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Postpartum lactating cows (N=118) and virgin heifers (N=60) were treated with subcutaneous Norgestomet implants for nine days and received either an intramuscular injection (im) of 5 mg estradiol valerate and 3 mg Norgestomet at the time of implant insertion or an im injection of 5 mg Alfaprostol 24 hr before implant removal. Animals were artificially inseminated 12 hr after detection of estrus. Of the cows and heifers, 78% and 88%, respectively, were in estrus within five days after implant removal (P<0.09). There was no difference between treatments in the proportion of animals in estrus or in the timing of estrus (P<0.85). Estrus was detected in a greater (P<0.05) proportion of animals that were cyclic prior to treatment (88%) than among those that were anestrous prior to treatment (77%). Pregnancy rates after five days were similar between heifers that were cyclic (42%) or anestrous (47%) prior to treatment; however, the five-day pregnancy rate in cows that were anestrous prior to treatment was 38% lower than that in cows that were cyclic prior to treatment (17 vs 55%, P<0.01). Although the treatments synchronized or induced estrus in both cyclic and anestrous animals, marked variability in estrous response and fertility among previously cyclic or anestrous postpartum cows limited the effectiveness of the treatments.  相似文献   

Hair sheep ewes (St. Croix White and Barbados Blackbelly) were used to evaluate 3 methods of estrus synchronization for use with transcervical artificial insemination (TAI). To synchronize estrus, ewes (n = 18) were treated with PGF2alpha (15 mg, im) 10 d apart, with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices containing 300 mg progesterone for 12 d (n = 18), or with intravaginal sponges containing 500 mg progesterone for 12 d (n = 18). On the day of the second PGF2alpha injection or at CIDR or sponge removal, sterile rams were placed with the ewes. Jugular blood samples were collected from the ewes at 6-h intervals until the time of ovulation, and daily for 16 d after estrus (Day 0). Plasma was harvested and stored at -20 degrees C until LH, and progesterone concentrations were determined by RIA. There was no difference (P>0.10) in time to estrus among the CIDR-, PGF2alpha- or sponge-treated ewes. All of the ewes in the CIDR group and 94.4% of the sponge treated ewes exhibited estrus by 36 h after ram introduction, while only 72.2% of PGF2alpha-treated ewes showed signs of estrus by this time (P<0.06). The time from ram introduction to ovulation was not different (P>0.10) among the CIDR-, PGF2alpha- or sponge-treated ewes. The time to the preovulatory LH surge was similar (P>0.10) among CIDR, PGF2alpha and sponge treated ewes. Progesterone levels through Day 16 after the synchronized estrus were not different (P>0.10) among treatment groups. Hair sheep ewes (n = 23) were synchronized using PGF2alpha and bred by TAI using frozen-thawed semen 48 h after the second injection. The conception rate to TAI was 2/23 (8.7%) and produced 3 ram lambs. In a subsequent trial, 17 ewes were synchronized with CIDR devices and bred by TAI using frozen-thawed semen 48 h after CIDR removal, resulting in a conception rate of 52.9% (9/17). It is possible to synchronize estrus in hair sheep using either CIDRs, sponges or PGF2alpha. Even though there were no significant differences in the timing of ovulation or the LH surge among the treatment groups, a higher conception rate was achieved in ewes synchronized with CIDR devices during the second trial. This may reflect an increase in the skill level of the TAI technician.  相似文献   

Oestrus and ovulation were observed in 234 Galway ewes in the breeding season in a preliminary evaluation of an implant progestagen treatment. A miniature ear implant (3 mg SC-21009) was used in a comparison with two intravaginal sponges (30 mg Cronolone and 60 mg medroxy progesterone acetate (MAP)). Each progestagen treatment was used in conjunction with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) (0, 375 i.u. and 750 i.u.). The percentage of ewes showing oestrus after treatment was significantly affected by progestagen (Cronolone, 95%; MAP, 71%; SC-21009, 74%; P < 0.01), but not by PMSG dose level (0.1 < P < 0.2). Oestrus onset was similar among treatments, but heats ended significantly earlier in implant sheep. Significantly (P < 0.01) more ewes ovulated following Cronolone treatment (92%) than following MAP (74%) or SC-21009 (71%), and there was also a significant effect of PMSG (0, 73%; 375 i.u., 86%; 750 i.u., 93%; P < 0.01). PMSG dose level had a highly significant effect on the mean ovulation rate (0, 1.23; 375 i.u., 1.52; 750 i.u., 2.12; P < 0.001).  相似文献   

A total of 540 cyclic ewes were randomly allocated to 1 of 6 groups according to synchronization or not with melengestrol acetate (MGA), insemination with fresh or frozen semen, and insemination during the first or second estrus post treatment. The MGA was effective in synchronizing estrus, since the percentage of ewes showing estrus during the first 6 days after treatment was significantly higher (P<0.05) for treated (79.5%) than for nontreated ewes (33.5%); 74% of the treated ewes showed estrus during a 72-h period. Progesterone concentrations in plasma samples obtained at random from 34 treated ewes on Day 8 post estrus revealed that 94% of them ovulated and formed a functional CL. Synchronization was maintained during the second estrus post treatment, since 71.9% of the ewes showed the second estrus during a 72-h period. Treatment with 0.22 mg of MGA/head/d for 14 d had a detrimental effect on fertility when insemination was carried out during the first estrus post treatment. Delaying insemination until the second estrus post treatment caused a less marked reduction in conception rates. Thus, MGA can be a useful alternative for estrus synchronization of a large number of ewes. Artificial insemination can be delayed until the second estrus post treatment, improving fertility without loosing the advantages of estrus synchronization.  相似文献   

Ishwar AK  Pandey JN 《Theriogenology》1990,34(5):1015-1024
Thirty-six Black Bengal female goats were in the study. They were divided into three groups of 12 goats each. Group I served as the control, Group II was treated with progesterone, Group III was administered prostaglandin F2alpha. There was 100% estrus synchronization in the PGF2alpha treated group and 90% in the progesterone treated group. The total number of kids produced in the PGF2 alpha treated group was 15 followed by 12 in the progesterone - treated group and 6 in the control group. The gestation length was found to be similar in all three groups.  相似文献   

Ear implants that contained 3 mg Norgestomet or vaginal pessaries that contained 40 or 45 mg fluorogestone acetate were used to induce estrus in dairy goats in three herds in May. Ear implants or vaginal pessaries were left in place for 11 d. Cloprostenol (50 mug) and PMSG (500 IU) were administered i.m. 24 h prior to removal of ear implants or vaginal pessaries. After removal of vaginal pessaries, onset of standing estrus occurred in 22 23 goats (96%) at 20 +/- 4.7 h, in 19 20 goats (95%) at 22 +/- 6.3 h, and in 16 16 goats (100%) at 19 +/- 1.2 h in Herds A, B and C, respectively. After removal of ear implants, onset of standing estrus occurred in 25 25 goats (100%) at 19 +/- 4.9 h, in 20 22 goats (91%) at 22 +/- 7.0 h, and in 15 15 goats (100%) at 18 +/- 2.2 h in Herds A, B and C, respectively. Does were bred by natural service in Herds A and B, and by artificial insemination 28 h after vaginal pessary or ear implant removal in Herd C. Pregnancy rates were determined 39 to 53 d post breeding by real-time ultrasound. Pregnancy rates in goats with vaginal pessaries were 32, 55 and 6%; and in goats with ear implants they were 56, 67 and 27% in Herds A, B and C, respectively. Problems encountered included poor libido in some bucks, abortions in undersized yearling does, and loss of ear implants by three does (not included in the data). Statistically there was no difference in pregnancy rates between goats receiving vaginal pessaries or ear implants (P>0.10).  相似文献   

The estrus — ovulation time relationships was examined in Romney ewes treated with progestogen (intravaginal sponge) and gonadotropins (PMSG + HCG or PMSG alone) prior to (January) and during (April) the breeding season. The conception rate of ewes inseminated at predetermined times after treatment was also investigated.Ewes exhibited estrus sooner after sponge removal in April than in January (34.9 v 38.9 hrs, P < 0.001). The interval from sponge removal to ovulation was also shorter in April than in January (56.3 – 62.1 hrs, P < 0.01). There were no significant differences between treatments or season on the mean interval from estrus to ovulation. Types of gonadotropin treatment had no effect on the estrus — ovulation time relationships. There were no significant effects of season, hormone treatment or time of insemination on lambing rate.  相似文献   

Estrus was synchronized in 64 dairy goats in July with norgestomet ear implants. Half the does received ear implants that contained 6 mg norgestomet and the remaining does received implants that contained 3 mg. Implants were left in place for 11 days. Each doe received i.m. injections of 400 IU PMSG and 50 mug cloprostenol 24 hours prior to implant removal. Twenty-eight of 32 does (87.5%) that received 6 mg or 3 mg norgestomet exhibited onset of estrus within 24 hours of implant removal. All does had exhibited onset of standing estrus by 43 hours after implant removal. Does were hand-mated to fertile bucks twice daily while in standing estrus. There were no differences between does implanted with 6 mg or 3 mg in fertility to the induced estrus (74.2% vs 75% kidding), mean length of gestation (151.0 +/- 3.2 vs 151.6 +/- 2.0 days), mean number of kids per doe (2.1 +/- 0.8 vs 2.3 +/- 0.7) or in mean kid weights (3.10 +/- 0.80 vs 3.06 +/- 0.86 kg) (6 mg vs 3 mg, respectively). It was concluded that ear implants that contained 3 mg of norgestomet were equally as effective as implants that contained 6 mg for synchronization of estrus in dairy goats.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight 12- to 14-month-old crossbred beef heifers averaging 285 kg were assigned at random to treated (n = 35) and control (n = 33) groups to evaluate the use of repetitive norgestomet treatments. Treated heifers received an ear implant containing 6 mg norgestomet on two occasions 16 days apart. Injections of 3 mg norgestomet and 5 mg estradiol valerate (EV) were given intramuscularly the same day as first implantation (Syncro-Mate-B). Implants were removed after eight days. Four bulls were then placed in each of two pastures containing half of the treated and half of the control heifers for 24 days after the time of the first implant removal. Progesterone concentrations from blood samples collected prior to the first treatment were used to determine reproductive status. The overall pregnancy rate 64 days after first implant removal for treated anestrous heifers (61%; 14 23 ) was similar (p > 0.25) to untreated (73%; 11 15 ) and treated (75%; 9 12 ) cyclic heifers, but higher (p < 0.1) than for untreated anestrous heifers (33%; 6 18 ). This treatment advantage resulted from an increased (p < 0.01) pregnancy rate after the second implant removal. In summary, repetitive norgestomet treatments enhanced pregnancy rate in anestrous heifers within a 24-day breeding season.  相似文献   

Intravaginal progestagens have been used for many years to synchronize estrus in ewes. This experiment compares two such treatments: 60 mg medroxyprogesterone (MAP) sponges and a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) device containing 366 mg natural progesterone. No pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) was used. Treatments were given to groups of 10 to 20 ewes for 14 d at various times during breeding season. Rams were introduced 1 d after treatment removal, and day of mating was recorded. Rams were removed after 3 d. Pregnancy was checked with ultrasound 60 d later. There was no diffeence in rate of marking by rams (88%) or pregnancy rate (57%) between treatments. Ewes receiving CIDR devices showed estrus earlier and with closer synchrony (P < 0.01). The CIDR device is comparable to the MAP sponge for estrus synchrony during the breeding season, and reasonable fertility can be achieved without the use of PMSG.  相似文献   

Four trials were conducted to investigate the suitability of a gestagen implant (Norgestomet, Intervet) for estrus synchronization and superovulation in suckler cows and heifers kept under field conditions in Germany. In trial 1 out of 17 heifers treated 12 responded with one ovulation each. In trial 2 57 suckler cows were treated at the University experimental farm. Of 23 cows treated sooner and 34 cows treated later than 50 days post partum one (4 %) and 16 (47 %) respectively calved at the expected time. Trial 3 was a field trial involving 126 suckler cows and 21 heifers. Of 24 cows treated sooner and 102 cows treated later than 50 days post partum 17 % and 52 % respectively calved at the expected time. Of the 21 heifers only 19 % calved at the expected time. In trial 4 superovulation of 13 cows and 17 heifers resulted in 62 % and 94 % responding with 10.0 +/- 2.5 and 11.1 +/- 3.0 (x +/- SD ) ovulations per animal respectively.  相似文献   

Estrus induction and synchronization in canids and felids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kutzler MA 《Theriogenology》2007,68(3):354-374
Indications for estrus induction in the dog and cat include potential missed breeding opportunities or conception failure, the treatment of primary or secondary anestrus, out-of-season breeding (feline) and synchronization of ovulation for embryo transfer programs. Reported methods for estrus induction in bitches and queens include the use of synthetic estrogens (diethylstilbesterol), dopamine agonists (bromocriptine and cabergoline), GnRH agonists (lutrelin, buserelin, fertirelin, deslorelin, and leuprolide), exogenous gonadotropins (LH, FSH, hCG, PMSG, and human menopausal gonadotropin) and opiate antagonists (naloxone). These methods vary widely in efficacy of inducing estrus as well as in the fertility of the induced estrus. The applicability of some of these methods for clinical practice is questionable. This review will summarize published reports on estrus induction in canids and felids, both wild and domestic, and provide an update on research using a long-acting injectable deslorelin preparation in bitches.  相似文献   

The results of laparoscopic insemination of 28,447 Australian Merino ewes with semen from 468 rams were used to study factors influencing pregnancy. The overall pregnancy rate was 71.7% (20,423/28,447). Pregnancy rates varied with type of progestagen implant, type and dosage of PMSG, fresh or frozen semen, wool type and number of ewes inseminated per hour. The pregnancy rate (64.6%) obtained with Medroxy-progesterone acetate (MAP) sponges, was significantly (P < 0.01) lower than with Fluorogestone acetate 30 mg (FGA 30; 74.7%) sponges, Fluorogestone acetate 40 mg (FGA 40; 72.1%) sponges, and Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR-G; 71.7%) implants. A PMSG dose of 200 IU resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) lower pregnancy rates (62.4%) compared with 250 IU (72.9%), 300 IU (79.1%) and > or = 375 IU (69.4%). The mean pregnancy rate for ewes administered Folligon PMSG was 71.9%, which was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than that of ewes treated with Pregnecol PMSG (65.8%). The use of Pregnecol PMSG and MAP sponges was associated, and thus their conditional effects could not be calculated. Ewes inseminated with fresh semen were significantly (P < 0.001) more likely to become pregnant (82.2%) than those inseminated with semen frozen in pellets (69.5%) or straws (71.6%). Ewes inseminated during the months of March, April or May (fall, 71.5%) were just as likely to become pregnant as those ewes inseminated in November, December, January or February (69.6%). Significantly (P < 0.05) fewer strong wool ewes become pregnant to laparoscopic AI, (67.6%) than fine (71.7%), fine medium (73%) or medium wool ewes. Significantly (P < 0.0001) more pregnancies (77.6%) were achieved when more than 55 ewes were inseminated per hour compared with fewer than 35 ewes per hour (63.4%).  相似文献   

In this study, sources of variation of postpartum cyclicity, ovulation and pregnancy rates were analyzed for 723 primiparous suckled Charolais cows treated with combined norgestomet implants (Crestar) and 600 IU PMSG (Chronogest) injected at the time of implant removal. The cows were inseminated 48 and 72 h after implant removal. Cyclicity and ovulation rate were estimated by progesterone assay and pregnancy rate by ultrasonography. At time of implant insertion, difficulty of previous calving, body condition score (BCS, from 1 to 5), interval from calving to implant insertion and herd related factors were recorded and their effects analyzed by logistic regression models. Cyclicity, ovulation and pregnancy rates were, respectively, 14.7% (106/723 ), 67.1% (381/568 ) and 42% (303/722 ) and were affected by BCS, calving conditions and interval from calving to implant insertion (P values from < 0.01 to < 0.0001). For ovulation and pregnancy rate, an interaction between BCS and interval from calving to implant insertion was found (P < 0.01). No other main factor or interaction was found to be significant. Cyclicity rate was lower in BCS1 (score < 2.5) cows (9.6%) than in BCS2 (19.8%) or BCS3 (score > 2.5) cows (22.4%), and decreased as difficulty of calving increased (23.2, 13.6 and 10.1%, respectively, for calving conditions 1, 2 and 3 cows). Cyclicity rate increased with interval from calving to implant insertion (8.2, 10.2 and 19.5%, respectively, for interval from calving to implant insertion < 60 d, between 60 and 70 d and > 70 d). Similar trends were found for ovulation rate. Previous difficult calving conditions influenced pregnancy rate negatively (47.9, 43.8 and 32.5% for calving conditions 1, 2 and 3 cows, respectively; P < 0,005).  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the optimal time to artificially inseminate lactating beef cows (Bos taurus typicus) after using the standard CO-Synch protocol that also included a progesterone-releasing, intravaginal controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert. Cows (N = 605) at three locations were inseminated at four different times after CIDR insert removal and the prostaglandin F administration of the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol: 48, 56, 64, or 72 h. Blood samples were collected 9 to 10 d before and on the day of CIDR insertion. Based on elevated (>1 ng/mL) serum progesterone concentrations, 60% of 605 cows had previously ovulated (were cycling) at the initiation of the study, with a range of 39.6% to 67.9% among locations (P < 0.05). Age of cow, body condition score, and days postpartum affected (P ≤ 0.05) cycling status before ovulation was synchronized. Averaged across treatments, pregnancy rate to artificial insemination (AI) at Day 32 was affected (P ≤ 0.05) by pretreatment cycling status and body condition. Younger cows (≤3 yr) tended to have greater AI pregnancy rates when inseminated at 56 h, whereas older cows had similar pregnancy rates when inseminated at 56 h or later (timing of AI by age interaction; P = 0.085). Pregnancy loss between Days 32 and 63 was greatest (quadratic effect; P < 0.05) when cows were inseminated at 48 and 72 h. In summary, insemination times at or after 56 h improved AI pregnancy rates when using the CO-Synch + CIDR program. Further work is warranted to examine age effects on timing of AI in the CO-Synch + CIDR program.  相似文献   

In a 5-year study (1973-1977), 281 cycling beef heifers were treated with a 7-day norgestomet (SC21009) ear implant and an intramuscular injection of prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) at the time of implant removal or 24 hr before implant removal. Percentages of heifers in estrus by 36, 48, 60, 72, and 120 hr after implant removal were 32.4, 52.7, 71.6, 80.1, and 93.2, respectively. Onset of estrus occurred an average of 49.8 +/- 4.7 hr after treatment. Percentages of heifers in estrus 36 hr after treatment were 5.7 and 51.7 for those with a corpus luteum and those without a corpus luteum (or determined regressing by palpation) at implant removal, respectively. When PGF(2alpha) was injected 24 hr before implant removal, 55% of the heifers were in estrus by 36 hr after implant removal compared to 30% when PGF(2alpha) was injected at the time of implant removal; however, by 60 hr after implant removal the difference was 76% vs. 71%. First-service conception rates for synchronized and nonsynchronized heifers were 62.2% and 59.6%, respectively. During 1976 and 1977 heifers were checked for estrus every 4 hr and inseminated 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, or 30 hr after first detected to be in standing estrus. Conception rate was not significantly affected by time of insemination but tended to be higher for heifers bred 26 and 30 hr after first being detected in standing estrus (78.9% and 70.0% vs. average 59.2%). Treatment with a 7-day norgestomet implant plus a single injection of PGF(2alpha) 24 hr before or at implant removal appears to be a practical technique for synchronizing estrus in cycling heifers without affecting conception.  相似文献   

The aim in this study was to compare two estrus synchronization protocols in buffaloes. Animals were divided into two groups: Group A (n=111) received 100 microg GnRH on Day 0, 375 microg PGF(2alpha) on Day 7 and 100 microg GnRH on Day 9 (Ovsynch); Group B (n=117) received an intravaginal drug release device (PRID) containing 1.55 g progesterone and a capsule with 10mg estradiol benzoate for 10 days and were treated with a luteolytic dose of PGF(2alpha) and 1000 IU PMSG at the time of PRID withdrawal. Animals were inseminated twice 18 and 42 h after the second injection of GnRH (Group A) and 60 and 84 h after PGF(2alpha) and PMSG injections (Group B). Progesterone (P(4)) concentrations in milk samples collected 12 and 2 days before treatments were used to determine cyclic and non-cyclic buffaloes, and milk P(4) concentrations 10 days after Artificial insemination (AI) were used as an index of a functional corpus luteum. Cows were palpated per rectum at 40 and 90 days after AI to determine pregnancies. All previously non-cyclic animals in Group B had elevated P(4) (>120 pg/ml milk whey) on Day 10 after AI. Accordingly, a greater (P<0.01) relative percentage of animals with elevated P(4) 10 days after AI were observed in Group B (93.2%) than in Group A (81.1%). However, there was no difference in overall pregnancy rates between the two estrus synchronization protocols (Group A, 36.0%; Group B 28.2%). When only animals with elevated P(4) on Day 10 after AI were considered, pregnancy rate was higher (P<0.05) for animals in Group A (44.4%) than Group B (30.3%). The findings indicated that treatment with PRID can induce ovulation in non-cyclic buffalo cows. However, synchronization of estrus with Ovsynch resulted in a higher pregnancy rate compared with synchronization with PRID, particularly in cyclic buffalo.  相似文献   

Five studies were conducted in yearling heifers which were either puberal or prepuberal utilizing the Syncro-Mate-B (SMB) treatment (G. D. Searle & Co., Chicago, Ill.). In trial 1 the pregnancy rate in Brahman crossbred heifers after 21 days of breeding was 56% and 28% greater (P<.005) in the SMB treated groups than in the nontreated groups. Pregnancy rate in 3 4 Simmental heifers (trial 2) was increased 39% (P<.05) after 21 days of breeding. Hereford and crossbred heifers (trial 3) weighing less than 250 kg failed to respond to SMB treatment whereas heifers weighing greater then 250 kg had increased reproductive performance. Conversely the results obtained in trial 4 using Brahman crossbred heifers was not influenced by weight or SMB treatment. Crossbred Santa Gertrudis heifers (trial 5) weighing greater then 250 kg and treated with SMB had improved reproductive performance compared to the control groups. While in treated heifers weighing less than 250 kg reproductive performance was far from optimum.  相似文献   

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