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The dissolved CO 2 concentration of stream waters is an important component of the terrestrial carbon cycle and an important pathway for release of CO2 to the atmosphere. This study uses data from the UK's largest groundwater monitoring network to estimate the importance of groundwater in contributing excess dissolved CO2 to the atmosphere. The study shows that:
(i)  the arithmetic mean concentration of excess dissolved CO2 in the groundwater was 4.99 mg C/I with a standard deviation of 2.53
(ii)  for the groundwater composition of excess dissolved CO2 analysis shows no statistical difference between years but does show a significant intra-annual effect and a significant difference between aquifers
(iii)  A weighted average of the estimate the areal export of excess dissolved CO2 from the groundwater of the catchment is between 1.4 and 2.9 t C/km2
(iv)  the flux of excess dissolved CO2 at the catchment outlet over the period between 1975 and 2002 averages 1.79 kt  C/year.
If this were replicated across the UK then the flux of CO2 from rivers would be 0.65 Mt C/year.  相似文献   

STUDIES of adult1 and foetal2 haemoglobin from the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) have shown that the amino-acid compositions of tryptic and chymotryptic peptides of the α, β and γ-chains are indistinguishable from those of man. The primary structures of chimpanzee α, β and γ-chains are therefore almost certainly identical to the homologous human chains. The two types of γ-chains found in man3, Gγ and Aγ, with glycine and alanine in position γ136, respectively, are likewise present in the chimpanzee2.  相似文献   

Ab initio (RHF, MP2) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods have been used to examine six isomers of the N15m cluster with the 6-31+G* basis set. Different from the known odd-numbered anionic N7m, N9m, and N11m clusters, in which the open-chain structures are the most stable species, the most stable N15m isomer is structure 1 (C1), which may be considered as a complex between the fragments cyclic N5m (D5h) and staggered N10 (D2d). The decomposition pathways of structure 2 (CS), containing two aromatic N5 rings connected by a N5 chain, and the open-chain structure 3 (C2v) were studied at the B3LYP/6-31+G* level of theory. Relative energies were refined at the level of B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p)//B3LYP/6-31+G*+ZPE (B3LYP/6-31+G*). The barriers for N2 and N5m (D5h) fission reactions for structure 2 are predicted to be 18.2 and 14.2 kcal x mol(-1), respectively. The corresponding N2+N3m fission barrier for structure 3 is predicted to be 11.2 kcal x mol(-1). Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00894-003-0118-0. A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material. Figure Structure 1 of the N15m cluster, showing bond distances in A and bond angles in degrees  相似文献   

Our present aim was to investigate whether changes in the expression of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in patients with vascular dementia (VaD) and ischemic rats are related to cognitive scores. Blood leukocytes for 59 Chinese patients with VaD (diagnosed on the basis of clinical guidelines) and 31 cases as age-matched controls were examined, and the animal model established employing Pulsinelli’s four-vessel occlusion. The levels of α4 and β2 subunit mRNA in leukocytes and the hippocampus were analyzed by real-time PCR, and the protein level in the hippocampus by Western blotting. The mini-mental state examination was utilized to characterize the intellectual capacity of the patients with reference to the DSM IV diagnosis and Hachinski Ischemic Scale score, and the Morris Water Maze test to assess the ability of learning and memory of the rats. In patients, the level of α4 mRNA, but not β2, in blood leukocytes was clearly lowered, which was significantly correlated to their clinical cognitive test scores. Smoking exerted no impact on the level of α4 mRNA in the present study. In the blood leukocytes and the hippocampus of the brains of the ischemic rats, the levels of both α4 and β2 mRNA were lowered, and the proteins of these subunits in the hippocampus were decreased. The changes of α4 and β2 mRNA in blood leukocytes, and their protein levels in the hippocampus were significantly correlated with impaired learning and memory. These findings indicate that alterations in expression of the α4β2 subtype of nAChR may be involved in the molecular mechanism(s) underlying the cognitive deficit associated with VaD.  相似文献   

THE urate-binding α1–α2 globulin has been isolated from human plasma in a highly purified state1. The protein was purified by DEAE-‘Sephadex’, ammonium sulphate precipitation and semi-preparative Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The urate-binding α1–α2 globulin is a rod-shaped glycoprotein, containing 12.1% carbohydrate, with an isoelectric point of 4.6 and a molecular weight of 67,000 ± 4,000. Amino-acid analysis indicated an unknown basic compound which appeared as an extra peak just in front of lysine1. To identify this compound, high voltage paper electrophoresis has been carried out on a plate electrophoresis apparatus in pyridine-acetate buffer pH 3.5. A spot separated out corresponding to ornithine. Amino-acid analysis on a BC-200 automatic analyser (Bio-Cal Instruments Co., West Germany), with a 54 cm column at 55° C and with 0.35 M sodium citrate buffer, pH 5.28, as elution buffer at a flow-rate of 150 ml./h, showed that ornithine was present. The presence of ornithine in the protein hydrolysate was also verified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry2.  相似文献   

A new quartz crystal microbalance immunoassay for the detection of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was developed by means of immobilizing anti-CEA onto magnetic CoFe2O4/SiO2 composite nanoparticles-functionalized biomimetic interface. Under optimal conditions, the frequency shift was proportional to the CEA concentration in the range of 2.5–55 ng/mL with a detection limit of 0.5 ng/mL at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. Moreover, the immunosensor system showed an acceptable reproducibility and stability. Clinical serum specimens were assayed with this method, and the results were in acceptable agreement with those obtained from ELISA. Compared with the conventional ELISA assay, the proposed immunoassay system was simple and rapid without multiple labeling and separation steps. Importantly, the developed immunoassay protocol could be further extended for the determination of other antigens.  相似文献   

Ab initio calculations have been performed using the complete basis set model (CBS-QB3) to study the reaction mechanism of butane radical (C4H9•) with oxygen (O2). On the calculated potential energy surface, the addition of O2 to C4H9• forms three intermediates barrierlessly, which can undergo subsequent isomerization or decomposition reaction leading to various products: HOO• + C4H8, C2H5• + CH2CHOOH, OH• + C3H7CHO, OH• + cycle-C4H8O, CH3• + CH3CHCHOOH, CH2OOH• + C3H6. Five pathways are supposed in this study. After taking into account the reaction barrier and enthalpy, the most possible reaction pathway is C4H9• + O2 → IM1 → TS5 → IM3 → TS6 → IM4 → TS7 → OH• + cycle-C4H8O.  相似文献   

Nine minima were found on the intermolecular potential energy surface for the ternary system HNO3(CH3OH)2 at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory. The cooperative effect, which is a measure of the hydrogen-bonding strength, was probed in these nine conformations of HNO3…(CH3OH)2. The results are discussed here in terms of structures, energetics, infrared vibrational frequencies, and topological parameters. The cooperative effect was observed to be an important contributor to the total interaction energies of the cyclic conformers of HNO3…(CH3OH)2, meaning that it cannot be neglected in simulations in which the pair-additive potential is applied.
Graphical abstract The H-bonding behavior of various conformations of the HNO3(CH3OH)2 trimer was investigated

While ~30% of the human genome encodes membrane proteins, only a handful of structures of membrane proteins have been resolved to high resolution. Here, we studied the structure of a member of the Cys-loop ligand gated ion channel protein superfamily of receptors, human type A γ2α1β2α1β2 gamma amino butyric acid receptor complex in a lipid bilayer environment. Studying the correlation between the structure and function of the gamma amino butyric acid receptor may enhance our understanding of the molecular basis of ion channel dysfunctions linked with epilepsy, ataxia, migraine, schizophrenia and other neurodegenerative diseases. The structure of human γ2α1β2α1β2 has been modeled based on the X-ray structure of the Caenorhabditis elegans glutamate-gated chloride channel via homology modeling. The template provided the first inhibitory channel structure for the Cys-loop superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels. The only available template structure before this glutamate-gated chloride channel was a cation selective channel which had very low sequence identity with gamma aminobutyric acid receptor. Here, our aim was to study the effect of structural corrections originating from modeling on a more reliable template structure. The homology model was analyzed for structural properties via a 100 ns molecular dynamics (MD) study. Due to the structural shifts and the removal of an open channel potentiator molecule, ivermectin, from the template structure, helical packing changes were observed in the transmembrane segment. Namely removal of ivermectin molecule caused a closure around the Leu 9 position along the ion channel. In terms of the structural shifts, there are three potential disulfide bridges between the M1 and M3 helices of the γ2 and 2 α1 subunits in the model. The effect of these disulfide bridges was investigated via monitoring the differences in root mean square fluctuations (RMSF) of individual amino acids and principal component analysis of the MD trajectory of the two homology models—one with the disulfide bridge and one with protonated Cys residues. In all subunit types, RMSF of the transmembrane domain helices are reduced in the presence of disulfide bridges. Additionally, loop A, loop F and loop C fluctuations were affected in the extracellular domain. In cross-correlation analysis of the trajectory, the two model structures displayed different coupling in between the M2–M3 linker region, protruding from the membrane, and the β1-β2/D loop and cys-loop regions in the extracellular domain. Correlations of the C loop, which collapses directly over the bound ligand molecule, were also affected by differences in the packing of transmembrane helices. Finally, more localized correlations were observed in the transmembrane helices when disulfide bridges were present in the model. The differences observed in this study suggest that dynamic coupling at the interface of extracellular and ion channel domains differs from the coupling introduced by disulfide bridges in the transmembrane region. We hope that this hypothesis will be tested experimentally in the near future.  相似文献   

Plants from two Sedobassia sedoides (Pall.) Aschers populations (Makan and Valitovo) (Chenopodiaceae) with C2 photosynthesis (precursor of C4 photosynthesis in phylogenesis) and photorespiratory CO2-concentrating mechanism were studied. Genetic polymorphism and isotope discrimination (δ13С) levels of the plants were determined under natural conditions, and their morpho-physiological parameters such as fresh and dry biomass of the above ground parts of plants, functioning of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII), intensity of net photosynthesis (A), transpiration (E), photorespiration and water use efficiency (WUE) of plants were calculated under control and salinine conditions (0 and 200 mM NaCl). Results of the population-genetic analysis showed that the Makan population is polymorphic (plastic) and the Valitovo population is monomorphic (narrowly specialized). There were no significant differences between the populations based on δ13С values or growth parameters, PSII, A, E and WUE under control conditions. Under saline conditions, dry biomass accumulation decreased in the Makan population by 15% and by more than 2- fold in the Valitovo population. Population differences were revealed in terms of photorespiration intensity and P700 oxidation kinetics under control and saline conditions. Under control conditions, Makan plants were characterized by a higher photorespiration intensity, which decreased by 2-fold under saline conditions to the photorespiration level of Valitovo plants. Cyclic electron transport activity was minimal in the control Makan plants, and it increased by almost 2-fold under saline conditions to the level of that in Valitovo plants under control and saline conditions. Under control conditions, photosynthesis in Makan plants can be specified as the proto-Kranz type (transitional type from C3 to C2) and that in Valitovo plants can be specified as the C2 type (C4 photosynthesis with photorespiratory CO2-concentrating mechanism), based on their photorespiration level and cyclic electron transport activity. Under saline conditions, Makan plants exhibited features of C2 photosynthesis. Intraspecific functional differences of photosynthesis were revealed in different populations of intermediate C3–C4 plant species S. sedoides which reflect the initial stages of formation of a photorespiratory CO2-concentrating mechanism during C4 photosynthesis evolution, accompanied by decrease in salt tolerance.  相似文献   

The effect of the β-amyloid peptide Aβ25–35 and fullerene C60 on the activity of the cytoplasmic enzymes lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glutathione peroxidase (GLP), and membrane-bound phosphofructokinase (PFK) and Na+,K+-ATPase in human erythrocytes has been studied. When used in combination, the cytotoxins decrease the activity of LDH and PFK in a nonadditive manner; in this case, Aβ25–35 protects PFK against the inhibitory effect of C60. The activity of LDH, GLP, and PFK decreases within the first 2–20 min of incubation of erythrocytes with Aβ25–35 in the absence of glucose. The addition of glucose sharply decreases the inhibitory action of Aβ25–35 on LDH and GLP but does not affect the fourfold decrease in activity of PFK; the activity of membrane-bound Na+,K+-ATPase does not depend on the presence of glucose. Possible mechanisms of interaction of Aβ25–35 and fullerene C60 with the erythrocyte membrane and enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

The N-termini of E and H of A1AO ATP synthase have been shown to interact and an NMR structure of N-terminal H1–47 has been solved recently. In order to understand the E-H assembly and the N-terminal structure of E, the truncated construct E1–52 of Methanocaldococcus jannaschii A1AO ATP synthase was produced, purified and the solution structure of E1–52 was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The protein is 60.5 Å in length and forms an α helix between the residues 8–48. The molecule is amphipathic with a strip of hydrophobic residues, discussed as a possible helix-helix interaction with neighboring subunit H.  相似文献   

Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP) and S-Nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) differently affect mitochondrial H2O2 release at Complex-I. mM SNP increases while GSNO decreases the release induced by succinate alone or added on top of NAD-linked substrates. Stimulation likely depends on Nitric Oxide ( . NO) (released by SNP but not by GSNO) inhibiting cytochrome oxidase and mitochondrial respiration. Preincubations with SNP or high GSNO (10 mM plus DTE to increases its . NO release) induces an inhibition of the succinate dependent H2O2 production consistent with a . NO dependent covalent modification. However maximal inhibition of the succinate dependent H2O2 release is obtained in the presence of low GSNO (20–100 μM), but not with SNP. This inhibition appears independent of . NO release since μM GSNO does not affect mitochondrial respiration, or the H2O2 detection systems and its effect is very rapid. Inhibition may be partly due to an increased removal of O2.− since GSNO chemically competes with NBT and cytochrome C in O2.− detection.  相似文献   

Similar to σ-hole interactions, the π-hole interaction has attracted much attention in recent years. According to the positive electrostatic potentials above and below the surface of inorganic heterocyclic compounds S2N2 and three SN2P2 isomers (heterocyclic compounds 1–4), and the negative electrostatic potential outside the X atom of XH3 (X = N, P, As), S2N2/SN2P2?XH3 (X = N, P, As) complexes were constructed and optimized at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level. The X atom of XH3 (X = N, P, As) is almost perpendicular to the ring of the heterocyclic compounds. The π-hole interaction energy becomes greater as the trend goes from 1?XH3 to 4?XH3. These π-hole interactions are weak and belong to “closed-shell” noncovalent interactions. According to the energy decomposition analysis, of the three attractive terms, the dispersion energy contributes more than the electrostatic energy. The polarization effect also plays an important role in the formation of π-hole complexes, with the contrasting phenomena of decreasing electronic density in the π-hole region and increasing electric density outside the X atom of XH3 (X = N, P, As).
Graphical abstract Computed density difference plots for the complexes 3?NH 3 (a 1), 3?PH 3 (b 1), 3?AsH 3 (c 1) and electron density shifts for the complexes 3?NH 3 (a 2), 3?PH 3 (b 2),3?AsH 3 (c 2) on the 0.001 a.u. contour

In this study, a three-stage-integrated process using the hydrogenic process (BioH2), methanogenic process (BioCH4), and a microbial fuel cell (MFC) was operated using molasses wastewater. The contribution of individual processes to chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal and energy production was evaluated. The three-stage integration system was operated at molasses of 20 g-COD L?1, and each process achieved hydrogen production rate of 1.1 ± 0.24 L-H2 L?1 day?1, methane production rate of 311 ± 18.94 mL-CH4 L?1 day?1, and production rate per electrode surface area of 10.8 ± 1.4 g m?2 day?1. The three-stage integration system generated energy production of 32.32 kJ g-COD?1 and achieved COD removal of 98 %. The contribution of BioH2, BioCH4, and the MFC reactor was 20.8, 72.2, and, 7.0 % of the total COD removal, and 18.7, 81.2, and 0.16 % of the total energy production, respectively. The continuous stirred-tank reactor BioH2 at HRT of 1 day, up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket BioCH4 at HRT of 2 days, and MFC reactor at HRT of 3 days were decided in 1:2:3 ratios of working volume under hydraulic retention time consideration. This integration system can be applied to various configurations depending on target wastewater inputs, and it is expected to enhance energy recovery and reduce environmental impact of the final effluent.  相似文献   

To investigate the binding mode of Zolpidem to GABA(A) and to delineate the conformational changes induced upon agonist binding, we carried out atomistic molecular dynamics simulation using the ligand binding domain of GABA(A) α(1) receptor. Comparative molecular dynamics simulation of the apo and the holo form of GABA(A) receptor revealed that γ(2)/α(1) interface housing the benzodiazepine binding site undergoes distinct conformational changes upon Zolpidem binding. We notice that C loop of the α(1) subunit experiences an inward motion toward the vestibule and the F loop of γ(2) sways away from the vestibule, an observation that rationalizes Zolpidem as an alpha1 selective agonist. Energy decomposition analysis carried out was able to highlight the important residues implicated in Zolpidem binding, which were largely in congruence with the experimental data. The simulation study disclosed herein provides a meaningful insight into Zolpidem-GABA(A)R interactions and helps to arrive at a binding mode hypothesis with implications for drug design.  相似文献   

The P26 peptide corresponding to the 197–222 sequence of the second extracellular loop of the β1-adrenoreceptor (β1-AR) was synthesized by solid-phase fragment condensation on the Wang polymer. Pentapeptide fragments were prepared on the 2-chlorotrityl resin. The racemization degree of the C-terminal alanine residue of the pentapeptide was experimentally evaluated for the synthetic H-Glu-Ser-Asp-Glu-Ala-Arg-OH hexapeptide β1-АR-(202–207) which was prepared by the 5 + 1 fragment condensation with the use of various condensing agents. A content of the diastereoisomeric peptide in the products of the fragment condensation was determined by HPLC on a reversed phase. The D-alanine-containing hexapeptide was specially synthesized and used for a comparison. The minimum racemization degree of the C-terminal alanine residue was observed if complex F was applied to the synthesis of the hexapeptide.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translational initiation factor 4G (eIF4G) interacts with the cap-binding protein eIF4E through a consensus binding motif, Y(X)4LΦ (where X is any amino acid and Φ is a hydrophobic residue). 4E binding proteins (4E-BPs), which also contain a Y(X)4LΦ motif, regulate the eIF4E/eIF4G interaction. The non- or minimally-phosphorylated form of 4E-BP1 binds eIF4E, preventing eIF4E from interacting with eIF4G, thus inhibiting translation initiation. 4EGI-1, a small molecule inhibitor of the eIF4E/eIF4G interaction that is under investigation as a novel anti-cancer drug, has a dual activity; it disrupts the eIF4E/eIF4G interaction and stabilizes the binding of 4E-BP1 to eIF4E. Here, we report the complete backbone NMR resonance assignment of an unliganded 4E-BP1 fragment (4E-BP144–87). We also report the near complete backbone assignment of the same fragment in complex to eIF4E/m7GTP (excluding the assignment of the last C-terminus residue, D87). The chemical shift data constitute a prerequisite to understanding the mechanism of action of translation initiation inhibitors, including 4EGI-1, that modulate the eIF4E/4E-BP1 interaction.  相似文献   

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