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The evolution of meiotic patterns of the oogenesis and spermatogenesis in centric diatoms was inferred according to the parsimony principle. The pattern provisionally named type 1, in which one of two daughter nuclei becomes pycnotic, no cytokinesis occurs at meiosis II and two eggs are produced, was inferred to be the most primitive among extant meiotic patterns of oogenesis. It was also inferred that the pattern provisionally named 4‐2EC, in which equal cytokinesis occurs after each nuclear division and four functional haploid cells are produced, is the most primitive among extant meiotic patterns of spermatogenesis. The evolution of meiotic pattern suggests that bipolar or multipolar forms are primitive among centric diatoms.  相似文献   

Small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) coding regions from 30 diatoms, 3 oomycetes, and 6 pelagophytes were used to construct linearized trees, maximum-likelihood trees, and neighbor-joining trees inferred from both unweighted and weighted distances. Stochastic accumulation of sequence substitutions among the diatoms was assessed with relative rate tests. Pennate diatoms evolved relatively slowly but within the limits set by a stochastic model; centric diatoms exceeded those limits. A rate distribution test was devised to identify those taxa showing an aberrant distribution of base substitutions within the ssu rRNA coding region. First appearance dates of diatom taxa from the fossil record were regressed against their corresponding branch lengths to infer the average and earliest possible age for the origin of the diatoms, the pennate diatoms, and the centric diatom order Thalassiosirales. Our most lenient age estimate (based on the median-evolving diatom taxon in the maximum-likelihood tree or on the average branch length in a linearized tree) suggests that their average age is approximately 164–166 Ma, which is close to their earliest fossil record. Both calculations suggest that it is unlikely that diatoms existed prior to 238–266 Ma. Rate variation among the diatoms' ssu rRNA coding regions and uncertainties associated with the origin of extant taxa in the fossil record contribute significantly to the variation in age estimates obtained. Different evolutionary models and the exclusion of fast or slow evolving taxa did not significantly affect age estimates; however, the inclusion of aberrantly fast evolving taxa did. Our molecular clock calibrations indicate that the rRNA coding regions in the diatoms are evolving at approximately 1% per 18 to 26 Ma, which is the fastest substitution rate reported in any pro- or eukaryotic group of organisms to date.  相似文献   

Diatoms have been classified historically as either centric or pennate based on a number of features, cell outline foremost among them. The consensus among nearly every estimate of the diatom phylogeny is that the traditional pennate diatoms (Pennales) constitute a well‐supported clade, whereas centric diatoms do not. The problem with the centric–pennate classification was highlighted by some recent analyses concerning the phylogenetic position of Toxarium, whereby it was concluded that this “centric” diatom independently evolved several pennate‐like characters including an elongate, pennate‐like cell outline. We performed several phylogenetic analyses to test the hypothesis that Toxarium evolved its elongate shape independently from Pennales. First, we reanalyzed the original data set used to infer the phylogenetic position of Toxarium and found that a more thorough heuristic search was necessary to find the optimal tree. Second, we aligned 181 diatom and eight outgroup SSU rDNA sequences to maximize the juxtapositioning of similar primary and secondary structure of the 18S rRNA molecule over a much broader sampling of diatoms. We then performed a number of phylogenetic analyses purposely based on disparate sets of assumptions and found that none of these analyses supported the conclusion that Toxarium acquired its pennate‐like outline independently from Pennales. Our results suggest that elongate outline is congruent with SSU rDNA data and may be synapomorphic for a larger, more inclusive clade than the traditional Pennales.  相似文献   

Fucoxanthin–chlorophyll proteins (FCP) are the major light-harvesting proteins of diatom algae, a major contributor to marine carbon fixation. FCP complexes from representatives of centric (Cyclotella meneghiniana) and pennate (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) diatoms were prepared by sucrose gradient centrifugation and studied by means of electron microscopy followed by single particle analysis. The oligomeric FCP from a centric diatom were observed to take the form of unusual chain-like or circular shapes, a very unique supramolecular assembly for such antennas. The existence of the often disputed oligomeric form of FCP in pennate diatoms has been confirmed. Contrary to the centric diatom FCP, pennate diatom FCP oligomers are very similar to oligomeric antennas from related heterokont (Stramenopila) algae. Evolutionary aspects of the presence of novel light-harvesting protein arrangement in centric diatoms are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies have led to a rapid increase in knowledge of auxospore formation in diatoms. However, these studies have been limited to centric and raphid pennate diatoms, and there is still very little information for the araphid pennate diatoms. Using LM and SEM, we studied the development of the auxospore and the initial cell of the marine epiphytic diatom Gephyria media Arnott. Auxospores were bipolar and curved in side view, as in many other pennate diatoms. SEM revealed many transverse perizonial bands, all of which were incomplete rings. There was an elongate, sprawling, silicified structure beneath the ventral suture of the transverse perizonial bands. This structure is presumably equivalent to the longitudinal perizonial band in other pennate diatoms, although we could not determine the homologous relationship between the two features. Scales were found both in the inner wall of the perizonium and around the primary perizonial bands. The presence or absence of scales may be of phylogenetic significance in diatoms, only during the final stages of auxospore formation because scales are found in early spherical stages. The distinctive finger‐like structures observed throughout all stage of G. media have not been observed before in the other diatom taxa.  相似文献   

In many animals, the bipolar spindle of the first zygotic division is established after the contribution of centrioles by the sperm at fertilization. To avoid the formation of a multipolar spindle in the zygote, centrosomes are eliminated during oogenesis in most organisms, although the mechanism of this selective elimination is poorly understood. We show that cki-2, a Caenorhabditis elegans cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor, is required for their appropriate elimination during oogenesis. In the absence of cki-2, embryos have supernumerary centrosomes and form multipolar spindles that result in severe aneuploidy after anaphase of the first division. Moreover, we demonstrate that this defect can be suppressed by reducing cyclin E or Cdk2 levels. This implies that the proper regulation of a cyclin E-Cdk complex by cki-2 is required for the elimination of the centrosome that occurs before or during oogenesis to ensure the assembly of a bipolar spindle in the C. elegans zygote.  相似文献   

Different stages of the study of taxonomical composition of centric diatoms in the Selenga River are considered. A revision of the species composition and a general systematic list are made. New for the Selenga River diatom species are discovered. The role of small-sized centric diatoms in different years and vegetation periods is assessed. A comparison of the composition and the level of development of centric diatoms in 1958–1959 and 2002–2005 is made.  相似文献   

The composition and temporal changes in phytoplankton populationswere evaluated in local upwelling off the Izu Peninsula. Japan.in May. 1982. Phytoplankton in the upwelled water was dominatedby diatoms and that in the surrounding water by various flagellatesand monads. Phytoplankton started logarithmic growth almostimmediately after subsurface nutrient-rich water was upwellinginto the euphotic zone and nutrients were depleted within afew days. Growth enhancement was most striking among diatoms.As a result >50% of the total phytoplankton biomass of cells>2 µm was from a centric diatom. Leptocylindrus danicus.The results confirmed many past observations of the dominanceof diatoms in upwelled water. Such dominance is explained bythe rapid growth of diatoms when nutrient concentrations areenhanced.  相似文献   

1. Periphytic diatoms are used as indicators of water quality because their ecological tolerances or preferences to environmental variables are thought to be predictable. However, much of the present autecological information for periphytic diatoms has been derived from studies conducted in the northern hemisphere. In this present study we used periphytic diatoms to determine the impacts of inorganic nutrient pollution in a tidal river system in the temperate latitudes of south‐east Australia. In so doing, we assess the suitability of the use of the ‘northern hemisphere’ ecological tolerance/preference data for periphytic diatoms. 2. Artificial substrates were used to collect periphytic diatoms at 35 sites, which were positioned along the riverbanks and the middle of the river at various distances upstream and downstream of the sewage outfall. The sampling design took into account tidal excursions and the observed sewage plume dynamics. Periphytic diatoms were collected during the austral winter month of August and the austral spring months of September and October. We deployed the artificial substrates for 4 weeks to allow the periphytic diatoms to recruit and colonise, before identifying and enumerating the assemblages. 3. Data analysis included two approaches: multivariate visualisations of combinations of environmental and biological data to investigate shifts in species structure of the periphytic diatom assemblage and multimetric indices based on ecological tolerance/preference data. 4. We found that the spatial patterns inferred from multivariate and multimetric analyses were consistent. Temporal variation in the composition of the periphytic diatom assemblage was greater than the spatial variation along horizontal sections of the river (in any one deployment) due mainly to shifts between winter and spring species. 5. Outfall effects were most apparent in winter, possibly because subsequent deployments were swamped by growth of spring periphytic diatoms. The outfall effects included a shift towards pollutant tolerant species and a reduction in the variability of the periphytic diatom assemblage across the river. 6. We conclude that the use of periphytic diatoms and associated ecological tolerance/preference data as a means of assessing impacts of point source inorganic nutrient pollution is effective. An understanding of river and sewage flow patterns is essential to the design of appropriate monitoring programmes and to the interpretation of results, especially as periphytic diatoms are sensitive to many environmental variables.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis and auxospore development were studied in the freshwater centric diatom Hydrosera triquetra. Spermatogenesis was unusual, lacking depauperating cell divisions within the spermatogonangium. Instead, a series of mitoses occurred within an undivided cell to produce a multinucleate plasmodium with peripheral nuclei, which then underwent meiosis. 32 or 64 sperm budded off from the plasmodium leaving a large residual cell containing all the chloroplasts. Similar development apparently occurs in Pleurosira, Aulacodiscus, and Guinardia, these being so distantly related that independent evolution of plasmodial spermatogenesis seems likely. After presumed fertilization, the Hydrosera egg cell expanded distally to form a triangular end part. However, unlike in other triangular diatoms (Lithodesmium, Triceratium), the development of triradiate symmetry was not controlled by the “canonical” method of a perizonium that constrains expansion to small terminal areas of the auxospore wall. Instead, the auxospore wall lacked a perizonium and possessed only scales and a dense mat of thin, apparently entangled strips of imperforate silica. No such structures have been reported from any other centric diatoms, the closest analogs being instead the incunabular strips of some raphid diatoms (Nitzschia and Pinnularia). Whether these silica structures are formed by the normal method (intracellular deposition within a silica deposition vesicle) is unknown. As well as being more rounded than vegetative cells, the initial cell is aberrant in its structure, since it has a less polarized distribution of the “triptych” pores characteristic of the species.  相似文献   

A boron requirement has been shown for 12 species of marine pennate diatoms, 4 species of marine centric diatoms, and S freshwater diatom species. It can be concluded that boron is essential for the growth of most, probably all, diatoms. It is much easier to demonstrate a requirement for the marine species than for the freshwater species. Some species of marine algal flagellates also require boron for growth; others apparently do not.  相似文献   

Diatoms, unicellular eukaryotic algae with a siliceous skeleton, offer the rare advantage of displaying both an extensive fossil record and numerous extant species, thus providing the opportunity of confronting molecular and paleontological data in a protist group. A portion of the 28S ribosomal RNA was sequenced from 5 diatoms, the divergence times of which are well known. The nucleotide substitution rate was estimated in these unicellular eukaryotes and compared with the rate of multicellular eukaryotes, using a broad data base comprising metazoans and metaphytes. When using fossil record derived divergence times, our results show that the nucleotide substitution rate is about 5 times faster in diatoms than in chordates. But, when using the relative rate test, it is observed that, over a long time period, the nucleotide substitution rate may in fact have been slightly slower in diatoms than in chordates. For this contradiction, two possible explanations are proposed: (i) a failure of the relative rate test, (ii) a gap in the pre-Jurassic diatom fossil record. We have checked that our results concerning the relative rate test were valid. Thus, the second hypothesis, which implies pre-Jurassic diatom evolution, in fact already suggested by some non-molecular evidences, is favoured. Decoupling of morphological differentiation from genetic speciation also appears to have occurred and may account in part for the underestimation of the dates of recent cladogenesis events.  相似文献   


Benthic diatoms, which often dominate marine biofilms are mostly pennate along with a few centric species that have an attached mode of life. Even though the range of diatoms in biofilms is diverse, their ecology is poorly understood because of the difficulty in sampling and enumeration. Scraping or brushing are the traditional methods used for removal of diatoms from biofilms developed on solid substrata. The method of removal is the most critical step in enumerating the biofilm diatom community structure. In this study, a nylon brush and ceramic scraper were used as tools for the removal of diatoms from 1 – 4-day-old biofilms developed on fibreglass coupons and glass microscope slides. Standardisation of methods showed that the sample volume used in the analyses had the least influence on the quantification, whereas the method of removal was critical. The nylon brush was more efficient at recovering diatoms compared to a ceramic scraper. Direct microscopic enumeration of the community in the case of glass slides indicated that scraping resulted in between 30–50% underestimation. Heterogeneity in diatom community structure between replicate samples is one possible reason for such underestimation.  相似文献   

Patil JS  Anil AC 《Biofouling》2005,21(3-4):181-188
Benthic diatoms, which often dominate marine biofilms are mostly pennate along with a few centric species that have an attached mode of life. Even though the range of diatoms in biofilms is diverse, their ecology is poorly understood because of the difficulty in sampling and enumeration. Scraping or brushing are the traditional methods used for removal of diatoms from biofilms developed on solid substrata. The method of removal is the most critical step in enumerating the biofilm diatom community structure. In this study, a nylon brush and ceramic scraper were used as tools for the removal of diatoms from 1 - 4-day-old biofilms developed on fibreglass coupons and glass microscope slides. Standardisation of methods showed that the sample volume used in the analyses had the least influence on the quantification, whereas the method of removal was critical. The nylon brush was more efficient at recovering diatoms compared to a ceramic scraper. Direct microscopic enumeration of the community in the case of glass slides indicated that scraping resulted in between 30-50% underestimation. Heterogeneity in diatom community structure between replicate samples is one possible reason for such underestimation.  相似文献   

A correlation between genome size and cell volume has been observed across diverse assemblages of eukaryotes. We examined this relationship in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), a phylum in which cell volume is of critical ecological and biogeochemical importance. In addition to testing whether there is a predictive relationship across extant species, we tested whether evolutionary divergences in genome size were correlated with evolutionary divergences in cell size (using independent contrasts). We estimated total DNA content for 16 diatom species using a flow cytometer and estimated cell volumes using critical dimensions with scaling equations. Our independent contrast analyses indicated a significant correlated evolution between genome size and cell volume. We then explored the evolutionary and ecological implications of this evolutionary relationship. Diatom cell volume is an important component of the global carbon cycle; therefore, understanding the mechanisms that drive diatom genome evolution has both evolutionary and ecological importance.  相似文献   

M Idei  K Osada  S Sato  K Toyoda  T Nagumo  DG Mann 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41890
cGametogenesis and auxospore development have been studied in detail in surprisingly few centric diatoms. We studied the development of sperm, eggs and auxospores in Actinocyclus sp., a radially symmetrical freshwater diatom collected from Japan, using LM and electron microscopy of living cultures and thin sections. Actinocyclus represents a deep branch of the 'radial centric' diatoms and should therefore contribute useful insights into the evolution of sexual reproduction in diatoms. Spermatogenesis was examined by LM and SEM and involved the formation of two spermatogonia (sperm mother-cells) in each spermatogonangium through an equal mitotic division. The spermatogonia produced a reduced 'lid' valve, resembling a large flat scale with irregular radial thickenings. Sperm formation was merogenous, producing four sperm per spermatogonium, which were released by dehiscence of the 'lid' valve. The sperm were spindle-shaped with numerous surface globules and, as usual for diatoms, the single anterior flagellum bore mastigonemes. One egg cell was produced per oogonium. Immature eggs produced a thin layer of circular silica scales before fertilization, while the eggs were still contained within the oogonium. Sperm were attracted in large numbers to each egg and were apparently able to contact the egg surface via a gap formed between the long hypotheca and shorter epitheca of the oogonium and a small underlying hole in the scale-case. Auxospores expanded isodiametrically and many new scales were added to its envelope during expansion. Finally, new slightly-domed initial valves were produced at right angles to the oogonium axis, after a strong contraction of the cell away from the auxospore wall. At different stages, Golgi bodies were associated with chloroplasts or mitochondria, contrasting with the constancy of Golgi-ER-mitochondrion (G-ER-M) units in some other centric diatoms, which has been suggested to have phylogenetic significance. Electron-dense bodies in the vacuole of Actinocyclus are probably acidocalcisomes containing polyphosphate.  相似文献   

We investigated the composition, biomass and cell size dynamics of the marine planktonic diatom species along a coastal-open sea gradient in relation to the hydrological characteristics, during four oceanographic cruises in July 2005, May–June 2006, September 2006 and March 2007 in the Gulf of Gabes. The study of the marine planktonic diatoms throughout the sampling period showed the presence of 40 different species belonging to 22 pennate and 18 centric diatom species. Centric diatoms were more abundant than the pennate ones; 56% and 44% of total diatom abundance, respectively. Diatoms were very abundant, representing about 60% of the total phytoplankton abundance, with an exception in July 2005 (19%) during which Dictyochophyceae were the most dominant group (41% of the total phytoplankton abundance). Diatoms, which were dominant in the coastal samples, mainly proliferate in the semi-mixing conditions (May–June 2006), whereas they declined in the offshore area, most likely due to silicate shortage. In this period, in spite of the high abundance of diatom planktonic cells, only diatom biomass was correlated with silica amount, proving that biomass was a better ecological bio-indicator than abundance. The results suggest that the marine planktonic diatoms taxa were generally adapted to specific hydrological structure. In fact, the dominance index of diatoms showed that the biodiversity of diatoms increased gradually along the coastal-open sea gradient except in May–June 2006 during which a slight decrease along the inshore towards offshore areas was observed. This index increase depended on a coastal-open sea distance during thermal stratification (July 2005 and September 2006) and mixing periods (March 2007).  相似文献   

Diatoms are one of the most important constituents of phytoplankton communities in aquatic environments, but in spite of this, only recently have large-scale diatom-sequencing projects been undertaken. With the genome of the centric species Thalassiosira pseudonana available since mid-2004, accumulating sequence information for a pennate model species appears a natural subsequent aim. We have generated over 12,000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and upon assembly into a nonredundant set, 5,108 sequences were obtained. Significant similarity (E < 1E-04) to entries in the GenBank nonredundant protein database, the COG profile database, and the Pfam protein domains database were detected, respectively, in 45.0%, 21.5%, and 37.1% of the nonredundant collection of sequences. This information was employed to functionally annotate the P. tricornutum nonredundant set and to create an internet-accessible queryable diatom EST database. The nonredundant collection was then compared to the putative complete proteomes of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae, and the centric diatom T. pseudonana. A number of intriguing differences were identified between the pennate and the centric diatoms concerning activities of relevance for general cell metabolism, e.g. genes involved in carbon-concentrating mechanisms, cytosolic acetyl-Coenzyme A production, and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate metabolism. Finally, codon usage and utilization of C and G relative to gene expression (as measured by EST redundance) were studied, and preferences for utilization of C and CpG doublets were noted among the P. tricornutum EST coding sequences.  相似文献   

1. Many studies have addressed either community models (e.g. Clementsian versus Gleasonian gradients) or assembly rules (e.g. nestedness, checkerboards) for higher plant and animal communities, but very few studies have examined different non‐random distribution patterns simultaneously with the same data set. Even fewer studies have addressed generalities in the distribution patterns of unicellular organisms, such as diatoms. 2. We studied non‐randomness in the spatial distribution and community composition of stream diatoms. Our data consisted of diatom surveys from 47 boreal headwater streams and small rivers in northern Finland. Our analytical approaches included ordinations, cluster analysis, null model analyses, and associated randomisation tests. 3. Stream diatom communities did not follow discrete Clementsian community types, where multiple species occur exclusively in a single community type. Rather, diatom species showed rather individualistic responses, leading to continuous Gleasonian variability in community composition. 4. Although continuous variability was the dominating pattern in the data, diatoms also showed significant nestedness and less overlap in species distribution than expected by chance. However, these patterns were probably only secondary signals from species’ individualistic responses to the environment. 5. Although unicellular organisms, such as diatoms, differ from multicellular organisms in several biological characteristics, they nevertheless appear to show largely similar non‐random distribution patterns previously found for higher plants and metazoans.  相似文献   

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