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The fresh water green microalga Chlorella zofingiensisis known to accumulate ketocarotenoids – primarily astaxanthin but also canthaxanthin – when grown under stress conditions of high light irradiance and low nitrogen. We found that salt stress can replace light stress with respect to inducing carotenoid production: cells of C. zofingiensis grown under low light irradiance and subjected to salt and low nitrogen stress accumulated higher amounts of total secondary carotenoids than those growing under high light and low nitrogen stress. Furthermore, C. zofingiensis growing under conditions of salt stress and low light accumulated higher amounts of canthaxanthin than astaxanthin. It is suggested that for canthaxanthin accumulation under salt stress, light is not a limiting factor, but for astaxanthin accumulation high light irradiance is mandatory. These results may be applied in the future for the commercial production of canthaxanthin by C. zofingiensis in systems in which light availability is poor.  相似文献   

The carotenoid composition of the astaxanthin-producing green alga Chlorella zofingiensis was investigated using high-performance liquid chromatography. Astaxanthin, adonixanthin, and zeaxanthin are the major carotenoids in this alga. The pigment pattern was characterized during the accumulation period, and in response to diphenylamine (DPA), an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis. An increase in zeaxanthin followed by a decrease in xanthophyll was seen after the induction of astaxanthin biosynthesis by glucose. This biphasic kinetics of zeaxanthin was parallel to the marked increase in adonixanthin (from 0 mg g−1 to 0.21 mg g−1) and astaxanthin (from 0.05 mg g−1 to 0.35 mg g−1) and decrease of β-carotene (from 0.30 mg g−1 to 0.03 mg g−1). More importantly, unlike the Haematococcus alga, in which there was a high β-carotene accumulation after DPA treatment, C. zofingiensis showed an accumulation of extra zeaxanthin instead of β-carotene after treatment of the cells with DPA. All these results observed in vivo studies corroborate the observations in vitro studies at the enzyme level that zeaxanthin is a substrate for the carotenoid oxygenase in C. zofingiensis. It is suggested that zeaxanthin might be an important intermediate and not an end product of the biosynthetic pathway of astaxanthin. Therefore, a new pathway for astaxanthin formation by C. zofingiensis, which is different from that of the other astaxanthin-producing microorganisms, is proposed. An understanding of the astaxanthin biosynthetic pathway may yield important information toward the optimization of astaxanthin production, especially for the improvement of astaxanthin through genetic manipulations.  相似文献   

Feng P  Deng Z  Hu Z  Fan L 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(22):10577-10584
Culturing microalgae using natural sunlight is an effective way to reduce the cost of microalgae-based biodiesel production. In order to evaluate the feasibility of culturing Chlorella zofingiensis outdoors for biodiesel production, effects of nitrogen limitation and initial cell concentration on growth and lipid accumulation of this alga were investigated in 60 L flat plate photobioreactors outdoors. The highest μmax and biomass productivity obtained was 0.994 day(-1) and 58.4 mg L(-1)day(-1), respectively. The lipid content was much higher (54.5% of dry weight) under nitrogen limiting condition than under nitrogen sufficient condition (27.3%). With the increasing initial cell concentrations, the lipid contents declined, while lipid concentrations and productivities increased. The highest lipid content, lipid concentration, and lipid productivity obtained was 54.5%, 536 mg L(-1) and 22.3 mg L(-1)day(-1), respectively. This study demonstrated that it was possible to culture C. zofingiensis under outdoor conditions for producing biodiesel feedstock.  相似文献   

陈涛  向文洲  何慧  陈峰 《微生物学报》2007,34(5):0856-0858
研究了葡萄糖、蔗糖和果糖对小球藻(Chlorella zofingiensis)异养生长及产虾青素的影响,结果表明,在糖浓度为20g/L时,细胞生长较快,但干重较小,虾青素含量较低;在糖浓度为50g/L时,细胞生长较慢,但干重较大,虾青素含量较高。3种碳源中蔗糖和葡萄糖效果较好,在蔗糖浓度为50g/L时,虾青素含量和产量分别达到0.94 mg/g和9.61 mg/L。  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of the alga Chlorella saccharophila was investigated under different growth conditions. Using glucose as the sole carbon source, heterotrophically-grown Chlorella saccharophila produced a greater proportion of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (C18: 2 and C18: 3) than photosynthetic cultures, with linoleic acid (C18: 2) predominating. An unexpected discovery was the observation that at the lowest glucose concentration (2.5 gl–1) the lipid content of the algae increased to between 36–47% of the cell weight, depending on the temperature. At glucose concentrations of 5 g l–1 or more, the lipid content fell to 10–12% of the cell, although total fatty acid yield was higher due to higher biomass concentrations. Aeration of heterotrophic cultures promoted the production of unsaturated fatty acids compared to non-aerated cultures.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to document and compare the lipid class and fatty acid composition of the green microalga Chlorella zofingiensis cultivated under photoautotrophic and heterotrophic conditions. Compared with photoautotrophic cells, a 900% increase in lipid yield was achieved in heterotrophic cells fed with 30 g L−1 of glucose. Furthermore heterotrophic cells accumulated predominantly neutral lipids (NL) that accounted for 79.5% of total lipids with 88.7% being triacylglycerol (TAG); whereas photoautotrophic cells contained mainly the membrane lipids glycolipids (GL) and phospholipids (PL). Together with the much higher content of oleic acid (C18:1) (35.2% of total fatty acids), oils from heterotrophic C. zofingiensis appear to be more feasible for biodiesel production. Our study highlights the possibility of using heterotrophic algae for producing high quality biodiesel.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (NR) genes have beencloned from higher plants, fungi and algae.Based on seven of the amino acid residuesmost strongly conserved between Chlorella vulgaries and Chlamydomonasreinhardtii NR gene, a degenerate primerwas designed. This degenerate primer wasused to amplify the corresponding homologyin Chlorella ellipsoidea. A 3304 bpfull-length cDNA was cloned by rapidamplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Thededuced amino acid sequence of this cDNAhas a high degree of similarity withpreviously identified members of the NRgene. This suggests that the amplified cDNAencodes a functional NR. Northern blotexpression analysis suggests that this geneis strongly induced by nitrate, but isrepressed by ammonium. The nucleotidesequence data reported in this paper willappear in the DDBJ/EMBL/GeneBank databasesunder accession number AY275834.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides cells were pyrolyzed in athermogravimetric analyzer to investigate the pyrolytic characteristics anddetermine the kinetic parameters. Heating rates of 15, 40, 60 and 80 °C-1 up to a final temperature of 800 °C wereused. The pyrolysis reactions mainly took place between 160–520°C with a volatile yield of about 80%. The devolatilization stageconsisted of two main temperature zones (I and II) with a transition at300–320 °C. Crude lipid in cells decomposed at Zone II whileother main components at Zone I. The increase of heating rate caused alateral shift to higher temperatures in the thermograms, a decrease ofactivation energies for the devolatilization stage and an increase of both theinstantaneous maximum and average reaction rates. The difference ofactivation energies between two zones implied that more energy input forlipid pyrolysis seems needed in comparison with other main components.These data are useful for the design, operation, and modeling of thepyrolysis systems for microalgae.  相似文献   

Four species of the unicellular green alga Chlorella, C. vulgaris, C. luteoviridis, C. minutissima, and C. zofingiensis, were characterized with respect to DNA similarities as determined by quantitative DNA hybridization procedures. In contrast to previous DNA hybridization procedures. In contrast to previous results, C. vulgaris turned out to be a homogeneous species with the exception of strain 211-11c of the Göttingen collection, which was shown to belong to C. kessleri. Similary, C. luteoviridis and C. minutissima represent well defined species in terms of phenotypic and genotypic features. Whitin C. zofingiensis on strain is clearly different with respect to DNA base composition and DNA hybridization data even though it shares phenotypic characteristics with the other strains of C. zofingiensis.  相似文献   

The fast growing unicellular green microalgae Chlorella protothecoides has attracted interest as a promising organism for commercial production of a high-value carotenoid, lutein, by heterotrophic fermentation. Effects of two oxidant-forming reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the biomass concentration, and yield and content of lutein in batch culture of heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides were investigated in this study. The addition of 0.1 mmol/L H2O2 and 0.01 mmol/L NaClO plus 0.5 mmol/L Fe2+ to the culture led to the generation of ·OH and enhanced the lutein content from 1.75 to 1.90 and 1.95 mg/g, respectively. The lutein content further increased to 1.98 mg/g when 0.01 mmol/L H2O2 and 0.5 mmol/L NaClO were added to generate 1O2. The maximum yield of lutein (28.5, 29.8 and 31.4 mg/L) and a high biomass concentration (15.0, 15.3 and 15.9 g/L) were also achieved through the above treatments. The results indicated that 1O2 could promote lutein formation and enhance lutein production in heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides. Moreover, 1O2 produced from the reaction of H2O2 and NaClO was more effective in enhancing lutein production and reducing biomass loss than ·OH from the reaction of H2O2 or NaClO plus Fe2+. Supported by the National Key Project of Sci & Tech Supporting Programs Funded by Ministry of Science & Technology of China (Grant No. 2006BAD27B03), Sci & Tech Project of Guangzhou (Grant No. 2005Z3-E0331) and Sci & Tech Project of Guangdong (Grant No. 20052050166)  相似文献   

The most recent revision of the genus Chlorella, based on biochemical and SSU rDNA analyses, suggested a reduction to a set of four "true" spherical Chlorella species, while a growing number of morphologically different species such as Micractinium (formerly Micractiniaceae) were found to cluster within the clade of "true"Chlorella. In this study, the generic concept in Chlorellaceae to Chlorella and Micractinium was evaluated by means of combined SSU and ITS-2 rDNA sequence analyses and biotests to induce development of bristles on the cell wall. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of Chlorella and Micractinium strains confirmed their separation into two different genera. In addition, non-homoplasious synapomorphies (NHS) and compensatory base changes (CBC) in the secondary structures of SSU and ITS-2 rDNA sequences were found for both genera using this approach. The Micractinium clade can be differentiated into three different genotypes. Using culture medium of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, phenotypic plasticity in Chlorella and Micractinium was studied. Non-bristled Micractinium cells developed bristles during incubation with Brachionus culture medium, whereas Chlorella did not produce bristles. Grazing experiments with Brachionus showed the rotifer preferred to feed on non-bristled cells. The dominance of colonies versus solitary cells in the Micractinium culture was not correlated with the "Brachionus factor". These results suggest that morphological characteristics like formation of bristles represent phenotypic adaptations to the conditions in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

孙妮  向文洲  何慧  陈峰 《微生物学报》2008,35(3):0353-0357
本文研究了碳氮比和光强对小球藻Chlorella zofingiensis合成虾青素的影响。结果表明, 随着碳氮比的增加, 虾青素含量提高, 但是过高的碳氮比限制藻细胞的生长。当碳氮比为 133 时, 虾青素的产量最大, 达到 9.19 mg/L。高光诱导在高碳氮比基础上进一步提高虾青素的含量及产量。200 mmol/m2﹒s 光强在没有严重影响小球藻生长的同时, 明显提高虾青素含量, 最大虾青素产量达到 12.52 mg/L。文章对不同诱导条件下虾青素的合成机理以及利用异养自养相结合的方法提高虾青素产量的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Haematococcus pluvialis gave the highest astaxanthin accumulation rate (2.7 mg l–1 day–1) and total astaxanthin content ( 22.7 mg g–1 biomass). Astaxanthin accumulation in Neochloris wimmeri, Protosiphon botryoides, Scotiellopsis oocystiformis, Chorella zofingiensis and Scenedesmus vacuolatus was, respectively, 19.2, 14.3, 10.9, 6.8 and 2.7 mg astaxanthin g–1 biomass, respectively.  相似文献   

孙妮  向文洲  何慧  陈峰 《微生物学通报》2008,35(3):0353-0357
本文研究了碳氮比和光强对小球藻Chlorella zofingiensis合成虾青素的影响。结果表明,随着碳氮比的增加,虾青素含量提高,但是过高的碳氮比限制藻细胞的生长,当碳氮比为133时,虾青素的产量最大,达到9.19mg/L。高光诱导在高碳氮比基础上进一步提高虾青素的含量及产量。200μmol/m^2.S光强在没有严重影响小球藻生长的同时,明显提高虾青素含量,最大虾青素产量达到12.52mg/L。文章对不同诱导条件下虾青素的合成机理以及利用异养自养相结合的方法提高虾青素产量的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

An investigation of the cellular response of the freshwater microalga Chlorella zofingiensis to exogenous selenium showed that Chlorella cells can tolerate sodium selenite up to a concentration of 100 mg l−1. Cells grown in such a selenium-supplemented medium accumulated boiling-stable proteins in a concentration-dependant manner. Western blot analysis revealed that three of these boiling-stable proteins cross-reacted with anti-dehydrin antibody. Selenium was also found to exert an effect on antioxidative enzymes: superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD and Mn-SOD isoforms) accumulated in response to selenium stress of 100 mg l−1 sodium selenite, as did a new form of selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase. Upon transfer of the cells to a selenium-free medium, the boiling-stable proteins, the superoxide dismutase isoforms and the selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase were all down regulated. The accumulation of boiling-stable proteins and the increased activities of the antioxidant enzymes in selenium-treated Chlorella cells suggest that these compounds are probably involved in the mechanism(s) of selenium tolerance of this alga.  相似文献   

Chlorella is a promising alternative resource of lutein (xanthophyll) production as it can be cultivated heterotrophically in fermentors. In this paper, a kinetic model for lutein production by heterotrophic Chlorella pyrenoidosa was developed based on batch cultivations in 250-ml flasks and a 19-l fermentor. The model was validated by experimental data from two fed-batch cultivations performed in the same fermentor. The dynamic behavior of lutein production by C. pyrenoidosa with various concentrations of glucose and nitrogen was analyzed based on the kinetic model. Model-based analyses suggested that glucose concentrations between 5 and 24 g/l and nitrogen concentrations between 0.7 and 12 g/l during the cultivation were favorable for lutein production by heterotrophic C. pyrenoidosa. It also showed that fed-batch cultivations are more suitable for efficient production of lutein than batch ones. The results obtained in this study may contribute to commercial lutein production by heterotrophic Chlorella.  相似文献   

Studies were made on Chlorella zofingiensis to elucidate the mode of action of a chemical hybridising agent (gametocide) for small grain cereals, azetidine-3-carboxylic acid (A3C). The compound reduced the rate of cell division, but undivided cells continued to grow in size up to 26 times the volume of the largest cells in the control medium. The total biomass of cultures was not affected. Electron microscopy revealed that cells treated with A3C contained no autospores. When samples were returned to control medium, however, division took place rapidly. The results led to the conclusion that A3C blocks cell division prior to the formation of partition membranes and walls. A hypothesis was erected to explain its effects on pollen and was subsequently tested. The test system described is suitable for screening other potential gametocides and assessing their modes of action.  相似文献   

Biomass and lipid productivities of Chlorella vulgaris under different growth conditions were investigated. While autotrophic growth did provide higher cellular lipid content (38%), the lipid productivity was much lower compared with those from heterotrophic growth with acetate, glucose, or glycerol. Optimal cell growth (2 g l−1) and lipid productivity (54 mg l−1 day−1) were attained using glucose at 1% (w/v) whereas higher concentrations were inhibitory. Growth of C. vulgaris on glycerol had a similar dose effects as those from glucose. Overall, C. vulgaris is mixotrophic.  相似文献   

植物激素在小球藻异养培养中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文研究了几种植物激素对小球藻异养培养的影响。结果表明 ,IAA、IBA及 6_BA三种植物激素均不同程度地促进了小球藻的异养生长 ,培养≤ 36h时 ,IAA或IBA以 2 0mg/L的促进小球藻异养生长的效应最大 ,1 0 0mg/LIAA或IBA则抑制了藻的生长 ;>36h时 ,1 0 0mg/LIAA或IBA表现出促进小球藻生长的效应 ,并最终获最大净A540 增长量 ;6_BA以 0 1mg/L的促进作用最大。IBA与 6_BA组合同样表现出促进小球藻异养生长的效应 ,但并非IBA和 6_BA简单的加合效应 ,5mg/LIBA与 6_BA组合的效应维持 6_BA单因子的作用趋势 ,2 0mg/LIBA与 1mg/L 6_BA组合的效应大于与 0 .1mg/L 6_BA组合的 ,1 0 0mg/LIBA与 0 .1mg/L 6_BA组合的效应在≤ 36h时大于与 1mg/L 6_BA组合的 ,>36h时则相反。另外 ,高浓度IBA(≥ 2 0mg/L)与 6_BA组合抑制了前中期异养藻对葡萄糖的吸收 ,但加速了中后期葡萄的吸收。再者 ,IBA与 6_BA组合加速了异养小球藻对NO_3 的吸收。  相似文献   

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