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MULLINS  M. G. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(4):897-909
Application of ethylene, indole-3yl-acetic acid (IAA), 6-(benzylamino)-9-(2tetrahydropyranyl)-9-Hpurine (SD8339), or mixtures of IAA, gibberellic acid (GA),and cytokinins, increased the accumulation of 14C-activity indecapitated internodes of Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings. Differencesbetween treated and untreated tissues with respect to importof labelled assimilate were detected 3 h after application ofa mixture of IAA, GA, and SD8339. In longer-term experimentseffects of the growth-regulator mixture on translocation oflabel were greater than those of IAA alone. Inhibitory effectsof abscisic acid on import of assimilate were counteracted bySD8339. The ability of internode tissues to import 14C-photosynthatedeclines with time from decapitation, and a decrease in incorporationof 14C-leucine into protein was detected after 24 h. There wasan increase in protein and RNA synthesis in internodal tissuesfollowing a 2.5-h pre-treatment of decapitated internodes withIAA, GA, and SD8339. Concentrations of 2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoicacid which inhibit 14C-IAA translocation stimulate protein synthesisin decapitated internodes, and augment the IAA-effect on importof 14C-photosynthate. ‘Hormone-directed’ assimilatetransport is discussed in relation to confounding effects ofgrowth responses and differential senescence of treated anduntreated tissues. It is suggested that accumulation of labelledassimilate in treated tissues results from effects of growthregulators on synthetic activities at the point of application.  相似文献   

The movement of metabolites and nutrients towards developingseeds, and their accumulation there, appears to play an importantrole in the regulation of senescence of the shoot in annualplants. The possibility that the directed-transport of nutrientstowards developing fruits is regulated by growth hormones hasbeen studied in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Applicationof 3-indolyl acetic acid (IAA), in lanolin, to peduncles fromwhich the fruits had been removed, resulted in significantlygreater accumulation of 32P (applied to the lower part of thestem) in the region of hormone application than in pedunclestreated with lanolin only. When gibberellic acid (GA) or kinetinwere applied alone to defruited peduncles they had no significanteffect on the accumulation of 32P at the point of applicationof hormone, but when either was applied with IAA they greatlyenhanced the effect of the latter on movement of 14C-labelledphotosynthates from the leaves to the peduncles. It is suggestedthat hormone-directed transport may play an important role indirecting the movement of nutrients towards developing seeds,which are rich sources of endogenous hormones.  相似文献   

黄瓜幼苗分别培养于诱花和诱导营养芽培养基后,逐日进行了交换培养基试验,并在培养开始2 d 后去顶。诱导营养芽培养基中培养1 ~6 d 后转入诱花培养基,成花率依次递降,7 d 后再转成花率极低。诱花培养基中培养少于5 d 即转诱芽培养基,成花率极低;培养6 d 则跃增;并随诱花培养基中培养天数增加而成花率上升,直至18 d 达顶点。表明:培养1 ~5 d 期间,诱花培养基作用不明显,诱花培养基的有效作用期为6 ~12 d( 去顶后的4 ~10 d) 。  相似文献   

Thermal acclimation by Saxifraga cernua to low temperatures results in a change in the optimum temperature for gross photosynthetic activity and may directly involve the photosynthetic apparatus. In order to test this hypothesis photosynthetic electron transport activity of S. cernua thylakoids acclimated to growth temperatures of 20°C and 10°C was measured in vitro. Both populations exhibited optimum temperatures for whole chain and PSII electron transport activity at temperatures close to those at which the plants were grown. Chlorophyll a fluorescence transients from 10°C-acclimated leaves showed higher rates in the rise and subsequent quenching of variable fluorescence at low measuring temperatures; 20°C-acclimated leaves showed higher rates of fluorescence rise at higher measuring temperatures. At these higher temperatures, fluorescence quenching rates were similar in both populations. The kinetics of State 1-State 2 transitions in 20°C- and 10°C-acclimated leaf discs were measured as changes in the magnitude of the fluorescence emission maxima measured at 77K. Leaves acclimated at 10°C showed a larger F730/F695 ratio at low temperatures, while at higher temperatures, 20°C-acclimated leaves showed a higher F730/F695 ratio after the establishment of State 2. High incubation temperatures also resulted in a decrease in the F695/F685 ratio for 10°C-acclimated leaves, suggesting a reduction in the excitation transfer from the light-harvesting complex of photosystem II to photosystem II reaction centers. The relative amounts of chlorophyll-protein complexes and thylakoid polypeptides separated electro-phoretically were similar for both 20°C- and 10°C-acclimated leaves. Thus, photosynthetic acclimation to low temperatures by S. cernua is correlated with an increase in photosynthetic electron transport activity but does not appear to be accompanied by major structural changes or different relative amounts in thylakoid protein composition.  相似文献   

Long thin stolons of Saxifraga were treated with cyanide inboth the solution and gaseous forms; the latter was much moreeffective. Cyanide strongly inhibited the transport of 137Csand of natural 14C-assimilates. As judged by a variety of approaches,including the use of 14C-cyanide, the inhibition was certainlyeffective in the sieve tubes themselves. Callose formation didnot seem to be promoted. The inhibition was completely reversible,and was never accompanied by a build-up of tracer in, or before,the treated zone; failure to traverse it was not due thereforeto membrane damage and consequent leakage. For these reasonsthe results are held to favour a mechanism of mass flow invokingactive pumping in the sieve tubes.  相似文献   

The extent to which phosphate can be absorbed directly fromthe outer medium by stolon internodes and contribute to thetotal accumulation of phosphate by intact plants of white clover(Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca) was assessed in hydroponicexperiments in a controlled environment room. The uptake ofphosphate by intact roots or stolons was measured by sealinga segment (6-0 mm long) across a flow-cell in which 32P-labellednutrient solution was circulated for 24 h, the rest of the rootsystem receiving unlabelled nutrient solution. The rate of uptakeof phosphate (µmol g–1 d–1 dry wt. basis)by roots was more than 300 times that by intact stolons. Pretreatmentof stolons by gentle abrasion to remove cuticle, so as to simulatethe condition of stolons in the field, increased the uptakeof phosphate 7-fold compared with that of intact stolons. However,the potential of stolons to contribute to the P status of whitedover in the field was calculated to be small (5%). When an incision was made through the hypodermal layer of stolons,the rate of phosphate uptake greatly increased, attaining 71%of that by root segments. This increase, which was greater athigher phosphate concentrations, indicates that the suberi.zedhypodermis constitutes a major barrier to the influx of phosphatein the stolon. After withholding phosphate for different time intervals, thesubsequent rate of phosphate uptake by roots was increased 2-3-foldafter 2 d phosphate deprivation and 3-4-fold after 6 d or 13d phosphate deprivation. A higher proportion of absorbed phosphatewas transported to shoots in phosphate-deprived plants. After1 d of uptake following restoration of the phosphate supply,the concentrations of labelled phosphate in shoots were greaterthan in control plants, although the concentrations of labelin roots was less. However, the rate of uptake of phosphateby stolons, following deprivation, was not significantly increased.These results suggest that the mechanism regulating the enhancedrate of phosphate loading into the xylem, initiated by a periodof phosphate deprivation, is specific to roots and is not inducedin stolons. The results are discussed in relation to the growth and acquisitionof phosphate by white clover in the field. Key words: Nutrient deficiency, phosphate, stolons, transport (ions), Trifolium repens  相似文献   

Proboscidactyla flavircirrata is a commensal hydroid whose stolonselongate rapidly in the absence of its host. Growth pulsationscomparable to those of other hydroids originate endogenouslyin each stolon tip, although influenced by the to and fro movementsof the hydroplasm. Neither growth pulsations nor elongationappear to depend upon cellular proliferation, because the distalends of stolons lacked mitotic figures and since irradiationsufficient to halt mitosis failed to stop stolon elongation.Cellular migration is also apparently unessential for elongationbecause severed stolon tips, isolated from potential sourcesof reusable cells, nevertheless elongated. Marking experimentssuggested that cells changed shape rather than location as severedtips advanced. In old preparations the stolons became attenuatedbecause the tips continued to progress without adequate recruitmentof cells. Stolons deprived of their tips failed to elongatealthough they were still connected to the remainder of the colonyand contained mitotic cells. Cytochalasin B simultaneously haltedgrowth pulsations and stolon elongation in a reversable manner.Apparently stolon tip locomotion in Proboscidactyla is essentialto the elongation process.  相似文献   

Ethylene-induced Tropism of Trifolium fragiferum L. Stolons   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The hypothesis that ethylene regulates prostrate stem growth was investigated using stolons of strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum L. var. Salina). Stolons became erect when treated with ethylene or 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. Curvature was visibly detectable 2 hours after ethylene treatment, and subsequent stem elongation was rapid. Indoleacetic acid application to prostrate stolons caused only a small transitory curvature persisting less than 48 hours. Indoleacetic acid-stimulated curvature was accompanied by an increase in ethylene evolution. When stolon curvature was induced by placing strawberry clover plants in darkness or by applying gibberellic acid, ethylene production did not parallel stolon curvature.  相似文献   

GINZBURG  C.; ZIV  M. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(1):219-224
The influence of four plant hormones on cormel development inGladiolus stolon tips grown in vitro was tested. Kinetin inducedcormel formation while Gibberellin A3 inhibited it at low kinetinlevels. Abscisic acid did not affect cormel formation, but inhibitedtheir growth. Naphthalene acetic acid had no direct effect ontuberization. Anatomical observations revealed no differencesbetween cormels formed in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Saxifraga callosa Sm. is an evergreen perennial species distributed from Eastern Spain, through the Western Alps and the Apennines, to southern Italy. The existence of high morphological variation within different subspecies indicates that phenotypic characters are useful but not sufficient taxonomic tools. Indeed, available morphological data already suggested that S. callosa subentity lantoscana may be an outcross between S. callosa and S. cochlearis. In this work, by analyzing ITS (Internal Transcribed Sequences), AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms), and cpDNA (chloroplast DNA) markers, a comprehensive study of the genomic relationships among S. callosa and related species has been carried out. The sequence of the ITS region of S. callosa subentity lantoscana gave no conclusive results on the taxonomy status of S. callosa subentity lantoscana. On the other hand, the use of the "NewHybrids" software to analyze an AFLP data-set (208 polymorphic amplified fragments) supported a significant posterior probability that S. callosa subentity lantoscana individuals are natural hybrids between S. callosa and S. cochlearis. The level of introgression of genes from alien genomes was confirmed by a simpler and quick methodology that analyze length variation in cpDNA sequences.  相似文献   

利用叶绿体DNA非基因编码区rpl20-rps12和trnL-trnF作为分子标记,对喜马拉雅-横断山区优越虎耳草13个居群151个个体进行谱系地理学研究,旨在揭示优越虎耳草现有的遗传结构及其演化历程。共检测到19个单倍型,其中63%的单倍型为居群特有单倍型。研究还发现,优越虎耳草居群总的遗传多样性较高(Ht=0.868),居群内平均遗传多样性较低(Hs=0.466)。分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明,优越虎耳草居群57.37%的遗传变异来自居群内,居群间遗传变异为42.63%。居群遗传分化系数Nst大于GstNst=0.463,Gst=0.438,P>0.05),但不显著,表明优越虎耳草在其整个分布范围内没有明显的谱系地理结构。中性检验结果表明,Tajima's D为负值(-1.348 32,P>0.05)而Fu's Fs*为正值(18.915 72,P>0.05),但均不显著,结合歧点分布分析发现该物种在整个分布范围内未经历过居群扩张。此外,在本研究中优越虎耳草遗传多样性和核苷酸多样性较高的居群及大量特有单倍型在整个分布范围内随机分布,符合"微型避难所"假说。优越虎耳草居群在冰期可能随气候波动而发生分布范围的不断变化,最终在相互隔离的"高山岛屿"中发生异域分化,导致大量特有单倍型产生。因此,推测优越虎耳草与其生境中的乔木和灌木可能具有相似的谱系地理历史,它们可为优越虎耳草提供微型避难所而使之在冰期时保留下来。  相似文献   

Saxifraga stolonifera, an evergreen dicotyledon, has been identified as an important resource in Chinese medicine due to its anticancer activity. In the present report, chemical components of S. stolonifera (L) Meeb which is found in Guizhou province were investigated. Ten compounds were isolated from ethanol extracts of S. stolonifera plant and were identified as n-C(31)H(64) (1), (n-C(17)H(35))(2)CO (2), beta-sitosterol (3), n-C(29)H(60) (4), Bergenin (5), Protocatechuic acid (6), Gallic acid (7), Quercitrin 3-O-alpha-l-rhamnoside (8), Quercetin (9), and Quercetin 3-O-beta-d-glucopyranoside (10). Among them, n-C(31)H(64) (1), (n-C(17)H(35))(2)CO (2), beta-sitosterol (3), and n-C(29)H(60) (4) were isolated from this plant for the first time. The anticancer activities of S. stolonifera constituents on human gastric carcinoma cell line BGC-823 were evaluated by MTT assay and microscopic observation, DNA fragmentation, and flow cytometry analysis assay. It was found that quercetin could inhibit cell viability after 72 h of exposure. Furthermore, DNA ladder assay revealed that quercetin could induce DNA strand break in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion. Flow cytometric analysis shows that quercetin can induce 11.82% BGC-823 cell apoptosis in 48 h. These data reveal that quercetin is a potential agent capable of inducing apoptosis in BGC-823 cells.  相似文献   

In decapitated adventitious roots of Allium cepa L. var. French,the time taken for lateral primordia to appear in five sectorshas been studied. This time is approx. 4–5 d after theapex of the adventitious root gave rise to the primordial initialcells. Allium cepa, adventitious root, lateral primordia  相似文献   

Norbergenin, a C-glucoside, was isolated from Saxifraga stolonifera and its structure assigned as 2β-d-glucopyranosylgallic acid °-lactone.  相似文献   

The active transport process, so important in cell function, has been studied in the past with intact cells. Models which have arisen from this work all depend on: first, a specific protein to recognize the substrate; second, translocation of the substrate across the cell membrane; third, release of substrate within the cell and restoration of the system to its initial state. These steps are adequate for facilitated transport, but in active transport an energy input is required to maintain a concentration gradient. Parts of transport systems have been isolated recently. A protein which specifically recognizes β-galactosides has been partially purified. In another case, a protein that appears to be the recognition part of the sulfate transport system of Salmonella typhimurium has been crystallized, and many of its properties have been described. The role of this protein in recognition and in translocation is discussed. Also proteins that phosphorylate a variety of sugars as they enter the cell''s interior provide a mechanism for concentrating sugars as their phosphates, against a gradient.  相似文献   

Typification of the Linnean species of Saxifraga   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
WEBB, D. A., 1987. Typification of the Linnean species of Saxifraga. Types (mainly lectotypes) arc assigned to all the species of Saxifraga described by Linnaeus. There are 38 names in all, of which one is now assigned to Bergenia, one is known to be a hybrid, three have been rejected in the past as nomina ambigua, one was later reduced to synonymy by Linnaeus himself, while 32 are accepted as valid species today. Three have been previously typified by Pugsley, one by Steam and one by the author; for the others the types are newly proposed here. Nineteen names are typified from the Linnean herbarium in London (LINN), three from the Linnean herbarium in Stockholm (S), seven from the Burser herbarium at Uppsala (UPS), one from the Tournefort herbarium in Paris (P), and eight from illustrations cited by Linnaeus in synonymy. Lists are appended of all specimens of the genus in the Linnean herbaria in London and Stockholm and the Burser herbarium at Uppsala, and a determination is given for each specimen, though in some cases these can only be tentative. The specimens include 15 species which Linnaeus did not describe, though in the case of five he probably regarded them as varieties.  相似文献   

Exogenous Auxin Effects on Lateral Bud Outgrowth in Decapitated Shoots   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
CLINE  MORRIS G. 《Annals of botany》1996,78(2):255-266
In 1933 Thimann and Skoog demonstrated exogenous auxin repressionof lateral bud outgrowth in decapitated shoots ofVicia faba. This evidence has given strong support for a role of auxinin apical dominance. Most, but not all, investigators have confirmedThimann and Skoog's results. In the present study, auxin treatmentswere carried out on ten different species or plant types, manyof which were treated with auxin in different forms, media andunder different light conditions. The Thimann–Skoog experimentdid work for most species (i.e. exogenous auxin did repressbud outgrowth) including thedgt tomato mutant which is knownto be insensitive to auxin in certain responses. Toxic auxinsymptoms were observed in some but not all species. The Thimann–Skoogexperiment did not work for greenhouse-grownColeus or forArabidopsis. Light was shown to reduce apical dominance inColeus andIpomoeanil . apical dominance; lateral bud outgrowth; axillary bud; auxin; IAA; decapitation; Vicia faba ; Ipomoea nil ; Pisum sativum ; Phaseolus vulgaris ; Lycopersion exculentum ; dgt ; Coleus blumei ; Arabidopsis thaliana ; Helianthus annuus ; Thimann–Skoog  相似文献   

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