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Howard's (2005) claim that male dominance in chess is 'consistent with the evolutionary psychology view that males predominate at high achievement levels at least partly because of ability differences' (p. 378) is based on the premise that top level chess skill depends on a high level of IQ and visuospatial abilities. This premise is not supported by empirical evidence. In 1927 Djakow et al. first showed that world-class chess players do not have exceptional intellectual abilities. This finding has subsequently been confirmed many times. Different participation rates, or differences in the amount of practice, motivation and interest for chess in male and female chess players, may provide a better explanation for gender differences in chess performance.  相似文献   

A popular explanation for the small number of women at the top level of intellectually demanding activities from chess to science appeals to biological differences in the intellectual abilities of men and women. An alternative explanation is that the extreme values in a large sample are likely to be greater than those in a small one. Although the performance of the 100 best German male chess players is better than that of the 100 best German women, we show that 96 per cent of the observed difference would be expected given the much greater number of men who play chess. There is little left for biological or cultural explanations to account for. In science, where there are many more male than female participants, this statistical sampling explanation, rather than differences in intellectual ability, may also be the main reason why women are under-represented at the top end.  相似文献   

Trovato F  Heyen NB 《Social biology》2003,50(3-4):238-258
For most of the 20th century the sex gap in life expectancy in the industrialized countries has widened in favor of women. By the early 1980s a reversal in the long-term pattern of this differential had occurred in some countries, where it reached a maximum and thereafter followed a declining trend. Of particular interest to the present investigation is the anomalous experience of Japan, where unlike other high-income countries the female advantage in life expectancy has been expanding. We contrast the case of Japan with that of Sweden, where, like many other high-income nations, the sex differential in longevity has been narrowing in recent years. We observe that in Sweden, until the early 1980s, the sex gap in life expectancy (female-male) exceeded that of Japan; but this situation reversed in subsequent periods, when the Swedish differential narrowed and that of Japan widened. A decomposition analysis indicates that these divergent patterns since 1980 have resulted mainly from larger than expected reductions in male mortality in Sweden due to heart disease and from accidents and violence, lung cancer and "other" cancers. In Japan, death rates for men and women from heart disease--which is a leading cause of death--have tended to decline more or less at the same pace since the early 1980s; and with regard to lung cancer, and "other" neoplasms, male death rates in Japan have been rising while those of women have either declined or risen more slowly. Moreover, during the 1990s, male and female suicide rates rose in Japan, but the rates for men went up faster. Altogether, the net effect of these divergent mortality trends for men and women in Japan underlie much of the observed widening of its sex differential in longevity in recent years.  相似文献   

Bilalic and McLeod's arguments fall short on several grounds.There are excellent logical reasons to expect strong ability/chess expertise links and specific research evidence to date is sparse, with mixed findings. Data are presented from Georgia, which has a high female participation rate in chess, which suggest that differing gender motivation levels and participation rates impact relatively little on chess performance differences at the extreme.  相似文献   

Lung cancer represents the world’s leading cause of cancer deaths. Sex differences in the incidence and mortality rates for various types of lung cancers have been identified, but the biological and endocrine mechanisms implicated in these disparities have not yet been determined. While some cancers such as lung adenocarcinoma are more commonly found among women than men, others like squamous cell carcinoma display the opposite pattern or show no sex differences. Associations of tobacco product use rates, susceptibility to carcinogens, occupational exposures, and indoor and outdoor air pollution have also been linked to differential rates of lung cancer occurrence and mortality between sexes. While roles for sex hormones in other types of cancers affecting women or men have been identified and described, little is known about the influence of sex hormones in lung cancer. One potential mechanism identified to date is the synergism between estrogen and some tobacco compounds, and oncogene mutations, in inducing the expression of metabolic enzymes, leading to enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species and DNA adducts, and subsequent lung carcinogenesis. In this review, we present the literature available regarding sex differences in cancer rates, associations of male and female sex hormones with lung cancer, the influence of exogenous hormone therapy in women, and potential mechanisms mediated by male and female sex hormone receptors in lung carcinogenesis. The influence of biological sex on lung disease has recently been established, thus new research incorporating this variable will shed light on the mechanisms behind the observed disparities in lung cancer rates, and potentially lead to the development of new therapeutics to treat this devastating disease.  相似文献   

Discussions about the underrepresentation of women in science are challenged by uncertainty over the relative effects of the lack of assertiveness by women and the lack of recognition of them by male colleagues because the two are often indistinguishable. They can be distinguished at professional meetings, however, by comparing symposia, which are largely by invitation, and posters and other talks, which are largely participant-initiated. Analysis of 21 annual meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists reveals that within the subfield of primatology, women give more posters than talks, whereas men give more talks than posters. But most strikingly, among symposia the proportion of female participants differs dramatically by the gender of the organizer. Male-organized symposia have half the number of female first authors (29%) that symposia organized by women (64%) or by both men and women (58%) have, and half that of female participation in talks and posters (65%). We found a similar gender bias from men in symposia from the past 12 annual meetings of the American Society of Primatologists. The bias is surprising given that women are the numerical majority in primatology and have achieved substantial peer recognition in this discipline.  相似文献   

Globally, men and women face markedly different risks of obesity. In all but of handful of (primarily Western European) countries, obesity is much more prevalent among women than men. We examine several potential explanations for this phenomenon. We analyze differences between men and women in reports and effects of potential underlying causes of obesity—childhood and adult poverty, depression, and attitudes about obesity. We evaluate the evidence for each explanation using data collected in an urban African township in the Cape Town metropolitan area. Three factors explain the greater obesity rates we find among women. Women who were nutritionally deprived as children are significantly more likely to be obese as adults, while men who were deprived as children face no greater risk. In addition, women of higher adult socioeconomic status are significantly more likely to be obese, which is not true for men. These two factors - childhood circumstances and adult SES - can fully explain the difference in obesity rates between men and women that we find in our sample. More speculatively, in South Africa, women's perceptions of an ‘ideal’ female body are larger than men's perceptions of the ‘ideal’ male body, and individuals with larger ‘ideal’ body images are significantly more likely to be obese.  相似文献   

In the UK and Japan, both men and women prefer somewhat feminised opposite-sex faces, especially when choosing a long-term partner. Such faces are perceived as more honest, caring, and sensitive; traits that may be associated with successful male parental investment. By contrast, women prefer less feminised faces for short-term relationships and when they are near ovulation. As genetic quality may be associated with facial masculinity, women may ‘trade-off’ cues between genetic quality and paternal investment in potential partners. No analogous trade-off has been suggested to influence men's preferences, as both attributions of prosociality and potential cues to biological quality are associated with facial femininity in female faces. Ecological and cultural factors may influence the balance of trade-offs leading to populational differences in preferences. We predicted that Jamaican women would prefer more masculine faces than British women do because parasite load is higher in Jamaica, medical care less common (historically and currently), and male parental investment less pronounced. Male preferences, however, were predicted to vary less cross-culturally, as no trade-off has been identified in female facial characteristics. We constructed masculinised and feminised digital male and female face stimuli of three populations (Jamaican, Japanese, and British) and presented them to men and women in Jamaica and in Britain. The results demonstrated that Jamaican women preferred more masculine male faces than their British counterparts did. Jamaican men tended to prefer more masculine female faces than did British men did, but this effect was complicated by an interaction suggesting that more feminised faces were preferred within culture.  相似文献   

By examining published, empirical data we show that men and women consistently differ in the shape of the distribution of the number of sexual partners. The female distribution is always relatively narrow—variance is low—with a big majority of women having a number of partners close to the average. The male distribution is much wider—variance is high—with many men having few sex partners and many others having more partners than most females.Using stochastic modelling we demonstrate that this difference in variance is, in principle, sufficient to cause a difference in the gender prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases: compared to the situation where the genders have identical sex partner distributions, men will reach a lower equilibrium value, while women will stay at the same level (meaning that female prevalence becomes higher than male). We carefully analyse model behaviour and derive approximate expressions for equilibrium prevalences in the two different scenarios. We find that the size of the difference in gender prevalence depends on the variance ratio (the ratio between the variances of the male and female sex partner distributions), on the expected number of life-time partners, and on the probability of disease transmission. We note that in addition to humans, the variance phenomenon described here is likely to play a role for sexually transmitted diseases in other species also.We also show, again by examining published, empirical data, that the female to male prevalence ratio increases with the overall prevalence of a sexually transmitted disease (i.e., the more widespread the disease, the more women are affected). We suggest that this pattern may be caused by the effect described above in highly prevalent sexually transmitted diseases, while its impact in low-prevalence epidemics is surpassed by the action of high-risk individuals (mostly males).  相似文献   

P. Frost 《Human Evolution》1994,9(2):141-153
Modern humans have been shaped by the cumulative action of natural selection, non-adaptive random change, and sexual selection. The last of these is not universal and has prevailed in one of two circumstances: (1) A surplus of females due to high male mortality, combined with ecological constraints on female participation in food procurement which discourage males from taking second wives; (2) A surplus of single males due to generalized polygyny with relatively low male mortality. These circumstances are most likely to occur in (1) Arctic tundra environments, specifically the vast expanse of tundra covering most of Europe up to 10,000 B.P., and in (2) regions dominated by generalized polygyny, notably sub-Saharan Africa. Sexual selection often acts on existing sex differences, including perhaps sexual dimorphism in human skin colour. Whereas women are universally fairer in complexion, men are browner and ruddier; parallel to this, most human societies see lighter skin as more feminine and darker skin as more masculine. Hence, sexual selection should favour lighter pigmented women when a surplus of single females must compete for a mate. Since skin colour is only mildly sex-linked, both sexes would lighten in pigmentation within the population in question. Similarly, when a surplus of single males must compete for a mate, both sexes would darken. Geographic variation in human skin colour may thus represent a selective compromise between two counterbalancing forces: natural selection, as determined by latitudinal variation in sunlight; and sexual selection, as determined by variations in the following: male mortality rates, incidence of polygyny, and ecological constraints on female participation in food procurement.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current research was the comparison of the snatch technique between elite male and female weightlifters. Two S-VHS cameras operating at 60 fields per second were used to record the snatch lifts of 6 male and 6 female Greek weightlifters under competitive conditions. The spatial coordinates of selected points on the body and the barbell were calculated using the direct linear transformation procedure, and the raw data were digitally filtered with a cutoff frequency of 4 Hz. Analyses of variance for dependent and independent samples were used to compare the selected variables in men with the corresponding variables in women. The results revealed that women flexed their knees significantly less and slower than men did during the transition phase (p < 0.05). Women also dropped under the barbell during the turnover and catch phases significantly less and slower than men did (p < 0.05). Moreover, the external mechanical work for the vertical displacement of the barbell in men was significantly greater in the first pull than in the second pull (p < 0.05). In contrast, women showed similar work outputs in the 2 phases. These differences between the 2 sexes might be because of the lower skill level of women in comparison with men, which is partly because of the recent participation of women in weightlifting.  相似文献   

Previous PET and MRI studies have indicated that the degree to which pathology translates into clinical symptoms is strongly dependent on sex with women more likely to express pathology as a diagnosis of AD, whereas men are more resistant to clinical symptoms in the face of the same degree of pathology. Here we use DTI to investigate the difference between male and female white matter tracts in healthy older participants (24 women, 16 men) and participants with mild cognitive impairment (21 women, 12 men). Differences between control and MCI participants were found in fractional anisotropy (FA), radial diffusion (DR), axial diffusion (DA) and mean diffusion (MD). A significant main effect of sex was also reported for FA, MD and DR indices, with male control and male MCI participants having significantly more microstructural damage than their female counterparts. There was no sex by diagnosis interaction. Male MCIs also had significantly less normalised grey matter (GM) volume than female MCIs. However, in terms of absolute brain volume, male controls had significantly more brain volume than female controls. Normalised GM and WM volumes were found to decrease significantly with age with no age by sex interaction. Overall, these data suggest that the same degree of cognitive impairment is associated with greater structural damage in men compared with women.  相似文献   

The number of women studying science and engineering at undergraduate and postgraduate levels has increased markedly in recent decades. However females have lower retention rates than males in these fields, and perform worse on average than men in terms of promotion and common research metrics. Two key differences between men and women are the larger role that women play in childcare and house work in most families, and the narrower window for female fertility. Here we explore how these two factors affect research output by applying a common ecological model to research performance, incorporating part‐time work and the duration of career prior to the onset of part‐time work. The model parameterizes the positive feedback between historical research output (i.e. track record) and current output, and the minimum threshold below which research output declines. We use the model to provide insight into how women (and men) can pursue a career in academia while working part‐time and devoting substantial time to their family. The model suggests that researchers entering a tenure track (teaching and research) role part‐time without an established track record in research will spend longer in the early career phase compared to full‐time academics, researchers without teaching commitments, and those who were beyond the early career phase prior to working part‐time. The results explain some of the mechanisms behind the observed difference between male and female performance in common metrics and the higher participation of women in teaching‐focussed roles. Based on this analysis, we provide strategies for researchers (particularly women) who want to devote substantial time to raising their families while still remaining engaged with their profession. We also identify how university leaders can enable part‐time academics to flourish rather than flounder. In particular, we demonstrate that careless application of metrics is likely to further reduce female participation in research, and so reduce the pool of talent available.  相似文献   

The in vitro metabolism in man of two 16-androstene steroids, 5alpha-16-androsten-3-one and 5alpha-16-androsten-3alpha-ol, has been studied using 3H-labelled tracers. 4 healthy subjects (2 of each sex) were chosen, and each labelled steroid was administered, by a single injection, to 1 man and 1 woman. Disappearance of (3H)-3alpha-androstenol in the subjects receiving this compound followed a curve which indicated a two-pool distribution in both cases; metabolic clearance rates for these subjects were found to be 3,790 1/24 h in the man and 3,120 1/24 h in the woman. Blood production rates calculated for the 3alpha-androstenol-treated subjects were 875 microgram/24 h in the man and 1,780 microgram/24 h in the woman. Recovery of 3H in the urine of all 4 subjects was very low, between 28 and 42%. Conversion of the injected precursors to urinary 3alpha-androstenol was 13.5 and 12.7% in the 2 men and 6.1 and 5.9% in the 2 women. The male subjects were found to have a lower 24-hour urinary 3alpha-androstenol output (570 and 387 microgram/24 h) than the average for men of their age. The urinary 3alpha-androstenol output in the women was 225 and 276 microgram/24 h, and was within the normal range for women. The urine production rates of 3alpha-androstenol were 2,470 and 4,090 microgram/24 h in the male and female subjects, respectively; the difference between the blood and urine production rates of this compound are thought to indicate the direct secretion of conjugates. Urine production rates of 5alpha-androstenone (measured as 3alpha-androstenol) were 2,370 and 4,340 microgram/24 h in the male and female subjects, respectively.  相似文献   


Data presented indicate that the sex ratio of the Navajo Tribe has shifted since the 1940's and now shows a preponderance of women rather than men. The reasons for this shift, which roughly parallel a similar shift in the general population of the United States, are : (1) a decline in maternal mortality rates; (2) an increase in male mortality rates, particularly from accidents; and (3) greater out‐migration of men than women. Some of the consequences of the changing ratio include: increasing proportion of young widows with dependent children; a growing desire for labor force participation on the part of women; out‐marriage of Navajo women; and, in the future, the probable isolation of elderly widows who may become the responsibility of social welfare agencies.  相似文献   

The incidence of gallstone disease is two to three times higher in women than in men, and female sex hormones, particularly estrogens, have been implicated as contributory factors. Cholesterol nucleation is the initial step in gallstone pathogenesis and proceeds from cholesterol-rich phospholipid vesicles. The aim of this study was to investigate if there is a difference in cholesterol nucleation rates in male and female bile and whether estrogen influences nucleation rates by interacting with cholesterol-rich regions known as “lipid rafts” that exist within the cholesterol-phospholipid vesicles of the bile. Cholesterol nucleation from native prairie dog bile and the interaction of estrogens with lipid rafts in model bile solutions were investigated using Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). Female native bile samples showed a greater reduction in energy transfer than did male native bile, indicating that cholesterol nucleation occurred more readily in female bile than in male bile. Model bile experiments demonstrated that the addition of estrogen has a significant effect, either cholesterol nucleation or raft disruption, but only in samples containing cholesterol-rich rafts. These results suggest that estrogen interacts with cholesterol-rich rafts in vesicles within bile to promote cholesterol nucleation and predispose females to gallstone formation.  相似文献   

In the contemporary United States, males have 60 percent higher mortality than females. In Part I, published in the previous issue, we showed that 40 percent of this sex differential in mortality is due to a twofold elevation of arteriosclerotic heart disease among men. Major causes of higher rates of arteriosclerotic heart disease in men include greater cigarette smoking among men; probably a greater prevalence of the competitive, aggressive Coronary Prone Behavior Pattern among men; and possibly a protective role of female hormones. In addition, men have higher death rates for lung cancer and emphysema, primarily because more men smoke cigarettes. In Part II we analyze the other major causes of men's higher death rates: accidents, suicide, and cirrhosis of the liver. Each of these is related to behaviors which are encouraged or accepted more in men than in women in our society--for example, using guns, being adventurous and acting unafraid, working at hazardous jobs and drinking alcohol. We conclude with suggestions for reducing male mortality; for example, by changing the social conditions which foster in men the behaviors that elevate their mortality.  相似文献   

A number of gender differences exist in the human electrocardiogram (ECG): the P-wave and P-R intervals are slightly longer in men than in women, whilst women have higher resting heart rates than do men, but a longer rate-corrected QT (QTC) interval. Women with the LQT1 and LQT2 variants of congenital long-QT syndrome (LQTS) are at greater risk of adverse cardiac events. Similarly, many drugs associated with acquired LQTS have a greater risk of inducing torsades de pointes (TdP) arrhythmia in women than in men. There are also male:female differences in Brugada syndrome, early repolarisation syndrome and sudden cardiac death. The differences in the ECG between men and women, and in particular those relating to the QT interval, have been explored experimentally and provide evidence of differences in the processes underlying ventricular repolarization. The data available from rabbit, canine, rat, mouse and guinea pig models are reviewed and highlight involvement of male:female differences in Ca and K currents, although the possible involvement of rapid and persistent Na current and Na–Ca exchange currents cannot yet be excluded. The mechanisms underlying observed differences remain to be elucidated fully, but are likely to involve the influence of gonadal steroids. With respect to the QT interval and risk of TdP, a range of evidence implicates a protective role of testosterone in male hearts, possibly by both genomic and non-genomic pathways. Evidence regarding oestrogen and progesterone is less unequivocal, although the interplay between these two hormones may influence both repolarization and pro-arrhythmic risk.  相似文献   

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