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Phylogeographic patterns in wide-ranging species in southern Africa remain largely unexplored, especially in areas north of South Africa. Here, we investigate population structuring, demographic history, and the colonization pattern of the western rock skink (Trachylepis sulcata), a rock-dwelling species with a range extending from southwestern South Africa into Angola. Using 1056 bp from the mitochondrial marker ND2 and > 2.5 kb from three nuclear genes (EXPH5, KIF24, RAG-1), we constructed allele networks, generated extended Bayesian skyline plots and performed population clustering analyses. Analyses of historical demographic patterns show an overall southward range expansion from Northern Namibia into Southern Namibia and South Africa, although we find contrasting genetic breaks across these geographic regions using nuclear and mitochondrial data. We suggest that mtDNA has introgressed across a nuclear break corresponding to the Knersvlakte region of South Africa, a previously proposed biogeographic barrier for rupicolous species. This pattern of mitochondrial variation contrasts sharply to that of other South African taxa previously investigated, which all show significant mtDNA differentiation across the Knersvlakte region. Additionally, while other taxa show divergences dating to the Pliocene, T. sulcata appears to be a recent arrival in southern Africa, having crossed this barrier and colonized South Africa in the mid-Pleistocene. The complex phylogeographic history of T. sulcata corroborates the intricate patterns of genetic variation found in South African taxa and provides novel insight into historical processes affecting species distributed across Namibia.  相似文献   

The purse-web spider genus Calommata Lucas, 1837 is revised in the Afrotropical Region. Following examination of the female type material, Calommata transvaalica Hewitt, 1916 is removed from synonymy with Calommata simoni Pocock, 1903 and revalidated. The females of both species are redescribed and their males described for the first time. While Calommata simoni is very widespread across tropical Africa, Calommata transvaalica is endemic to northern South Africa. Four new species are described, all known only from males: Calommata megaesp. n. (Zimbabwe), Calommata meridionalissp. n. (South Africa), Calommata namibicasp. n. (Namibia) and Calommata tibialissp. n. (Ivory Coast and Togo). Notes are presented on the biology of each species.  相似文献   

Rayner  Nancy A. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):97-104
Three new species of Tropodiaptomus from southern Africa are described, Tropodiaptomus zambeziensis, T. bhangazii, and T. capriviensis. Type localities are a rice paddy on the Zambezi river delta, a coastal lake in Zululand, and temporary pools in Bushmanland and the eastern Caprivi in Namibia. Speciation of Tropodiaptomus in the warm inland waters of southern Africa is much more extensive than was formerly realised.  相似文献   

In West Africa, Trichinella infection was documented in humans and animals from Senegal in the 1960s, and the biological characters of one isolate showed a lower infectivity to domestic pigs and rodents when compared with that of a Trichinella spiralis pig isolate from Europe. To identify the Trichinella species present in West Africa, a survey was conducted in a total of 160 wild animals in the Republic of Guinea. Three Viverridae, one true civet (Viverra civetta) and two African palm civets (Nandinia binotata) from the Fouta Djallon Massif, Pilimini Subprefecture, were found positive by artificial digestion of muscle samples. Trichinella larvae from these three viverrids were identified as Trichinella britovi and no difference was detected in three examined sequences from these African isolates and the reference strain of T. britovi from Europe, indicating common ancestry, an historically continuous geographic distribution, and recent isolation for African and European populations. The detection of T. britovi in West Africa modifies our knowledge about the distribution of encapsulated species of Trichinella in Africa. Thus, Trichinella nelsoni is now considered to have a distribution limited to the Eastern part of the Afrotropical region from Kenya to South Africa. This provides a plausible explanation for the presence of Trichinella T8 in Namibia and South Africa, and further suggests that T. britovi could be the Trichinella species circulating among wild animals of Northern Africa.  相似文献   

The rust mycobiota (Uredinales, Basidiomycota) of southern Africa (Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa) is analysed with regard to species richness, generic composition, and similarities to the rust mycobiotas of the remaining African continent and other regions of the world. Southern Africa is home to about 546 rust species: ca 522 species have been reported from South Africa, 73 from Namibia, and less than ten from Botswana. Thirty-two species were considered to be exotics. Two hundred and twenty-five of the species are restricted to southern Africa, suggesting an endemism rate of ca 44 %. At present, the rust fungus:host ratio is 1:38.5, which is much lower than expected from other regions of the world. This low ratio may partly be due to under-exploration of the area, but the results presented here indicate that a natural paucity of rust fungi on certain, especially species-rich plant taxa centred in southern Africa and possibly environmental factors are more important reasons. The predominant genera are Puccinia and Uromyces accounting for ca 59 % of the rust species. The genera Hemileia, Phakopsora and especially Ravenelia, centred in tropical regions, are well represented and sum up to 8 % of the species. Members of Melampsoraceae and Phragmidiaceae, common in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, are scarce. Most of the other 28 recorded teleomorph genera are only represented by three or less species. In an African context, most species are shared with central and east Africa (almost 16 %). Only a few species are disjunct between southern and West Africa or Madagascar. Ca 10 % of the species are shared only with other parts of the paleotropics, especially the Indian subcontinent. Disjunctions of native species with the New World, Australia/New Zealand, or Europe are rare.  相似文献   

Despite its economic and social importance for Namibia and South Africa, limited documented information exists regarding key aspects of the biology of deep-water hake, including its life cycle. This study utilizes data collected through the demersal surveys of the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen in South Africa and F/V Blue Sea 1 in Namibia to describe the migratory patterns of deep-water hake in space and time. Furthermore the study investigates aspects of the life cycle of this important species in the Benguela region. Results show that deep-water hake spawns between the western Agulhas Bank and Elands Bay in South Africa with the main nursery ground between Hondeklip Bay and the northern tip of Orange Banks. Deep-water hake in Namibia (up to the Kunene River) and along the south coast of South Africa (eastwards to Port Alfred) originate from these grounds, and undertake long-range migrations across latitudes and longitudes, respectively. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that spawning has not been observed in Namibia and there are no small juveniles along the South African south coast from the eastern border of the Agulhas Bank. The proposed pattern implies an interconnection between the Namibian and the South African components of the stock and the consequent need for a revision of the present management regime based on the assumption of stocks confined within the respective national jurisdictions. This study has used length frequency distributions in space and time in order to investigate the life cycle, in terms of origin, movement and population structure in particular, an approach that may also be useful for other widely distributed species.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic studies were carried out on three isolates of Trichinella nelsoni (from Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa) and three isolates of Trichinella T8 (from South Africa and Namibia) from sylvatic carnivores and from a sylvatic swine. A probe (pT7.3) specific for T. nelsoni was obtained by screening a pUC18 genomic library. The pT7.3 sequence was 346 bp in length with an AT content of 70%. The sequence is present approximately 200 times per haploid genome. Southern blot analysis of Hind III digested DNAs of the three isolates of T. nelsoni revealed that the hybridisation patterns of the isolates from Kenya and Tanzania were identical and that they differed from that of the isolate from South Africa, indicating the presence of polymorphism in this species. A pUC18 genomic library of Trichinella T8 was also screened, and one clone (pT8.3) was found to be specific for homologous DNA by dot blot, but Southern blot analysis of DNA samples from eight genotypes showed different hybridisation signals for both Trichinella T8 and Trichinella britovi DNAs. No differences in the nucleotide sequences of the expansion segment V were observed for the T. nelsoni isolates. However, they differed from those of Trichinella T8. The presence of Trichinella T8 in Africa south of the Sahara and its genetic relationship with T. britovi remain unclear and warrant detailed investigations.  相似文献   

Right whales off Namibia were severely depleted by early 19th century whaling, and rarely featured in modern whaling catches in the 1920s. Aerial surveys of the Namibian coastline from 1978 and onwards revealed increasing numbers of right whales, but few cow‐calf pairs. Aerial surveys off South Africa since 2009 showed a major decline in the availability of animals without calves. Twenty individual matches were made between 94 whales photographed off Namibia/Northern Cape in 2003–2012 and 1,677 photographed off South Africa in 1979–2012. Eight were adult females that calved in South African waters, but only one was also seen with a calf off Namibia. Twelve out of 13 individuals off Namibia with distinctive dorsal pigmentation were first seen as calves off South Africa. These results strongly indicate connectivity between the two regions, while the presence off Namibia of three adult females from the South African population in the season in which they are believed to conceive suggests that there is unlikely to be any genetic differentiation between the two areas. We conclude that the reappearance of right whales off Namibia represents range expansion from South Africa rather than the survival of a few remnants of an originally separate stock.  相似文献   

Semimytilus patagonicus is an invasive mussel on the coast of southern Africa and has extended its range in recent years. We asked whether its distribution and abundance are consistent with the abundant-centre hypothesis (ACH). Marginal populations were located by monitoring 33 rocky shore sites in South Africa and southern Namibia in 2021. This revealed no changes to its distributional limits since 2020. At nine of these sites, population demography was measured to allow a comparison of their densities and size structure. Four were central populations on the west coast of South Africa (including the site where the species was first detected in 2009). Four were marginal populations in South Africa: two towards the cold range edge in the north and two towards the warm range edge to the south. The ninth population was in southern Namibia, representing a recent invasion event first detected in 2014. Across the species' South African range, the distribution of its abundance was generally consistent with the ACH, with the greatest abundance at its range centre and a gradual decrease towards the range edges. However, the ultimate marginal population at both its cold and warm range edges showed moderate upticks in abundance compared to the penultimate marginal populations. Additionally, marginal populations in South Africa typically included a greater proportion of large individuals. Recruitment intensity was greater in warm range edge populations than cold range edge populations. The size structure of the population in Namibia resembled those of central populations in South Africa. Moderate increases in densities at the absolute range limits suggest that the species is currently undergoing spread into regions associated with moderately optimal environmental conditions (ultimate range edge sites) after encountering regions associated with suboptimal environmental conditions (penultimate range edge sites).  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-nine taxa of mosses are reported from the montane forest zone of southwest Ethiopia. Of these, 53 taxa are new country records and Meteoriopsis reclinata (Müll.Hal.) M.Fleisch. ex Broth. is, in addition, new to Africa. Most of the new records are of species also found in Uganda, Kenya or Tanzania, but there are some surprises, such as Fabronia perciliata Müll.Hal. with the closest location in South Africa and Namibia, Entodontella cameruniae Broth. previously known only from West Africa and Bryomaltaea obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet, otherwise reported only from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We list all taxa and give a short account of their frequency and in which habitat and on which substrate they grow. That such a large proportion of the species are new to the country suggests that Ethiopia is bryologically very under-explored, and that further exploration will reveal many additional species. In particular, the remnant forests of southwest Ethiopia are likely to be of great importance as bryophyte hotspots.  相似文献   

Current understanding of genetic variation in lions (Panthera leo) is inadequate to guide many management decisions necessary for conservation of the species. We studied sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) gene of 75 lions and nuclear variation at 11 microsatellite loci of 480 lions across 8 range states (Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia) and 13 Lion Conservation Units (LCUs) plus two other unassigned sites (Cameroon and Zimbabwe). A total of 11 cyt-b haplotypes were found, whose variation follows an isolation-by-distance model. In combination with previously known sequences, the haplotypes document the close relationship, derived position, and limited variability of Asian and West and Central African lions relative to other extant lions. Both phylogenetic analyses and substitution networks identify two clades in Eastern and Southern Africa—one restricted to Namibia and South Africa and the other more widespread across the region. However, these analyses are equivocal on which of these is closest to the ancestor of modern lions. Microsatellite analyses showed high levels of variation within and among populations, subdivision among most LCUs, and evidence of isolation by distance. While rates of gene flow are generally low, admixture among lions in northern Botswana, Caprivi Strip (Namibia) and Zambia is apparent from STRUCTURE analyses. Conservation management plans should incorporate information on genetic variability and gene flow in delimiting management units and in guiding translocations of lions to minimize inbreeding and to control problem animals.  相似文献   

The mainly neotropical genus Calliandra Benth. (Leguminosae–Mimosoideae–Ingeae) is reported for the first time as native in continental Africa. There are two species known, C. gilbertii Thulin & Hunde sp. nov. in E Kenya and Somalia and C. redacta (J. H. Ross) Thulin & Hunde comb. nov. in South Africa near the Namibia border. On pollen morphological grounds they are supposed to be most related to certain neotropical species but the pollen does not agree entirely with any previously known group of the genus. The distribution of C gilbertii and C. redacta stresses the phytogeographical link between the arid zones of northern and southern Africa.  相似文献   

The new species Pegolettia gariepina A . Anderb. from Namibia and the northwestern part of South Africa is described. An illustration and a distributionmap is also provided.  相似文献   

LIEDE, S. & MEVE, U., 1993. Towards an understanding of the Sarcostemma viminale (Asclepiadaceae) complex. All names in Sarcostemma sensu Bullock (Asclepiadaceae, Asclepiadeae, Cynanchinae) are listed and their current status evaluated. Chromosome numbers are given for most taxa. The typification of S. viminale is clarified. A new subspecies of S. viminale is described from the Orange Free State, South Africa, and relationships of the Namaqualand/Namibia populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of sea pens referable to the genus Cavernularia Valenciennes are described from Natal and Transkei, east coast of southern Africa, at depths of 24 and 190 to over 300 m. The two new species are distinguished from other members of the genus by unique combinations of features regarding the axis, colonial growth form, autozooid size, as well as the size, shape, and distribution of sclerites. A comparative review of the genus is included. The 13 presently recognized worldwide species are differentiated and a key for their separation, together with a table of comparative characters, is provided. Of these, ten (77%) are Indo-Pacific in distribution whilst the remainder (23%) are presumably restricted to the eastern Atlantic. Four species are presently recorded from southern Africa. The deepest known bathymetric stations for the genus are here recorded from northern Namibia at 274 m, and from northern Natal at 310/320 m. Relationships to members of the related genus Cavernulina Kükenthal & Broch are discussed.  相似文献   

The inclusion of species of Colchicum within Androcymbium in a previous cpDNA phylogeny of the Colchicaceae, questioned the monophyly of Androcymbium, and it was proposed to unite the two genera in Colchicum. Here we expand the previous phylogenetic analyses of Androcymbium by increasing the taxon sampling and adding more data. The analysis include 29 of the 57 species of Androcymbium, more cpDNA (trnL intron, trnL-trnF IGS, trnY-trnD IGS, and trnH-psbA IGS), and nDNA (RNApol2 intron 23) regions, and morphological and life-history traits data. Both parsimony and Bayesian inference were used. According to our data there is no reason to expand Colchicum to include Androcymbium, but we support the inclusion of Bulbocodium and Merendera within Colchicum. Morphology and life history traits are the main arguments in favor of recognizing Androcymbium as a well-circumscribed genus. In the phylogeny two Androcymbium groups are clearly differentiated: (1) one including species from Western and Eastern South Africa, Namibia, and North Africa, and (2) one including species from the north west of South Africa and south of Namibia.  相似文献   

Recent taxonomic revisions of the freshwater crabs of southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) allow accurate depictions of their diversity, distribution patterns and conservation status. The southern African region is home to nineteen species of freshwater crabs all belonging to the genus Potamonautes (family Potamonautidae). These crabs show high levels of species endemism (84%) to the southern African region and to the country of South Africa (74%). The conservation status of each species is assessed using the IUCN (2003) Red List criteria, based on detailed compilations of the majority of known specimens. The results indicate that one species should be considered vulnerable, fifteen species least concern and three species data deficient. The results have been utilized by the IUCN for Red Lists, and may prove useful when developing a conservation strategy for southern Africa’s endemic freshwater crab fauna.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic patterns, adaptations and conservation status of the rare species flora of a winter–summer rainfall ecotone in southern Africa were investigated to shed light on the species' evolutionary history and conservation requirements. Some 11% (93 species) of the Greater Fish River Canyon Landscape in Namibia were classified as rare species, more than half currently not receiving formal protection in Namibia. The rare species flora does not present a subset of the overall species pool, but a unique assemblage of plant species, over‐represented by members of the family Mesembryanthemaceae, Crassulaceae, Asphodelaceae and Hyacinthaceae. Low growth forms (dwarf leaf‐succulent shrubs, dwarf stem succulents and dwarf deciduous shrubs) as well as bulbs are more common amongst rare species. Multiple factors and processes, likely interlinked, are believed to be responsible for determining the rare species flora, indicating that individual species respond differently to the challenges posed by this arid environment. Some plants are likely remnants of wetter conditions in the past, which have retained viable populations in the mountainous terrain of this landscape, others may have evolved in situ.  相似文献   

The Cryphonectriaceae accommodates some of the world's most important tree pathogens, including four genera known from native and introduced Myrtales in Africa. Surveys in the past 3 y in southern Africa have led to the discovery of cankers with fruiting structures resembling those of the Cryphonectriaceae on trees in the Myrtales in Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. These fungi were identified with morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data. For the first time we report Chrysoporthe austroafricana from Namibia and on Syzygium guineense and Holocryphia eucalypti in Swaziland on a Eucalyptus grandis clone. The host and geographic ranges of Celoporthe dispersa are expanded to include S. legatti in South Africa and S. guineense in Zambia. In addition a monotypic genus, Latruncellus aurorae gen. sp. nov., is described from Galpinia transvaalica (Lythraceae, Myrtales) in Swaziland. The present and other recent studies clearly emphasize the limited understanding of the diversity and distribution of fungi in the Cryphonectriaceae in Africa.  相似文献   

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