressing the human IR were metabolically labelled with [(32)P]orthophosphate, followed by hormone stimulation of the receptor. The IR was isolated by immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE and subsequently analysed for serine phosphorylation by phosphopeptide mapping of HPLC-purified tryptic phosphopeptides. Activation of the IR in the intact cell appeared to result in phosphate incorporation into Ser(1275) and Ser(1309), providing strong evidence that both serine residues are phosphorylation sites of the activated receptor in intact cells.  相似文献   

Mir M  Asong J  Li X  Cardot J  Boons GJ  Husson RN 《PLoS pathogens》2011,7(7):e1002182
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ser/Thr kinase PknB has been implicated in the regulation of cell growth and morphology in this organism. The extracytoplasmic domain of this membrane protein comprises four penicillin binding protein and Ser/Thr kinase associated (PASTA) domains, which are predicted to bind stem peptides of peptidoglycan. Using a comprehensive library of synthetic muropeptides, we demonstrate that the extracytoplasmic domain of PknB binds muropeptides in a manner dependent on the presence of specific amino acids at the second and third positions of the stem peptide, and on the presence of the sugar moiety N-acetylmuramic acid linked to the peptide. We further show that PknB localizes strongly to the mid-cell and also to the cell poles, and that the extracytoplasmic domain is required for PknB localization. In contrast to strong growth stimulation by conditioned medium, we observe no growth stimulation of M. tuberculosis by a synthetic muropeptide with high affinity for the PknB PASTAs. We do find a moderate effect of a high affinity peptide on resuscitation of dormant cells. While the PASTA domains of PknB may play a role in stimulating growth by binding exogenous peptidoglycan fragments, our data indicate that a major function of these domains is for proper PknB localization, likely through binding of peptidoglycan fragments produced locally at the mid-cell and the cell poles. These data suggest a model in which PknB is targeted to the sites of peptidoglycan turnover to regulate cell growth and cell division.  相似文献   

The retroviral protease is a key enzyme in a viral multienzyme complex that initiates an ordered sequence of events leading to virus assembly and propagation. Viral peptides are initially synthesized as polyprotein precursors; these precursors undergo a number of proteolytic cleavages executed by the protease in a specific and presumably ordered manner. To determine the role of individual protease cleavage sites in Ty1, a retrotransposon from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the cleavage sites were systematically mutagenized. Altering the cleavage sites of the yeast Ty1 retrotransposon produces mutants with distinct retrotransposition phenotypes. Blocking the Gag/PR site also blocks cleavage at the other two cleavage sites, PR/IN and IN/RT. In contrast, mutational block of the PR/IN or IN/RT sites does not prevent cleavage at the other two sites. Retrotransposons with mutations in each of these sites have transposition defects. Mutations in the PR/IN and IN/RT sites, but not in the Gag/PR site, can be complemented in trans by endogenous Ty1 copies. Hence, the digestion of the Gag/PR site and release of the protease N terminus is a prerequisite for processing at the remaining sites; cleavage of PR/IN is not required for the cleavage of IN/RT, and vice versa. Of the three cleavage sites in the Gag-Pol precursor, the Gag/PR site is processed first. Thus, Ty1 Gag-Pol processing proceeds by an ordered pathway.  相似文献   

S-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) is one of the major methyl donors in all living organisms. The exogenous treatment with SAM leads to increased actinorhodin production in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). In this study, mutants from different stages of the AfsK-AfsR signal transduction cascade were used to test the possible target of SAM. SAM had no significant effect on actinorhodin production in afsK, afsR, afsS, or actII-open reading frame 4 (ORF4) mutant. This confirms that afsK plays a critical role in delivering the signal generated by exogenous SAM. The afsK-pHJL-KN mutant did not respond to SAM, suggesting the involvement of the C-terminal of AfsK in binding with SAM. SAM increased the in vitro autophosphorylation of kinase AfsK in a dose-dependent manner, and also abolished the effect of decreased actinorhodin production by a Ser/Thr kinase inhibitor, K252a. In sum, our results suggest that SAM activates actinorhodin biosynthesis in S. coelicolor M130 by increasing the phosphorylation of protein kinase AfsK.  相似文献   

The mammalian mitochondrial NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase is a citric acid cycle enzyme and an important contributor to cellular defense against oxidative stress. The Mn(2+)-isocitrate complex of the porcine enzyme was recently crystallized; its structure indicates that Ser(95), Asn(97), and Thr(78) are within hydrogen-bonding distance of the gamma-carboxylate of enzyme-bound isocitrate. We used site-directed mutagenesis to replace each of these residues by Ala and Asp. The wild-type and mutant enzymes were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. All the enzymes retain their native dimeric structures and secondary structures as monitored by native gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism, respectively. V(max) of the three alanine mutants is decreased to 24%-38% that of wild-type enzyme, with further decreases in the aspartate mutants. For T78A and S95A mutants, the major changes are the 10- to 100-fold increase in the K(m) values for isocitrate and Mn(2+). The results suggest that Thr(78) and Ser(95) function to strengthen the enzyme's affinity for Mn(2+)-isocitrate by hydrogen bonding to the gamma-carboxylate of isocitrate. For the Asn(97) mutants, the K(m) values are much less affected. The major change in the N97A mutant is the increase in pK(a) of the ionizable metal-liganded hydroxyl of enzyme-bound isocitrate from 5.23 in wild type to 6.23 in the mutant enzyme. The hydrogen bond between Asn(97) and the gamma-carboxylate of isocitrate may position the substrate to promote a favorable lowering of the pK of the enzyme-isocitrate complex. Thus, Thr(78), Ser(95), and Asn(97) perform important but distinguishable roles in catalysis by porcine NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Leading edge protrusion in the amoeboid sperm of Ascaris suum is driven by the localized assembly of the major sperm protein (MSP) cytoskeleton in the same way that actin assembly powers protrusion in other types of crawling cell. Reconstitution of this process in vitro led to the identification of two accessory proteins required for MSP polymerization: an integral membrane phosphoprotein, MSP polymerization-organizing protein (MPOP), and a cytosolic component, MSP fiber protein 2 (MFP2). Here, we identify and characterize a 34-kDa cytosolic protein, MSP polymerization-activating kinase (MPAK) that links the activities of MPOP and MFP2. Depletion/add-back assays of sperm extracts showed that MPAK, which is a member of the casein kinase 1 family of Ser/Thr protein kinases, is required for motility. MPOP and MPAK comigrated by native gel electrophoresis, coimmunoprecipitated, and colocalized by immunofluorescence, indicating that MPOP binds to and recruits MPAK to the membrane surface. MPAK, in turn, phosphorylated MFP2 on threonine residues, resulting in incorporation of MFP2 into the cytoskeleton. Beads coated with MPAK assembled a surrounding cloud of MSP filaments when incubated in MPAK-depleted sperm extract, but only when supplemented with detergent-solubilized MPOP. Our results suggest that interactions involving MPOP, MPAK, and MFP2 focus MSP polymerization to the plasma membrane at the leading edge of the cell thereby generating protrusion and minimizing nonproductive filament formation elsewhere.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15, Thr18, and Ser20 has been thought to be important for p53 stabilization in response to ionizing radiation. In the present study, we examined the X-ray-induced stabilization of Ala-substituted p53 protein at Ser15, Thr18, and Ser20, whose gene expression was controlled under an ecdyson-inducible promoter. We found that all single-, double-, or triple-Ala-substituted p53 at Ser15, Yhr18, and Ser20 were accumulated in the nucleus similarly to wild-type p53 after X-irradiation. These results indicate that the phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15, Thr18, and Ser20 is not necessarily needed for p53 stabilization in response to ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

We have shown recently that PrkC, which is involved in developmental processes in Bacillus subtilis, is a Ser/Thr kinase with features of the receptor kinase family of eukaryotic Hanks kinases. In this study, we expressed and purified from Escherichia coli the cytoplasmic domain of PrkC containing the kinase and a short juxtamembrane region. This fragment, which we designate PrkCc, undergoes autophosphorylation in E.coli. PrkCc is further autophosphorylated in vitro, apparently through a trans-kinase, intermolecular reaction. PrkC also displays kinase activity with myelin basic protein. Using high mass accuracy electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry, we identified seven phosphorylated threonine and one serine residue in PrkCc. All the corresponding residues were replaced by systematic site-directed mutagenesis and the purified mutant proteins were tested for in vitro kinase activity. Single and multiple replacement of four threonine residues, clustered between residues 162 and 167 in a putative activation loop, substantially reduced kinase activity and the effect was clearly additive. Replacement of the other three threonine residues, clustered between residues 290 and 320, had relatively little effect on activity. In contrast, substitution of Ser214, which is conserved in closely related receptor kinase-like bacterial proteins, independently affected activity and may represent a novel regulatory mechanism. When projected onto a 3D structure of PrkC modelled on the structure of known Hanks kinases, the first cluster of phospho-threonine residues falls precisely in the activation loop, controlling the access of substrate and ATP to the catalytic site of many eukaryotic receptor kinases, whereas the second cluster is located in the juxtamembrane region. These results indicate that regulation of PrkC kinase activity (and presumably autophosphorylation) includes a conserved activation loop mechanism. The juxtamembrane phospho-threonine residues may be essential, for example for the recruitment of other proteins necessary for a PrkC signalling cascade or for coupling to other signalling pathways. This is the first structure-function analysis of a bacterial receptor-like kinase of the Hanks family.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of highly specific protein phosphatase inhibitors and purified mammalian protein phosphatases to show that at least two separate Ser/Thr protein phosphatase activities are required for pre-mRNA splicing, but not for spliceosome assembly. Okadaic acid, tautomycin, and microcystin-LR, which are potent and specific inhibitors of PP1 and PP2A, two of the four major types of Ser/Thr-specific phosphatase catalytic subunits, block both catalytic steps of the pre-mRNA splicing mechanism in HeLa nuclear extracts. Inhibition of PP2A inhibits the second step of splicing predominantly while inhibition of both PP1 and PP2A blocks both steps, indicating a differential contribution of PP1 and PP2A activities to the two separate catalytic steps of splicing. Splicing activity is restored to toxin-inhibited extracts by the addition of highly purified mammalian PP1 or PP2A. Protein phosphatase activity was not required for efficient assembly of splicing complexes containing each of the U1, U2, U4/U6 and U5 snRNPs. The data indicate that reversible protein phosphorylation may play an important role in regulating the pre-mRNA splicing mechanism.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase Ste7 has a conserved Ser/Thr loop (S/T-X4(6)-S/T) that can activate the MAPK Fus3 or Kss1 for the...  相似文献   

Aims:  The main objective of this study was to identify amino acid residues in the AGT1‐encoded α‐glucoside transporter (Agt1p) that are critical for efficient transport of maltotriose in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Methods and Results:  The sequences of two AGT1‐encoded α‐glucoside transporters with different efficiencies of maltotriose transport in two Saccharomyces strains (WH310 and WH314) were compared. The sequence variations and discrepancies between these two proteins (Agt1pWH310 and Agt1pWH314) were investigated for potential effects on the functionality and maltotriose transport efficiency of these two AGT1‐encoded α‐glucoside transporters. A 23‐amino‐acid C‐terminal truncation proved not to be critical for maltotriose affinity. The identification of three amino acid differences, which potentially could have been instrumental in the transportation of maltotriose, were further investigated. Single mutations were created to restore the point mutations I505T, V549A and T557S one by one. The single site mutant V549A showed a decrease in maltotriose transport ability, and the I505T and T557S mutants showed complete reduction in maltotriose transport. Conclusions:  The amino acids Thr505 and Ser557, which are respectively located in the transmembrane (TM) segment TM11 and on the intracellular segment after TM12 of the AGT1‐encoded α‐glucoside transporters, are critical for efficient transport of maltotriose in S. cerevisiae. Significance and Impact of the Study:  Improved fermentation of starch and its dextrin products, such as maltotriose and maltose, would benefit the brewing and whisky industries. This study could facilitate the development of engineered maltotriose transporters adapted to starch‐efficient fermentation systems, and offers prospects for the development of yeast strains with improved maltose and maltotriose uptake capabilities that, in turn, could increase the overall fermentation efficiencies in the beer and whisky industries.  相似文献   

The Cpx signalling system of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica senses extracytoplasmic stress and controls expression of factors that allow the bacterium to adapt to these stressors and thereby enhance survival. Many of the Cpx-responsive genes products are of unknown function. We determined the crystal structure of one of these gene products, called YihE in E. coli, which exhibits a eukaryotic kinase fold. Functional assays established that both YihE and the S. enterica YihE homologue, RdoA, undergo autophosphorylation and phosphorylate protein substrates at Ser/Thr residues in vitro, demonstrating that YihE/RdoA is a novel Ser/Thr protein kinase in prokaryotic cells. Phenotypic analysis of yihE/rdoA null strains indicates that this kinase is most abundant in stationary phase, and is important for long-term cell survival and for expression of surface appendages in both a Cpx-independent and -dependent manner. YihE/RdoA is therefore a previously unknown kinase component of a new type of bacterial phosphorelay mechanism, adding kinase activity as another response to the Cpx sensing system that functions to maintain cellular homeostasis.  相似文献   

The Tec family kinase Itk plays a critical role in signal transduction downstream of the T cell antigen receptor and has been implicated in the activation of phospholipase C-gamma1, a key regulator of calcium mobilization and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation. We have shown previously that Itk is regulated by an activating transphosphorylation event in which Tyr-511 in the kinase domain is phosphorylated by Lck (Heyeck, S. D., Wilcox, H. M., Bunnell, S. C., and Berg, L. J. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 25401-25408). In this study, we present evidence for another mode of regulation for Itk, the autophosphorylation of Tyr-180 in the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain. To investigate the role of Itk trans- and autophosphorylation in T cell signaling, a retroviral transduction system was used to introduce different versions of Itk into Itk-deficient primary T cells. We report that Itk mutated at either the trans- or the autophosphorylation site is unable to fully restore cytokine production and ERK activation in the Itk-deficient cells; Itk-Y511F is severely defective, whereas Itk-Y180F has partial activity. Because phosphorylation at Tyr-180 is predicted to interfere with ligand binding by the SH3 domain, an SH3 point mutant that cannot bind ligand was also examined and found to be unable to restore function to the Itk-/- cells. These data provide new insights into the complex regulation of Itk in primary T cells.  相似文献   

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